The main characters of the fairy tale are Snow White and Seven. Favorite characters: names of gnomes from the fairy tale about Snow White

Based on a fairy tale written a long time ago by the Brothers Grimm, in 1937 the Walt Disney film studio produced a full-length cartoon, keeping its original title - “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. The plot tells us about an orphaned girl who is expelled from her own home by her evil stepmother-witch. Wandering through the forest, she meets seven Lilliputian brothers who offer her shelter. Absolutely all children and adults know how this fairy tale ends, but not everyone remembers the names of the gnomes, who are the main characters. So we decided to introduce ourselves to these funny characters.

smart ass

Let's start listing the names of the gnomes with the main one, the bearer of which was the leader of his brothers. In the English version of the cartoon, he is called “Doc” from the word “Doctor”, since only he knows everything and always. A distinctive feature of this brother was his stuttering. But this defect did not at all prevent him from teaching everyone and giving invaluable advice.


It’s easy to guess what kind of character this hero has. The grumbler is always dissatisfied with what is happening; he does not like the weather, the people around him, and even the food. Moreover, he is the only one of his brothers who believes that a woman brings misfortune to the house. Therefore, he is categorically against Snow White living in their hut.

It is worth noting that this character is one of the main ones in the series “Once Upon a Time.” Using his example, we are shown how the names of gnomes appear and even how they change. Grumpy, for example, previously called himself a Dreamer, and after his dreams did not turn into reality, he became what we always knew him to be.


This gnome is a concentration of positivity. He sees only good in everything. At every opportunity he dances or sings. He constantly hums Tyrolean tunes, often listing in them the names of the gnomes - his brothers.


In Russian translation, this sounds like a woman’s name, but if not for it, it would be impossible to convey the entire essence of the character of this Lilliputian brother. Sonya constantly yawns, spends all her free time dozing, and if she needs to do something or go somewhere, she will show fatigue and lethargy with all her appearance.


You probably already guessed a long time ago that all the names of the dwarfs from Snow White are an accurate description of the heroes themselves and their main qualities. Here is the Shy One we come to, an extremely shy person. In any conversation, he lowers his head, draws in his neck, and it seems that he does not have the strength to listen to the end of his interlocutor. The Shy Man's peculiarity is that every time he turns red and looks like a big tomato.


Sometimes it seems that in this hero the authors have concentrated all types of allergies to which a person can react with a runny nose. For this gnome, flowers and dust, fluff and snow, rain and even food are unbearable. Sometimes he likes to sneeze just to amuse his brothers.


Or “The Simpleton,” as Snow White affectionately calls him, is the smallest of all the Lilliputian brothers. The only character in the fairy tale who doesn’t tense up at all, to such an extent that he doesn’t even speak. He either uses gestures or makes characteristic sounds by which he is understood and heard. But despite all this, the Simpleton always looks funny and complements the overall picture.

If you remember the names of the seven dwarves from Snow White, you can safely say that you have met the main characters of this fairy tale. Each name fully reveals the character and characteristics of its owner and even makes it possible to guess how they will act in various situations. However, sometimes the dwarven brothers surprise the viewer, showing us courage and courage, which, as it may seem at first glance, are not at all inherent in them.

The main characters of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale are two sisters living with their mother in a small house. One of them is as light as a white rose, the other is rosy as a red rose. The sisters helped their mother in everything and were very friendly. They often went to the forest to pick berries, and all the forest inhabitants were friendly to them.

One winter they heard a knock on the door. Having opened it, the sisters saw a bear instead of a traveler. The bear did not scare them, but asked them to let him into the house to warm up. The kind girls did not refuse the beast. From that day on, the bear began to visit them constantly. But when winter came to an end, the bear said that he was forced to go into the forest to protect the treasures from the evil dwarfs. These dwarfs sit underground all winter, but in the spring they begin to come to the surface and steal treasures. Although the sisters were sorry to part with the bear, there was nothing to do.

One day the girls went into the forest for brushwood and came across a dwarf who was in trouble. His beard was stuck in the tree trunk and he could not free himself. The respectable sisters helped the dwarf free himself, and to do this they cut off a piece of his beard. Instead of gratitude, the dwarf cursed his saviors, took a bag of gold from the roots of the tree and left.

