How to remove a hanging belly at home? Exercises, diet, cosmetics. How to remove a sagging belly

Both women and men can experience sagging belly. Most often this occurs during pregnancy, also from overeating or poor nutrition. A saggy belly requires a comprehensive approach. It is not enough to just be active in sports. You need to adjust your diet, replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones, get into the habit of sleeping 7-8 hours a day, eat systematically, take care of your body, and drink the right amount of water. The task is quite feasible, you just have to take care of yourself and tune in to a good result after active work.

How to remove a sagging belly - nutrition

  • The daily diet is divided into 5 meals - 3 main meals and 2 intermediate snacks.
  • Liquids at least 2 liters per day, not counting soups.
  • Replace soda with plain purified water and compotes.
  • Sweets lift your spirits, but are not recommended every day. Dried fruits and fresh fruits are an excellent substitute for flour, sweets, and cakes. Do not take a lot of apple-bananas, but include them in your diet in moderation; they contain a lot of sugar, which, by the way, is replaced with honey.
  • Keep salt to a minimum.
  • Porridges are very healthy: buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, etc. For example, oatmeal with banana and cottage cheese.
  • Meat – chicken fillet, the least fatty of all types.
  • Alcohol and smoking are bad habits that disrupt the functioning of organs and reduce activity.
  • 1-2 eggs per day will replace the body's daily need for protein.

How to remove a sagging belly - exercises

  • The twists are ordinary.
    Strengthens the oblique, rectus, transverse abdominal muscles, and further improves posture. The exercise is performed on a mat. Lie on the floor and bend your knees like a house. The hands are thrown behind the head, without making a lock with the fingers and holding the back of the head. The elbows are spread to the sides, the lumbar region is fixed on the floor. Only the upper lumbar compartment works. As you exhale, move your upper back towards your pelvis, lifting your shoulder girdle off the floor. After approaching, there is a delay of 2 seconds and a smooth lowering while inhaling to the starting position. Do 4 sets of 15-20 crunches.
  • Classic plank.
    While on your stomach, rise onto your elbows and toes. Straighten your back, tense your legs. Feet are together, the pelvis is held firmly, does not fall, the palms are shoulder-width apart, looking lengthwise in front of you, do not hold the mat, are not gathered into a fist. The stomach is pulled in, but does not interfere with breathing. Stand in the plank for 1-1.5 minutes.
  • Side plank.
    It consists of two stages - first on the elbow of one hand, then the other. Take a position on your side, stretch out. Bend your left arm at the elbow, perpendicular to the body and fix it. The left leg is tensed on the floor, with the foot of the right leg resting on it, or on the back side. The head looks straight, the spine is straight, the pelvis is in line with the legs, the non-working hand is on the hip in a straight position. Each stage takes 1 minute. Do not rest between approaches.
  • Raising your heels off the floor.
    The person lies on his back, with the palms of his hands slightly placed under the pelvic area. The head must look at the ceiling. The straight legs brought together are raised 5 cm and held for 15 seconds, then set at an angle of 45, frozen for 15 seconds, and the middle of the exercise is an angle of 90 and held for 15 seconds. The lower limbs do not fall to the floor, but perform all fixed movements in reverse. One approach is an up and down movement with a 15 second rest at the very end, performed 3-4 times.
  • Cardio loads.
    The easiest option is to run outside in a stadium or in a park. It is not recommended to use if you have joint problems (arthralgia, arthritis, etc.) or spinal injuries. Correct running – arms bent and moving along the body, breathing through the nose. It is important to purchase shoes with flat soles. At first, the time is from 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times a week, the pace is calm.

A set of measures will definitely bring results; you should not give up and strive to strengthen the whole body, not just the abdomen. For example, running trains endurance and burns extra calories. Abdominal work and planks activate all muscles. To make the lesson more cheerful, it is better to work with music, a good mood and perseverance, then the result is not far off!

As we age, our skin loses elasticity. The results of such changes are not only wrinkles on the face or visible veins on the hands, but also loose skin throughout the body. The stomach becomes a particularly problematic area. Constant changes in weight, pregnancy, and age-related changes will not leave this once elastic part of the body in its previous state. Now the woman faces a new task - flabby.


