Interesting drawings for children 5 years old. Let’s take autumn – it’s the most colorful

Hello, precious Leonards and Goyas!

Please forgive me for distorting the names of great artists (Leonardo Da Vinci and Francisco Goya), but this is what I often call my son when he draws.

Introducing children to the world of art and self-expression is an important task that faces first and foremost loving parents. Drawing with a baby from 1 year old will not only be a way to captivate the little one, but also a very useful activity for him, helping to develop his abilities and character.

The benefits of creativity

Drawing is an interesting and accessible form of developmental activity. In addition to taste, learning color and shape, the baby learns to hold a brush and pencil.

First drawing (from 1 year)

10 simple steps for the first classes will make it easier for mom to understand the steps. What and how to do.

1. Children as young as one year old can be encouraged to create with their palms and fingers. If your child is older, but was not familiar with drawing lessons before, then also start with simple lessons.

2. For drawing at the initial stage, finger gouache or finger paints are suitable, which are essentially the same thing. The composition of this product is completely suitable for tasting. However, it does not replace food and the mother must constantly be vigilant to ensure that the baby’s hand is not in the mouth.

3. We also need a large sheet of paper, because the toddlers’ movements have not yet been perfected and will definitely go beyond the small album format.

Whatman paper or a roll of wallpaper is ideal. You can sit either on a table or on the floor. If the room is warm, you can leave your baby in just his panties - he will draw on himself! Yes, this is how they get acquainted with paint, they all love to paint on themselves. Then all you have to do is carefully carry young Leonardo to the bathroom.

4. Show your child some paints. I poured a little into the cap and only then gave it to Danil. Dip the child's finger in the paint and stamp it on the sheet; the child must understand that the paint leaves a mark on the paper.

5. Draw a plot in advance, which you will later complete with your child. Label the earth, a cloud, a sun circle, stems, a tree with branches and call the baby.

6. Be sure to talk through what is happening. Your story stimulates attention and develops speech. To begin with, we draw with our fingers, and then you can smear the palm and fingers with a sponge and show your baby how to slap the paper, after which beautiful patterns will remain.

7. Place dots that will symbolize rain falling to the ground from a cloud. After the rain, grass and foliage grow on the tree - we draw small green lines with our fingers.

8. In your first lessons, try not to use too many colors. Two, maximum three, is more than enough.

When changing colors, emphasize that you need to wash off the paint and only then use the next one. (I had a small basin of water prepared in advance, and I wiped my fingers and palms with a sponge so as not to constantly drag the child to the bathroom. After all, you can lose interest in the activity along the way).

9. Now you can smear your entire palm with yellow paint and leave prints around the sun, so you get rays. Well, with the arrival of the sun and warmth, flowers bloom. The handprint at the end of the stem is a blossoming flower. The painting is ready, you can hang it in the nursery.

10. One-year-old children prefer abstraction in creativity, give them freedom. Some children want their mother to guide the drawing process, while others, on the contrary, resist and scribble wherever they want. In this case, give free rein to the artist, let him create!

This is the picture we got:

Subject drawings are possible, as described above, you can draw individual objects. There are many options for such games, you can come up with anything.

The main thing is to remember: it won’t work smoothly, beautifully, neatly now. Circles, dots, lines, people - cucumbers, waves - an ideal option for drawings for 1 year. With the accumulation of experience and practice, the picture will become more interesting.

In order for the drawing process to bring pleasure to both you and the child, both in the first lesson and in subsequent ones, you need to prepare for learning:

  1. Think about a place where the child will create. If the choice fell on a room with a light carpet, then it is unlikely that mom will be able to relax.
  2. Dress your child in clothes that you don't mind getting dirty.
  3. Prepare an apron, objects for drawing, a rag, if you plan to draw with your hands, then take care of wet wipes or a towel.
  4. Be sure to tell your child not to drink water or try paints.
  5. Encourage creativity and passion for it.

Of course, you don’t need to wait for the perfect result - the shapes will be uneven, most likely the restless person will mix the colors, make several blots, and even a large format of paper will not protect the floor from paint stains.

But the sparkling eyes, positive emotions and benefits received by the child while drawing are not comparable to the disasters caused. Therefore, mom should relax and also enjoy the process.

How was your acquaintance with finger paints? Did you like everything?

Or did you paint yourself and your mother, as well as the floor and table?

In any case, I think the child liked it, mothers don’t always like it, but what can you do?

So, shall we create more?

We continue drawing with children from 1 year old and move further in our knowledge.

