Cardboard theater. DIY puppet theater made of paper

It just so happens today that children spend most of their time in front of the monitor.

Parents are sometimes touched by watching how skillfully a two-year-old child uses a keyboard or a ten-year-old son sits quietly at home, not getting lost in the middle of nowhere. Over time, the computer replaces books, sports and even communication in the family. The time has come to sound the alarm: even the most advanced construction kits and robot dolls cannot compete with the Internet.

In search of an alternative to a harmful hobby, adults often forget about such a magical art as puppet theater. After all, young and even older children are not at all indifferent to performances with dolls. They adore simple and clear performances with a funny plot, long-familiar characters and a happy ending.

Take your children to puppet theaters more often? That's not bad either. But we are talking about the child’s behavior at home. After all, it’s not at all difficult to make dolls with your family, at no cost, in a cozy, friendly home environment. And even organize the most interesting performances. Here the children themselves will have to persuade their parents to play their favorite game.

Finger theater and child development

From the age of two, a child can retell a fairy tale or part of a dialogue he knows. He is very involved in the game and at the same time his speech is developed by the finger hero of the fairy tale. The child himself speaks for the bunny, for the wolf, for the fox. You can make such dolls with your own hands from paper.

Paper puppet theater

The simplest theater is a paper one. Every mother can make it with her own hands. It’s easy to do this even on the road or while walking. Creating finger puppets begins with drawing characters. This is a separate interesting process, and you can and should involve your child in it. But it’s easier and faster to create an entire puppet theater by printing ready-made doll templates, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet. And then we only need scissors and glue.

There is a flat and round finger theater, and both do not require much preparation. In the first case, these are the heads or the upper half of the pupa, which are placed on each finger using a paper tube. You don’t even have to make the doll’s head separately, but simply glue together bright tubes or even cones.

Before connecting the edges of the future tube, we create an image. To do this, we glue beaded eyes, sponges, antennae, wings, handles, clothes and other character attributes onto the blanks. The ears can be immediately planned on the pattern. Such dolls can be put on all fingers at once and create a real little show, playing with both hands.

Absolutely indispensable on a long journey and in a long line for entertaining the baby. And the child will not demand your iPhone, but will rather enthusiastically talk with the hero fingers or play out various scenes: from life, from the same computer game, or invented by him.

In the second case, the drawings have two holes for fingers and are glued to cardboard. The fingers inserted into the slots are the doll’s legs, which move and “revive” it. Only one such doll can fit on one hand, sometimes two.

Theater made of paper on wooden sticks

A puppet theater can be made no less interesting if, instead of fingers, you attach the characters of the play to sticks intended for examining the throat. Popsicle sticks are also great. Fairy-tale characters can be drawn or cut out from old color magazines and then pasted onto cardboard. Puppets on a stick will move in the slots of the landscape prepared for the performance. This scene is very easy to make from a piece of cardboard.

We color it according to the plot: like a clearing, a river bank or something else. The river itself, for example, can be replaced by a blue scarf thrown into such a clearing. Taking a stationery knife, we make several small cuts on the bottom side of the cardboard on the left and right and also, for example, below the left one. The openings for acting out the plot must accommodate two dolls at the same time.

Paper theater on plastic spoons

Plastic spoons can serve as an excellent material for a mini puppet theater using paper. You can glue bright pictures onto their convex “faces,” wrap paper strip scarves around their “necks,” and even put on paper dresses—the characters are ready for the play!

Tabletop paper theater on plastic cups, corks, cubes

Have you noticed that children sometimes just assign some cubes, corks or plastic cups to the role of dolls? Such is the power of their imagination! What if you stick appliqués depicting people or animals onto such items and play a little with your child?

The cubes are interesting because each face is decorated with a paper portrait of a new hero. You will get such a multi-faceted toy. With the help of paper, cups, corks and cubes will turn into a real puppet theater, and the game itself will become much more colorful and interesting. Most children will spend a long time acting out fairy tales and scenes from life, even without our participation. The “troupe” can be replenished endlessly or easily replaced with new characters.

