Christina Ricci before and after surgery. Celebrities who have had their breasts reduced - photos

Address: USA, 48 km from Las Vegas, Colorado River
Start of construction: 1931
Completion of construction: 1936
Height: 221 m
Coordinates: 36°00"58.0"N 114°44"15.5"W

Almost all tourists traveling to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon pass through the Hoover Dam or Hoover Dam.

Bird's eye view of Hoover Dam

This huge concrete dam, equal in height to a 70-story building, tamed the violent nature of the Colorado River. The Hoover Dam controls flood levels, supplies water, and provides electricity to Arizona, California, and " gambling capital USA » - Las Vegas (Nevada).

Historians believe that it was not gambling houses, but the construction of Hoover Dam that caused the development of Las Vegas, which turned from a village into a prosperous city.

Construction of Hoover Dam

Construction of the Hoover Dam, begun in 1931 at the height of the Great Depression, helped create new jobs for unemployed Americans. The construction of the dam was carried out in difficult conditions— the air temperature in summer rose to +50°C. The work of rock climbers was particularly dangerous, and workers drilling tunnels suffered from excess carbon monoxide. However, there were more than enough applicants for vacant positions. According to official data, 96 people died during the construction of Hoover Dam. In 2000, a monument to rock climbers was erected near the entrance to the dam: a worker with a flashlight and a safety helmet hangs on a rope harness over a cliff.

I wonder what The Hoover Dam was built around the same years as the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station (1932 - 1939). Moreover, the same engineer from the General Electric company, the American C.G. Thomson, who was responsible for the installation of turbines and generators, took part in the construction of these hydraulic structures. In 1935 Soviet writers Ilf and Petrov visited the USA and visited a construction site.

They describe this “miracle of engineering” with admiration: “Imagine the stormy, mountainous Colorado River flowing along the bottom of a giant gorge, the walls of which are formed by high black and red rocks. And between these two walls created by nature, man created a third wall made of reinforced concrete, blocking the river flows.”

Hoover Dam - an engineering marvel

Construction of the Hoover Dam ended in 1936, two years earlier than planned. It was named after former US President Herbert Hoover. At one time, that is, in the mid-30s of the last century, Hoover Dam was a miracle of engineering. During its construction, many technical innovations were used: to divert river flows from the construction site, four channels were cut out in the walls of the Black Canyon, and the dam itself was built not as a solid monolith, but as a series of interconnected trapezoidal blocks - thanks to the smaller surface area, the concrete mixture cooled faster and hardened. Scientists have calculated that if the dam had been built in one piece, the concrete would have completely hardened in 125 years.

Hoover Dam Power Plant

Hoover Dam is the tallest dam in Western Hemisphere and one of the largest power plants in the USA. Today, the station has 17 turbines with a total capacity of 2074 MW. According to experts, the equipment control automation system is so well adjusted that the power plant will be able to operate independently for two years without employee supervision, until the pipes become overgrown with algae.

Hoover Dam Bypass

At the top of Hoover Dam was Highway 93, connecting Arizona and the Mexican border. With the advent of the 21st century, frequent traffic jams led to the need to build a bridge across the Black Canyon, bypassing the dam. In October 2010, the Mike O'Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, better known as the Hoover Dam Bypass, was opened 500 meters from the dam. The bridge is named after Mike O'Callaghan, the former governor of Nevada, and Pat Tillman, an American football player from Arizona who left successful career and joined the US Army after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, to take revenge on the terrorists. The bridge is a grandiose arched structure 579 m long and 270 m high.

$240 million was spent on the construction of the Hoover Dam Bypass. The bridge accommodates 17 thousand cars daily, which made it possible to relieve congestion on neighboring highways. Activities at Hoover Dam It's been 75 years since the Hoover Dam opened, but this grand structure still attracts travelers. The Hoover Dam stands on the border of two states located in different time zones. There are clocks on the spillway towers, some of them show the time of the right bank of Nevada, others - the time of the left bank of Arizona. On one side of the dam, the defeated river flows calmly, on the other, the largest man-made lake in the United States, Lake Mead, stretches, which has become a popular recreation area. Here you can go boating, water skiing, fishing or sunbathing on the beach.

