How to properly give an injection in the buttock, thigh or subcutaneously to yourself or someone else. Thigh grafting technique, step-by-step description of the procedure

For some diseases, a course of intramuscular injections may be prescribed, which will need to be administered at home. In our fast-paced life, not everyone has time to wait in line at medical offices to undergo this procedure. It is quite possible to give an injection yourself, the most important thing is to follow a number of rules for preparing and performing the manipulation.

How to inject yourself: preparation

In order to safely inject yourself, you must follow a number of rules. They will consist of the correct preparation of the syringe with the medicine, treatment of the injection site and the position for the injection.

First of all, it is worth remembering that, in principle, any muscle of the body is suitable for an injection, but it is most appropriate to use the gluteal and thigh muscles, which are best suited for these purposes. In the case of an injection into the gluteal muscle, there is less likelihood of any complications. But this option is most acceptable if the injection is performed by someone else.

Before performing the injection, you need to practice in front of a mirror and take the most comfortable position. Sometimes it is easier to give an injection not standing in front of a half-turn mirror, but lying on the floor or sofa. The main condition is that the surface is hard.

If you decide to inject into the thigh, you must choose the injection site correctly. It is best to use the front of the thigh. The injection site should be 1 palm upward from the knee. When injecting, it is necessary to look at the place where the needle is supposed to enter so as not to get into the vessel. When injecting into the thigh, it is best to take a sitting position, and the leg should be relaxed, you cannot lean on it.

After determining the pose, you can begin to prepare everything you need. To carry out the injection, you will need alcohol wipes soaked in 96 percent alcohol, a syringe, the volume of which will depend on the volume of the drug, and of course, the ampoule with the drug itself.

Before drawing the solution into a syringe, you must wash your hands thoroughly under running water. Before opening, the ampoule must be treated with an alcohol wipe; only then can it be opened. After opening the ampoule, you need to charge the syringe and draw the medicine into it. It is important that there are no air bubbles left in the syringe and needle.

Before injecting the drug, it is necessary to release a certain amount of the drug from the syringe needle. The injection site must be wiped with an alcohol wipe, using movements in one direction. Rubbing movements from side to side are not allowed. At this point the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed directly to the injection.

How to give an intramuscular injection yourself?

The most important thing in the process of self-injection is the absence of fear, no matter how difficult it may be. When frightened, many people's hands shake, which can lead to bruises. The worst thing you need to overcome when performing an injection is the fear of piercing your own skin. But it’s not as painful as it seems, and you’ll only have to endure it for a moment.

The syringe must be taken in the right hand, and the injection is accordingly performed in the left buttock, and vice versa. Visually, it is necessary to divide the buttock into 4 equal squares, drawing 2 intersecting straight lines. The injection should be made in the upper right square. And it is into it that with a decisive movement it is necessary to insert ¾ of the length of the needle. Even if the needle goes in completely, there is nothing to worry about.

While holding the syringe, it is necessary to intercept it so that it is convenient to press on the plunger and inject the medicine. Press the plunger of the syringe with the thumb of your right hand. The medicine must be administered slowly, this is important so that it is better absorbed. This condition also prevents the formation of hematomas and compactions after injections.

After the medicine has been administered, you need to take an alcohol wipe and press down on the injection site with your left hand, and carefully but quickly pull out the syringe at a right angle with your right hand.

How to inject yourself: subcutaneous injection

In some cases and when using certain medications, it is necessary to give a subcutaneous injection. The method of its implementation is, on the one hand, simple, but on the other hand, it is responsible. If you are injecting someone, it is best to do it in the arm, but if you need to inject yourself, it is best to inject it in the stomach.

Some manage to successfully inject themselves into the arm. To perform this procedure, you need to bend your arm at the elbow and inject from the outside at a distance of 2/3 from the shoulder to the elbow. The rules for preparing and processing the injection site remain the same.

Before the injection, it is necessary to form a skin fold; it is worth remembering that it is the skin that needs to be captured, not the muscle. The fold should be parallel to the arm line. It is into this that the injection must be made; the needle should enter at an angle of 45 degrees. And only after the puncture you need to slowly inject the medicine.

To carry out an injection in the stomach, the same preparatory measures must be taken. The needle should be inserted at a distance of 2 - 3 cm from the navel, to the right or left. To carry out the injection, it is also necessary to form a perpendicular fold on the body, involving exclusively the skin. The needle is inserted at an angle of 30 - 40 degrees.

How to inject yourself: safety rules

  • In any case, before using the drug, you must read the instructions for possible allergies or contraindications.
  • It is necessary to strictly monitor the sterility of the injection, otherwise it is fraught with many complications.
  • If you need to give several injections, alternate the buttocks daily to give them a rest.
  • It is best to use imported syringes, as their needles are the thinnest and sharpest. It is also worth remembering that 2 cc syringes have much thinner needles compared to 5 cc syringes.
  • Under no circumstances should the syringe be reused! It must be thrown away, having first tightly closed the needle with the safety cap.

How to choose a place for an intramuscular injection? Injection into the muscle: how to choose a place on the buttock. Where to give an injection in the thigh?

Injection into a muscle: which one?

It is known that the most common injections in medicine are intramuscular. It is the muscles that are the first to be ready to expose themselves to an injection if necessary, the main thing is to know which part of the muscle to choose - so that the injection is less painful and complications are more likely to be avoided.

And if of all types of injections intramuscular ones are the most common, then the most important muscle for injection is the gluteal one.

How to divide the buttock into parts for an injection?

Many people know that the best place for an intramuscular injection is the gluteal muscle. Many people have heard about the outer quadrant, which needs to be pricked. But when it comes to the actual injection, the question of where to insert the needle takes many by surprise.

It's actually simple. We choose the “half-butt”: right or left. Now we mentally divide this half of the buttock into four identical parts. The lower squares are not suitable for injection; from the upper ones, the one that is farthest from the spine is needed. So it turns out: Upper Outer quadrant.

