Drawings on beige nails with acrylic paints. Learning to paint on nails with acrylic paints

Not all girls can boast of healthy and strong nails. The reasons for this are different - poor ecology, heredity, poor lifestyle, lack of microelements and vitamins in the diet and other factors. With the help of nail design and extensions, girls can hide most nail problems and beautiful design draw attention to them. Nowadays, various means are used to make designs on nails - polishes, gels, varnishes, but acrylic paints are the most popular. Their advantage is long-lasting paint durability, high quality and low cost of material. Women can paint with these paints at home, even without professional skills. Acrylic paints are often used on extended nails because the design lasts longer on them, but they can also be used on regular nails.

What do you need to paint with acrylic paints?

So you can start painting your nails acrylic paints, you need a set of tools, which consists of: a pair of brushes for painting, differing in size and thickness of the bristles, a paper napkin, a piece of foil to get new shades by mixing, a glass of water, acrylic paints, sticks, needles.

Technique for painting nails with acrylic paints

  1. First, prepare your nails for applying a new design - move the cuticles, erase old varnish, using a file, give your nails the required length and shape.
  2. Now you need to take care of your nail coating; it is better to use transparent or matte shades.
  3. Then you can start painting with brushes.
  4. Before applying paint to the nail, you should look at how much paint is on the brush, because it is too small or a large number of will ruin all the work.
  5. If you have little experience in nail design, then don’t fight for complex and large designs; first, fill your hand with something simpler. Learn to draw the basics - lines, dots, ordinary flowers, and then make it more complex.
  6. You should mark the boundaries of the outline of the drawing, and then fill it with color. To draw the outline, use the thinnest brush, it will be easier to draw. Before painting the space in the outline, you need to wait until the paint on the borders dries, otherwise the colors will blur.
  7. Maybe when you first paint with acrylic paints, it will be unusual for you to hold a brush, so you should practice in advance with the force of pressure and the angle of inclination, since you should be comfortable when you work.

Types of painting nails with acrylic paints

  • Art design. It all depends on your skills and imagination. In addition to acrylic paints, you can use foil, lace, powder and other materials in this method. In the end you will have a flat nail plate with interesting drawing. If you have a master make a drawing, it is worth discussing what kind of drawing you would like to see in the end, so that there are no disagreements. IN Lately Dried insects, small pieces of pebbles and dried flower petals have become very popular.
  • Volumetric painting. Unlike artistic painting, volumetric allows you to get three-dimensional drawing, and this gives a lot of space for your imagination, but at the same time it has disadvantages. The detail and labor intensity of volumetric painting makes it not an everyday manicure, but it is perfect for any event.

Examples of painting nails with acrylic paints

“Flower” is both an elegant and simple design that is suitable for a romantic and gentle image. First you need to draw the stem of the future flower, for this you need yellow paint. Draw a straight thin line from the lower left corner to the upper right corner of the nail plate. Apply it in a quick, oblique motion, pressing slightly on the brush. Then add white paint to a small brush. Place 5 dots next to the stem - this is the base of the flower from which the petals will come; you can make the base a round dot. After everything, finish drawing the flower, namely, draw blue petals with veins, and sketch out the core yellow. You can paint a couple of flowers on one nail plate, but one looks better. When you finish painting, you should seal everything with colorless varnish. Flowers can be different sizes and colors.

"Zebra". To visualize the future drawing, you should look at the coloring of the zebra and copy its cool stripes. Cover the nail with white paint and wait until it is completely dry, then you need a toothpick, a needle or a thin brush. Dip it in black paint and draw horizontal stripes. In this case, they need to be made slightly curved, start moving from the right or left side from the very edge of the nail plate, and finish, slightly short of reaching the end of the other edge. Then repeat a similar stripe, starting from the other edge of the nail. It is worth making sure that there is a distance between the stripes so that you can see White background. As a result, you can highlight the black lines with glitter and finish with clear varnish. "Dalmatian" In this case, everything is quite simple - cover the nail with white paint, wait until it dries, and then take a toothpick, needle or thin brush and draw spots in random order with colored or black paint. Finally, apply a clear varnish. "Tiger". Take yellow as the main color, wait until it dries, and then, as in the previous painting, draw orange spots in random order to repeat the tiger coloring. After this, dry the paint again and draw a black curved line, at the end it should be a little thinner, and draw the same one to meet it broken line. Do this over the entire nail plate and fix with clear varnish. All designs can be made with regular varnish, but acrylic paints will make the design more vibrant. At the end it is worth highlighting one more thing important rule: To When you paint with dark-colored acrylic paints, you should choose a whiter background, and vice versa, if the drawing is white, then make the background dark.

