Teen titans go raven wiki. How to Look and Act Like Raven from Teen Titans

Raven is an empath, capable of teleporting and controlling her astral body, which can both participate in combat and serve as the heroine’s “eyes and ears.”


Drawing by Ed Benes (English) Russian
Publication history
Publisher DC Comics
Debut DC Comics Presents (English) Russian#26 (October 1980)
Authors Marv Wolfman
George Perez
Character Stats
Position Good
Alter ego Rachel Roth
Nicknames Pride, Dark Raven, Dark Queen
View Half-man, half-demon
Height 167 cm
Weight 50 kg
Occupation Member of the Teen Titans team
Teams and organizations
Teen Titans
Guardians of Magic (English) Russian
Special powers
    • Demonic transformation
    • Astral projection
    • Teleportation
    • Ability to travel between dimensions
    • Flight/levitation
    • Extremely powerful spell
    • Psionic abilities
    • Telepathy
    • Telekinesis
    • Clairvoyance
    • Harnessing the power of the Seven Deadly Sins
    • Melee Master
    • High Magic
    • Invulnerability
    • Intangibility
    • Invisibility
    • Controlling the molecular structure of the body
    • Immortality
    • High level of intelligence (almost genius)
    • Regeneration
    • Connection with demons
there is a magic book
Images on Wikimedia Commons

Powers and abilities

Raven also has some clairvoyant abilities: in some cases, she can foresee the near future.

Other versions

  • Limited edition The Books of Magic (English) Russian #3 an alternate version of Raven can be seen.
  • IN Titans Tomorrow (English) Russian features a future version of Raven named Dark Raven(English) Dark Raven).
  • In the Amalgam Comics universe, Raven was teamed with a Marvel Comics character named Aaliyah Dayspring.
  • In the limited series DC/Wildstorm: DreamWar (English) Russian the heroine appears in the Chimera's dream.
  • Raven is one of the main characters in the Eisner Award-winning comic book series. Tiny Titans (English) Russian .
  • In the comic series Booster Gold supervillain Black Beetle (English) Russian changes the course of time in such a way that it appears alternate universe, where the Teen Titans never existed. Along with Booster Gold, his partner Skeets and Rip Hunter (English) Russian Raven has to stop the villain.
  • In the alternate Flashpoint timeline, Raven is a member of the Secret Six (English) Russian" The Enchantress kills her (English) Russian, an Amazon spy hired to destroy the Six. The Enchantress is subsequently killed by Superman.
  • In a short comic series Smallville: Harbringer Raven is a girl saved by Zatanna and John Constantine from a ritual to summon the Sons of Trigon. The sons of Trigon are as powerful as their father and only Raven can defeat them. The most famous half-brothers of Rayvan: Jacob, Jared, Jesse, Jack, Julios, James. These six powerful brothers, along with Raven, represent the 7 Deadly Sins.

Raven is a child of demonic origin. Her father is the master of evil, who throughout his life strives to turn the girl into a cruel monster. Raven has the ability to fly, summon spirits, and cast spells. The girl came to Robin's team to fight evil. main feature the demonic heroine is a denial of her origin, because Raven hates her villain father and what he does to people. This is one of the reasons why the heroine has thousands of fans around the world. We'll tell you how to draw Raven from Teen Titans.

A little about the cartoon

The fantastic animated series "Teen Titans" was first released in 2003. A team of heroes, straight from the pages of DC comics, decided to unite and create an unusual army to protect their beloved city from villains. The fantasy team consists of 5 creatures, not similar friends on a friend. Robin is the leader of the Teen Titans, the undoubted leader, student and assistant of Batman. He sheltered the alien Starfire, the transformer Beast Boy, the man-machine Cyborg and the demonic Raven. For the good of the city, five amazing super heroes created a headquarters in the form of a building shaped like a huge letter "T".

The first science-fiction animated series lasted only 3 years, after which it became the progenitor of the new film adaptation “Teen Titans Go!”, released on the children's TV channel Cartoon Network(CN). Titan fans gather at festivals, organize cosplays and share their creativity with each other. My favorite heroine of the series is the demonic child. It's time to learn how to draw Raven from Teen Titans.

What is needed for drawing

To learn how to draw, you don't have to go to school art courses. Enough to prepare necessary materials, open the instructions and follow them. To learn how to draw Raven from Teen Titans, you first need to prepare your tools:

  • several blank sheets of paper, preferably A4 size (you may always need drafts);
  • pencil and eraser;
  • felt-tip pens, markers or colored pencils (it is recommended to choose purple, blue, black and gray colors).

