How to paint an autumn tree with paints. How to draw a beautiful tree, with a pencil, paints, for beginners, in kindergarten

Reading time: 3 minutes

Almost all children, without exception, love to draw, but many parents, because of their own laziness and excuses like “he’ll get dirty himself and smear everything around him,” “I don’t know how to draw to show an example of how to do it,” “he’s too small, he’ll still get full.” these colors” they don’t give brushes and paints to kids, which is a pity... We hope that our marathon of children’s drawings on an autumn theme will inspire creativity for everyone without exception. There are plenty to choose from, dear Creators!

We tried to collect for you the most interesting drawing ideas in order to organize your child’s leisure time more interestingly when it’s time for rain, “dull charm” and sitting at home. Read on for ideas on what you can do at home with your child in bad weather.

Idea No. 1

You need to put the dried leaves between sheets of paper, and then paint over the sheet with solid strokes using soft colored pencils or crayons. A sheet with all the veins will appear on the white paper. Using this method, you can create compositions: a bouquet in a vase, an autumn landscape, etc.

Idea No. 2

A similar method, only you need to rub the leaves with wax (a candle or white wax crayon), and then cover a sheet of paper with watercolors. It is convenient to paint large surfaces with a wide squirrel brush or a foam sponge.

Idea No. 3

Paint is applied to the sheet from the vein side. Then the sheet is applied to the paper and an imprint is made. The effect will be different depending on what paint you use.

You can come up with many compositional solutions: the imprint of a large leaf can become the crown of a tree if you complete the trunk; A few prints are already a whole forest!

Prints made with white paint on a colored background look impressive. You can combine several techniques and complete the images with pencils or felt-tip pens.

Idea No. 4

By blowing paint through a straw you can paint fancy trees. This method gives you endless possibilities for experimentation! You can, for example, draw trees using a previously prepared background.

Idea No. 5

Fill your child with the background yourself or offer him some colored cardboard. Let him draw the crown of a tree and fallen leaves, dipping his finger in the paint.

Idea #6

The crown looks voluminous if you make it clear of colored pencils. Apply glue precisely to the desired places and sprinkle with small shavings. The trunk and branches can be blown through a tube or drawn in any other way.

Idea No. 7

It is convenient (and completely non-marking) to draw the crown with a cotton swab. In the same way you can depict a bunch of rowan berries, a sprig of currants or other berries.

Idea #8

A very unusual picture can be made using foil. Place the dried leaf (or several) on a sheet of cardboard, veins up. Cover it with thin foil and carefully, so as not to tear it, smooth it with your fingers so that the design appears. Cover the foil with dark paint (you can use gouache, acrylic, tempera, ink) and let it dry well. Rub the painting very gently with a stiff dishwashing sponge. The protruding veins of the leaf will shine, and dark paint will remain in the recesses. Now you can frame your work!

Idea No. 9

Those who love textures will surely enjoy filling different silhouettes with patterns. Draw or trace an autumn leaf according to the template, divide it into small planes, like a stained glass window. Have your child fill in each piece with a different pattern. You can do this with a gel pen or felt-tip pens.

Idea #10

A similar task can be performed using the scratching technique. Paint a sheet of smooth (polished) cardboard with paints and rub it with wax (candle). You can use wax crayons to create a background. Cover the surface with black ink and dry. Scratch the drawing with a sharp object.

Idea No. 11

Using a stiff bristle brush or toothbrush, splatter paint. This method is suitable for drawing tree crowns and creating compositions based on plant imprints.

Even small children can draw a tree using the “poke” method. The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentyeva, a reader of “Native Path”, a technology teacher, the head of an art circle for preschool children, a participant in our Internet Workshop of educational games “Through play - to success!”.

To draw a tree using the poke method you will need:

- gouache paints,

- brushes No. 2, No. 4,

- white watercolor paper A 4.

We will paint this tree immediately with paints without first drawing the outline. The crown of the tree will consist of 3 tiers of different sizes. We will draw it as follows.

Step by step description of drawing a tree

Step 1:

In the center of the upper part of the sheet of paper, using a brush No. 4 with yellow paint, draw a dotted contour in the form of a cloud on the upper tier of the tree crown. The brush must be held vertically. You need to paint with the tip of the brush, making “pokes”. Then, inside the contour using the “poke” method, we will paint over this tier.