The purpose of these divisions is to get to that part of the muscle where there are the fewest nerve endings and large vessels, there is no bone close to the surface. It is in the upper outer quadrant that the likelihood of hitting the sciatic nerve or gluteal artery is minimal.
In addition, by injecting into the upper outer quadrant, we are most likely to inject into the muscle (if the needle is of sufficient length), and not into the subcutaneous fat layer, and we will insert the needle at a sufficient distance from the bones and spine.

You can read more about intramuscular injections on this page of the Site about syringes and injections

NB: Up to 6 ml can be injected into the gluteal muscle (maximum 10 ml)

Where should I give the injection in the leg?

It is also possible to inject into the thigh muscle.
The safest place is considered to be the middle part of the front thigh.
The most favorable injection site in the thigh muscle should be determined as follows:
you need to place your palm on your thigh so that your fingertips barely touch your knee. The most favorable place for an injection is the base of the palm (like the center of the thigh). Inspect this area of ​​your leg, avoiding large blood vessels that are visible.
Intramuscular injections are not performed in the back leg, below the buttock.

When giving injections to young children and malnourished adults, you should pinch the skin and muscle to ensure that the drug is injected into the muscle.

The result of therapy largely depends on the thoroughness of following the instructions of the attending physician. Many drugs are most effective and safe in the form of an injection, and therefore patients are forced to visit the treatment room in the clinic throughout the entire course of treatment. Which may be inconvenient due to poor health or a busy schedule.

The way out of this situation is to learn how to inject yourself. Having figured out how to properly inject yourself into the thigh intramuscularly, and having developed practical skills, you can follow the doctor’s instructions yourself at any convenient time. Our article will help you with this. Let's figure it out

Preparation for the procedure

Preparing for the injection is an important part of the procedure. All necessary items must be within maximum accessibility, and all hygiene requirements must be strictly observed.

Before injecting yourself in the thigh, you need to prepare:

  • a bottle of antiseptic or disposable wipes soaked in an alcohol solution;
  • cotton wool or cotton pads;
  • sterile syringe;
  • file for opening the ampoule;
  • ampoules with the drug.

The injection solution should be at room temperature. Therefore, if the drug was stored in the refrigerator, the ampoule needs to be warmed up by holding it in your hand.

The last stage of preparation is washing your hands with soap, and then subsequent treatment with an antiseptic. The most effective solution is an alcohol solution that kills almost all known bacteria. But you can also use a water-based hand spray.

Preparing the syringe

After treating your hands, you need to take a file and make cuts on the narrowest part of the ampoule or on a special mark. After this, the ampoule is wrapped in cotton wool and the glass is broken with a sharp movement.

The package with the syringe is torn, the protective cap is removed from the needle, and the drug is drawn into the syringe. Then the protective cap is put on the needle, and air is released from the syringe cavity. It is necessary to put on the cap so as not to splash the medicine around the room.

An important point is the choice of syringe. Regardless of the volume of injected liquid, the volume of the syringe should not be less than 5 ml. The fact is that its size correlates with the length of the game. Therefore, 2 ml syringes are only suitable for subcutaneous injection.

Dilution of the drug

Some medications require prior dilution. The manufacturer can produce the medicine in the form of two ampoules: one will contain the drug in the form of a tablet or powder, the other will contain a liquid for diluting the medicine. In this case, it is necessary to prepare the drug as follows:

  • file and break both ampoules;
  • draw the dilution solution into the syringe;
  • fill the ampoule with the medicine with the solution;
  • After the powder or tablet has dissolved, fill the syringe with the medicine.

In a similar way, the drug solution is mixed with an anesthetic, which eliminates pain before and after the injection. But in this case, it is important to take into account the risk of an allergic reaction to the anesthetic component.

After this, you can start injecting, but before that you need to figure out how to properly inject yourself in the thigh.

Where to give the injection

An intramuscular injection is most often performed in the gluteal region. To do this, the buttock is visually divided into four equal parts, and the injection is placed in the upper outer corner. This method is used in any medical institution where manipulations are not performed by patients independently.

When it comes to injecting yourself, it is better to inject into the thigh. This method is convenient because a person injects himself in the most comfortable position and gets the opportunity to control the progress of the process, for example, the angle of insertion of the needle into the body. All that remains is to find out.


After the preparatory stage is completed and the medicine is drawn into the syringe, you need to decide on the point where to place the injection. It is possible to make an intramuscular injection into the thigh on the outside of the leg, into the vastus lateralis muscle, which is located along the entire length of the side of the leg to the kneecap.

The needle is inserted with a confident, quick movement strictly at a right angle to the surface of the leg. It needs to be inserted completely to ¾ of the length and only then the drug should be injected slowly. Recommendations for the rate of drug administration are usually indicated in the instructions for the drug. A good indicator that the drug was administered too quickly is if the person feels worse, such as feeling weak or dizzy.

After emptying the syringe, you must pull out the needle in one motion, while simultaneously pressing the injection site with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or other antiseptic solution.

Injection pain

Even if a person knows well, he may encounter pain. And the measures that need to be taken to combat pain depend on the cause of its occurrence:

  1. It is recommended to use imported syringes that have thinner needles. An injection with such a syringe will be almost imperceptible.
  2. Injections with some drugs are quite painful no matter how well the technique is used. In this case, you can dilute the drug with a solution of Lidocaine, but it is important to remember that anesthetics can cause an acute allergic reaction, so it is not advisable to use them at home.
  3. Often pain occurs due to the wrong angle of insertion or removal of the needle from the body. In both cases, the angle should be exactly 90 degrees.
  4. Immediately after the injection, it is recommended to press a cotton swab or alcohol-soaked napkin tightly to the injection site. After the bleeding stops, you need to gently massage your thigh, which will improve the absorption of the medicine into the bloodstream.
  5. Often pain occurs towards the end of the course of treatment, when injections are repeatedly placed in the same place. To avoid this, you need to alternate the injection site, and if hematomas appear, use means to get rid of them. For example, heparin ointment.

