Makeup with black. Makeup for blue eyes. Rules for creating make-up

Night and holiday makeup can be catchy and bright. If you want to be the most attractive at a party, black eyeshadow will help you. Some girls associate them with goth, and some believe that they need to have a certain appearance.

How to create appropriate makeup?

But makeup with black shadows is not funereal, and knowing some secrets, you can choose the look for yourself, regardless of your facial features.

What you will need:

  • Mirror;
  • Brush;
  • Concealer;
  • Black eyeshadow (matte or glitter, depending on the occasion);
  • It’s worth arming yourself with a pencil - you’ll need it to mark the eyelid line;
  • Good lighting.

In many cases, the make-up is matched to the clothing. But this is not always the case; in some situations it is worth focusing on your appearance. If you decide to use dark tones of cosmetics, it is better to do just that, especially if you are matching makeup to a black dress. In other cases, make sure that the chosen shades do not resonate with the color of the outfit, otherwise you risk ruining your look.

This kind of make-up needs to be selected, first of all, according to the color of the eyes. Being a dark-eyed girl, you can be sure that he will suit you. But this does not mean at all that blue-eyed or green-eyed beauties should forget about him. They just need to dilute dark tones with lighter ones - gray, white, pink, blue, green, beige, etc.

Dark eyes

Makeup for black eyes may also involve the presence of light shades in an ensemble with dark ones. These can be beige or brown shades, which are especially suitable for those with tea-colored or marshy eyes, or grayish shades, white, if the “mirrors of the soul” are very dark.

We do make-up with matte black shadows according to the following algorithm.

Before applying makeup, we traditionally use a tinting cream for the skin of the face, not forgetting to apply it to the eyelids. If there is a need to emphasize the eyebrows, we draw them in with a pencil, remembering that they should not be too flashy. If desired, you can also apply shadows to the area under the eyebrow, but in light shades to highlight this area.

We arm ourselves with a pencil and draw a line above the eyelashes. Its outer end should be thicker than the inner, but you don’t have to worry about whether it will be even - this is not so important. There is no need to use eyeliner for this - the line will be too saturated and make the whole image rough. Shade the “arrow” with a brush.

Now the turn has come to the main step - black shadows on top, above the shaded pencil line. We also shade them so that the top line is not clear. To make your eyes even more expressive, apply makeup to the lower eyelid, concentrating more of it at the inner corner of the eyes, and blend it to avoid clear transitions.

Now you can return to the upper eyelid and apply light shadows over the dark shadows, also shading. This is not necessary, but it will make your makeup look complete. All that remains is to apply a thin layer of eyelashes and lips with a soft, natural shade of lipstick.

This step-by-step application algorithm assumes the use of matte cosmetics, but you can also use glitter. When using the second option, light shadows should also have sparkles, but their shade should be very delicate.

Cosmetics can go far beyond the outer corner of the eyes, but this is a matter of taste and appearance. This make-up is suitable for going to night club, holiday party.

Another option evening makeup, which will be suitable for black eyes, involves using a dark pencil to guide the “arrows” and rich blue, gray or green shadows. More bright hues You shouldn’t be included in such an ensemble. It's better if they have sparkles. Do not forget that you need to choose the appropriate outfit for this makeup.

Green iris

Owners of eyes of this color know that for makeup they need to choose peach, beige, brown, copper, chocolate, and golden shades. These principles can be used to guide you when choosing a range for Everyday life– going to work, meeting friends, walking. But what to do when you want your beautiful green eyes to look even brighter and more attractive if you are going to a party.

It is worth forgetting about blue, silver, dark blue tones and all their shades. They are able to make the image of a green-eyed girl simple, even if the makeup is quite bright. The only exceptions can be gray-green or close to blue color eye.

For the perfect evening make-up, shades of champagne, cream, lilac, lilac, violet are suitable. Pink ones also look beautiful, but you need to select them carefully due to their capriciousness.

Lighter shades will look harmonious with light eyes, and dark shades will look harmonious with dark ones.

Hair plays an important role in this matter. If they are dark, then the color of the shadows should be rich, and for fair-haired girls, softer tones will suit them.

Copper and chocolate tones will suit red-haired beauties; beige and champagne will be more suitable for blondes. Green eyes and black hair are a common combination, and makeup for this type of appearance also depends on the tone of the “mirrors of the soul”. To create an image femme fatale If your tone is light, you can also use dark (charcoal, rich gray) shades, but not black.

Blue and gray eyes

Sometimes it seems that light color looks great in an ensemble with any tones of eyeliners, pencils and other cosmetics. In fact, both daytime and evening make-up will require a competent approach to their selection. For example, you should not use terracotta, pink tones, unless dark eyeliner is used, otherwise the eyes will look swollen and the look tired.