For drawing, we still use finger paints and paint with our fingers to consolidate the skill. While drawing, be sure to say which color is which a hundred times and your baby will quickly learn the colors.

  • Specialists also come to the aid of parents drawing books . They make the process very easy and help out if you have limited time to come up with ideas. Simple drawings with large details will suit your baby; some have inserts with stickers. There are a wide variety of similar notebooks on sale.

I offer you several templates that you can download, print and finger paint with your baby.

  • My son and I also love coloring pages . I take simple plots or monosyllabic characters so that the child understands what kind of picture is shown. And it is advisable to cut this coloring book into separate sheets, because your artist does not spare paint and applies it with all his heart, your coloring book will simply stick together.

I also offer several simple drawings for cutting, which the child may already be familiar with.

Do you remember the well-known school line?

It can also be purchased in office supplies to this day. Here you kill two birds with one stone: learn geometric shapes and make different animals or objects from them:

You can also make any stencils yourself from an old box.

Or glue the drawings you cut out to ordinary plastic bottle caps.

We continue to be amazed at the baby’s work and now we already have some success. We can linger longer at this activity and find it exciting and interesting.

Let's move on to more meaningful drawing.

You can invite your child to choose materials for creativity:

In general, we draw and draw again!

May your imagination be with you! Bye, bye everyone!

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Drawing is one of the most interesting and favorite children's activities. By drawing, the baby trains perseverance and memory, develops motor skills of the hands and fingers. Many parents are interested in how to draw children's drawings and how to teach their child to draw in general.

Most adults greatly simplify their drawing lessons, reducing them to an image of a house and a sun in the corner of a sheet of paper. Such primitive drawings of the same type are unlikely to interest a child and will very soon get boring. Child psychologists recommend starting with bright drawings without small details. An important factor is the articulation of the plot of the drawing. You shouldn’t tell your child what he needs to draw; rely on his fantasy and imagination. Be sure to encourage unconventional methods and techniques that your child uses. Don't criticize his work and manner of performance.

You should not teach your child to draw a specific image; this imposes certain cliches and does not allow the child’s imagination to develop. Learning to draw should consist of mastering various drawing techniques and methods of working with materials, as well as studying reproductions of paintings. Everyone actively uses child development centers in their work.

You should start drawing with the simplest geometric designs, transforming them into objects familiar to the child, for example, a circle into a sun, curved lines into waves, etc.

Let's take a closer look at how to draw children's drawings using the simplest fine art techniques as an example.

We leave fingerprints

This technique will delight the youngest budding artists. We paint the baby’s palm in different colors and apply it to paper, and then transform the resulting print into some object, for example, a snowflake, tree or maple leaf. You can make prints not only from your palm, but also from other objects, for example, from shoes or dishes.

Using prints of ready-made drawings, you can draw symmetrical objects. For example, take a sheet of paper and fold it in half. On one half we paint half a chamomile, fold the halves of the sheet, press them, and we get a whole flower.

Changing the background

As a rule, the child’s psyche is prone to associative thinking, so you should not allow the child to associate the color white with the background. From time to time, invite your child to make drawings on colored paper.

Create a simple ornament

The very first ornament may consist of geometric shapes: circles, horizontal and vertical lines, etc. Gradually we complicate the patterns by adding new elements.


It is better to start learning to draw with water-soluble paints (watercolor and gouache), since they are easily washed off, washed and do not cause poisoning if the baby tastes them. The paint should be semi-liquid; for example, special finger paints are perfect for the little ones.

Colorful brush strokes

Take a brush, dip it in paint and apply it to the paper. We make patterns or objects from strokes. Strokes can be made of the same or different colors, strokes can be applied systematically (from bottom to top, from left to right) or chaotically.

Drawing an outline

The child draws geometric shapes or traces objects along the contour and paints over the empty space inside the figure. This technique allows you to practice brush movement and perfectly develops fine motor skills.

Drawing individual objects

You should start with the simplest objects, for example, the sun or a flower. First, draw a circle, paint it, and then draw rays or petals with a different color. We gradually complicate the task by making images consisting of several geometric shapes. For example, to draw a bird, we draw a circle (head), a triangle (beak), an oval (torso) and straight lines (legs). Using strokes we draw the bird’s tail and wings.

Drawing as a collaborative activity has a number of positive aspects for the parties involved. By drawing with their baby, parents will learn to understand him better, and the child will expand his ideas about shape and color. And, of course, the fruits of joint creativity will bring a lot of positive emotions.