Video lessons

When learning the basics of nail design on your own, it is very difficult to do without painting with paints.

In nail art, it is acrylic paints that occupy a leading position as one of the lightest and available ways nail decorations.

Of course, if you have never had the ability to draw, then this process will be difficult to master on nails.

But no one demands to create masterpieces. Let's leave this for professional craftsmen. And it’s very possible to create a pretty decent painting if you strictly follow the advice.

It is better to start painting nails with acrylic paints by first practicing on cardboard or paper. Once you feel confident in your hand with a brush, you can move on to your nails.

Step-by-step instructions for painting with acrylic paints, allowing you to create beautiful manicure at home looks like this.

Step 1. To start creating, any artist needs to prepare a canvas. Therefore, before you start decorating your nails, you need to get a manicure and give the nail plates the same shape and length. After a manicure, you should give your nails time to rest and then start painting. To design nails using acrylic paints, you need to prepare a base varnish, soft pink varnish, a fixative, white, yellow and pink acrylic paint, a thin brush, a toothpick, a palette, and water.

Step 2. The first drawings should be chosen simpler. The simplest ones are geometric figures, lines, dots. In this tutorial we will try to master a simple but very popular floral design. For the background, take a pale pink varnish. Paint your nails in two layers, allowing each to dry thoroughly. We spread on the palette white paint with water to the desired consistency. We draw the outline of the future flower, and then paint over each petal with white. When the paint dries, we begin to revive our flower. Dip the tip of the brush in pink, and then in White color, and put light strokes on each petal. To make the design look more natural, we separate all the petals with lines of pink paint using a toothpick. Use yellow paint to make the center of the flower.

Step 3. After the drawing has dried, cover it with a fixative.

Drawings on nails with acrylic paints will look even better if you use rhinestones or sparkles to decorate them.

Artistic painting of nails: subtleties in choosing paints

Before you enthusiastically grab a brush, you should pay attention to the recommendations for working with acrylic paints.

First you need to choose a brush. Basically, painting nails requires a thin brush. As for the pile material, different sources They recommend either synthetic or natural bristles. But the main thing is that this brush is suitable for working with acrylic paints. After painting, brushes should be washed to remove any remaining paint.

As mentioned above, it would be a good idea to practice painting with acrylic paints on paper or artificial nails. You should not put a lot of paint on the brush; this can disrupt the clarity and accuracy of the drawing.


To create a stylish and beautiful design For nails, it is important to follow the intended pattern, use no more than three colors, otherwise the design will be bulky, too colorful, which can ruin the entire manicure.

Artistic painting of nails begins with drawing the outline. After it dries, paint over it. If you start applying the next layer ahead of time, it can be smeared.

To give your hand a comfortable rest while drawing. The hand and elbow should rest completely on the table. A hanging hand position will make it much more difficult to draw smooth, clear lines and shapes. To extend the life of an acrylic design and give it brightness, nails must be coated with a fixative.

The main advantage of acrylic paints is that after they dry, they can be applied new color and an element of the drawing, without fear of smearing the previous layer. Plus, these paints are water-based, which makes them absolutely harmless and easy to work with. Those who like to create new colors and shades themselves will love the ability to mix acrylic paints with each other.

Artistic painting of nails with acrylic paints is durable and not subject to fading in the sun. The paints are applied tightly, covering the base varnish. And finally, acrylic paints do not have an unpleasant odor, dry quickly, and after drying remain just as bright and do not change color.

In order to start creating designs on your nails, you don’t need any special set of tools and devices. All that a beginning nail artist needs is thin brushes, a set of acrylic paints and a fixing varnish. For the background of the picture, you can choose any favorite varnish.

The range of acrylic paints is currently large. But choosing really high-quality paints can probably only be done by trial and error. A high price, unfortunately, is not always an indicator of excellent quality. In addition, when deciding to design nails at home, every woman wants, first of all, to save money, and not everyone can afford to buy too expensive paints. You can ask advice from experienced craftsmen or friends who have already mastered this kind of drawing, or buy a couple of tubes to try.

