All singers are from Viagra. Konstantin Meladze presented the updated composition of the VIA Gra group

In 2018 the composition legendary group « VIA Gra" V Once again updated. Konstantin Meladze invited Olga Meganskaya replaced Misha Romanova, and soon began singing in the group instead of Anastasia Kozhevnika Ulyana Sinetskaya.

Generally for 18 years of existence The group featured 18 very different soloists. Some people's stay was limited to months, while others spent time in a group long years. “VIA Gra” has undergone a lot and even closed for a short time in 2012, but by some miracle the project is still alive.

Our editors invite you to remember the soloists who made the history of one of the most successful female groups in the post-Soviet space.

Alena Vinnitskaya

One of the first soloists, who was at the origins of the creation of the group, stayed in the group for three years. Before her career as a singer, Alena worked on television, and after leaving " VIA Gra"Started a solo career. Vinnitskaya was replaced by Brezhnev, but fans claim that without Alena the group has lost its charm.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

At first, the group's producer abandoned the idea of ​​a trio and limited himself to a duet. The charming Nadezhda Granovskaya sang together with Vinnitskaya in VIA Gre. In 2006, after Granovskaya left, the group almost closed.

Tatyana Naynik

Tatyana sang in VIA Gre starting in 2002, replacing Nadezhda Granovskaya, who went on maternity leave. She was counting on long-term cooperation, but two brunettes in one group did not fit into the producer’s head. Now Nainik is married and has a daughter.

Anna Sedokova

Many people remember the group solely by Sedokova. She was part of the golden trio, which also included Brezhneva and Granovskaya. Rumor has it that Anna did no less for the group than Konstantin Meladze. She left the team in 2004 due to pregnancy.

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Author of the article

Sergey Stasiuk

The most frank and vigilant editor of the team, a truth teller. Before publishing an article, he carefully checks the facts and takes the reliability of the information for granted. A true expert in computer games, from where he draws his knowledge of English. When it comes to technology, Sergey will certainly explain interesting material in an understandable form.

The VIA Gra group is a real pop phenomenon. Its composition is constantly changing (in 17 years, 16 girls have appeared in the team), but this does not diminish its popularity!

In the initial cast of VIA Gra there were only two girls: blonde Alena and brunette Nadya.

Alena Vinnitskaya was the first to leave the group. According to the singer herself, she has outgrown the level of the girl group and decided to take up more serious music.

However, the skills to seduce men have not gone away. From time to time, Alena pampers her fans by publishing very racy pictures on Instagram.

Although now Nadezhda has nothing to do with VIA Groy, she still attracts the gaze of men like a magnet.

In April 2002, Nadezhda became pregnant and was forced to leave the team for a while. It was then that VIA Gra turned into a trio - red-haired Anna Sedokova appeared in the group.

Anna Sedokova It’s not for nothing that she is considered a member of the “golden line-up” of the group; pictures from her Instagram confirm this.

The pregnant Nadya herself was temporarily replaced by Tatyana Naynik. Although Tanya stayed in the group for only a few months, she managed to be remembered by fans thanks to the video for the song “Stop! Stop! Stop!".

Tatyana's Instagram is dominated by family photos, and piquant pictures appear only as rare exceptions.

In 2003, Vera Brezhneva replaced Alena Vinnitskaya at VIA Gro. Perhaps it was she who became the most famous of all the members of this group.

After 4 years, Vera left the group and successfully started solo career. However, her name is still associated with VIA Groi.

In 2004, Sedokova was replaced by Svetlana Loboda. She was unable to settle into the group and stayed there for only 4 months.

But Svetlana’s solo career turned out to be mega-successful, and now her songs are heard on all radio stations.

The next redhead was Albina Dzhanabaeva. A huge period of the group’s creativity is associated with her name. It's no joke, Albina stayed there for 9 years!

Fans of hot shots will find Albina's Instagram boring. Her modest image is not at all associated with that of VIA Gre.

When Nadezhda Granovskaya left the group for the second time, Christina Kots-Gottlieb took her place. The newcomer did not stay in the team and left after 3 months...

3 years after leaving VIA Gra, Christina took part in the Miss Universe 2009 competition and managed to win! On our own behalf, we will say that it is completely deserved.

