The magic of numbers. Low tide What does it mean when you dream about low tide?

Clean water in a dream means joy, a successful outcome, happiness. Any vessel or reservoir with clean water promises prosperity and wealth in the near future.

Clean water in the river is a favorable sign that promises success and joy. A clear river flowing into your bedroom foreshadows the imminent arrival of a rich overseas guest who will do a lot for your well-being; if the water is agitated, then your guest may come with bad intentions and disturb the peace in your home.

A stream of clean water flowing near your home means that your financial situation will soon become stronger and you will receive a good position that will give you the opportunity to help people in need.

If in a dream you were given a glass of clean water, then you will have success in business or marriage, which will turn out to be happy.

If the glass is cracked and no water spills, then your wife may die during childbirth, but the child will remain alive. For women, such a dream predicts the untimely death of a spouse.

For a priest to dream that he is distributing clean water to people is a sign that he is honestly fulfilling his duty and bringing goodness and comfort to people.

Muddy water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly keen on doctrines and heretical teachings.

If a young man dreams that he is drawing clean and clear water from a well, then he will soon marry a lovely girl; if the water is cloudy or cloudy, then his happiness will be short-lived and many disappointments await him.

Drawing clean water from a well and treating someone with it is a sign that with your help the people whom you treated with water will become rich. If the water is cloudy, then you will bring misfortune to this person.

Drawing water from a well portends success in business or purchase. Muddy water always portends confusion of feelings.

Carrying water in clothes, a broken vessel, or in something else that is not entirely suitable for this means that you will face losses or deception of people to whom you have entrusted your fortune. If no water spills, then you will miraculously avoid large losses and save your fortune.

Burying such water in the ground is a harbinger of big troubles, loss of a good name and a shameful death.

Seeing a pond with calm water is a sign that your life will be calm and happy.

A pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of a field, promises you that soon you will be able to save enough money so that you can afford to have a family and children. If the water in the pond floods the shore, then you may lose your wife, children or money.

If your wife also had such a dream, then she may lose her money or face a quick death.

For a man to see a small picturesque pond in a dream - a harbinger of the romantic love of a beautiful woman.

A seething stream is a harbinger of fire, litigation and the revenge of enemies.

Water flowing over stones means that your enemies or bosses will be unforgiving, and you will lose the lawsuit.

Standing in the water among the waves and not being able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and fortitude to survive the impending misfortune.

Seeing in a dream how someone is drowning in a seething and dirty stream means that a scandal, separation from your lover, melancholy, hopelessness and failure in business await you.

Troubled water in the river is a harbinger of a threat looming over you emanating from an imperious and powerful enemy.

Sailing along a river with clear water in a boat is a harbinger of all the best - success, wealth, fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swimming along a large river is a warning of danger looming over you.

To be in a fast-flowing river in a dream and not be able to get out of it is a sign of a dangerous illness, danger, or a lengthy trial.

A waving stream means the danger of fire, litigation and the machinations of enemies.

Sailing a boat on a body of water with clean and clear water means a good name, wealth and happiness. But swimming in the dark means that you will be tormented by doubts.

Seeing streams and fountains with calmly flowing water in a dream foretells good news; such a dream predicts recovery for the sick.

Seeing your reflection in water means death for the sleeping person or one of his close relatives. A dried up or dried up source of water in a dream does not bode well.

Your life may be in danger; one of your close relatives or friends may die. The dream also predicts great financial difficulties.

If water in your dream flows from a place where it should not flow, then a lot of grief and problems await you.

Scooping up this water in a dream is a bad omen. The more water you scoop up, the worse the meaning this dream will have and the longer your misfortunes will last.

It’s good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried up, because then the unfavorable period will quickly end and everything will be fine.

If in a dream you hear the sound of water or a stream of water, then soon a person whom you have not seen for a long time and no longer thought of seeing will return to you.

Drinking water in a dream means troubles, failures, betrayal in love, divorce. Drinking warm water is a harbinger of the fact that a certain person, offended by you, will want to take revenge on you. Drinking dirty water is a sign of great worries or illness.

Spilling water at home means worries and troubles. How much water you spill, you will drink so much grief. It's even worse if it damages furniture or carpets.

Throwing yourself into water in a dream is a sign of danger; diving into water means trouble. Seeing yourself in water is a sign of ill health, colds, tumors, melancholy.

Swimming in the water means that you will be able to justify yourself and remove all suspicions. Seeing others bathing portends reconciliation with enemies.

Drowning in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love.

Being wet is a sign of troubles, worries, domestic squabbles, and frustration. Getting your feet wet in a dream means losses, illness and obstacles.

Cold and icy water in your dream is a sign of health; hot water means illness, muddy water means sadness and gossip, clean water promises prosperity and success in business, and dark water means insults, grievances, quarrels, failures.

Having fun with games on the water is a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime.

Washing your hands in water in a dream is bad for the sick. For the rest, the dream foretells that they will refuse to participate in some business.

Washing someone's feet with water is a sign of consoling loved ones in grief. Washing with water is good news.

Seeing bubbles on the water is a sign of good news and health. See interpretation: bubbles.

Seeing splashes means news. Spraying someone with water means an unexpected turn in business. If water splashes on your head in a dream, then unexpected passion awaits you. If the splashes do not hit you, but somewhere nearby, then an unexpected encounter or an unexpected turn of events awaits you.

Seeing a splash of water in a dream means increasing your chances of success.

Pouring water is a harbinger of empty talk, a sign that your hopes will not come true. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you talk more than you do. Watering something with water means losses.

