Simple crochet items for beginners. What can you crochet? Crochet toys: patterns. Crochet potholders: patterns. Why these toys?


Do you love everything openwork and fluffy and can’t take your eyes off knitted items? Don't rush to buy a knitting machine! To create masterpieces, a penny hook is enough.

Don’t rush to limit your childhood hobby of crocheting to the lace doily that decorates your grandmother’s chest of drawers. This is not limited to openwork “rosettes” and starched vases. It happens that in search of an exclusive knitted sweater, handbags or stylish scarf weeks pass, but necessary thing It still doesn’t come across on sale. Then you should buy a hook, yarn and knit new thing DIY wardrobe! Of course, it won’t work right away, but through trial and error you will achieve high level skill.

What can be added to the collection of ideas - a fun toy

Knitting stitches are very varied, but ideally the basic stitches are worked first and once these have been mastered you can begin the fancy stitches which are most effective. Today we will also help you by leaving here, step by step, some of the basic points that you can use and which are basic for any work of this kind.

Figure 1 - To get you started, the image below provides tips on how to recognize points for beginners in crochet. Figure 2 - For those people who have a hard time understanding dots, the image below shows the step below to make a knot or dot. The running point, also known as the chain, is necessary to perform any work in crochet. Therefore, knowing how to do this is fundamental because it is how you start and finish any job.

A little history: from the 19th century to the 21st century

One of the first mentions of crochet was a publication in 1824 in a famous Dutch magazine. At that time, this type of needlework was called “shepherd’s knitting.” The work was done with homemade hooks - a bent needle with a cork handle. Progenitor modern technology there was Irish lace. Difficult to perform, they became increasingly popular. To this day, Irish lace does not lend itself to all knitters at once - it is a very painstaking work with small details.

Wrap the yarn around the hook of the needle, and then twist the yarn and pull it through the middle of the needle bar. Each loop is a chain and you should do as many as you need for your job. Low is another point that cannot be missed in the skills of a croceteira.

The plus sign is still the most common of these. Figure 3 - Here you will find instructions on how to do the basics in crochet, with illustrations and explanations. Figure 4 - For those new to crochet who are still learning the points, the image below provides point instructions to help you.

At the end of the 19th century, the craze for crocheting also spread among Slavs. Today this type of needlework is popular in all developed countries peace. Using a crochet hook you can crochet like ready product, as well as decoration for a boring wardrobe item, giving it a new life.

First steps: where to start a new hobby

What do you need to crochet for beginners? Just a little: a diagram or description of the product, hooks, yarn and perseverance.

Then you can work, always lifting rear wire all lines, which will create an accordion effect.

  • The first thing you need to know is that this point is low, like the current point.
  • But in recipes you can also ask that two threads are caught, but always with a low one.
The very low point is a traditional and indispensable stitch for stitching knitted products. Every career you have ends with one low point, and then the next one begins.

It is important to know that this point is specific to this purpose and is not a subject matter for the work. Therefore, it has no height and does not allow the volume to work. Top point- This point extends above or above the bottom point and has a more open weave. One of the most used in crochet production - for any piece. It is also widely used to create reliefs and is a point that can develop into double highs and triple highs.

To work, you need to learn two types of loops - “air” and column (with one and several crochets). It is worth starting any work from the first node. To do this, the working thread should be thrown over the index finger of the auxiliary hand (left for right-handed people), then make a loop around the thumb. Next, you need to insert the hook under the thread on thumb, grab the thread from the index finger and bring out the loop. Then you should cast on a chain of “air” loops - while keeping the thread on index finger left hand, and grab it with a hook and remove the loops.

Figure 5 - Already in the image below there is an explanation of how to make a chain and low level in crochet. Figure 6 - The image below has a large explanation with illustrations of knots in crochet for beginners. The correct height for this point is the height of 3 chains.

The art of crochet is so old and was once considered a handmade work of grandma's time, however today it is an art self made is increasingly becoming a modern taste and appears almost everywhere, be it in decorative items such as carpets, curtains, rails, pillowcases and cushion covers, among others, that is, in pieces women's clothing, such as dresses, sweaters, tops, skirts, bikinis, cardigans and many others.

1.Magic ring from threads; 2. single crochets in a circle; 3. single crochets; 4. double crochets with a common top

Single crochet. Insert the hook into the loop of the chain and pull the thread through the loop. If it is a double crochet, then before inserting the hook into a loop of the chain, you need to throw the thread over the hook.
Where can I get diagrams for practice? There is a lot of specialized literature, as well as on the Internet - forums, groups on social networks, websites.

