National Award “Civil Initiative”. Time for amazing stories: ASI and OTR chose the heroes of the storytelling campaign

How often do we complain about life: a headache, problems at work, a crisis in the yard. Many of us have forgotten how to rejoice simple things, dream, help others. Nizhny Novgorod resident Olga Popova loves every moment of her life. She has a kind smile and a very clear voice and laugh. Sound like crystal. The girl herself is “crystal”. This is how people diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta are sometimes “lyrically” called. However, a serious illness does not prevent Olga from helping other people - she is a coordinator social project"Bank of Time" in Nizhny Novgorod.

Healthy attitude

Olga’s disease is congenital. Modern medicine still doesn’t know how to treat it. Why are the genes of two physically healthy people fail and give birth to a “crystal” child?

But Olga Popova does not want to discuss her medical problems for a long time. She simply says: due to the threat of serious fractures, which, thank God, have not happened for many years, she is forced to move in a wheelchair. But she remembers with pleasure her wonderful childhood- summer in the country, a city house for the holidays, always full of guests, funny Games with the neighborhood kids... “All my friends were healthy boys and girls,” says Olga. - For children, I will say this from my own experience, it makes absolutely no difference whether you are in a wheelchair or not - for them you are just a friend. And my parents raised me in such a way that I never felt inferior. Probably, this attitude helps me to be all my life. open to the world, trust people."

Olga categorically does not like the word “tolerance” - she says that it is empty. She is closer to such concepts as respect and understanding. Indifference is also good. But only interpersonal relationships, and not empty talk and displaying posters in class can arouse emotions in a person. People should play on playgrounds, study in schools, and work alongside people with disabilities. Olga is sincerely sorry that such communication is hampered by the lack of elevators and ramps in multi-storey buildings, wide doorways in schools. A limited environment, in a word.

At one time, Olga’s classmates came to get acquainted themselves. The children were brought by teachers who gave the girl lessons at home. She remembers each of the teachers with special warmth. People didn’t just come to teach a homeworker for extra hours - they put their souls into her. It was this attitude that made Olga study very well and graduate from school with a gold medal.

Lyrics in life

Poems helped Olga get into college. She began composing at the age of ten. She laughs that she dedicated the first lines... to her beloved cat. Then she wrote poetic congratulations to friends and parents, scripts for school holidays.

When I was already in graduating class, in the Volga Federal District there was a competition for best congratulations to the teacher. Prize - free education at any university in the city. Olgino’s touching poetic dedication to his history teacher won.

By the way, a high official helped the graduate choose a university. Once the Deputy Minister of Education spoke on television Nizhny Novgorod region. Olga called live and asked directly: where in Nizhny can people with disabilities study? disabilities health? The official was interested in the topic and left Olga’s phone number. The next day she received an answer about where to go. Olga decided to become a journalist. I studied remotely. I only came to take state exams and defend my diploma in person.

Our interlocutor is sure: among the disabled there are many talented people who don't want to sit in four walls. But they cannot realize themselves - it is difficult to leave the house. Again, an inaccessible environment... “Our ramps are such that they sometimes resemble a roller coaster,” Olga sighs. - And, perhaps, the only place in Nizhny that is fully equipped to accommodate wheelchair users is the circus. But we still have to get there, and this, believe me, is also a whole problem!”

Participants of the “Bank of Time” project in Nizhny Novgorod

Time cures

Despite all the health problems and accessibility of the urban environment, Olga always wanted to work. At first I worked as a typist and proofreader in one of the electronic publications, then I decided to get a job in a bank. I learned about it on the Internet social program"Bank of Time". At first I was just a client unusual bank, and then became his full-time employee.

The meaning of the project is a service for a service. For example, you spent an hour and helped another person, this time is counted towards your personal account. Then you use your accumulated hours to have another participant help you - also for an hour. In the Time Bank, each participant can receive hundreds of different services.

“But this is not just a service fair,” Olga emphasizes. - The project has a huge social meaning. Against the general negative background, we so lack mutual assistance, warmth, and selflessness! People come to our bank who, in addition to professional skills, also have human qualities.”

Today, Bank of Time has more than 1.5 thousand clients in Nizhny. Most often, simple household services are in demand: apartment cleaning, minor clothing repairs and household appliances, hairdresser services and passenger transportation. But there are also people who are ready to teach you the basics of Latin or Turkish language, determine the psychotype of a person by handwriting.

Among the project participants is even the writer Nikolai Kultyapov, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records for a story of 17 thousand words, all starting with the letter “O”. The record holder is ready to give lectures on literature. There is also a 92-year-old pensioner in the project. In exchange for cleaning the apartment, she is ready to offer only her warm communication and tea. People are happy to come and wash the old lady’s floors, often very young people. Why not a connection between generations?