Let's look at how we can portray Raven from old version"Teen Titans" and the new animated series "Teen Titans Go!" You can learn how to draw Raven from the instructions below.

Raven according to DC Comics

In the original she is a gloomy tall girl. When the demonic child is calm, you can see the beautiful and young creature that attracts Beast Boy, but if you get angry, it is better to find a place to hide from her enormous and powerful power.

Tips for those who don't know how to draw Raven from "Teen Titans" (2003).

The main feature of the demonic heroine is her darkness. Raven rarely smiles and tries to stay away from people. If you are a beginner, it is recommended to draw only the dark side of the girl, carefully shading the face with a pencil, creating a shadow.

It is not necessary to draw the body, just draw an ankle-length coat and boots (as shown in the example above).

Drawing Raven from Teen Titans Go!

The “cartoon” version of the demonic girl is much easier to draw than the comic book version. This instruction will help you learn how to draw Raven from Teen Titans step by step.

Step 1. Visually divide a piece of paper into 2 parts. On the top half, draw a small circle as shown in the picture - this will be Raven's head. Following the instructions, draw the body.

Step 2. Draw two small eyes in a circle, which speak of the girl’s gloom and mystical origin.

Step 3. Following the instructions, draw the mouth. When coloring it will be important detail, since the girl is in a cloak and you need to create a shadow on her face.

Step 4. Draw the upper part of the body - this will be the hood of the mystical superhero. Look carefully at the picture when working.

Step 5. To create the shadow discussed in step 3, you need to outline the contours of the face and eyes. Draw the same shape as shown in the picture.

Step 6. At the first stage we depicted the body - Raven's cloak. Add a couple of touches to make it look more believable.

Step 7. Remove excess lines with an eraser, trace the outlines with a pen or felt-tip pen, then start coloring.

Don't be disappointed in your abilities if you don't succeed in portraying Raven the first time. Remember, any creation begins with mistakes and corrections!

Real name: Rachel Roth

Nicknames: Raven, Dark Raven, Pride

Relatives: father - Trigon, mother (deceased) - Angela Roth, brother - Gluttony, brother - Greed, brother - Lust, brother - Wrath, brother - Envy, brother - Sloth, brother - Belial

Relatives (New 52): father - Trigon, mother - Arella, brother - Belial, brother - Suge, brother - Ruskoff

Female gender

Height: 165 cm.

Weight: 50 kg.

Eye color: Purple

Eye Color (New 52): Blue

Hair color: Brunette

Skin color: White

Position: Good

Universe: Earth One, New Earth

Place of Origin: Azarath

First appearance: DC Comics Presents #26, 1980.

First appearance (New 52): Phantom Stranger Vol 4 #1, 2012.

Publisher: DC

Creators: Marv Wolfman, George Pérez

Description of Raven

Raven (Crow) - Rachel Roth, a half-human, half-demon superhero, member of the Teen Titans, daughter of the demon emperor Trigon. The character, created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez, first appears in DC Comics Presents #26, in October 1980. Rayvon is a strong empath, capable of influencing the minds of surrounding beings, levitating, teleporting, possessing telekinesis and the ability to project his astral body. Due to her strong connection with demons, Raven is often subject to attempts to manipulate them and in some adventures she takes the side negative characters. In 2011, after the reboot of the DC Universe, Raven's biography and abilities were partially changed.

Raven's Biography

Raven or Rachel Roth is half human and half demon. Her mother, Angela Roth (better known as Arella) supposedly lived in Gotham City and joined the Church of the Blood cult. There she was raped by the demon lord Trigon and fled to an alternate dimension with the pacifist Azarath society. In this reality, under the supervision of the founder-leader Azar, her daughter Rachel was born and raised. Azar taught and watched over the girl, since her father was a demon. She had to learn to control her thoughts and emotions in order to suppress the demonic powers she inherited from her father. After Azar's death, Arella began training Rayvon herself until she was 16 years old. Upon learning that Trigon plans to visit her universe, the girl vows that she will stop her father.

Teen Titans

Rayvon travels to Earth, where he turns to the Justice League for help. However, the League refuses her because Zatanna senses Rachel's demonic origins. In desperation, Rayvon reforms the Titans into the New Teen Titans to fight Trigon.