In a plot, you may only see one point or multiple types of points, and it will depend on what you want to do. More open or closed frames, thinner or thicker threads, color of your choice, single color or mix different colors, everything will make each job different.

Blinking ears have become almost mandatory, just as they were cruciani lace bracelets this summer. But the funniest thing is that anyone can learn how to do them. We're talking about hooked earrings, the new frontier of fabric jewelry. Simple, economical and above all unique.

To read diagrams, it is enough to know symbols, and they are the same in all schemes. The chain stitch is an oval, the single crochet is a vertical stick, and the double crochet is a vertical stick with horizontal lines, the number of which indicates the number of double crochets.

Bonus idea: To make your earrings even more unique, you can use plastic bags instead of yarn. Simply cut the bag into thin strips and form a small coil that will become the basis of your work. And the more bags you paint, the more with your letters and drawings, the more beautiful your earrings will be.

Magic ring or magic circle

To make a round crochet earring, you need to know how to make a Magic Ring. This is the basic method for starting a circle cut. Take the thread and let it pass behind the little finger of your left hand, creating a circle of sorts. The short side should be behind and the trigger handle should remain a few centimeters to ensure safety. At this moment, behave correctly thumb and indicate the circle created at the point where the two wires connect. Insert your crochet hook into the circle and take the yarn, sliding it through the ring you just created. Insert your crochet hook into the circle under a short strand of thread and make a low net. Make a simple chain. . Once the circle is created, there is actually a lot missing.

ABC for reading diagrams

Crochet hooks are divided according to the material of manufacture - wood, metal or plastic, the presence of a handle - with or without a handle (the needlewoman chooses what is more convenient for her) and thickness - from 0.5 mm to 10 mm in diameter. For convenience while working, the hook should be held like a pen at school.

The thinnest crochet hook, 0.5 mm, is often used to knit napkins and lace. For more global items, a 2.5-4 mm hook is often used; the rest up to 10 mm are knitted with thick yarn - wool or wool mixture. If you are a beginner knitter, use the yarn and hook number indicated in the pattern description.

And to make the magic circle even easier, it is advisable to double the height of the grid on each circle created. This way it is easier to remember the number of points created and, in particular, to repeat the whole circle. Once the size is reached, the earring can be decorated with beads or small decorations, which can be changed from time to time.

Before you finish the job, you can leave the earrings as "natural" as soft as the center, or if you prefer hardness, they can be inserted even using vinyl glue. Here's how you do it: take a glass and pour out a lot of vinyl glue and an equal amount of water. Mix well, then, using a brush, brush over the entire surface of the knitted item. Wait for it to dry and you will find that it will be harsher than just rubbing.

The benefits of being fashionable

What can you crochet from yarn? The big plus is that you can crochet both an airy light product and a denser, warmer thing. The crochet hook is easy to carry with you while knitting while traveling on public transport or during your lunch break.

Napkins, curtains, summer clothes for children and adults, accessories - all this is knitted with light cotton thread. Thicker yarn for crochet 3-5 mm is acrylic, wool and wool mixture. There is plenty to go around here - hats, scarves, sweaters, skirts, dresses, gloves, socks and much more. Moreover, it depends on the pattern - if it is more “holey”, then the thing will be lighter, but if the pattern on the diagram is dense, then the thing will be warmer.

Crochet poncho

It should be taken into account that some people are allergic to wool, then you can safely replace it with acrylic, it is, of course, “cooler”, but with tight knitting it will not be noticeable. For women's swimwear and children's clothing, try to use 100% cotton. For kids, give preference to threads marked “Vavu”.

The possibilities of the crochet hobby don't end with clothes. With its help, you can knit umbrellas, a christening set for a baby, tablecloths, bags, toys, and babywearing beads, which are popular among young mothers. Blankets and pillowcases for pillows that are knitted are very beautiful." granny squares"from leftover yarn. IN Lately very popular are items made from thick yarn just for a 10 mm hook.

Later, you can use not only threads as yarn, but all kinds of available materials: rope, strips of fabric and even garbage bags!

Those who take up a crochet hook for the first time dream of knitting something useful and at the same time attractive. Young girls create accessories, expectant mothers prepare booties and clothes for their baby, and simply giving a friend a nice souvenir or a warm scarf is a great joy.

