Step-by-step drawings with a simple pencil. Learn to draw with a pencil step by step

The basis artistic arts- drawing with a pencil, or to be more precise - sketching with a pencil. After basic exercises with a pencil (for example, on a stroke), you need to take up sketching in order to acquire drawing techniques, use your hand and understand how certain things are drawn. How lighting and shadow are drawn, how to create a “skeleton” of a drawing and attach detailing to it. We offer you pictures for sketching with pencil: beautiful and easy images that will help develop all of the above. The pictures are collected all over the Internet, both Russian and foreign.

The author of the collection was engaged in drawing at an elementary level. Drawing was not easy for me, but my diligence paid off. The pictures presented in this collection are suitable for both beginners and advanced beginners. Get ready to scroll down for a long time, because there are more than 60 pictures in the selection! You will surely find something to your liking and skills.

A large selection of beautiful and easy pictures for sketching in pencil

A simple outline of a camel-ship of the desert for sketching in pencil.

A beautiful and easy to draw silhouette of a cat.

Kawaii hamster with highlights on his eyes. But they don't make it much more difficult to draw. Beautiful and simple drawing!

Outlines of an anime cat for drawing, easy to draw even for a beginner.

The frog is a small animal with few curves. Try to work the shadow as closely as possible to the original, and you will get an excellent copy.

Another frog with more detailed eyes and muscles. But have you already trained on the previous frog?

A simple and surprising volume. Surprise him even more by drawing him well!

It’s very simple to draw this cat’s face; the main thing is to immediately estimate the lines of symmetry and mark the ovals. There's nothing complicated about the drawing itself (except maybe the eyes), so just make it symmetrical.

Elementary pencil drawing of a bird. You can not stop there and continue to detail it by adding feathers and shadows.

How to draw an elephant: step-by-step instruction.

Pencil drawing for advanced beginners. The face of a lion cub from a Disney cartoon.

Zebra is the perfect animal to draw. with a simple pencil. We suggest drawing this zebra, which does not have complex detailing. Lightweight and beautiful image!

Large bear for sketching. The main thing here is to follow the rhythm and direction of the stroke. The bear should be combed, as in the original. If you can draw a nickel as cool as the original, then you're not so bad at drawing!

A drawing without detail, but which will require a confident hand and a clear delineation of space. You can first draw the cup more freely, applying a lot of extra strokes, and then remove them with an eraser.

An owl under a blanket with a cup of hot drink. Great autumn drawing It will work if you develop it and detail it. But for this you need to draw at least one like this! You know what to do.

Cute kitten is playing. An excellent drawing in terms of anatomy and shadows, although a minimum of strokes were used. The cat is alive! You can also convey this in a drawing, try it!

A ballerina with a minimum of detail and a very abstract figure, and even with eyes closed. A real gift for a sketcher.

Panda looks out of a cup. You can make the shadows better than in the original, but you have a basis for sketching.

Scrabbles cat in an original drawing style. Large eyes, which will be very convenient for you to practice highlights on. Also the shadow and the rhythm of the stroke are very important here. Notice how the stroke becomes more frequent where the shadow thickens, and how it thins out in the illuminated place.

Fox from Zootopia, depicted in a slightly casual style. You can first portray him in severe negligence, and then remove the excess.

A beautiful drawing for sketching in pencil: a pretty girl has a Pikachu sitting on her shoulder. But it has a minus: it is not so simple. You'll have to try hard to draw it well. But there's not much detail, so go ahead!

An easy way to draw a horse.

A simple way to draw Winnie the Pooh in the Russian style.

Vinny in an overseas, Disney style. Both options are cute and easy to draw with a simple pencil.

A cute kitten with virtually no detail, easy to draw.

Lace-up boots with heels. Try sketching just one shoe first.

A sad but funny owl sits on a branch and waits for you to start sketching it with a simple pencil.