Before rushing headlong into solving a problem, it is necessary to find out its true causes, because they largely determine the strategy of behavior. So, 5 reasons why your stomach turned out to be flabby

Solutions to the problem

The main condition for transforming the abdomen is an integrated approach to the problem. Here are the answers to the question of how to remove a flabby belly at home.

Useful exercises

An excellent solution to how to remove a flabby belly after losing weight is to perform simple physical exercises. You don’t have to limit yourself to spinning a circle or exhausting yourself by jumping rope. Just a couple of exercises and your skin will return to its previous state.

Alternating upper and lower press

Lie on the floor, bend your knees, clasp your hands behind your head and, without lifting your lower back from the floor, lift your body up. Stay in a lying position, hands behind your head, legs extended. Lift one leg alternately, then the other, or both together if you want to increase the load. This will strengthen your upper abdominal muscles.

Do your favorite exercises from childhood and cycling, so that the problem of how to get rid of a flabby belly will no longer arise. Those who have forgotten their essence, let us remember together. For the first exercise, you need to lie on the floor, put your hands at your sides or put them behind your head, stretch out and lift your legs, and then perform movements as if cutting something. In the second case, also lying on the floor, raise your legs bent at the knees and imitate riding a bicycle. This is how you pump up

Oblique exercises

An excellent conditioning exercise is the crunch. Remaining in a lying position, place your hands behind your head and interlock your fingers. Elbows should be perpendicular to the body. Now, turning and lifting your body towards your feet, try to touch your left knee with your right elbow and vice versa.

You can also change your position and instead of your arms, pull your legs towards your body. After just a week of daily training, the results will become noticeable.

And if you are not yet ready for such loads, start with simple side bends or body rotation. These exercises can also be used to warm up your muscles.

Mask recipes

We remove a flabby belly with the help of effective measures aimed at increasing skin tone, folk remedies.

The simplest masks are made from salt and lemon. For the first, you will need a bath of hot water and sea salt, as well as three free days a week to fully enjoy this procedure. But for the second, squeeze out lemon juice, soak a folded bandage in it and apply to problem skin for no more than half an hour.

Also get into the habit of using a yellow clay mask. It is sold at the pharmacy in the form of a powder, which must be mixed with warm milk and applied in a thick layer to sagging skin. You can use it every day or every other day for a couple of weeks, then take a break and resume the procedures.

A little more about massage

For an effective massage, make a special cream that will enhance the effect. The recipe is simple: mix baby cream, vitamins A and E in equal quantities, and also add a couple of drops of essential oils. They can be anything, but it is better to look for citrus fruits, for example, orange or lemon.

And now the massage itself. Apply a little cream to your hands and begin rubbing the problem area clockwise with rhythmic movements. When you feel that the skin has warmed up enough, you can move the edges of your palms from top to bottom in the direction from right to left. You can also pinch yourself a little and pat yourself lightly.

How to remove a flabby belly? Reviews about the methods

Which method is the most effective? Based on the reviews of many women who have encountered this problem, it follows that the result depends on several factors. If the loss of elasticity is not sufficiently pronounced, then masks and massages, as well as a review of nutrition, will be effective. If you notice that your stomach is out of shape, then you should try exercise. And if the skin hangs and spoils the appearance, then even a set of measures will only cope with the problem halfway. The remains will have to be removed surgically. In any case, the first thing you should pay attention to is nutrition. Most women with flabby bellies come to this conclusion.

Interestingly, half of women agree on the benefits of a swimming pool. Its effect is visible even in difficult situations, after the birth of the second and subsequent children. In combination with running, jumping rope and hoop training, you can achieve visible results in a short time.

There is only one conclusion - take care of yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle and strengthen your muscles.


Now the problem of how to remove a flabby belly does not seem so unsolvable. You just need to be patient, have a good mood and choose the right motivation to fully achieve your goal. And the experience and advice of friends in misfortune will help in this difficult matter.

Sagging skin on the abdomen is a fairly common problem. Moreover, both among women and men, especially the elderly. This can happen for various reasons. Therefore, the methods for eliminating excess fat and sagging skin in each individual case will be different.

A qualified nutritionist will help you correctly determine the cause and prescribe effective treatment.

Why does the belly begin to sag?

