Winter clothing pattern for small breed dogs. How to sew clothes for a Chihuahua with your own hands: description and pattern. Upcycling old clothes into new dog clothes.

In cold weather, rain, heavy snow or wind, people wear warm, waterproof clothes, hats, and scarves. Our smaller brothers - dogs - also get cold and catch colds, and since people are responsible for those they have tamed, it is the direct responsibility of people to monitor the health of their four-legged comrades, protect them from colds and select clothes appropriate for the weather.

When the cold winds start to blow, your best friend Can battle the elements in cozy style with a dog coat made from an upcycled jacket. You keep it all in the family with another hand-down recipient, a dog. This project is a way to transform old jacket in a new coat for dogs. Once you gather the materials, you will find that it happens quickly.

Warm reversible overalls for large breed dogs

A dog's coat is basically a flat piece of fabric that needs a finishing edge and a means to stay on the dog. Place it on a recycled jacket. Dog coat. Recycled jacket size proportional to your dog. Look for a warm jacket, an embroidered fleece windbreaker, or a quilted jacket. Sewing machine. Super strong Velcro. Straight pins. Sewing scissors. Since these fabrics don't usually break when cut, you can sew a simple seam on your sewing machine to finish the edges of the coat.

First of all, clothes are vital necessary for small “pocket” dogs, such as:

  • toy terriers;
  • Yorkshire Terriers;
  • chihuahua;
  • Chinese Crested;

These breeds of small dogs have very short and thin hair without undercoat, and crested breeds have no hair on the body, only in the ears, muzzle and tail. Owners of such breeds, especially crested and Chihuahuas, should Special attention pay attention to your pets’ wardrobe to avoid unnecessary hypothermia, pneumonia and other complications.

Select a template. If you have an existing dog coat that fits the dog perfectly, you can use it to make a pattern by tracing it through the gasket. Be sure to add ½ seam across the entire cover before cutting. After you cut the template, be sure to check the size by putting it on your dog. Step 2: Lay it down. Place the sample on top of the recycled jacket and play with its placement. This is where you can decide to include a sticker, zipper, or perhaps a pocket in the dog coat design.

If necessary, disassemble the jacket so that it lies flat. You may need to cut out the side seams and cut off the sleeves. Wear a dog coat pattern onto a recycled jacket, smoothing it out as you go. Step 3: Cut out the coat. Depending on the size of your recycled layer and pattern, you may be able to cut the coat in one piece. If the pattern is too large or the jacket is too small, you may have to cut the bottom straps separately. If so, you'll want to stitch them onto the main body at this point.

Every dog, and especially small breed dogs (such as Chihuahuas), should have its own wardrobe. Of course, you can do without decorative suits and dresses. But warm clothes A must have in your wardrobe:

  • A suit-overall made of raincoat waterproof fabric: such a thing will save your dog from hypothermia in cold weather, and your apartment from black puddles and stains;
  • A jumpsuit with padding polyester or faux fur will protect your pet from cold weather, chilly winds and heavy snowfalls;
  • A knitted sweater made of thick yarn or a shirt made of thick knitwear will protect your pet from minor spring and autumn cold snaps;
  • An insulated blanket for dachshunds and other hunting breeds will help protect the animals’ lungs from hypothermia;
  • It is also advisable to have boots with waterproof soles in your wardrobe, which will save the paws of small dog breeds from hypothermia, frostbite, mechanical damage and chemical burns;

Taking measurements yourself

In order to create a clothing pattern for your animal with your own hands, you must first remove it from your dog or from a similar dog of the same breed. all necessary measurements, that is:

On the right side of the fabric, be sure to sew the straps onto the outer shell in one step, then the linings on the second step. Step 4: Finish the outer edges. There are two options for finishing the edges of the coat. Extract 1: Embroider the hem. Turn under the edge of the finger to the side, securing it, and fasten it with the machine. Extraction 2: Fold the edges in an offset manner. In this more advanced method, a long strip of fabric is sewn onto the edge of the coat to cover it, similar to the knitted edges of an area rug. Cut strips from leftover jacket fabric or buy a bag of bias binder or tape scraps from a craft store.

Transferring measurements to patterns with your own hands

When transferring measurements to a pattern for future clothing, you need take into account seam allowances. The parts cut out by yourself will be sewn together, but at the same time they should be free and not restrict the dog’s movements. Therefore, on the do-it-yourself pattern, on each side you should leave 1 to 3 cm for seams and free movement of the dog in clothes. After cutting out the pattern and basting it, you need to put it on your dog and see if it fits well, if it does not cause discomfort to the animal, and if it is the right size.

