Scratch. Execution technique

Drawing on a black background step by step

Master class Graphic composition “Village”.

Master class for children 9-12 years old, teachers, parents.

Author: Olga Mikhailovna Kokhan, additional education teacher, MBOUDOD "Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth", Vilyuchinsk
Purpose: creating a graphic composition for interior decoration or gift.
Target: familiarization with the technique of drawing with white gel pens on black cardboard.
teach how to create a landscape with white gel pens on black cardboard;
improve skills in graphics technology;
develop aesthetic responsiveness to the beauty of the surrounding world;
develop abstract thinking, the ability to think creatively and solve compositional problems in the proposed topic;
develop creativity, fantasy and imagination.
develop the eye and fine motor skills of the hands;
cultivate patriotism;
cultivate accuracy and diligence in work.


a sheet of black cardboard in A4 format for stitching with “leather” embossing (sold in printing shops and large office supply stores), a white gel pen, a simple pencil 2N-4N (soft).

Stages of work.

Before starting work, you should remember that using an eraser when performing this composition is not recommended; all lines should be as thin as possible, barely noticeable, and their number should be minimal.
1. Place a sheet of cardboard horizontally. Using a simple pencil, draw a horizontal line through the middle of the sheet, similar to a large wave. This is the future hill.

2. Above the central part of the hill, draw the roof of the house, similar to a thick letter “L” with its “legs” widely spaced.

3. Draw vertical wall lines from under the roof. On the right, just above the first hill, draw a line for the second hill. Mark two houses next to each other on it. On the left side of the sheet, just below the central hill, draw another line across the entire sheet depicting the hill. Above it we outline a house slightly larger than the previous ones. On the left side of the house we draw a thin vertical line outlining the trunk of the tree.

4. To the left of the central house we outline two vertical lines of different sizes. At the top of each we draw a circle or oval outlining the area of ​​the tree crown. On the right side of the two houses we mark the trunks of the Christmas trees. It is necessary to ensure that the proportions are maintained. On the right edge of the sheet, outline the trunk and crown of a large tree located on the same hill as a large house. Above the lower right and left corners, outline the foreground hills. At the top of the sheet, just to the left of the center, outline a small circle - the moon. Behind the houses, draw a smoothly curving background line.

5. Above the background line, draw a wavy line indicating the forest in the background. Above the hills in the foreground we outline the bushes with several arched lines. We evaluate the harmony of the composition. On mine, I needed to mark another Christmas tree to the left of the large house, just below the first one. And also a path from one hill to another.

6. We start working with white gel pens. You should work without pressing the pen, then the lines will turn out whiter. Carefully outline the roof of the central house.

7. And fill it with white, it turns out to be a roof covered with snow.

8. On the right side of the roof we draw two small strokes, and above them a small white spot of snow. It turns out to be a pipe. On the lines of the walls we draw sections of logs - small circles with a spiral in the center. There should be 4-5 circles on each side.

9. Draw a small rectangular window on the wall of the house. Draw a frame around and inside the window.

10 Using horizontal lines we mark the logs at the bottom of the house. To give the work more life, the lines can be continuous or broken.

11. We draw light wavy lines of smoke from the pipe, no more than 2-3. The lines should be of different lengths and run vertically. We draw one or two lines of the hill under the house. The lines must be alive, connecting and diverging.

12. Draw two lines for the tree trunk from the hill. At the top of the crown the lines should connect.

13. Along the trunk we draw one or two more vertical lines showing the structure of the tree bark.

14. We draw large branches from the trunk in different directions, three on each side. Each branch should end on the circle-crown line. At the trunk, the branch line should be slightly thicker.

15. From each large branch we draw small branches, each of which should reach the line of the circle-crown.

16. The more of them there are, the denser the tree’s crown will be.

17. We perform the second tree in a similar way.

18. From the middle hill we draw the neighboring hill in one or two lines. We make the houses in the background, starting from the roof.

19. To the right of the background houses we make a spruce tree. It should be higher than the house. At the top of the spruce we make a small stroke - this is the crown of the spruce. From the top of the head, with several strokes of different lengths we make the first tier of spruce branches. It turns out to be a kind of “skirt” that fits tightly to the trunk at the top and widens towards the bottom.

20. The second row of branches is done in the same way, only the upper and lower parts of the “skirt” become a little wider. It is important that there is a small black gap between the “skirts”. Continue lowering the tiers of branches in a similar manner down to the hill line. On the left side, the spruce branches press closely to the house.

21. On the right we make a large foreground tree. We draw the trunk with two lines connecting at the top. Using several lines we outline the bark on the trunk.

22. We bring the upper part of the trunk to the edge of the crown circle. We place 4 large branches on each side of the trunk. We strengthen the bases of large branches.