Therefore, before injecting yourself in the thigh, you need to carefully read the instructions for the drug and once again remember the basic rules for injecting yourself.

Fear of injections

The main problem that people face before injecting themselves in the thigh is the psychological discomfort of inserting a needle into their body. This entails the following problems:

  • if a person cannot relax, his muscular system is tense, it will be more difficult to insert the needle, and most likely the person will experience pain;
  • with strong tension and fear, it will be difficult for a person to coordinate his actions enough to insert the needle at the most correct (straight) angle.

There is only one way to get rid of the fear of injecting yourself in the thigh: try to relax the muscle into which the injection is being made as much as possible and insert the needle with a confident movement. After the first successful experience, anxiety before the procedure will noticeably decrease, and next time there will be no fear of an injection.

Injection position

To ensure that the muscle is relaxed and the injection does not cause pain, you need to take a comfortable position for the injection. The most comfortable positions for giving an injection into the thigh muscle are sitting and standing.

While standing, you need to shift your weight to the other leg so that the thigh muscles into which the injection is made are relaxed. You should do the same when giving yourself an injection while sitting.

Common Mistakes

Despite the fact that the instructions on how to inject yourself in the thigh are extremely simple and clear, people often make the same mistakes, not paying attention to the recommendations and instructions.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use the same needle several times or touch its surface until it is inserted into the body.
  2. You should alternate the injection site to avoid hematomas.
  3. When working with a new drug that has not been used before, it is better to give the first injection of the course in the treatment room. In the event that intolerance to the components of the drug occurs, the medical professional will be able to quickly take the necessary actions. In practice, this happens extremely rarely, but the seriousness of such a situation should not be underestimated.
  4. You cannot spontaneously change drugs to analogues, vary the dosage or degree of dilution of the drug. Any changes to the doctor’s initial recommendations can only be made by the doctor himself during a face-to-face consultation.

In conclusion, it should be said about the disposal of the syringe and ampoule after the injection. A protective cap should be put on the needle, and the broken ampoule should be wrapped in paper, such as syringe packaging. This way you can protect yourself and other people from the risk of injury from glass or the point of a medical needle.

Thus, knowing the injection technology, having studied the instructions, useful tips and photos (now you understand how to inject yourself in the thigh), it is quite possible to independently carry out the doctor’s instructions in a comfortable environment: at home, without long waits in line at the treatment room office and adjusting your schedule to the nurse’s working hours.

There are many medications that, when administered subcutaneously, cause pain and bumps. Therefore, the doctor recommends administering such drugs as an injection into the thigh or another part of the body. Through the muscles, the medicine is absorbed faster and completely into the body.

Intramuscular injections need to be placed in specific areas of the body. Namely, where the muscle tissue does not have large vessels and nerve trunks. The length of the needle is affected by the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. It is important that when performing an injection, the needle passes through the subcutaneous tissue and penetrates into the thickness of the muscles. If the subcutaneous fat layer is very large, you need to take a 60 millimeter needle, and if it is moderate, 40 millimeters. Intramuscular injections can be given to the gluteal, shoulder and thigh muscles.

Correct placement of injections in the thigh

If you need to give an injection in the thigh, it is important to know some rules for its implementation. To carry out the manipulation, prepare:

  1. Pieces of cotton wool soaked in alcohol;
  2. Three-component syringe 2.5 - 11 millimeters;
  3. A medicine that needs to be injected into a muscle.

Wash your hands well before giving the injection. Then wipe the ampoule with the drug with alcohol-preserved cotton wool, shake it, file it down and carefully remove the top. Draw the medicine into the syringe. Tap the syringe and press down on its plunger to release air and excess bubbles. When the first drop of medicine appears, it is safe to say that there is no longer any air in the syringe.

Technique for performing an injection in the thigh:

  1. First you need to figure out exactly where the injection can be given. Sitting on a chair, bend your knee. The side of your thigh, hanging slightly from the chair, will be the injection site. It is important to relax the hip as much as possible;
  2. Lubricate the injection site with alcohol-soaked cotton wool;
  3. At an angle of 90 degrees, firmly insert the needle into the femoral muscle no more than two centimeters;
  4. Slowly inject the medication into the muscle;
  5. Press the injection site with a second alcohol-soaked cotton swab and carefully remove the needle;
  6. In order for the drug to be better absorbed and the alcohol to disinfect the wound, massage the injection site a little.

Upon completion of the procedure, throw the used syringe with an empty ampoule into the trash.

Important points:

  1. To prevent your hips from hurting after regular injections, it is recommended to give injections to both hips in turn;
  2. For injections, it is best to buy high-quality syringes with thin and sharp needles;
  3. It is prohibited to reuse the syringe for injection.

We inject into the lateral muscle

To inject into the vastus thigh muscle, place your right hand twelve centimeters higher than the femur. Place your left hand two centimeters above the patella. The thumbs should lie in one line. There will be a place in the center of the index fingers and thumbs where you can place the injection.

If you are going to give the injection to a child or an adult with a thin build, the skin and muscle should be gathered into a fold to make sure that the medicine gets to the right place.

Injection into the deltoid muscle

If it is impossible to give an injection in the thigh, it is given in the deltoid muscle area. The injection technique in this case is as follows:

  1. Remove clothing from the patient's shoulder and shoulder blade;
  2. Let the patient relax. Bend his arm at the elbow;
  3. Having felt the edge of the acromial process of the scapula, determine the place where you can place the injection - this will be a point five centimeters below the process;
  4. Lubricate the injection site with alcohol-based cotton wool and stretch it a little with your fingers;
  5. With your other hand, carefully insert the needle into the muscle and slowly inject the medicine;
  6. Then press the injection site with cotton wool and remove the needle;
  7. Gently massage the injection site.

Wait until the blood stops flowing and throw the syringe and cotton wool into the trash.