And Olga Popova connects people with each other from home by phone. Let's say there is a request for a service. Olga calls a person who is ready to provide it and then monitors its implementation. The girl also organizes various events within the project, administers the group in social network, writes news for the site. There's always a lot to do.

“And I haven’t taken medications for many years! - Olga cheerfully admits at the end of the interview. - For me, the best medicine is communication with friends, outdoor recreation, and my favorite job. It’s not for nothing that they say: all diseases come from nerves. If you have peace in your soul, everything will be fine with your physical health. And you must always believe in yourself, dream, go towards your goal. You walk through the door and it slams. You look out the window - it closes. You go through the window - it is locked. Then you’re in the hole.”

Zlata Medushevskaya

Millions for a "non-bank"?

The Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF) invested in TalkBank, a pseudo-bank operating on Telegram. How did the money end up going to the people who squeezed out the private bank?

The Internet Initiatives Development Fund, created by presidential decree, has already twice invested in a fintech solution from two Russian developers - Mikhail and Alexander Popov. As a MorningNews correspondent learned, state fund even helped them find the necessary connections and find business angels. The brothers do not hesitate to say this in an interview. But where and for what did the 66 million rubles they received go?

At first glance, everything is fine. Two brothers figure out how to move the bank to the messenger. They receive budgetary and non-budgetary money, solve this issue with Telegram, and create a TalkBank bot based on artificial intelligence. They recruit five thousand users, and everyone is happy.

The essence of the startup is this: in Telegram (and soon the creators promise to add other instant messengers, in particular Viber and WhatsApp) there is a chatbot. You can order through it bank card, and then perform banking transactions and receive customer support. The authors are especially proud of the fact that artificial intelligence I learned to logically answer the question “Where is my money?”

One of the founders of TalkBank is Mikhail Popov.

You can make purchases with money from the card using a simple message to the chatbot, transfer funds, and also receive a report on the status of your bank account. But there is no bank as such.

Without a license, but with money.

TalkBank is not registered in Russia or in any known state. A page with this name that appeared on caused a lot of indignation from users of the service: they decided that we're talking about about another method of fraud. Even Rocketbank and Tinkov’s bank were initially considered “local fools” without branches, but they were definitely not considered scammers. However, at the same time, the bank in the form of a chat bot in Telegram the current moment has already started issuing cards. And all this without a banking license. How?

The fact is that the brothers do not work entirely independently. TalkBank is directly connected with Transcapitalbank, which issues cards, and the creators do not hide this. The program, which the creators proudly call a fintech solution, is nothing more than an intermediary between an existing registered bank and clients.

Now let’s trace the chain of events, fortunately it is still short and obvious. IIDF gives money for innovative banking: first 2.1 million as a pre-seed investment, then another 66 million rubles (including funds raised by business angels by the fund). At this time, entrepreneurs bring the program to the market, win victories in international competitions and attract the first clients. It’s just growing from the development of the startup customer base and the profit of a real bank, with a very interesting history.

Transcapitalbank office.

Didn’t the IIDF realize that the money invested would benefit not the startup, but a specific business? Such plans of young inventors may not have been obvious at the creation stage, but when the names TalkBank and Transcapitalbank stand next to each other, and no one hides it... So who ends up with “Where is my money, Lebowski?”

Banker at the notary office.

It’s worth taking a closer look at Transcapitalbank to understand: government investments in startups aren’t making the most money. honest people. Let's start with who owns the bank great family- Olga Gryadovaya, her husband Leonid Ivanovsky and their son Evgeny Ivanovsky. This trio owns a controlling stake of 34.23% of the shares. It would seem that there is nothing criminal in family ownership of assets, but...

The head of the family, Leonid Ivanovsky, a modest and inconspicuous banker, practically does not appear in the news and scandals. However, a person with similar full names acts as a notary in a notary office belonging to the Moscow City Notary Chamber. If we assume that both Leonid Nikolaevich Ivanovskys are the same person, the figure becomes more interesting...

The fact is that, according to Article 6 of the “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Notaries,” a notary has no right “to engage in entrepreneurial and other paid activities, with the exception of teaching, scientific or creative activity". Co-ownership of a bank and membership of the board of directors, it seems, has nothing to do with teaching or creativity.

So the head of the family doesn't seem to have much respect for Russian legislation, being his direct representative. But we're not talking about ordinary family, and against the backdrop of the wife’s “tricks”, such a violation of the law may seem completely inconspicuous.

On someone else's misfortune.

Olga Gryadovaya is a more famous person. In the Forbes ranking of the richest women in Russia for 2015, she took 44th place with a capital of $30 million, and in 2014 she was in the TOP-25 with a capital of $75 million. However, she is glorified not so much for her ability to “make money”, but for her ability turn the situation in your favor.