A tabletop theater helps develop the child’s imagination, expressive, and coherent speech. With a little imagination, every adult, and following his example, a child, will be able to come up with and make with their own hands new interesting versions of their own paper puppet theater. For example, from paper bags or papier-mâché.

In a home theater, unlike other theaters where he mainly enjoys the spectacle, the baby can speak out. And here he receives the attention of his parents. And adults should carefully listen to the conversations the dolls are having in their child’s hands.

Home puppet theater will help parents introduce their child to art, develop his imagination, speech and creative abilities. The kid can try himself as an actor, and also take part in preparations for a theatrical performance. You will learn everything about how to make a home puppet theater with your own hands in our article.

Home dollDIY theater

Nowadays, it is not difficult to find attributes for holding a home performance. They can be purchased in specialized stores. But if you want to surprise your baby in a special way, make a puppet theater with your own hands. Let your child take part in this venture. A bright screen, colorful scenery, animated characters from your favorite fairy tales - and a sea of ​​genuine positive emotions will be guaranteed.

DIY screen for home puppet theater

Puppet theater at home cannot do without a screen. What should it be made of? We will tell you about the most popular options.

Quick screen

Are you itching to host a theatrical performance but running out of time? Make a screen quickly. To do this, just hang the fabric on a rope and fix it in the doorway. Use the waste material by cutting a window in it.

PECULIARITIES! Hold a theatrical performance outdoors. Such a pastime will not only give the baby a good mood, but will also benefit him.

If you don't want to ruin the fabric, you don't have to make a hole in it. In this case, the puppets in the performance will be located above the screen.

Sew the decorations carefully onto the material or secure with clothespins. Lightweight paper parts can be easily attached to an improvised partition using double-sided tape.

The screen is easily made from available items that can be found in every home. You will need a regular ironing board. Fix the fabric to its legs - the partition is ready. You can use the same method on a table.

Fiberboard screen

You can make both a tabletop and a floor screen from fiberboard. Naturally, in the second option you will need more materials and time. Such structures will last for more than one year.

What is needed to make a screen?

  • Fiberboard sheet.
  • Pencil.
  • Jigsaw (saw or knife).
  • Drill.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Ribbons or cords.
  • Dye.
  • Brush.
  • Textile.
  • Decor elements.

Sequence of work.

  • Transfer the templates for the screen parts onto a sheet of fiberboard and cut them out using a jigsaw.
  • Sand the ends and other irregularities with sandpaper.
  • Drill holes in the structural elements.

REFERENCE! Door hinges can be used to connect the parts of the fiberboard screen.

  • Paint the resulting base with water-based environmental paint.
  • Let the screen dry thoroughly. If necessary, apply several coats of paint.

  • Sew covers onto the design parts. Attach the elements to the fabric and trace with chalk, leaving seam allowances, then sew them together. Use thick and colorful materials. Gabardine, satin, and velvet are perfect. They will decorate the screen and give it solemnity. If desired, the covers can always be removed for washing. To add volume to the material, you can use various fillers (foam rubber, padding polyester, etc.).
  • Thread the tape through the holes and connect the structure.
  • Get decorating. Give free rein to your imagination. Let your baby take part in this creative process. Use ribbons, buttons, fringe, etc. to decorate.

Cardboard screen

This version of the screen is similar to the previous one, but it is less stable and durable.

What will you need to make?

  • Single-layer cardboard.
  • Corrugated cardboard.
  • Glue.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Scissors.
  • Decorative elements (paper, paint, etc.).

Sequence of work.

  • Trace the template for the future screen (you can download it on the Internet) with a pencil on cardboard or design the dimensions yourself.
  • Cut out the blanks.
  • To make the screen stable, stick several layers of corrugated cardboard on its front part; in the folded areas it is better to use one layer.
  • After the glue has dried (after about a day), connect the parts using thick thread, ribbon or lace. To do this, use an awl to make holes at the joints, then thread the thread or ribbon. The stitches must be large, otherwise you risk tearing the cardboard.
  • Paint the screen with paints or cover it with decorative paper (you can use unnecessary wallpaper).

Screen out of the box

A simple but worthy option. Surely you have an unnecessary box at home? Give it a second life and use it as a table screen.