Helpful advice! To make an injection into the thigh or other part of the body less painful, you need to relax the muscles as much as possible. It is also important that the manipulation was carried out by another person. Because if a patient injects himself, he strains his muscles. What causes pain and discomfort during procedures.

Determining the injection site

Any injections must be done in the correct place so as not to damage the blood vessels and not cause hemorrhage under the skin. If you decide, divide the butt half into four equal parts. It is best not to inject the drug into the lower squares. The injection site will be the upper square, distant from the spine, that is, the upper outer square.

Why do you need to mentally draw a square? In order to choose the place where there are the fewest endings and large vessels. It is also important not to get into the bone, so as not to damage it and break the needle in the process, because this is very dangerous. It is in the upper square that you will not touch the area of ​​the sciatic nerve or gluteal artery.

In addition, the injection will be performed specifically in the muscle, and not in the subcutaneous fat layer. The needle will not be able to touch the bones and spine.

Remember! No more than six milliliters of the drug can be injected into the buttock muscle.

To make the correct injection into the leg area, determine where the front surface of the thigh is. Before the procedure, you need to carefully examine the thigh to avoid the needle getting into the blood vessels. It is forbidden to inject in the area at the back of the leg or below the buttock.

In order not to cause injury to the thigh, it is allowed to inject no more than three milliliters of the drug into the femoral muscle in one manipulation.

Learning to give injections without pain

The degree of pain during manipulation depends on the drug, the quality of medical instruments, and how the patient behaves.

It is important that the patient relaxes the thigh muscle as much as possible during the injection. The calmness of the nurse also affects the result of the injection.

Painless injections can only be done when the needle is sharp and smooth and the medicine is infused slowly into the muscle.

If you buy a syringe with a low-quality needle, it can scratch the skin, which will lead to its damage, and the wound after the injection will take longer to heal. Thanks to the sharp triangular sharpening on the needle, with a high-quality injection, the skin and tissue will remain intact.

If the medicine enters the muscle very difficultly, it scratches it. Therefore, it is important that the needle enters the muscle correctly so that the drug gets to the right place without obstructions.

When buying syringes, make sure that they have black rubber bands on the plunger. If the manufacturer is responsible, he will make the elastic from safe rubber. Thanks to this material, the syringe piston will move smoothly, and accordingly the muscles will not be injured.

How medications are administered

If the injection solution is saline, pain will be felt during manipulation. But here you have to be patient. To alleviate the patient’s suffering, the medicine can be diluted with lidocaine or novocaine. Such drugs relieve pain well. It is only important to know for sure whether the patient is allergic to them. Painkillers should only be prescribed by a doctor. You cannot use them yourself! If the medicine cannot be numbed with anything, it is important to relax as much as possible when giving the injection, and also purchase high-quality syringes for the procedures.

Now you know how to properly give an intramuscular injection into the thigh and other areas of the body. And also what needs to be done to ensure that the procedures are not very painful, but only bring health benefits. If your doctor has prescribed intravenous injections for you, entrust them to experienced specialists.

Today's lesson will be devoted to how to properly give yourself an intramuscular injection in the thigh. We already have the material, there is no difference between them. Any medicine is injected into both the thigh and the buttock; each person chooses the method that will be more convenient for him. It is believed that if you give an injection with your own hands, it is much more convenient in the thigh. Remember that you must have a special needle for intramuscular injections, its length is about 4 cm.


1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
2. Take the ampoule with the required remedy, shake it so that the medicine is at the very bottom. Break off the tip of the ampoule.
3. We take the medicine from the ampoule (preferably with a separate needle).
4. Shake the syringe so that the air bubbles are at the top, then with a slight movement of the piston, remove them from the syringe.
5. Wipe the injection site with an alcohol solution. Remove the cap and install a new needle on the syringe.
6. We gather the skin into a fold and insert the needle sharply at an angle of 45-60 degrees, leaving its small tip outside, so that if something happens, it can be pulled out of the body without any problems.
7. Using a smooth movement, inject the medicine onto the piston.
8. Remove the needle and wipe the injection site with an alcohol solution again.

Direction for intramuscular injection in the thigh:

Injecting intramuscularly into the thigh, as well as into the buttock, is best done while lying on your back or sitting; injecting while standing is highly not recommended, since some people have a reaction to the injection, an involuntary contraction of the muscles, which can break the needle. It is better to pull the medicine out of the ampoule with the first movement of the piston; beginners usually pull the piston to check, and only then begin to draw liquid, in this case a lot of bubbles are formed that we do not need. If you give intramuscular injections in the thigh every day, then change your leg and injection site each time, do not get into the same place.

Video on how to give an intramuscular injection in the thigh to yourself:

Another video on how to give an intramuscular injection in the thigh:

Doctors often replace taking pills with injections. The fact is that if you give injections, the drug will give a stronger, faster, safer therapeutic effect. Medicines do not pass through the digestive system, therefore, do not harm the stomach, intestines, or liver. It’s just that treatment rarely requires one injection - more often you need to give a series of injections (from a couple of days to several months). Not everyone can afford to go to the clinic every time or hire a nurse. Sometimes you have to learn how to give injections - to a relative, a friend, or yourself. Now we will tell you how to properly, safely, and painlessly give an injection in the thigh.

The injection must be given exclusively in the upper thigh.

Before giving the injection, prepare the area where the patient will be. Lay down clean sheets. Keep children and pets away. Make sure there is no dust or food debris around. The patient's clothing should be clean. Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Remove the syringe from the package; do not remove the needle cap yet. Prepare 5-6 cotton balls. Open a bottle of 70% alcohol.

As soon as the place for the procedure and the preparations are prepared, take an ampoule of medical solution, open it, wipe the neck with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. Remove the cap from the syringe and draw up the medicine. Cover the needle with the tip again.
If you are using a powder rather than a finished drug, it must first be diluted with saline solution. Pierce the ampoule of the solution, take the required amount (as indicated in the instructions for the drug), add the liquid into the flask with the powder, and shake. Attention: you cannot use the same needle to collect saline solution and administer the finished drug.

