Draw a picture from a photograph.  Prices for portraits from life and from photos Cost of painting and design works Artist Yakov Dedyk

We try to make the process of choosing and deciding to order a portrait from us as comfortable as possible for our clients. We know that you have a lot of questions, both quite simple and those for which it may be very difficult to find answers. Especially to make our custom portrait service clearer to you and the end result more visual, we have created this configurator.

Questions that require answers

The biggest doubts, as a rule, among people thinking about a custom portrait arise due to a poor understanding of the essence of the service. If you combine them all into groups and formulate them in the form of questions, you can get the following:

1. It must be very expensive?

Indeed, most people have very little idea of ​​how much such a portrait would cost. And he is very surprised when it turns out that it is relatively inexpensive. This is because the cost of such services is not obvious to people who have never ordered them.

2. A portrait is something big and awkward, isn’t it?

IN mass performance Unfortunately, this is indeed exactly the case. Massive gilded frame, enormous size, incredibly pathetic poses. Of course, a resident of modern Moscow can hardly imagine this in his interior, much less in such a way that it would be appropriate.

3. Surely you will have to sit motionless for five hours?

This is another incredibly common misconception associated with the idea of fine arts, which exists in the form of stereotypes imposed popular culture. The artist tries on for several minutes, squinting his eyes, while his model tries not to fall unconscious.

4. Do they even know how to draw?

The fear of ordering a job, and as a result getting something terrible, unprofessional, outright hack work, sits very firmly in our minds. However, nothing surprising: all the accumulated negative experience, which, as we know, is remembered better than positive ones, takes its toll.

5. How can a person who does nothing but continuously draw people see and draw me correctly?

This is one of the special fears that explicitly or subconsciously worries our clients. Fear that the resulting picture will be just one of hundreds of similar stamped portraits.

The answers we give to these questions

As you can see, each of these questions is quite important for making a decision. And specifically in order to answer them more clearly, we created this configurator.
By using it, you will learn that:

  1. A custom portrait is not at all as expensive as it might seem. You can see the price here, it changes when you change the conditions. By the way, this is very convenient, because it makes it easier to buy a painting with optimal parameters on a budget limited to a certain amount.
  2. Portraits are very different. Even within this configurator you can see drawn examples of portraits in different techniques. We paint on canvas and paper, in oils and pastels, in monochrome and color, in short, the variety is really very great. This is especially good if you want to receive a custom-made portrait as a gift to friends or family: it allows you to choose the one that best suits your needs. specific interior, or neutral option.
  3. You don't have to sit still. We draw custom paintings from photographs. It is very comfortable. If you are going to give a portrait, then you can draw it from the photo, keeping your idea a secret. Upload the photo to the configurator, and from the photo it will make finished painting. It is convenient and very clear.
  4. Our workshop employs professionals of the highest level. You can verify this both in the configurator and just below by reading the examples of work.
  5. Your order will be unique. In painting in general it is quite difficult to find identical works if we're talking about about professionals. And when we are talking about portraits of people, each of whom is unique and inimitable, then it is completely impossible to draw a portrait similar to another.

How to use

To see the future result, upload your photo and select the options that the configurator offers you. The price will change automatically so you can immediately see the changes. It’s simple: you can immediately see how much a custom-made portrait from a photo will cost in a specific technique, size and with additional conditions.

Please note that we draw portraits from photographs, which means we work with clients living even in regions remote from Moscow. The number of people can also be essentially any. When painting from a photograph, there is no need to coordinate people and get them together to pose.

If you have already decided, then order a portrait from us, and we will deliver it free of charge throughout Moscow, or for an affordable price throughout the Russian Federation.

Separately, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all the conditions presented for selecting your custom portrait differ in price, but not in quality. This is very important point, since very often we are approached with such a not entirely correct understanding of the process.

Our pricing is based on the most straightforward and honest principles. It directly depends on only two parameters: the cost of materials and the complexity of the work. Everything else is practically irrelevant. That’s why, in fact, our custom paintings from photographs are so affordable (one of the most affordable in Moscow): we don’t force our customers to pay for unnecessary things, and we can always tell what the price is based on.

That's why it's so easy for us to tell you how much it will cost to order a portrait painted in oil on canvas, and how much it will cost to work in pencil on paper.