A simple landscape, without unnecessary detail. But there is something to practice in applying shadows and being steady with your hand.

Little penguin for sketching.

Little squirrel with a potion in his hands. Brows - finishing touch in conveying emotions, as well as facial wrinkles at the bottom of the picture.

Stylish, beautiful street pattern. Sketching it in pencil will be the first step to depict something similar in paint in the city.

A girl's cute face in profile, not burdening you with unnecessary detail. Only outlines, only basics.

Waist and legs of a ballerina. There must be very subtle work with shadows. Do everything in your power: eraser, fingers, movements barely touching the sheet of paper.

A bullfinch sits on a branch.

Another bird on the branch. Here you will have to try to shade the bird properly. Notice where and how the lines become denser and darker.

A great picture for sketching that will develop your skills. No special detail, just playing with strokes and darkening.

Picture for practicing drawing bird feathers. The ideal angle for these purposes.

Key from; A watermark will not interfere with copying from this picture.

Landscape with two boats, trees, silhouettes of mountains in the background. Easy picture, but requiring initial training

Half detailed house. Try to draw at least half of it. Notice how the roof tiles are made. Rocks are less of a problem here.

Cute parrots communicate, and you copy them, because they are really light and beautiful.

Cool drawing with an abstract silhouette of a girl with curves.

Landscape with trees, stones, bridge and mountains in the background. The picture is easy, does not require any super technical skills, but tests your diligence and perseverance.

Flower buds for sketching

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For beginners, it is best to start with something simple, easily repeatable with the help of a master class or an example for sketching. This will allow you to get a good final result without straining during the drawing process, and even vice versa - enjoying your new hobby. The easiest pencil drawings are good opportunity try yourself as an artist, distracting yourself from pressing problems, work and workload at school.

In today's article we have collected for our readers best selection drawings that can be easily reproduced with a simple pencil, paper and an eraser.

What is included in the easiest pencil drawings?

Any drawing can be drawn in different ways. It's about about technique, drawing and coloring. According to artists, even the same object has different reproductions. For example, an orange can be drawn on a piece of paper in the form of an unpeeled fruit or a whole composition consisting of several fruits and peeled segments. The same applies to the theme “trees and leaves”, “portrait of a person and emotions demonstrated in the form of”, “tea in a mug or bag”. List comparisons of complex and simple drawings possible ad infinitum. However, it is worth knowing that there are two sides to every decision, and which of them can be interpreted differently. The choice depends on desire, experience and imagination.

List of ideas for creating easy pencil drawings:

1) apple;
2) banana;
3) watermelon;
4) melon;
5) citrus family (grapefruit, orange, lemon);
6) cocoa with marshmallows or tea with a slice of lemon in a mug;
7) ice cream in a cone;
8) heart pierced by an arrow;
9) Balloons in the sky;
10) the face of a cat or dog;
11) cartoon bunny;
12) ;
13) house;
14) tree without drawing leaves;
15) butterfly;
16) chamomile;
17) sun;
18) star;
19) birthday cake with candles;
20) duck.

  • No. 1 - pictures for sketching

Choose better simple pictures, in which there are no strokes, drawing contours or shadows. The simpler the example, the less time it will take to repeat and color it.

  • No. 2 - step-by-step master class

Unlike a ready-made photo example, MK allows you to understand how a drawing is made step by step.

  • No. 3 - coloring

The choice of material for painting itself light drawing pencil depends on desired effect. Watercolor and gouache look much better in landscapes, while still lifes look better when colored with colored pencils, crayons and felt-tip pens.

The easiest pencil drawings, photo ideas:

Do you like indoor flowers? Then watch short videos of blooming anthuriums, hibiscus and other house flowers.

Learn to draw cartoon characters

Animal drawing lessons

Pet drawing lessons

Pencil drawing lessons for birds

Nature drawing lessons

Let's draw the mushroom step by step, first with a simple pencil. At the last step, you can color the picture of the mushroom with paints or colored pencils, and if you draw leaves and grass next to it, the picture of the mushroom will be very beautiful and attractive.

