Drawings by 10 year old talented children. Learn to draw girls cute and airy step by step

What can you draw when you're bored? A question to which the site actually has a hundred answers, but let's talk about everything in order.

The simplest ideas for beginners

Not all of us can draw well, and even bother with complex designs in those moments when you’re just bored and don’t really want to. I offer a whole range of cool and interesting drawings, which you can draw in those moments when you or your child really want to take up drawing to kill boredom:

More ideas

What else can you draw when you're bored? Let's get creative.

  1. Comic . It probably happened to you not too long ago funny stories that you have told your parents or friends more than once. What if you draw them in the form of a comic book? It is likely that your story will touch many people, and you will even become famous! You can find examples of comics on the Internet - today you can find almost anything online: how to call a Life operator, how to make a craft and how to fly an airplane.

  2. Your character from the game . If you are a fan of any computer toy, be it Minecraft or League of Legends, you definitely have a favorite character that you wouldn’t mind drawing. Try to portray him in battle or, on the contrary, in some unusual situation– for example, as if your character were in our world;

  3. You yourself . Although drawing yourself is difficult, it is very interesting! Try drawing yours own portrait in your favorite style - perhaps you will not only find something to draw when you're bored, but also get a unique and unusual avatar!

  4. Idol . If you have a favorite actor, singer or just a cartoon character, why not draw him when you're bored? Drawing a loved one from the world of show business or just a fictional cartoon character will perfectly take your time and leave an excellent result in the form of pumped-up drawing skills and a cool drawing!

  5. Your girlfriend or friend . This is a great opportunity for you to practice your drawing skills and keep yourself busy when you're bored, and just imagine how pleased the person you drew will be!

  6. Relatives . Mom, dad, grandparents, sisters and brothers - all these people who are very close to us always support us, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, and, of course, it will be very nice to draw a beloved relative with a pencil on paper or digitally.

  7. Pet . If you have a favorite animal, then this is a great chance to learn how to draw an animal from life. Of course, it takes a long time to persuade your pet to sit quietly, but if suddenly you are lucky enough to have your kitty curled up to take a nap, don’t waste time, grab pencils, paper, an eraser, and start drawing!

  8. Something beautiful. Think about what causes you the most emotions? Maybe a bright rainbow after a rainy day, rays of sun in mom’s hair, some landmark, an elegant butterfly, or just something ordinary at first glance, but incredibly dear to your heart.

I leave it to you cool drawings for inspiration – if you still haven’t figured out what to draw when you’re bored – just look at the gallery and choose what you like!

At the age of 7-9 years, the child experiences increased stress. Classes at school and adaptation to a new team. New tasks and activities. It is this age that determines the development of mental functions in children: memory, attention, thinking, perception and imagination.

Therefore, it is important to make sure that with these increased loads there is the possibility of psychological release.



all materials

Development of creativity and art therapy.

Drawing is not only an excellent way of psychological relaxation, but also the development of spatial thinking, creativity and aesthetic taste.

A child can throw out all his imagination on a white sheet of paper; when a rainbow or a fairy-tale animal “comes to life” on a white sheet of paper, he experiences genuine joy.

Lesson duration is 1 hour 30 minutes. To ensure that the child does not get tired, 1-2 breaks of 5 minutes are provided. You can switch your attention and relax.

First lesson

At the first lesson, your child will be asked to draw a still life of 3-5 objects with the basics of construction using painting techniques.

The still life genre combines classical drawing and painting.

The child will learn to build a composition, mix and match colors, and learn the basics of drawing, painting and perspective.

Painting and drawing lessons are conducted in a form accessible to the child and are excellent training for memory, fine motor skills, and a sense of perspective.

Individual program.

An individual program is selected for the child, taking into account his abilities and interests.

In other words, if he wants to draw a person, the teacher will teach him, but will make sure that young artist acquired the necessary skills in the process.

The benefits of drawing for children 7-9 years old with the right approach:

  • Calms and pacifies.
  • Develops creative abilities.
  • Improves memory and intellectual abilities.
  • Drawing classes help improve interhemispheric connections.
  • Develops aesthetic taste.
  • Gives you the opportunity to express your experiences through drawing.
  • Introduces a variety of colors.
  • Develops creativity. In the process of drawing, the student will always want to improvise, this helps the child to relax, become more independent and successful.
  • Provides an opportunity to look at the world through the prism of creativity.
  • Improves fine motor skills. The parts of the brain that are responsible for speech, memorization, and coordination work.
  • Develops spatial and compositional thinking. This is extremely useful, as it helps to better understand mathematical and physical models, as well as master other disciplines. (for example drawing, mathematics, physics, geometry, etc.)
  • Increases self-esteem. The child understands that he is now a creator.
  • Helps develop perseverance. An important skill for a young student.

