Children's drawings for Mother's Day template in pencil. How to draw a gift for mom: step-by-step instructions

March 8, International Women's Day, is approaching, and many people want to please their mother with a touching gift - a portrait. However, drawing a mother beautifully step by step with a pencil is not an easy task even for experienced artists, and for a child it can be quite difficult. I'll show you how to draw a mom easily and without extra effort - just repeat all the steps of this step-by-step lesson. You will need a pencil, an eraser and paper; we will color with any suitable material for this - paints, colored pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens and anything else at all.

Since we are drawing a portrait of a mother for March 8 or Mother's Day for children, we will need to draw the face and shoulders. People have an oval face shape, so let's start drawing by building a base like this. I leave the top open, that's where we'll draw the hairstyle. You may not succeed the first time, but it doesn’t matter - just use the eraser and correct mistakes as you go.

Now we need to draw mom’s neck. It will be two smooth lines, you should get something like this.

Now we need to beautifully draw mom’s face. I always start drawing faces from the eyes, and my mother’s portrait for March 8th will be no exception. We draw two almond-shaped shapes, and a little higher - the lines of the eyebrows. Here it is especially important to remember what kind of eyes your mother has and try to imitate their shape.

Just below I draw a neat nose in the form of just two lines. Look, it's very easy to draw, but at the same time such a nose looks natural. A little lower I draw the lips and a light line above the chin.

We correct the contours a little - do not be afraid to correct the portrait of your mother on March 8th with a pencil if you want it to turn out beautifully. Here I draw the folds above the eyes, the iris and pupils, as well as the eyelashes. If your mommy has moles, birthmarks or other features on her face, be sure to reflect them!

All that's left to do is draw mom's hair and ears. We draw the ears at approximately the same level as the eyes, and the hairstyle will be the same as your mother’s. At my mom's short hair With small bangs, that's why I draw this way.

Next you need to draw the clothes. I draw a neat collar, you can draw your mother’s favorite sweater, top, top part dresses. You can add other details - for example, mother’s beautiful beads, earrings and other jewelry that she really likes.

If your mom has a different hairstyle - e.g. long hair, high ponytail, bob or anything else - draw with a pencil exactly how it looks. For example, you might end up with something like this.

And now our portrait of our mother needs to be colored step by step! I draw mommy's skin beige colour, I add blush to my cheeks. Hair is a pleasant brown shade. My mother’s eyes are special - one is green, the other is green with a brown spot, I also reflect this in my drawing so that the portrait for March 8th is more recognizable. I don't forget to make the shadows an orange tone on the skin. I paint my clothes green to match my eyes.

So, I showed you how a child can draw his mother beautifully for March 8 or Mother’s Day. If you decide to draw a picture of your mother and you succeed, be sure to share the result in the comments, I’m very interested to see. If you have any problems, you can also ask for help in the comments.

Master class on drawing a full-face portrait using reference drawings in kindergarten.

Portrait "My Mother".

Safronova Tatyana Arkadyevna, GBOU School No. 1248, structural unit No. 6 (preschool department), teacher, Moscow.
Description: The master class is intended for educators preparatory group kindergarten. To draw a portrait in kindergarten, I recommend using reference drawings that show the sequence of doing the work step by step. I bring to your attention ten reference drawings, each of which involves a repetition of all previous and new stage. You can draw them yourself, following the recommendations of my master class, or print the ones I suggested. Portrait "My Mother" will be a good gift for mothers by March 8.
Goals: Prepare supporting drawings for teaching children how to draw a full-face portrait; teach children to draw a full-face portrait, taking into account proportions, trying to convey features appearance.
Tasks: Practice drawing skills with a simple pencil by changing the pressure on the pencil when drawing auxiliary lines, learn to use an eraser; develop artistic creativity children, interest in independent creative activity.
To work we will need:

- landscape sheet (or 1/2 landscape sheet) – 10 pcs.
- a simple pencil
- eraser
Preliminary work:
Read an excerpt from a poem by Alexander Kushner to the children
If you see what's in the picture
Is one of us looking?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor, -
Required picture
It's called a portrait.
A portrait is a painting of a person. A portrait can be in profile - this is a side view or full face - an image of a person facing the beholder.
Look at reproductions of paintings with your children.