Step 2: Stepping back from the first tier down approximately 1 - 1.5 centimeters, as in the first point, we point-draw the second tier of the crown a little larger than the first. I say approximate because the size of each tier will be completely different for everyone. Therefore, every little artist will orient himself in size relative to the sheet. The contour should not be perfectly smooth and symmetrical along the edges relative to the center.

Step 3: Similar to the previous points, inside the contour using the “poke” method, paint over the second tier and draw the third tier. Let's fill it inside the outline. Make sure that the brush is always directed vertically.

Step 4: Apply dotted orange paint to all three tiers of the autumn tree. We apply orange paint mostly on the left side at the bottom of the crown, creating darker spots, because Let's conditionally choose the lighting on the right. Therefore, the right side should be lighter than the left.

Step 5: Using the “poke” method, we’ll paint the grass under the tree first with yellow paint, then with orange.

Step 6: To source No. 2, use brown paint to draw a trunk between the tiers. Moreover, it is better to draw it from the bottom up, since the tree grows, gradually narrowing the trunk towards the upper small tier. It is advisable to take paint in two shades: dark and lighter. Then the texture of the bark will stand out on the trunk. Let's draw the branches.

Step 7: Since we conventionally assumed that the light falls on the tree from the right, we will add thin lines along the trunk on the right side with yellow paint.

I would like to add that children of different ages completed the task. Some completed the drawing of an autumn tree entirely on their own. For others, I helped them first draw on the outline and trunk with a pencil.

Examples of children's drawings of autumn trees

How to draw a tree: creative tasks for children

— What two groups are tree species divided into? (deciduous and coniferous)

- Name the species of deciduous trees (Rowan, aspen, poplar, linden, elm, autumn, maple, birch and others).

-What tree did you depict? Think about whether it is possible to depict coniferous trees using this technique?

— Try to draw a pine tree using this technique? How can I do that? ().

- Consider the shape of the tree. Are the crown and trunk dimensions the same at the top and bottom? What is the difference? How can you get this result when drawing a tree?

— Why is autumn called golden?

— Read to children or learn poems about autumn:

If in the trees
the leaves have turned yellow,
If the land is far away
the birds have flown away
If the sky is gloomy,
if it rains,
It's that time of year
It's called autumn. (M. Khodyakova “Autumn”)

Following the summer
Autumn is coming.
Yellow songs
The wind sings to her
Red under your feet
Spreads leaves
White snowflake
Flying into the blue. (V. Stepanov “Autumn is Coming”)

An autumn tree can be drawn not only using the “poke” method, but also using other techniques. How to do this is in the step-by-step master classes below.

Master class 2. How to paint an autumn tree with watercolors using a straw

In this step-by-step video from the Art School channel, you will learn how to draw a tree very quickly and easily using a straw, a brush and watercolors.

Master class 3. How to paint an autumn tree with watercolors using the monotype technique

Master class 4. How to paint an autumn tree with gouache paints

If you want to draw a more realistic tree, then there is a very, very detailed master class for you - a tree drawing lesson.

Click on or on the course cover below to free subscription

Before you draw a tree for your child step by step, you need to carefully study these natural objects and find similarities between them.

What does any, well, almost any tree have? The answer suggests itself - a straight and powerful trunk. As a rule, from below it is quite thick and voluminous, but the closer to the top of the tree, the thinner it becomes. It is from the trunk that branches go in all directions, while the main ones rush upward.

Closer to the base, the branches are long, and towards the top, on the contrary, they are short. From large skeletal branches smaller branches grow in different directions, from them even smaller ones, etc. The crown of almost all trees directly depends and is formed from such branches. Considering all these facts, you can easily draw the “skeleton” of a tree.

Important: you can depict trees in winter in a similar way - just branches, without foliage.

Interested? Then let's look in more detail at how to draw a tree with a pencil step by step for children. Believe me, it will be very educational and also interesting.

How to draw a tree: general diagram

First of all, let’s decorate the “skeleton” of the tree with leaves. You can create them with simple dots, making a leafy crown from individual dots (Figure A). As for coloring, for a summer tree it is better to use several shades of yellow or green; the autumn version can be done using red, yellow, orange or green paints.

In addition, most children can easily depict a certain plane with an irregular, oval-like shape (Figure B). This method is ideal for teaching drawing to kids. Drawing trees in a landscape will also be useful in this case. First draw one trunk and skeletal thick branches. Now paint over the green part of the tree and add small branches.

Foliage image options

As mentioned above, we draw a tree “in principle,” that is, an image familiar to most of us. Naturally, in nature, different types of trees differ significantly from each other. In our drawing there will also be a difference in the trunks: a powerful and thick giant oak, pine or rowan, a weeping slender birch with drooping branches. What exactly to depict is up to you.