To begin with, remember that a rose consists of petals adjacent to each other. This is the biggest difficulty in drawing this flower. To make the rose flower look more realistic, also draw a rose stem with leaves.

Draw flowers better paints, black and white drawing flowers cannot convey all the beauty of flowers. In this lesson we will learn how to draw flowers in a bouquet step by step with a simple pencil.

To draw a picture of a snowflake, in addition to a pencil, you definitely need a ruler. Any snowflake pattern has the correct geometric shape and therefore it is better to draw with a ruler.

It is better to paint a butterfly, just like flowers. But first, draw a butterfly step by step with a simple pencil.

If you want to learn how to draw beautifully in a matter of days, then you have come to the right place. Since this article will help even the most inexperienced beginner master drawing techniques and learn how to draw with a pencil yourself.

The main thing in the article

Basic rules for drawing with a pencil

To learn how to draw, you need to master this art step by step. As with any creation (work), there are certain rules in drawing, without knowing which it will be very difficult to study this science. Let's get acquainted with the basic six rules of pencil drawing:

How to quickly learn to draw a person with a pencil?

Before you get started, you need to do some math. For the proportional appearance of a drawn person, the head is taken as a basis. Next, the remaining parts of the body are calculated. For a realistic picture, men take:

  • from head to hips - size 2.5 heads;
  • from hips to knee – 1.5 heads;
  • from knees to heels - 2 heads.

For the image of a woman, the calculation changes slightly:

  • from head to hips - size 2 heads;
  • from hips to knee – 2 heads;
  • from knees to heels – 2–2.5 heads.

The most great attention is given to the face, since there are many lines that need to be conveyed with the greatest accuracy. You should draw a face step by step, more detailed instructions for drawing you will find below.

How to learn to draw landscapes with a pencil?

Landscape is artistic genre visual arts, the main subject of which is the image of the nature around us.

Let's take an example, How to draw landscapes with a pencil.

To get such a picture, you need to prepare a pencil and a white sheet of paper. Now we perform the following steps:

How to draw anime with a pencil?

Anime is a popular modern cartoon trend that not only teenagers, but also young artists have become hooked on. When drawing anime you don't need to stick to classical rules drawing a person. And this greatly simplifies the drawing process. The main elements in this drawing are the head, eyes and hair. And they are drawing cartoon anime So:

  1. Initially, an oval of the head is drawn. It's split in half straight line, then divide the same oval crosswise into three parts.
  2. Now you need to mark where the nose, mouth and most importantly – large eyes will be.
  3. Outline the eyes. There should be a distance of one eye between them. Begin to draw large eyes from the arch of the upper eyelid. A peculiarity of the eyes of anime characters is the glare in the pupils, which is given a lot of attention.
  4. There is only one requirement for an anime nose - it must be small. Mostly artists perform it in the form of a tick.
  5. Above big eyes eyebrows should be drawn. They are performed in classic style, in other words, these are two even arcs.
  6. Lips on a cartoon face are drawn with two small lines connecting to each other.
  7. As for the hair, it is drawn in triangular plates that fall chaotically and slightly cover the eyes.

How to learn to draw beautifully at home with a pencil?

The basic rule for drawing a house is use of straight lines. Thanks to them, the structure comes out stately and beautiful. Also, when drawing a house, you should maintain a certain technique:

  • D They draw in the same way as they build - from the bottom up.
  • The basis of the future house is an ordinary rectangle. It is done in straight lines.
  • Mark the foundation, drawing it across the entire width of the house.
  • Doors, windows, corners and other elements are outlined in straight lines.
  • According to the standard, the roof is drawn in the form of a triangle. If desired, it can be modified. The roof is decorated with tiles, since this particular covering in the picture looks very impressive.
  • Now pay attention to the details of the house. You need to draw windows, shutters, doorway, steps, porch, etc.
  • Shade the drawing, remembering the basic rules of drawing.
  • Place trees, flowers, and bushes around the house.