With all this, we never save on materials, and do not suggest you save on quality. For us, the simplest way to focus is on optimal necessity. This means that we select paints, canvases and other consumables so that they provide the required level of work, and at the same time there is no need to pay extra money for the brand (because otherwise we will have to increase the price for you, and we don’t want that).

Therefore, you may notice that the choice of frame does not change the price of the painting you want to order. This can be explained very simply: all the frames that we offer are equally good, and differ mainly only appearance. Either by material, or finishing, or something else. This does not mean that another frame will definitely be worse: for each picture you need to choose something different.

The same goes for selecting packaging or other elements of your order. We have selected in advance best options, so all you have to do is choose a specific one. The main thing in a portrait from a photo to order is the portrait itself, the rest is just accompanying conditions. That's why we suggest you simplify your choice and focus on what's important.

And of course, if you decide to buy a custom portrait from us, then you can always count on any advice and assistance. Our calculator was developed in such a way as to be as clear and simple as possible, but we know that questions arise in a variety of ways, so contact us at any time and in any way convenient for you, we are always ready to answer them.

We live in amazing time new forms and possibilities. Technical and humanitarian progress, without exaggeration, gives us the opportunity to create miracles and live in a fairy tale, the authors of which we ourselves are. If anyone is stopping us from achieving everything we want, it’s ourselves. Do you have a picturesque portrait in your house? Most likely no. What's stopping you? Lack of funds, no desire to see yourself and your loved ones, the task is not one of the main ones, etc.? We find funds for a car, an apartment, houses and dachas. We go on vacation, we give expensive gifts, we spend it on whatever we want. Of course, there are objective reasons that prevent us from ordering our own portrait or painting. We have no time or desire to pose, we don’t know which artist to trust, we’re not sure what they’ll draw for our money, etc. This alone is enough for our desire to remain unrealized or even unconscious from year to year. Pictures from photographs - absolutely new approach to the issue of creating your own portrait or painting. Now paintings based on photographs of your family, friends and yourself can decorate your interior and delight you without all these difficulties and questions. Any style and design is at your service. There are no limits to your imagination.

A wonderful, original and creative gift for a birthday, anniversary, any celebration or just as a token of sympathy. Paintings from photographs ArtPhoto are paintings created from your photographs based on images from existing images available to us. These are stills from films or TV series, paintings by artists, modern photographs and black and white retro photographs. Based on all this, your own painting from a photograph will be created.

Paintings from photographs - an original gift for any occasion

Whether it's paintings from photographs, portraits or photo collages, ArtPhoto will do its work at the highest level under your quality control. A painting from a photograph for the hero of the day is always the most unusual and expensive gift if you ordered a painting from ArtFoto.

This page presents examples of work completed in in electronic format. Each image enlarges when clicked. In reality, you can get acquainted with the completed paintings at our advertising exhibitions in the European, Nautilus, WTC on Krasnaya Presnya, Atrium, Panorama, Sunny Paradise and other places in Moscow. Our framing workshop invites you to choose a framing for your painting to suit every taste and any interior. Moreover, you receive your painting already in a frame. At your service is a huge selection of gift baguettes, which are already included in the price of the ordered painting. All you have to do is choose a suitable frame for your painting from a photograph and your best gift with a photo is ready. The one you create will exceed all expectations.

How do our paintings with photos differ from paintings from other companies? First of all We focus on the quality of our work, we stylize it to match the original image, match the colors, write your photo on the tablet, pay attention to the little things, apply light and shade correctly, transfer the texture. You see our work on your monitor as the final image is produced. After your approval, we apply an image of your painting with a photo to the canvas and deliver it on a stretcher into the hands of our wonderful artists. Each of them has their own technique and are wonderful in their own way. You can find out more about them and their work in the “our artists” section. With their own hands, they record the image on the canvas, exactly repeating the applied image and without distorting the face. Their work brings vibrancy to oil paints, elevates colors, and carries flavor self made. This painting technique is called the géclée technique. Our technology gives everyone the opportunity to become the author of their own picture and create a wonderful gift from a photograph to your loved ones and dear people.

