Kiss of Irina Volodchenko and Evgeny Levchenko. Was there any jealousy between the girls during the project? Instagram of a former participant in the show “The Bachelor”

The biography of Irina Volodchenko originated in the city of Svirsk Irkutsk region. It happened on the fifth of November in 1986. Now the girl is a member of the expert council of the State Duma. But she gained fame after the show “The Bachelor”.

Irina Volodchenko. Biography: parents

Irina's mom and dad - intelligent people. He has been employed in the forestry industry for more than 29 years (top manager), and Nadezhda Nikolaevna works as an economist. Irina’s grandmother is a Veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Biography of Irina Volodchenko: education and career

The girl graduated from school in 2004, and then she entered the department of St. Petersburg State University. Here she received her education until 2011. However, while still a student, Irina took up her career. She received the position of legal adviser to the general. Director of the Petersburg Oil Terminal. And in 2008 she was already hired at well-known company Lukoil as legal consultant.

But one day Irina realized that she was not happy with the way events were developing in Russia. And the girl who seemed to belong on the podium went into politics. In 2013, she took up the post of adviser to E.A. Fedorov (State Duma deputy). In June of the same year, Irina was included in the list of members of the Expert Council under the Committee on Taxes and Budget of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. And already in August she became the head of the apparatus of such a Parliamentary Club as “Russian Sovereignty”. This is a body that was formed to discuss new bills, etc., with experts.

However, the biography of Irina Volodchenko is closely connected with the modeling business. And it’s all because of her participation in the TV project “The Bachelor”. In this show, which you could see on the TNT channel, she became a finalist. TV viewers, like other participants in this project, recognized that Irina is the most beautiful girl among other contenders for a place in the heart of a bachelor, however, the young man chose not her, but Olesya Ermakova.

After the project, Irina was literally inundated with offers to star in commercials, as well as to participate in fashion shows. Such popularity obliges the girl to be active. this moment her profiles can be found in many in social networks, and it is worth noting that she happily communicates with all her admirers.

Not long ago it became known that Volodchenko would lead new program on TV, which is dedicated to politics. It seems that even those who have nothing to do with this topic will watch it, because Irina now has more than enough fans. It has not yet been announced which channel this project belongs to, but they assure that it will be one of the central ones.

Biography of Irina Volodchenko: personal life

Irina does not talk about her personal life. It is known that she has a young man who, according to Volodchenko herself, is not a public figure. The main dream of a girl is to be loving and a strong family, as well as healthy and smart children. She also loves cats very much.

And yet, all the talk that a woman can be either smart or beautiful is a complete misconception. The biography of Irina Volodchenko is worthy confirmation of this.

Irina Volodchenko is a finalist of the popular Bachelor project, who, unfortunately, failed to win the heart of the country's main eligible bachelor.

Irina Volodchenko - life before the project

The girl was born on November 5, 1986 in the city of Svirsk into a very wealthy family. WITH early childhood the girl saw the example of a strong and successful mother and always wanted to be like her. In 2008, Ira decided that she could no longer stand still and she needed to develop with all her might and move up the career ladder.

The beauty started working at Lukoil as a legal consultant. In 2013, she had the chance to go to work in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Today she is the head of the apparatus of the parliamentary club Russian Sovereignty of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Before coming to the project, Ira was sure that she would be able to build a relationship with a bachelor, since she for a long time I dreamed of a strong, friendly family and several children.

Project Bachelor

Unfortunately, Irina’s dreams were not destined to come true on the popular program on TNT Bachelor Season 1. Despite the fact that everyone predicted her victory, the beauty could not become the bride of a popular football player.

The girl was unable to win the project. After the project, the girl became famous in the modeling business. After some time, Irina got married.

According to the media, the participant took the refusal very painfully, but continued to work and develop. After participating in the Bachelor show, the contender was noticed by many photographers. Therefore, after participating in the project, she became in demand in the modeling business. In addition, the girl was invited to television to host a program dedicated to politics.

Some time after participating in the sensational show, Irina still managed to fulfill her dream. She married wonderful man, as the girl herself admits, and gave birth to a daughter. Now she is happy and doesn’t even remember the defeat at .

Despite the fact that Irina failed to find her happiness in the project, after some time she was able to realize her plans. This suggests that you should never despair and give up.

Irina Volodchenko is a participant in the first part of the “Bachelors” project on TNT. There she fought for an attractive football player - Evgeniy Levchenko. The girl reached the final, but in the end her rival Olesya Ermakova beat her.