Don't be afraid of paints that are too thick or thin. They are equally good to use. Here you need to choose those that are more convenient to work with. It is better to choose water-based paints rather than acetone-based ones. The first ones are easier to wash off and, if necessary, adjust the pattern. As for the palette, it is not at all necessary to buy a set of 12 or 24 colors. For starters, 6 primary colors will be enough. The main thing is that among them there is white, because with the help of white paint you can dilute any color.

The type of packaging also matters. There are paints in jars and tubes. Some manufacturers even produce tubes with brushes, eliminating the need to pre-apply paint to the palette. Paints in jars are more suitable for experienced artists who create entire pictures on their nails.

Mostly glossy paints of bright colors are used for nail art. But you can also try matte paints. Manufacturers also offer metallic or glitter paints.

Description of manicure techniques with acrylic paints

Acrylic paints are somewhat similar in consistency to oil paints.

If they are not diluted with water, then when drawing, a brush effect remains, the strokes are large and the drawing looks three-dimensional. This method of painting is called oil painting.. It's great for painting flowers.

The paste technique is somewhat reminiscent of the oil technique.. The secret is that undiluted paint is used for painting so that the strokes are thick and thick. This creates a gouache effect. Using liquid acrylic paints, painting using the impasto technique will not work.

Nail design with acrylic paints watercolor technique achieved by diluting the paint with water, which gives a translucent effect. Due to the fact that acrylic paints dry faster than watercolors, it is impossible to apply a new layer on a wet previous one. But despite this, watercolor design looks very airy, light and gentle.

More complex, requiring certain experience and skills, is the sliding technique. Its essence is to mix structural gel and acrylic paint in certain proportions. The color will appear only after the gel has completely dried. Until this moment it will be white. But when the gel becomes transparent, the colors will become much brighter, and the drawing will acquire special depth and volume. The main difficulty is to calculate what color the final color will be after the gel has dried. On the other hand, this great way get new and unexpected colors and shades.

Nail design with acrylic using glaze technique always gives surprising and unpredictable results. The father of this method is famous Leonardo da Vinci, and now glaze is used not only by artists, but also in nail art. Glazing is the art of combining colors and seeing the result long before you get it. This method requires a lot of attention and patience.

In nail art, it is better to use glazing to create the background of a future design. Essentially, these are many thin layers of paint of one or different colors. Before applying a new layer, you need to wait until the previous one has completely dried. This is why acrylic paints are good in the glazing technique, because they dry quickly. The more layers, the more interesting the result is, and the drawing becomes as if transparent.

Nail design with acrylic paints is an affordable and easy type of nail art. Let's consider the technique of creating floral nail art, which is always relevant and will give you a summer mood. Drawing is done in a simple manner oil technology. To do this, you will need a base varnish, a soft green varnish (you can take a mint shade that is now fashionable), acrylic paints in white, red, yellow, blue, green and black, green glitter, a thin brush and a fixative.

  • Step 1. We cover each nail plate with a base that will level the surface and protect it from colored pigments.
  • Step 2. Apply a soft green varnish, if necessary in two layers, each of which should dry well.
  • Step 3. If your nails are short, then to visually make them longer, draw wavy lines on the side of the nail. vertical lines white, yellow and red paint. On long nails these lines will simply complement the drawing.
  • Step 4. Let's start creating flowers. In a random order, paint the petals on each nail with blue paint to create an iris flower. Wait until completely dry. Use green paint to add leaves to the flowers. To do this, just add thin strokes. Using yellow paint, make a core for each flower, and with black paint in the middle, draw stamens in the form of dots.
  • Step 5. Add some green glitter to a few drops of fixative and while it's still wet, add glittery touches to the green leaves.
  • Step 6. When all elements of the design are well dry, cover all nails with two layers of sealer.

Popular types of nail designs with acrylic paints

Even if you have just started getting acquainted with acrylic paints, this does not mean that your nail design should be boring and old-fashioned.

Among fashion trends you can find ideas that a novice self-taught master can do. The most important thing for a master - get better at it, so don’t despair if something doesn’t work out right away, but keep practicing.