Painting from a photograph

Admire own portrait almost everyone wants to decorate their home interior with a picture of their family. A painting from a photograph by ArtPhoto gives you the opportunity to become the author of your own painting.
We are stopped by various difficulties. Everyone has their own. The most common ones are...
The cost of the painting is unaffordable compared to current income and ordering the painting is no longer a priority long years. But that's all life will pass, where is the joy from it and what will we leave for our descendants?
Painting from a photograph ArtPhoto costs more than any other company. If a second company ever appears that can create paintings from photographs no worse than ArtPhoto, we will lower prices to their level and try not to go broke.
You can order a painting from a photograph from ordinary artist. But we are never sure what we will get for our money. A picture from a photograph in his hands may turn out to be completely different from the photograph itself, and even more so from this person. We also have little idea of ​​what the surroundings around the face will be, despite this artist’s numerous sketches and stories about his plans. You always want to see first and pay later. Not the other way around. ArtPhoto designers invite you to choose images, surroundings and any details of your painting based on images from our galleries. Next, we create a layout of your painting on the computer and send it to you by email for approval. Under your control, artists and designers refine the layout to the final image. It is this image that will turn into your painting.
We take a minimum advance payment, no more than 1000 rubles, when ordering even the painting itself. This ensures that you pay for what you like, not promises.
ArtPhoto designers create paintings from photographs in electronic form, recording all images on tablets, improving the quality. We provide the ability to change the size of your painting to the largest size at any time. We don’t know of another company or technology like this.
A painting from a photograph allows you to make an unexpected surprise, because... we get rid of the need to pose.
The time frame for creating ArtPhoto paintings amazes the imagination of artists and seems fantastic. Our designers are ready to make your painting from a photograph in one day. On average, work on a painting takes 3-4 days, thanks to the well-coordinated teamwork of our craftsmen. The exact deadline depends on the speed of your approvals. The quality does not suffer in any way, because... Our technologies are strictly time regulated and tested on daily orders from all over the world. You can order a painting from a photograph from any city without leaving your office or home.
A painting from a photograph is the art of a gift in your creative hands!

Painting - photo

Matching the picture to the photo determines the quality future painting and what role it will play in the future. Will it end up in a landfill or closet, or will it adequately decorate the interior of your home. Of course, you will make a first impression with a picture of the birthday boy in the chosen image, but soon the assessment of the quality of your picture will come to the fore.

And here it was worth contacting ArtPhoto, since we are the ones who are most demanding about quality. It is the quality of paintings with photos that distinguishes the ArtPhoto company from all other companies that do something similar. We openly show our quality in the best and expensive places Moscow such as WTC on Krasnaya Presnya, Atrium shopping center, Evropeisky shopping center, Nautilus shopping center, Panorama shopping center, Grand shopping center, etc. We are participants in many prestigious exhibitions, see the "Events" section.

The correspondence of the painting to the photo from which it was made is one of the main advantages of painting from a photograph in our technique. The photo from which the painting was taken merges into the image without changes or distortion. Our paintings are often called photo paintings or photo paintings due to the photo-documentary quality of the image. We call our works simply - painting, painting from a photo or painting from a photograph. The combination of painting and photo brings technology into painting and the possibility of your direct participation in the creation of your own painting, which is beyond the control of artists classical school. You can only trust them and wait for an assessment of the finished work. Our technology positions you as the conductor of an orchestra of designers and artists with loud and clear name ArtPhoto.

When ordering a painting from us, you don’t have to worry about its future size. Our draftsmen draw your picture on tablets in high resolution so that upon completion of work you can order a painting large sizes. Large-sized paintings produce a completely incomparable impression on the viewer than room-sized paintings.

You should order a painting with a photo once big size and place it in your home, as you will no longer be able to imagine yourself on a small canvas. Large paintings shape the style of a rich home. An exquisite hand-carved frame will be a rich addition to your painting. This frame is a work of art in itself. Having united into a single whole, your picture and exclusive frame will become something that will invariably delight any of your guests and become business card You and your home.

Photography appeared in the mid-19th century and immediately gained enormous popularity. It is interesting that photographic portraits and photographic landscapes were created not only of a private nature. At the beginning of the 20th century, photographs were used in military operations, and ordinary pigeons worked as “photographers”.

The first patent allowing the use of pigeons to carry cameras was issued to J. Neubronner in 1908. Today, modern technological progress makes it possible to obtain high-quality photographs, even from a bird's eye view. Technical progress today also allows us to achieve the same from paintings with photos excellent quality, which the classic paintings of great artists can envy.