23. From each large branch we take small branches, each of which ends in a circle-crown. Small branches may intersect each other.

24. Similarly, we make a couple of bushes at the base of the tree.

25. On the left we make a large house.

26. Draw the lines of the hill. To the left of the large house we make a tall spruce. To the left of the tall spruce we make another spruce of smaller height.

27. Draw a background line without pressure. We draw a forest line above it. We outline the trunks with small strokes. We draw small bushes near the houses. We make the foreground bushes on the right. And also hills in one or two lines.

28. Draw the moon in the sky, strengthening the line for greater brightness. We are finalizing the foreground bushes on the left. Using light lines we outline a path between the hills.

Galina Bogacheva

The wonderful, unusual “Scratching” technique will be of interest to children of any age. The difference is that for younger children the basis for drawing is done by an adult, while older children do it independently. The technique is simple to perform and consists of three stages. All stages of preparing a worksheet for work are interesting and arouse the child’s interest and develop attention, perseverance, a sense of consistency and the ability to complete the work started. The child learns about the diversity of the world around him, and also expands his horizons and carries out cognitive and research activities.

"Grattazh" (from the French gratter - scrape, scratch) is a method of scratching a primed sheet with a pointed object. Many people know him as “Tsap-scratchy”. Children really like this funny name and easily remember this technique. I assure you: “Once you try the Grattage technique once, you will want to return to it again and again.”

The Scratching technique can be performed in several variations.

Option #1.(simplest).

1 step. You need to take a thick sheet of white cardboard and rub it thoroughly (without gaps) with a wax candle.

Step 2. Using a wide brush, apply a thick (like sour cream) layer of black gouache (or another dark color) onto the entire sheet of cardboard so that there are no gaps.

add a few drops of liquid soap (shampoo, detergent or PVA glue) to the gouache, then the gouache will not stain your hands when scratched.

Step 3. Scratching. Take a pointed object (toothpick, feather, ballpoint pen refill, plastic fork, etc.) and start drawing the planned design. You can draw stripes, various lines or strokes. In general, what you want. I drew this version.

"Winter night".

Option number 2.

1 step. We make the background with gouache. In this version, I divided the white sheet of cardboard into two parts horizontally. I applied blue gouache to the bottom one, and yellow gouache to the top one.

Here's what I got.

“Starry sky” (waves made with a plastic fork).

Option number 3. I make the background with wax pencils.

1 step. Draw (without spaces) with colored wax pencils of the same color or draw colored spots.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 as in variation No. 1. In this drawing, I sketched a sheet of cardboard with colored spots.

If you want to transfer a drawing from a book onto the Scratchboard, then transfer it to tracing paper and carefully apply the outline of the drawing, slightly pressing it, and then scratch it well.

Option number 4."Scratch" + applique.

1 step. Cardboard with a ready-made bright pattern. A cover made from colored cardboard or an album works great.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 as in option No. 1.

Step 4 Make the applique from pre-prepared forms.

"Northern Lights" (snow made with semolina).

If you want to add shine to your work, apply hairspray evenly over the entire sheet.

I am sure that your students will like the Scratch technique. Experiment, create and scratch!

Subject: "Fairy tale"

Target: Introduce children to a new drawing technique.

Application: the work is designed for children of the preparatory group for school, for educators.

Equipment: brush, wax candle, white cardboard, mat, water, black gouache, stack, cloth.

Work process:

Scratch(from the French gratter - scrape, scratch) - a method of making a drawing by scratching paper or cardboard covered in ink with a pen or a sharp instrument. Another name for the technique is waxography. Works made using the grattage technique are distinguished by the contrast of the white lines of the design and the black background. The difficulty is that it is difficult to correct what has already been scribbled.

Rub a wax candle (not a paraffin candle - there will be no effect) on the white side of the cardboard, so that there are no glimpses of paper left.

Then with a brush (I used a bristle brush) we apply black gouache. It will spread, so it should be applied without gaps.

Let it dry

We choose any fairy tale, picture, fairy-tale character (I took a picture from the fairy tale “Turnip”).

Start scratching from top to bottom so that your hand touches less of what you have drawn; thin lines, which are then drawn more clearly. I started with the sun, then the turnip.

Then she started scratching her grandfather.

The remains of the scratched wax are either shaken off or gently (without pressing) swept away with a cloth.

We insert the finished picture into a photo frame, because... with any touch with a sharp object (a fingernail, for example), the picture may change.

But the picture is a rebus (my creation). This painting (A3 format), made using the grattage technique, depicts 10 heroes and objects from different fairy tales. Have you guessed what fairy tales these are??? (photo 11).