There are several answers to the question of why the belly sag. The reason may be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • unhealthy diet, obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • psychological disorders;
  • noticeable increase in body weight during pregnancy, etc.

Therefore, before starting treatment, it is important to determine the cause. Moreover, after its completion it is necessary to eliminate it. Then you will no longer have to wonder how to get rid of a sagging belly.

Due to certain circumstances, the body ceases to cope with the proper processing of fats, fat cells begin to be deposited in the abdominal area, and the skin stretches. It looks unaesthetic, in addition, it causes various inconveniences to a person and causes new problems.

Saggy belly: a health hazard

The question of how to remove a sagging belly should be asked by everyone who is faced with this problem, as well as their loved ones. Why? The fact is that fat will only increase, this can easily lead to various endocrine and cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, due to the presence of a voluminous, saggy abdomen, prolapse of the internal organs may occur, as the muscles lose the ability to hold them in their normal position. In this case, the higher organs will begin to put pressure on the lower ones.

Over the years, this picture only gets worse; women may even experience uterine prolapse.

How to get rid of a saggy belly?

A fairly noticeable belly can no longer be dealt with through exercise and diet, although they are components of a comprehensive treatment. We invite you to find out how to remove a sagging belly at the SlimClinic Aesthetic Medicine Center.

There are many methods, but if this problem exists, specialists most often prescribe ultrasonic liposuction, abdominal massage and wraps.

  • Ultrasonic liposuction is a non-surgical method of removing fat cells. They are simply destroyed due to exposure to ultrasonic waves. This procedure is an excellent solution for those who are interested in how to quickly remove fat deposits. The required result is achieved in just 2-3 sessions.
  • Every patient will benefit greatly from abdominal massage. This can be a therapeutic massage for weight loss, vacuum cupping or manual anti-cellulite massage. Such sessions will help get rid of excess fat, normalize blood circulation, and give elasticity to the skin.
  • Another common type is honey massage, which additionally makes the skin soft and velvety.
  • An effective way to get rid of excess belly fat are also various wraps: chocolate, honey, fruit, mud, algae. The latter is considered the most useful, as it additionally improves blood circulation, metabolism, cleanses pores and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Let's add that wraps can be cold and hot, each type has its own unique properties.

The SlimClinic center regularly holds promotions that allow you to significantly save on procedures. And a good mood always enhances the positive effect! However, remember: in order not to lose your newly acquired beauty, it is important to take care of yourself after losing weight.

You need to eat right, lead an active lifestyle, do abdominal exercises and maintain psychological balance.


Children are happiness for mom! However, a modern woman is not only a mother, but also a beautiful Lady who wants to look her best while walking with a stroller. Which doesn’t always work out, because childbirth leaves its mark. How to remove a sagging belly after childbirth, which so spoils the aesthetics of your shape? Let's consider all the possible ways to fight for the beauty and sexuality of this part of the body!

Let’s make a reservation right away: the problem of a sagging belly after childbirth has two aspects. The first is fat deposits that accumulated on the abdomen to provide protection to the baby in the womb. The second is stretched muscles that have lost tone, which need to be returned to a “working” state.

Oh no, we will not talk about debilitating diets that are harmful to the body of a woman who has recently given birth. We will highlight the TOP healthy eating habits that without harm to health will help remove excess fat and tighten a sagging belly.

Water has zero calories, which means you can drink it without the threat of gaining weight. It speeds up metabolism, which means it helps to get rid of excess belly fat. And at the same time - from the feeling of hunger. Dietitians recommend drinking at least 2 liters of clean non-carbonated drinking water per day. It is recommended to drink it 30 minutes before meals - this helps reduce appetite.

This is useful!

Sometimes we confuse the feeling of thirst with the feeling of hunger and start eating. Fancy a snack? Drink a glass of water right away - this may be exactly the case!

Eat food in small portions, at intervals of 2-3 hours.

This will allow the stomach to decrease in size, which means the stomach will sag much less over time! Many doctors claim that this type of food is the most beneficial and physiological for a person. You can no longer eat three hours before bedtime.

Have you heard the joke that if you are afraid of gaining weight, you should drink a glass of wine before eating, because alcohol kills the feeling of fear? In many ways, this is true: in a state of intoxication, a person is able to eat 3 times more than usual! A loose body, a saggy, flabby belly - these are the visual signs of those who like to “drink” beer and liqueurs.