The fact is that today it is possible to combine the best technical characteristics photography and painting. Painting from a photo is a new word in pictorial art modernity, possessing the realism and originality of photography, the graphic quality, durability and scale of the painting. When painting a picture from a photo, it is possible to use computer photomontage, which allows you to supplement the picture with new ones. interesting details, light nuances. The painting can also be coated with oil, which will refresh the image, adding to it the color and gloss of a classic oil canvas. A special artistic gel, which is also used to cover the surface of the painting, will create a protective layer on the canvas, thanks to which wet cleaning can be applied to the pictorial masterpiece from the photo.

Creating a painting from a photo is great way save photos that are meaningful to you special meaning, restoring the image from the photograph on an exquisite canvas, in a new scale, in a new color palette.

The best gift from a photo

Photos mean that to us. great importance because they reflect our reality, our life and its most wonderful moments. People will always look at us from these photos. Dear friends childhood, beloved parents, the closest people in our lives.

This is the most beautiful memory of our past, something that will forever remain with us, in our hearts. However great power time affects expensive photographs, which age over the years, turn yellow, and with them our own memories seem to grow old and fade. A wonderful gift everyone will have the opportunity to give old photographs new life, saving them from the eternal dust in albums.

The best photography gift is a unique painting, the canvas of which will become the most durable keeper for images that are so dear to the recipient. By creating paintings from photos, we not only give new life to old photographs, giving them a new “sound.” Such a picture also helps its owner to remember in all its brightness and completeness the events that are reflected on the painting.

Buying a painting from a photo means purchasing a piece of the past that will always be with you, because gorgeous canvases are created to always be before our eyes, to delight us and delight us.

Painting from photo as a gift

There are photographs representing a special era of our lives, in which we forever immortalize major events– the birth of children, weddings, birthdays, our successes at work... Such narrative photographs are an illustration of our life.

Each such photograph has its own story; such a photo invariably evokes certain emotions and memories in us. These photographs are nothing more than pieces of a mosaic that together form the whole picture our life. Gradually, our photo albums are replenished with entire galleries of photographs, however, all these photographs can take a more worthy place, decorating our lives and our interior.

From precious photographs you can create an entire photo gallery, which will be doubly dear to the recipient, because it will not only decorate his life, but also reflect it in all its fullness and brightness. A painting from a photo as a gift, capturing the most brilliant moments of the recipient’s life, is a miniature time machine, because it will help its owner go back in time, again experiencing past emotions and impressions.

This is an amazing gift that will be different not only aesthetic value, but, on top of everything else, it will acquire spiritual value for its owner, who can always be reminded of the wonderful events of past days.

Painting from a photo for yourself

We all give ourselves little gifts that help us take our minds off things and simply add brightness to our everyday lives. Small gifts do a big job - they lift our spirits, give us new impressions and have a beneficial effect on our vitality.

However, the pleasure from such gifts often wears off quickly. In our workshop you can find a gift for yourself that will delight you and lift your spirits for many, many years. A colorful painting from a photo can be a bright gift for yourself, a constant source of new emotions and impressions. Such a unique gift will not only elegantly complement any interior, but can also remind us of what is most important.

A painting is a wonderful interior decoration that can bring one or another mood to the room. It has long been known that spending time in an atmosphere that we like and reflects our tastes, interests and values ​​has a beneficial effect on our mood and even our ability to work. A picture from a photo for yourself can remind us of an unforgettable vacation, of dear people, of children, of a favorite job.

All you need to do for this is to select a photograph, which will later become the basis for the painting, and send it to our mail. A painting from a photo for yourself is a unique gift that will serve eternal source your wonderful mood.

Painting from photo for the whole family

Family is the most precious thing we have. The company of loved ones can lift your spirits even on the gloomiest day, giving it sunlight love, care and tenderness of household members.

To feel the presence every day dear people, feel their love, we keep their photographs. Photos of loved ones, framed, can decorate our workplace, house. Such small photographs are for us eternal reminders of the love of loved ones, of themselves. And it is these photographs, which are of great value, that can become a wonderful, sincere gift for all your loved ones.

A painting from a photograph for the whole family is a wonderful gift that personifies your love for your family. A picture from a photo where your loved ones will all be together will serve as a kind of reference to the fact that each of them has a special place in your heart. A painting from a photograph for the whole family is a spiritual gift that will be accepted with joy and delight by all your household members, because on the canvas they will all be depicted as authentically and realistically as possible.

A painting with a photo is a gift to all your household members, because the canvas will reflect the characters and personalities of all of them, which will become a sign of how much you value the individuality of each loved one.

Order paintings from photos

You can order paintings from photos within a few minutes. All you need to do is make a call to the phone numbers listed on the pages of our workshop website, or contact us via email.