Using a ¼ seam, sew one edge of the strip to the raw edge of the coat using your sewing machine. Then fold the strip up and down to cover the raw edge, pin and sew. Step 5: Sew with Velcro. Using a machine, sew the laced Velcro pieces to the neck and waist straps of the coat. Then try the coat on the dog to determine the best place for hooked pieces of Velcro. Once you have a snug fit, mark each spot with a pencil, a pin, and then sew the Velcro hook on the machine.

After that, put your coat back on, admire the dog and your handiwork, or vice versa, and take them both for a punch around the block. Step 6: Letter applique. For dogs who are in social networks Like my friend Reese, a coat can be a great way to convey a message. Reeses are sometimes perceived as a vicious breed, so a little friendly street interaction can do wonders. To personalize your dog's coat, choose seamless adhesive to cut out letters or an image, then follow the packaging directions to bind them to the coat.

If the pattern fits well according to all these parameters, then it can be stitched on a machine or carefully stitched by hand. Fasteners, as a rule, on such models are made on the back in the form of zippers, this makes it easier to dress active and playful dogs before the walk.

Basic and most common patterns

Simple blanket

Where to find inexpensive material to use with these dog clothing samples!

Inexpensive material can be found almost anywhere. Buy all the 50¢ t-shirts you can get your hands on and you'll always have dog clothes hanging on! Besides being “cheap,” easy-to-use garments also take up a lot of finishing work from your sewing projects! Less money less time less work= More dog clothes!

Large sheet of paper. My dog ​​is small, about 7 pounds. She is a Chinese Crested, so her body is a little longer than, say, a Yorkshire Terrier of the same weight. Take a big sheet paper paper and fold it in half. Folds on the stomach. Folded in half, my piece of paper measured 5 x 10 inches. Yours may end up being larger or smaller.

The back can consist not only of two parts, but also be one-piece. The entire model consists of 4 pattern pieces. The back and collar parts are sewn along the BAB line, then the collar pattern is secured into a ring with threads or buttons (clasps), and the T-shaped belt pattern is attached along the bottom and the blanket is secured with it. You can attach a tail loop to the end of the blanket. The blanket can also be made insulated by placing padding polyester or thick knitwear on the lining, but for such a model it requires twice as many patterns, that is, 8.

If you are an experienced seamstress, determining your own measurements will be easy for you. Line 2, From one side of her shoulder blades to the base of her tail, my dog ​​is about 10 inches. Row 3 is the back of the legs and cut out for the tail. Line 4 is the measurement you will make to create own pattern hind leg cuffs.

Notice that the top arrow point for the shoulder blades falls right near the middle of the oval hole. This is the basic shape of the sleeves. If you needed to make the hole in the sleeve larger than the hole for the oval sleeve in my example, your sleeve pattern would also need to be larger.


In this model, the back will be sewn from two patterns, and the belly from one. If you want to make an insulated vest, you will need to cut out twice as many patterns and sew a layer of insulating padding polyester between them. First, a zipper is sewn into the back part, and then the parts are sewn together.

Sweater for a small dog

Use old T-shirt out of the closet for your first sporting dog. Cut the side seams the same way as the sleeves, as shown in the example above. Leave the shoulder seam intact. Unfold your pattern and place it on top of the shirt as shown above. The neck may not line up perfectly, but that's okay. Cook it as close as possible, but be sure the shoulder seams are even on both sides. Trace the design and cut it out.

If your dog clothing design is longer than your t-shirt, that's where you can get creative! Place another piece of material evenly underneath the pattern, right where the waist will end up. Make sure to fold the original jersey out of the way and line up the two pieces of material evenly under the pattern. This will give the beetles a "pants" look.

This sweater can be sewn from a regular sleeve from an old sweater without using any pattern. The bottom of the sleeve will become the dog’s collar; from it you need to set aside the length of your dog’s back and, having previously stitched the sleeve, cut off all excess. Then mark and cut holes for the legs.


You'll then need to stitch that extra seam before moving on, but it's worth it. Your dog clothing drawing can now be put aside! Folded in half, your newly cut fabric should fit perfectly. Cut a line down the center of the bushing hole as shown dotted lines top and then cut out the sleeve hole.

Now, using a different t-shirt color, place the sleeve design and back cuff overlay onto the folded material, trace, then cut out. Fold one of your cuffs in half and line it up with the bottom of the back leg on the main part of the dog clothing pattern. The two “right” sides of the material should be face to face.

The jumpsuit consists of 11 parts: two patterns for the back, two patterns for each leg and one pattern for the tummy and chest. First, a lock is sewn between the two back pieces, then the back is sewn to the belly piece, leaving holes for the sleeves. Each sleeve is sewn separately and then sewn to the main part of the overalls. If you want to make a jumpsuit for the colder season, you need to cut out twice as many parts, and between them insert insulating parts: padding polyester or faux fur, inner part can be cut from thick knitwear or wool, and the outer one from a waterproof material. Then the overalls can be worn on the dog in the cold, in the snow, and even in the rain instead of a raincoat.