So, if we draw with children 5 and 3 years old, then we should use various playful and surprise moments, in other words, the drawing process can be turned into an educational game. At this age, ideas for drawings are often of a plot-game nature, that is, children tend to “revive” images. This desire must be used to increase interest in drawing. Teach children to observe, examine objects and natural phenomena, and notice their features and differences. This is how attentiveness, observation, and a tendency to reason and compare facts develop.

When choosing an object to draw, have a conversation with your child, find out what feelings and emotions it evokes in the child. Be sure to discuss the finished drawing, evaluate the result, indicate what the child did best and what should be paid attention to. Such a conversation should pursue several goals:

— to form in the child an objective assessment of his own creativity;

— motivate the child to improve his drawing technique.

What children should be able to draw at this age:

  • depict objects consisting of clear geometric shapes;
  • be able to correlate individual parts of the depicted object by size;
  • distinguish and use primary colors and their shades;
  • correctly orient objects on a plane, place them on the same line or across the entire sheet.

This method of depicting objects and phenomena on paper and canvas is successfully practiced by many modern artists. Some of them simply like the texture that comes from touching the canvas with their fingers, and some of them put a certain philosophical theory into painting with their hands. But be that as it may, finger painting will delight any child.

So, we draw with our fingers with children 5 and 3 years old. How to organize this?

  • We spread newspaper or oilcloth on the table and floor.
  • We wear washable aprons.
  • Prepare a container of water for rinsing your hands and a cloth for wiping off the paint.
  • We wet the drawing sheet a little, so the paint will be better absorbed into the paper.
  • Dip your fingers into the paint and draw on the paper. Strokes can be made with your fingers, palm or the whole brush. For example, the imprint of bent palms can be turned into a fish, and the imprint of a fist looks like a shell for a snail.
  • Dry the work.

We use harmless paints

Chemical paints can cause allergies in a child, so for hand painting it is better to use homemade paints. The recipes for these paints are quite simple and parents do not have to worry about the health of the baby.

Homemade paint recipe:

- half a glass of corn starch;

- food colorings;

- half a teaspoon of salt;

- 2 glasses of water;

- 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Mix the starch with salt and sugar, pour the mixture with cold water and cook, stirring thoroughly, for about 15 minutes until thickened. Remove the mixture from the stove and wait for it to cool. Next, pour the mixture into containers (plastic cups or yogurt cups), add a little food coloring to each cup and mix. This paint is completely harmless, even if the baby decides to taste it.

Drawing is a fun activity for children. You can start “painting work” even with one-year-old babies, and children 3-4 years old are actively improving their acquired skills.

The benefits of drawing

Drawing classes bring enormous benefits to children:

  • improve fine motor skills of the hands, teach how to properly control your body - after all, not only the upper limbs, but also the muscles of the back and chest are involved in the drawing process;
  • help to express your emotions; during classes you can learn to convey your mood on paper, and also get a lot of pleasure from the results of your own work;
  • develop the ability to analyze, compare and draw conclusions - vigorous brain activity occurs even if the child simply runs a pencil on paper;
  • improve memory, enrich speech - the child learns the names of new objects and phenomena;
  • form useful character qualities: perseverance, self-confidence, dedication, attentiveness.

Drawing classes with children 3-4 years old are best done using pencils or paints. It is not advisable to use felt-tip pens and a ballpoint pen, because the marks they leave on the body and clothes are much more difficult to erase. Using a variety of techniques and aids, you can combine this exciting activity with other types of creativity.

How to develop the most significant areas for a child in 20-30 minutes a day

  • Three ready-made scenarios for comprehensive developmental classes in pdf format;
  • Video recommendations on how to conduct complex games and how to create them yourself;
  • A plan for creating such activities at home

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How to organize the process?

Before starting work, you should come to terms with the only unpleasant consequence of the activity: most likely, not only your hands will be dirty, but also your clothes, table, chairs and other objects. You can cause minimal damage to the environment if you conduct classes in the bathroom or in the courtyard of a private house. If the child draws with paints, you can put a rug on the floor and cover the table with a disposable plastic tablecloth. It is better to dress the young artist in clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Be sure to stock up on wet wipes and prepare various pictures and stencils.

Simple tricks

Of course, the child will not be able to immediately draw a complex picture; first you need to teach the child to draw.

  • Miracle coloring pages.

With the help of books with stencils of animals, people and other images, the child will learn to change the color of the drawing without violating the boundaries of the outline. Pencils will help you shade, and paints will help you paint over different areas, using the entire color palette.

  • Image of geometric shapes.