Online you can get recommendations on all issues of interest by contacting our employees via " Feedback" Online you will be able to see all the stages of painting your painting. To your Mailbox Sketches of the future painting will be sent, to which you can always make your changes or additions.

We begin the final stage of painting only when the plot, images and surroundings of the painting fully correspond to your plan and meet your needs. Close cooperation with customers and an individual approach to the needs of each client allow our workshop to ensure that each ArtPhoto painting fully corresponds to the buyer’s original intention. Delivery of the painting can be made to all regions and cities of our country.

Typically, paintings are transported by specialized companies operating in your region. However, if a different method of transportation is more convenient and acceptable for you, we are always happy and ready to accommodate you.

Greetings, dear guests of my site!

I am an artist Pavel Golik, I have been working in the portrait genre for more than 30 years. For those wishing to order a portrait, this section was created in my gallery 9 years ago. During this time, many site visitors became my grateful customers, leaving kind reviews, which I value very much.
A portrait to order from a photograph is now quite popular, because there is no need to pose for a long time and coordinate posing sessions on time with the artist, and the presence of the person being portraited is not required at all. Using this opportunity, people often contact me when they want to present a completely unexpected and original surprise to your loved ones and friends.

I do all my work entirely by hand, which increases its quality and value. Only a handmade portrait is a sincere sign of respect to the person to whom it is intended.

My customers are mainly residents of Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Crimea - Simferopol, Evpatoria, Belarus - Minsk, Ukraine - Kiev, Greece - Athens and other cities and countries of the CIS and the EU.
I will be glad if you are interested in my work and you also contact me.


Wanting to make a portrait of yourself or your loved ones with a photograph that is dear and dear to you,
the following questions arise:
  • What photos are needed?
    to paint a portrait from them and in what time frame is the order completed?

  • What does the artist take into account?
    determining the cost of work when they want to order a portrait from a photograph?

  • How much can a portrait cost?
    painted in oil on canvas or drawn in pencil on paper, pastel, dry brush?

By carefully reading the information on this page, from the 1st point to the last, you will find out everything.

Technique examples
execution of portraits
with photo

Below is an overview art technician and the types of services that I offer. In any technique of execution, the same care in modeling faces and similarity to the original is guaranteed.

  • I work traditionally, using old time-tested methods and technologies.
  • I don't use printing original photo on canvas or paper, pre-processed in computer programs, with further manual finishing

I will draw a PORTRAIT "DRY BRUSH ON PAPER" - black and white or color


to the photo for drawing
portrait from her

Dear friends, I want to immediately give you some important tips that you need to follow when you choose a photo so that I can draw or write from it interesting portrait High Quality. So, pay attention to the following:

Tip-1. The portrait image will be more artistic if the face is not from the front, but with a slight turn to the side, looking slightly from below or from above. A slight smile will brighten any face. The shoulder line is better at an angle in perspective, that is, slightly turned out. In general, the more your photo differs from the one for the passport, the better. This is especially important when performing a full-length portrait, where only the head and shoulder girdle are depicted.

Tip-2. For double and group portraits with hands, it is desirable that the faces and poses of the figures differ at least slightly from each other.

This is what the layout is all about. Now there are requirements for the quality of photographic materials from which the work will be performed.

Council-3. Photos from which the order must be made are very necessary good quality- this is the key to a successful result. The main photograph is selected from which it is intended to write or draw a portrait. And it is very important that the person on it looks most like himself. You may also need several other photographs from different angles to better represent the character of the face and its details.

The photo is better digital, large in size and very desirable - taken without flash, but with good contrast lighting, clear, without red eyes, which clearly shows facial details, especially the eyes.

affecting the cost

The higher the level of skill and professionalism of the artist, the more expensive his work is.
In addition to the skill of the portrait artist, there are a number of different factors (listed below) that are taken into account when setting the price.
Of course, all these factors only matter when all pictorial process done by hand by the artist. In other cases, they do not play a special role and they will print for you inexpensively, within 1-3 days, any image (retouched with paint or something else), of any size, with any number of faces, with any background and costume, even sometimes they will explain that this is a classic oil painting or drawing.
The cost of a handmade portrait depends on:

1. Difficulty of execution.

Given in descending order by complexity of artistic execution and cost:

1) Oil painting on canvas. This is the most complex and expensive execution; in addition to skill, it also requires time for the paint layers to completely dry, followed by varnishing.
2) Colored dry brush on paper; Pastel on paper.
3) Black and white dry brush on paper; Sepia or charcoal pencil on tinted paper + chalk.
4) Pencil on white paper, the most affordable type of execution

2. Dimensions.

Works of large sizes, as well as fairly small ones, such as miniatures, are much more expensive. The minimum sizes of portraits I perform start from 30x40 - 35x50cm, which depicts the face and shoulders of one person.