You shouldn’t opt ​​for green either. An exception can be made only if the eyes have a greenish tint. It is not recommended to select cosmetics in a tone that matches the “mirrors of the soul”, or to draw bold lines above the eyes.

It is important to remember that the brighter and deeper color“mirrors”, the more saturated shades of cosmetics can be applied. As for the tone, it can be blue, gray, charcoal, silver, copper, gold, brown, chocolate.

Below is a step-by-step description of what kind of make-up a blue-eyed girl can do for herself when going to a party. Dark shadows are used for it.

We apply foundation, including on the eyelids, and apply powder on top of it. This will allow the cosmetics to be evenly distributed. Using a soft dark pencil, draw a line above the eyelashes and shade it. Apply shadows of dark gray, black or Brown, and above them - cosmetics in lighter colors. Apply a line on the lower eyelid with a thin brush and shade it. Unlike brown “mirrors of the soul,” blue ones require that they be emphasized with a thick layer of mascara.

Universal makeup

Surely, every woman has white shadows in her arsenal. Hardly anyone will dare to apply them alone, but in combination with dark tones they will look very beautiful.

This make-up will suit a girl with any color and shade of eyes and hair, so feel free to use step-by-step recommendations on applying makeup using black and white eyeshadow.

Apply white cosmetics to the eyelid using a wide brush. We draw with a pencil thin line from the middle of the eye to its outer corner, where it should become much thicker. After applying black shadows, blend them with a brush. It should work smooth transition. Next, use white shadows to draw an “arrow” on the lower eyelid.

Now you need to use eyeliner, draw a line from one corner of the eye to the other. Make sure that its end is no further than the line from the pencil. The final touch is to paint the eyelashes. By choosing the right cosmetics, you will become yourself attractive girl at the party.

To create a charming image of a fatal beauty, you can use black shadows. Many makeup artists use this technique to achieve a truly luxurious and spectacular composition. Moreover, this type of make-up is perfect for many girls. How to do makeup with black shadows correctly?

Makeup technique

  • To get beautiful and effective makeup, you need to arm yourself with some tools and cosmetics. These include shadows that suit your shade, as well as black and white. In addition, it is difficult to imagine such a make-up without liquid eyeliner, black pencil, and mascara. You will also definitely need brushes and applicators for shading.
  • First you need to draw a thin line along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. It is with the help of this procedure that you can emphasize the expressiveness of your look. After this, it is recommended to cover with white shadows upper eyelid– you need to work especially carefully on the corners of the eyes and the area under the eyebrow. This technique will make your eyes brighter and more expressive.
  • After this, light brown shadows can be applied to the moving eyelid. Apply dark brown shadows to the outer corners of the eye and blend them well towards the middle of the eyelid.

  • Now you can apply black shadows. This should only be done with drooping eyelids. After the procedure is completed, you can open your eyes and evaluate the result. If you notice any imperfections, you can correct them with open eyes.
  • The obtained result must be secured using crumbly light shade. If you slightly overdid it with shadows and got dark circles under your eyes, you can correct the mistake with the help of foundation. Don't forget to powder the area a little afterwards. A soft brush will help remove powder residue.
  • Now you can start shaping your eyebrows. Even luxurious eyebrows need additional drawing with a special pencil. The part of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose can be carefully rounded using nude shadows with a shimmer effect. In addition, this makeup looks great in combination with white shadows.
  • If desired, on the upper eyelid, using liquid eyeliner, you can create a thin arrow along the lash line. However, it must be taken into account that the arrow must be as accurate as possible.

After this, you can evaluate the result of the work and correct errors using foundation. The final step is to apply black mascara to your eyelashes.

Features of makeup with black shadows

Despite the fact that such a make-up looks quite impressive, it can hardly be called universal. And all because he is different next specific features. Due to its color saturation, makeup done in dark colors is more suitable for evening events. In everyday office conditions, it will look too provocative.

In addition, such make-up tends to emphasize age-related changes on the skin. Therefore, mature women with dark circles or bags under their eyes should avoid dark makeup. For such representatives of the fair sex, shades of light shades are more suitable. And to make your look brighter and more expressive, you can use.

Since black shadows are the only rich accent on the face, you should not distract attention from them by using bright or blush. If you want to give your makeup a harmonious and complete look, take care of the shape of your eyebrows - they should be neat with a clearly drawn line.

Makeup with black shadows looks quite impressive and attractive. However, you need to take into account that it is more suitable for creating evening compositions. This kind of make-up involves performing a clear sequence of actions - remember that it should turn out as neat and complete as possible. Well, to look harmonious, you need to think through your image very carefully, choose the right clothes, etc.

Video tutorial

For every day, stylists recommend invisible makeup that creates the illusion of natural freshness. However, sometimes you want to try on a more dramatic and expressive image. Makeup with black shadows, done step by step according to the instructions, can literally transform your appearance. Of course, during the day it will look out of place, but for the evening it is difficult to find a more spectacular option.