Simple tree: drawing lesson for children from 4 years old

This is actually a very easy but fun way to draw a tree. Of course, it is impossible to determine its type. Yes, this is not required here. The main thing is that we know for sure that the tree is deciduous.

1. Together with your child, draw a trunk and several voluminous, large branches. The foliage must be made in the shape of an oval.

2. Color your drawing with colored pencils, markers or paints. Everything depends only on your imagination.

At first glance, it seems that such a drawing is very simple and ordinary, however, it provides rich soil for creativity and allows you to embody the most original ideas. Take a close look at the picture below and see for yourself what variety of trees you can draw using this technique.

Oak - step-by-step execution with children from 6 years old

This oak is somewhat reminiscent of an ordinary tree, which we have already considered. However, there are much more individual details: complex branches, bark texture and hollow. Don't worry if your child makes the lesson easier or misses something. The main goal is for the tree to be powerful and stocky.

We draw a birch tree with children from 8 years old step by step

For many children, drawing such a tree is a difficult task. Why? Here everything is as close as possible to a realistic image, there are complex lines and details. Therefore, you should not draw a birch for preschoolers, as well as those who study in primary school. Most likely they will try to simplify the drawing.

Draw your child's attention to the birch branches - they are leaning down!

Pine: step-by-step implementation with children from 8 years old

Now let's leave deciduous trees and move on to conifers. Tell your children, if they don't already know, that the pine tree is an evergreen tree. Therefore, it makes no difference what time of year you paint it: summer or winter - the crown is always the same. To draw pine trees, the same principle is used as for deciduous trees. The only difference is that the green needle spots must be clearly connected to the branches. In addition, unlike deciduous trees, this tree has a more voluminous “bare” part of the trunk.

Christmas tree - a simple drawing diagram for children from 4 years old

You can draw another, no less popular and well-known coniferous tree, a Christmas tree, in several ways. But we will consider only one - a coniferous and very realistic tree for adult children. You can see the drawing in the picture below.

And now an unusual option - we draw a palm tree with children from 7 years old

So, earlier we learned how to draw trees that grow in our country. Now it's time for more exotic plants. For example, it is very interesting to draw a palm tree - a decorative, simple, but at the same time, original tree. Translated from Latin, palm means “palm” - “palma”. Apparently this is due to the palm leaves spread out like “fingers”.

We will present two main options for drawing this tree: the first is a more realistic image, the second is, one might say, “cartoonish.” The difficulty of completing both drawings is approximately the same. Children from 7 to 8 years old can easily cope with this task, of course, not without the help of their parents.

Option No. 1 - a diagram of drawing a palm tree with children from 7 years old in several steps.

Option No. 2

OK it's all over Now. Now you have personally seen that drawing a tree is easy. And it doesn’t matter what exactly you want to depict: oak, birch, palm tree, etc. The main thing is to believe in your own strength and, of course, show a little imagination. Below we provide additional materials.

Summary: DIY autumn crafts for children. Autumn drawings. How to draw autumn. Autumn leaves. Drawings of autumn trees. Paintings on the theme of autumn.

We have divided the article into two parts. In the first part we will teach you how to draw autumn trees in different ways. In the second part of the article we will tell you how to draw autumn leaves.

1. Autumn drawings. Drawing autumn trees

The easiest way to draw a tree is by blowing it from a straw. To do this, draw a trunk and several branches with black or brown paint, trying to leave as much paint on the paper as possible. And now the fun begins! Take a straw and blow the twigs through it. You will get a beautiful tree that looks very natural!

To make it autumn you can:

Draw a tree on a pre-prepared colored background made in autumn tones

Draw autumn leaves with a cotton swab or fingers

Use a hole punch to make confetti and pour it onto the areas of the design that previously need to be coated with glue.

Make an applique from dry leaves

Using a regular flower sprayer, spray paint mixed with a small amount of water. If you don’t have a spray bottle, an old toothbrush or hard brush can replace it.

2. Draw autumn. Drawings on the theme of autumn

You can also try to draw trees that are not of the usual shape, but some unusual, intricate, fabulous ones. For example, these.

This way you can draw a whole autumn forest

3. Autumn forest. Drawing an autumn forest

Many people are probably familiar with the technique of creating leaf prints on paper. To print a sheet, you can use absolutely any paint, you will just get slightly different prints. Paint should be applied to the side with veins. You can paint the sheet either with one color or with different colors.