Christina was replaced by Olga Koryagina. She also didn't stay long and only stayed on the team for a year.

Being part of the team was not in vain for Christina - her Instagram is very hot!

After Olga, the place of the brunette was taken by Meseda Bagaudinova.

Now Meseda is engaged in a solo career and skillfully uses social networks to attract attention.

It was not easy for Tatyana Kotova to replace everyone’s favorite Vera Brezhneva, but she adequately coped with the task assigned to her.

After VIA Gra, Tanya pursued a solo career for some time, and in November 2016 she became one of the members of the Queens trio.

The fourth blonde was Eva Bushmina (her real name is Yana Shvets).

After parting with the Konstantin project, Meladze took up a solo career. For some time she performed under the familiar name Eva Bushmina, and then became the singer of LAYAH.

The last member of the pre-reform VIA Gra lineup was the sizzling brunette Santa Dimopoulos.

As befits a vamp, Santa Dimopoulos loves to drive men crazy!

At the end of 2013, the composition of VIA Gra was completely renewed. Erica Herceg, Anastasia Kozhevnikova and Misha Romanova became the new idols of millions.

The place of the new redhead went to Misha Romanova.

On her Instagram, the girl lives up to her image and regularly pampers her fans with hot pictures.

The new brunette is Anastasia Kozhevnikova.

Of the entire cast of the updated VIA Gra, Anastasia behaves the most modestly of all.

The role of the blonde is played by the winner of the show “I Want V VIA Gru” Erica Herceg.

She is the most relaxed of the new group members!

No one imagined what the new composition of “VIAGRA” would be like when Konstantin Meladze’s show began to select new participants for the team. There were many worthy contestants, the Russian land is rich in beautiful and talented girls. And yet, three of them turned out to be the strongest - the amazing beauty of their voices, femininity and magnetic charm did their job. Recently, the new composition of VIAGRA was introduced to the people. It included three beautiful girls - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erica Herceg.

"VIA Gra": was, is and will be

The famous producer and composer Konstantin Meladze has been the mentor of the VIA Gra group throughout the entire period of its existence, more than 13 years. During this time, the team changed several times. The changes that took place in the group concerned not only the fate of its participants, but also reflected technological, stylistic and sociological trends in the field of show business. After all, VIA Gra has always been on the stage women's group No. 1. And it became a “school of life” for many popular stars modernity. Graduates of this school are Vera Brezhneva, Svetlana Loboda, Albina Dzhanabaeva, Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya, Anna Sedokova and others famous singers, TV presenters and actresses.

History of the show “I want to go to VIA Gro”

This time, producer Konstantin Meladze instructed the people to choose a new composition for VIAGRA. Millions of television viewers decided the fate of the group and created its history.

Fifteen thousand participants from four CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine) fought for several months for the right to become one of the soloists of the popular group. Two contrasting trios were selected for the finals. The charming favorite of one of the jury members Vernik Igor - Maria Goncharuk, red-haired Yulia Lauta and sizzling brunette Diana Ivanitskaya competed with amazing and extremely talented girls from Ukraine - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erica Herceg. Two completely different teams had only one step left to take to victory. But there was also something that united them - the irrepressible energy of the participants, the undoubted talent of each of the girls, their amazing sexuality and femininity.

The winners have been determined!

Viewers decided the fate of the participants by SMS voting. It was difficult to guess who they would give preference to. Upon completion of voting and counting of votes, Igor Vernik opened the envelope with the names of the winners of the show. They were beautiful Ukrainians - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erica Herceg. According to the group's producer Konstantin Meladze, the girls are very promising, creative, diversified, so they will certainly be able to absorb the best traditions"VIA Gra" and increase the success of the team with a thirteen-year history of existence. He also noted that the updated group “VIAGRA” will not be exactly the same as the audience is accustomed to. New line-up will contribute to it bright colors. In addition, it was decided to slightly change the image of the team, taking into account the characteristics of its new members.

Life before and after

Compound new group"VIAGRA" has been defined, and now fans of the legendary musical group people are increasingly interested in the biographies of its new participants. Let's find out what the girls' lives were like before they came to Konstantin Meladze's show.