We offer a list of the most popular and always current designs on nails with acrylic paints.

  1. Flowers. With such a manicure you can always stay on trend. And it doesn’t matter at all what kind of flowers they are. Everything will look beautiful and tender - from daisies to bouquets of roses. Plus, even those who have no drawing ability can master simple daisies. After all, it will be enough to put white dots in a circle, make a yellow center, add green leaves, and the floral design is ready. You can draw one large daisy or a scattering of small ones over all nails.
  2. French manicure, complemented by a pattern. French in all its variations is especially beautiful and attractive if decorated with any design, usually on the nail ring finger. Here the imagination of the masters has no limits. Patterns on French manicure can be very diverse - flowers, geometric shapes, emoticons, animals. You can choose any design, depending on your mood or life circumstances.
  3. Romantic motives. All kinds of patterns, hearts, lace are simple elements to draw, and the manicure turns out cute, gentle and feminine. Here you can use your imagination to the fullest, especially when creating patterns and monograms.
  4. Abstraction and geometric elements. This manicure with acrylic paints is characterized by the presence of clear lines, squares, and circles. It always looks advantageous and stylish, especially the combination of a black background and bright figures. Again, this design is simple to complete; you can use not only a brush, but also dots. By the way, the latter will help you create the popular polka dot nail design. It is enough to arrange peas of different sizes in random order.
  5. Black and white shades. Classic never goes out of style. A white or black French jacket will decorate the hands of any woman, and creating such a nail design with acrylic is easy. Abstraction can also be done in black and white. White looks nice French manicure with black pattern.

Of course, it is very difficult to fit the most popular designs on nails with acrylic paints into five positions, because preferences modern women change not only depending on their mood, but also on the season. For example, in the summer, nail art with fruits, sun, and sea motifs breaks all records.

In winter, especially under New Year, marigolds are decorated with snowflakes, Christmas trees, frosty patterns. This once again suggests that manicure with acrylic paints allows you to realize any fantasy.

To achieve success in creating a design with paints, you should listen to the advice of those who have already succeeded in this matter. Professionals advise:

  1. No matter how much you want to create a masterpiece, you need to start with the simplest design on your nails: geometric shapes, lines, dots, flowers. The main thing is to achieve firmness in your hand.
  2. Experimentation is good. Feel free to embody your ideas, but only first on paper, and then transfer them to your nails.
  3. It may not work out the first time. Don't get upset and don't give up.
  4. It is not necessary to buy a special palette for mixing paints. To do this, you can use any convenient surface, for example, an old CD.
  5. Never rush. Start your drawing with an outline, and after it dries, start coloring.
  6. Acrylic paints are also suitable for painting on nails coated with gel polish. Before you start, you need to remove the sticky layer. It is better not to dilute the paint with much water, otherwise excess moisture will prevent the finish coating from polymerizing well.
  7. Take care of your tassels. When making a design, it is better to immerse brushes that you do not use in water.
  8. Do not mix paints from different manufacturers. The result may be unpredictable.
  9. As has been mentioned more than once, acrylic paints dry quickly. There is no need to squeeze a lot of paint out of the tube at once. This tip will allow you to save money so that the tube lasts a long time.

A little imagination and your nails will look well-groomed and stylish!

Stylish manicure is a way of self-expression for many women. Acrylic nail designs are gaining popularity as photos of them fill the Internet and fashion magazines. Most often, such a manicure is performed in a salon, but it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Pros of acrylic paints

Manicure can be performed various materials. What colors do masters use to paint on their nails? Most often it is acrylic. Simple varnish is also used along with them, but the design is less aesthetically pleasing. What are the advantages of this particular material?

  1. Wide color palette and the ability to mix shades to create new ones;
  2. The painting looks more artistic and complete than when using varnish;
  3. The paint dries quickly and the next layer can be applied;
  4. Convenient to perform simple drawings acrylic paints on nails, so they are ideal for beginners;
  5. The material is very economical with a long shelf life;
  6. The design is easy to adjust during the creation process.

The paint dries quite quickly on the nails. Often, beginners need a little more time to complete a design. In this case, the paint can be diluted a little with water. It can also be used to correct the drawing.

