Drawing of a square glass jar drawn. How to draw a jar of jam, a glass jar with a pencil step by step? Jar as a candlestick

So let's get started...

1. Draw two anchor points of the ellipse.

2. Draw an ellipse.

3. Draw the sides of the cylinder: two parallel vertical lines.

4. Round the bottom of the cylinder. Make sure the bottom line is curved a little more than the corresponding top line. Here two laws are used simultaneously: size and location.

5. Draw two more cylinders at the back. First on the left. Pick anchor points for the ellipse in the top left of the first cylinder.

6. Complete the ellipse.

7. Draw the sides of the second cylinder. The right side is hidden behind the first cylinder, using an overlap that creates the illusion of depth.

8. Round off the bottom of the second cylinder. Make sure to lift the line up and hide it behind the nearest cylinder. Automatically I want to connect this line with the lower corner of the first cylinder. I don't know why, but many newbies do this over and over again. Look at the picture: the reference point should be located on the left side of the nearest cylinder.

9. Start the third cylinder with two anchor points just above the middle of the first cylinder.

10. Draw an ellipse. Please note that the second row of cylinders is slightly smaller than the first. Complete the third cylinder using overlap, size and location.

11. Draw the horizon line and the position of the light source. I like to start my eyeshadow in the dark little nooks and crannies.

12. Complete the three cylinder exposure. Add falling shadows opposite the light source using feathering. Make sure to use the SW direction to position the drop shadow correctly.


Okay, now we're ready to take our lesson into the real world. Go to the kitchen and find three tin cans of the same size. Place them on the table in the same way as the three cylinders we just drew.

Sit on a chair in front of your still life. Notice how the top planes of the cans don't nearly "flatten" the way we draw them. This is because your eye level is much higher than where we imagined it to be in the picture. Move away from the table until the lids of the jars look like in our picture.

Experiment with eye level, lowering your eyes until you can no longer see the lids of the jars. This is an example of how we will get two perspectives in the following lessons.

Now stand up and look what happened to the can lids. They expanded.

Depending on the level of your eyes, they either narrow or widen.

Comprehension gives you the skill of drawing objects that you see around you or that you imagine, in any position.

Now grab nine cans or mugs (if they are different sizes, that's okay).

Arrange them however you like at one end of the table.

Sit on the other side with a sketchbook and pencil.

Look at your still life.

Draw what you see. You can place a box under the jars to raise them to a higher level.

As you draw, you will recognize the words you learned in this lesson. You'll begin to understand how to apply the Nine Fundamental Laws of Drawing to draw the real world in 3D in your sketchbook.

Important point: in any three-dimensional image you create, whether it be a real world object or a fictional one, you will always apply two or more of the Nine Laws, every time, without exception. In this lesson we applied the laws of perspective, overlap, position, size, fill and shadows.

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  1. 1 Draw an ellipse to make the lid.
  2. 2 Sketch a similar ellipse slightly lower than the first one to make the bottom and inner lid.
  3. 3 Draw a slightly larger ellipse under the lid to represent the widest part of the jar.
  4. 4 Draw a vertical line from each edge of the larger ellipse to create the sides of the can.
  5. 5 Draw another half ellipse by connecting two vertical lines to create the base of the can.
  6. 6 Draw the smaller half of the ellipse to create the bottom of the can.
  7. 7 Add the remaining parts for the lid.
  8. 8 Add additional embellishments and outline the design.
  9. 9 Erase the sketches and color the sketch. If necessary, indicate the brand of soda.
  • Don't use a pencil that is too cheap. Cheap pencils (graphite) usually contain many impurities that interfere with the creation of a good sketch.
  • Don't try too hard to draw deep, precise lines on paper. Light, sweeping movements of a pencil (or pen) give good results. In drawing, less is often more.
  • Try different types of paper. Sketching paper is often where a lot of the fun comes in. Heavier, more textured paper encourages more interaction between the pencil and the surface. This creates great results!
  • Alternative shading techniques include using straight lines to create curves. This is a method for advanced people and is best left for later!
  • Try drawing a crumpled can when you can draw a simple can without any problems. Wrinkled metal, shiny and matte contrasts will be fun to display!