We offer you several options for simple and practical crocheted items.

  • Stationery stand
  • Handbag
  • Decorations
  • Mitts
  • Booties
  • Keychain
  • Coasters for glasses

Pencil stand in the form of a hare with a carrot will help younger schoolchildren focus on your studies. From light mohair we collect 5 air loops, connect them into a ring and knit a base with a diameter of 7 cm or the size of the finished stand. Now we knit 45 single crochets upwards to create walls. We make a hare's face, knit two ovals, tighten the edges with thread, and stuff cotton wool inside to add volume to the cheeks. We make a nose between them. We cut out the eyes from cardboard. We knit 5 circles with a diameter of 5 cm for the legs and tail. We sew the hind legs right away for stability, we pull the other three circles along the edge, stuff them with cotton wool and sew them on. We make long ears, sew them on, knit a carrot and attach them to the paws.

In cold weather spring days warms you up funny scarf . We knit it from acrylic contrasting colors, you will need 60 g of each. Fold the thread in half. We cast on 13 air loops and create a scarf, changing the color of the thread every 20 rows. In total we should get a canvas 120 cm long. We decorate one of the edges with the face of a cat or a hare for kids, an owl or a fox for fashionistas.

Handbags crochet has not gone out of fashion for a long time, only the style and color range changes. It is especially convenient to take it to the beach, a picnic or on a tourist trip. First we decide on its size. You can make a bag from two identical panels, or you can add a bottom, strengthening it with thick cardboard. We decorate the product with knitted flowers and handles made of colored beads strung on a strong cord or fishing line.

For the dress, we first make a pattern according to your size, and then we knit the fabric, which we connect at the seams.

Summer decorations It’s easy to do by tying ready-made beads with threads or rings. We wind 6 layers of yarn onto a thread spool, remove the ring and tie it with the same thread in half-columns in a circle. We collect all the details and the decoration is ready.

Mitts give their owners a special charm. This is an elegant accessory reminiscent of the aesthetic traditions that existed in the 18th and 19th centuries among high society. Today mittens are worn in cold season years and for an evening walk, they began to be used especially widely in addition to the image of the bride.

For infants and children up to one year old we create cozy booties from cotton threads. The material should not cause allergies or irritate the skin. Therefore, if you decide to make a warm version of the shoes, choose non-prickly yarn. Mohair is soft to the touch, but the baby can pull his feet into his mouth, and then he will eat the lint. The simplest option is to knit a sole to the size of the child’s feet in a circle, then make sides, cover everything with a semi-oval and finish the work with cuffs through which ribbons will be threaded to secure it.

The booties are designed to fit a child's foot from birth to three months. Prepare yarn and hook with number 3.5. First we make the sole, starting from the heel, cast on 7 air loops. In the first row we make column b. n., starting from the second loop of the first row - so we get 6 stitches. We do the next 13 rows like this: the first stitch is air, then 6 stitches b. n. In the 15th row we make an air st., turn, 2 columns b. n. knit together, 2 stitches b. n. twice together. In the 16th row we make an air st., turn, 2 columns b. n., then a skip and again 2 columns b. n. With the same thread we make an air stitch, without turning, 19 stitches b. n. along the first edge, then 6 stitches, 19 stitches along the edge and 2 stitches on the toe (all single crochet) and connect to the first stitch. It was the sole. We fasten the thread. You can experiment with the top depending on your fashion preferences.

For the cuff we make columns b. n. in the next 10 columns and connect to the first one to complete the row. In the 2nd row there are holes for ties: chain 4, skip 1 stitch, stitch b. n. in the next 4 loops and again 4 air loops, skip 1 column. In the 3rd row there is a chain stitch, 1 stitch in it, 3 chain stitches, 1 stitch in the next stitch of the previous row, we continue like this in a circle. In the 4th and 5th rows we make a chain stitch, a chain stitch in the previous row, 3 chain stitches and 1 stitch in one of these loops to connect in a circle.

As an addition to a bag or case mobile phone you can create an original one keychain in the shape of animals, ice cream on a stick, round faces with funny emotions. For such products we choose the thinnest hook. To give the product volume, fill it with padding polyester or pieces of cotton wool.

Using the principle of circular napkins, we create coasters for glasses , rugs for the nursery, knitted ottomans.

Be patient and you will be able to please your loved ones with warm and soft gifts!