3. Complexity of the composition.

Images in which the background is in the form of a landscape or interior, hands in the foreground, ceremonial uniforms with awards, etc. - all this significantly increases the amount of work.

4. Number of people depicted.

The price increases depending on the number of persons, since several equivalent images of faces and figures are already painted and, as a rule, the size of the canvas increases.
Double, triple, etc. portraits cannot increase in price slightly as they are filled with persons. If you find somewhere inexpensive prices for good-looking work, moreover, where the number of portraits does not significantly affect the price - this is a clear sign of the use of photo printing.

5. Change in clothing.

You can completely change your suit to a different style and color, even change your pose and correct your figure. The more significant changes are made that are not in the photograph, the more expensive the painting will be (small changes in clothing, adjustments in the face and figure are not taken into account). I do not advise inserting people’s faces into unusual bodies and costumes of past eras, as this completely destroys a reliable idea of ​​personality.

6.Color image from black and white.

With a black and white photograph, it is much more difficult to produce a professional color version.

7. Deadlines.

If the deadlines are limited (within reasonable limits), then this significantly complicates the work, since the artist is often busy and even overpaying for urgency often cannot resolve the issue. If you want to receive a portrait by a certain date, then it is better to order it in advance, and not in the last days.

8. Photo quality.

With photo Low quality, spoiled or very small, depict true image person is very difficult, and often impossible. Such work is more expensive, and in some cases, it is carried out after 100% prepayment, since the results of the work stages sent may already have value in some cases.

From all of the above, it is clear that prices can only be provided for relatively simple works, ranging in size from 30x40 - 60x70, which depict one or two people. The cost of large-sized images, with different backgrounds and configurations of figures, is determined individually when discussing the possibility of ordering, when I see the photo and find out your requirements.

Prices for portraits and terms
their implementation

These terms and prices reflect the required amount of labor required by the artist, without the use of photo printing.

Dates/days 4-5 8-10 5-7
Dimensions / cm 45x35 - 50x40 55x45 35x50
Dry brush paintings
- Oil paint rubbed onto paper.
Prices - rubles 5000 9000 5000
Dates/days 5-7 8-10 5-7
Dimensions / cm 45x35 - 50x40 55x50 35x50
Colored dry brush
R 7000 13000 7000
Dates/days 14-17 25-30 25-30
Dimensions / cm 35x45 - 40x50 60x70 60x45
Oil on canvas
- the most expensive and complex technology.
R 16000 45000 negotiable
Dates/days 4-6 9-10 12-14
Dimensions / cm 45x35 - 50x40 50x65 45x65
- on paper.
R 7000 8500 13000

I ask you, please, not to compare the cost of portraits on Arbat, Nevsky and on the seaside embankments of the Black Sea coast with the prices that I presented. It just so happens that the specifics of working on the street are aimed at deftly manipulating technical methods combined with certain abilities, generate income as quickly as possible. The prices there reflect average level quality of work that can be done in 1 - 2 hours. Therefore, a portrait from nature on the street, measuring 35x50 - 40x55 cm, made with a dry brush or pastel, can cost: 30 - 50 euros.

For the same work, but done from different photographs, many (including me) ask for more: 60 - 100 euros, since drawing from a photograph (with a high end result execution) requires significantly more time than a quick sketch that is drawn in 1 - 2 hours, and the artist can freely improvise nature.

My advice is not to choose artists simply because of the low prices they charge for their work, but rather to look at the quality of their work first. It is important to note that there are no handmade portraits with high level execution according to low prices. The work of a portrait painter is very labor-intensive and responsible and is always expensive.
I don't think it's worth rushing to cheap printing for painting or drawing, time will pass and these works will be perceived as things that have gone out of fashion.

Only a well-executed portrait, into which the artist has invested his feelings, knowledge and experience, can bring joy to you and your loved ones for a long time. In the future, such work may become an antique value.

Please send any questions that interest you via the mail form - Write a letter.