How to check the motherboard number. How to determine the motherboard model (different ways)

Many motherboard manufacturers, including Gigabyte, re-release popular models under different revisions. In the article below we will tell you how to identify them correctly.

The answer to the question of why you need to determine the motherboard variant is very simple. The fact is that different versions of BIOS updates are available for different revisions of the computer's main board. Therefore, if you download and install the wrong ones, you can damage the motherboard.

As for detection methods, there are only three of them: read on the packaging of the motherboard, look at the board itself, or use the software method. Let's consider these options in more detail.

Method 1: Board box

Without exception, all motherboard manufacturers write both the model and its revision on the board packaging.

  1. Pick up the box and look for a sticker or block on it with the technical characteristics of the model.
  2. Look for the inscription "Model", and next to her "rev.". If there is no such line, take a closer look at the model number: look for a capital letter next to it R, next to which there will be numbers - this is the version number.

This method is one of the simplest and most convenient, but users do not always store packaging for computer components. In addition, the method with a box cannot be implemented if you purchase a used board.

Method 2: Inspect the board

A much more reliable option to find out the version number of the motherboard model is to carefully examine it: on motherboards from Gigabyte, the revision must be indicated along with the model name.

  1. Unplug your computer and remove the side cover to access the board.
  2. Look for the manufacturer's name on it - as a rule, the model and revision are indicated below it. If not, then look at one of the corners of the board: most likely, the revision is indicated there.

This method gives a 100% guarantee, and we recommend using it.

Method 3: Programs to determine the board model

Ours describes the programs and. This software will also help us in determining the revision of the motherboard from Gigabyte.

Open the program and go to the tab "Mainboard". Find the lines "Manufacturer" And "Model". To the right of the line with the model there is another line in which the revision of the motherboard should be indicated.

Open the application and go through the steps "Computer""DMI""Motherboard".
At the bottom of the main window, the properties of the motherboard installed in your computer will be displayed. Find an item "Version"- the numbers written in it are the revision number of your motherboard.

The software method for determining the motherboard version seems to be the most convenient, but it is not always applicable: in some cases, both CPU-Z and AIDA64 are unable to correctly recognize this parameter.

To summarize, we note once again that the most preferable way to find out the revision of the board is to actually inspect it.

In response to the question: “What kind of computer do you have?” you can hear anything - from the name of the processor model to abstract concepts like “powerful” or “black”. And only a few can say what their “iron assistant” consists of. However, the majority is true: why remember models and brands of devices if you know how to identify them?

The need to find out the motherboard model arises when you need to install a driver, update the BIOS, find out device compatibility, or diagnose a breakdown. Today we’ll talk about how to do this if the computer is in working condition and in an inoperable state (does not turn on).

Determining the motherboard model using Windows

If a PC running Windows starts up and works normally, determining the model of its motherboard is a matter of a few minutes. And the following system tools will help you with this:

  • Windows Management Instrumentation Command (WMIC.exe) console utility.
  • System Information Tool (MSInfo32.exe).
  • DirectX Diagnostic Tool (Dxdiag.exe).

Windows Management Instrumentation Command

Windows Management Instrumentation Command runs on the command line (cmd). To recognize the brand and model of your computer’s motherboard, follow 2 instructions in turn:

wmic baseboard get manufacturer

wmic baseboard get product

The first will help you identify the manufacturer, the second will help you identify the specific product.

As you can see in the screenshot, the computer has an Asus A88XM-Plus motherboard installed.

This example was obtained on a desktop PC. However, when launched on laptops, the console may show, instead of the motherboard, the model of the mobile computer itself or even a line of models, as, for example, in the picture below:

However, other utilities also display the same information on this device. The fact is that on some laptops and netbooks it is impossible to determine the exact model of the motherboard using software. This is their peculiarity, and nothing can be done about it.

If you also observe something similar, use the name of the mobile computer itself to search for drivers, BIOS or device information. Read how to determine it.

"System Information"

The next Windows tool, System Information, is informative in about half of the cases. Often it only shows the motherboard manufacturer, and the model says “Not Available”.

To get system information, launch the Windows search tool, enter the query "msinfo32" (without quotes) and click the application found. The information of interest will be displayed in the main window.

DirectX Diagnostic Tool

The DirectX diagnostic tool often benefits mobile device owners. It recognizes stationary platforms even less frequently than the previous tool.

The necessary data, if received, is contained in the “System Information” section on the first tab. These are "Computer Manufacturer" and "Computer Model".

