Sergey Lazarev Eurovision song place. Solo career of Sergei Lazarev

Published 05.15.16 01:55

The winner of the Eurovision 2016 song contest, the final of which took place on May 14 in Stockholm, was the representative of Ukraine Jamala. Sergey Lazarev took third place.

Eurovision 2015, final, results: winner - Jamala, Sergey Lazarev - third

The representative of Ukraine Jamala became the winner of the 61st Eurovision Song Contest 2016, the final of which was held in the capital of Sweden on Saturday evening, May 14.

Having performed the song “1944”, she ultimately received 511 votes.

"Eurovision 2016", final. Jamala's speech. VIDEO

In second place is the Australian singer Dami Im with the song Sound Of Silence, which received 511 votes.

"Eurovision 2016". Speech by Dami Im. VIDEO

Russian performer Sergey Lazarev took third place with the song “You Are the Only One”, he received 491 votes.

"Eurovision 2016", final. Speech by Sergei Lazarev. VIDEO

Let us note that first Australia became the leader based on voting results among the national juries of the countries participating in the competition, and then based on the sum of jury votes intkbbee and TV viewers, the Ukrainian singer became the leader.

Sergey Lazarev became the leader among all participating countries based on the results of audience voting.

Azerbaijan received 10 points from Russian judges, 8 - Malta, 7 - France, 6 - Great Britain, 5 - Georgia, 4 - Cyprus, 3 - Latvia, 2 - Australia and 1 - Hungary.

Russian judges gave Ukrainian performer Jamala no marks.

In turn, Ukraine did not give a single point to Russia.

The national jury of Ukraine gave 10 points to Lithuania, 6 to Belgium, 8 to Latvia and 7 to Azerbaijan.

The leader of the Eurovision standings according to the national jury, Australian Demi Im, received 5 points from Ukraine.

The highest score - 12 points - was given to Russia by Azerbaijan, Belarus, Greece and Cyprus.

Lazarev himself was pleased with his performance; he also highly praised the audience in the hall.

Eurovision 2016: Lazarev and Kirkorov congratulated Jamala on her victory

Philip Kirkorov said that he is proud of Sergei Lazarev’s number.

According to Kirkorov, “the summation of points is an idea of ​​the organizers.” As the artist noted, in 2008 singer Dima Bilan won and then there was only televoting.

“If it weren’t for the change in the rules, if they were like in 2008, then Lazarev would have won,” he emphasized.

Kirokorov and Lazarev were asked about the performance of singer Jamala, who received first place in the final of the competition.

“She is a winner,” Kirkorov noted. Lazarev praised the singer for her performance and song.

Screenshot from YouTube / channel "Eurovision Song Contest"

The singer, representing Russia at the popular competition this year, will perform in the final on May 14 [top 10 video clips]

The first Eurovision semi-final took place in Stockholm, where Sergey Lazarev performed at number 9 with the song “You are the only one”. The track hit the top of the European charts even before Eurovision.

Together with the Russian performer, participants from Azerbaijan, the Netherlands, Hungary, Croatia, Austria, Armenia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus and Malta reached the final. In addition to them, in the final, according to the rules of the competition, France, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain will compete, as well as last year’s winner, Sweden. The second semi-final will take place on May 12, and the final on May 14, RIA Novosti reports.

Sergey Lazarev will perform in the second part of the final. According to TASS, he drew such a lot during a press conference, which was attended by ten winners of the first semi-final.

The order in which the artists will appear on stage will be finally determined after the second semi-final on May 12.

Success amid scandal

On Tuesday, shortly before the first semi-final, it became known that one of the Russian judges of the competition had been disqualified.

Singer Anastasia Stotskaya videotaped the work of the Russian jury while watching the dress rehearsal and commented on the performances of participants from the Netherlands and Armenia. The shooting was broadcast on one of the social networks. Now her vote will not be taken into account when calculating the results.

As the site previously reported, in Sergei Lazarev’s video for the song for Eurovision, 19-year-old Vladislava Yevtushenko, who last year became the first vice-Miss Russia and participated in the Miss Universe 2015 competition.