Bryullov A.P. Portrait of Natalia Goncharova

Makarov Ivan “Portrait of Countess M.S. Sheremeteva in childhood (married Gudovich)”

Rachkov N.E. "Girl with Berries"
In all these paintings we see a full-face portrait - the depicted faces are turned towards the viewer.
You and I will learn to draw a full-face portrait.
Draw a sample on the board, showing the corresponding reference drawing. Explain the sequence of work for each stage.
Step-by-step execution work
Reference drawing No. 1
Draw the outline of the face in the form of an oval.

Reference drawing No. 2
Draw the hair (remember what kind of hairstyle your mom has, whether her hair is smooth or wavy or curly).

Reference drawing No. 3
Draw a line from top to bottom. The line divides the oval of the face in half vertically. This is an auxiliary line that will help symmetrically place the eyes and mouth on the face. Press the pencil lightly, then remove the line with an eraser.

Reference drawing No. 4
Draw two lines horizontally to divide the oval into three equal parts. This auxiliary lines, showing the level of location of the eyes, nose, mouth.

Reference drawing No. 5
On the top auxiliary line draw the eyes.

Reference drawing No. 6
In the middle part of the face, from the top to the bottom line, draw the nose.

Reference drawing No. 7
Draw a mouth in the middle of the lower part of the face.

Reference drawing No. 8
Carefully remove all auxiliary lines with an eraser.

Reference drawing No. 9
Draw the neck and shoulders. Please note that the shoulders are wider than the head.

Reference drawing No. 10
Draw mom's dress.

The portrait is ready!
Read the poem by Boris Prakhov to the children:
I am drawing a portrait of my mother
Watercolor on sheet.
And even if the portrait is without a frame,
And, albeit not on canvas.
Not everything in the portrait was successful,
But dear to mom
I did my best. After all, in the world
There is no other better mother!
Guys, you will draw a portrait of your mother. This will be a gift for her on March 8th. Before you start drawing, imagine your mother, remember what her eyes, hair, hairstyle, smile are like.
Children draw a portrait on their own using reference drawings located on the board. Then the portrait is painted with paints. This is what the guys did - well done!

Congratulations to all mothers on International Women's Day on March 8!

How to draw a gift for mom - the artists' advice will be very useful. Not everyone can imagine a drawing that can be put on paper, beautifully designed and presented.

But knowing some tricks, even the most inept person will find the strength to swing a brush at a piece of paper. And we will help you create unusual drawing as a gift to mom.

To draw a simple picture, you also need instructions - how to draw a line correctly, visually mark a sheet of paper. As a rule, the most light pattern What is considered is not a portrait where the oval face and symmetrical features are visible, but landscapes and still lifes. Until your hand is full, you can try to create several types of drawings using simple techniques.

Sakura technique No. 1

We will draw a drawing of a gift for mom according to the principle - easier and simpler. To do this, we will select the most simple tree in execution and try to display it on the canvas in several stages.

Try to draw several curved lines connected to each other.

Add small and thin ones to large branches. These will be branches, just like in real trees.

Mark the place where the flowers will grow. Remember that the flowers overlap the trunk and branches of the tree, so in the end you will either have to remove the “hidden” parts or paint over them.

Add shadows and hearts in the flowers. Don't forget about strokes and shades. Simple gray pencil has many color shades.

Draw the branches with short lines to represent the bark. Mark the flowers with folds in the form of small dots.

Tip: If you want to make the drawing in color, do not focus too much on the branches - they will not be visible in the exact description as in the beginning. At great desire You can add more flowers to completely hide the trunks.

Sakura technique No. 2

If you can’t create beautiful branches at all, use liquid watercolor paints and a tube:

  • Place a few drops on paper;
  • Using a straw, blow air onto the drop, directing the air in the direction in which you want to move the branch;
  • Do the same with the same drop in the other direction.

The paint will behave differently - it can go to the side, it can bend in an arc, and it can also go beyond the sheet. Practice before you start. In the meantime, we are drawing a gift for mom according to the planned master class.