IN updated composition The team included Robin, Kid Flash, Starfire, and Beast Boy. During their adventures, they stop Trigon and imprison him in an interdimensional prison. However, Raven must continue to fight against her father's influence since he was not destroyed. On several occasions, she almost loses control of herself and gives free rein to her demonic side. This problem is exacerbated by the death of Azar, who taught Rachel self-control.

Eventually, Trigon escapes from prison and returns to Earth to take control of Rayvon's mind. Over the course of several months, he corrupts his daughter's personality and completely takes over her mind. Meanwhile, Trigon's army invades Azarath and completely destroys it, killing all its inhabitants. The Titans unsuccessfully try to stop Trigon's plans and decide to take a desperate act. They kill Raven and the lost souls of Azarath take possession of her. Through it, the spirits attack the demon Trigon until he dies. Unfortunately, Rachel also dies. She is considered dead for a long time until the truth about her resurrection is revealed. It turned out that she rose from the dead, freed herself from her father's demonic influence and went into hiding.

After Rayvon disappears, her mother Arella goes in search of her daughter. She goes around the whole world and, having found Rachel, they are both captured by the Brother of the Blood. The Brotherhood's minions use Rayvon's powers to control Nightwing. The Titans intervene in the situation. They free the captives and prevent the Brother of the Blood from carrying out his plans to regain power.

During her further adventures, Crow dons a white hooded cloak as a sign of her personality renewal. She joins the Titans and discovers new aspects of her superpowers.

Later, during the Titan Hunt, Rayvon, along with other members of the team, was kidnapped by the Wildebeest Society. The enemy puts a special hoop on her head that blocks psionic abilities and tries to use her to revive Trigon. During a massive battle, Rayvon takes on a demonic form and attacks the superheroes. Rachel's mother Arella gets involved. Together with Denny Chas, they fight the new "Dark Rayvon" and use Azar's soul. As a result, Arella, Rayvon and Danny die. Since Rachel's body is destroyed, she takes on an incorporeal form. And her mother, along with Denny and the souls of Azarathka, become a new creature Phantasm.

Raven returns as an evil spirit and fights the Titans. In this battle, the Titans destroy all the girl’s evil inherited from her father and she takes on the form of a golden spirit. In this state, she wanders the Earth and helps various superheroes.


While the spirit of Rayvon was looking for her place in the world, she is discovered by the Brother of the Blood. With the help of the Church of Blood, Rayvon was captured and placed in the body of a teenage girl. According to an ancient prophecy, if the Blood Brother and Raven marry, Armageddon will occur. He will find out about this new team Teen Titans (once again reformed) and interrupts the wedding ceremony. Rachel joins the New Titans and begins high school under her mother's first and last name, Arella. She also begins a romantic relationship with Garfield Logan (Beast Boy).

In "52", the Titans team is experiencing new crisis. After Superboy's death, Robin and Wonder Woman leave the team. Beast Boy tries his best to keep the team together, but new members join just for the sake of fame. They have little interest in the Titans' task of protecting justice. Raven and Beast Boy are the only ones who remain with the Titans throughout the crisis.

In further adventures, Raven breaks up with Beast Boy and encounters Trigon's other children. It turns out that Rachel has three brothers who are trying to use her and Beast Boy to open a portal to Trigon's reality. They subsequently return Rachel to her demonic form and force her to leave the Titans to join them. However, the Titans were able to track down Raven and convince her to join back.

Raven will leave and return to Teen Titans. She would eventually join the team as a mentor to the younger members and rekindle her relationship with Beast Boy. They will understand that they feel not just sympathy, but deep love and affection.

New 52

In the updated DC Universe, Rachel first appears in the first issue of Phantom Stranger. There she is shown as a girl in a black and white sweater who is at a funeral and becomes insane from the level of emotion emanating around her. She meets the Stranger and he teleports them both to Stonehenge. A portal opens above their heads between the earth and Trigon's reality. A demon appears, who, as in the original biography, is her father. The stranger reluctantly gives the girl into Trigon's hands, although she begs him not to.

Rachel subsequently appears in Teen Titans #16 as Trigon's minion. He sends his "black bird of terror" to Earth to carry out an insidious plan to discredit the Teen Titans. With the help of Beast Boy's mind control, she attacks a team of superheroes and provokes the superhero Simon to use superpowers, as a result of which several dozen US soldiers die.