Hoover Dam (sometimes called Hoover Dam) is one of the tallest dams on the planet and one of the most powerful hydroelectric power plants in America.
It is located in the southwestern part of the country right on the border of the states of Nevada and Arizona, in the bed of the Colorado River, along which this border runs.

Hoover Dam on the map

  • geographic coordinates 36.016065, -114.737411
  • distance from the US capital Washington is about 3350 km in a straight line
  • the nearest airport is Boulder City, approximately 14 km
  • nearest international Airport McCarran, located in the famous Las Vegas, is 40 km west
  • Hoover Dam is located at the outlet of Lake Mead, the largest man-made reservoir in the United States

The construction of the dam was necessary based on several factors.
The Colorado River, with its volatile nature, periodically flooded vast agricultural areas downstream. The construction of the dam was able to pacify the violent nature of the river and stabilize the water level in it. In addition, this could serve as an impetus for the development of irrigated agriculture in the region. The huge reservoir resulting from the construction of the dam will be able to satisfy the water needs of almost the entire southern part of California. And finally, the hydroelectric dam will benefit the population living in the surrounding area.

Hoover Dam in numbers

  • Height – 221.4 meters
  • Length – 379 meters
  • Height above sea level – 376 meters
  • Width at the base – 200 meters
  • Width at the top – 14 meters
  • Dam volume – 2,480,000 m3
  • Weight more than 6,600,000 tons
  • Spillway capacity – 11,000 m 3 /s
  • The type is arched-gravity, in the shape of a semicircle directed towards Lake Mead, which allows for more efficient distribution of the water load. The water pressure in the lower part of the dam is about 220 tons per 1 square meter

Such a grandiose construction required a lot of research and approvals. Back at the beginning of the 20th century (in 1902), there was a search for opportunities to build a small dam on the Colorado River. But great success failed to achieve. Then, in 1922, it was decided to create a commission, which included representatives from all states interested in the fair distribution of the river's water resources and the construction of a dam. The commission also included Herbert Hoover (he was not yet president at the time, but represented the federal government). The result of the commission’s work was the signing of the “Colorado River Convention” on November 22, 1922, which spelled out the relationships between entities claiming the resources of this river. But the construction of the dam did not begin immediately. It was only at the end of 1928 that John Calvin Coolidge (30th President of the United States) signed a bill authorizing construction. But the first financial injections into the project came only in July 1930, when Herbert Hoover himself was already the 31st President of the United States of America.

Hoover Dam construction process

According to the plan, construction was supposed to begin in 1931 and be completed in 1938, but the large-scale project was completed in 1936, 2 years earlier.
In those days, such a structure challenged the most advanced technologies. Conditions environment When the air temperature often reached 50 o C, the need to change the course of the Colorado River during construction and a host of other inconveniences posed serious challenges to engineers and designers. For example, it was impossible to simply pour concrete into a large formwork, since at ambient temperatures the entire structure would harden for about 125 years! In addition, the process of “setting” and “hardening” of concrete in such a large volume would inevitably lead to its cracking and destruction. Naturally, the developers were not satisfied with either the concrete hardening time or its quality at the end. A unique engineering decision was made - to assemble the entire gigantic reinforced concrete structure from individual blocks.

By the way, we already know this solution from the buildings in ancient city in Peru. But, if in Sacsayhuaman the technology for fitting huge blocks is still unknown to science, then in the Hoover Dam it is not a secret.

Roughly speaking, the entire dam is assembled almost like a children's Lego set.

All blocks were the same height, about one and a half meters, but the remaining dimensions varied depending on where the block was located. The maximum block size was 18 m2 (in the lower part of the dam), and the minimum was 7.6 m2 (in the upper part). Inside these blocks were steel pipes with a diameter of 1 inch (about 2.5 cm), through which ice water circulated. This made it possible to create conditions for proper hardening of concrete. The result was a very high-quality concrete block, reinforced with pipes, which also connected the blocks to each other. By the way, the total length of these pipes was 937 km! After the block hardened, the pipes were filled with concrete and the next block was cast. In this way, a single monolithic structure was created. In 1995, studies were conducted that proved that the concrete of the Hoover Dam was still gaining strength. And such an indicator as compressive strength generally goes beyond the standard range for widespread concrete.