Krokhina Oksana Alexandrovna

Today I introduced my children to unconventional drawing technique. Compound word GRATTAGE, they haven’t remembered yet, but it’s a matter of time. After all, today we only had our first lesson. So what is it GRATTAGE?

Scratch(from French - scrape, scratch)- a method of making a drawing by scratching paper or cardboard filled with gouache with a pen or sharp instrument. Other name techniques - waxography. Works made in grattage technique, differ in the contrast of the white lines of the pattern (or colored if you previously applied watercolor paint) and black background. I present to you my option drawing using scratch technique.

For work I prepared white cardboard, a paraffin candle, a wooden stick, watercolor paints, black gouache, a glass of water, brushes and wax crayons.

We paint white cardboard in random order with watercolors or wax pencils.

Rub the sheet with a paraffin candle. If the sheet is painted with watercolors, wait until it dries completely.

Then we cover the sheet with a thick layer of black gouache paint

The sheet is ready for use only when the paint has dried. Using an example, I showed the children how to scratch and what could happen.

And this is what happened to my students.

The first lesson went great. We will improve.

Publications on the topic:

Master class for teachers “Unconventional drawing technique “scratch” The purpose of the master class: to increase the desire of teachers to master the new non-traditional drawing technique “scratch”. Objectives of the master class: 1. Introduction.

"BOUQUET OF LILAC" Dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention a master class on unconventional drawing techniques. In my work I.

It is in creativity that you can give your child room for self-expression: help him choose what to draw, what to draw on and how to draw. Nothing.

Master class “Unconventional technique of painting with sand on glass” Slide 1: Dear colleagues! I present to your attention a master class “Unconventional technique of painting with sand on glass.” Slide 2: According to.

Drawing using non-traditional painting techniques fascinates, calms and captivates children. This is a free creative process.

Goal: to introduce children to an unconventional drawing technique: drawing with crumpled paper. Objectives: develop creativity and interest.

Master class on group work “Non-traditional drawing techniques” Master class on group work “Non-traditional drawing techniques” I, Tatyana Leonidovna Parnacheva, teacher of Kindergarten No. 1, attended.

Master Class

"Drawing technique - scratching"


    Introduce master class participants to the scratch technique;

    develop imagination, fantasy, artistic taste;

    evoke positive emotions from artistic activity, interest in fine arts.

Exercise: Be able to prime a base for a drawing and create a drawing by scratching with a pointed object.

Equipment: white sheets of thick paper or white non-glossy cardboard, wax pencils, gouache of any color (preferably dark tones), a wide brush,Children's works made using the scratch technique.

Progress of the lesson:

Slide No. 1

Dear teachers, today I will introduce you to one of the simplest types of graphics.

Slide No. 2

My master class is dedicated to this amazing grattage technique.This technique became one of my favorites, I became so interested in it that I had a desire to get others interested in it too!

Scratching is an original technique of creating an image on a black surface by scratching it with a sharp object. Since the name of the method comes from the French word “gutter”, which means “scratch” or “scrape”. Scratching is also very often called the scratching technique.

In Russia, this method was first used by the artist Mstislav Dubozhinsky at the beginning of the 20th century.

Slide No. 3

For work we will need the following materials:

    regular cardboard (not glossy) or watercolor rough paper;

    wax crayons (preferably those that leave a rich, greasy mark);

    gouache, preferably dark colors;

    wide brush;

    tools for scratching (sharp stick, toothpick, knitting needle or scissors).

Despite the complex name, this technique is easy to perform and lends itself to creative thinking.

The scratch paper is usually used when working with wood, plastic or metal.

Consider the students' work done using this technique. Pay attention to what means of expression are most often used in this technique.This is a line, a stroke, a contrast.

Display of works made using the grattage technique.

And so, let's get to work.

Slide No. 4

Step 1.

First you need to paint over a sheet of thin cardboard with wax crayons. You can paint in any order - the main thing is that the entire surface is shaded without gaps.

You can replace the wax crayons with a regular paraffin candle, and rub it on a sheet of colored cardboard with a rough surface.

Slide No. 5

Step 2.

After the surface of the sheet is completely painted over with crayons, you need to cover it with a layer of gouache.

Take a large brush and apply a thick layer of paint to the sheet.

Leave the picture primer alone until completely dry.

Slide No. 6

Step 3.

After the gouache is completely dry, you can start drawing.

You need to scratch it with the pointed end of a wooden stick or any sharp object.

Carefully scratch all the outlines of your design.

When teaching children grattazhu need to remember technology safety! It is better to give younger children not too sharp objects, wooden or plastic, as tools.

Slide No. 7 - 10

Works performed using the grattage technique.

Paintings using the grattage technique are amazing works of art. Thanks to the combination of a black background, white and multi-colored strokes, they are highly expressive and expressive.