Later, readers are told that Trigon had sons in each world and only one daughter, Raven. Trigon allowed her mother Arella to live and raise her daughter. Arella fled with the child to Azarath, where the monks taught the girl how to escape Trigon's control and dark side. Later, the grown-up Rachel escapes to Earth, where the Phantom Stranger captures her and gives her to her father. The father influences his daughter's mind and she eventually takes his side, becoming Trigon's Reality Queen.

After events that result in the death of many innocent people, Raven renounces her demon father and remains with the Teen Titans. Enraged by his daughter's betrayal, Trigon sends his three sons to Earth: Belial (the owner of the dark flame), Raskoff (the warrior prince) and Suga (the possessor). A team of young superheroes comes out to defend the girl. They separate the three demons and deal with them one by one. Trigon appears again and takes over the minds of almost the entire team, with the exception of Raven, Red Robin and Beast Boy. The trio faces their friends in battle, and Red Robin pierces Trigon's eyes with his wings. The demon decides to retreat, giving the appearance of victory for the Teen Titans. It is later revealed that Raven has been secretly contacting her father and asking "Is everything going according to plan?" The demon replies that Rachel is now one of the team members and his plan worked. This conversation leaves questions about Raven's true motives.

In further adventures, Raven, along with a team of titans, ends up in a time loop. Thanks to her long life in different realities and magical abilities, only she can return superheroes to their time. As a result of this mission, Team Titan uncovers the truth about Raven and her secret communication with her father. The girl decides to stay on the side of good and is given a second chance.

Raven's abilities


Rachel has the ability to absorb the emotions of any creature. She is also capable of experiencing the same emotions as the target. In some comics, she experiences empathy unconsciously.

Stealing emotions

With the help of her abilities, Raven can not only absorb emotions, but also take them for herself. The object that is affected ceases to experience feelings. In this way, a girl can manipulate people and achieve the desired emotions from them.

Absorption of pain

Raven has the ability to absorb feelings caused by physical injuries. Specifically, it can absorb a subject's pain and cause accelerated healing. Unfortunately, this ability does not work if the wounds are too severe.


Raven is able to move various objects using her psionic abilities. She shows off her skills by moving own body by air or by rescuing, in one of his adventures, children from a burning hospital.

Own soul

Rachel can manifest her own soul in the physical world through astral projection. Typically the projection takes human form or the shape of a giant raven.

Astral projections

With the help of the astral projections she creates, Raven is able to act and control the minds of other beings. She can also use projections to attack, making her enemies go crazy.


Raven often demonstrates her ability to teleport. She is able to move in this way not only within our world, but also between different realities. This skill, like most other superpowers, she inherited from her father, the demon lord Trigon.


Having received a new body, Rachel acquired a new ability. She can levitate, which she often uses in her adventures.

Raven's abilities in the New 52

With the reboot of the DC Universe, Raven's character was partially changed. So, her superpowers were also supplemented. In the new version, the girl constantly feels the emotions of all surrounding creatures and passes them through herself. She has to learn to control herself and suppress other people's feelings. Also in the New 52, ​​Raven can generate "darkness" and attack her opponents with it. The darkness usually appears as a giant raven. Finally, in the new adventures, Crow was seen moving in the time stream. This allowed her to find herself in different times and realities, as well as take passengers with her on the journey. As well as in original version abilities, Raven can teleport and has magic.

In contact with

Hero Characteristics

  • Real name: Rachel Roth
  • Nicknames: Pride, Dark Crow(Dark Raven)
  • Current nickname: Crow
  • Identity: Hidden
  • Universe: New Earth
  • Female gender
  • Position: Good
  • Height: 167 cm (5.5 ft)
  • Weight: 50 kg (110 lb)
  • Eye Color: Indigo
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Relatives: Trigon (father), Arella Roth (mother)
  • Group affiliation: Teen Titans, Children of Trigon, Titans
  • Friends: Supergirl, Beast Boy, Cassandra Sandsmark, Bart Allen
  • Enemies: Trigon, brothers, Blood Brother

Crow - daughter earthly woman Arella and the powerful demon Trigon. Her origins were long hidden from herself. The girl was taken to a reality called Azarath, where she was raised and trained by the goddess Azar. In many ways, her training contributed to Crow being able to control her emotions, since her strong magical abilities could help Trigon gain enormous influence on Earth, and through emotions he could control his daughter. Due to being in another dimension, Rachel was not seen for a long time my own mother, which caused them to grow apart to a large extent. After Azara's death, Rachel met her father for the first time, after which she became fully aware of her demonic heritage for the first time. This eventually forced Crow to leave Azarath and settle on Earth, where she was able to find her calling. Although she was denied membership by the Justice League, Crow became one of the most famous Titans.