Brief biography of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Nastya was born in the city of Yuzhnoukrainsk in Ukraine. Already at the age of six she took up vocals and began singing in the children's choir “Droplets”. At the age of eight, Nastya went to music school learn to play the piano. In parallel with her studies in secondary and music schools, the girl managed to practice choreography and study acting at the pop song theater called “Galatea”.

Nastya’s childhood dream of becoming an artist on the big stage led her through life. She didn't miss a thing single opportunity and your talent. The girl took part in all sorts of music competitions, including “The First Swallows”, “Running on the Waves”, “Young Galicia” and others. But she did not achieve much success at that time. The only thing the jury paid attention to was the irrepressible energy of the young girl.

When Anastasia turned sixteen, she took part in her first casting for the show “Superzirka”. But, unfortunately, the girl was again deprived of attention. Nastya did not give up and went to the casting of the show “X-Factor”, where she also did not make it past the first round. Desperate and leaving her dream of a big stage, Anastasia became a student at the Kyiv national university technology and design. When she learned about the start of casting for the show “I want to join VIA Gro,” she decided to try her luck in last time. And this time luck smiled at her - she became part of the new VIAGRA! The photos you see in the article demonstrate the girl’s genuine joy! By the age of twenty she managed to carry out her first big dream, and this is a real victory!

Brief biography of Erica Herceg

Erica was born in a village called Malaya Dobran, which is located near the border of Ukraine with Hungary, near Uzhgorod.

The girl has mixed blood: her father is Hungarian, her mother is the daughter of a Ukrainian and a Hungarian. Erica's parents got married when they were very young - dad was 22, mom was 18. When the girl turned five, the family decided to have a second child. The birth was very difficult, which adversely affected the health of Erica's mother. Concerns about the well-being of the family and raising young children fell entirely on the shoulders of Nikolai, the father of the family. Erica went to a Hungarian school, where she studied Ukrainian only two hours a week. Every day, to do this, she went 12 kilometers from home and crossed the border. When the rules for crossing country borders became stricter, the girl had to change schools.

In high school, Erica studied at the lyceum at the local church and sang in the church choir.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, the girl went to the city of Beregovo in order to become a student at the Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute named after Ferenc Rakoczi II. While studying, Erica worked as a waitress in a local cafe.

2008 was a year of change for the girl. She lost as much as 30 kilograms in order to try her hand at modeling. She starred in a commercial jewelry and underwear.

Work in a modeling agency in 2011 brought the girl to Kyiv. There, in 2012, she received her first serious contract with a French lingerie company. In the same year, she was invited to star in one of the autumn issues of Playboy magazine. And in 2013 she was already included in the new composition of VIAGRA. At the age of 25, Erica achieves real success.

Brief biography of Misha Romanova

The third soloist of the renewed group was born in the Ukrainian city of Kherson. At birth, the parents gave their daughter the name Natalya. Her own real name- Mogilenets. Misha Romanova is a stage name that the girl came up with in memory of the two men she once loved. The girl studied at secondary school and often suffered from bullying by peers. It's hard to imagine, but as a child she stuttered badly. It started after Misha became an unwitting witness to her parents' quarrel when she was five years old. The girl remembers how hard it was for her, because she couldn’t even buy chewing gum in the store, since the sellers didn’t understand her.

On the advice of doctors, the parents sent the girl to vocal lessons. Misha's surprise and delight knew no bounds when she realized that she did not stutter when she sang. Since then, even in class, when she was called upon to answer, she did not tell the material she had learned, but “sang it.”

In 2001, the girl became a participant vocal studio DK "Neftyanik", soon took the place of a soloist, and later an assistant to the head of the studio.

The dream of becoming an artist gave her the strength to take part in all possible music competitions. She occupied top places in “Little Stars”, “Carousel of Melodies”, “World of Talents”. Misha Romanova was educated at the Kiev Variety and Circus School, where she entered in 2007. At the age of 23, her dream came true - she became a real artist, the lead singer of the legendary group “VIAGRA”.

New line-up - new song - new concert!