Another time the sisters met the same dwarf by the river. He got into trouble again: he was fishing and his beard got tangled with the fishing line. And again the girls helped the evil old man by cutting off another part of his beard. The dwarf scolded them again for cutting their beards.

One day the sisters went to the city for shopping. On the way, they saw an eagle, in whose talons their old acquaintance, an evil dwarf, was clutched. And again two kind sisters helped him out of trouble. But once again they did not expect anything from him except abuse. Picking up the bag of precious stones, the dwarf disappeared into the bushes.

On the way back from the city, the girls again saw the same dwarf. He sat on the ground and sorted through the precious stones. And then suddenly a bear jumped out of the forest, grabbed the dwarf and knocked the wind out of him. The girls were scared, but the bear shed its skin and turned into a beautiful young man. It turned out that he was a prince who had been turned into a bear by an evil dwarf, and only the death of the sorcerer could return him to his human form.

The prince was grateful to the sisters for their kind attitude towards him. He married Snow White, and Krasnozorka became his brother's wife.

This is the summary of the tale.

The main meaning of the fairy tale “Snow White and Krasnozorka” is that good deeds always return a hundredfold, and evil will certainly be punished. The fairy tale also teaches us to help people without any self-interest, without counting on reciprocal gratitude.

I liked the main characters of the fairy tale, Snow White and Krasnozorka, with their kind attitude towards the world around them. They are equally kind-hearted towards the inhabitants of the forest, and towards the mighty bear and even towards the evil dwarf.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale “Snow White and Krasnozorka”?

Life is given for good deeds.
Boast not of gold, but of good deeds.
Honor the good, but do not spare the evil.

Fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and their characteristics.

  1. Snow White, the king's daughter, is a very beautiful girl of seven years old. Kind and naive, trusting and hard-working. Everyone loved her.
  2. Queen, Snow White's stepmother. Angry and envious, she cannot tolerate that someone turns out to be more beautiful than her.
  3. The seven dwarfs, the owners of a small house in the forest, took Snow White to live with them, they are kind and hardworking.
  4. The prince, a young prince, fell in love with Snow White.
  5. The huntsman felt sorry for Snow White for her beauty.
Outline of the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  1. Birth of Snow White
  2. Mirror
  3. Snow White in the forest
  4. Snow White lives with the dwarves
  5. Poisoned Lace
  6. Poisoned Crest
  7. Poisoned Apple
  8. Crystal coffin
  9. Korolevich
  10. Apple pops out of throat
  11. Wedding.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The birth of Snow White, she is the most beautiful of all
  2. The huntsman takes Snow White into the forest and lets her go; she lives with the seven dwarves.
  3. The Queen tries to poison Snow White and succeeds the third time.
  4. Snow White is buried in a crystal coffin.
  5. The prince takes the coffin and Snow White comes to life
  6. The Queen's wedding and punishment.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
Evil will definitely punish itself, but good will always win.

What does the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" teach?
This fairy tale teaches not to envy someone else's happiness, not to be proud of one's own merits, and to be kind and sympathetic. She teaches us to believe in the best. The fairy tale also teaches us not to talk to strangers, not to let them into the house, and not to take anything from them.

Review of the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
I really liked the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Little Snow White is so pretty and kind. But the Queen is evil incarnate, she does not evoke any sympathy and the severe punishment seems fair. I like that in a fairy tale everything ends well.

Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

  1. Magic Assistant - Queen's Mirror
  2. Magical creatures - gnomes.
Proverbs for the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
As he looks at the forest, the forest withers.
A person's beautiful appearance does not spoil him.
Beauty until the evening, but kindness forever.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
The old queen gave birth to a very beautiful girl and died. The old king married someone else, who was envious and cruel.
Snow White grew up quickly, and when she was seven years old, she became the most beautiful girl in the world.
The Queen always asked the Mirror if she was the most beautiful of all, and the mirror answered that Snow White was even more beautiful.
The Queen decided to destroy Snow White and ordered the Huntsman to take her into the forest and kill her. The huntsman took pity on the beautiful girl, killed the deer and brought its heart and liver to the Queen.
Snow White wandered through the forest for a long time and came to a small house. She ate, drank and went to bed. The dwarfs found Snow White and offered to stay with them, clean and cook.
The mirror told the Queen where to look for Snow White and the Queen disguised herself as an old woman. She came to a house in the forest when the gnomes were not at home. She pretended to sell laces and Snow White bought the lace. The queen began to tighten the lace and strangled Snow White.
The dwarves came, saw the lace, untied it and Snow White came to life.
The Queen dressed up as an old woman again. Now Snow White bought a comb and when the Queen began to comb her hair, the comb poisoned Snow White.
The dwarves came, pulled out the comb and Snow White came to life.
For the third time, the Queen dressed up as an old woman and offered Snow White an apple. She took a bite of the apple, but from the side where there was no poison. Snow White could not resist and took the apple. As soon as she bit him, she died immediately.
The dwarves cried for a long time and wanted to bury Snow White, but she was so beautiful that they did not bury her, but placed her in a crystal coffin.
One day the King's son found a crystal coffin and fell in love with Snow White. He persuaded the dwarves to give him the coffin. When the servants were carrying the coffin, they tripped and the apple jumped out of their throats. Snow White came to life.
The prince asked her to marry him and Snow White agreed.
The mirror told the Queen that the young Queen was more beautiful than she. The Queen went to the wedding and recognized Snow White.
Severe torture awaited her.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

It was winter. In the castle, a beautiful queen was sitting by the window. While sewing, the queen looked out the window and thought. She really wanted to have a black-haired girl with snow-white skin and rosy cheeks. Soon, her wish came true. The daughter she dreamed of was born. The Queen gave her a beautiful name - Snow White.

Immediately after the birth of the girl, the queen died. The child was left without maternal affection. Time has passed. The king married again. The new queen was an evil and calculating woman. She was not interested in Snow White's life. Every day the queen looked into her magic mirror to find out who was the most beautiful of all. And in response, the ambitious woman always heard that she was the most beautiful in the world.

Snow White grew up, and every year her beauty blossomed more and more brightly. And so, once again, asking the mirror, the queen heard a different answer. The mirror said for the first time that Snow White was the most beautiful of all. The evil queen was angry and vowed to kill the girl from the world. She ordered the forester to secretly take the princess into an impenetrable thicket and kill her. She hated her stepdaughter so much. The forester brought the girl into the dark forest and let her go, feeling sorry for her. And he told the queen that he had carried out her order.

The princess wandered through the forest for a long time, and only in the evening she came across a small house on her way. Entering it, she saw that there was no one in the house. But from the plates, chairs and beds it was clear that seven people lived here. The girl was very tired, lay down on one of the beds and fell fast asleep.

When it got completely dark, seven dwarfs came to the small house from work. They saw the princess and, after listening to her story, invited her to stay with them and look after the household. The gnomes immediately liked the girl. Every morning they went to work in the mountains in the mines and returned late in the evening. The princess was alone at home all day. The dwarves, when leaving, warned Snow White to beware of her evil stepmother. At this time, the evil queen learned from the mirror that Snow White was still alive, and decided to act on her own. Three times, coming up with different intrigues, she tried to kill the girl. Twice the dwarves managed to save her from death. But the third time her plan came true. Dressed as an old woman, the queen came to the dwarves' house. She offered her stepdaughter an apple in which she put poison. After biting the apple, the girl died.

The dwarves failed to save the king's daughter this time. They placed her in a glass coffin, which they placed at the very top of the mountain. Every day they took turns on duty, guarding the peace of the princess. Even animals came to mourn the girl.

Years have passed. A young prince was passing through the forest. He saw the king's daughter in a glass coffin on the mountain and fell in love with her. The prince persuaded the dwarves to take her with them to the castle and protect her. The gnomes allowed it. When the prince's servants were carrying the coffin, they tripped. The bitten part of the apple fell from the princess's lips, and she came to life. The girl also fell in love with the prince. The evil stepmother was also invited to their wedding. When she found out that Snow White had come to life and now had a long, happy life ahead of her, she died of envy.

This fairy tale teaches you to believe in kindness and justice, fight evil and find a way out of any difficult circumstances.