Stage two: determine where to inject

The area where the injection should be given is determined as follows: sit the person down (or sit down yourself if you are injecting yourself). The lateral part of the thigh, flattened in this pose, will be the desired zone (mentally divide it into three parts - you need the upper one). Remember the location.

Why should the injection be given here? There is a minimal number of nerve endings here, there are no large arteries. It is safe to prick into this square - the risk of breaking the needle on the bone is minimal. It is also safe to inject into the upper lateral thigh because you will not touch the area of ​​the sciatic nerve, which is extremely painful to hit. You cannot inject into the back of the thigh below the buttocks.

Before inserting a needle, it is necessary to treat the desired area of ​​the body with alcohol.

Stage three: insert the needle

The patient should take a comfortable position. Give the injection while standing with your leg bent (45 degree angle) or lying on your back (this position is preferable - it is more relaxed). Wipe an area of ​​10 × 10 cm with alcohol applied to a cotton swab. Then moisten another cotton swab and treat a smaller square of skin (approximately 5 × 5 cm) - it is in this area that you should prick.
Begin to carefully insert the needle into the area of ​​the thigh treated with alcohol - 1–2 cm into the muscle. It is recommended to check whether the needle has entered the lumen of the vessel. To do this, without removing the syringe, pull the plunger towards you a few millimeters (be careful that it does not pop out). If no blood comes into the syringe, then everything is fine. Administer the medication. Press the syringe plunger and inject the medical solution. That's it, now take out the needle. Immediately apply a clean cotton swab with alcohol to the injection site. Hold the cotton wool for 2-3 minutes. At the end of the procedure, throw the used syringe with an empty ampoule into the trash. Make sure that they are not accessible to small children.

To make the injection as safe, quick and painless as possible, follow these tips:

  • Before injecting, pat the skin a couple of times to get the blood flowing.
  • Do not inject in the same place - it is better to alternate hips.
  • People with very thin builds need to gather the skin into a fold and inject into it (to avoid getting into the bone).
  • Make sure that the person receiving the injection does not strain the thigh muscles, otherwise the procedure will be uncomfortable.
  • It is advisable to use syringes with a dark rubber plunger - the administration of the medicine will be slow and painless.
  • The needle should be as thin as possible (for two-cc syringes it is thinner than for five-cc syringes).

Follow all the tips described in the article, and you can easily make an intramuscular injection into the femoral part of the body. There is nothing complicated about injections into the thigh area. With a little practice, you'll be able to administer injections as well as a trained nurse.

Hello, dear friends and dear blog readers!
Today we will learn how to make intramuscular injections. Usually, at a doctor’s appointment, a person receives a whole range of medical prescriptions, which very often include injections. The question arises - where to make them? Go to the clinic every day, and even wait in line? What kind of treatment is this, it's crazy! Or invite a nurse to your home - such treatment will be expensive.

So it turns out that in all respects, learning to give injections yourself is the best way out of the situation. You will save both time and money! It's good when someone in the family has this skill. Otherwise, treatment will turn into a very big problem.

How to properly give an intramuscular injection to yourself is a task accessible to every person. You need to overcome slight fear and uncertainty, carefully read the instructions, practice, for example, on a soft pillow, and get down to business. Prepare carefully to avoid causing yourself unnecessary pain. I'm sure you will succeed. But let's finally start learning.

What do we need to give injections?

  1. Disposable syringe;
  2. ampoule with medicine;
  3. medical alcohol;
  4. clean cotton wool or sterile alcohol-preserved gauze pads from the pharmacy;
  5. rubber disposable medical gloves. Basically, if you wash your hands with soap, that will be enough.
  6. a clean place on the table and a clean tray where the tools will be placed.

Instructions for intramuscular injection

First you need to decide the question of which place on the body is best to inject: into the buttock or thigh muscles. Everyone has their own preferences. Some people find it easier to get an injection in the buttock. And someone got used to giving an injection into the thigh muscle.

How to choose the right point for an injection in the buttock? You need to mentally divide it into 4 equal parts. The needle should be inserted in the middle of the outer upper quadrant. Then the needle is guaranteed not to hit a bone, nerve or large vessel.

To inject into the femoral area, also mentally divide the anterior outer surface of the thigh into upper, middle and lower parts, starting from the groin fold to the knee. Inject in the middle third of the thigh.

How to prepare a syringe for an injection

Take the disposable syringe, remove the cellophane wrapper and place it on a clean tray for now. Choose a syringe volume larger than the amount of medicine. For example, an ampoule contains 2 ml of solution. Take a syringe with 3 or 5 ml.

Open the ampoule with the medicine. Each package comes with a nail file. Carefully make a notch on the glass, stepping back about 1 cm from the narrow tip of the ampoule. On modern ampoules, the place of the notch is now marked with a white or red dot. After cutting, wrap a piece of cotton wool around the end of the ampoule and break it off.

Carefully place the opened ampoule on the table. Now remove the cap from the needle on the syringe. Lower it to the bottom into the ampoule and pull the plunger so that the medicine is completely transferred into the syringe. After this, hold the syringe vertically with the needle facing up. You will see air accumulated above the medicinal liquid. Press the plunger to release all the air and a few drops of medication. It is strictly forbidden to inject with a syringe that contains air.

Place the prepared syringe on the table so that the needle does not touch any objects! Better put a cap on it.


Stand in front of a mirror, turn sideways so that you can see your buttock. Expose the area you need. Shift your body support to your left leg if you intend to inject on the right. The right side of the body needs to be relaxed.

Use a cotton swab with alcohol to wipe the middle of the upper-outer quadrant of the right buttock. Take the syringe in your right hand and bring it to your buttock. Hold the tip of the needle vertical to the buttock and a short distance from the surface of the skin. Whether you get the injection successfully or whether it will be painful and unpleasant depends only on your determination. Calmly and quickly pierce the thickness of the muscle with a needle and insert the needle so that about 1 cm of the needle remains above the skin. This will protect you - your hand may twitch and the needle will break, so there should be a tip above the surface of the skin, by which you pull the needle.