Who is suitable for makeup?

Skillfully executed makeup with black shadows will decorate any woman with a fairly bright appearance. But for very light blondes of a natural type, it is probably better to refuse to use black shadows.

Since such makeup is guaranteed to attract attention, you should make sure that the image is flawless. This applies not only to eye makeup, but also to the condition of facial skin, hairstyle, and even clothing. You need to think through your image down to the last detail so that makeup with black shadows looks organic.


Usually, if the skin is good condition, during the day it is quite possible to refuse to use dense foundations. However, black shadows dictate their own rules. You will have to do a full makeup without missing anything.

So, first you need to cleanse your skin and apply moisturizer. Then comes the turn of the foundation, which should match the color of your skin tone. All imperfections are masked with a corrector. Using a highlighter, you can apply light highlights to the skin, which will make your face more expressive and natural. Such highlights are usually applied to the cheekbones, the middle of the forehead, under the eyebrow, and in the inner corner of the eye. The boundaries of the shades must be carefully shaded so that even in harsh artificial lighting they are invisible.

The more carefully the eye makeup is done, the more well-groomed the eyebrows should be. If they do not have a shape or are poorly painted, then black shadows will look bad on the eyes. Therefore, styling and tinting eyebrows is a must. preparatory stage makeup.

Centuries will also require special preparation. To ensure that the shadows lay evenly, last a long time, and their color is truly bright, you cannot do without a base for eye makeup Eye makeup: rules and shades– primer. This base is applied to all eyelids in a thin layer, and when it dries, you can begin to apply eye makeup.

Step by step

  • After this, you need to shade the line drawn with a pencil. To do this you need to use a small brush with an oval end. You need to dip it in dry black shadows, shake off the excess and draw a strip of black shadows over the pencil line.
  • Then you need to line your eyes with a black pencil from below. It is better to start the line by stepping back from the inner corner of the eye. In the area of ​​the outer corner, the pencil line is connected to the eyeliner of the upper eyelid, which is made with a pencil and shadows.
  • Using a soft oval brush, you need to blend the black shadows on the upper eyelid upward and to the sides, moving the arrow to the temples. Black shadows should only be on the moving eyelid.

  • Finally, you need to apply a drop of snow-white pearlescent shadows to the inner corners of the eyes, above and below. The best way to do this is to use thin brush to apply a very light, barely noticeable layer.
  • Finally, the eyelashes are covered with black mascara, and mascara is applied more generously to the eyelashes in the outer corners of the eyes. You can also glue on false eyelashes.

Another variant

If you apply black shadows not only to the moving surface of the eyelid, but also to the stationary part of it, you can achieve even more expressive makeup. You just have to take into account that it is not suitable for girls with pale translucent skin. And in general, this kind of makeup is only for the evening; it looks good if there is a thick layer of foundation on the skin, and on a “naked” face, black eyelids will look alien.

Eye makeup is one of the most important components of our image. In this regard, the approach to it should be especially careful. Makeup with black shadows requires the right approach and a certain skill. Since one wrong move hands and the result will not be what you expect.

Who is suitable for black make-up?

So that the resulting image is not too catchy and ridiculous, you need to take into account all the nuances in your appearance and determine whether this or that option is suitable for you.

If you have dark brown eyes, then you can freely apply this color in your image. And both in clothes and in make-up. Although women with other shades should not despair either. After all, they also have a chance to look extravagant and chic. You just have to choose the right application technique and don’t forget about small tricks.

So that those with light eyes do not get a strong contrast, you need to use not only a black palette, but also any other. So, black will be ideally combined with green, gray, brown or pastel colors. Moreover, lighter shadows should be placed closer to the eyebrows, and dark ones on the moving eyelid. We also must not forget about shading: with its help, the transitions will be gradual and gentle. Experts recommend applying a little light pigment to the inner corner.

Although we should not forget that makeup with black shadows can highlight the eyes unattractively, so it is necessary to observe step by step instructions when executing it. It is usually used for evening meetings or holiday outings. In everyday life, you should avoid it, as it will be out of place and your facial features may appear rough.

What should you remember when applying?

Black eyeshadow makeup includes some features,using which will give you a gorgeous result with a deep look. The main thing when step-by-step creation observe the measure in the amount of dark shade. In addition, professional makeup artists give the following advice:

In the end, as with any other make-up, you need to strike a balance between eye and lip makeup. If your eyes are very prominent, then it is better to apply gloss or lipstick in a neutral and natural palette to your lips.

How to apply it correctly?