Rachel felt that Trigon was ready to break into the Earth dimension, so she turned to the Justice League for help, but was refused because Zatanna sensed her demonic origin, which could not but lead to suspicion. She had no choice but to come to the Titans, but the team had been disbanded by that time. She began to systematically assemble a team. She sent visions of herself to Dick Grayson, thanks to which he knew about her even before their first meeting. She saved Wally West from being frozen to death when he fell into a trap, although her original plan was to make Flash fall in love with her. Donna Troy unexpectedly found her superhero uniform in a destroyed house, where her pursuit of a petty thief led her, as well as objects that reminded her of her childhood. Rachel "ignited" a spark of power in Star Flame(Starfire). She inspired Victor Stone and his father to build a family home. And finally, she saved Garfield Logan from the fits of rage that had long tormented him. At first, she hid her demonic origins from her friends, but after meeting with the Justice League, Zatanna used magic to show everyone the “truth.” Feeling betrayed, Crow wanted to leave the team, but Trigon took advantage of this and kidnapped her. The Titans rushed to the rescue. Together they managed to defeat the demon lord and banish him to their dimension, but Crow still had to fight his influence, since his father was still alive. After this, she often lost control of her powers. But as Trigon regained his power, her powers grew stronger again.
Trigon did not calm down on this. He found a way to return to Earth and take control of his daughter. As a result of the battle, the Azarath dimension was completely destroyed. The Titans had no choice but to kill their friend. This allowed the souls of Azarath to use Rachel's body as a channel of power and thereby destroy Trigon. For a long time The crow was considered dead, although in fact she was reborn and, freed from her father’s influence, hid from everyone.

Bloody Brother

The wanderings were not in vain for Rachel. She returned to the team, carrying a white cloak on her shoulders - a symbol that she was able to get rid of corruption. She has also greatly developed her magical potential, using emotional energy as one of her sources of strength. After returning, they became very close friends with Starfire. During the events of "The Hunt", the Titan team was captured by the Wildebeest Society, who intended to use Crow to revive Trigon. During the ritual, her body was completely destroyed, and her demonic part acquired its own form, which received the nickname - Evil Raven. Later, at Nightwing and Starflame's wedding, she implanted what was left of Rachel's goodness into Flame's body. With the combined efforts of the heroes and the Phantasm, the Evil Crow was defeated, and the good part of Rachel's soul left the body of the Starfire, taking the form of a shapeless golden-colored creature.

Ultimately, Brother Blood manages to return Crow's physical body. His plan was simple and banal - to marry Rachel and thereby bring her father back to life. He summoned an army of demons to the city so that they would destroy all the inhabitants, and in the meantime he tried to gain the power of Beast Boy and Crow by drinking their blood. Rachel stopped him and moved him and Garfield away. Together they gather the Titans to face the threat of total destruction. They fight the demons with some success, but the Bloody Brother summons his New Teen Titans, consisting of half-dead copies various heroes, who, just like them, were previously on the team. Realizing that they cannot be defeated this way, Crow and Garfield go to the doors leading to afterworld, where they rescue Kid Eternity, who guarded the integrity of reality and time, but was captured. With the help of his powers, he destroys the Western Titans, as the Bloody Brother called his creations, and with them his mother. The Child of Eternity returns from oblivion to short term all the male ancestors of the villain and they tear him to pieces in rage. Then, using the power of Eternity, he destroys the demons, leaving the city.

After these adventures, Crow decided to live ordinary life for myself. She began high school under the name Rachel Roth, taking her birth mother's name. This happened after she and Beast Boy started dating.

Infinite Crisis

During the events known as the Infinity Crisis and in particular the actions of Specter during the Day of Vengeance, Rachel's powers were largely weakened, although she continued to assist the Titans. The crow helped during the evacuation of people from the destroyed and infected city of Bl?dhaven, as well as in the battle with Superboy-Prime(Superboy-Prime). Before the final battle, Rachel tried to find Prime and Luthor, but she failed due to the huge number of negative emotions people who suffered from the destruction.