Paint selection

The question of which acrylic paints are best for nail design is decided by each master independently. The price category of all leading brands is approximately the same. The price of paints is not very high. However, they all have certain characteristics.

The Runail brand produces paints suitable for watercolor painting. They mix well and are diluted with water. IRISK materials also belong to the same type. They also mix well, but have more rich colors.

Designs and patterns on nails with acrylic paints, videos of which you can find on the Internet, are most often made with Polycolor brand material. These are paints newest generation. They are quite expensive, but they are usually used by high-level professionals.

The Qumaxi color palette is characterized by the presence of bright and unusual shades. In particular, metallic colors, gold, silver. LadyVictor paints are distinguished by their rich colors and brightness. When dry, they acquire a glossy effect.

Basics for beginners

In this part of the article we will try to answer the question of how to properly paint with acrylic paints on nails. First of all, you need to get used to how to hold the brush. It's worth practicing a little on cardboard or plastic.

It is best to cover any surface with colored nail polish and, after it has completely dried, start painting with acrylic. The technique of painting with acrylic paints on nails is quite simple. Please pay Special attention on the pressure applied to the brush, the required amount of paint, color intensity and the result of mixing shades. It is more convenient to take the paint not directly from the bottle, but to apply a few large drops to the palette.

After training, we learn how to paint on nails with acrylic paints. Draw a nail plate on cardboard, cover it with varnish and try to apply the selected design. Once you get it quite clearly and neatly, you can start performing an acrylic manicure, a photo of which you can add to your portfolio as a nail service master.

An example of a manicure

Below is a step-by-step nail design with acrylic paints, a photo and video version of which can be found below. By strictly following the advice, you can create an aesthetically pleasing and sustainable painting. But first, it would be nice to practice on plastic or cardboard.

  • Treat your nails as you would for a regular manicure. Give them beautiful shape, file, process the cuticle. Then degrease the plate;
  • Apply base coat;
  • Once dry, coat your nails with a colored polish. The manicure we describe with acrylic paints at home has a fairly simple pattern and only two colors are used, so it may be worth choosing contrasting shades;
  • Wait for the varnish to dry completely;
  • Now, if you have practiced enough on cardboard, you can start creating. Most complex drawing should only be placed on one nail. For example, on an unnamed or index finger. Apply a simple sketchy butterfly on it using the main color. Complete the pattern of her wings with a few strokes and dots of auxiliary shade;
  • An important tip on how to carefully paint on nails with acrylic paints is that each subsequent color is applied after the previous one has completely dried;
  • On the remaining nails it is enough to make patterns in the form of stripes and dots, not too complex;
  • Apply a layer of top coat.

Fairly simple acrylic nail designs for beginners can be found on the Internet or in magazines. On initial stages creativity can be limited to 2 - 3 manicure colors. Then gradually complicate it and add new shades. Watercolor design can be considered the “highest aerobatics” of painting.

Implementation of floral design

Painting nails with acrylic paints, as can be seen from the photo, often carries floral and romantic motifs. The simplest option is a drawing of daisies. You just need to put a yellow dot and a few strokes with a thin brush depict white petals. If you have mastered this pattern well, then you can move on to a more complex pattern. Below is how to paint more complex flowers on your nails with acrylic paints step by step.

  1. We cover the nail with a base coat, then with a colored coating and dry it;
  2. The outline of the future petal is drawn with two strokes. The third stroke is painting;
  3. We repeat this action five times, forming a flower, if necessary, draw another one nearby;
  4. Using a thinner brush, apply strokes to each petal from the center of the flower to the middle, so that the greatest density of color falls on the future core of the flower;
  5. On the borders of the petals we apply paint similar to the shade of the base varnish, as if “separating” the petals. Such sophisticated nail designs will look much more like professional paintings;
  6. The core is applied to the center of the flower in one point;
  7. If necessary, add green leaves or other complementary elements;
  8. After completing the design on all nails, wait for it to dry completely;
  9. We apply a finishing coat to your nails that will add shine and a finished look to your design.

Simple drawing

Bright drawing

Simple drawing

Let us remind you once again that each new layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. If your design involves acrylic nail paints, then this becomes the basic rule on how to use them. Of course, in the case of watercolor painting, this rule may be violated.

