How to decorate a denim vest with rhinestones or beads. What can you make from an old denim jacket? House for a kitten.


Just 2 hours and a little diligence will transform boring jeans into a spectacular wardrobe item, transforming them beyond recognition!

Decorating jeans. To work you will need:

Step 1

Prepare the beads and make a plan for their placement on the pants. We used a piece of felt that prevents the pearls from rolling away. Decorations can be sewn on in two ways; in this work we will describe each of them in detail.

Step 2

1 way. Start sewing from the wrong side. Point the needle and thread to the front side and put on the bead, then send it to the wrong side again. Repeat this manipulation again. Then secure the thread with one stitch (from the wrong side), cut and tie the ends. Cut off the remaining tail. This method is best used for larger beads. The pearls should not be fixed too loosely, but also without excessive tension.

Method 2. We fix smaller beads several at a time in a row. Once you have threaded the thread through the ball and returned to the wrong side, move on to the next pearl. To do this, without breaking the thread, bring the needle to the front side at the location of the next bead and string it. And so on, 5-7 pieces each. Again, it is important to monitor the tension of the thread - it should not be too strong, while excessive freedom is also useless.

The attractiveness of such a motif lies in its complete improvisation - the sequence of arrangement of decorative elements is not regulated in any way and is not limited in any way.

As a result of the transformation, the jeans do not lose any of their functionality, acquiring unique features of individuality and style. The only thing I would like to note is that the product is now recommended to be washed by hand or by machine, but in a delicate mode and without spinning. They should dry naturally.



Almost every girl has a denim jacket or vest in her wardrobe. This stylish and practical item almost never goes out of style, and you may already have several jeans in your closet. different colors and styles. Don’t rush to put them in a distant drawer; if you are tired of them, it’s better update a denim jacket with your own hands taking into account fashion trends this season.

Denim fabric is great for both beginning needlewomen and experienced handmakers, because there are ways to update denim items and give them a fresh look. fashionable look there are many. We'll tell you in this publication exactly what you should do with denim this season to make it fashionable again!

Denim jacket decor idea: stripes

Back in the fall, we talked about the incredible popularity of stripes among fashionistas around the world (by the way, you can find a bunch of ideas for inspiration at this link). This is probably due to the Gucci collection, which featured beautiful denim jackets decorated with images of flowers and animals. Fashionistas just fell in love with this thing!

But if you can't buy Gucci denim, then this is a great excuse to make your own designer denim jacket. Moreover, the process of creating it does not require much effort and even a person who has never picked up a needle before can handle it.

You will need:

Ready-made patches (they can be purchased at any fabric or craft store, as well as in online stores)

Gauze (or other thin fabric)

Old denim jacket

Arrange the patches on the denim the way you like. If the patch is large, it is better to secure it to the fabric with several stitches. Lay the jacket with stripes on an ironing board, place gauze or other thin fabric on top of the stripes and iron at high temperature. If you don't use gauze, you may damage the stripes. Hold the iron on each patch for a few seconds to ensure it sticks well. Enjoy the results.

If you don't like ready-made patches for any reason or don't reflect your design intent, you can make your own patches. But you are unlikely to be able to glue such patches; they will have to be sewn to a denim jacket. There are two ways to make such patches - embroider or draw. This process is shown in detail in the video master class. As an explanation, I will add that you need to paint on denim with special acrylic paints for fabric, which are sold in art stores or handicraft stores.

Updating a denim jacket: decorating with fabric

Pieces of any fabric that may be at hand will help you update your denim. The main thing is to use your imagination and come up with your own version of the decor, and in the master class in the photo below you will see three different options decorating denim with fabric. For this decor you need:

Cut a piece of fabric that fits the shape and size of the part. denim shirt, to which you will sew it

Sew on the fabric, carefully folding its edges or leave the edge unfinished if you like fringe

Embroidery - new life for old denim

If you know how to embroider and you have enough patience for this activity, then a huge field for creativity. Embroidery soldered on denim this season is more relevant than ever. You can embroider a large design on the back denim jacket or limit yourself to miniature embroideries on pockets, lapels or cuffs - both options will be relevant. Below I offer you a photo of an idea for embroidering jeans with sequins, and under them you will find a short video master class on simple embroidery with sequins.

Denim jacket decor idea - drawing

Another way to update and decorate a denim jacket is to add a pattern to it. If you know how to draw, then there will be no difficulties, but even if drawing is not your thing, you can come up with options. For example, print a template simple drawing on a sheet of paper, cut it out and trace it on the denim. It may not be possible to create complex paintings right away, but it is quite possible to draw something interesting. If the denim is light, draw an outline thin pencil, if it is dark, use a thin piece of soap for drawing.