Within a year of these events, Rachel assisted Steel in attacking LexCorp when Lex Luthor captured his niece, Natasha Irons. When Black Adam started World War III, Crow was one of the first Titans to stand in his way, but she was unable to defeat him. Moreover, Adam almost completely destroyed Rachel's soul and made her feel the pain that Adam inflicted on Young Frankenstein. She managed to regain her strength, but after breaking off relations with Beast Boy, Vorona leaves the team. During this time, while Rachel was on her own, she managed to accomplish many feats. For example, she was still able to purify the soul of Jericho and defeated the villain known as Medusa Mask. Robin and Wonder Girl decided to resurrect Superboy, who died in the battle with Prime. They heard that Crow had helped Jericho and were looking for her in the hope that her strength and skill would be enough for this risky undertaking. They managed to find her, but as Rachel explained, such a resurrection was impossible, since Superboy's soul went beyond the borders of the kingdom of the dead and was inaccessible to magic, while Jericho's soul was on a computer disk.

But a quiet life cannot last long, especially for heroes. Confirming this, the Teen Titans team was captured by the Dark Titans, who were created to counter the original team. They transported the entire team to the Island of the Titans in New York, where Rachel was given into the “care” of Enigma and Duela Dent, who took her with pleasure and considered it their duty to psychologically torture Crow, sparing no effort for this. and funds. Crow persuades Duela to join the real Titans and thus manages to escape from captivity. Together with her comrades, she defeats the impostors and expels them from the island. During these events, Rachel tries to restore some semblance of romantic relationships with Garfield, letting him know that she still has feelings for him, but Beast Boy rejects her, wanting to leave everything as it is.
After the death of Bart Allen, Rachel makes a decision with for the most part the rest of the Titans, leave the team.

Return of Trigon

The Teen Titans were reformed and Crow became one of the members of this new, but still largely the same team when she received word that Trigon was returning. Alarmed by this news, Rachel cannot find peace for herself, and after a while she meets her brothers, the children of the demon. Their proximity causes the part that belongs to the demons to prevail over the Crow. Together with her brothers, she forms the “seven deadly sins” on Earth, corrupting people, and then returns with them to the Trigon dimension. The Titans follow her and discover that Trigon is weak and almost powerless, and his dimension is as empty and lifeless as he is. They manage to help regain control of Rachel. Crow uses the emotion of greed to force the brothers to steal the last vestiges of power from their father Trigon, ending his threat forever. The brothers leave, believing that they have received incredible treasure, however, this is just an illusion. Rachel closes the portal to her father's world forever. Crow, fearing that this could happen again and she would succumb to the temptation of power, handed over a weapon into the hands of the Teen Titans that could kill her if there was no other choice.

A month later, while on patrol in the north of Gotham, Crow felt intense fear from someone nearby. She headed to a nearby cemetery, where she discovered an unknown cult whose members were trying to kill the girl. For the first time in her life, Rachel used her skills as a fighter against ordinary people. The disgust and rage that she felt for these people was so great that Rachel was even afraid of losing control of herself. Snatching the baby from the hands of the cult, Crow escorted her to the church. Walking inside, Rachel had the feeling that she had already seen her somewhere. Suddenly the girl attacks Crow, claiming that she is an exact copy her mother (Arella) in her youth. While Rachel comes to her senses, the girl sheds her disguise and reveals her the real essence- Envy. One of the Crow brothers, who wanted to bring the girl back into the bosom of the family. But Rachel admitted that she has a new family (Titans). With all her strength, she easily defeats her brother.


Soon Crow was kidnapped by a villain named Wyld. He claimed to be Rachel's child and even called her "mom." In fact, he was an alloy of dark entities that were fragments of her own soul. That part of her that was passed down to her from her father.

Rachel was later the one who, along with Cassandra, was against Damian Wayne joining the team. She also had to calm down Headcase, a guy who received his powers from Dr. Caligan after being bullied by his peers. When Solstice joined the team, she began to clash with Rachel. She felt something unpleasant about the newcomer, so she stayed away. They collided twice. The first time Crow felt like Noon was strangling her from behind. And the second time, being simply very annoyed with her. When the Titans encountered Psycho again, he attempted to use his telepathic abilities to get into Rachel's mind. He believed that he could defeat her by studying the powers that Crow commanded. But as Red Robin later noted: “He went into her head. And this was his main mistake." The psycho got into Rachel's “personal space”, where he got stuck, being unprepared for this.