As you understand, the construction of such a grandiose project required significant human resources. Moreover, at first, practically nothing was provided for their accommodation. The workers lived in temporary camps and in rather difficult conditions. As a result, on August 8, 1931, the builders went on strike, which was suppressed by force. Only in the spring of 1932 was housing built for workers in the town of Boulder City, and the unrest ceased.

Throughout the entire construction, it was prohibited in the town gambling and sale of alcohol.
Boulder City is the only city in Nevada where gambling is still banned.

To change the course of the river and divert water from the work site, 4 tunnels were drilled in the mountains (two on each side of the river) with a diameter of just over 17 meters each and a total length of about five kilometers. The walls of the tunnels were filled with concrete 90 cm thick. Therefore, the effective diameter was reduced to 15 meters. At the end of the dam's construction, these tunnels were not filled up, that is, they are still active, which in turn gives the dam stability and reduces the load.

Water energy has found its application in hydroelectric power stations.
On October 26, 1936, the power plant produced its first electricity. Today, the total capacity of 17 generators is 2080 MW.

If all the spillways of the dam are opened, the energy of the falling water will be about 25,000,000 horsepower.

Unfortunately, throughout the entire course of geodetic, research and construction work, deaths often occurred. In total, according to official data, 112 people died during the work. The sad statistics were discovered on December 20, 1922 by surveyor JG Tierney (originally JG Tierney). He drowned while searching for a dam site in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River. Then there were accidents and several suicides. But there is something else interesting. Officially last death, registered during construction, dated December 20, 1935, that is, exactly 13 years after the first tragedy. But that's not all. The last person to die was named Patrick Tierney. He was the son of the same surveyor who took the fatal account.

In honor of all the people who died during construction, there is a memorial on the dam, the inscription on which reads “They died so that the deserts could bloom.”

Despite the tragedies and difficulties associated with the construction of the dam, the facility was completed ahead of schedule and in compliance with all technical regulations.

It is noteworthy that from 1933 until 1947 the dam was called “Boulder Dam”, as it was originally planned to be built in Boulder Canyon. The name was preserved even when the dam began to be built in the Black Canyon.

During the ceremony grand opening construction, it was proposed to give the project the name “Hoover Dam” in honor of the then-current president. In the United States, there is indeed a tradition of naming a large dam after the president in office at the time of its construction. And in February 1931, Congress officially approved this name.
The adventures with the name did not stop there. In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt was elected president, and his administration decided to rename the dam back to Boulder Dam. And although no official decision was made, Hoover's name disappeared from all documents, both official and tourist brochures.

In 1947, 2 years after Roosevelt's death, a bill was introduced in the Senate to return the dam to the name of Herbert Hoover. It was approved by the Senate and signed by the President. And now this US landmark is known to the whole world as the “Hoover Dam”.

The upper part of the dam is a bridge connecting the banks of the Colorado River. After the tragedy of September 11, 2001, passage through the dam was limited, and in 2010, a backup bridge was erected at a distance of half a kilometer from the dam, which significantly reduced the load on the dam and increased its safety.
Such a colossal structure invariably attracts tourists, so you can take a tour here and learn a lot of interesting things.

  1. for some time the states in which the Colorado River flowed could not come to general decision on the issue of dam construction. They feared that the river’s resources would be distributed unevenly and “unfairly,” but after negotiating, they finally came to an agreement. Herber Hoover had an important influence on the decision (he was not yet president, but represented the federal government). He managed to convince all participants of the feasibility of building a dam and fair distribution natural resources. Subsequently, historians called this fact “Hoover’s compromise.”
  2. Thousands of people worked simultaneously on the construction of the dam, but the maximum was recorded in June 1934. At that time, 5,218 people took part in the construction. In total, about 21,000 people worked on the project
  3. the dam is managed by the US Bureau of Reclamation, which in turn is a division of the US Department of the Interior
  4. Since 1981, the Hoover Dam has been included in National list historical places USA
  5. the construction of the dam took 2,480,000 cubic meters of concrete. This would be enough to build a high-quality two-lane highway from San Francisco to New York, which is about 4,700 km. The thickness of the coating would be 20 cm and the width would be about 5 meters
  6. the first concrete was poured into the dam on June 6, 1933, and the last on May 29, 1935
  7. monthly average wage employees was $500,000
  8. About one million tourists visit Hoover Dam every year
  9. the project cost the US budget $49 million
  10. from 1939 to 1949, the Hoover Dam hydroelectric power plant was the largest in the world