Once you have drawn the outline, you can start coloring. For this purpose special acrylic paints for textiles. Before applying them, you can use a special acrylic base or primer to prevent the colors from bleeding onto the back of the shirt, but this is not necessary. In the video master class below you can see the whole process of drawing on denim.

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Master Class. The second life of denim pants.

01. To work you will need:
- jeans that for some reason do not suit you,
- floral fabric for finishing and appliqué (leftovers will come in handy),
- beads for straps - 10 pcs,
- buttons or snaps for fastening and centers of floral motifs,
- sewing machine, scissors, matching thread color...

02. Alteration: we will transform jeans (flares) into a sundress (apron).

03. In our work we use decorative elements: - applique using the Yo-Yo (Yo-Yo) technique - decorative machine stitching (or hand embroidery). - brooch and straps with beads.

04. Uncover. Take the jeans and cut along three lines. Horizontally - cut off top part from the trouser legs, grabbing the seam of the seat. And vertically, along the legs - cutting approximately in the center (only the front part).

05. Construction. We connect the fabrics along the long sides and grind them down (the middle front of the future sundress). We press the allowances of the central seam in one direction, on the front side for better fixation of the allowances - inconspicuous stitching into the edge of the seam with matching threads. Important: factory seams without branded stitching (usually the inside seams of jeans) should be on the back, decorative seams on the front. We outline the contour lines of the apron (bib), according to the design, and cut it out. Can be cut according to finished pattern apron or pin the fabric to the mannequin and outline the contours. Note: the seam line can be made curly - for tazing. Back, factory seams without finishing can also be adjusted according to the silhouette. If it’s not enough, we make additional shallow darts on the sides.

06. Floral chintz trim will transform our future sundress and give it a romantic touch.

07. Beika. We edge the open sections of the sundress. For the binding, we cut out strips of fabric approximately equal in length to the length of the cut being processed, and in width equal to twice the width of the finished binding + seam allowances. Single facing (back edges of the sundress) Cut out a strip approximately 4 cm wide. A) Smooth the seam allowances, bend the edges towards the center (it is convenient to use a strip of cardboard for the template). B) Fold it in half lengthwise and iron it. C) Lay out the binding and pin one side to the edge (with the front side facing the back of the sundress). We grind, almost reaching the fold line. D) Turn the binding over the seam to the right side and pin it with a stitching seam. D) Carefully stitch along the edge (you can sew with a hidden seam). E) From the inside, if the thread is the same color, the stitching is practically invisible.

08. Double facing. We cut out a strip approximately 6 cm wide (allowances are approximately 1 cm). A) Fold the facing in half - wrong side inward. Let's smooth it out. B) We pin the cuts to the upper edge of the canvas on the front side. C) Turn it to the wrong side (for convenience, you can baste it) D) On the front side, carefully sew at the edge of the facing so that the stitching is not noticeable.

09. Frill and fringe. A) Along the bottom of the sundress we put a frill, the fabric into strips (if it is a simple fabric, it is more convenient to tear it with your hands, then the fringe will turn out even) B) We fold the strip and attach it with blue threads so that the stitching seam is not noticeable on the front side. Pockets. C) We transfer the finished parts of the pockets from the jeans to the sundress, and decorate the edge with fringe. Fabric fringe will look more aesthetically pleasing, and no one will guess that the pocket was cut from another place. D) The blue threads with which we attach the pocket are not noticeable at all (we make two lines near the original ones, the second “seals” the fringe and is not accessible from inside the pocket). E) A little trick: if the pocket has a welt entrance and a rivet fastener, the mating part of the rivet can be transplanted with the “meat” by cutting it out of the jeans along with the area of ​​fabric around the rivet, then stitching it (then you won’t have to spend money and punch a new button). The top of the jeans will still go to a good cause.

10. Yo-Yo technique (YO-YO). This is one of the types patchwork using round elements. One of the variations of the motifs is the hexagon. The element is attractive not only because of its clear geometric shape, but also because no tools are required for its assembly - the round blank is folded without basting, like origami.

11. Making Yo-Yo. A) Cut out a round blank with a diameter of approximately 10-11 cm. You can simplify the task so as not to build (remember how you cut out snowflakes) - fold the square of fabric into a cone and round the corner. B) Fold in half, smooth the middle (we do this horizontally and vertically) C) Unfold and mark the middle. Fold one side so that the edge is on the middle line. Smooth the edge. D) Fold the formed edge on one side towards the middle. Smooth again. E) Repeat the procedure. G) Attention!: folds are laid in a circle in one direction. H) To fix the folds, we pin them with pins. I) The last fold is corrected (otherwise it will look the other way) K) Iron the edges.