Fold the back legs in half as shown in the middle image above and stitch the seam behind the leg. Sew your sleeves the same way as right side to right side. Once the sleeves are on, it's time to iron them, unless you used a pre-existing hem from another shirt. The picture above right shows the progress so far, inside out.

Hold inside out and line up both the sleeves and chest area, and sew the long seam all the way to the end, turning the material slightly under the needle at each intersection. The only hem that could be sewn was the circle around the belly. It's worth noting here that my dog ​​is a woman. Before you sew on your final hem, you can still remove a little more material from the top of the circle. If you're a pinner, this wouldn't be a bad place to pin.

Decorative clothing


The easiest way to sew a T-shirt for a dog is from an old children's T-shirt, but it is worth remembering that the bottom of the T-shirt will remain convex along the back of the dog, and it will need to be shortened along the stomach. It is also necessary to take into account that the most wide part The dog's body is the chest, and therefore clothing patterns need to be swept away, after trying them on and making sure that the dog's movements are not constrained. Only if the dog is comfortable in clothes, you need to sew a T-shirt.

While she was giving me the stink eye, she couldn't resist stretching in her cool new outfit that stretches right along with her. It's also worth mentioning here that Miss Dottie wears most your clothes inside out for comfort. She happens to have very sensitive skin. For the picture, she's wearing her right side, but she looks just as cute either way!

Please respect the copyright of this entire page. Feel free to use this template for personal use only. Also, feel free to share this page or photos and refrain from owning any of the content. New dog clothing samples coming soon!


In addition to sweaters, overalls and vests, you can also sew decorative clothes for your pet, for example, a dress. For the main part of the dress, a vest or T-shirt made of light fabric is suitable, and for the skirt, a rectangular piece of fabric, equal in length to two girths of the dog’s abdomen, is suitable. Additionally, the dress can be decorated with silk, chiffon, satin ribbons, beads or stripes.

There are only a few dog breeds that need to be protected from icy temperatures in the winter. Especially large dogs can keep their bodies warm even in snow and wind. However, this does not apply to dwarf pines, Dalmatians, windmills, Doberman Pins and Chihuahuas. These dog breeds are usually bred in such a way that they have no undercoat or fat layer. In winter, these dogs get cold very quickly and are therefore also at risk for their health. This also applies to puppies, since the growth phase is not yet complete, the winter months can be a real challenge for the cute four-legged ones.


In addition to sweaters and vests, you can also sew your pet your own a hat or scarf and boots. The main thing is that things are convenient, comfortable, made from natural fabrics and do not restrict the dog’s movements. All this will help your dog avoid drafts and complications from colds during the cold season.

Many older dogs become somewhat weaker as they age and their immune systems no longer function properly, so it makes sense to wear a high-quality dog ​​coat. This also applies if the sick dog lives in the household. It must be protected so that there are no health consequences.

It's not just the dog that plays a role

Although there are some dog breeds that can be proven to benefit from a dog coat, it is not the dog's only solution. You should also supervise your dog. If you get the impression that your dog is unable to walk properly, is starting to shiver in the snow, or perhaps doesn't want to leave the door, then it may be a good idea to buy suitable clothing for dogs, such as a coat or shoes. However, this can also be applied in reverse. If your dog has dog coats and he just doesn't want to leave the house when he flinches, then you can be sure that he doesn't like wearing clothes.

Julia Pyatnitsa

DIY dog clothes in half an hour

How to choose the right clothes?

It turns out that clothing for dogs is not a luxury item and not a whim of strange owners. Animals need things just like humans. This is especially true for those breeds that were bred artificially and are outdoors only during walking; Mutts and wild dogs, on the other hand, are adapted to survive in harsh conditions.

You should never force your four-legged animal unless there are some health indicators. Always trust a little about your pet's instincts and act as you want. Because the best defense is nothing if your dog hates wearing clothes. If you're in doubt, you can also talk to your veterinarian to get information on whether it's worth the purchase and what an expert means. Particularly in the case of existing diseases, this can be very useful, since the doctor knows exactly what to do.

You should pay attention to this when you buy

If you want to buy a coat for dogs, then you should pay attention to high quality. Passport also plays important role. It is therefore necessary that you measure your loved one. This the only way achieve perfect wearing comfort, because in the end there is nothing worse for your dog than not being able to move freely. Also, make sure nothing alters or pinches or removes decorations that are just for show. Protection should always be a priority when purchasing.

Below you can find a list of things that are recommended for every dog ​​owner to purchase or sew with his own hands using a pattern.

  • Warm clothes - coats, jackets. These things are required to save dogs from frost.
  • Waterproof clothing - raincoats, blankets. Raincoats protect the wool from dirt and moisture in the rain. There are also lightweight summer raincoats - they are worn to protect against thorny plants, tenacious seeds and poisonous insects.
  • Hats. Caps and hats are needed for those dogs who may have ear diseases. They will also be useful on a hot day, as an escape from the sun.
  • Shoes. At first it seems that dogs don’t need shoes at all because of their inconvenience. But it protects delicate paw pads from drying out and damage from asphalt and sharp objects.