Hoover Dam photo

In the early 2000s, large breasts were in fashion, and many celebrities inserted silicone implants to later show off their luxurious cleavage. Now the fashion for a full bust has been replaced by a trend for a voluminous butt and hips, and girls who once enlarged their breasts have returned to their original sizes. However, there are those who not only gave up silicone, but even decided to reduce their natural breasts! We will talk about such stars today.

Drew Barrymore

Actress Drew Barrymore has reduced her naturally large breasts! Yes, it's hard to believe, but, according to Drew, living with small breasts has become much easier. “You see, a large bust is a huge psychological burden,” said the actress. - No matter how thin you are, if you have big size breasts, you will always look fatter than you really are. Yes, men like big breasts. But I’m tired of them seeing my breasts and ignoring me!”

Christina Ritchie


Actress Christina Ritchie also always dreamed of small breasts, although nature generously rewarded her with a voluminous bust. It’s interesting that Christina decided to have the operation back in the early 2000s - at the height of the fashion for “balls in the neckline,” when most stars were still into silicone! But Richie was already adamant then and believed that with a small bust, men would finally look into her eyes, and not below...

Queen Latifah

Actress and rapper Queen Latifah is also one of those who decided to refuse nature's gift and reduced her breasts. Quinn admits that her bust weighed about 10 kg, which was simply unbearable - her back hurt, and dimples remained on her shoulders from the elastic bands of her bra... In the end, the star decided to put an end to this torment and had surgery.

Ariel Winter

17-year-old Modern Family star Ariel Winter was once the owner of natural large breasts. "Lucky!" - most girls would think, but not Ariel... The actress had a size 5, which caused her back pain (of course, it was so heavy to carry!), as well as problems with choosing clothes. The girl took the most radical route - she went under the surgeon’s knife and reduced her breasts by two sizes. Probably, those with small busts are now twirling their fingers at their temples...

Simona Halep

Romanian tennis player Simona Halep became famous not so much for her performances on the court as for her decision to reduce her breasts by several sizes (Simona never admitted how many). The lush bust prevented the girl from playing, because running fast with such weight was not at all easy. However, Simone herself says that she would have done this even if she were not a tennis player: “I really didn’t like my breasts, I would have reduced them anyway.”

Soleil Moon Fry

Actress Soleil Moon Frye, whom you may remember from the sitcom Sabrina the Teenage Witch, reduced her breasts by 2 sizes back in adolescence for medical reasons. Doctors advised the 16-year-old girl to take this step because her back was very painful. As a result, between a large bust and scoliosis, Sabrina still made a choice in favor of health.

Jennifer Connelly

In explicit scenes of the film “Requiem for a Dream,” actress Jennifer Connelly once showed off her magnificent bust, of which soon almost nothing remained! Jennifer never admitted what really happened to her breasts - either she lost so much weight, or decided to have surgery to reduce them. In favor latest version says the fact that Connelly was the face of the Balenciaga brand, and the concept advertising campaign The lush bust didn’t fit in at all. However, even the tabloids are in no hurry to say for sure, and Jennifer herself remains silent on this matter.

Christina Ricci - popular American actress and producer, who gained fame after playing the role of Wednesday Addams in the film “The Addams Family.” February 12, 1980 at the American Italian origin Ralph Ricci and his wife Sarah Murdoch had a daughter, who was named Christina. The future actress was the youngest of four children. The girl grew up and was raised in a very unusual family who lived in Santa Monica, a suburb of Los Angeles.

In the past, the mother of the future actress worked as a fashion model, and then changed her profession to a more mundane one and became a realtor. In her youth, Sarah was slender and thin and constantly dreamed that she was naturally plump. youngest daughter Over time, she will also acquire a model appearance and will shine on the covers of glossy magazines. Therefore, apart from Christina’s diet, which included a minimum of desserts, Murdoch did not care about anything in the child’s life.