Secrets from the professionals

Schemes of drawings

IN various sources You can find very complex patterns of designs on nails with acrylic paints. They seem almost impossible to accomplish. However, masters with extensive experience can do this. In addition, you need to know a few subtleties, which will be described below.

  • Acrylic is a fairly liquid material, and therefore it is better to carry out the design on a support so that it does not flow;
  • Do not mix materials from different manufacturers;
  • It is better to apply the pattern with a synthetic brush, specially made for working with acrylic;
  • There is information on how to dry acrylic paints on nails different opinions. Depending on the manufacturer they dry different time. But most often it is a few seconds. Contrary to popular belief, a UV lamp is not needed.

Now you know everything about the technique of such nail art. Any instructional video from the Internet will make painting on nails with acrylic paints even more understandable for you. After a few training sessions, you will be able to complete the most complex designs on your own.

Not everyone has beautiful and strong nails. The reasons may be heredity, poor environment, poor nutrition and much more. Good care, the ability to change appearance through extensions and design, it will hide imperfections and make nails attractive. Beautiful painting Nails can be created with acrylic paints, watercolors, or a simple needle.

Currently, gels, varnishes, and polishes are widely used to add beauty to nail plates. But still, nail painting is most often done with acrylic paints. They are relatively cheap, last a long time, and you can paint with acrylic paints without special preparation. Initially, this painting began to be used on extended nails, but it can also be used on regular ones.

Materials needed to paint your nails at home:

  1. Base (coating nails before work).
  2. Base varnish.
  3. Tubes with acrylic paints.
  4. Brushes of different thickness and bristle size: thin ones are used for drawing lines and contours, thicker ones are used for painting and applying glitter.
  5. Glass of water.
  6. A palette to mix colors to create new shades (you can use foil).
  7. Paper napkin.

Pre-prepared tools will allow you not to be distracted and paint your nails efficiently.

Acrylic painting technology

1. Preparing nails for further design with paints:

  • remove old nail polish with a cotton pad and a special liquid;
  • push back the cuticle;
  • process with a nail file, giving them the desired shape;
  • apply a base for varnish;
  • varnish with matte or transparent varnish.

2. Applying patterns with acrylic paints:

  • After letting the varnish dry, you need to put the required amount of paint on the brush;
  • Beginners are not recommended to take on too much complex topics: first you need to learn how to draw dots, dashes, simple flowers;
  • First, the contour is applied with the thinnest brush, and then painted over with paints (you must wait until the contour dries so as not to smear the colors);
  • you should practice to master the pressure and angle of the hand;
  • for a light image, the background is selected in a darker color, and vice versa;
  • the process is secured with colorless varnish.

3. Types into which painting nails with acrylic paints is divided:

Artistic painting

The result is a flat surface with an artful pattern. You can use lace, powder, foil, pieces of stones, flower petals and even small insects.

Volumetric design

It allows you to show your imagination, but has disadvantages: the process is quite labor-intensive. Therefore, this type of manicure with acrylic paints is performed mainly on holidays.

Watercolor painting

More recently, watercolor painting of nails has become popular in the technique. Paintings made watercolor paints on canvas or paper, create a feeling of lightness, airiness, and transparency. Watercolor work nails also have their own unique charm.

Watercolor painting options

"Porcelain" nails

  • Painting nails with watercolors will look harmonious if they have a white edge.
  • The contours are painted with black paint.
  • We apply a design on each nail different colors, blur the tones, leaving a white background.
  • You can decorate the theme with gold, silver or bronze paints.
  • Cover the surface with a special gel.

Watercolor painting with accessories

Nails can be decorated with foil, mica, shells, etc.

Watercolor and acrylic paints

When painting, artists sometimes combine watercolors and pastels (colored chalks). In nail design, instead of pastels, you can use acrylic paints; they can be used to create dark and light accents.

Watercolor paint and colored gels

These two materials are very similar in properties; their combination gives the work depth and versatility. If a balance is achieved in the use of these components, the result will look dignified and unusual.

Monochrome painting

Drawings are often practiced using different shades of the same color. This painting is attractive with its color play and volume.

Painting technique using a needle

The drawing with a needle is made on the varnish that has not yet dried. Drops of varnish of a different color are applied to a heavily coated nail. Then quickly, until the varnish has dried, make circular or figure eight movements with the needle. This is how an image is obtained.