  • Cut a window at the bottom of the box, perhaps in the shape of a theater curtain.
  • Straighten the elements of the box.
  • Remove the top and bottom side parts.
  • Paint the structure in several layers.
  • Make decorations from the leftover material: sun, trees, grass, etc.

REFERENCE! Do you want to surprise your baby? A home shadow theater is a great option. Make a screen for the performance by stretching fabric over a base of wooden blocks, or use a box and a white sheet of paper. Prepare figurines of future characters, glue them onto black cardboard and attach them to a wooden skewer.

Dolls for home puppet theater

Dolls for a home theater performance can be bought in a store or you can use your baby’s favorite toys. But it's best to make them yourself. Your baby will be happy to participate in their making and will not only receive a lot of positive emotions, but will also show his creative abilities. Such activities perfectly develop fine motor skills, calm the nervous system and help self-expression.

What dolls can be made at home?

Fabric mitten dolls

Such dolls are made from any fabric. If you want the toy to keep its shape well, use dense materials or glue the elements with doublerin. To make a mitten doll you will need:

  • pattern;
  • textile;
  • filler;
  • chalk or a piece of soap;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • decorative elements: buttons, fur, etc.

Work order.

  • Do pattern according to the size of your hand. To do this, trace it on paper or take a ready-made mitten as a basis. Don't forget to leave seam allowances.
  • Place the pieces together with the right sides facing in and sew.
  • Press the seams.
  • Turn the product right side out.
  • Do head pattern future doll. Draw a circle, choose its size as desired. Cut out 2 pieces of fabric and sew them with the right sides facing in, leaving a small hole. Turn the product right side out and fill it with filler (cotton wool, padding polyester, etc.). Carefully sew up the hole. Outline the facial features and do the hair. As peephole use buttons, beads or felt cutouts, embroider the mouth using thread. For the spout cut a small piece of fabric in the shape of a circle, hand-stitch along the edge, pull the end of the thread and fill the resulting “bag” with filler. To make hair, use a bunch of threads.

Finger puppets

These theatrical accessories are made according to the same principle as in the previous version. Only they will not be worn over the entire palm, but on your fingers. Such a doll can be sewn from fabric, felted from wool, knitted from thread or cut out from paper.

These toys will become indispensable when traveling, because they do not take up much space and will captivate children of any age. Even a baby will appreciate such a theatrical mini-performance.

Paper dolls

You can buy paper dolls at any bookstore or print templates from the Internet. If you are good at drawing, show your talent and depict the characters yourself using paints.

To make toys keep their shape better, choose thick paper, or stick the pictures onto a cardboard base. Attach the manufactured characters to plastic machines, matchboxes for stability, or use a frame in the form of pieces of wire, matches or ice cream sticks, etc.

Papier-mâché dolls

Pieces of paper are soaked in glue, and then theatrical props, masks, toys, etc. are made from the resulting mass. This technique is called papier-mâché. Making a whole doll using this method is quite difficult, so mixed techniques are suitable for beginners. The torso can be made of fabric, and the arms and head can be made using papier-mâché.

Dolls made of plasticine or salt dough

Make fairy-tale characters from plasticine, secure them to pieces of wire, matches or wooden skewers. Instead of plasticine, you can use salt dough.

Spoon dolls

These toys are easy to make. Both plastic and wooden spoons will work. Draw faces or glue ready-made appliques, sew clothes or cut them out of colored paper.

PECULIARITIES! Have a small children's party. Invite your child's friends to a home performance. Together with your child, prepare a poster for the show and tickets.

A fairy tale for home puppet theater

You can also prepare a script for a home puppet theater yourself and choose the presentation of popular children's fairy tales. For your first performances, choose simple, uncomplicated stories that will teach you important things in life. Gradually increase your repertoire. So that the child is interested and does not get tired, duration of productions should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

Good for home performance Russian folk tales(“Turnip”, “Teremok”, “The Three Little Pigs”, etc.), works by Chukovsky, etc. You can compose a piece yourself. Use musical accompaniment as a backdrop for the performance.