The group has already recorded several new songs, shot a video, and worked on tour. First collaboration girls - the composition “Truce”, for which a video has already been shot by a talented director. And on November 4, 2013, the renewed “VIAGRA” gave its first concert at the State University in Moscow. The new lineup - Erica, Nastya and Misha - captivated the audience, the girls gained thousands of fans, showing their dedicated work on stage. And this was only their first concert!


There are many more listeners waiting amazing works group "VIAGra". The new composition of the team, which was formed by the people themselves, will certainly be able to justify even the wildest expectations!

8 November 2010, 13:54

Starter composition of the group, the very same thing from which it all began became two Ukrainian girls, Alena Vinnitskaya and Nadezhda Granovskaya. The story of their arrival in the group turned out to be different. Alena, who at that time worked for the Ukrainian television company Biz-TV, was invited to participate in the group by Dmitry Kostyuk himself. Another producer was Konstantin Meladze. It was he, together with Dmitry, who was lucky enough to open Nadezhda for the group. The starting point that persuaded him to decide to accept Nadezhda into the team was her amateur photo shoot.

There are several versions about why the group was named that way. On the one hand, VIA is an abbreviation that stands for “Vocal-Instrumental Ensemble”, and “Gra” is translated from Ukrainian language how is game". On the other hand, many believe that the name is a derivative of the surnames of the vocalists, in which “VI” is the beginning of the surname “Vinnitskaya”, “A” is the first letter of Alena’s name, and “Gra” is, accordingly, the beginning of the surname of Alena’s partner in group, Nadezhda Granovskaya. There is also a version that “Gra” stands for “Voice, Joy, Artistry.” But the real reason was that all sorts of decodings somehow formed the word “VIA Gra”, which has the same name as pills that increase sexual potency in men, which was fully facilitated external image and the sex appeal of the vocalists. In 2002, the VIA Gra group was shocked by some changes. Has begun new stage in her evolutionary development. The structure was changed - from a duet the team turned into a trio. It all started with the fact that Nadezhda Granovskaya was preparing to become a mother, and accordingly, it was necessary to put an end to her busy touring activities for a while. In order to make up for the temporary loss of Nadezhda, a casting was urgently announced. The producers decided to increase the number of participants to three people, which was successfully done. An ex-TV presenter was invited to the group Anna Sedokova, worked on the O-TV and " New channel", as well as a model from St. Petersburg - Tatyana Naynik. Without allowing the updates to “take root,” the group continued “right off the bat.” Was filmed great clip to the song “Stop! Stop! Stop!". He showed that the group was moving in the right direction and the fact that Anna Sedokova was in the group was extremely beneficial. On September 12, 2002, filming of the video for the song “Good Morning, Dad!” ended. This event was marked by the return to duty of Nadezhda Granovskaya, who less than a month ago gave birth to a son, who was named Igor. Some time after filming the video, Tatyana leaves the group. Golden composition In 2003 there were changes again. Alena Vinnitskaya decided to start her own solo career. Accordingly, again casting, painful elections, as a result of which one gets into the group Vera Brezhneva. The next “era” is being formed, a line-up that is often called the golden line-up among fans of the group. Indeed, such a definition in relation to Vera, Anna and Nadezhda is quite reasonable. This year is becoming very fruitful in terms of the team’s creativity. At the beginning, a video clip for the song “Don’t leave me, darling!” is shot. This is followed by the release of the group's second album, Stop! Removed!
In 2004, Anna Sedokova left the group. They urgently look for a replacement for her, who is found in the person of Svetlana Loboda, but the replacement turned out to be a little unequal, despite the fact that on June 4, 2004, VIA Gra won the Muz-TV 2004 award, a video clip for the song “Biology” was shot. . Still, Svetlana is “not accepted” by fans who immediately draw analogies between her and Anna Sedokova.
Despite this, slight dissatisfaction with Svetlana grew and the decision was made to break up with her. Currently, Svetlana is engaged in a solo career.
They take Loboda's place Albina Dzhanabaeva, for a long time who worked as backing vocals for Valery Meladze and got into the group on his recommendation. And everyone would just like to breathe easy, but suddenly Nadya Granovskaya leaves. 2005 year. And the group is urgently looking for a replacement. In a hurry they take Christina Kotz-Gottlieb. Albina becomes the center - as the strongest vocalist. The group looks like this:
Christina also didn’t “get used to it.” I had to urgently hire a girl who was Meladze’s backup dancer. The girl is modest and diligent. Her name is Olga Koryagina.