To launch the DirectX diagnostic tool, enter the name of the utility in the Windows search - “Dxdiag”, and click on the one found.

All of the above methods for identifying motherboard models work in Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8-8.1 and Windows 10. But since they are not very convenient and not always informative, you may prefer third-party programs to them.

Determining the motherboard model using third-party programs


A simple, portable, free utility, CPU-Z is one of the most convenient solutions for tasks like ours. The Mainboard tab shows all the basic information about the computer platform. Namely:

  • Motherboard manufacturer (Manufacturer).
  • Board model (Model) and its revision (second cell in the line).
  • System logic (Chipset and Southbridge) - manufacturer of north and south bridge chips or platform hub, its microarchitecture, name and revision.
  • Multicontroller model (LPCIO).
  • Manufacturer, version and release date of BIOS.
  • Version and operating modes of the PCI-express (AGP) bus.

The most important things are circled in the screenshot below.


is another free utility designed to collect information about hardware and monitor the condition of your computer. Its main window displays information about the processor, video card, RAM, drives and, of course, the motherboard, namely the model, chipset version and BIOS.

More detailed, almost complete information about the motherboard and its components is collected in the “Motherboard” section.

HWiNFO32/64 is available in portable and installation versions for Windows (separately for 32- and 64-bit systems), as well as for removable bootable media running on DOS.

- an application for collecting information, monitoring and testing computer devices, perhaps the best in its class and, despite the fee, very popular among users. However, to find out with its help the model of the motherboard of a PC or laptop, you don’t have to pay - just download and run the trial version of the program.

Information about the device of interest is collected in the “Motherboard” section (unlike previous programs, AIDA64 has a Russian-language interface). In addition to the manufacturer and model, all parameters and components of the motherboard are described in detail here.

AIDA64 is also available in installation and portable versions. The cost of a home license (Extreme) for three computers is $39.95.

How to determine the motherboard model of a non-working computer

If the motherboard of a PC or laptop has died or the device does not turn on for some other reason, the only way to identify the board model is the information that is on it itself. In the case of a desktop computer, this rarely causes difficulties, since the name of the “mother” model is usually printed in large letters on its front side.

If the name is not visible, most likely it is covered by the cooler or devices installed in the PCI and PCI-e slots, for example, a video card. It is enough to remove the interfering device - and everything secret will be revealed.

With laptops things are more complicated. With rare exceptions, the name of a mobile computer model is in no way linked to the model of its motherboard. Coincidences occur only with Asus, but also not always. It’s just that this is one of the few manufacturers that produces both laptops and motherboards for them. For other companies, things are more complicated.

Below we present the identifying marks of the most common mobile platforms.


Asus platforms have a corporate logo, so there should be no difficulties with brand recognition. The model and revision are usually marked nearby. In this example, this is K53SD revision 5.1.

By the way, Asus motherboards are found not only in laptops of the same brand. They are used by manufacturers Dell, Toshiba, Samsung, Packard Bell and others.


Platforms produced by Compal Information are found in laptops from Acer, HP, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, etc. They are recognized by the characteristic marking LA-four_digits, for example, LA-5911, which may be followed by the letter “P”.


Inventec platforms are installed in laptops from HP, Acer, Tochiba and some others. The brands of the computer manufacturers for which they were produced are often noticeable on them, and sometimes you have to look for the Inventec brand designation. It is indicated by an inconspicuous line of 11 numbers separated by the letter “A”. Sometimes they are preceded by 4 more characters, like VV09, which is an abbreviation for the model name.

Quanta motherboards are found in laptops from Acer, Sony VAIO, HP, DNS, etc. Their identifying feature is a string that begins with the letters “DA” or “DAO”. Hidden inside this line is the model name, consisting of 3-4 characters. It is located between the letters “DA” (“DAO”) and “MB”. The picture below shows a fragment of the Quanta ZQSA board from an Acer Aspire laptop.

These are not all existing mobile computing platforms - in reality there are many more. However, there are not many situations in life when this information is really needed by the user. All the necessary data, including about the motherboard, can be found out by knowing only the model of the device. And you already know how to determine it.

Hello everyone, readers and visitors of my blog! Today I decided to write a post about how to find out the model of the motherboard installed in your computer. But why is this necessary? Newbies will ask. And this is necessary for several important reasons. Before I get to them, I would like to briefly explain what a motherboard is for very “green” users. No offense)

Motherboard- This is the main element in the system unit. It is to this that all other components are attached. It brings everything together. Moreover, the name itself speaks for itself. But even though it is the main one, the computer will not work without the other components. Photo below.