Draw a few freehand lines to form the base of the tree.

Use paint using a plastic bottle. Dip the bottom into a container of paint.

Place the bottom of the bottle on the paper and immediately remove the bottle. This way the paint won’t stick and you’ll get beautiful petals. If you hold a bottle of paint on the surface of the sheet for a long time, after removing the bottom of the bottle, the paint will not spread over the formed empty places, and the drawing will need to be finished manually with a brush.

Do the same with the other flowers, but make sure that the paint does not dry on the bottom of the bottle, otherwise you will get sticky spots instead of flowers.

For variety you can use different colors, but this will require different bottles.

In the end it turns out beautiful tree, created by a simple drawing method.

In our country, Mother's Day has become one of the most beloved and touching holidays, which is celebrated annually on a Sunday in November. On this autumn day, the most sincere congratulations are heard to Russian mothers - on television, radio, from loving sons and daughters. This holiday reminds us of the true family values, but mother is the heart and soul of the family, the keeper of the hearth and the closest and dearest person in everyone’s life. Therefore, all mothers deserve the most sincere words gratitude for their care, patience and love. Children also love to give their mothers handmade crafts: drawings, appliqués made from paper and dry autumn leaves, funny animal figures and fairy tale characters from cones, acorns, plasticine. How to draw beautiful drawing for Mother's Day? Today we will get acquainted with this type of children's visual arts– with the help of simple master classes with step by step photos and video. By following our recommendations and step-by-step description, beginning artists will be able to master the technique of drawing with pencil or paint. Such distinctive and original works will rightfully take their place among the exhibits at a competition or exhibition of drawings, dedicated to the Day mothers in kindergarten and school. So, let's start creating artistic masterpieces!

How to draw a picture for mom on Mother’s Day with a pencil step by step - a simple master class with photos

Every mother will be pleased to receive a touching surprise gift from her beloved son or daughter on her holiday. As a rule, children give their mothers for Mother’s Day crafts they made with their own hands in kindergarten or school. Especially often, mothers receive children's drawings along with congratulations - drawn, albeit not always skillfully, but incredibly touching and sincere. How to draw a beautiful drawing for mom on Mother's Day? Our simple master class with photos and step by step description will help beginning artists master the basics of pencil drawing and discover their creative talents. And since flowers are best gift for a woman, we will draw a bouquet of lilies of the valley for mom.

Materials for creating a step-by-step do-it-yourself drawing for mom for Mother’s Day in pencil:

  • piece of paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • sharpener

Step-by-step creation of a drawing for Mother's Day with your own hands using a pencil:

  1. It is better to draw a drawing for Mother's Day on white A4 paper. First we draw the base of the three stems.
  2. Then add two leaves.

  3. We give the stems volume and draw small branches with the help of which the lily of the valley flowers are attached to the plant.

  4. Draw silhouettes of flowers on the stem. We “crown” the end of the lower branch with berries.

  5. Now let's draw small parts– pistils, flower outlines.

  6. At the tops of the stems we draw berries, and along the tops we draw the silhouettes of lily of the valley flowers.

  7. It is better to slightly “roll” the sides of the sheets - this makes it more voluminous. All flowers need to be completed.

  8. To make the composition look more realistic, it is advisable to erase all intersections of detail lines.

  9. We shade individual fragments of details with a pencil and that’s it – our drawing for mom for Mother’s Day is ready! If desired, the composition can be colored with colored pencils.

Beautiful drawing for Mother’s Day “Mom with a child in her arms” for school - a step-by-step master class with photos

Children in school age They already have some drawing skills and are quite capable of mastering more complex compositions than in kindergarten. Which theme to choose? children's drawing for Mother's Day? We invite you to draw a beautiful drawing “Mom with a child in her arms” - like this step-by-step master class The photo can be used at school during labor lessons. Undoubtedly, your finished drawing for Mother's Day will definitely take first place on school competition or an exhibition.

List of necessary materials for a DIY drawing for Mother’s Day:

  • Whatman sheet
  • simple pencil
  • multi-colored pencils for coloring the picture (optional)
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions for creating your own drawing for Mother's Day:

  1. Before drawing the woman's head, you need to draw a circle and lines inside. The direction of the lines will determine the angle of the head - these are auxiliary details. Then you can start drawing the shape of the face.