Picture or drawing of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

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It boasts many striking examples that have found their place in the modern world. Who doesn’t know “Rapunzel” or “The Musicians of Bremen”? “Smart Elsa” or “Cinderella”? These fairy tales have occupied bookshelves in almost every home for centuries, and their characters have become prototypes in various fields of art. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” received no less love. It was written not by one author, but by two. Like other works, they all belong to German writers, Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm.

The distant birth of a white-skinned brunette

The beauty’s story is not the only one, but it is certainly one of the most beloved and recognized among readers around the world. The image of a deprived girl expelled from home by her evil stepmother is often subject to various interpretations, finding application in music, painting, sculpture and, of course, cinema. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was written in 1812 and expanded a few years later. The main idea of ​​its creators was of a deep nature, which included many important aspects.

Key components

Anything produced, especially if it is intended for the younger generation, must carry a certain motive. By the way, such fairy tales often appeal to adults as well, because the underlying values ​​do not disappear over time. On the contrary, such works have been tested for centuries and are rightfully considered heritage monuments. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was no exception, the main idea of ​​which included aspects of good and evil, love and hate, mythology and Christian theology, which can be found throughout the entire story.

“Snow White” is similar to “Sleeping Beauty”, invented by the Brothers Grimm. The heroine also falls asleep, and can be awakened by the touch of the king. Domestic literature can draw its own parallel - just remember “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights,” which was created in 1833 by A.S. Pushkin.

“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”: content and main characters

The Queen has long dreamed of having a daughter. Her prayers were heard: a lovely baby with snow-white skin, rosy cheeks and ash-black hair was born. After the death of her mother, the girl's father marries a proud woman who is to become her stepmother. The magic mirror says that there is no one more beautiful in the whole world than Snow White. The stepmother is trying in every possible way to get rid of her stepdaughter and even orders her to be killed.

But Snow White is saved by the forest gnomes with whom she settles. But they don’t have time to protect her from her stepmother - the beauty falls asleep, and the king who has fallen in love with her can wake her up...

The antagonist of the fairy tale is the stepmother, who forms an opposite duet with Snow White. Snow White herself is represented by a romantic nature, dreaming of a prince and true love. Seven funny and different gnomes act as independent characters, and the secondary ones are other forest animals who came to listen to Snow White, as well as a magic mirror, which in the hands of a selfish mistress is obliged to constantly say who is the most beautiful in the world.

Interpretation of the plot. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”: the main idea

Analyzing the work, you can find several interesting facts:

  • the presence of symbolic motifs, objects (a poisoned apple, a magic mirror that tells the truth about beauty), as well as the contrast of key colors: red (blood) and white (snow);
  • the number 3 is repeated several times: three drops of blood on the snow, three appearances of the stepmother and three enchanted gifts given (a belt, an apple, a comb);
  • denotes the number of mountain peaks and the gnomes themselves, and is also a reference to other works of the Brothers Grimm;
  • The image of the stepmother represents a type of “black shadow” that is designed to destroy and absorb.

The antique subtext is also reflected in the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”: the dwarf heroes symbolize the celestial bodies and the seven days of the week. According to researchers, their harmonious tandem with the white-skinned beauty serves as a picture of the celestial structure, in which the Earth is surrounded by seven bodies that are its protectors. Just as it happens in the plot, Snow White stumbles upon the dwarves’ home, tells her sad story, and they agree to help her, loving and protecting her.

And yet the main idea of ​​the fairy tale is quite simple: love and kindness. Even after more than one century, Snow White is identified with the source of light and sincerity, which she is ready to generously share with the whole world. Despite the fact that the stepmother acted unfairly towards her stepdaughter, this simple girl with a kind heart found the strength not to become embittered. No one will be indifferent to such a subtle and deep work as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, the main idea of ​​which is the following: do not do evil, be friendly to the people around you. And goodness will definitely return to you!

Fairy tale adaptation

The work has been transferred by filmmakers to the big screen more than once. A famous film adaptation is the 1937 Disney animated version. Among the most recent is the 2012 feature film “Snow White: Revenge of the Dwarves,” which is in the comedy genre.