An exception may be a glass of dry wine (preferably red). It has a beneficial effect on the immune system and also burns fat in small quantities. However, remember: if you drink more than normal, you risk losing control of yourself!

Don't be afraid of hunger - it's not the enemy!

Remember: being hungry is not scary, but healthy! It is the feeling of hunger that is the signal to eat. If you eat without hunger, but because it’s “time for a snack,” guests have arrived, or you just need to finish a cookie, remember how much effort you make to remove a sagging belly. It's worth it?

Remember: to get rid of a sagging belly, you must strictly ensure that vegetables predominate in your diet (nutritionists recommend “leaning on” celery, cucumbers, cabbage of all kinds). Fish and white chicken meat are healthy. From cereals - brown and wild rice (there is more fiber than polished rice) and buckwheat. Wash it down with kefir!

Replace bread and rolls with bread made from wholemeal flour or by exploding grains from the inside - they are healthy and dietary.

Beware: dietary supplements and “magic” pills!

When you once again want to get rid of a sagging belly at home quickly and immediately, having seen an advertisement for the next “magic” pills, supplements or tea, remember to believe in a “magic pill” that will help you quickly and effortlessly get rid of what has accumulated 9 months – naivety, if not stupidity. At best, these supplements are aimed at thinning the stool (this leads to diarrhea and dehydration, which, on the contrary, slows down the metabolism and flushes out the vitamins and minerals the body needs). At worst... Read the official website of the Russian Center for Certification of Medicinal Products and reviews, and you will understand: in intensive care, having lost your health, there is no time for a flat stomach!


Most of the admiring reviews on websites selling counterfeit weight loss products are outright lies. It is impossible to lose weight without effort. Do you want a flat stomach? Get ready to fight for your beauty!

The most reliable way to remove sagging skin on your stomach is exercise. They provide the longest lasting and most reliable effect, while improving health, prolonging life and making you happier. It is happier, because during physical training the body produces the happiness hormones dopamine and serotonin. Properly calculated physical activity contributes to:

  • burning fat deposits,
  • tightening muscles, forming a beautiful, sculpted tummy (and don’t be afraid that you’ll get a six-pack—this requires special nutrition!),
  • improved well-being, a surge of strength and energy (for a young mother this is often simply vital).

In the fitness room

The easiest way to choose a set of exercises to remove sagging skin on your stomach is to go to the fitness room, where a trainer will select the load. However, you can save money: choose the necessary complex yourself, which will help get rid of a sagging belly. Moreover, no more than four exercises are required - overtraining is also harmful!

To enjoy your workouts, follow these simple rules:

  • do not overload the body, increase the load gradually (fitness trainers advise doing 3 more presses than the previous time),
  • After training, allow yourself something pleasant that you usually refuse: buy ice cream, candy - this will register at the subconscious level that the training is pleasant. This positive reinforcement can be abandoned later.

Exercises for a sagging belly are not difficult, the main thing is to exercise regularly, but not too often, otherwise you will simply get tired of the process, even before you get results. Fitness training in the gym should follow the following plan:

  1. Warm-up
    The purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the muscles, preparing them for strength exercises. It can be different: from jogging on a treadmill or elliptical trainer to “riding” on an exercise bike. It is important that it lasts at least 30-40 minutes, because the muscles work on glycogen, the reserves of which last for about 45 minutes. Only then does fat begin to be consumed.
  2. Power training
    You can't do without them! Recent studies by physiologists have shown: only when glycogen runs out in the muscles does fat begin to be consumed. However, not the one that is under the skin, but the one that is located in droplets in the muscle fiber. The goal of the training is to force subcutaneous fat, which does not “burn,” to move into the muscles, further being burned during exercise (possibly after burning glycogen). This is a very complex mechanism, the essence of which is as follows:
    • glycogen is burned, muscles need additional energy,
    • To “transfer” fat from the subcutaneous layer into muscles, two hormones are needed: adrenaline and norepinephrine, which release fat cells into the bloodstream,
    • These hormones are produced only in response to stress,
    • Therefore, you need not walk or even run, you need to exercise in a strength style so that the body is in a state of stress and begins to actively produce these hormones.