And so it would seem... Everything is fine. We are working. Not so! New Olga Koryagina is leaving the ViaGra team. Married Albina and Vera worked as a duet for a short time and the producers found the perfect Mesedou.
All of these above-mentioned changes in composition overwhelmed Vera Brezhnev and she left the team. Meseda and Albina perform beautifully as a duet... In March 2008, the producers take on a new soloist - the winner of the Miss Russia 2006 contest. Tatyana Kotova. In January 2009, there was a change in the team. Meseda Bagaudinova had to part with the group due to the fact that the soloist of the first line-up of the group and the main old-timer of the group, Nadezhda Meikher, returned to the group. On March 22, 2010, Tatyana Kotova finally left the group of her own free will. The producers of the group invited a finalist to replace Tatyana Ukrainian project"Star Factory 3" - Eva Bushmina.
Now soloists VIA group Gras are Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Eva Bushmina. During the entire period of performances, many participants passed through the project and all of them eventually connected their later life with show business. Alena Vinnitskaya successfully made her solo career in Ukraine. Tatyana Naynik producer and member of the trio Maybe. Anna Sedokova and Svetlana Loboda They are actively trying to promote themselves solo in Russia and Ukraine. Christina Kotz-Gottlieb is engaged in modeling business. Olga Romanovskaya (Koryagina) shot a video for the song “Lullaby” and after the birth of the child, big stage she never returned, but she opened her own boutique in Odessa. Left the group in August 2007 Vera Brezhneva decided to try her hand at television and hosted the program “Magic 10”, and later made a successful solo career. Meseda Bagaudinova plans to do a solo project. Tatyana Kotova immediately after leaving the team, she began filming in one of the new Russian TV series and released solo song"He". The author of the lyrics and composer of all the group's songs is Konstantin Meladze. He, together with Dmitry Kostyuk, plays a producing role. Updated 08/11/10 15:09: Ex-soloist of the group “VIA Gra” Olga Romanovskaya exposed herself at the anniversary concert

On the eve of the airing of the 1+1 channel show “I want to go to VIA Gro!” Lady.TSN remembered all its participants for 13 years.

Alena Vinnitskaya. "Number one"
Alena Vinnitskaya

Alena is Vinnitskaya’s stage name; according to her passport, her name is Olga. In 1993, under the influence of the work of Viktor Tsoi, she created the group “The Last Unicorn”, after the collapse of which she was a presenter on the BIZ-TV channel.

She sang at VIA Gre from 2001 to 2003. She starred in the videos “Attempt number five”, “Hug me”, “Bomb”, “I won’t come back”, “Stop! Stop! Stop!”, “Good morning, dad”. She left VIA Gra to start a solo career, which she is now doing successfully. She is the only glam pop-rock performer in Ukraine and writes her own songs.

Nadezhda Granovskaya. "Long-liver"
Nadezhda Granovskaya

She managed to stay in the group from 2001 to 2006. And, by figuratively one of the producers of the project, Dmitry Kostyuk, she played the role of the “main Viagra” - Granovskaya’s incredible sexuality had a stunning effect on men (both directly and figuratively!) impact. After leaving VIA Gra, she became Meikher-Granovskaya. But over time, the second part of the surname was lost somewhere, and now Nadezhda is simply Meikher.

Tatiana Naynik. "Victim"
Tatyana Naynik

Before VIA Gra, she was a graduate of St. Petersburg University. A. I. Herzen worked as a model for six years, her photographs were published in such well-known publications as Shape, Elle, Top ten. Replaced Nadezhda Granovskaya while she was on maternity leave. She starred in the videos "Stop! Stop! Stop!" and "Good morning, dad."

She left the group after Granovskaya returned. The reasons for leaving were not widely discussed. According to one version, the producers did not need a quartet (there are too many of them in show business), so one of the participants had to be sacrificed. The choice fell on Naynik. Today Tatyana sings in Russian group"Maybe", it was created according to the "VIA Gra" principle - sexy girls on stage in varying degrees of "undress", but the popularity of the latest "Maybe" is still very far away.