Authors' opinion about the character

The Crow's first appearance took place in 1980, when DC Comics first became concerned about returning old characters in a new capacity, and then combining them with Superman. In this case, we decided to create new version Teen Titans, where Rachel was supposed to be one of the participants. The timing turned out to be right because at that time young people were mainly interested in the X-Men team from the Marvel universe. In general, this decision was the right one, since it attracted new readers, and DC comics became even more popular.

George Perez:“When I came to DC, I was determined to work only on Justice League. Dick Dillin was still alive at the time, so I only had to work on one issue. At this point, Marv came to me and asked me to do something for DC to re-attract the interest of readers and I offered to work on Teen Titans. Do you know how difficult it was to tell the people at Marvel that I would write comics for DC? Well, I'm working on TEEN TITANS!... To be honest, I didn't think they would continue the series because I liked the original and didn't like the "second coming". I thought I was going to die. Marv approved of Cyborg, he already had some plans for him. Same thing with Starfire. Crow..., at that time it was Len's idea to add a mystical character to the team. Marv didn't want to add it there."

Marv Wolfman: “Len didn’t want to include Crow in there. He just wanted a character in the comic who would add elements of mysticism to the plot. I didn't want this because I had the image of Doctor Strange in my head and associated him with the Phantom Stranger. I didn't want to put any of this into the comic. Len said: “Think of something else.” I had to find a character that was very different from Doctor Strange, Doctor Fate or Zatanna. The name "Crow" comes from a comic I did with Ross Andru. There was a girl there whose name was Crowwing. Crow, became a derivative of her name. I couldn't imagine the heroine until George created the first drawing. We talked a lot about it, but I was still against it. And although I had an idea of ​​​​her appearance, the character’s character was not directly related to mysticism. When he showed me his new drawing, I couldn’t find anything to answer except: “Well, wow...”

Powers and abilities

Empathy: Rachel, according to Doctor Mid-Night, is a very strong empath, a being capable of controlling emotions and drawing strength from them. She was able to force Wally West and Nightwing to fall in love with her. Although in the first case, this was supposed to save his life and force him to join the New Teen Titans, and in the second it happened from a misunderstanding by Crow, such a feeling as love. She showed the ability to deprive people of emotions. This is how she took away the emotions of an angry crowd of people, although she was unable to do the same with Doctor Light. It most likely didn't work out because Rachel couldn't take away his emotions without becoming evil. During a meeting with Orion, Crow was able to absorb his anger, which even the Mother box could not contain.
Her most famous ability is to absorb the pain of others in order to quickly heal the one whose feelings she absorbed. However, the price of this ability is that Rachel will feel all the person's pain. For example, she almost died when she tried to save a wounded child. This ability has a limit. She cannot heal fatal wounds (loss of head, loss of most of the body, etc.).

Soul division: Most of Crow's abilities come from what is called "power over the soul." Using this power, she becomes a large black (or white) bird that can travel between worlds and dimensions, or travel across the world, covering vast distances in a short time. It is unknown whether there are limits to this ability. During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, both the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor considered her the best messenger if they could not take advantage of the Harbinger or Psycho-Pirate. Rachel also uses this ability to transport herself and others undetected by either magic or technology. To control this ability, Crow draws strength from the emotion of fear, which she draws from her fear of Trigon's control. The absence of this fear increases her strength tenfold. So Rachel was able to hold the angry Darkseid in her soul during Our Worlds at War, being free from fear.

  • Absorption: Crow can use Soul Divide as an attack ability. She uses her soul as a means of deterring the enemy. While inside the soul, a person faces Crow's worst nightmares that she can only imagine. Only two were not affected by this ability: Supergirl (although Rachel later admitted that she did not use this ability on her) and Black Adam (he was able to destroy the “cage” with his blows).

Magic: Crow's demonic origins endow her with the ability to perform magic. So Rachel created magical lightning capable of crushing all the Titans of Tomorrow. Although she rarely uses magic, this did not stop her from destroying the army of the demon Rancor, which included more than three thousand people and demons.

Telekinesis: The ability to lift objects around with the power of thought, even a car.

Astral projection: Through "soul splitting", Crow can project her image into the minds of other people.

Teleportation: Rachel can also move over vast distances, as well as between dimensions using teleportation.

Flight: Rachel can fly using her powers.