Of course, this does not apply to various carnival costumes, elegant dresses and jewelry for dogs. They are often used when dogs participate in exhibitions and competitions, even if this causes discomfort to the pets.

Although there are some pets who even like to wear clothes and jewelry. Then you shouldn’t deny yourself the desire to pamper them by sewing a new dog suit with your own hands.

Clothes for dogs: secrets of work

Dog clothing patterns available for sale today will fit almost any breed in standard sizes. But there are breeds with their own biological characteristics, for which clothing patterns need to be specially adjusted and altered.

Clothes for small dogs

Small dogs have a slightly different body structure than large dogs - their legs are shorter and their necks are narrower. Here are a few features to consider before making your own dog clothes.

  • Yorkshire Terriers have long, fluffy fur. Therefore, it is better to cut the back and body a little wider so that the clothes fit more freely. This is necessary so that the fur under the clothes does not roll down, press or cause pain to the dog.
  • Dachshunds have a naturally long body and short legs. Therefore, you need to take appropriate measurements before cutting the pattern yourself and add length. At the same time, the short sleeves of clothing for dachshunds should be loose, not tight, so as not to restrict the paws in movement.

  • U French bulldogs massive muscular neck. To prevent clothes from pressing and interfering with the dog’s breathing, you need to make an enlarged armhole with a lightweight elastic band or without it at all.

We must not forget that to pattern clothes for each dog, you need to measure the length of the back from the collar to the tail, the depth of the sternum (the width of the ribs and the distance between the front paws), the width of the hypochondrium, the length and girth of the paws.

Clothes for large dogs

Clothes for big dogs It’s easier to sew with your own hands than for little ones. After all, in size it almost resembles a human one. The only exceptions are a few anatomical features.

For example, we must not forget to leave holes for the tail and genitals of the dog. The location of the sleeves and legs on the trousers also changes, which, unlike human ones, are directed horizontally and not vertically.

You need to remember that clothing for large breed dogs should be loose, not restricting the movement of active and playful Dalmatians, hounds and huskies.

Dog clothing patterns

The following master classes will help you prepare your dog for the cold season - this is when the pet needs the greatest protection from irritating factors. With their help, you can sew your own overalls and boots from waterproof fabric.


At first glance, making shoes for dogs with your own hands seems like a rather difficult process. But in fact, the pattern for sewing boots is quite simple - you can make 2 pairs of dog boots in just 30 minutes!

  • From a dense material, such as leather or leather substitute, cut a circle equal to the diameter of the paw. At the same time, do not forget to add 1-2 centimeters to the radius of the circle.
  • Cut a rectangle out of fabric with a width equal to the circumference of the inner circle and a length equal to the distance from the dog's first moving tendon to the ground. Also remember to add a margin of 1-2 centimeters.
  • Bend the upper part of the rectangle and sew it so that a lace can be threaded through it.
  • Sew a rectangle with a circle with the margin inside. Sew the rectangle lengthwise in the same way.
  • Turn the workpiece inside out and cut off any interfering stock. Thread a string through the holes at the top.
  • Place the “shoe” on the dog’s paw and tie the lace so that the workpiece holds tightly, but does not crush the paw.

The shoes are ready! Based on this master class, you can create different models Shoes for dogs - from cute sneakers to classic black boots.

A cap

If your dog is often sick or cold, try sewing a hat with your own hands! Don't be afraid to get started - you can sew a hat as quickly as sewing shoes for your dog. You can see the process of sewing a headdress in the following video.

It will not only protect your pet’s head from colds, but will also save you from excess dirt after a walk outside.


Overalls are considered the heaviest garment to sew. Therefore, it is better to practice sewing simpler things, like a vest or blanket, before sewing a dog jumpsuit with your own hands.

  • Measure your dog to draw the appropriate size pattern.

  • Transfer the finished pattern onto the fabric according to the directions on each piece.
  • Sew the bottom piece to the top piece, remembering to leave arched openings for the paws. Be guided reference points on the pattern. To connect the components correctly.
  • Sew the paw parts into mirror image together. Sew them to the body. Remember that the front legs should be sewn at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the line of the back.
  • Make an incision along the top line of the spine. Stepping back a couple of centimeters from the neck, sew in a lock. Alternatively, you can cut out the 2 back pieces initially without sewing them and join them together at this stage with a zipper.
  • Create cuffs for the paws and neck area. Sew them into place.

The dog's overalls are ready! You can decorate it with decorative details in the form of a belt or DIY embroidery. For a girl dog, you can make a flower brooch using the kanzashi technique.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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