Christina's father was there too a peculiar person. Before becoming a lawyer, Ralph worked as a psychoanalyst at home. Moreover, he cured his patients using an unconventional technique - cryotherapy. According to the conclusions of some American scientists, vivid manifestations of emotions (in in this case scream) help cope with internal experiences and stress. Therefore, Ralph brought home clients who wanted to get rid of various phobias and depression.

Ricci conducted similar therapy in his office, which was located opposite little Christina’s room. That is why, as a child, the future actress was known as a misanthrope and did not like people. But it is possible that the actress’s worldview was influenced by her parents’ divorce: when the girl turned 13, Sarah and Ralph divorced marriage contract.

In order not to hear the “healing” screams, Christina climbed out onto the roof at night, but Ralph and Sarah perceived the girl’s behavior completely differently: it seemed to them that their daughter was a dreamy person who loved admiring the stars and the night sky. By the way, Ricci sometimes parodied the dialogues she heard in front of her mother.

After moving to New Jersey, Christina had to go to Glenfield School. To win a place in the sun in the new educational institution, Ricci attracted attention in an extraordinary way: she climbed up to school bullies and pissed them off. The cocky girl didn’t fight back, but she loved to complain to her parents and teachers about the mischief-makers.


Ricci's filmography includes many roles in films that have gone down in the history of world cinema over time. For example, it is difficult to find a film fan who has not at least heard about “Casper” (1995) or “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” (1998). But it’s worth saying that Christina does not and never has had a special acting education, and the actress herself does not see the point in it. Christina admitted that she worked on the film set intuitively.

Christina Ricci in the movie "Casper"

Creative biography Ricci started by accident. When the girl was 8 years old, she performed on stage at Christmas school theater. By a happy coincidence, a talented person attracted the attention of a famous film critic, who advised her parents to direct their daughter towards a creative path. Therefore in free time Sarah dragged her children to agencies and castings, hoping that they would be useful in the future.

Christina Ricci and Winona Ryder in the movie "Mermaids"

Christina starred in a feature film for the first time in 1990, in Richard Benjamin’s film “Mermaids.” It is noteworthy that on film set the little girl became friends with, and, despite the impressive age difference, Ricci considers her his friend all her life. In 1991, Ricci starred in the black comedy “The Addams Family,” the plot of which tells the story of the life of infernal witchcraft relatives.

According to rumors, the creator of the gothic film did not even want to take Christina to audition, because in the role of Wednesday Addams he saw a sophisticated and aristocratic nature, and not a girl with plump cheeks and an upturned nose. But Cher taught Christina that the main thing in acting is to force yourself to remember. Therefore, without thinking twice, Christina ran towards Barry Sonnenfeld, knocked him to the floor and grabbed his hand with her teeth. After such an eccentric act of the contender famous director I couldn’t give the role of this gloomy character to another girl.

It is noteworthy that after the premiere of The Addams Family, Ricci became almost the most popular teenage child, and her image of Wednesday is considered iconic. But in the future, the gifted girl was often denied roles. For example, she dreamed of starring in “Lolita” based on the novel, but the directors preferred another actress to her -.

Christina Ricci in the movie Sleepy Hollow

It is not surprising that the director noticed the white-skinned beauty with a gothic appearance scary tales. Thus, in 1999 it comes out cult movie horror film called "Sleepy Hollow", where Christina Ricci performed main role. The plot of the film tells the story of constable Ichabod Crane, who goes to an ominous village to investigate the series brutal murders. However, the young man does not even suspect that local legend about the headless horseman will turn out to be a harsh truth.

Christina Ricci in the movie "Penelope"

It is worth noting that Christina has established herself as a versatile actress who is capable of working in any genre. For example, in the film “Monster” (2003) the girl appears before the audience in the role of the eccentric lesbian Selby Wall, and in the film “Penelope” (2006) Ricci transforms into an enchanted aristocrat with a pig’s penny instead of a nose.