However, this did not stop Volodchenko from building a personal life outside the walls of the show. Now she has a beloved man and a wonderful job. No one could have thought that Irina would get into the State Duma. There she manages the apparatus of one of the parliamentary clubs.

The project participant says that she is incredibly happy with the way her life has turned out today. She has finally met a person she can trust, who understands her and is always happy to help. Irina knew her future husband for a long time, but only after the project did feelings awaken between them.

The ideal man in Volodchenko’s mind is smart, strong, educated, sensitive and everything else. She found all this in one person. Her boyfriend is very kind and simple. It's always easy with him.

In addition, he is a businessman and has achieved incredible heights. His character was nurtured in a wonderful family. Irina gets along well with the groom's mother and his entire family.

The girl and her chosen one developed a relationship in complete harmony, they give each other complete freedom of action, no one is limited in anything, and does what he wants. It is trust that is the key to the success of a happy family life- Irina thinks so.

Kindness will save the world! Friends, I know that there are very good people who love animals and dogs! And we also want to do a good deed! ⠀ ⠀ I am in favor of consistency and quality in any matter. So, there is such a charitable foundation @twins_fund which was created by very kind girl@sibireva_anastasia The fund exists with funds raised from the restaurants @twinsgardenmoscow and @wineandcrab and they cover all expenses for the care and treatment of animals. ⠀ A very modest and affectionate girl Baby is looking for a home! ⠀ She was found along with other puppies. Someone put the babies in a box and just left them in the field. Since then, she has become a ward of the Animal Assistance Fund @twins_fund ⠀ Three babies have already found their home! But Baby is still searching loving family. She is 1.5 years old, she is healthy, vaccinated and sterilized, trained to walk twice a day. The baby is a little timid, but if you give her time, she will become your most loyal and true friend. For all questions: +7-985-224-99-88 Anastasia

Every morning I wake up with a smile, hug my sweet girl, live consciously, and this is such happiness. ⠀ ⠀ When you are a person, when you are filled, you do not look for a source of happiness, you are one and live every day joyfully, even if there are reasons for grief. And act in such a way that neither you nor your children are ashamed of your action. Thousands and millions of people around the world have no home, no loved ones, no mom and dad, no health, no children and no opportunity to have them, and much more. Having all this and being unhappy is being a fool, living not consciously, not wisely is being a fool, it is a sin. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Many people live as if their life is a draft, that someday later everything can be rewritten and everything will be different, or they live with some distant memories. It will not be otherwise if right now you do not take responsibility for your life and the lives of your loved ones. I know one thing, the past no longer exists, the future has not yet arrived, they no longer exist. There is here and now, and only here and now is the time to love. And this is the most valuable contribution to who you will become tomorrow, to your image of the future, of your life. And you can’t act as if your actions don’t have consequences, they will definitely come, today or tomorrow. This is the law. To live without thinking about the consequences of your actions means to be a fool. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Value life, value your loved ones. And don’t waste your time on strangers, they won’t even remember you if something happens to you, and in general, do strangers need you, no.

“When you love someone, your eyelashes go up and down, up and down, and stars fall out from under them.” Lisa, 7 years old. One day a group of researchers asked young children the question, what is love? Children do not think in stereotypes, do not underestimate or exaggerate, see life as it is, do not create illusions, and do not make claims, purely, simply, sincerely. What else do children think about love? read in my stories. ️

I am very flattered that they do not forget me. Yesterday, the telegram channel “Bloody Lady” wrote that “Irina Volodchenko from MGER is trying to sell a twenty-carat rifle at a reasonable price.” What’s strange is why my life doesn’t give me peace even now, since I haven’t been on the political agenda for a year now. You missed one important fact, at the moment I'm not working political activity and I am not a member of the Young Guard. My life now is my family, my child, I love and am loved, and yes, now I am professionally engaged in the sale of investment precious stones. I studied at Moscow State University and am a certified gemologist and diamond expert. The world's largest diamond manufacturer approached me to represent its interests in Russia in the sale of such stones as “alternative investments” during the global economic crisis. Such investments help High Net Worth Individuals preserve their capital during uncertain times for future generations. Now I work in this field, I’m wondering, I personally support myself, and I’ve never asked anyone for anything. This is my approach to life. I am strong and responsible, to myself and my family, and I think about the future, create it here and now. And to everyone who writes about me, I wish you good luck in professional activity and personal life 🥰 with respect ☝🏻peace to you and your home!

Volodchenko Irina: from show to deputy

Irina Volodchenko was born in 1986 in the small town of Svirsk, in the Irkutsk region. Since childhood, Ira was fond of music and dancing, but never predicted fame as a singer or actress. Although the photos on Irina Volodchenko’s Instagram suggest that this girl could well become famous in the creative path.

After graduating from school, Irina leaves for St. Petersburg, where she enters the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg state university. The career is starting to develop quite successfully. After graduating from university, Irina Volodchenko serves as a legal consultant in such a renowned company as Lukoil. And already in 2013 he transferred to serve in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Irina’s popularity was brought to her by the television project “The Bachelor,” where the girl went in search of her destiny and the love of her life. Irina Volodchenko’s Instagram of that time was dedicated specifically to this show. Irina spoke openly about all the events of the show, complained about the behind-the-scenes games and really hoped for victory.

But in the finale of the show "The Bachelor" main character Evgeny Levchenko chose Olga Ermakova. Although Irina, according to all TV viewers, was the brightest participant in the show, and the most memorable.

As Volodchenko herself admits, the project gave her a lot of experience and taught her not to be afraid of any difficulties, to always be on her toes and not to expect gifts from fate.

Instagram of a former participant in the show “The Bachelor”

Irina Volodchenko is no less popular on Instagram than on ordinary life. Her account already has more than 2 thousand publications and more than 100 thousand followers daily monitor new posts from Irina.

On the main page of Volodchenko’s blog there is an inscription: “Member of the Coordination Council of the NGO “Young Guard.” But the official part of Irina Volodchenko’s Instagram ends there. This girl is so attractive and young that she has no desire to get into the political jungle and study the behind-the-scenes of those in power.

On the contrary, on Instagram, Volodchenko always emphasizes her femininity, beauty, charm, charm and grace. And photos of cute cats, favorite cartoons and romantic poems alternate surprisingly harmoniously with photographs of political leaders.

But most of Instagram is dedicated, of course, to Irina herself. The girl willingly poses in front of television and camera lenses. And, we must give her credit, she does it skillfully, tastefully and very professionally.

In addition to photos, Volodchenko’s Instagram is interesting to read. She comments in detail on each new photo and does not shy away from controversy in discussions.


If Irina Volodchenko was a guest at the legendary wedding of Peleus and Thetis, Trojan War It might not have happened. Even the goddesses from Olympus would admit that the apple with the inscription “The Most Beautiful” should go to Irina. Myth, you say? But the “Bachelor” project is a reality, and all its participants, yes, unanimously admitted that the most beautiful of them is Irina Volodchenko. The girl’s Instagram proves: they were not mistaken.

Irina was born in Svirsk, Irkutsk region, on November 5, 1986. At first, she did not strive to become a star in the media space: she studied at St. Petersburg State University, worked as a legal consultant, and in 2011 began working in the legal apparatus of the State Duma. It would seem that the career is going anywhere. But Irina was missing something in her life. And she went to the TV show “The Bachelor,” where she competed with twenty-five other girls for the heart of Evgeniy Levchenko.

Although Irina failed to charm the enviable main character on the show “The Bachelor,” the consequences for her still turned out to be the most rosy. Lots of followers on social networks, popularity and (no matter what you think!) personal happiness. Soon after the show, Irina did get married, albeit not to the hero of the show, but to a beloved and dear person.

But the popularity, however, still remained. Well, why not? A young and promising star of the political Olympus will find how to apply it in life. Unlike other reality show stars who later become presenters and DJs, Irina is a columnist for and the head of staff of the Russian Sovereignty deputy group. Agree, it’s hard to call this beauty frivolous!

Irina Volodchenko – Instagram star

And despite all of Ira’s merits in the political field, they subscribe to her mainly in order to see the most beautiful participant in the TV show in their feed.

You can find Irina’s page at @irinavolodchenko. Irina Volodchenko posts photos quite often – almost every day. Beautiful Irina posing in spectacular dresses, managing to weave politics and fashion into an inseparable mixture.

Heated political discussions constantly flare up in discussions of Irina Volodchenko’s Instagram posts. The beautiful hostess adheres to pro-presidential views, which, naturally, are not shared by all her visitors. She herself often posts photos as if meant to start a fire - sometimes with a scarf of flowers national flag, then variations on the theme of famous posters.