  2. In the designated areas of the face we draw details - eyebrows, eyes and wrinkles near them, nose, lips.

  3. Draw the ear and hair.

  4. Let's start drawing the torso of a woman and a child wrapped in a diaper. We draw the base using geometric shapes and lines - we denote the baby’s head with a circle, and draw the body in the form of a rectangle. At the same time, we make sure that the proportions are maintained.

  5. We carefully draw the baby’s head - outline the shape, draw an ear, part of a hand clenched into a fist.

  6. Now we draw a diagram of the woman’s clothing, as well as her hands. Use an eraser to erase all unnecessary lines.

  7. We draw the details of the woman’s clothing, her hands, and the baby’s legs.

  8. The completeness of the composition will be given by the hair falling on the right side of the woman’s head. We finish drawing the folds on the clothes and the lines on the body - you can admire the finished drawing in the photo - it turned out quite realistic and beautiful.

    List of materials for drawing for Mother's Day in kindergarten:

    • drawing paper
    • set of paints – gouache
    • brushes of different thicknesses

    How to draw a picture step by step with paints for Mother’s Day with your own hands:

    On Mother's Day, you can organize an exhibition of drawings in kindergarten - this will be for mothers pleasant surprise and a reason to be proud of the artistic talents of their children.

    Children's drawing for Mother's Day step by step with your own hands, master classes on video

    The themes of drawings for Mother's Day are very diverse - flowers, cute animals, balls, characters from cartoons and fairy tales, landscapes, portraits. Children's compositions, drawn with their own hands, turn out to be touching and cute. With the help of our master classes on video, even a beginner little artist will be able to master drawings step by step and make beautiful gift mom on Mother's Day.

    Do-it-yourself drawing for Mother's Day is a great opportunity to express Creative skills young aspiring artist and make original gift mom on her holiday. How to draw a picture for mom on Mother's Day in kindergarten or school? We have selected the most the best master classes with step-by-step photos and videos on drawing with pencils and paints. With the help of our recommendations, the child will be able to draw a beautiful picture step by step and please his beloved mother. A best works can take part in an exhibition or drawing competition organized for Mother's Day. I wish you creative success!

Mother's Day is approaching. On the eve of this holiday, we are thinking: what to give to our beloved mother? You can find the answer to this question in our article. We have prepared some great ideas for DIY gifts.

You will need: 3 sheets of A3 format, black paper for pastels measuring 50x65 cm, scrapbooking paper of 2 types (red and with flowers), Moment Crystal glue, pencil, ruler, red satin ribbon, mug, 4 candy bars.

Master Class

  1. Take an A3 sheet of paper and draw out the diagram of the box.

  2. Take another A3 sheet and redraw the side edges of the box.

  3. Take the third A3 sheet and redraw the diagram of the box lid.

  4. Cut out the parts from 3 sheets.
  5. Glue the side edges of the box.
  6. Fold the edge of the lid 2 times inside.

  7. Secure with glue.
  8. Cover the sides of the box with black pastel paper.
  9. Cut from black paper blank according to the cover diagram.
  10. Cover the lid with black pastel paper.
  11. Cut out 4 rectangles measuring 15x16 cm from black pastel paper.
  12. Cut 4 rectangles measuring 13 x 14 cm from red scrapbooking paper.

  13. Cover with black rectangles inner part boxes.
  14. Place a piece of red ribbon in each direction.
  15. Glue the red rectangles to the inside of the box on top of the ribbons.
  16. Cut out a 15x16cm rectangle from floral scrapbooking paper.
  17. Glue it onto the center base of the box.

  18. Cut a 13 x 164 cm rectangle from floral scrapbooking paper and glue to the lid.
  19. Place 4 bars on the sides and tie with ribbons.
  20. Place the mug in the center, lift the edges and close the lid.