The motherboard you can see above is very old. Modern ones look much cooler. One way or another, the essence is the same. A mother is a mother and it’s difficult to identify yourself.

And now the reasons why you should know the model of your motherboard:

  1. Selection of components. When choosing components, the motherboard model is an integral part. Knowing the model, we will know all its characteristics. Based on this information, components are selected. Moreover, knowing the characteristics will allow you to be in a more advantageous position when purchasing various add-ons, since with a competent approach you will not overpay for extra functionality.
  2. BIOS update. To update the bios, the motherboard model is simply necessary.
  3. Inventory. Since I am studying to become a welding production technologist, I know that there is an inventory of equipment. I think IT organizations are not included in the exception and therefore various equipment is taken into account for various purposes. Be it a reorganization or a goal to identify a thief. For ordinary users, this point is not of particular importance.

I think I've made a pretty good case. So how do you find out the name of the motherboard? I have prepared several methods, which will be discussed now. You can use the one that suits you best.


I have no idea what it’s like with those computers that are bought assembled, but I know for sure that if you bought a motherboard, then the packaging should be exactly the same. Although logically, if this is so, then you should know the model, because you didn’t buy it at random. Still, somehow they looked and chose.

But, okay. Let's say there is no model, but there is packaging. Find her if she is still “alive” with you. If found, then look at the inscriptions. I think there will be some other little things in the box. For example: books, leaflets. Perhaps something else similar. You can also find the motherboard model in them or on them.

Perhaps you threw everything away. It's okay, you can take a workaround.

Open and see

Yes. In the literal sense of this phrase. Open the system unit and look at the model on the motherboard. It would seem that it could be simpler than this. This is so banal... But you shouldn’t judge ahead of time. Now I will tell you why simplicity can develop into a complex problem under the following conditions:

  1. The system unit is sealed and is under warranty. If you open it, the sticker or seal will be damaged. This will void your warranty if the deadline has not yet expired.
  2. Time. Few people will like spending time on disassembling and reassembling, since you need to unscrew and then tighten the bolts. Of course, there are cases with special rivets for easy opening, but not all system units have them. Even with rivets you will have to do more physical work compared to other methods. Well, why not waste time? By the way, it happens that in addition to rivets, they are also attached to screws.
  3. No opening tools.
  4. No access to the system unit. For example, you help Baba Valya with setting up her computer using remote computer control programs. That is, Grandma Valya is on the other side of the world along with the system unit. And for some reason you needed the name of the motherboard.
  5. Laziness. Well, why not a problem? Quite common)

But let’s say that all these 5 points are not about you. If so, then you will receive information. The motherboard model inscription is most often placed under the PCI slots. Here's an example.

But again, if the computer is from very ancient times, then perhaps there will be nothing there.

POST Screen

This method is more suitable for old computers. During loading, components are checked. The so-called post check. You can see the board model on the screen.

If you have an SSD drive, you can forget about it. Everything goes very quickly, instantly. Those who have HDD hard drives have the opportunity. I took a photo of my monitor which can be seen below. I had to press “Delete” when booting the computer to see the information. This key launches bios, yours may be different.

I could not find the board model, perhaps it was displayed below. Besides, I didn’t have much time to focus, so it turned out a little blurry. But you can see the information. The very first line “A7636IMS” helped me. I was able to find the necessary information on the Internet.

I don’t really like this method, since everything happens very quickly, and those who have SSD drives will not see anything at all. But it's up to you.

By the way, about bios. There you can also find the motherboard model. But since the bios is different everywhere, I didn’t bother taking a photo of the screen. Although I could have done it, because I pressed “Delete” in order to screenshot the post screen. I remembered this only now. If I had remembered, I probably would have done it.

I have AMI Bios, I didn’t try to look for information. Perhaps there is a model, perhaps not. I don't know, to be honest. If you are aware, you can write in the comments. Is it possible to find the motherboard model there? I think on new versions of bios, where the interface is especially prominent, you can find a model.

Command line

Quite a simple method, since you need to know a couple of commands. So, to determine the motherboard model via the command line, you need to:

  1. Launch command line. You can do it through start, but I use hot keys Win +R. “Run” starts.
  2. Enter the cmd command and click OK. The command line is running! All that remains is to enter certain commands.
  3. First command: systeminfo

The simplest command, works on all windows starting from xp. In early versions, the circumstances of the cases are not known to me. But who uses such systems now?

Second command:

wmic baseboard get manufacturer

wmic baseboard get product

As far as I know, these commands do not work in Windows XP.