How to tighten a sagging belly with strength training? We offer a selection of exercises that will tone your muscles and tighten your abs beyond recognition. During the training process, work is done on the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. Exercises for a sagging belly are performed on a special abdominal machine (these are available in all fitness rooms today).

This exercise is one of the best for the abs, provided you do it correctly. You need to grab the rope of the strength training machine, kneel at a distance of about 1 m from the machine and bend over, rounding your back and squeezing your abdominal muscles as much as possible. The essence of the exercise is not just to bend over, but to twist, touching the elbow of your left hand to your right knee and vice versa. When moving down, exhale. Three sets of 15 times (start with 5 times, gradually increasing).

The rectus abdominis muscle works. The forearms are on a special machine, the torso is straightened, the feet and shoulder line are parallel to the floor. Through the efforts of the abdominal muscles, the legs, bent at the knees, are brought to the chest (exhale), return to the starting position - inhale. 3 sets of 20 times.

The legs are fixed using special pillows on the bench. You need to lie down on a bench with your torso fully straightened. The arms are bent in front of the chest, the lower back is pressed against the bench. As you exhale, lift using the rectus abdominis muscle, and as you inhale, return to the starting position. You should try to focus on working your abdominal muscles and use your legs as little as possible. 3 sets of 20 times. To increase the load, use the angle of the bench - the greater the angle, the stronger the load.

This is a very effective exercise, but you can move on to it only after you have sufficiently strengthened your abs. The legs are fixed, hands behind the head. To increase the load, you can use additional weight (for example, a barbell plate).

You can also finish your workout on a cardio machine at an easy rhythm (10 minutes). This will help soothe your muscles and relax after exercise.

Exercises for a saggy belly at home

Can't go to the gym? And it's not necessary! Buy a fitness mat and work out your abs at home. Here are simple exercises that will help you get rid of a sagging belly at home. Before starting your workout, don’t forget to warm up (running in place, fast fitness dance). The benefits, necessity and duration of warm-up were discussed in the section where we talked about training in the fitness room. Next, we proceed to exercises for a saggy belly. To enhance the effect, you can put special weights on your hands, or take dumbbells.

We remember that twisting is the most effective exercise that makes the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles work. So, you need to lie down on a fitness mat, fully erect. Bend your arms in front of you. Exhale – lift the torso (the lower back remains pressed to the floor, only the abdominal muscles work), inhale – starting position. 3 sets of 20 times.

Raising legs from a lying position

The starting position is the same: straighten up and press your lower back to the floor. Stretch your arms along your body. Raise straight legs with extended toes to a height of 15-20 cm and hold motionless until you count to 50. Repeat the exercise 5 times. It is very important that the rest of the body is pressed to the floor and does not move.

Raising the body while lying on your stomach

Lie on your stomach on the mat, hands in the “lock” behind the back of your head. Raise your body, lifting your chest off the floor (exhale), count to 5, starting position – inhale. 3 sets of 20 times.

How to enhance the effect?

If you perform just three to four exercises regularly 2 times a week, you will notice the effect within two months. At the same time, pay attention to nutrition:

  • on days when you plan to train, it is better to stick to a low-carbohydrate diet,
  • 30 minutes before training do not eat,
  • Do not eat for 3 hours after training (during this period, glycogen levels are restored, and if food does not enter the body, recovery occurs due to subcutaneous fat).

Exercises and diets for a sagging belly - how to enhance the effect?

Cosmetologists and massage therapists also offer additional products that will help enhance the process of breakdown of adipose tissue, as well as tidy up the skin. We are talking about a special massage. How to get rid of a sagging belly with massage?

Massage for tummy tuck

  • Anticellulite massage . It is carried out by a specialist and consists of twisting and pinching fat deposits, using special means: anti-cellulite massage oil, honey, etc. The advantage of this type of exposure is a beneficial effect on the skin, the disadvantage is that it is very painful, and even bruises remain during the sessions.
  • Special simulators . They are sold in great numbers and their action is also based on the massage effect. An anti-cellulite or fat-burning cream is applied to the problem area, after which the skin is subjected to vibration from the machine.

