Brunette with dark skin. Makeup secrets for brunettes

To create a beautiful and memorable image in addition to fashionable dress and your hair needs makeup. Skin type, hair and eye color dictate their own rules. After all, with the help of cosmetics you can not only emphasize beauty, but also thoroughly spoil appearance. Those with dark eyes are the luckiest. Even light makeup for brunettes' brown eyes will be enough.

The art of make-up for dark-haired women

Makeup is an art. Using simple rules, you can make your appearance expressive, skillfully place emphasis on positive qualities and erase imperfections. To complement natural beauty, there is no need to buy cosmetics in all stores and struggle to fit them on the dressing table. It is enough to have a small, properly selected makeup kit.

Nature has rewarded brown-eyed brunettes with a bright appearance. Cosmetics only make facial features more expressive and emphasize individuality. There are four types of women corresponding to certain seasons. Brunettes are considered “winter”. Accordingly, makeup is done in this style.

For everyday makeup, it is better to choose nude, olive, gray, light brown and beige shades

Dark-haired women have one big advantage - the ability to use a wide palette of colors. It is better to use shadows in two shades: apply light ones to the part of the eyelid that is closer to the bridge of the nose, and dark ones to the other.

  • For everyday makeup, it is better to choose nude, olive, gray, light brown and beige shades. But it is important to make the right transition from light color to the dark. If you highlight your lips with bright lipstick during everyday makeup, then a brown-eyed brunette can easily outshine everyone at a party.
  • For mysterious makeup, plum, dark blue, pink, and greenish shades are suitable.

To apply shades of the blue palette, you need to have skill, otherwise you may end up with war paint rather than makeup.

  • For an evening out you can use more rich colors, including brown, golden.

To choose the right makeup for brown-eyed brunettes, you need to take into account hair color, shape of eyebrows, nose, lips, and skin tone.

Combine shadows with hair and eye color

  • Brunettes with brown and reddish hair will suit coral shades. You can use nut-colored eyeliner.
  • For owners of very dark hair, it is better to choose rich makeup warm shades. Black eyeliner works well.
  • For brunettes with dark brown eyes, grassy, ​​brown and pink palettes are suitable. Light and yellow shades should be avoided.
  • Light brown eyes are best shaded with pale pink, gray-green, and purple tones. A sea green color would also work.

For brown eyes of brunettes, terracotta color is completely contraindicated.

For creating bright image Be sure to apply mascara. For a more expressive look, you need to paint the eyelashes well in the corners of the eyes.

Dark-haired women usually have dark eyelashes, so any color mascara will do: black, brown, blue. A contour pencil and matching eyeliner will help to visually enlarge your eyes, making your look unusually charming.

Wide eyebrows look beautiful. You can emphasize them with the help of shadows or shade the strokes applied with an eyebrow pencil.

Doing smokey eye makeup

Dark circles under the eyes must be removed with a corrector. It should be 1 tone lighter than the foundation. A contour is drawn along the upper lash line using eyeliner or a pencil, raising the line from the outside a little upward.

Darker shadows are applied parallel to the eyebrows. Interior The eyelid is covered with a light tone, the outer one is dark gray or black. All color boundaries must be shaded. The resulting haze creates a smokey eye makeup. The finishing touch is applying mascara.

You can use lilac, blue, burgundy and gray shades. This smoky makeup look is more suitable for an evening out.

If you have drooping eyelids, you should use only matte shadows. Mother-of-pearl is prohibited.

Mastering oriental make-up for brunettes

Oriental makeup is great for brown eyes. It uses two colors of shadows, not related, but different. First applied additional color and shades all the way to the eyebrow. Then the arrows. In oriental makeup they should be bright and clear. After this, the main color is darker - along the upper, lower eyelid and in the outer corners. The contours are carefully shaded.

The upper eyelashes are generously painted over with two layers of mascara, the lower eyelashes can be coated with one. Eyebrows should be clear without a single extra hair.

The preferred colors for oriental makeup are green, blue, pink, and bright blue. Pearlescent shadows and sparkles will be very appropriate. This makeup should be combined with festive and evening dresses.

With any makeup, the emphasis should be on either the eyes or the lips. Otherwise, you will end up with a stage image.

It should be remembered that beauty and health are inseparable concepts. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself, monitor your well-being, then even light makeup will turn you into a queen. And for beauty to be appreciated by others, a woman must first like herself.

The right choice of makeup is the key to the success of any woman’s image. Of course, not all representatives of the fair sex are guided by certain rules. Most simply rely on intuition. In fact, there are certain rules for makeup. It is important to understand that makeup for brunettes with brown eyes will not look perfect on blue-eyed girls, brown-haired women and blondes.