DirectX and the standard System Information program

DirectX Diagnostic Tools in Windows

To run the DirectX diagnostic tool, use the following command: dxdiag

After entering the command, press the “Enter” key. We go to the “System” tab. We see the main characteristics. To determine the manufacturer of your motherboard, look at “Computer Manufacturer”, and to determine the model, look at “Computer Model”.

System Information

To run the program use the following command: msinfo32

You can also use the search in Start.

After launch we see the following.

All characteristics of your computer will be immediately visible. On the 6th and 7th lines you can find the manufacturer with the board model.

Through the registry

To launch the Windows registry, you can use the command line. Run cmd again and enter the command regedit. Press “Enter”


BaseBoardManufacturer- motherboard manufacturer.

BaseBoardProduct- this is a model.

Third party programs


A good program that displays information about your computer. The program is intended for non-commercial use, which makes it accessible to anyone.

In order to determine the motherboard model, you need to download, install and run the program. Once launched, the program will scan your system. Then it will give you all the necessary information. It's simple.



A very good program that gives detailed information about your computer. One might say exhaustive. Also known as Everest. There are 4 versions of AIDA64: Extreme Edition, Engineer Edition, Business Edition, Network Audit Edition. We need the first one, since it is for ordinary users.

The program is paid, but is given 30 days to use. This is quite enough to find out the model of the motherboard.



This program shows technical information about the computer, including the model and motherboard manufacturer. It is worth mentioning that this program also exists for Android systems.

In order to get information about the motherboard, you need to launch and go to the “Mainboard” tab.



That's all. Now you know how to find out the motherboard model. I have considered all possible ways to obtain information. I hope this information has helped you or will help you in the future. If you have something to add, be sure to write in the comments. I will be glad to comments.

That's all. to my blog, receive news by email. Alexey Antropov was with you, bye everyone.

Every year, computer developers release more and more advanced parts for PCs and update drivers for system devices.

Many users have a desire to update their existing system. First of all, you need to know the characteristics of your personal computer.

Before replacing the main elements of technical equipment or installing drivers, you need to find out the type of equipment available, data about which will become decisive in the process of updating the equipment configuration. How to find out the motherboard on a computer with Windows 7 installed

The motherboard (MB) is a multilayer printed circuit board that is the basis of the computer structure. The “brain” of the computer is connected to it - the processor, RAM.

Sometimes there is a built-in video adapter. You can expand the capabilities of components thanks to pre-installed slots. The remaining elements of the computing system are connected to these connectors.

In essence, this device guarantees the interaction of elements and controls their overall operation.

Today there are five most popular MP manufacturers, information about which is part of the labeling:

  • Gigabyte;
  • Asus;
  • Asrock;
  • Biostar.

The main board houses the processor. It can be manufactured by AMD or Intel. Each of them has developed individual connectors for the MP, which makes it impossible to install a competitor's processor on it.

This is not difficult if you have documentation and a disk with drivers received when purchasing the equipment. Manufacturers, taking care of consumers, indicate the model, its technical characteristics, and provide instructions for using components.

Some are in graphical form. However, it may turn out that the document or disk is not at hand, they are lost.

There are several ways to do this:

Visual inspection

When opening the system unit, there is an immediate opportunity to examine the board. The model marking is located on it. Some manufacturers place the inscription next to the processor, above the PCI-E slot.

There is a downside to this action. Most new system units are protected by a seal, which, if broken, will void the warranty. If the system unit is not sealed, you can use a screwdriver to remove the case cover in a few minutes and find out which components are used specifically for you.

There may be a risk of misinterpreting the marks, since there may be several of them on the surface of the board. You can find out more about the motherboard on the Internet, after reading the equipment brand, by asking the appropriate search.

To download drivers, you need to go to the manufacturer’s official website, select the type of peripheral you are interested in, and download the proposed installation programs.

Reading information using BIOS

This is a more complex determination method. You can enter the BIOS shell at boot time by periodically pressing the Delete key. Most manufacturers display a message about installed equipment in the first tab.

After you have found out the necessary information, press F10 and Ok to reboot the system and start Windows 7. Full information about the technical equipment “slips” after loading the BIOS, before loading the system itself.

The display duration is 2-3 seconds. You won't be able to read it the first time. You will have to reboot several times.

Using special programs to read and display the necessary information

It is used when the first methods did not help determine the brand of MP. In this case, you can use the capabilities of the system. The standard way is to use a Microsoft utility.