Transcapitalbank, whose main owners since 2000 are Olga and her husband, suddenly became a sanator of Investtorgbank in 2015. In October credit organisation entered the stage of reorganization under the leadership of Olga Gryadova, and already in February 2016, with a slight movement of her hand, the reorganization turned into absorption. A beautiful woman turned out to be a tough and unprincipled manager, for whom taking advantage of the situation and benefiting from it is not just an opportunity, but a duty and practically a calling!

Olga Gryadovaya, head of Transcapitalbank.

So what happened? In the summer of 2015, the Central Bank conducted an inspection at Investtorgbank, discovered a lack of reserves and urgently began to save it from bankruptcy, which at that time was not even close. IN as soon as possible a temporary administration was appointed, after which investors were attracted to the case - this is where Gryadovaya entered the arena. The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) brought the bank's capital to a minimum, thus “evicting” the shareholders, after which it called in Transcapitalbank. They were eventually released additional shares, which he quickly bought up.

At that time, the head of Investtorgbank was already a protege of the DIA and - what a surprise! - former employee of TKB Andrey Pushkin. Thus, the former shareholders were left not only without their share in the authorized capital, but also without actual control over the bank. The latter was taken over by a person acting in the interests of the sanatorium.

As a result, Gryadova, represented by Transinvestbank, managed to join the money that the Bank of Russia allocated for recovery procedures for the future bankrupt. Having received about 50 billion rubles at a minimum interest rate, the sanator could do whatever he wanted with it - but mainly invested in securities, increasing his own assets. What is this if not a raider takeover?

And now a new “feeding trough” has been found, the origins of which lie with the IIDF with budget money. Investors boast that the creators of TalkBank will increase the base to 6 million clients and even receiving a minimum profit of 2.5 thousand rubles from them will have about 15 billion rubles a year. But who will get this money? Or are we talking about another powerful “cut” at the junction of generations, in which the state fund, startupers and raiders are taking part?

The forum brought together 140 leading experts in the field of Intranet - representatives largest companies federal and international level. Olga Popova, head of the MERLION Competence Center, made a report on behalf of MERLION.

In mid-October, the annual forum VII Best Intranet Russia 2012 was held in Moscow. The forum brought together 140 leading experts in the field of Intranet, who shared their experience with colleagues.

The main topic of discussion among the participants was the optimization of companies' business processes through the Intranet and strengthening communications. Business challenges are constantly changing, and the Intranet is changing along with them. What will internal company portals be like in a year, in 5 years? What functions and tasks will they perform? Will they educate, entertain and inform, and how can they help the business achieve maximum results? How to create your own unique Intranet? These questions were raised during a two-day conversation between leading Intranet experts.

Representatives of the largest federal and international companies (MTS, FGC UES, Gazprom Neft, Microsoft, VimpelCom, Severstal, Rusal, etc.) took part in the Forum as speakers. Olga Popova, head of the MERLION Competence Center, acted as a representative from MERLION.

MERLION launched the Intranet in 2007. The internal portal is popular among employees - year-on-year traffic growth is approximately 20%. For many, it has become a tool of daily use. And this is not surprising, because Intranet MERLION is a platform that unites the interests of business (to earn money, increase, simplify and unite) and the interests of employees (to receive information in the shortest possible time, in a pleasant environment, with benefit for themselves). This is very important for MERLION, because the company is large: more than 4,000 employees, different directions businesses, different offices and even different cities.

Intranet services for MERLION mean significant time savings, automation, knowledge accumulation, loyalty and development. The news feed, automated reports and requests, the ability to work remotely, and social services(such as corporate catering, transport, sports, medical care, lending, discount programs). The latter, coupled with corporate events, competitions and informal activities are also designed to increase employee loyalty to the company. Employees gain new knowledge in information sections of departments and expert forums, and contribute to the development of the company in special project"Bank of Ideas". Don’t forget newcomer adaptation programs, training and individual employee development plans – everything you need to grow into a true professional.

If you want to ask Olga Popova a question, please contact the address marked “for Olga Popova.”

Nizhny Novgorod resident Olga Popova loves every moment of her life. She has a kind smile and a very clear voice and laugh. Sound like crystal. The girl herself is “crystal”. This is how people diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta are sometimes “lyrically” called. However, a serious illness does not prevent Olga from helping other people - she is the coordinator of the social project “Bank of Time” in Nizhny Novgorod.

Healthy attitude

Olga’s disease is congenital. Modern medicine still doesn’t know how to treat it. Why do the genes of two physically healthy people malfunction and give birth to a “crystal” child?