Children's puppet theater is a home concert that will help a child cope with fears, low self-esteem, and also spend his leisure time interestingly with his parents. The baby will be able to try himself as a designer, actor, director. Interesting productions can captivate even restless children.

Help your child discover his talents and show his creativity. If you have never held theatrical performances at home, be sure to do it, your child will be delighted, and photos from family performances will remind your child of a fun childhood.

How to make a puppet theater at home:useful video

Now you know, how to make a home puppet theater with your own hands. We invite you to additionally watch a master class on making a screen for a home puppet theater:

Even in times of technological breakthrough, when many children are addicted to electronic games, interest in puppet theater does not disappear. This cute and funny activity is interesting for both young children of preschool age and schoolchildren. After all, dolls are interesting characters who can tell various fables, fascinating stories and fairy tales. And this really attracts the attention of children. The so-called merry nativity scene is always in fashion.

What is a puppet theater for?

Such a simple play set is often used for the intellectual development of young children, and is also used to organize useful leisure time for the child at home. This is a hobby that allows children’s imagination as such to unfold and determine the facets of their creative abilities.

To organize interesting entertainment at home, you don’t need to run to the store and look for something similar. Make a puppet theater especially if you apply all the examples below.

What tools and materials are needed for creativity?

To make a home puppet theater with your own hands, you will need small and large scissors (separately for paper and fabric), craft material such as multi-colored foamiran, threads, a needle, a sewing machine, a glue gun, utility tools in the form of pipe cleaners, scraps of thick plain multi-colored material, empty cardboard boxes of various sizes, plastic pipes and corners for connections, a pencil or marker for drawing patterns, a ruler, a set of multi-colored paper sheets of various densities. This, in general, is the entire elementary set that may be needed in order to complete the samples given here.

If you still think that making a children's puppet theater with your own hands is difficult, proceed to further study the material in this article, and you will understand that the task for parents cannot be simpler. It turns out that we miss a lot of things in life, and when the child grows up, we find great ideas that could be very useful in the upbringing and development of the baby in the first years of life.

It is better to do homework together; it is interesting not only for the child, but also for the parents; it is especially fun and exciting to use the result after fruitful work. Fantasy helps to create a wide variety of characters.

Puppet theater screen project

Work on making the game set begins with designing the base. The so-called screen can be made in several ways. The simplest ones are shown in the photo below.

You can make such an original tabletop puppet theater with your own hands if you use plastic pipes, ordinary shoe boxes, or sew an original folding book from thick foamiran.

A sewn mini-curtain, which can easily be held on a glazing bead and attached to the door with Velcro, can also serve as a screen for a creative play set.

These very simple ideas will help you acquire such an amazingly interesting and useful game for children as a puppet theater. It is simple to do, but it will serve not only as a basis, but also as a decoration, so for its implementation, dense, beautiful material is taken - crimplene, velvet, velor.

Dolls made of cardboard and colored paper

After making the screen, they proceed directly to creating the characters themselves. These could be animals or fables. These are the types of samples that can fill your puppet theater.

With your own hands, patterns of this type can be easily cut out of cardboard with scissors. They are decorated with applique pasting of colored paper, suede and drawing with felt-tip pens or markers.

Two circles at the bottom of the figure are cut out to create a convenient hole for fingers to hold the character like scissors. Such dolls are very practical if they are made of thick cardboard.

Theatrical characters from foamiran

You can create amazingly interesting crafts for children using the simplest materials at hand. If you are serious about making a puppet theater with your own hands, the plans offered here will help you bring your ideas to life.

These cute little animals can be sewn from any dense material, as well as from plastic suede - foamiran.

You can make a very cute puppet theater with your own hands; patterns of samples are sewn according to the size of your palm. Here the mitt method is followed, reminiscent of kitchen mitts, which are simply easy to make even for a beginner in this matter. The characters have no legs, only upper paws that are controlled by the little finger. It is more convenient to use such dolls in the screen of the first type - made of plastic pipes.

The photo shows a version of appliqué patterns that can be sewn by hand, on a machine, or glued. Of course, the safer option is one that is stitched with thread. Below is a sample of a lion cub made from individual parts, as well as another applique idea.