By printing leaves on paper, you can make postcards or something else interesting. But if you print a large sheet, it will turn out to be a real tree!

Using the same principle, you can make an entire autumn forest.

4. Autumn applique. Application on the theme of autumn

Well, those who don’t like to draw can make an applique of autumn leaves “Autumn Forest”.

If you have always wanted to learn how to draw, but for some reason you weren’t able to do it, then our article will definitely be useful to you. Here you will find simple drawings of golden autumn with step-by-step explanations.

Even without any special talent for drawing, you can draw quite simple but beautiful drawings. There are already many articles on our website that explain in detail exactly how to draw various drawings with pencils, gouache or watercolors.

This article will help you draw not very complicated autumn landscapes with colored pencils and paints.

How to draw a beautiful autumn nature landscape with a pencil step by step for beginners?

Now we will tell you how to draw a bright autumn landscape using the most common pencils that can be bought at any stationery store.

On a blank sheet of paper, we first outline the approximate location of our fence. To do this, draw a short vertical line below the middle of the sheet and slightly to the right. Then we draw a horizontal stripe crossing it and two stripes at the bottom, going to the vertical one.

We outline the trees. To do this, draw two vertical lines as shown in the figure. We draw a crown for the trees - large ovals of irregular shape. In the background we denote the forest with a curved horizontal line.

We draw the fence in detail. There should be a total of 7 vertical stakes. The two lower horizontal lines that we drew at the beginning are the rods behind the stakes. We also outline them. You can mark grass under the fence.

We make our trees voluminous - add a lush crown, not very thick trunks. Be sure to draw the branches in the crown to make the drawing look more natural. In the foreground we mark a path. You can take the path into the distance, or you can do it as in the photo.

. “Couldn’t be more detailed.” That's what we could call this part of the work. All the details that were conceived must be transferred to paper. These are clouds, drawing leaves, bark, grass in the foreground. Let's draw a little bird on the fence.

Take an eraser and remove all unnecessary strokes. so to speak, “cleaning up” the drawing. The lines should be smooth, single. Since a person is not a robot, the hand of even an experienced artist can sometimes tremble and produce less than ideal lines.

We take 5 colored pencils: 3 shades of green (from light to dark) and two shades of yellow (one lemon, the other warmer, a mixture of lemon and ocher). And with the help of these pencils, using vertical short strokes, we begin to draw the grass in the foreground and in the background. Please note that the grass in the foreground is drawn in more detail, unlike the background.

Using red, gray and yellow colors we draw the path and stones. We leave several small red spots on the path - these are fallen leaves.

Using a black pencil we draw the trunks and branches of birch trees. Don’t forget that the trunks of birch trees are painted with stripes (we use black and gray pencils for this), and the branches can be drawn in black. We paint the trunks of bushes brown.

Now let's play with colors! We take green, brown, red, orange, yellow and lemon pencils (if there are more shades in the set, be sure to use them too!). With all these colors we draw the crown of trees and bushes. To do this, we remember autumn and what colors the foliage is usually painted in autumn. For birch you can take yellow and orange, for other bushes - red, green, yellow, lemon, brown gray. Burgundy, marsh, and emerald are also suitable. Lastly, we add some color to our bird.

Using gray and brown pencils we draw our fence. Do not forget that the fence is in the foreground, which means it should be drawn quite well and in detail.

Using green, yellow and orange pencils, draw the background. And in the background we have a forest. Draw a forest so that when you look at it, you want to go there.

At the beginning of the work, we outlined the clouds with a simple pencil. Now, using blue and purple, we will color the sky and those same clouds. Use light vertical movements with a blue pencil to outline the sky, and with even lighter movements, but with a purple pencil, add volume to the clouds.

Bring the drawing to perfection, correct minor defects. The purple pencil on the clouds can be lightly shaded with your finger or a dry brush. The drawing is ready! Now you can draw a simple autumn landscape using a box of colored pencils!

How to draw a beautiful autumn nature landscape with paints, watercolors, gouache? Step by step for beginners?

What kind of gouache drawing can even a beginner draw? The answer is: “One that does not contain clear lines, shapes and can be almost anything, depending on the mood and desire of the author of the work!” In this part of the article, we invite you to learn how to draw a beautiful and colorful landscape using a brush and gouache.

We take two colors: blue and white. Mentally divide the sheet horizontally into two halves, the top one should be slightly smaller. Now, using wide horizontal strokes, paint the upper part with white gouache and the lower part with blue.