If the water is dirty, then a shameful trial awaits you.

To plunge into water up to your neck in a dream will mean that you will be fed up with what is happening and you will become disgusted with your life.

Carrying water is useless work.

Walking on water without getting your feet wet means overcoming obstacles and good luck in a difficult task.

Hearing the sound of water in a dream is a sign that gossip is being spread about you.

Being scalded by boiling water in a dream is a sign that you will lose money due to your own carelessness.

Looking at water in a dream means that your bad premonitions will come true.

If in a dream you are afraid of water, then shame, loss or illness awaits you, which you feared. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may become a victim of robbers if you do not take care to properly hide your valuables in time.

To dream that a water carrier is moving towards you is a harbinger of soon receiving wealth or an inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and big profits.

A whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Getting into it is a sign that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation and will not know how to get out of it.

Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving an inheritance, which will cause you a lot of trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Modern combined dream book

Seeing the sea tide in a dream- a wonderful dream that promises you good luck in life, winning the lottery, and even receiving an inheritance.

Watch the ebb and flow of the sea- means that your happiness is fickle, be prepared for change.

Children's dream book

If you see the water receding- it means your vitality and luck are leaving you.

Complete dream book of the New Era

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The dream suggests that the Dreamer in reality is thinking about restoring the connection with this very friend... Or the Dreamer is nostalgic for those very times when friendship was sincere and strong, despite differences and misunderstandings (chasing a dog in a Convertible, four cats sleeping under a bush and an unfamiliar Dog, catch the desired Dog).

Fans who seem interesting, but with whom you don’t know what to do. You don’t give them anything “The sandy shore is empty” and they disappear from your life “the dolphins have swam away” Although, in fact, without them your internal state is “you want to cry” “The weather has turned bad, clouds have rolled in” But you successfully solve this problem by closing yourself inside “I closed the door in front of her. It immediately became calm and light." In other words, now you are more comfortable being alone than with unnecessary friends

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - High tide, low tide and dolphins

The image of a dolphin in a dream symbolizes some interesting, clever thought or idea, which in real life, alas, is unlikely to be useful to you. Most likely, the plans you are hatching are good and beautiful - but not for the conditions in which you are going to act.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Huge fish

Standing on a large Terrace near the Sea symbolizes the desired (or expected) social and material opportunities. At Sea, nasty weather means the dominance of the Dreamer's emotional sphere over consciousness, the discrepancy between the Dreamer's internal attitudes and the external social atmosphere. The Low Tide begins and the Sea goes away - this means a decrease in the manifestation of emotionality (dreaming), balancing it with consciousness (real actions). Huge Pisces remain lying at the bottom without the usual water, which is impossible to breathe - symbolizes the Dreamer’s persistent attachment to the usual emotional comfort (daydreaming), which deprives the Dreamer of a confident social position and solid material support.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Why do you dream about the tide? According to the dream book, the tide is a harbinger of some positive changes, making a profit, and finding happiness. But sometimes such a symbol in a dream foreshadows quarrels, irritation or excessive emotionality.

The dream book promises changes, new opportunities

The vision promises a change in the course of events, quite radical, but generally favorable for the sleeper.

Did you see a tide in a dream? The dream book promises the emergence of new opportunities and even the fulfillment of desires.

If it is calm, it is a sign of energy flows and whirlpools. You will need to show some emotions and restrain others. Too stormy - you can lose control over your own business.

Ebb and flow - unrest, inconstancy

Why do we dream about ebbs and flows? You are worried that you are no longer in control of a situation. Don't act hastily.

If these phenomena often change: the water either washes away everything in its path, or retreats far into the sea - this warns of the impermanence and fragility of your well-being.

Sea or river?

Remember the details of the dream:

  • marine - additional sources of income;
  • oceanic - a joyful event is ahead;
  • river - unexpected expenses or mandatory payments are coming;
  • measured - things are in order and will soon bring profit;
  • rapid - feelings can overwhelm you.

Miller's Dream Book: favorable circumstances

Have you seen this phenomenon at sea? Soon everything will turn out well for your business, says Miller. So you can safely develop it and expand.

Seeing the tide in a dream

How did you happen to see the tide in a dream? If you watched the rolling waves in the distance, you will regularly receive large sums of money.

Were you standing close and the waves hit you? A situation will arise that will make you very worried when making a decision.

Did you escape from them? You must learn to control your feelings better, otherwise you will harm your own affairs.

The ability to keep your emotionality under control is a sign of a responsible person. It is always easier to succumb to negative emotions and say unpleasant things to an annoying interlocutor. It is much more difficult to maintain a calm expression on your face. But it is much better, and sometimes even more profitable.

Did you dream about the tide being clear or cloudy?

Has clean water arrived? The dream book is encouraging: something exciting will happen. Have you bathed in it? You will skillfully manipulate circumstances and bring profit to yourself and your partners.

Did you dream of a muddy, dirty tide? This is a warning in a dream about some danger or an upcoming serious illness.

Was it with sand? Feel dislike for someone who is too active and pushy to get their way. Don't get annoyed by other people's achievements, focus on your goals.

Measured or tall?

Was the water rising steadily and beautifully? The dream book states: you will have a pleasant time in the company of friends or with interesting people.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

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The most divine masculine part of your personality. Universal male power.

Casting something in a dream

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Cast bullets - don’t get carried away with dangerous things.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Low Tide?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you see receding water, it means that your vitality and luck are leaving you.

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