Gifted Sorceress: Rachel is one of DC's powerful and experienced magicians. Her knowledge of witchcraft is second only to such wizards as Zatanna, Doctor Fate, Captain Marvel, Phantom Traveler, Shazam and several others. In knowledge about the magic of demons, Vorona has no equal.

Hand-to-hand fighter: Crow is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter. During her first encounter with Blood Brother, she claimed to be Donna Troy's equal, but they were interrupted before she could prove it. However, using her hand-to-hand combat technique, Rachel was able to easily defeat the crowd of occultists.


Chakra: Chakra (small gem, attached to Crow's forehead) helps Rachel better control her "dark" abilities.

First appearance

Control your emotions. Raven controls her emotions to prevent her powers from destroying everything around her. You, of course, are unlikely to have the ability to empathize or telekinesis, but they are the ones that influence her behavior the most. Therefore, if you want to be like her, you will need to learn to control your emotions as much as possible. But still, at least sometimes show them - on important occasions or when you can’t stop smiling or want to hug someone.

  1. Meditate. She is very attached to her spiritual half. So meditate. Close your eyes, sit in the lotus position or cross your legs (it is most often seen in this position. If you cannot sit in such poses, simply lie down comfortably, without crossing your arms and legs). Make either shuni mudra or surya mudra with your hands. She does this often too. Look up both meanings on Google. Free your mind, don’t let your thoughts “jump”, as happens in normal condition. Calm down. Eventually you will be able to visualize things and do them. But for now, start small. Explore meditation. Once you have done this, start meditating for at least 20 minutes a day.
  2. Drink herbal teas. She does this a lot in Teen Titans episodes - she drinks a lot of herbal tea. We don't know if that was the case in the comics, but we definitely saw her do that in the TV show to calm herself down.
  3. Keep a journal. It will help you solve your problems and make you more of an introvert. Raven will never talk about her problems or ask someone to decide for her because she can't handle it herself. She deals with all problems alone. Also, you shouldn't talk too much. Raven is very introverted and is more of an observer by nature. Start keeping a journal and fill it out every day.
    • All this will help you calm your mind and learn to control your emotions.

Have your secrets.

  • Most spiritual people are very self-absorbed and know how to keep their secrets to themselves. If you are young, your parents will probably think something has happened. Ask them to calm down, you just want to share less with them now. Make yourself a room. Don't let people in unless absolutely necessary. Make the room dark and mysterious. Place candlesticks around the room with three black or white candles in them. Find a place for a bookshelf with books. Stick to dark blue, purple and black.
  • Be loyal and kind.

    • Be loyal to people you are very close to and don't trust people you don't know well. Move away from them a little and don’t tell them absolutely everything. Do it gradually, but try not to lose their friendship. Raven cared deeply about her family and friends.
  • Learn the fine art of sarcasm. Sarcasm is your new best friend. Yes! Be sarcastic. Sarcasm usually comes with a certain degree of wisdom and years of knowledge and experience. So use sarcasm wisely. Don't say anything that doesn't relate to the topic of conversation. Also be ironic, make ironic remarks about things you find...well...ironic!

    Read, read, read. Read as much as possible. Read spiritual books, books about ancient religions. Books about symbolism. History books. Books on mathematics. Doesn't matter. Just read. Be curious and build everything on that knowledge base. This will help you with sarcasm and open you up as a new person. Raven has never been seen with e-books, so try to read paper ones. If possible, put a black cover on them and don't talk about what you're reading. Never set limits or be prejudiced, even when it comes to religion.

  • Look like her.

    • Now put on a raincoat, but remember that it will be too much to wear tights with long sleeves. In the comics she wore long dress and a cloak. Save this look for Halloween or a special spiritual event (depending on how much you want to embrace Raven's spiritual aspect). Sometimes she wears a crop top that reveals her midriff and cute jeans with a belt. She also wears symbolic spiritual jewelry. It will be easier if you have a nice blue hoodie and a pair of denim pants. This will make you look more natural and still look like Raven. When you dress like her, remember to stick to dark colors. She is known for saying that she "leans towards dark color schemes."
    • Buy purple or blue contact lenses. She came in both colors, so you'll have an easier time with blue eyes. If you want purple ones, take them.
    • Dye your hair in dark color, if they are blonde, and/or buy a purple wig with short hair. If you can't make up your mind then you better do dark hair with a couple of purple strands.