Create the background. Now our task is to somehow mix these two colors and make the transition smoother. We continue to apply white with the same wide strokes to the blue part, the colors will begin to mix and you will get a gradient. We highlight the middle with white color, as shown in the figure.

At this stage, we designate the horizon line and directly on it, using white, gray and brown colors, we designate the forest in the background with strokes. With a pencil we mark a tapering path towards the horizon from the near edge of the sheet. Along this path we draw trees with a thin brush and black paint. Try to make the trunks not equally straight. There must be bends, fractures - everything to make the tree seem “alive”.

Let the trees dry and use yellow paint to literally press the leaves into the paper. To do this, take a pony brush No. 4-6, dip it in water, then dry it with a towel or rag, make the brush fluffy by running your finger over it a couple of times and dip the brush in the paint. Then, using this “ruffled” brush with paint, we place “blots” on the paper in those places where the foliage should be, as in the photo below. These “blots” will be the leaves.

In the palette, mix yellow and white paint until you obtain a light yellow pastel shade. In exactly the same way as in Step 4 we designate the distant plan. On the path marked with a pencil, we draw reflections of the trees.

Adding red and orange to your work. A few strokes of red on the foliage of the closest trees. We visually divide the asphalt on each side into 3 sections, separated by blue. Each section is painted red and orange. You can make a few strokes of yellow paint in the foreground on the asphalt - these are fallen leaves.

We mark the border as shown in the picture, adding more detail to the work. You can add more leaves, add a few branches to the trees.

Now your work is finally ready! Let it dry and place it in a frame.

If such a drawing seems too complicated to you, then try to draw a simpler version - just a very beautiful tree.

Take clean watercolor paper and visually mark where your tree will be located. We recommend choosing a place for it in the middle. Now take yellow watercolor, dip the brush in water, then in paint. We will need an additional item: a toothbrush, a stick, a ruler, in general, something that you can lightly knock on. We bring the brush as shown in the figure and tap the paint onto a sheet of paper.

Add another color - red. We get beautiful splashes.

Important! Do not put too much water on the brush, otherwise the drawing may turn out too blurry!

To yellow and red add green, orange and a few drops of blue.

You can add a few more colors: pink, lilac, malon.

Using a spray bottle, we slightly blur the crown of our future tree so that the colors are not so bright and we get beautiful tints. It is enough to sprinkle the drawing with water only 2-3 times.

When the paint spreads a little, let it dry, first shading it a little with a brush.

Using a thin sharp brush we draw branches here and there. Use brown paint to mark the bottom of the trunk and the ground - the tree is ready!

How to draw a light autumn landscape with a pencil for beginners?

The landscape that we invite you to draw below is actually quite easy. And our step-by-step guide will allow you to avoid mistakes in your work. Good luck!

Mark the horizon line just above the middle of the sheet. Then we denote the foreground with an inclined line - the hill where our trees will grow.

We draw the silhouettes of the trunks with two vertical lines. We try to avoid straight lines.

Between the hill and the horizon line we will have a lake. We mark its far and near banks on the left side.

The far shore can also be seen in the distance to the right. Mark a low forest at the top of the bank, as shown in the picture.

In the foreground, where we marked the hillock, draw grass. This is quite easy to do. Again, try to avoid straight lines.

Now try to draw tree trunks and branches as realistically as your skills allow. The tree on the right should be quite sweeping.

Now draw the left tree. In some places on the branches, draw leaves, draw leaves of the same shape on the ground near the tree. Where you drew grass, draw reeds in addition.

Shade the lake with a simple pencil using wide strokes, not tightly, leaving a large distance between the lines.

Take a simple pencil and shade the hill on which the trees are located. Don't forget that the shadow cast by the trees will be darker.

Shade the background as well, sorting it out into shadows. Paint the reeds with a medium intensity shade.

Paint the entire background, including the lake and the left bank of the lake as shown in the picture. Moreover, try to make part of the lake along the shores a little darker than in the center.

Shade the sky with light pressure on the pencil. Then, using a little more pressure on the pencil, draw light clouds.

Using the eraser, highlight a small circle on the left side, as shown in the picture - this is the sun. Now the atmosphere is not so gloomy, and your drawing is finished! Congratulations!

Simple and light and beautiful autumn landscapes: drawings for sketching

These three drawings are very simple. you can do them in color or leave them as sketches.

drawing in color 2

Video: how to draw a golden autumn?