What makeup suits brunettes with brown eyes?

Most makeup artists simply idolize brown-eyed brunettes. For professionals, owners of this appearance have endless scope for flights of imagination. Distinctive feature Such ladies have a piercing gaze. That is why it is highly recommended to place the main emphasis in makeup on the eyes. Ideal eyeshadow for dark-eyed brunettes:

  • golden;
  • brown;
  • black;
  • silver;
  • blue;
  • lilac.

Watch any video tutorial on makeup for brunettes with brown eyes and make sure that black is a mandatory component of the look. You can apply it regular pencil or liquid product. The line should be drawn strictly near the eyelash growth line.

Everyday makeup for brown-eyed brunettes should be natural and discreet. Thinking otherwise, many ladies make a serious mistake. It is imperative to pay attention to the skin - it must be in perfect condition. Since the face of brunettes is striking, you can notice the slightest flaws even with the naked eye.

Daytime makeup for brunettes with brown eyes

The daytime look of a brown-eyed brunette should be fresh. Loose powder of a natural shade and a special cream fluid will help to achieve this effect. It is not necessary to focus on the eyebrows, but giving them the correct shape is necessary. It is best to make lips soft pink.

Golden shadows are ideal for every day. It is recommended to apply them to the inner corner of the eye. The outer one should be painted with shadows of a darker shade. All transitions must be carefully and accurately shaded.

Evening makeup for brunettes with brown eyes

For evening makeup a clear elaboration of the eyebrow line will be required - they should be darker. If desired, you can even treat them with glitter. Contrasting shadows are ideal - pink, purple, bronze and of blue color. Dark shades are used for the so-called.

Lips can be painted with a catchy red or even plum shade.

To take care of creating ideal image and perform first-class makeup for all occasions, you need to consider not only the color and shape of the eyes, but also the color of the hair. The expected effect of makeup will largely depend on this. The combination of eye, hair, and skin color is very important in choosing the right makeup that will highlight your look.

Makeup for brunettes is an opportunity to advantageously emphasize an already piercing gaze, as well as to advantageously transform the appearance, making it much more mysterious and unique. With the help of well-applied makeup, you can create a gentle or romantic look, bold or sexy, languid or playful. It all depends on your mood, as well as your ability to correctly combine makeup with black hair and brown eyes.

Everyone knows that brunettes are extremely attractive by nature, but even they are not spared the opportunity to transform their appearance with the help of miraculous cosmetics, as well as decorative techniques that add freshness and charm to the appearance.

To perform makeup for brunettes with brown eyes, you can use it as a variation of everyday makeup, created in just a couple of steps, or you can experiment with a daring and passionate evening option, which requires a little more of your effort, but gives an amazing result...

Makeup for brunettes is usually done in cool color tones, which is why dark-haired beauties with brown irises are classified as a winter color type. Although, this is not such a strict rule that has no exceptions!

When choosing the right color scheme, not only the color type is taken into account, but also the shape and color saturation of the iris, because for many girls with an inexpressive coffee-colored look, using warm tones in makeup will make the image only inconspicuous and rather boring. For makeup, brunettes should use a small amount color palette, and at the same time skillfully play in contrast.

Where to start applying makeup

You need to choose the right dominant color scheme. In makeup for a brunette with a brown iris color, all sorts of cool tones will look good: pink, brown, peach. It is very important to find one color accent and follow it entirely.

Avoid multi-colored variations when choosing eyeliner and mascara. Preference should be given to black or brown. Light arrows will look appropriate, emphasizing the shape of the eye and reflecting its natural beauty.

Brown-eyed people are very lucky with the choice of shadows, since almost all colors suit them: green and blue, gray and pink, brown, lilac and violet. But there is also one caveat here! You shouldn't combine the two in makeup color schemes. You only need to vary the rich shades of the color you choose.

How to apply makeup correctly

Not all women know how to apply makeup correctly. Makeup for brown eyes requires special skill and effort. Let's look at the recommendations step by step:

    First of all, you need to skillfully hide the circles under the eyes with a concealer. The color of the corrector should be slightly lighter than the foundation used. If you don't use foundation, you can powder your face. This way you will achieve an ideal skin surface.