Anna Sedokova. "Slave of Love"

Grew up in single-parent family: her father left when Anya was five years old, she and her brother were raised by their mother, a Ukrainian language teacher who worked day and night to provide for the children. Sedokova studied music and dancing almost from the cradle - from the age of six she danced in folk ensemble"Svitanok", graduated with honors from a music school, and after finishing general education she entered the Institute of Culture.
Anna Sedokova

Before VIA Gra, she worked as a model and was a presenter on radio and television. She took part in the first castings at VIA Gro, but did not make it through the selection due to her young age: Anna was only seventeen years old at that time. The producers remembered her when in 2002 they decided to turn the duet into a trio. She left VIA Gro for the sake of love - Sedokova married football player Valentin Belkevich and gave birth to his daughter Alina. However, the first marriage, as well as the second, with, was short-lived - they say that despite the birth of the second daughter Monica, Anna is now free again. Under the pseudonym Annabelle, she tried to start a solo career, took part in projects on Russian and Ukrainian television, and acted for men's magazines, but viewers still remember Sedokova primarily as the ex-soloist of VIA Gra.

Vera Brezhneva. Dumpling turned into sex-symbol
Vera Brezhneva

Perhaps the most striking transformation - from a doll to a butterfly, or rather, from Galushka to a real sex symbol - happened in VIA Gre with Vera Brezhneva. A girl from a large family, who was considered shy, “ugly” and “bespectacled” at school, in a short time became one of the most attractive and seductive girls in the Russian and Ukrainian stage. Vera sang in VIA Gre, intermittently, from 2002 to 2007. Today she not only makes a solo career, but also acts in films, hosts television shows and takes first place in numerous ratings of “the most beautiful” and “the sexiest”.

Svetlana Loboda. "At VIA Gru"for a bet"
Svetlana Loboda

Before VIA Gra, she sang in the groups "Cappuccino" and "Ketch", performed the main role in the musical "Equator", tried to start a solo career, inventing the image of an incognito singer who never took off her dark glasses and calling herself Alicia Gorn in the Western manner.

She became a soloist of "VIA Gra" on a bet. At stake was a red convertible, which was to become Svetlana’s property, but only if she not only got into the group, but also stayed in it for six months. I soon learned that a casting was being held for one of Konstantin Meladze’s projects. That we're talking about Loboda found out about VIA Gre when, out of five hundred applicants who competed in vocals, dance and acting, twenty remained, including her. "Mercedes wheels are in my pocket!" – Svetlana thought and tripled her efforts. However, already on the first tour of the group, Loboda concluded: “The group is a big machine for big money"Her partners were so tired at concerts that they fell asleep in hotel rooms, literally not having time to get to bed. Then disagreements began with the producers, and Svetlana had to leave. And since she didn’t last six months, the red convertible remained a dream.

Albina Dzhanabaeva. "The second redhead"

After Anna Sedokova left, VIA Gra needed a new “red-haired” soloist, and the graduate became her music school named after the Gnessins, backing vocalist Valeria Meladze Albina Dzhanabaeva. Since the day before Albina gave birth to Valeria’s son Kostya, her invitation to VIA Gro was perceived ambiguously by many: some considered it a reward, others considered it a way to alienate her mistress, as they say, out of sight, out of mind.”
Albina Dzhanabaeva

The soloists of VIA-Gra, who had the opportunity to work with Dzhanabaeva, Tatyana Kotova and Meseda Bagaudinova, do not characterize her with the most the best side- they call her harsh and unrestrained, they claim that Albina could cause a scandal over any, even the most insignificant, reason, and took her anger out on the service staff - make-up artists, costume designers, stage workers.

She sang at VIA Gre from 2004 to 2012, and at the same time studied at the Moscow Psychological and Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Psychology. After the official closure of the group, its producer Konstantin Meladze announced the start solo career Dzhanabaeva.