  21. Decorate the lid with ribbon and tie a bow.

Tulips made of corrugated paper and sweets

You will need: corrugated paper of favorite colors for buds, green corrugated paper for leaves, Raffaello candies, double-sided thin tape, green tape, satin ribbon, packaging material for a bouquet, scissors, wire, pliers, wooden stick, if desired, to create dew - transparent beads, glue gun, tweezers.

Master Class

  1. Prepare the wire by making the required number of stems of equal length.

  2. Cut long strips of corrugated paper, cut the long strip of corrugated paper into 2 pieces, then cut into 4 pieces. You should get 8 strips, 6 of them will be needed for the tulip bud.
  3. Turn each strip over the center, folding it so that the right sides of the strip are pointing in the same direction.

  4. Make 6 blanks in the same way.
  5. Attach double-sided tape to the tip of the wire.

  6. Attach the candy to the tip of the wire.
  7. Assemble a tulip bud in this way: take the first petal and attach it to tape. Place the second and third petals near the candy and, holding them with your fingers, secure with tape.

  8. Attach the remaining petals in the same way, forming a tulip bud and securing with tape.
  9. Trim the excess ends of the crepe paper at an angle at the base of the bud.
  10. Wrap the stem with tape.

  11. Cut a strip of green crepe paper.
  12. Cut into two almost equal parts.
  13. Fold each part 4 times and cut out the leaves.
  14. Pull each leaf out in a spiral using a wooden stick.

  15. Place a short leaf and a longer one below. Secure each leaf with tape. The tulip is ready! Make the required number of tulips of different colors.
  16. Assemble tulips into a bouquet in this way: connect 2 tulips and tie them with tape, then add one tulip at a time, placing the colors in a checkerboard pattern.

  17. Cut 20 leaves and place them around the perimeter of the bouquet, securing with tape.
  18. Wrap the bouquet in wrapping paper and tie with ribbon.

  19. Create dew drops on tulip buds by gluing clear beads using tweezers and hot glue.

Vase using decoupage technique

You will need: glass jar, acetone, cotton pad, sponge, decoupage napkins, brush, PVA glue, acrylic paints, twine, scissors, water-based acrylic varnish.

Master Class

A vase made from a jar using the decoupage technique is ready!

Fashion necklace

You will need: large colored rhinestones, plastic mesh or thick leather, satin ribbon, superglue, wire cutters, round teeth, gold wire, scissors, a simple pencil, a plate.

Master Class

Fashionable necklace is ready!

Salt dough pencil

You will need: water, flour, extra salt, cardboard jar for the frame, PVA glue, scissors, a piece of decorative rope or corrugated paper, gouache, brush, button, stacks, acrylic varnish for crafts, toothbrush.

Master Class

  1. Knead salty dough in this way: pour a glass of flour, a glass of salt, add water, then knead until the desired modeling consistency. Separate part of the dough, add beige gouache, then knead.
  2. Roll out the cake to a thickness of 10-15 mm.

  3. Apply PVA glue to the outer rim of the jar and wrap it with dough. Cut off the excess with a stack and smooth the joints with a damp brush.
  4. Create a small dotted texture with a toothbrush on the surface of the dough.
  5. Knead the brown dough, roll it into a flat cake 10-15mm thick.

  6. Cut a 5cm wide strip of brown pastry and glue it to the bottom of the jar.
  7. Make 2 from white dough large bases for the owl's eyes, then glue them on.
  8. Make a beak out of brown dough and glue it on.
  9. Make eyes from turquoise dough and glue them on.
  10. Roll out 8 strips of pink dough, twist them into 4 flagella and make a bow, then leave it to dry for 2 hours.
  11. Make droplet-shaped owl wings using brown dough, then glue them on.

  12. Weave ropes of beige dough and glue them onto the neck of the jar.
  13. Roll out a sausage from white dough, draw the texture of the lace with a stack and glue it as a collar under the beak.
  14. Place the craft in a warm place for a day.
  15. Paint the bottom and wings with brown gouache and decorate with white dots.

  16. Draw the pupils and eyelashes black gouache, wait until the paint dries, then paint white highlights on the eyes.
  17. Glue pink bow above the wing.
  18. Glue a button with a bow from a corrugated strip onto the lace.
  19. Cover the craft with varnish and wait until it dries completely.