  • Once your brain understands how to do it, you will want to draw all the time. Any blank piece of paper can become a potential victim.

What you will need

  • Can of soda (optional)
  • pencil
  • paper
  • eraser (optional if you made a lot of mistakes)

I don’t remember what kind of lesson it was about different vessels. But since our readers ask, we will continue to learn new things. Today we will talk about how to draw a jar with a pencil. First, let's find out where the glass came from? For King Pea In ancient times, let's count 5 thousand years ago, a person noticed that under the influence of critically high temperatures, ordinary sand turns into transparent pebbles and pieces. At first, glass was considered almost like diamonds, then they made figures, figurines, and started pawning them. The championship in glass production lies behind Egypt, a civilization that has already distinguished itself by its coolness by building the wonder of the world - the pyramids. Glass jewelry was found in the graves. Let’s also say a big thank you for the glass jars and bottles that made our life so much easier. It’s one thing to store a product in some container, another thing to see with your own eyes how it’s doing there behind transparent glass.

What are the advantages of using glass containers:

  • Plus: you can actually see the condition of the product, not even for practical purposes, but just shake the can and see what happens. Disadvantage: easily broken and slippery.
  • A completely vacuum jar preserves food well and for a long time. Pros: Even if the shelf life has passed, transparency helps assess the level of damage. Cons: wooden or even stone containers preserve food for longer and give it a specific taste.
  • Can be used as a weapon to stun an enemy. Pros: always at hand, whether you are at home or in a bar or in a store. Cons: Glass has a tendency to break into pieces, which can be fatal.

How to draw a jar with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, draw a square shape and divide it in half. Step two. Draw a vessel with a large neck symmetrically relative to the vertical line. Let's round the corners a little at the bottom. Step three. We outline everything drawn with a thick line, defining the necessary shape and edges. Step four. Step five. Now we remove the auxiliary lines, and apply more shadows and highlights to the jar itself. Do you want to book a drawing lesson? Write to me here -

A glass jar is a universal item. It is used for storing cereals and jam, as a vase, and as a decorative item in the interior. Every person has encountered them more than once in their life. This article discusses in detail how to draw a jar and how to complement the work.

What should you pay attention to?

Before you start drawing, it makes sense to carefully and thoroughly study the subject. When deciding how to draw a jar, you should first decide what kind of jar will be depicted. Glass jars for jam and tin jars with canned food vary greatly in shape. Common and unique features of cans:

  • All banks are symmetrical.
  • Glass varieties have a neck.
  • Any jar can be opened using a screw cap or
  • The lid of a glass jar may be a different size compared to the diameter of the jar itself.

Stages of work

Let's take a closer look at how to draw a jar with a pencil:

  • We outline the general proportions - height, width. It is important to monitor the distances to the edge of the sheet. The sketch of the can should be commensurate with the size of the selected format. If the jar is too small, it will get lost on a large sheet and will look awkward. If the jar practically rests against the edge of the sheet, it gives the impression that it is “crowded.” Therefore, you need to monitor not only the size of the jar itself, but also its position in the picture.
  • The neck and lid are outlined.
  • The bottom of the jar is rounded because there is a circle at its base.
  • The lid is drawn - it can be high and embossed.
  • Details are added - accents on the shadows, small shading that will emphasize the volume of the jar and lid.

Thus, the question of how to draw a jar can be considered resolved.