I can reassure you that I have never encountered such a problem in my life, although I have been working as a doctor for many years. I'm sure you'll do the best you can. Now press the plunger all the way and slowly inject the medicine. Quickly remove the needle and press a cotton swab with alcohol to the injection site. Hold it until the bleeding stops. To ensure that the medicine is absorbed well and seals do not form, not only press, but also rotate, crush, and move your finger from side to side.

Watch this video of a young man trying to get an injection into his buttock. He does everything right, except for one thing - he's a little cowardly! Usually, over time, fear passes and confidence appears. But I specifically chose non-pros for the show, so that you could see that the procedure is accessible to everyone. Who else noticed the little flaws in the guy’s actions? Write in the comments


Indeed, some people prefer to inject themselves in the thigh rather than in the buttock. Please choose what you like best. Sit on a chair, bare your thigh, select the desired area and the approximate point where you will insert the needle. Next, proceed in exactly the same way as when injecting into the buttock. Watch this video, it will be clearer.

There are many medications that, when administered subcutaneously, cause pain and bumps. Therefore, the doctor recommends administering such drugs as an injection into the thigh or another part of the body. Through the muscles, the medicine is absorbed faster and completely into the body.

Features of intramuscular injections

Intramuscular injections need to be placed in specific areas of the body. Namely, where the muscle tissue does not have large vessels and nerve trunks. The length of the needle is affected by the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. It is important that when performing an injection, the needle passes through the subcutaneous tissue and penetrates into the thickness of the muscles. If the subcutaneous fat layer is very large, you need to take a 60 millimeter needle, and if it is moderate, 40 millimeters. Intramuscular injections can be given to the gluteal, shoulder and thigh muscles.

Injection into a muscle: which one?

It is known that the most common injections in medicine are intramuscular.
It is the muscles that are the first to be ready to expose themselves to an injection if necessary, the main thing is to know which part of the muscle to choose - so that the injection is less painful and complications are more likely to be avoided.

And if of all types of injections intramuscular ones are the most common, then the most important muscle for injection is the gluteal one.

If in this case the doctor prescribes a course of intramuscular injections (as experts call injections), then, of course, constantly going to the hospital or to the nurse is not the best option. Learning to give injections yourself may be the best solution in such a situation, as you will save not only your time, but also money.

At first glance, it may seem that such a procedure is quite complicated, which not everyone can master, but, in fact, everything is real. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the rules of the procedure in sufficient detail, since the consequences of an incorrectly administered injection can be the most unpleasant, and sometimes even life-threatening.

How to give yourself an injection?

The most painless type of injection, but there are volume restrictions - up to 2 ml. Some people, due to inexperience, believe that this type of injection is for slow absorption of the drug into the body. But few people know (medics don’t count) that the subcutaneous fat layer has wonderfully branched vessels, and it is precisely for a quick effect on the body that such injections are given. And insulin injections carried out in this way are the best confirmation of this.

There are several parts of the body where it is preferable to give such injections:
The part of the leg from the hip to the knee. Very convenient place for self-injection;
The outer part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is where many of us have had traces of vaccinations since childhood;
Under the shoulder blade. Also a well-known place for vaccination;
Under the mouse. More precisely, in its lower part;
Abdomen area. Most of us associate stomach injections with painful rabies injections, of which we had to give ten of them. But this has nothing to do with small and painless injections under the skin.

How to give an injection to a cat at the withers

  1. As with other types of injections, it is necessary to follow the general rules listed above. When you have prepared the medicine in the syringe, you should prepare the cat: distract and fixate it. If you give the injection yourself and the cat’s behavior is calm, then lightly press down the pet with your left forearm, and with the fingers of your left hand you need to form a fold at the site of the subcutaneous injection - take the skin on the withers or knee and pull it up.
  2. We take a syringe in our right hand and make a puncture at the base of the fold. If a subcutaneous injection is made with an insulin syringe, then almost the entire needle is inserted, and if with another syringe, then the needle is inserted 1-2 cm deep. The needle should be inserted parallel to the spine at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. At first you will feel resistance, but as soon as the needle is under the skin, so to speak, “falls through”, the resistance will disappear. Now you can administer the medicine without any additional effort; there is no need to rush.
  4. After administering the medicine, without releasing the skin, carefully remove the needle. Stroke the cat, speak quietly, gently and soothingly.
  5. Be careful when injecting the medicine, for example, if the fur on the skin becomes damp and you do not encounter resistance when inserting the needle, this indicates that you have pierced a fold of skin and the medicine has not reached the right place.

An injection into a vein, unlike an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection, essentially consists of two actions. First you pierce the skin, then you pierce the vein. Experienced people - nurses - perform these two operations in one go. It’s not at all a fact that you will be able to do this right away. So you can be mentally prepared to first inject in the arm, and only then feel for a vein there and puncture it. During the injection process, the syringe should be positioned with the cut side up. After the tourniquet is injected, you need to remove it and relax your fist.

You can make sure that you hit the vein by trying to take some blood from it (with a syringe, or simply by releasing the blood). If it goes easily and simply, you are in a vein. If not, then you missed and you need to stab again. Again, if you are not in the vein, a “bump” will begin to inflate when you try to inject the medicine. So all operations should be carried out in good lighting so that any changes are noticeable immediately. As my experience has shown, if something doesn’t work out the first time (and it won’t), then you just need to change the arm/vein and try again. It is clear that without apprenticeship there will be no mastery.

Even for beginners, and for those who put in IVs, it may be useful to start with a “butterfly” instead of a needle. It has a thinner diameter, so it is usually a little easier to prick with it. In addition, it has a tail that can be pinched when hooked from the syringe to the dropper. "Butterfly" can be bought at any pharmacy.