But Olga Popova does not want to discuss her medical problems for a long time. She simply says: due to the threat of serious fractures, which, thank God, have not happened for many years, she is forced to move in a wheelchair. But she remembers with pleasure her wonderful childhood - summer at the dacha, a city house for the holidays, always full of guests, fun games with neighbor kids... “All my friends were healthy boys and girls,” says Olga. - For children, I will say this from my own experience, it makes absolutely no difference whether you are in a wheelchair or not - for them you are just a friend. And my parents raised me in such a way that I never felt inferior. Probably, this attitude helps me throughout my life to be open to the world and to trust people.”

Olga categorically does not like the word “tolerance” - she says that it is empty. She is closer to such concepts as respect and understanding. Indifference is also good. But only interpersonal relationships, and not empty conversations and displaying posters in class, can arouse emotions in a person. People should play on playgrounds, study in schools, and work alongside people with disabilities. Olga is sincerely sorry that such communication is hampered by the lack of elevators and ramps in multi-story buildings and wide doorways in schools. A limited environment, in a word.

At one time, Olga’s classmates came to get acquainted themselves. The children were brought by teachers who gave the girl lessons at home. She remembers each of the teachers with special warmth. People didn’t just come to teach a homeworker for extra hours - they put their souls into her. It was this attitude that made Olga study very well and graduate from school with a gold medal.

Olga always has a reason to smile. Photo: From personal archive

Lyrics in life

Poems helped Olga get into college. She began composing at the age of ten. She laughs that she dedicated the first lines... to her beloved cat. Then she wrote poetic congratulations to friends and parents, scripts for school holidays.

When I was already in my senior year, in the Volga Federal District there was a competition for the best congratulations to the teacher. The prize is free education at any university in the city. Olgino’s touching poetic dedication to his history teacher won.

By the way, a high official helped the graduate choose a university. Once the Deputy Minister of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region spoke on television. Olga called live and asked directly: where in Nizhny can people with disabilities study? The official was interested in the topic and left Olga’s phone number. The next day she received an answer about where to go. Olga decided to become a journalist. I studied remotely. I only came to take state exams and defend my diploma in person.

Our interlocutor is sure: among the disabled there are many talented people who do not want to sit within four walls. But they cannot realize themselves - it is difficult to leave the house. Again, an inaccessible environment... “Our ramps are such that they sometimes resemble a roller coaster,” Olga sighs. - And, perhaps, the only place in Nizhny that is fully equipped to accommodate wheelchair users is the circus. But we still have to get there, and this, believe me, is also a whole problem!”

Participants of the “Bank of Time” project in Nizhny Novgorod. Photo: From personal archive

Time cures

Despite all the health problems and accessibility of the urban environment, Olga always wanted to work. At first I worked as a typist and proofreader in one of the electronic publications, then I decided to get a job in a bank. I learned about the social program “Bank of Time” on the Internet. At first she was just a client of an unusual bank, and then she became its full-time employee.

The meaning of the project is a service for a service. For example, you spent an hour and helped another person, this time is taken into account on your personal account. Then you use your accumulated hours to have another participant help you - also for an hour. In the Time Bank, each participant can receive hundreds of different services.

“But this is not just a service fair,” Olga emphasizes. - The project has a huge social meaning. Against the general negative background, we so lack mutual assistance, warmth, and selflessness! People come to our bank who, in addition to professional skills, also have human qualities.”

Today, Bank of Time has more than 1.5 thousand clients in Nizhny. Most often, simple household services are in demand: apartment cleaning, minor repairs of clothing and household appliances, hairdresser services and passenger transportation. But there are also people who are ready to teach you the basics of Latin or Turkish and determine your personality type by handwriting.

Among the project participants is even the writer Nikolai Kultyapov, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records for a story of 17 thousand words, all starting with the letter “O”. The record holder is ready to give lectures on literature. There is also a 92-year-old pensioner in the project. In exchange for cleaning the apartment, she is ready to offer only her warm communication and tea. People are happy to come and wash the old lady’s floors, often very young people. Why not a connection between generations?

And Olga Popova connects people with each other from home by phone. Let's say there is a request for a service. Olga calls a person who is ready to provide it and then monitors its implementation. The girl also organizes various events within the project, administers a group on a social network, and writes news for the website. There's always a lot to do.

“And I haven’t taken medications for many years! - Olga cheerfully admits at the end of the interview. - For me, the best medicine is communication with friends, outdoor recreation, and my favorite job. It’s not for nothing that they say: all diseases come from nerves. If you have peace in your soul, everything will be fine with your physical health. And you must always believe in yourself, dream, go towards your goal. You walk through the door and it slams. You look out the window - it closes. You go through the window - it is locked. Then you’re in the hole.”