Christina Ricci in the movie "Life Beyond"

In 2009, the petite beauty (Ricci’s height is 155 cm and her weight is 55 kg) starred in Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Woslo’s action-packed film “Life Beyond.” The plot of the drama with a touch of suspense is simple and non-trivial: after a quarrel with her lover, Anna Taylor got into a car accident. Waking up in funeral home, a young girl, contrary to the claims of service worker Eliot Deacon (who can communicate with spirits), does not realize that she is dead. Therefore, Anna, on the verge of despair, tries to contact her boyfriend, but all attempts of the deceased shrew are doomed to failure.

Personal life

IN love relationships Christina was a flighty girl: her affairs did not last longer than three months, because Ricci often deceived her admirers in order to add a dramatic touch to life. According to rumors, the actress met with director Adam Goldberg, but their relationship soon failed. Christina's next lover was comedian Owen Benjamin. In 2011, the young people announced their imminent engagement, but in 2013 it became known that the girl had given her hand and heart to shareholder James Heerdegen.

It is known that in 2000, Ricci decided to undergo a rather unusual operation. While other girls secretly dreamed of a full bust, Christina, on the contrary, reduced her breasts. Fans of the actress note that the “before” and “after” photographs differ significantly, but Christina was satisfied, since, according to her, men will finally look into her eyes.

Christina Ricci before and after breast reduction surgery

In her free time, Christina loves to lie in front of the TV, watch various films or listen to her favorite group Red Hot Chili Peppers. She also loves pets: Ricci has dogs, and she often posts photos of pets on her "Instagram".

Christina Ricci now

In 2016, Christina Ricci, together with, starred in the drama “Mother's Day”, and in 2017 she took part in the voice acting of the cartoon “ Teen Titans: The Judas Contract."


  • "Mermaids" (1990);
  • "The Addams Family" (1991);
  • "Addams Family Values" (1993);
  • "Casper" (1995);
  • "Buffalo 66" (1997);
  • "Little Red Riding Hood" (1997);
  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998);
  • Sleepy Hollow (1999);
  • "Monster" (2003)
  • "Penelope" (2006);
  • "Speed ​​Racer" (2008);
  • “Life Beyond” (2009);
  • "Pan American" (TV series, 2011);
  • "Mother's Day" (2016);
  • "Teen Titans: The Judas Contract" (2017).
Demi Moore in a photo shoot by R. Shoshana (1984), still from the film “Striptease” The fact that Demi had her breasts enlarged is obvious to everyone who has seen photographs of her from her distant youth. At 18-19 years old, she was the owner of very modest volumes. However, after 20 years, she began to wear low-cut dresses more often, emphasizing her curves. But these forms didn’t look very natural...

2017 Fotodom/REX The actress quickly realized that she had made a big mistake with spherical implants. And as a result, I replaced them with neat anatomical ones.

Renee Zellweger

still from the movie "Bridget Jones's Diary"/ Fotodom/REX At one time, she made such a delicate breast adjustment that not all tabloids noticed the changes in her bust. The correctly selected volume and shape of the implant allowed Rene to get the desired result the first time. Rumor has it that the actress decided to undergo plastic surgery after filming the epic film “Bridget Jones's Diaries.” Her experiments with weight, alas, were not in vain for her breasts.

Victoria Beckham

Clever Behkem did everything right - first she gave birth, then she adjusted her breasts. She had mammoplasty after the birth of her second child. But she clearly went overboard with the sizes. Unfortunately, a size 4 bust did not go well with Victoria’s slender figure.

After a short time, it was decided to reduce its volume. Now Victoria Beckham is the owner of an elegant second breast size.

Drew Barrymore

Full of nature, Drew for a long time wore bras of size D. According to the actress, it was still a pleasure. WITH big breasts she felt very uncomfortable. And when she lost significant weight, the fourth size became a complete burden for her. Drew decided to have a breast reduction and has no regrets. To her slim figure neat size B fits very well.

Christina Ricci

A girl with a slender build and curvaceous figure, Christina always considered these two parameters incompatible... Moreover, she was always bothered by the fact that when communicating with her, men looked into her neckline and did not look into her eyes. At the height of the fashion for silicone breasts, Christina took it and reduced hers to a second size. With such breasts, the actress feels much more organic.

KirillNazoein, Ph.D., plasticsurgeon