“Happy that we are already in the finals”

The singer invited everyone to come to Russia, regardless of who turns out to be the winner.

Russian participant of the Eurovision 2016 contest Sergei Lazarev promised to improve his number, which allowed him to reach the final stage of the annual competition, which this year takes place in Stockholm, Sweden.

I can already see what can be improved. Everything will be better in the end. I'm happy though. I have already watched a portion of the broadcast. “I’m happy that we are already in the finals,” the TV channel reports Lazarev’s words.

The singer refused to discuss the Eurovision favorites, but noted that regardless of the results, he invites everyone to come to Russia.

It is worth noting that Lazarev is one of the main favorites to win, according to both journalists and bookmakers.

Yuri Loza: “Let him fly out with a bang!”

Meanwhile, musician Yuri Loza, known for the hit “Raft” and for his recent critical statements about Led Zeppelin and classical composers, put in his two cents about Sergei Lazarev’s performance.

Yuri is not happy with the fact that Russia will have to organize the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 if Lazarev still takes first place. In an interview with TV program, Loza literally said the following:

I wish him to lose! Fail with a bang so as not to drag Eurovision to Russia. We've had enough already! When I watched it, I spat all over...

In addition, Loza considers Lazarev “not Russian enough” to represent Russia.

There is nothing Russian about him except his last name. The Swedes wrote the music for the song, the English wrote the lyrics, it will be sung in English... Who is this competition for? For an Irish housewife? We don’t need him at all,” said Yuri.

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The Eurovision Song Contest has been held annually since 1956. The TV show is very popular not only in Europe, but also on other continents. The winners of Eurovision in different years were Celine Dion, ABBA, Toto Cutugno, Johnny Logan. A representative of the Russian Federation has won the competition only once. In 2008, Dima Bilan won the competition with the composition Believe.

Top 10 video clips of performers who can win Eurovision 2016











Sergey Lazarev is one of those musicians on the domestic stage who has captivated an innumerable number of fans. His sexy appearance fascinates women, and his clear voice wins the respect of the stronger sex. In 2016, he represented Russia at one of the largest international music projects - Eurovision, and won a worthy third place.

Sergei's hometown is the Russian capital. From a very early age, he began to develop physically - artistic gymnastics from the age of 4, victories in sports competitions. Despite the fact that his parents separated when he was still a baby, his mother managed to raise both Sergei and his brother well on her own.

Sergei’s relationship with music also began quite early and quickly pushed sports into the background. Art in the broad sense of the word, as well as the craving for performing on stage, overpowered all other hobbies.

The beginning of a career in the music field is associated with participation in musical ensembles. From nine to eleven years old it was the ensemble named after V. Loktev, where he studied with his brother, as well as playing in the theater of B. Pokrovsky.

But the most significant project for young Serezha was “Fidgets” (a real forge of Russian pop talent), which opened the way for the future star to major music festivals, television programs, as well as important acquaintances. The boy did not avoid filming in the television magazine “Yeralash”, which at that time for many became a good springboard on the way further, to the big stage and to the cinema.

Sergei received his first certificate at an ordinary Moscow school, where a museum dedicated to his life and work is now organized. He continued his education at the famous Moscow Art Theater School and graduated from it, receiving a diploma with honors.

Lazarev and Topalov - work in the Smash project

The beginning of the singer's serious career is associated with the Smash project - it was a duet of charming young people - Sergei and Vlad Topalov, who performed various songs in the pop music genre and with each concert increasingly increased the flow of fans gathering at the stage.

The first song that the duo recorded was the well-known aria from the old French musical Notre-Dame de Paris. The initiator of the work was Vlad Topalov’s mother, who decided to give such a gift to her beloved son for his birthday. Then the guys got their own manager - Simon Niper-Bell, who had previously worked fruitfully with Wham!

The popularity of the Smash group was brought not only by the successful song Belle, which remained at the top of various charts for almost six months, but also by victory at the prestigious music competition “New Wave” (summer 2002).

A few months after such successful participation in the “New Wave” project, the guys released their first album, which was called “Freeway”. Gold was not long in coming, and the record instantly sold out in record numbers, not counting those re-recorded copies that the girls made for each other on home tape recorders, as well as pirated versions distributed in numerous kiosks.