Let's summarize the basic rules:

1) Check with your doctor for instructions on medications, which you should read in their entirety.
2) The first time it wouldn’t be bad if the specialists showed you how and what to do, but then you won’t have to go to them anymore. Free yourself and them.
3) We start with the selection of all necessary materials, medicines, disinfectants. Only after making sure that everything is assembled do we move on.
4) We ensure sterility. If there is ANY doubt about sterility, we do everything again with new materials.
5) We prepare the medicines (dissolve, open, dilute), then the instruments (syringes, droppers, tubes).
6) Don’t worry - even drug addicts can do all this.) Be reasonable - you need to understand that everything doesn’t always work out perfectly the first time, but this is not a reason to panic. And we carefully monitor the speed of drug administration!
7) Don’t forget to disinfect everything after completing the procedure.
8) We always throw away syringes with CLOSED needle caps (this is the minimum that you can do for society under normal conditions with such a bad type of garbage).

How to properly perform an intramuscular injection?

  1. It is necessary to use only disposable syringes and needles for intramuscular injections to avoid infection with blood-borne infections (HIV, hepatitis B, C, D). The syringe is unpacked immediately before the injection; the tip is not removed from the needle until the ampoule with the medicine is opened.

The volume of the syringe is selected based on the volume of the drug administered, as well as the injection site - when injecting into the thigh, it is better to use a 2.0-5.0 ml syringe with a thin needle, when injecting into the buttocks - 5.0 ml, and for people with severe subcutaneous -fat layer – 10.0 ml. It is not recommended to inject more than 10 ml of medication into the muscle to avoid the formation of difficult-to-absorbable infiltrates.

  • The injection should be given with clean hands, washed with antibacterial soap or treated with a disinfectant, and in a suitable room. At home, the most suitable places are places where wet cleaning is carried out frequently, or where there are no sources of dust and dirt.
  • It is recommended to give the injection to the patient in a lying position so that the muscles of the buttock or thigh are as relaxed as possible. If you have to do the injection while standing, you need to make sure that the leg that will be injected is not tense. To do this, you need to bend your knee slightly and transfer your body weight to the other leg.
  • Open the ampoule with the medicine and draw it into the syringe. Hold the finished syringe in one hand, and with the other hand, treat the intended injection site within a radius of 5 cm with a piece of cotton wool soaked in medical alcohol.

If you have been prescribed 10 injections and you do them daily, alternate between the right and the right. This is how intramuscular injections should be done. There is nothing complicated about this. Learn and act. Although, it is better not to bring your health to the point of needing treatment. Prevention is always cheaper and more painless for a person. All in your hands.

Anyone can learn to give an intramuscular injection to themselves. Read the instructions, put them into practice, and become a home healer for your loved ones.

I wish everyone well-being and good health, Natalia Bogoyavlenskaya

But it is better to entrust injections to professional medical workers.

First, we want to inform you that we will talk about intramuscular injections, and it makes sense to entrust more complex intravenous injections to professional doctors. But if you are intended for intramuscular injections, and there is no time to visit the clinic, such an injection can be successfully done at home, involving your family. Making an intramuscular injection into the thigh is no more difficult than making an injection into the buttock.

Intramuscular injection into the thigh

To do this, you will need cotton balls pre-moistened with alcohol, a three-component medical syringe with a capacity of 2.5-11 milliliters (depending on the volume of injection), as well as a drug intended for injection.

The injection must be carried out in the following sequence:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Wipe the ampoule intended for injection with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
  • Shake the ampoule several times.
  • File the tip, break it off and fill the syringe with medicine.
  • Turn the syringe over with the needle facing up and tap it with your finger so that air bubbles move to the top of the syringe. By pressing the plunger of the syringe, squeeze out the air from the syringe. To make sure of this, wait for a drop of medicine to appear from the syringe needle.
  • To determine the injection site, sit on a stool and bend your knee. The place for the injection will be the upper third of the thigh on the side.

Preparing for a subcutaneous injection in the thigh

Before injecting, relax your leg as much as possible. Using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, lubricate the injection site. You should move your hand with the syringe to the side at an angle of 90 degrees, and with an energetic movement of your hand, insert the needle into the muscle mass. The needle should be inserted to a depth of 1-2 centimeters. Slowly press the plunger of the syringe and inject the medicine.

Using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, press the area where the injection was made and quickly remove the needle at an angle of 90 degrees, which will avoid bleeding and reduce the possibility of infection at the injection site. Using the same cotton swab, massage the injection site for faster absorption of the medicine.

When performing intramuscular injections, injection sites should be alternated. You should not give injections to the same thigh all the time. If possible, use syringes with thin needles and a volume not much larger than the volume of the medication being injected. If a reusable glass syringe is used for injections, it must be thoroughly boiled to disinfect it before use.

The result of therapy largely depends on the thoroughness of following the instructions of the attending physician. Many drugs are most effective and safe in the form of an injection, and therefore patients are forced to visit the treatment room in the clinic throughout the entire course of treatment. Which may be inconvenient due to poor health or a busy schedule.

The way out of this situation is to learn how to inject yourself. Having figured out how to properly inject yourself into the thigh intramuscularly, and having developed practical skills, you can follow the doctor’s instructions yourself at any convenient time. Our article will help you with this. Let's figure it out

Preparation for the procedure

Preparing for the injection is an important part of the procedure. All necessary items must be within maximum accessibility, and all hygiene requirements must be strictly observed.

Before injecting yourself in the thigh, you need to prepare:

  • a bottle of antiseptic or disposable wipes soaked in an alcohol solution;
  • cotton wool or cotton pads;
  • sterile syringe;
  • file for opening the ampoule;
  • ampoules with the drug.

The injection solution should be at room temperature. Therefore, if the drug was stored in the refrigerator, the ampoule needs to be warmed up by holding it in your hand.

The last stage of preparation is washing your hands with soap, and then subsequent treatment with an antiseptic. The most effective solution is an alcohol solution that kills almost all known bacteria. But you can also use a water-based hand spray.