12. Decorative elements - flowers and leaves. A) We lay out our Yo-Yoshka back: the smoothed contours of the hexagon will be noticeable. B, E) We attach the element to the sundress along the inner edge (marked with a dotted line), slightly retreating from the intended contour. This principle gives some liveliness to the edges and volume. Sew a button in the center and decorate with a zipper stem. C, D) We cut out the leaves and attach them: we use a light thread to make vein stitches (you can embroider them by hand).

13. Improvised twigs, stems. We connect the “flowers” ​​and leaves with a decorative stitch, which plays the role of a stem. You can first outline the composition with chalk.

14. Details. When the back sides of the sundress are closed, the overall picture of Yo-Yo emerges. From the same floral fabric, with the addition of jeans, we make the straps for our sundress. The strap option can be chosen depending on the style. You can use ready-made denim accessories and sew simple straps from denim. If you want originality, we make straps with beads.

15. Original beaded straps. Two in one: hold and decorate. The base is cut from floral fabric (finished width ~ 3 cm). The strap consists of two stitched parts, since the length will be sufficient - about 1.45 m. We sew together a narrow pipe, turn it inside out, iron it... We decorate the top of the sundress with a drawstring and thread a strap. We put in beads (5 on each side), and make the bridges from denim. We sew the strap to the edge (the bead area is not affected). On top of the strap, to revive it, we attach a denim strip. Decorative stitching will decorate and protect the edges from excessive fringe.

16. Accordion detail. At the back, the straps are joined; the connecting link is a metal half-ring, to which the ends of the straps are attached, and a denim accordion piece (elastic band inside). Such a design, like on suspenders, will give a margin of freedom and ensure comfortable wearing (simple straps either tend to slip or pull, and overlap is not always appropriate on the back). The ends of the straps can be stitched or made with several buttons to further adjust the length (when putting on a thicker top).

17. Four-button closure. You can additionally sew a secret button from the inside just below, so as not to be afraid. The sides can be made with a wrap if the volume allows (if the width is not enough, join them like on an apron - sew on a zipper or ties and wear them with leggings).

18. Flower brooch. The brooch is spontaneous - from what is at hand (segments of an old zipper and the rest of the frill were used), shape and design - depends on your imagination. Bring your own romance into the item.

19. And we got such a sundress!

Keeping up with fashion today is not so easy, including in material terms. Therefore, Internet resources and printed publications motley different ideas How to turn old things into trendy ones with your own hands. We invite you to give new life one of my favorite things women's wardrobe- jeans - using various decorative elements (rhinestones, embroidery, stripes, etc.).

Materials and tools

To embroider jeans with your own hands, you will need:

  • needle;
  • threads (including colored ones, if you decide to embroider);
  • scissors;
  • decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, spikes, sequins, stripes, beads);
  • pieces of silk, colored (leopard) fabric, lace.

Embroidery - simple and romantic

To embroider jeans with colored threads, in addition to certain skills, you should consider a few more points. First, come up with or find an embroidery pattern. Secondly, decide on which part of the jeans you will embroider it. Please note that large embroidery will look most impressive on the thigh, while small embroidery will look most impressive on pockets and along the seams. Apply the selected design to the desired area of ​​the jeans fabric (with a pen, chalk, pencil), embroider using the chosen method (satin stitch, cross stitch) and secure the result by ironing the embroidery with an iron (not too hot).

Rhinestones, beads, sequins, beads - bright and elegant

These brilliant decorative elements can be considered perfect choice in order to turn your jeans into a whole work of design art. There are many options for how to decorate jeans most effectively using sequins, rhinestones, beads, etc. For example, such decor can be sewn (or glued with an iron) on the lapel of jeans, on pockets, along the seams of the product, or even artistically “scattered” them over all the trousers. Patterns made of beads or rhinestones in the form of drawings (hearts, flowers, patterns), letters or words look very beautiful on jeans.

Spikes - extravagant and stylish

To create a bright street look, use spikes to decorate jeans. This decor, like rhinestones, can be used to decorate individual elements of trousers (pockets, edges of the product, seams) or placed over the entire surface of the trousers (in the hips, along the bottom of the trousers). The most trendy option today is studded trim on the back pocket. The following method of this finishing will look especially original: open (or cut off) the outer seam of the pocket and fill the visible part of the fabric underneath with spikes.

Lace - tender and sexy

Lace trim looks especially beautiful on jeans. There are also many options here original decor. So, you can sew lace on the back pockets, along the bottom seam of the waistband or along the outer side seam of the trouser leg. You can decorate the bottom of the trousers with a lace strip or decorate it with a wedge-shaped piece of lace (after cutting out the same wedge on the bottom of the jeans with a wide base downwards).