Wraps as a means of accelerating the fat burning process

Cosmetologists answer the question: “How to remove a sagging belly after childbirth,” answer in their own way - they offer wraps. Wraps are based on the effect of a sauna. Have you noticed how elastic and tender your body is after a bath? By steaming the skin and saturating it with vitamins, minerals and fat-burning components, you can speed up the process of subcutaneous fat breakdown. This procedure is especially effective immediately after training, when metabolism is still intense. Wraps can also be done at home (there are many life hacks on this topic, just study the issue).

Psychological means: meditation, moods, etc.

Not quite a traditional method, which, however, has many positive reviews. Proponents of the psychological aspect of excess weight suggest using meditation, as well as all kinds of moods (they are widely available - pictures accompanied by music and words pronounced in a certain rhythm and with a certain intonation). Psychotherapists recommend using them to work with the subconscious, setting yourself up to achieve a goal, giving up junk food and working on yourself.

The main thing when fighting a sagging belly is not to be lazy!

How to remove a sagging belly and which methods to prefer, or use them in combination, is up to you. It is useful to remember that 80% of success is in your hands, and only 20% depends on genetics, metabolism and other factors that negatively affect your appearance (with the exception of if you are diagnosed with a metabolic disorder or thyroid disease). You shouldn’t “blame the mirror”, justifying laziness and passivity, start small, and within a month or two, with regular exercise of your body and proper nutrition, you will see the result of your efforts!

Being a slim young girl, I really like to eat heavily, especially fast food. I was warned that this would end badly, but I thought otherwise. After a wonderful nine months of pregnancy and three years from the birth of my child, I saw that my figure had become more voluminous, especially in my stomach. He became saggy. My husband claimed that everything was fine, but his look spoke for itself, and I began to act.

My food

The rhythm of our lives is filled with different situations, including stressful ones, and because of this our digestive system suffers. So first I decided to cleanse my intestines. The drug helped me with this, which helped restore the intestinal microflora, improved my appetite and sleep, and normalized stool and digestion in general.

To enhance the effect of the cleansing, every morning on an empty stomach I drank a glass of warm water without gas, and then had a hearty breakfast. Until two o'clock in the afternoon I ate everything: sweets, flour, and fatty foods, in general, everything that is difficult to refuse.

And in the afternoon I ate porridge, boiled meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. More dairy products have also been added. I ate cottage cheese, drank yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir.

No, there was no diet, because you yourself understand that without enough fats, proteins and carbohydrates, we will only get a bad mood and chronic diseases. Therefore, my diet changed not in ingredients, but in places. The main thing is to have dinner three hours before bedtime.

You can’t get rid of a sagging tummy without exercise!

Having sorted out nutrition, I settled on sports. Exercise is one of the important additions that can help you get rid of a saggy tummy. I read a lot of information, watched various videos with tips on eliminating excess fat deposits and chose the most suitable ones for myself - this is working on the lower abs and its oblique muscles, as well as hula hoop twisting.

To work on your lower abs, you need to lie on your back, your legs should be straight, and your arms should be bent at the elbows and placed behind your head. We raise our body without moving our legs, while inhaling air, and when we lie back, we need to exhale the air.

Proper breathing is the key to success. Working on the oblique muscles, I lay down on the floor, folded my hands at the back of my head, and raised my legs at a right angle, then bent them at the knees and alternately turned them in each direction, touching my right knee to my left elbow, and my left knee to my right elbow. I performed these types of abdominal exercises 20 times every day.

Daily training with a hula hoop helped me not only learn how to hula hoop continuously, but also get rid of my belly. I started with 10 minutes, gradually the time reached 45 minutes. This is enough for one lesson, the main thing is that the process is continuous and regular.

First I practiced with a plastic hoop, and then with a hula hoop, which had massage spikes. And to protect my skin from bruises and pain, I bought slimming panties. They come in different degrees of correction: weak, medium, strong. I had medium ones because I wore them during the day and at the same time in my free time and played sports every day. These panties not only performed a protective function, but also corrected the problem area - the stomach.

Thus, I removed and tightened my sagging belly in 3 months. My usual diet served to put me in a good mood and ensure normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and abs and hula-hooping were the main physical exercises. By pumping up my abs, I strengthened my abdominal muscles, with the help of a hoop I improved intestinal function and metabolism in the body, and slimming panties fixed my protruding tummy and kept it in good shape.

The goal was achieved. The main thing is not to give up!