Straight and broken lines, various waves, spirals, semicircles will help the child depict the surface of the earth, sun rays or clouds. One of the most favorite children's shapes is dots. They will definitely come in handy to draw rain, falling snow or freckles on a red-haired girl.

With the help of a triangle you can get the wings of a butterfly, an oval - a suitable body for a hedgehog and a person or an Easter egg, and a circle - a bicycle wheel, a child's face, a cherry berry.

  • Original helpers

It is difficult for a small child to make a perfect picture, but its quality can be significantly improved if you use various additional items. It is enough to dip not a brush, but a cotton swab into the paint, and then create a beautiful bunch of grapes on paper.

A good idea is to draw stars on it with wax crayons before painting the sheet with watercolor paint (mom or another adult can draw them). The baby will shade the picture in blue, on which the images will appear. The result will be an amazing night starry sky.

Drawings can be made not with a brush, but with various stencils. If you take half a potato and apply paint to it, and then apply it to a landscape sheet, you will get a wonderful ball, sun or other round object. Using the same technology, using cauliflower we will create a spreading tree, and a dish sponge will make it possible to create the sea or sand.

You can use your hands too! A classic of the genre - the imprint of a small palm on a sheet. In addition, just smear your fingertips in paint and then touch the canvas to create a daisy or beautiful beads.

It is also easy to combine appliqué and drawing in one work. First, the base is glued onto the album sheet: collected and dried leaves, cut out figures of people or animals. After that, all that remains is to complete the picture. It is enough to depict the sky, the earth and a few simple details. Such drawing classes will give the child confidence in his own abilities when he sees the result of a mix of appliqué and his creativity.

  • "Wet" technique

Paint with a large amount of water is dripped onto the album sheet. You can make an interesting silhouette of a tree or a fairy-tale monster. It is enough to blow on the paint from a tube, and it will spread under the influence of air.

Adults should not forget that when we draw, we all become a little children. It is important not only to help the baby during the process, but also to get a lot of positive emotions and become closer to your child. You definitely need to create together, draw with your children. And if something goes wrong, for example, paint spills or clothes get dirty, then you definitely shouldn’t be upset. After all, the main goal of such activities is to have a great mood.

Natalia Lukyanova

Lukyanova Natalia Vladimirovna. "My bear". Master Class. Unconventional drawing technique"poke with a hard brush" For children 3-4 years old.


Exercise children in an unconventional method of painting by poking with a semi-dry hard brush;

Continue to develop the ability to apply drawings over the entire surface;

Convey in the drawing the features of the bear’s appearance;

Cultivate neatness;

Cultivate a sustainable interest in visual arts;

For work you will need:

brown gouache;

hard brush(adhesive);

blank with an outline of a bear;

preparation of eyes and nose;


The work is done in two stage:



First stage:

Take dry brush, is dipped in gouache with the consistency of thick sour cream and pokes are made on a piece of paper with an image of a bear along the contour, and then in the middle, filling the entire space. Brush must be held vertically.

Let the paint dry and proceed to the second stage:applications.

Not everyone is small children It turns out to work with hard glue, so you can help spread the glue on the eyes and nose (they glue it themselves) or take PVA glue or wallpaper glue, then you will need another clean adhesive to work brush and a napkin for blotting the glue.

This work was the result of the mid-term project "Tales of teddy bears".

Both children and parents were pleased with the result!

Publications on the topic:

Artistic creativity of NOD “Non-traditional drawing technique: poke with a dry brush” “Hedgehog at the edge” Artistic creativity of NOD “Non-traditional drawing technique: poke with a dry brush” “Hedgehog at the edge”. In the older group. Solovyov's teacher.

Summary of a lesson on painting with gouache using the poking method with a hard semi-dry brush in the middle group “Grey Bunny” Target. Practice an unconventional way of painting with a brush. Strengthen the ability to evenly apply pokes to the entire surface of an object. Develop.

The other day we held a master class on unconventional drawing with our parents in kindergarten. The technique we decided to use is printing.

I present to you a master class on making a sweet tooth bear. We develop children's fine motor skills by doing plasticineography with them. Material.

Unconventional sponge painting on the theme: “Autumn Forest” Purpose: to teach children an unconventional sponge painting technique; show it to the teachers.

Master class on non-traditional technique of drawing with soap bubbles with children of the younger group.

Dear Colleagues! Quite by accident, I took an unconventional drawing course (sand painting). After them, I got excited about the idea of ​​making it happen.