When performing makeup with black textures, you need to follow some rules. First, we begin to paint the lower eyelid, using eyeliner or shadows, you can use a cream shade. Then you can move on to the upper eyelid; all color combinations must be shaded. Then highlight the far corner of the eye along the lash line with a thick pencil. The tone you should choose is charcoal black.

The area between the eyebrows and the moving eyelid must be powdered with a natural color, those. The shade should exactly match your skin tone. Thanks to this palette, it will be easier to do makeup with black shadows.

To remove crumbled particles under the eyes without much difficulty, You need to apply sorbitol cream before painting. Next, we add lightness to the image: to do this, apply a dark blue tone on top, matte or with a metallic sheen. In addition to the examples of correct application already given, do not forget about the area of ​​skin that is located above the moving eyelid. It also needs to be painted over, in this case the black will look luxurious, and the makeup will not show gloom.

Makeup options

It has long been known that girls prefer the smoky eyes technique. With her, the appearance becomes more attractive, and the look becomes bright. Also, through a little haze

mystery and a little audacity are visible. This method is very popular, so it is often used by specialists. It is worth noting that when creating makeup, in addition to black shadows, gray and even white shades are often used, as well as liquid and solid textures. Finally, be sure to paint your eyelashes with mascara, which adds volume.

To visually enlarge your eyes, you can apply false eyelashes. IN Lately More and more women are building them up. Using all the proposed options, they look more attractive, do not stick together, and there are no lumps that mascara often leaves.

You can achieve a slight frivolity in your image using a small technique: Draw a thin but rich line with eyeliner along the lash line of the upper eyelid. At the same time, make the pencil line a little higher - this will make the eyes visually larger, and men are also attracted to this look.

Rules for creating make-up

Almost every makeup application has the same application technology, which differs only in small nuances. They can only be noticed during step-by-step execution makeup. Let's talk about the basic rules.

Black and white version

Most women prefer to use almost the same makeup in all situations. Although it is wrong to do so. After all, in different life situations you need to look appropriate. But it is worth noting that there is one type of makeup with black shadows that is suitable for a holiday or for work. What is it called? Of course, this is black and white makeup. It goes with absolutely all clothing styles. In addition, with such a palette of colors, the girl becomes mysterious, lovely and charming.

To create such interesting image you will need two types of shadows, black and white, several brushes different sizes and a pencil. First prepare the skin around the eyes using a makeup base and powder. Now you can apply white pigment to the entire moving eyelid with a large brush. Then carefully draw arrows with a slight extension of 0.5 cm, beyond the outer corner of the eye and lead a little upward. Let's move on to the black shade: place it just above the fold, starting from the middle and to the outer corner, draw a line. Apply a little shadow in the area of ​​contact with the arrow. Now we carefully shade everything and finally cover the eyelashes with voluminous mascara as in.

Make up lessons

There are several options for creating makeup with black shadows. Let's talk in detail about several of them. So, for the first one we will need the following: a brush, shadows of a brown, black and light palette and a black pencil.

Instructions for applying makeup, which will be described below, is ideal for brown eyes. First we place the black particles, which in the corner should reach the tip of the eyebrows. In this case, the movements of the brush should be done by patting, and not by rubbing, which is usual for us. Next we move on to the brown pigment. With its help we shade over the black ones. Each time it is necessary to clean the brush from the previous color. Now we proceed to light shadows, as in, which we will apply to the area under the eyebrow. Apply the same shade in a small amount to the corner near the bridge of the nose.

Now change the brush to a flat one and with its help we apply black shadows to the lower area along the growth of the eyelashes. Afterwards, blend thoroughly. Let's move on to the pencil and carefully draw it from below and above. If necessary, apply mascara or false eyelashes. The result is a chic, captivating look that you can take straight to the party.

The next example of makeup with black shadows will be for those with green eyes. Do not forget that any make-up begins with preparing the skin, be it or, namely with a base or primer. On top of it we place a beige shade on the entire upper eyelid and under the eyebrow. Then he moves on to a pencil with a hard texture - we use it to form an arrow in the direction towards the outer corner. Now we take a black tone and apply it along the arrows, while extending the tail towards the eyebrow. Along the lower eyelashes from the middle, we draw with a pencil, then shade it and the arrow. In this case, it is necessary to preserve the resulting shape. Finally, we take the shimmer and apply it in the corner of the eye near the bridge of the nose and under the eyebrow. The finishing touch The look will include mascara. With such make-up, a woman will be mysterious and more attractive.

Of course, creating a truly beautiful and exciting image is not easy, but if you know little secrets or follow clear instructions, you can achieve a great effect.

Often, makeup with black shadows is done for themed parties. So, for example, on Halloween you can turn into a witch and maintain the image with the help of cosmetics. IN in this case, you are allowed to break many boundaries: instead of the usual, restrained makeup, you can add a riot of colors, apply some marks, and of course, accompany everything with bright lipstick.