Drawing of a tin can

A tin can is an ordinary cylinder. Stages of work:

  • We outline the proportions and dimensions - width, height.
  • The bottom and top of the jar have the same diameter and are depicted as ellipses.
  • The most interesting thing is to come up with and draw a label on the side. This is the distinctive feature of tin cans. This can be a drawing, an inscription or a combination of both. After the sketch is ready, you can color it with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

We complete and complement the drawing

When a pencil sketch is ready, there is often a desire to finish the work. As a result, you want to see a beautiful, colored drawing, and not just a sketch. That is, the question of how to draw a jar is complemented by the task of making this jar beautiful and aesthetically attractive. List of specific options and recommendations.

Even if you are not an artist and use a pencil only for picking or gnawing on it during stress, you should know how to draw a jar. Firstly, a child may ask you for this, and secondly, no one is immune from the design of wall newspapers at a summer camp, school or even at work. And it’s just difficult in life without minimal design skills. So, let's stock up on pencils, paper and paints. And go ahead!

With bright lid

Before you draw a jar with a pencil, make sure that you have everything for this: paper, a simple pencil, and also a multi-colored one to make the lid more realistic. Do not need anything else. Let's get started.

Make a sketch with a pencil of a different color. You should now have a cylinder. On its upper plane (ellipse) we draw another ellipse. This will be his cover.

Give the cylinder the shape of a can. We outline the cylinder with a pencil, making the top two ellipses slightly smaller than it. This will be the lid. The angle between the cylinder and the ellipses is slightly rounded and smoothed. These will be the “hangers” of our jar.

The lid is the easiest step. We simply shade the space between the two ellipses. We paint the lower part of the picture, thus marking the table on which our vessel stands.

Now all that remains is to paint the lid with a bright color. To prevent the picture from being flat, lightly paint over its upper outline.

Black and white example

Another option is how to draw a jar step by step. It is a little simpler than the previous one, but with honey.

In order to imitate a metal lid, draw a horizontal ellipse elongated to the sides. To depict the sides of the lid, draw a concave downward line from one edge to the next in its lower part. In the middle we write another oval, but do not complete it.

We sketch out a container for honey. It's just a square, or rather a rectangle with smooth corners. In the middle we make another square.

In the square in the center, write the word “honey”.

With cookies

Here we will learn how to draw a glass jar, not just a simple one, but with cookies inside. To make it attractive, stock up on colored pencils.

First we draw the container itself. To do this, we write a square, slightly elongated upward, so a rectangle. Its corners are also smoothed. The lid is triangular, topped with a small circle.

Let's make the filling. In the center of the rectangle we enter another one, with clearer corners. We draw uneven circles and ellipses around. These are cookies. In a small rectangle we write the word “cookies”.

Let's color it. This is the simplest thing. The inscription can be made bright, and so can the cookies. Be sure to put dark dots - raisins or chocolate.

Nutella jar

First, sketch out a rectangle elongated slightly upward. You need this figure in order to draw a jar of Nutella extremely realistically. Corners should be rounded. In its upper part, the base should be similar to the base of a triangle. This design is crowned with another rectangle - very narrow and with horizontal lines concave downwards. An ellipse stretched to the sides is drawn on top.

We draw the upper rectangle with vertical lines. We draw horizontal lines in the lower and upper parts of the lower rectangle. Here's the label. In the lower part we depict a smiling face: in the corners there are small ovals (“cheeks”) elongated to the sides, next to each - along the upper part of the circle. Another semicircle, or rather, the lower part of the circle is in the middle.

Let's color it. Color the parts of the square on both sides of the label brown. We paint the cheeks pink. We sign the label in black and red, like the original Nutella.

With jam

Before you draw a jar of jam, stock up on pink pencils.

Again we draw a square with rounded corners, but without the top. We draw an ellipse a little higher. There are two lines on both sides, and a wavy line in between. This is how we got the fabric covering the jam.

We depict the “paper for inscriptions” in the center of the vessel as a horizontal rectangle. Here we enter the word Jam.

Coloring. We color the fabric with a gray checkered pattern. The rest of the jam container is pink, leaving only the label white.

You can see for yourself that being an artist is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to enjoy the amazing process.