Pencil from salt dough ready!

Head wreath made of foamiran

You will need: foamiran 0.5 cm thick (orange, yellow, cream, light green, dark green and red), scissors, toothpick, curly scissors, oil paint in autumn shades, sponge, sheet of paper, iron, floral wire, ruler, super glue, lighter, lilac clay (for blueberries) or beads, tape, foil, wire at least 2 mm thick and 60 cm long, ribbon or string, mold (leaf shape).

Master Class

  1. Print or draw leaf templates, then cut them out.

  2. Trace the templates onto foamiran with a toothpick, then cut them out.
  3. Make a sufficient number of multi-colored leaves, for example 60, remember, the more there are, the more magnificent and beautiful the wreath will look.

  4. Add realism to some of the leaves by trimming the edges with scissors.
  5. Scratch a small part of the leaves with a toothpick.
  6. Tint the leaves in this way: apply a little on the sponge oil paint, blot a sheet of foamiran, then remove the excess with a piece of paper.

  7. Combining colors: color the yellow foamiran leaf with light green and brown paint. Also, tone some yellow leaves with orange, red and light green paint. Protonate the red leaves brown, green leaves - burgundy, brown and dark green.

  8. Preheat the iron on the second setting, apply the sheet for 2 seconds, remove it and press it onto the mold to make an impression of the sheet. Repeat this process with all the leaves. Please note that this should be done quickly and very carefully, as foamiran is highly flammable. If you are new to this business, it is better to skip this point and proceed further.

  9. Cut the floral wire into 7 cm long pieces and make a loop at the end.
  10. Glue the floral wire to the front side of each leaf using super glue.

  11. Treat the edges of the leaf with fire using a lighter. The edges should be realistically curved. Repeat this process with all the leaves. Do this carefully, I remind you that foamiran is highly flammable.

  12. Roll a clay ball purple with the size of a blueberry. Make 15 berries, place each blueberry on a wire with a loop coated with super glue. Using the tips of a pair of scissors, score the tops of the blueberries and set aside to dry. Beads can be used as blueberries.

  13. Start assembling the wreath in this way: form small bouquets of leaves and berries, secure them with tape.
  14. Cut rose petals in the shape of a drop from red foamiran. One bud will require 10-15 petals. The number of buds depends on your desire; you can make from 3 to 7.

  15. Tint the edges of the petals with brown oil paint.
  16. Make the petals thinner in this way: heat the petal on the iron for 2 seconds, then fold it into an accordion and rub the petal with your fingers. Open the petal and create an indentation and curl the edge of the petal outward. Repeat this process with all the petals.

  17. Finish the edges of the petals using a lighter.
  18. Roll up a foil drop, make a loop on the wire, apply super glue and put on the foil drop.
  19. Glue 2 petals opposite each other and form a bud by gluing the petals in a checkerboard pattern, opening the flower slightly. Form the desired number of roses in the same way.
  20. Make the base for the wreath by cutting 60 cm of wire. Make loops at the ends.

  21. Cut the tape into 15 cm long pieces, fold each piece with the sticky side inward and cut lengthwise into 2 halves.
  22. Open the end of the tape, apply it to the base 10 cm from the edge and wrap the wire around it.
  23. Attach bouquets of leaves and berries, securing with tape.

  24. Weave them in the order you like best.
  25. Don't forget to insert roses in the spaces between the leaves.
  26. Attach a string or ribbon to the ends of the wreath.

The foamiran head wreath is ready!

Exquisite topiary

You will need: cream-colored sisal, alabaster, glue gun, newspaper, flower pots, yarn, barrel, scissors, decorative elements - flowers, beads...

Master Class

Exquisite sisal topiary is ready!

Handmade soap

Advantages of this soap: It has antibacterial and scrubbing properties, is ideal for oily and problem skin, and has a pleasant aroma.

You will need: 100 grams of soap base, zest of half a lemon, a teaspoon of liquid honey, a teaspoon of dried lavender flowers, 5 drops of lavender essential oil, 2 drops of lemon essential oil, mold, dishes.

Master Class

Lavender Citrus Soap self made ready!

Book safe