Sew a puppet theater with your own hands - get a lot of positive emotions and please your little household members. These types of nativity scene characters will be a joy for kids when they first meet the animal world.

Crochet dolls

There are a lot of options for creating a game set. You can not only sew a puppet theater with your own hands, but also knit it from beautiful multi-colored threads. An example can be taken from such an uncomplicated simple sample.

Moreover, you can knit not only finger characters, but also mittens. You can also crochet the patterns of the parts given above, and then sew them together.

Nativity play set

You can make such a puppet theater with your own hands. The dolls here are made according to miniature patterns of fingertips.

In the second sample, an ideally thin drape is suitable for this appliqué suture method. Regular beads were used to decorate the faces. Neat products are obtained by sewing the parts together on a machine.

But the first option is manual work. And it looks good too.

Origami and an interesting nativity scene

A fun activity is to make a puppet theater with your own hands. Dolls can be varied; they can be made from ordinary colored paper using the origami method. This interesting example of characters can be made using the diagram below.

Following the order of folding the sheet, you can create a simple face of any animal character; it can be completed with a ballpoint pen, paints, felt-tip pens or markers.

We greatly underestimate the various elements of everyday life, which, it turns out, make a magnificent puppet theater. The screen is made with your own hands from plastic pipes, who would have thought! But puppet characters can be made from brushes for cleaning them. It turns out to be such a cheerful example of miniature fairy-tale heroes.

The brush is screwed onto the finger of the one who will control the dolls, after which ears and handles are formed, a muzzle from a prepared cotton pompom is glued, as well as eyes, which can be factory-made blanks or ordinary beads.

Fascinating spiral dolls will delight any child. Such toys are certainly not sold in the store.

So, anyone can make a do-it-yourself puppet theater, patterns and descriptions of samples of which are given in this article. The main thing is to have a desire to develop creative inclinations in your children and not to miss very valuable time in upbringing - preschool age, when the child requires special attention.

Children constantly need a cheerful fairy-tale atmosphere. They learn certain behavior from the heroes of fairy tales. The richer the puppet theater repertoire, the better. So you shouldn’t dwell on the creativity of animals alone.

In order for the puppet theater to last as long as possible, in its manufacture it is worth using only new materials - paper, fabric, scraps of foamiran. Such a play set must be stored separately from all children's toys to prevent it from being damaged. After all, the decor of the screen and many of the details on the dolls themselves require special care.

Ready-made theater sets are used for role-playing games, in which the entire character of the baby is revealed. He must be directly involved in voicing a character. After all, a passive viewer is not for children. Therefore, when making a puppet theater, always listen to the wishes of the child.

Unusually simple ideas can bring comfort, fun and excitement to your home. Often the whole friendly family gathers at the puppet theater, especially on holiday weekends. So use the collected material and improve it at your own discretion. All the ideas proposed here do not require unaffordable financial costs or a large amount of free time for their implementation. In just a couple of hours you can create a theater screen and several elegant and cute finger puppets.

A puppet theater is not a ready-made toy; you need to work hard to create it, and to discover all its secrets it’s worth a little effort and imagination.

If you don’t know how to captivate a child today in an era of many modern toys that, for the most part, are not particularly useful, immediately start creating such an original brainchild.

Together with your child, make a puppet theater, stage and theatrical props at home. You will have something to surprise your guests and please your family on quiet family evenings. Fairy-tale characters will help feed, put to sleep, cheer, and educate the baby. Home theater is an excellent way of speech, emotional, and creative development. And most importantly, it is a joint activity that unites all family members. There are enough roles for everyone!

Organizing a home theater does not require large financial expenditures; a lot can be made from scrap materials with your own hands. Just be prepared to sacrifice your time. But it's worth it, believe me! The sparkling eyes of a child, a storm of emotions, invaluable experience, funny photographs in the family archive, applause from the audience - this is not the entire list of future “dividends”.

Hiding behind dolls, getting used to the images of heroes, children often say things that they would not say in ordinary life. When playing in the theater, a child plays out what worries him at the moment, and on behalf of a fairy-tale character he tells his own problems, experiences, and fears. Staging performances helps improve communication skills, develops expressive speech and the ability to formulate one’s thoughts.