The twigs and flowers look very beautiful. The pattern made with a needle in the form of dots looks interesting. To make the design more saturated, use varnish of at least three colors. If painting is done for a holiday, adding sparkles will add elegance.

When using this technology, you need to stock up on more than one needle. Set of needles different thicknesses will help you complete the job more accurately and efficiently. You can use a pointed stick (for example, a toothpick).

A picture made with a needle sometimes looks three-dimensional. To remove this effect, a colorless varnish is applied over the ornament. At the end, you need to cover your nails with a fixative.

You don't need a lot of money to paint your nails at home. Follow the instructions step by step. The main thing is patience and the desire to be beautiful!

For a woman, this is not only beautiful and ideal hands, but also an opportunity to express her emotional condition. Since nail art became an independent attribute female image, many ladies make various acrylic paints. Using patterns, you can create a unique nail design that matches the style and character of its owner. The beauty of painting with acrylic paints is that the painting itself is not difficult even for beginners, who can master the simple technique of applying a pattern at home.

In our article you will find a lot of informative and useful information. Interesting videos lessons and step-by-step master class on how to create a manicure - a storehouse of knowledge for beginners. And the artistic painting of nails, presented in our photo gallery, will not leave you indifferent even virtuoso masters nail art. A design implemented at home, which includes painting with acrylic paints, turns into an elegant masterpiece on the nails.

What is the beauty of manicure with acrylic paints?

Patterns and designs on nails can be made with both varnishes and paints. But the most popular art painting is with acrylic paints. Nail art masters very often use acrylic paints because they have a mass positive qualities who made them an indispensable tool for creating both simple and the most incredible designs on the surface of the nails. You will see this for yourself by looking at the collection of photos at the end of our article.

The main advantages of acrylic paints:

  • A wide selection of colors and shades allows you to create entire pictures on your nails from paints and their combinations. Using water you can control the saturation and density of shades.
  • Artistic nail painting using acrylic paints looks amazing on your nails. Colorful compositions convey the fullness of color, make the painting three-dimensional, and give the drawing integrity and completeness.
  • Acrylic dries quickly, but does not crack, which allows you to immediately apply the next layer of coating.
  • Manicure with acrylic paints can be done not only by specialists, but also by beginners in the field of nail art, since they are convenient for creating all kinds of flowers, geometric shapes and other patterns.
  • Drawings made with acrylic paints can be easily corrected in the process of creating nail art.
  • Acrylic paint is also favored by its cost-effectiveness. Having bought several tubes different shades, you can implement daily without fear that the material will soon run out.

Step-by-step instructions for painting nails with acrylic paints

For beginning design creators, we offer a step-by-step master class based on a video, with which you can create a beautiful artistic manicure. This simple nail art is done with a thin brush and acrylic paints. You can create elegant designs on your nails at home, because smooth lines and small dots are achievable even by those whose artistic talent is minimal.

In order to learn how to do an exquisite manicure, which is based on painting nails with acrylic paints, you need to be patient and necessary tools. Let's take a step-by-step look at each stage of the simple technology for creating delicate nail art. key points which you can see in the photo.

A little secret when working with acrylic paints

Manicure, the main decoration of which is artistic painting on the surface of the nails, consists of simple steps, easy to do at home. Experienced craftsmen can perform more complex and intricate compositions. Because they take longer, many artists face the problem of paint drying quickly. To avoid this, using available tools, you can independently construct a special container. You will learn how to do this from the video lesson, which contains detailed instructions from the wonderful blogger Natalia.

Photo gallery of artistic nail painting

After reading important theoretical information and becoming familiar with the technique of artistic painting, you, of course, want to evaluate the visual side of the issue. We invite you to see what a manicure done with acrylic paints looks like on women's hands. You can learn a lot interesting ideas that will inspire you to be creative. Collection bright photos will take you to Magic world colors and their most incredible combinations.

Artistic manicure is ideal for a special event or special occasion when a girl wants to attract the attention of everyone present and become the center of everyone's attention. Bright and beautiful drawings on the surface of the nails, made with acrylic - this is a unique highlight that gives the girl unique charm. After watching two training videos, you can easily master the technique of artistic painting. Don't be afraid to experiment and have fun creative process, because beauty is only in your hands!