Preparing the syringe

After treating your hands, you need to take a file and make cuts on the narrowest part of the ampoule or on a special mark. After this, the ampoule is wrapped in cotton wool and the glass is broken with a sharp movement.

The package with the syringe is torn, the protective cap is removed from the needle, and the drug is drawn into the syringe. Then the protective cap is put on the needle, and air is released from the syringe cavity. It is necessary to put on the cap so as not to splash the medicine around the room.

An important point is the choice of syringe. Regardless of the volume of injected liquid, the volume of the syringe should not be less than 5 ml. The fact is that its size correlates with the length of the game. Therefore, 2 ml syringes are only suitable for subcutaneous injection.

Dilution of the drug

Some medications require prior dilution. The manufacturer can produce the medicine in the form of two ampoules: one will contain the drug in the form of a tablet or powder, the other will contain a liquid for diluting the medicine. In this case, it is necessary to prepare the drug as follows:

  • file and break both ampoules;
  • draw the dilution solution into the syringe;
  • fill the ampoule with the medicine with the solution;
  • After the powder or tablet has dissolved, fill the syringe with the medicine.

In a similar way, the drug solution is mixed with an anesthetic, which eliminates pain before and after the injection. But in this case, it is important to take into account the risk of an allergic reaction to the anesthetic component.

After this, you can start injecting, but before that you need to figure out how to properly inject yourself in the thigh.

Where to give the injection

An intramuscular injection is most often performed in the gluteal region. To do this, the buttock is visually divided into four equal parts, and the injection is placed in the upper outer corner. This method is used in any medical institution where manipulations are not performed by patients independently.

When it comes to injecting yourself, it is better to inject into the thigh. This method is convenient because a person injects himself in the most comfortable position and gets the opportunity to control the progress of the process, for example, the angle of insertion of the needle into the body. All that remains is to find out.


After the preparatory stage is completed and the medicine is drawn into the syringe, you need to decide on the point where to place the injection. It is possible to make an intramuscular injection into the thigh on the outside of the leg, into the vastus lateralis muscle, which is located along the entire length of the side of the leg to the kneecap.

The needle is inserted with a confident, quick movement strictly at a right angle to the surface of the leg. It needs to be inserted completely to ¾ of the length and only then the drug should be injected slowly. Recommendations for the rate of administration of the drug are usually indicated in the instructions for the drug. A good indicator that the drug was administered too quickly is if the person feels worse, such as feeling weak or dizzy.

After emptying the syringe, you must pull out the needle in one motion, while simultaneously pressing the injection site with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or other antiseptic solution.

Injection pain

Even if a person knows well, he may encounter pain. And the measures that need to be taken to combat pain depend on the cause of its occurrence:

  1. It is recommended to use imported syringes that have thinner needles. An injection with such a syringe will be almost imperceptible.
  2. Injections with some drugs are quite painful no matter how well the technique is used. In this case, you can dilute the drug with a solution of Lidocaine, but it is important to remember that anesthetics can cause an acute allergic reaction, so it is not advisable to use them at home.
  3. Often pain occurs due to the wrong angle of insertion or removal of the needle from the body. In both cases, the angle should be exactly 90 degrees.
  4. Immediately after the injection, it is recommended to press a cotton swab or alcohol-soaked napkin tightly to the injection site. After the bleeding stops, you need to gently massage your thigh, which will improve the absorption of the medicine into the bloodstream.
  5. Often pain occurs towards the end of the course of treatment, when injections are repeatedly placed in the same place. To avoid this, you need to alternate the injection site, and if hematomas appear, use means to get rid of them. For example, heparin ointment.

Therefore, before injecting yourself in the thigh, you need to carefully read the instructions for the drug and once again remember the basic rules for injecting yourself.

Fear of injections

The main problem that people face before injecting themselves in the thigh is the psychological discomfort of inserting a needle into their body. This entails the following problems:

  • if a person cannot relax, his muscular system is tense, it will be more difficult to insert the needle, and most likely the person will experience pain;
  • with strong tension and fear, it will be difficult for a person to coordinate his actions enough to insert the needle at the most correct (straight) angle.

There is only one way to get rid of the fear of injecting yourself in the thigh: try to relax the muscle into which the injection is being made as much as possible and insert the needle with a confident movement. After the first successful experience, anxiety before the procedure will noticeably decrease, and next time there will be no fear of an injection.

Injection position

To ensure that the muscle is relaxed and the injection does not cause pain, you need to take a comfortable position for the injection. The most comfortable positions for giving an injection into the thigh muscle are sitting and standing.

While standing, you need to shift your weight to the other leg so that the thigh muscles into which the injection is made are relaxed. You should do the same when giving yourself an injection while sitting.

Common Mistakes

Despite the fact that the instructions on how to inject yourself in the thigh are extremely simple and clear, people often make the same mistakes, not paying attention to the recommendations and instructions.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use the same needle several times or touch its surface until it is inserted into the body.
  2. You should alternate the injection site to avoid hematomas.
  3. When working with a new drug that has not been used before, it is better to give the first injection of the course in the treatment room. In the event that intolerance to the components of the drug occurs, the medical professional will be able to quickly take the necessary actions. In practice, this happens extremely rarely, but the seriousness of such a situation should not be underestimated.
  4. You cannot spontaneously change drugs to analogues, vary the dosage or degree of dilution of the drug. Any changes to the doctor’s initial recommendations can only be made by the doctor himself during a face-to-face consultation.

In conclusion, it should be said about the disposal of the syringe and ampoule after the injection. A protective cap should be put on the needle, and the broken ampoule should be wrapped in paper, such as syringe packaging. This way you can protect yourself and other people from the risk of injury from glass or the point of a medical needle.

Thus, knowing the injection technology, having studied the instructions, useful tips and photos (now you understand how to inject yourself in the thigh), it is quite possible to independently carry out the doctor’s instructions in a comfortable environment: at home, without long waits in line at the treatment room office and adjusting your schedule to the nurse’s working hours.