In this article we want to talk about drawing with children aged three to four years. What should you remember when drawing with children? How to make the activity fun and exciting? How and with what can you draw?

Let's try to find answers to these questions together.

How to organize a drawing lesson for children 3-4 years old?

  • Think about the activity. Play out in your mind the entire sequence of what you and your child will do. Stock up on wet wipes and cloths so that you have them at hand if necessary.
  • Give an example of what should happen as a result of the lesson. This can make it very easy to explain the material.
  • Take a doll, animal or cartoon character and conduct an activity with its help. Children will be happy to support and help the puppet teacher.
  • Think about what photographs, pictures, videos and audio materials you can use in class. This will make your lesson fun and interesting.

Best drawing techniques for 3-4 years old

Let's look at some drawing techniques for children 3-4 years old.


The point of this technique is to paint over any area without going beyond the boundaries of the drawing. It is better to do shading with a pencil or pen.

Invite your child to color the bunny gray.

coloring book "bunny"

fish coloring page

We color the fox red.


Shading is similar to shading, but is done with paints. The meaning is the same - to paint over a certain area. For example, it is very interesting to draw colorful circles using plastic cups, and then paint them in a suitable color.


Straight, wavy, interrupted, spiral, etc. Here is an example of how you can draw the sky, grass and sun with different lines.


This is one of the first techniques that children learn and their favorite. Children can use this technique to paint sand, rain, snow, flies, etc. For example, you can decorate a pineapple with dots using a brush.

Or draw a clover with cotton swabs.

Splashes and blots

If splashes and blots are usually considered something untidy, then in this technique everything is just the opposite. Here is an example of a beautiful butterfly made from a blot. We painted the blot on paper with different colors and then simply folded it in half. However, to get a butterfly pattern, you need to practice a little in applying paint.

But such a monster can be made if you apply paint with a lot of water to a sheet of paper, and then blow on the drops of paint into a tube. Under air pressure, the drop will flow, leaving a mark on the sheet of paper.

An interesting messy picture is obtained if you apply finger paints or gouache to a sheet of paper.

Then we press them with transparent film.

By pressing the film onto the paints, you can see how the colors spread and mix. And as a result, we get an interesting pattern!

Watercolor over crayon drawing

The point of the technique is to draw a design with a white wax crayon or candle on white paper. He won't be visible. Then, when a layer of watercolor is applied on top, the drawing begins to magically “appear.”

Kids will probably be able to draw rain with horizontal lines.

Chalk drawing “Rain”

It’s a real miracle when the spirals drawn in chalk begin to appear.

Chalk drawing “Spirals”

You can draw fish in the same way and then cut them out.

Chalk drawing "Fish"

Seals and stamps as a drawing technique

The meaning of the technique is that the design is applied to a sheet of paper not with a brush, but with a seal. Let's see what you can use to make a print for a child: An amazing flower can be obtained if folded celery leaves are used to apply it.

A celery print makes a very beautiful rose.

You can cut a convenient stamp out of potatoes, for example, in the shape of a leaf.

Nature itself gives us ideas. If you apply green and brown paints to a sprig of cauliflower, the imprint of the cauliflower is very similar to a spreading tree.

Stamp using a dishwashing sponge. To do this, dip a sponge in paint and apply the design to the paper.

Imprint of a rubber ball with spikes. Just like when working with a sponge, we dip the ball in the paint and run it across a sheet of paper, getting a funny dotted print.

A paper mouth, eyes and ears will help bring our drawing to life.

Finger paintings

You can use your fingers to draw dots, lines, or cover a certain area. Here we decorated an autumn tree with dotted movements.

You can simply smear the paint with your fingers, filling the selected contour.

Drawing from a pen print

The point of the technique is to make an amazing picture from a pen print by adding a few additional strokes to the print. For example, we can make green prints and add orange rectangles to them - we get a carrot.

Drawing from prints “Carrot”

Or glue toy eyes to the print and add a mouth - you get a real goldfish.

Drawing from the print “Fish”

A very touching picture drawn with palms and fingers “nest”. Children will be able to draw birds, and also find out with what love the mother bird incubates her eggs and feeds her babies.

Drawing with palms and hands “nest”

A very interesting way of drawing is to draw something three-dimensional on a large poster or the back of unwanted wallpaper. This way you can do group work.

We looked at several drawing techniques for children aged 3 to 4 years. However, things can go wrong. Paint may spill, water may overturn, and clothes may get dirty. Try not to get upset or upset your child. Believe - next time everything will work out! A lot of things just come with experience.

See how you can draw a hedgehog with your child: