Ukrainian folk singers. Ukrainian Russian pop stars (11 photos)

13.12.2016, 16:00

Both ours and yours

Without Taboo continues to write about Ukrainian performers and groups that do not hesitate to earn money by performing in the aggressor country - Russia.

We have already published a list of. They hit him like this famous personalities and teams like Ivan Dorn, Loboda, Pur:pur, SunSay (Andrey Zaporozhets), Mushrooms, Max Barskikh and Vera Brezhneva. What does it have to do with those who moved to Russia? Ani Lorak, Taisiya Povaliy and Django we took it out of brackets, and "VIA Gro", Konstantin Meladze and Elku considered to be conditionally “Ukrainian” artists who have long established themselves on the Russian stage.

As we wrote earlier, in tour schedule Potap and Nastya Kamensky There are now no Russian sites - probably the extensive criticism has had an effect. Although, the duet sometimes appears at Russian national concerts.

Veterans of the stage act according to the same scheme - Sofia Rotaru, Irina Bilyk, Olga Polyakova and Verka Serduchka - they don't tour in Russia, but occasionally appear at the anniversaries of their Russian friends, award presentations and New Year's programs. In addition, the same Andrei Danilko admitted in an interview with journalists that he performs at closed corporate events and private parties.

With ostentatious reluctance, she refused to perform in Moscow and DJ Anastasia Topolskaya- “favorite person” of People’s Deputy Sergei Leshchenko. The deputy's lover wrote on social networks that criticism of her Moscow sets made her feel a little Ani Lorak.

Without Taboo, I tried to feel what it was like to “be Ani Lorak”, and, after analyzing open sources, amounted to additional list Ukrainian artists who still allow themselves to earn money by performing in the aggressor country.

1. Dmitry MONATIK. You may not know who this is, but among the 30+ category, this young man is held in high esteem. Ukrainian singer and dancer, participant in the popular show "X Factor" and coach of the very popular program "The Voice Children". According to M1 TV channel, MONATIK - Ukrainian "singer of the year"(yes, the times of Pavel Zibrov, Ivo Bobul and Alexander Ponomarev are over). At the end of December, Dmitry will “whirl” the audience in Sochi, and at the beginning of 2017 he will perform in Yekaterinburg, Ufa and Chelyabinsk.

2. Anna Sedakova. Ex-soloist of "VIA Gra", like others former members groups (Loboda, Vera Brezhneva), also a frequent guest in Russia. For example, in October she “took Kazan” - her fans posted photos from the concert on the social network (below - ed.).

Anna Sedakova becomes Taisiya Povaliy

3. Nikita Alekseev. Participant of the show "Voice of the Country", winner of M1 Music Awards 2016 in the category "Breakthrough of the Year". In 2015, the young artist made his mark thanks to the remake of the 90s hit from Irina Bilyk’s repertoire “And I’m Plivu U Chovni” and his song “Drunk Sun”. Alekseev has already become a frequent guest at various Russian hodgepodges like “Song of the Year” or “Golden Gramophone”. And in August he gave a solo concert in Krasnodar. IN next year he has a concert planned in Svetlogorsk.

Be on time everywhere like Alekseev

4. Quest Pistols. Shocking Ukrainian group in 2016 attended at least four concerts Russian cities, and planned the “capture” of Kazan for March 2017 (perhaps inspired by Sedakova’s successful performance).

Updated lineup

5. Time and Glass. This pop group is Potap’s production project and, although the showman himself now avoids concerts in the Russian Federation, he still sends his charges to earn money. In the summer, this duo had a concert in a Moscow club, and recently the guys went to receive an award from Russian radio.

It turns out that these famous Russian stars pop singers come from Ukraine.
The Russian stage is rich in talent, but not everyone knows that many of these stars have Ukrainian roots! We decided to find out which of the famous Russian performers originally from Ukraine.

Christmas tree (Elizaveta Ivantsiv)

Elizaveta Ivantsiv (real name of the singer Yolka), future star Russian pop scene, born on July 2, 1982 in western Ukraine, in Uzhgorod.

Angelica Varum

Angelika Varum - popular Russian pop singer and songwriter. Varum holds the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and is a member of the International Union of Pop Artists. Maria Varum (real name of the popular singer) was born in Lvov, Ukraine,

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak was born in Kitsman, Chernivtsi region, September 27, 1978. Today Ani Lorak - “ best singer Russia” according to Russian Prize"MUZ TV. Gravity.” And it’s not surprising, because Lorak appears at almost every event in Russia, gives solo concerts, shines at parties, for which she has already received “Samovars” more than once.

Trio from “VIA Gra”

The girls from the trio are all from Ukraine. Anastasia Kozhevnikova is a native of Yuzhnoukrainsk, Misha Romanova is from Kherson, and Erica Herceg is from the Ukrainian village of Malaya Dobran.

Lolita Milyavskaya

The outrageous pop singer was born in Mukachevo, and first appeared on stage in Odessa. There her famous union with Alexander Tsekalo began.

In Kyiv she still has two people dear to her heart - her mother and daughter.

Natasha Koroleva

The artist spent her childhood in Kyiv, about which she has the warmest memories.

At the age of 16, she decided to go to an audition for Igor Nikolaev, with whom fate connected her for a long time.

Vera Brezhneva

Vera was born in the Dnepropetrovsk region and now lives in Kyiv. But in Lately She increasingly appears in Russian projects, so she spends a lot of time in Moscow.

Stas Kostyushkin

The Russian singer and poet was born in Odessa, but at the age of one he moved with his parents to what was then Leningrad.

Despite this, he often visited his grandparents and claims that there is something special in Odessa, so he happily returns there again and again.

Anna Sedokova

The pop singer, known to us from the “golden” line-up of the group “VIA Gra”, was born in Kyiv, where her parents moved from Tomsk. Therefore, it is not strange that fate connected Anna’s life so tightly with Russia.

Anastasia Stotskaya

The Russian pop singer and actress was born in Kyiv, but all of her creative life associated mainly with Russia.

Anastasia now often visits Kyiv, visiting relatives and friends.

Joseph Kobzon

The pop singer was born in Donetsk region, after his family lived in Dnieper, Kramatorsk and Lvov, and musical education he received in Odessa.

In the middle of the last century, the singer moved to Moscow, where he lives to this day. By the way, Kobzon has the title people's artist Ukraine.

Taisiya Povaliy

Soviet and Ukrainian singer was born in the Kyiv region. In the early 2000s, she became popular outside of Ukraine, and in 2011 she received the Order of Friendship for Development Russian culture and connections between Russia and Ukraine.

Tatiana Ovsienko

It turns out that the Honored Artist of Russia was born in Kyiv and even graduated from the Kiev Technical School hotel industry, after which she worked as an administrator.

But fate is an amazing thing: Tatyana Ovsienko became famous as a wonderful Russian singer.

Alexander Serov

National artist Russian Federation born in the village of Kovalevka, Nikolaev region.

He received his musical education in Nikolaev, and later moved to Chernivtsi, where he directed the VIA Cheremosh.

Serov has been living in Moscow for a long time, but with age he remembers his homeland more and more often.

Svetlana Loboda

Although Svetlana was born in Kyiv and initially connected her career with Ukraine, now she is a frequent guest of popular Russian programs and performs in all post-Soviet countries.

Lyudmila Senchina

Senchina was born in the Nikolaev region, but received her musical education in Leningrad.

The People's Artist of Russia believes that her talent as a singer developed in her homeland: “In Ukraine, everyone sings.”

Alina Grosu

Most recently, the Ukrainian singer boasted about how she was working on Russian project. Now the artist is taking part in the filming of the Russian music program“Property of the Republic”, dedicated to Leps. Filming of the program took place at the Ostankino television center. As Alina herself enthusiastically reported, she is in the company “ brilliant people– songwriters Leps, who supported Putin’s policies.”

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Ukrainian pop music has always been famous for its extraordinary talents, and female half, undoubtedly, is its decoration. Owners of beautiful clear voices, dazzling appearance and unique charmpopular singers Ukrainians delight their fans. And whether it’s an established star or a young, aspiring starlet, everyone has their own unique flair. It doesn’t matter what language they sing in, international English and Russian, or melodic Ukrainian, their singing pleases the ears of true music lovers. Let's talk about some of them.

Eurovision winners

They brought Ukraine international recognition at the prestigious European song competition. And if last year’s winner Jamala is on everyone’s lips, then the first winner, Ruslana, has become a little forgotten. But her victory deafeningly announced the Ukrainian stage to the whole world. Ruslana is a singer whose performance was watched by more than one and a half billion viewers. In twenty-five countries, her songs took pride of place. Ruslana is a singer whose tours took place all over the world, for example she performed at the opening Olympic Games in Pekin. And the singer’s external characteristics did not go unnoticed; recently the L’Oreal company invited her to become a new “face”. In collaboration with the Dj team, Ruslana developed her own unique style of performance and music. Of course, at the Eurovision Song Contest, Ukrainian singers took other places of honor , just look at the second place taken by Ani Lorak.

Millionaire singer Kamalia

Among Ukrainian singers there is an undoubted talent and at the same time a dream come true - Kamaliya Zahur, real name Natalya Shmarenkova. Since childhood, her parents noticed musical inclinations in her, and from then on her ascent to the Olympus of fame began. At just sixteen years old, she became a laureate of the Chervona Ruta, then there were tours to Poland, filming of her first video, and victories in festivals. Real success came after three victories at the all-Ukrainian “Song Opening Days”. Being a beauty, Kamaliya also won beauty contests. It was not for nothing that a Pakistani millionaire noticed her; they got married in 2003 and have two children. Singer Kamalia Zahoor also tested herself as an actress - she starred in several films.

Singers of the era

There are also Ukrainian singers who are a sign an entire era. Generations have grown up listening to their songs. Sofia Rotaru is one of them. She received the nickname Bukovina Nightingale for her vocal abilities. Thanks to her talent, Sofia managed to rise from the level of a collective farm performer to the All-Union, and then international recognition. Rotaru, being an ethnic Moldavian, easily sang in many languages, remaining close and understandable to any audience. Her songs are known and loved all over the world.

Irina Bilyk became an idol in the early nineties and since then has been recognized and loved throughout Ukraine and beyond. Then her songs became a real revolution, a transition from the Soviet style of performance to new trends. Irina’s success was truly dizzying; she traveled all over Ukraine several times, conquered Poland and Russia. And today Bilyk is a welcome guest at any prestigious concert. And singing is not Ira’s only advantage: she is also a poet and composer, writing songs both for herself and for famous performers.

The group “Via-Gra” is also called the present era, which captivated listeners with bright songs, beautiful voices and real shows at their performances. Its composition changed several times, but its fame only grew, conquering not only the post-Soviet space, but also global heights.

Young talents

Time does not stand still and changes recognized talents new ones are coming. Ukrainian singers fall into the hearts of listeners. More recently, Zlata Ognevich, Alyosha, Marichka Yaremchuk appeared, they delight the audience with fresh voices, colorful clips, and new styles. Many came to the stage, so to speak, “from the people.” And all-Ukrainian talent shows such as “Ukraine Has Talent”, “X-Factor”, the projects “Voice” and “Chance” became the stepping stones for such stars. They gave way to the stage for many favorite performers. Some of them are Anastasia Petrik and Aida Nikolaychuk.

Nastya Petrik

Nastya is still a very young girl (born in 2002) but has already reached great heights. She's a winner" Junior Eurovision"in Amsterdam and "Children's New Wave" in Artek, and these are only the biggest achievements. And it all started with the show “Ukraine’s Got Talent.” Then her older sister Victoria was supposed to perform. The song she chose was too difficult for Vika, so the presenter invited little Nastya and the girls sang a duet. The jury liked her performance so much that later in the competition they participated as a pair. From that moment on, the little singer’s career took off. Anastasia Petrik became a winner of many competitions and festivals. She has sung duets with famous singers and has a rich repertoire. They predict a great future for her, comparing her with American singer Ella Fitzgerald.

Aida Nikolaychuk

For the beautiful Odessa native, the X-Factor show served as a launching pad. However, she managed to break through to her chance of success only after the second attempt. Having taken part in the online X Factor project, the girl qualified for the third season of the show. In the finals, it was not an easy fight that awaited her, because real talents had gone there, but audience choice were on Aida's side, and she became the winner. Now Aida has the opportunity to realize her youthful passion for music. She gives many concerts and collaborates with the recording company Sony Music. Her repertoire includes own songs, there is even a single. Now the singer has decided to compete for the right to perform in Kyiv at Eurovision as a representative from Ukraine. Just recently there was news about Aida’s marriage, she has a son, Maxim.

And that's not all

In fact, there are many more of them: beautiful and sweet, sincere and talented singers Ukraine. You could write a whole book about them all; no article can contain everything. And it doesn’t matter whether they are famous or just beginning singers of Ukraine, they give us their creativity, promoting Ukrainian music, expecting recognition and people's love.

The entire male population of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus is dying for them. Ordinary Ukrainian girls, with different education, with different corners our Batkivshchyna, were able to conquer this or that part of the world.

The pride of the country, the world business card Ukraine and we could not help but pay attention to the most beautiful and talented. OFFICEPLANKTON is pleased to present the 10 most beautiful singers our beloved Ukraine.

Alena Vinnitskaya

A brutal rocker - that’s the image Alena fits. Gained popularity thanks to successful project 2000 - group " Via Gra“, where she sang together with other charming ladies: Nadezhda Granovskaya and Anna Sedokova. The most amazing thing about the Via Gra group was that, in addition to beautiful girls in sexy outfits, they sang really hit songs, and not cheap Russian pop. It was these things that made men fall in love with Ukrainian pop music, and there was a reason for it...

You’re sitting there, watching the video “ My attempt number 5“And then a friend comes in and immediately throws a question at you: “ What kind of Russian pop do you like?“And you explain to the person that this is not just Russian pop music, but the famous group “Via Gra” and let him look at the charming singers of the song and immediately notice how your friend’s jaw opens and drools. But it’s not just your friends that are important to you, damn the song “My Attempt No. 5” is really cool.

One day Alena left the group and Via Gra lost a lot, but Alena started solo career. And when on TV they talk about new song Alena Vinnitskaya, you immediately understand that this will not be another Russian gloom and melancholy like “Everything about him and about him,” but whatever the song from Alena is, it will be rhythmic, with elements of rock and chic Ukrainian pop.


Alexey, that’s exactly what the parents named the singer Alyosha.Joke!. In fact Ukrainian singer name Elena Kucher, and after marriage Elena Topolya. She became one of the significant figures of Ukrainian pop music thanks to the fact that she represented Ukraine at an international song competition Eurovision 2010, which took place in Oslo.

Today Alyosha is a happy mother, maintaining warmth and comfort in her home and raising her little son Roma with her beloved husband, singer Taras Topol.

Christmas tree

Elizaveta Valdemarovna Ivantsiv born into a collector's family jazz music and a musician who can play three instruments. In addition, my grandparents sang in the choir. So little Lisa decided to follow in the footsteps of her family (well, it’s not like Sopromat should be taught to her) and decided to devote her life to music.

Gained popularity thanks to such hits: “Provence”, “Handsome Boy”, “Near You” and “Fly, Lisa”. Also in 2011 she was a judge on the popular Ukrainian music show « X Factor" She is the winner of 4 awards " Musical gramophone"and an RMA Award nominee on MTV. According to the magazine " Glamor"recognized as "Singer of the Year", all in the same 2011.

Vera Brezhneva

Vera Viktorovna Galushka Born into the family of a chemical plant worker and a nurse. She graduated from the university with a degree in economics, and fell into music by chance and became one of the members of the group “ Via Gra". The story goes that in June 2002, during a tour of Ukraine, “ Via Gra» acted by someone who wanted to sing from the audience famous hit“My attempt No. 5” together with the performers, and a couple of months later she was invited to casting in the same group, to replace Alena Vinnitskaya.

From that moment on, Vera’s career took off: the most sexy woman 2007 according to the magazine MAXIM, repeated roles in famous films With popular actors and of course a solo career.

Tina Karol

Real name - Tatyana Grigorievna Liberman. Graduated from the Faculty of Management and Logistics of the National Aviation Institute. In parallel with her studies, she studied vocals. Gained fame at the festival " New wave ” in 2005, where she competed for the championship, but was awarded second place and a prize of $50,000. The prize money was spent on debut video « Higher than clouds". In 2005, after the competition, she visited Iraq on a peacekeeping mission.