We always give work to our little students.

This is important, because the child not only receives a positive charge during the lesson, but also takes away finished work, which gives him self-confidence and he can be deservedly proud of it.

He will be happy to give this work as a gift, and then you will also receive a charge of good mood.

Come to our first lesson and see for yourself. Draw, sculpt, make toys. Please your loved ones with your works, get a positive attitude and develop creatively. And rest assured your child will love it.

"Fairytale tree" Master class on creating fairy tree V unconventional technology drawing.

Author: Raush Ekaterina Leonidovna, teacher of additional education.
Place of work: MBU DOLC "Raduga", Nizhny Tagil.

"Fairytale tree" can be made with children aged 7-10 years in additional education classes. Such work will a great gift, like for the New Year, like for Christmas and can simply become a decoration for the home. We used only 3 colors for this work: white, blue, yellow. Thanks to this range of colors, this "Fairytale Tree" symbolizes winter. you can use warm colors flowers that will symbolize autumn and summer.
Purpose: gift for New Year, Christmas, interior decor
Target: making a “fairytale tree” using an unconventional painting technique (spraying).
- introduce students to unconventional technology drawing "multi-layer spray";
– learn how to spray and make paper stencils;
– develop imagination, visually – creative thinking;
– cultivate emotional responsiveness to what is depicted, accuracy, artistic taste.
- watercolor paper A3
- A4 paper (for stencils)
- gouache
- brush
- brush
- scissors
- pencil
- a jar of water
1. First you need to prepare all the materials.

2. We tint the A3 sheet with dark blue gouache.

3. We make 3 templates of a tree and an angel. First we draw with a pencil, then we cut out with scissors.
1 template

2 template

3 template

angel template

4. Place our 1 tree template on a tinted A3 sheet.

5. We collect on the brush white gouache and start spraying.

6. Then we put the angel template and put yellow gouache on the brush and start spraying it with yellow color.

7. Remove the tree and angel template.

8. Place our 2nd tree template and put blue paint on the brush and start spraying with blue.

9. Remove 2 tree template.

10. Place our 3rd tree template and put a bluish-blue shade of paint on the brush and start spraying.

11. Remove 3 tree template. The work is ready.

Your child loves to draw and wants to learn something new in technology visual arts? Have you decided to prepare your child in advance before entering art school?

Come to our drawing studio, where we will teach your children how to create various compositions, work with color, apply necessary materials and optimal drawing techniques.

Drawing lessons for children in Moscow studio Matita

In order for the child to properly develop creative thinking and non-standard approaches to thinking, many parents enroll their children in drawing lessons in our studio - in the process of learning, the child’s artistic taste is formed, and the opportunity to creatively re-evaluate the world around him appears.

Drawing helps develop self-esteem and forms a positive attitude towards people around you. In the process of drawing, the motor skills of the fingers and hands gradually develop, tactile sensitivity increases, due to which coordination and sensory abilities improve. In addition, drawing has a beneficial effect on the development of hand-eye coordination and also improves the eye.

The importance of drawing in the development of a child cannot be overestimated - during drawing lessons in our studio, the child develops strong-willed and moral qualities, the will and desire to go to the end appears, children begin to help each other when any difficulties arise.

What does a child get after our drawing lessons?

Group drawing lessons

It is also important that all lessons are taught in a group - when creating collective works, the children learn to negotiate with each other, unite to achieve a common result, and strive to help their comrades. Group classes also stimulate sociability and the formation of friendly relationships, which makes it easy to join any team in later life.

A child who likes to draw is more spontaneous when expressing feelings, has a good imagination and can easily express his thoughts. Drawing directly affects such important human functions as: vision, motor coordination, thinking, speech. That is why fine art develops not only these functions of the body separately, but also groups them, coordinating them with each other. The child begins to become aware and organize the acquired knowledge, and a model of a more complex understanding of the world around him is formed.

Our fine art studio website employs only highly professional teacher-artists, who have developed a special educational program specifically for children aged 9-10 years. Drawing lessons for children 9-10 years old are held in small groups of up to 5-6 people, in addition, training is possible according to an individual program.

All necessary materials are provided absolutely free - all that is required from your child is the desire to truly learn this amazing view art. All the works that the child creates while attending art lessons can be taken home - your guests will certainly be surprised when they see the works that the child drew at our school.