  1. Brunettes with dark eyes Wide eyebrows will suit you very well. They can be painted with shadows or pencil. The tone must be matched to the color of the eyebrows.
  2. An arrow is drawn from the inner corner to the outer corner with a pencil. At the outer corner it needs to be “raised” a little. The pencil must be thoroughly shaded. You can make the brown color even more expressive by emphasizing the lower eyelid.
  3. If you are a blonde with brown eyes, this combination is already unique in itself. I would like to note that makeup for women with blond hair cannot be the same for everyone. In each individual case, one must be guided by the “do not violate” principle. The main thing is to highlight your natural beauty and not spoil it with inept makeup.
  4. Mascara Brown more suitable for every day. Black will be simply indispensable for evening makeup.

Brown eyes and dark luxurious locks - royal chic! With this combination, the lady always looks purposeful, confident and knows what she wants from life. The right makeup for brown-eyed brunettes can enhance the effect, adding authority and aggressive sexuality to the image. Or, conversely, soften the image, making it more homely, soft and mysterious in an oriental way.

It’s difficult for a striking brown-eyed brunette to get lost in the crowd. She constantly catches the envious glances of women, the frightened glances of unworthy men and the admiring glances of real men, who are not afraid to conquer and charm the lady of their heart for a long time. While the rest of the girls are not listening, let's reveal a little secret: brown-eyed brunettes are the favorites of makeup artists. What is the secret of absolute success? It's simple - makeup for brown eyes of brunettes can be very different, the palette of shades is practically unlimited, thousands of options are available, and experimenting with your appearance is always fun!

Brown and beige

This is a classic. This is softness. This is naturalness. Brown and beige tones perfectly highlight the warm image of the brown-eyed brunette. Dark chocolate, golden cognac, butter cake, warm tea, mischievous caramel, delicate marshmallow - endless game light and colors! But choosing “your” shade is quite difficult - take into account your skin tone, iris and hair shade. The color of lipstick, blush and eye shadow should not exactly match yours. natural colors, otherwise the makeup for a brown-eyed brunette will turn out to be too inexpressive. Although Nude is a good solution for the style, just remember to carefully emphasize the eyelash line.

Brown eyes look brighter when surrounded by very dark coffee shades. On a light sandy, creamy and beige background, brown eyes, thanks to the contrast, look deeper and brighter, almost black. If your skin is very fair, avoid going for yellowish and orange tones - the look may seem sick.

Blue, cyan, purple

Deep blue makeup sets off brown eyes and black hair, turning the girl into a mysterious stranger - good fairy or a cheeky witch. Light blue colors are appropriate at any time of the year and at any time of the day: in the summer - calm skies and warm water, in winter - cold frost, shades of frost, the night sky. WITH blue shadows you need to be careful only if the skin is very pale or luminous blue paints(visible wreaths, dark circles under the eyes) - blue and blue colors emphasize these imperfections, making the face tired and exhausted.

A little secret to the perfect blue or dark blue makeup for brunettes’ brown eyes: be sure to balance the look by using accessories or clothing items that match the chosen eyeshadow color.

The colors of lavender, thistle, plum, May lilac and other shades of this range can be used without creating additional accents. Rich tones are ideal for dark skin and evening makeup, light translucent shades will add romance to any brown-eyed brunette, but makeup is especially light for light, delicate skin. Don’t be afraid to combine lavender and blue palettes - it turns out festive, bright and stylish!

Pink range

Pink color is freshness and youth. And, like youth, pink color can be very different - aggressive, gentle, screaming or whispering, warm or cold. Makeup for brown-eyed brunettes, made in pinkish tones, is suitable for both a daytime walk and a party, depending on the chosen style and the richness of the shades. There is only one limitation - your skin must be perfect (by nature or thanks to correctors - it doesn’t matter). Pink shades, especially with redness or purple undertones, emphasize skin inflammation, traces of pimples, visible wreaths on the whites of the eyes and other imperfections.

For ladies well over forty, very calm, almost beige undertones with a pinkish tint are more suitable. A bright pink color on a respectable adult face is a danger of appearing intrusive and desperately youthful.

Pink is a demanding color. The shade of lipstick, foundation and blush must be consistent with the color of the shadows.

Gray and black

Like brown shades, gray and black colors are classic style, suitable for any skin and hair color. But if you have to choose for a long time with beige and brown shades, then gray and black are a simple and clear solution for makeup for the brown eyes of a luxurious brunette. Play with shades, mix dark and light halftones, use an interesting gray, non-mouse color - asphalt, graphite, steel, thundercloud, stormy sea. The darker the skin, the more intense and defined the makeup can be. By the way, it is ideal for makeup in black and gray tones bright color lipsticks - scarlet, coral, salmon, lilac and others.

The always fashionable Smoky eyes for brown-eyed brunettes can also be very different, take advantage of the opportunities!