Also, since 2005, she has been a soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In 2011, together with Russian singer Sergei Lazarev and the duet Alibi was the presenter music project "Maidan's" on the Inter TV channel, and on February 6, 2014 won the “ Yuna" in nomination " best singer of the year»

Nastya Kamenskikh

Anastasia Alekseevna Kamenskikh was born in Kyiv in the family of the director and vocalist of the National Academic Folk Choir named after G. Verevka. The training took place in schools in France and Italy, through a child exchange program. Since childhood, her parents insisted and Nastya studied vocals.

In 2004, she entered the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute “Wisconsin International University (USA) in Ukraine.” In 2004 she won the Grand Prix of the festival " Black Sea Games", and in 2007 she became a member of one of the best domestic pop duets " Potap and Nastya

In 2009, she was remembered by the world thanks to candid photo sessions in famous magazines Playboy And MAXIM.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Meikher born in the Khmelnitsky region in the village of Zbruchivka. In her childhood she moved to the regional center of Volochisk. After school, Nadya entered the Khmelnytsky Pedagogical School at the faculty of musical education and choreography, and after studying she moved to Kyiv, where she worked in the theater.

In 2000, Valery Meladze came to Khmelnitsky on tour and performed in the theater where Nadezhda worked. At Meladze’s concert, Nadya took a place in line to get an autograph from the singer, but when he saw her, he advised her to send her photos and resume to his brother, Konstantin Meladze. He is now putting together a pop group and needs young people, beautiful girls. Having done a photo shoot, Nadezhda sent her photos to Konstantin and a couple of months later she was invited to Kyiv, where she was invited to famous group « Via Gra«.

In the first 2 years of its existence, the Via Gra group released several videos: “Attempt No. 5”, “Hug Me”, “Bomb”, “I Won’t Return”, which took high places in the ratings and charts of Ukraine and Russia.

Ani Lorak

Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek Unlike most singers, she spent her childhood in poverty. In order to feed her children, my mother spent her days at work, and sent her children to a boarding school, where they lived until the 7th grade. Carolina's desire to become a singer appeared at the age of 4. Every year her desire only grew more and more.

Caroline often performed at school holidays and competitions, and at the festival " Primrose“In 1992, she met producer Yuri Falyosa, with whom she signed her first contract.

Carolina came up with her pseudonym herself in 1995, when at one of the Russian competitions previously registered participant Caroline. Ani Lorak- this is the name Caroline backwards. It was under this pseudonym that Carolina was presented at the competition for the program “ morning Star«.

Took second place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008.

Anna Sedokova

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova native of Kyiv. Her parents ran away with hometown Tomsk, since their families were against their marriage. Mom's parents lived meagerly, and dad's parents were respected professors who were categorically against marriage. Therefore, Anya’s mom and dad simply ran away from their relatives.

Anya has been an excellent student all her life. Graduated from school with a gold medal, music school Honours. Then I entered Kiev University National University Culture and Arts with a degree in “Actor and Television Presenter” and graduated with honors. IN student years moonlighted as a model, worked for music channel O-TV.

In 2000, she was casting for the group “ VIA Gra“, which did not pass due to age. The producers considered the 17-year-old singer too young, but hired her in 2002. Since then, the famous duet has turned into a famous trio.

Micah Newton

Oksana Stefanovna Gritsay born in the city of Burshtyn in Ivano-Frankivsk region. My father loved to play the guitar, and in his youth he was in a band; my grandfather taught himself to play the violin and was a welcome guest at holidays and weddings. Oksana herself began to study vocals since childhood. She graduated from a music school with a degree in piano.

In 2001, she came to Kyiv to enroll in a variety school. In 2002 she won the festival " Black Sea Games". During her victory, producer Yuri Falyosa drew attention to her, with whom she entered into a contract.

It was he who came up with her nickname Micah Newton: he borrowed the name “Mika” from the famous rock musician Mick Jagger, and “Newton” translated from English “new tone” means “New Tone”.

The video for the song “Anomaly” brought her first popularity. In 2011, Oksana won the Eurovision Song Contest 2011.