Christina Kots-Gottlieb. The shortest stay at VIA Gre"

Christina Kots-Gottlieb was born in Donetsk. She was involved in dancing and sports - she is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Winner of the titles "Miss Donetsk", "Miss Donbass-2003", "Miss international Black Sea 2003", "Miss Donbass-2004".
Christina Kotz-Gottlieb

After Nadezhda Granovskaya left the group and Vera Brezhneva announced her departure, the producers became preoccupied with searching for a new sexy blonde. The contract with Christina was concluded for five years, but in fact she was the lead singer of the group from January to April 2006. After filming the video “Deceive, but stay,” she was fired from VIA Gra. Moreover, according to Christina herself, the producers did not even inform her about this - they simply stopped responding to phone calls. Kots-Gottlieb was planning to pursue a solo career, even starring in Bogdan Titomir’s video “Do as I do!”, but then returned to her modeling career, becoming the face of the KOLTSO model agency. She took part in the Miss Ukraine Universe 2009 competition, where she won an unconditional victory.

Olga Koryagina. Designer
Olga Koryagina

A native of Nikolaev, she joined the group in 2006, when Nadezhda Granovskaya once again announced her departure from VIA Gra. She managed to star in two videos of the group – “L.M.L” and “Flower and Knife”. Upon learning of her pregnancy, Olga announced her departure from the group and soon married the father of the unborn child, businessman Andrei Romanovsky. After the birth of the child, producer Maxim Fadeev offered Koryagina to return to show business, but she refused. Today he designs fashionable clothes.

Meseda Bagaudinova. Girl from "Dream"
Meseda Bagaudinova

The producers of "VIA Gra" have always sympathized with girls with a bright oriental appearance, so in April 2007 Olga Koryagina was replaced by a singer of Avar (on her father's side) and Ukrainian-Belarusian (on her mother's) origin Meseda Bagaudinova. At the beginning of its musical career Meseda was a soloist of the “Dreams” group, quite famous in the south of Russia, but at that time she could not even dream of the glory of “VIA Gra”. Meseda spent a year and a half at VIA Gre, and was forced to leave after Nadezhda Granovskaya announced her return to the group. Bagaudinova returned to the “Dreams” group.

Tatiana Kotova. "False pregnancy"

Winner of the title "Miss Russia 2006", represented Russia at the competitions "Miss World 2007" and "Miss Universe 2007". By education, Tatyana is an economist and anti-crisis manager. She joined VIA Gro in 2008 after Vera Brezhneva left. She starred in the videos "My emancipation", "Antigeisha" and "Crazy".
Tatyana Kotova

In 2010, the media suddenly began vying with each other to write that Kotova would soon leave VIA Gro due to pregnancy. The rumors turned out to be exactly half true: Tatyana really left the group, but her pregnancy turned out to be false. The singer herself, when asked about the reasons for leaving, answered this way: “We can’t admire the sun around the clock. I got my share at VIA Gre sun rays, now it's time to collect the stars. I am offered to work on television and act in films, I want to realize my Creative skills to the end, because there is no limit to perfection."

Eva Bushmina. "Girl-accident".
Eva Bushmina

Star Factory graduate Eva Bushmina replaced Tatyana Kotova in VIA Gre. Eva spent a total of about three years in the group. They say that in order not to “fly out” of the group, like other unlucky participants, she increased her breasts by two sizes - from one to three. In VIA Gre, Bushmina had a reputation as an “accident girl”, with whom something constantly happened, since Eva is a big fan of extreme sports and thrills. After the collapse of the group, despite the birth of a daughter (her father is the son of the ex-Minister of Economy of Ukraine Vladimir Lanovoy), .

Santa Dimopoulos. Destroyer
Santa Dimopoulos

It was with her arrival in the group that it became clear that the history of VIA Gra in its previous form was coming to an end. Despite numerous advantages - bright appearance, sex appeal and sports training (Santa is a master of sports in dancing) - new soloist became just another and, alas, unsuccessful attempt to replace the irreplaceable Granovskaya. In 2012, after spending time in the group less than a year, Dimopoulos announced her departure from her and the start of a solo career, as a result of which “VIA Gra” turned into the duet “Albina Dzhanabaeva and Eva Bushmina,” which soon broke up.

Taisiya Kondratieva