2003 also marked Sergei Lazarev’s first appearance on the theater stage, which undoubtedly played an important role in his development as an artist and, fortunately or unfortunately, led to the collapse of the group. The following year, the musicians presented their second, also last, album “2nite” and then parted ways.

Solo career of Sergei Lazarev

Having parted with Vlad Topalov, not without general indignation and a million questions from journalists, Sergei began a solo career, which began with a contract with the recording company Style Records.

A little time passed, and at the end of 2005, Sergei presented the fans with the result of his work - an independent album “Don’t Be Fake”, created in the English capital and including the standard twelve songs. Eight were recorded with the support of producer Brian Rowling, who at one time worked with world-famous stars - Britney Spears, Celine Dion, Rob Thomas and Enrique Iglesias.

The following year, the first composition in his native language, called “Even if you leave,” was heard on all radio stations in the country, and thanks to it, at the end of the year, the singer was awarded as the best according to the MTV Russia Music Awards.

The first recognition was followed by more and more new records:

  • TV Show (2007) - an album of 5 tracks with videos, as well as a reworked version of the ballad “Almost sorry”, known to many under the name “Why was love invented”. This is a translation into Russian of an existing composition. He recorded again in London, where, in parallel with working on the record, Sergei deepened his knowledge of the English language, studying educational literature and actively communicating with musicians in their native language.
  • Electric Touch (2010) was created in collaboration with the world's second largest record company, Sony Music Entertainment, and was certified gold.
  • “Lazarev” (2012) is the first album released in electronic version for sale through the iTunes service. A couple of months after its release it became the best-selling in Russia.

In parallel with his work on recording albums, Sergei recorded popular musical compositions with various Russian pop stars, such as Ani Lorak and Timati, and also rehearsed his own concert program, which each time turned into an increasingly exciting show.

Sergey Lazarev in the theater

Sergei’s theatrical career began with participation in a production called “Romeo and Juliet” at the Theater. A.S. Pushkin. Despite his busy schedule and growing popularity every month, he managed to allocate enough time for rehearsals, which resulted in the main role. Here, after the collapse of Smash, he performed an excellent role in Borrow a Tenor.

0 May 14, 2016, 6:15 pm

Sergey Lazarev

According to Lazarev, his entire team is real professionals who have worked at Eurovision more than once with other participants. For example, director and choreographer Fokas Evangelinos staged a number with a piano and a ballerina at Eurovision for Dmitry Bilan for the song Never Let Me Go in 2006, with which he took second place. And Dmitry Kontopoulos, who together with Phillip Kirkorov worked on the song You Are The Only One, has extensive experience in writing songs for Eurovision: Sakis Rouvas already performed his composition at the competition in 2009 and took seventh place. Kontopoulos also wrote music for songs by Ani Lorak, Farid Mamedov, Anna Vissi, Demy, Kostas Martakis, Dmitry Koldun and the Tolmachev sisters. All together they created a truly bright and memorable stage performance for Lazarev - with installations, video projections, complex choreography and more.

Kirkorov has no doubts about the success of his ward, with whom he will support the artist and help prepare for the finals (that Sergei will make it to the finals, it seems, was clear to everyone from the very beginning).

Sergey Lazarev and Philip Kirkorov

But Lazarev did not take his family and friends with him to Eurovision:

None of my relatives will go to Stockholm with me, each artist’s delegation is allowed 25 people, and all our places have already been booked. But it’s not just that, I don’t want to be distracted from my working mood, I’m going there to work, to represent the country, and not to relax and have fun. I don’t want to think where my relatives are at the moment, whether they have eaten or are not lost. There shouldn't be any worries of this nature.

- said Lazarev.

Not only foreign experts predict victory for the Russian performer, but also, of course, Russian ones.

Joseph Prigogine: Sergey is a wonderful artist, confident, stable. And his number is strong. Lazarev's competition is weak, the chance that he will take first place is high. Overall, Seryozha should win.

Igor Matvienko: It’s a good number, just like a number - it’s the best, I think Sergei will be in the top three.