Holes and fabric - mysterious and alluring

The finishing of jeans in the form of holes, where fabric (lace or leopard print) is used as patches, looks no less original. To become the owner of such denim, it is enough to cut holes in the pants (usually they are made on the hips and knees), fray their edges and sew the selected fabric from the inside.

Colored patches and stripes - original and not boring

Another way to make your jeans stand out from the crowd is to sew on bright scraps of colorful fabric. You can also use ready-made stripes in the form of various labels, famous characters cartoons or comics, logos. Despite the fact that such patches are often made on a sticky basis, it is still better to play it safe and sew them to the fabric (machine stitching around the perimeter of the patch).

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make old regular jeans stylish and original. At the same time, the advantage of all these decorative methods can be considered their compatibility. Therefore, feel free to create an idea and take on its implementation! Check out our video for some more ideas for decorating jeans.

The most popular clothes- these are, without a doubt, jeans. They are worn by everyone - from small to large. How to decorate jeans with your own hands and give them new life? We will try to help you with an idea and a master class.

Many people have jeans in their closet that are tired of them - but you can change them and turn simple pants into a very interesting and individual model.

How to update old jeans? This can be done by embroidering them with satin stitch, cross stitch, or sequins. You can decorate with abrasions and small tears - this is now back in trend. We update old jeans and give them a second chance.

Of course, you won’t surprise anyone with embroidery these days. But if you decorate jeans with embroidery, and this embroidery is done tastefully, with your own hands, it is very popular and fashionable. If you look at any fashion show, especially the show of Dolce & Gabbana collections, there are so many embroidered, beautiful things! Before decorating old jeans, you need to think and plan your decor tastefully. For skilled needlewomen and just beginners, we recommend satin stitch embroidery and decoration with beads and sequins. You can do a wonderful thing in a few evenings. See how to decorate jeans with rhinestones.

Sequins and beads

Another decor with which you can decorate your boring jeans: sequins and beads.

It's up to you to decide what is more convenient for you. This way you can decorate not only jeans, but also a denim jacket. And one more tip: it’s better to do the applique on the sides of the jeans, on the pockets, or nearby. It is necessary to draw the outline of the drawing so as not to do unnecessary work.

For those who have never dealt with sequins, here is our short explanation. Sequins can be sewn either singly or in a row.

If you need to sew sequins in a row, use a stitch forward with the needle (Fig. a). We thread the sequin onto the needle and pierce the fabric. The stitch size should be equal to the size of the sequin itself. Next, we bring the needle to the front side at a distance equal again to the size of the sequin, and sew on the next one. And so we sew on as many details (sequins) as needed. It is better to secure the last one with beads. This pattern resembles fish scales (Fig. b)

You can sew on sequins and backstitch the needle. In this way we perform embroidery, as if layering pieces one on top of the other (Fig. d). In order to make voluminous embroidery, the pieces are layered with beads (Fig. e).

See how you can embroider a heart with beads and sequins.

And how cool an embroidered heart looks on jeans, and it looks great big flower from the same sequins.

And this is how sequin decoration on a denim jacket looks.

Or another option for decorating a denim jacket with satin stitch embroidery and sequins with beads. First we do the embroidery on the fabric, then we sew the applique directly onto the denim.

More options for denim jackets with embroidery decoration.

Bead embroidery of Turkish cucumbers - paisley.

It happens that you get a stain on your jeans, or get caught somewhere and tear the fabric. It is for such cases that the application serves. You can make a single motif, or you can make an applique in several places, just don’t forget about symmetry! How to decorate jeans? A fairly common way to decorate jeans with your own hands is fabric appliqué. Fashionable applique - paisley, or Turkish cucumber. This is how children's jeans, and not only children's ones, are beautifully decorated.

For this decor, you need to put finishing fabric under the jeans and draw a cucumber in chalk. Next, along the chalk line, we sew a line in the shape of a cucumber using a machine or by hand. We cut out the cucumber from the wrong side close to our line. Trim off excess fabric. Next, we process the cut with a zigzag stitch on a sewing machine. We do another curly stitch by hand or by machine. If the applique is large, you can add 1-2 more curly lines.

How to decorate jeans with lace? Lace is always gentle and feminine. Things with lace speak about your personality, and delicate taste. Lace never goes out of fashion, making an applique or a lace patch is all we need. The lace can be narrow or wide, color: white, black, flesh-colored. If you know how to crochet, that's great. Then you can knit the motif, or tie the bottom of the jeans with your own hands - this is very popular in the summer season. You can also make a lace lapel at the bottom.