How to learn to easily draw animals with a simple pencil?

Drawing animals can be done not only with children. Lovely representatives of the fauna look great on canvas and are pleasing to the eye. So pick up a pencil and start drawing our amazing little friends.

How to draw a dog with a pencil?

Drawing a dog on paper is quite simple. The basis is:

  • a circle that will act as a muzzle;
  • oval - dog's body.

Afterwards the muzzle and paws are formed. All the details are applied and the dog is ready.

How to draw a horse with a pencil?

To draw a horse, the artist must have certain skills, since not everyone will be able to convey on paper all the power and pride of this animal. Below are step-by-step instructions that will help you cope with this task.

You can try to draw a simpler version, for example, a cartoon horse.

How to draw a cat with a pencil?

The cat is a favorite pet in many families, so it is not surprising that artists often depict this animal. Cats look equally beautiful in different styles, while they are drawn quite simply, and the diagrams given below are in Once again prove.

How to learn to draw people's faces with a pencil: basic principles.

Let's return to the topic of drawing a person, or to be more precise, consider the basic principles and stages of drawing:

  1. Initially draw an oval . It is divided into 4 parts by the axes of symmetry. The axes should converge in the center of the oval.
  2. Now give an oval contour to the face. You should start from the chin, moving upward, drawing the cheekbone area and the temporal area. The lines need to be shaded with a piece of leaf. This will make the outline less heavy.
  3. Using barely noticeable lines, divide the face into three identical parts across. The tip of the nose should be located on the bottom line.
  4. The nose is drawn from the tip. Depending on the type, it can be round, square or pointed. Then we finish drawing the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose.
  5. Mouth start draw from the curve of the upper lip located opposite the edge of the nose.
  6. Since in a portrait the soul is conveyed through the eyes, we will dwell on this element of the portrait in more detail below.

How to learn to draw eyes well with a pencil?

Since the eyes in the portrait are given vital role, then maximum attention should be paid to drawing them. When drawing this part of the face, consider the following:

How to learn to draw cars with a pencil?

The car is drawn with a pencil according to the following plan:

  • The external outlines of the car are indicated depending on the brand.
  • The resulting template is divided in half.
  • The body is indicated by bold lines.
  • Then the wheels are drawn.
  • Next, windows, doors, mirrors.
  • The car parts are distributed (headlights, bumper, etc.).

How to draw clothing sketches beautifully with a pencil?

Many girls dream of becoming famous clothing designers since childhood. But without the skills of drawing clothing sketches, this is simply impossible.

A sketch is a vague drawing of a model that focuses on clothing, shoes, and accessories, leaving the silhouette of the person in the background.

Let's look at the basic rules for drawing clothes on models:

  1. Attention to detail. For the integrity of the image, you need to pay attention to all the little things, not forgetting to draw accessories, ruffles, patterns on the fabric.
  2. You should also take into account the density of the fabric, since it depends on how the item will fit on the model’s figure. Thick fabrics in the sketch look a little baggy, but light fabrics will flow around the figure.
  3. Thoroughly draw folds on the fabric, curves of the figure, to convey the realism of the clothing as much as possible. Folds on clothes are also depicted in different ways. On thin fabrics they are intermittent and small, but on dense tissues the folds are more wavy.
  4. When coloring a picture give Special attention the depicted print. Take into account the folds, how it can break.

It is difficult to see the nuances of the cut in sketches, so each model should be accompanied by a flat model of the item, so that by examining it, all the nuances for creating the model can be identified.

How to learn to draw flowers with a pencil?

Each flower is unique, and conveying all its beauty on canvas is not so easy. We suggest you consider below step by step diagrams drawing flowers.

Video: How to teach children to draw with a pencil

Pencil drawing lessons for beginners: video