Let's look at what a home theater can be like, what and how to make dolls from.

How to make puppets for the theater

There are a lot of different finger puppets and glove dolls on sale. We will talk about dolls that you can easily make yourself at home. Sometimes you don’t have to know how to sew to do this.

You don't need to make many dolls. The gray wolf, fox, bear, hare and other popular heroes can participate in a huge number of fairy tales.

Finger puppets for home theater

You can introduce children to theater from a very early age. The roles of the main actors will be played by our fingers. They just need to be dressed up a little. Over time, the little one will act out short scenes himself.

Puppets for home theater can be connected with a key.

Finger puppets can be sewn from scraps of fleece, felt or bright cotton and knitted fabrics.

Finger puppets can be made from paper using the origami technique.

Special developments allow you to make the figures more complex.

Stomper dolls

Stomper dolls are interesting and easy to make. Thick cardboard will do. It turns out to be a real walking doll!

Any flat picture with two holes for the index and middle fingers will become a talented actor in your home theater in a matter of minutes, able to walk, jump and run funny.

Glove puppets for theater

Lost gloves, socks without a pair, mittens, leftover fabric, felt, yarn, etc. will be used.

A sock can turn into anyone if you sew on eyes, forelocks and other missing details of the image.

If the doll is made in such a way that it can open its mouth, that's great! A character who speaks and moves his lips (mouth) believably is capable of many things.

A simple pattern in the form of a potholder. Draw heroes on the front side.

Knitted dolls in the form of a mitten.

Glove puppets can be made from broken toys. It is enough to attach the head to the glove cover. Heads from rubber toys are great.

You can not only sew a doll for your hand, but also felt it from wool.


You need to learn how to control a puppet. Coordination and dexterity are important here.

You can make a doll from balls, large beads, or a piece of fabric. Be sure to cross and fishing line.

Dolls on a stick

Dolls made from disposable spoons. Fast - and comfortable to hold!

You can use wooden skewers or ice cream sticks as holders.

Dolls on stands

You can cut out characters for your home theater from magazines or make figurines yourself. Be sure to stick it on thick cardboard and make stands.

Shadow play

It’s not difficult to set up a home shadow theater - a white sheet will serve as a screen, and instead of a projector you can take a regular table lamp.

You can invent and show characters using your hands.


Making a flannelgraph is simple - a piece of plywood or a board is covered with plain flannel. The characters are glued onto thick cardboard (you can cut out pictures from magazines or download them from the Internet). Velvet paper or sewing Velcro is glued to the back side.

Let the fairy tale come to life!

Dear readers! Do you have experience organizing a home theater? Perhaps you attended performances organized by mothers and fathers you know with their children? Maybe you know how to make scenery and puppets for the theater? Tell us about it in the comments.

Home puppet theater is a good way to develop a child. In particular, the project promotes the development of speech, imagination, and fine motor skills. At the same time, dolls have an excellent psychotherapeutic effect, since they can help a child cope with his fears and worries, as well as receive the attention that is sometimes so lacking. You can make a puppet theater for kindergarten with your own hands, and this applies not only to dolls, but also to screens and decorations.

Making dolls

Dolls can be made from completely different materials, including scrap materials. However, their size is not important. They can be finger-shaped, in the form of gloves or stationary figures.

Felt finger characters

Finger puppets allow you to develop your child’s fine motor skills, thinking and speech. Making miniature dolls is very simple. To do this, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • felt;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • pattern paper;
  • pencil.

You can draw the pattern for the character yourself. To do this, it is first recommended to choose a fairy tale or story that will be staged, and then carefully think through its characters. After this, you can start making characters:

When making finger puppets, you should immediately decide who will wear them. If this is a child, then the holes in the dolls should be such that the characters do not fall off during the performance.

Modeling paste

A good material for making dolls can be a special modeling paste. It can be replaced with salt dough or plasticine. The advantages of this material are that it can be used to make both finger puppets and stationary puppets. To make characters you need to prepare:

The sculpting process is quite difficult for a child, so an adult needs to be shown step by step how to make this or that figurine. At the same time, it is still worth leaving the child the opportunity to express his imagination. If a human figurine is needed for staging, you can sculpt it as follows:

  1. From a piece of pasta measuring 2*3 cm you need to roll a sausage and then form it into a cylinder. His figure should resemble a matryoshka doll with a torso and head. Make a notch at the bottom of the cylinder for your finger.
  2. Separately sculpt the arms that need to be attached to the body.
  3. All facial features can be made using a plasticine stack or knife.
  4. You can paint the character after the paste has dried and hardened.

Paper fairy tale heroes

Paper dolls are very easy to make, but they can be disposable because they tear easily during use. The size of the dolls depends on personal preference. They can be worn on a finger or the entire hand. To make a paper doll, you can cut out special templates along the contour, and then glue them in pairs so that both the back and the back sides match the characters. There is an easier way to make paper dolls:

  1. You need to glue a small tube from a sheet of colored paper by twisting the sheet and gluing it along the edge. Its dimensions depend on the type of puppet theater. The doll can be worn on a finger or be stationary
  2. On the resulting blanks you need to glue elements of the face and hands depending on the character.

It's better not to throw away plastic spoons

You can also make dolls from scrap materials. Plastic spoons do an excellent job of this. For such characters you need to prepare:

Additionally, you may need ready-made plastic eyes, as well as felt-tip pens or markers. After preparing all the necessary tools, you can proceed directly to making dolls. To do this you need:

  1. Glue or draw eyes on the convex side of the spoon.
  2. Wrap the fabric around the handle of the spoon and tie it with a ribbon to make a dress. If a male character is being made, then a bow tie can be glued at the junction of the handle and the convex part of the spoon.
  3. Make hair from colored paper. To do this, cut a fringe on one side of the strip, and then glue the whole part to the convex part of the spoon.

You can also use other available materials. For example, you can make smeshariki from disks with your own hands or take ice cream sticks.

Socks will help

You can very quickly make a puppet theater out of socks with your own hands. To make such characters, you must adhere to the following instructions:

Decorations for performances

Particular attention must be paid to the decorations. The easiest way to make them is from thick cardboard. To do this, you need to draw the required element on cardboard and then cut it along the contour. Additionally, you need to glue clothespins to the decoration, which will be used to attach the decorations to the screen. It is recommended to disguise them, since the fasteners cannot spoil the appearance of the stage or attract attention to themselves. Therefore, the clothespins should be disguised as part of the decoration, for example, as a figurine of a flower or mushroom. The number of clothespins depends on the size of the decoration itself.

Theater screen

The screen is the basis of the puppet theater in kindergarten. Its appearance depends on the type of theater. This could simply be a fabric curtain that can be used to cover the hole under the table. In this case, all actions will take place at the level of the table top. You can also make a dollhouse out of fabric with your own hands, the patterns for which you can draw yourself. If you are making a finger puppet theater with your own hands or using glove puppets, then you will need a table screen. It can be made from different materials.

A plywood screen will turn out to be very light, and it will last for many years. To make it you need to prepare:

  • plywood;
  • jigsaw;
  • wallpaper or fabric;
  • door hinges.

  1. Cut 3 blanks from the main material, that is, one central part and two sidewalls. They need to be covered with fabric or wallpaper.
  2. After all three parts are dry, they need to be connected using door hinges. This will allow you to close the screen and fold it.

In a similar way, you can make a screen from cardboard. However, it is recommended to make it three-layer, which will significantly increase the strength of the structure. It is not necessary to connect the parts with door hinges; they can simply be sewn together.

The age of children who go to kindergarten places special demands on the action itself. For a theatrical performance, it is recommended to choose simple, uncomplicated plots that are nevertheless capable of teaching important life things. Gradually, the repertoire can be increased, while periodically returning to already staged performances. The peculiarity of children is that they quickly get tired and stop paying attention to some subject. This means that the duration of the performance should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Additionally, you can use musical accompaniment.

A puppet theater in a kindergarten will help not only to reveal the talents of each child, but also to unite the team. And not only at the stage of staging fairy tales, but also in the process of making dolls. The children will definitely be delighted and will definitely not forget the emotions they felt at these moments.

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