To do this, go to “Start”, select the “Run” menu item (use the hot keys R + Win), enter the command msinfo32, press the Enter button. The characteristics of the computer can be viewed in the window that opens.

Using the command line.

The method is similar to that described in the third paragraph. However, here the msinfo32 command is replaced by cmd. Emulation of the operating system console will start Windows 7(window with black background). Using your keyboard, type wmic baseboard get product and press Enter. This way you will get the characteristics you are looking for.

After you see a message about the device you are using, do not close the Command Prompt window. You may need to find out the MP labeling. To do this, enter the command wmic baseboard get manufacturer using the keyboard.

Sometimes Windows 7 is unable to detect device configurations. Therefore, you can use software to determine it. There are many such programs on the Internet. Some install the necessary software themselves.

One of the most commonly used is DriverSoft. It allows you to quickly determine MP. Installation on Windows takes a few seconds. The appearance of the program is easy to understand because it is designed in a minimalist style. This software will take care of the main board and other missing, outdated drivers.

A number of free and paid platforms are also used, with utilities that will have to be downloaded first. For example, AIDA64, which displays a detailed description of the characteristics of all connected equipment, including the main board.

After starting the program, select the line “Motherboard” in the list on the left. Information will be displayed on the right, at the top of which the type you are looking for is indicated.

Another utility - Speccy. The principle of its operation is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that Speccy offers a more detailed description of the processes, which makes it popular with novice users.

So, now you know how to find out the motherboard on a Windows 7 computer. This will allow you to correctly update your computer devices yourself, without inviting a specialist.

And, even if the drivers were installed automatically or using specialized programs, you will not be able to upgrade your computer without knowing anything about the motherboard.

Search for packaging and receipts

The first way, the simplest and most commonplace, is to search for instructions and equipment boxes.

If the packaging has not yet been thrown away, it should indicate the board model and a number of other information.

If the box is no longer there, you can use such sources of information as:

  • A sales receipt (not to be confused with a cash receipt), on which the full name of the equipment is often written.
  • Warranty card for equipment.

Advice! The coupon should be kept in any case, even after the warranty expires - sometimes it contains addresses and phone numbers of services where the board can be repaired in case of a breakdown.

  • Installation discs. Often they are designed for several board models, but sometimes they are designed for only 1-2. And at least you will have an approximate name.

Visual method

In order to determine the board model on a computer visually, you will need to turn off the power, find a screwdriver of the appropriate size and provide sufficient lighting.

  1. Unscrew the bolts from the side cover of the system unit. Sometimes there are two of them and both are removed. In this case, you will most likely want a lid that has fewer holes for ventilation.
    Or the opposite one, which heats up the most when the computer is running;
  2. After removing the cover, look at the board markings. It is not always in a visible place. Often the “motherboard” is marked at the PCI-E slot or at the processor.
  3. As can be seen from the image, the name of the board in this case is H61MV-ITX. This is what you will have to type into the search bar of your browser to search for drivers or specifications.

The above method cannot be called convenient and safe.

Firstly, because the system unit may be under warranty, and after opening the case it will most likely be invalid.

Secondly, other installed devices may interfere with finding the name of the board, and it is better not to remove them without experience.

Thirdly, there are other options to find out the name of the board.

Using Windows Tools

One of the simplest and fastest methods for determining the board name is to use the command line to call system utilities.

This does not require installing additional programs, but simply following the following instructions:

  1. Open the “Run” menu (via “Start” or by pressing the “Windows” + “R” keys);
  2. Enter the command wmic baseboard get Manufacturer (getting the name of the manufacturer, for example, ASUSTek) and wmic baseboard get product (gives the board model, for example, P8H61-MX).

Another utility from Microsoft has similar functionality, launched through the same command execution menu. Only msinfo32 is entered in the window.

In the window that opens, you can find the characteristics of your motherboard. The options in the list may be in a different order and may even be in English.

However, as you can see, sometimes this method does not help determine either the manufacturer or model of the board.

However, the same as the previous option, using other commands. Therefore, it is possible that to determine the name of the “motherboard” you will have to download and install additional software.

Software Definition

Using the software, determining the board parameters is quite simple.

The problem can only arise if missing drivers prevent you from connecting to the Internet.

You can prevent this situation by writing the appropriate programs to a disk (not the system disk) in advance.

CPU-Z utility

The CPU-Z program will allow you to get all the information about the processor and board in a few seconds. Download it from the official website of the manufacturer.

Having opened the program and going to the Mainboard tab, look for the necessary data in the Manufacturer and Model lines.