Does Rem Digga have a girlfriend? Rem Digga: biography of a talented rapper in a wheelchair

Girls in wheelchairs work on the catwalks together with girls in stiletto heels, but on a voluntary basis - as a sign that the world of high fashion in Russia is beginning to be accessible to people with disabilities. I ended up in a wheelchair in 2004. I just turned 18 years old. I was a cute girl in heels who tried out for a modeling agency. When I just started to recover from the crisis, I met a wonderful psychologist who brought me to the Nizhny Novgorod organization for wheelchair users. At Fashion Week in New York there were girls and guys from many countries. There are only two from Russia - me and Ksyusha Bezuglova (“Miss World 2013” ​​among girls in wheelchairs. I will not allow him to ever have a complex because his mother is a wheelchair user. My son almost fell asleep in my arms Two nice guys sat down next to me. The guys came in when I was already sitting, that is, they didn’t see all this action with the stroller.

The young man cannot walk independently. Since then, since 2006, the Rostov rapper moves only with the help of a wheelchair. Rapper Rem Digga is disabled. There are several versions of the incident, which of them can only be told more truthfully by Rem Digga himself. According to him, he fell unsuccessfully and injured his spine. I don’t know anything about his music; I’ve never listened to this rapper Rem Digga. But people who hate this genre say that Rem Digga sings and reads well and produces good music. Several years ago, Ram Digga, in a drunken state, “went out the window” from a height of the fourth floor and, as a result of this fall, received a spinal injury. Rem Digga is disabled because he fell from his apartment window in 2006.

Author’s translation by “Eminem.Pro” of the text of the new remix version of the track “Chloraseptic” (Remix) into Russian

What are you doing in Gukovo? Rem Digga: I live here. In general, I don’t want to leave here anywhere - I spent a year in Rostov and realized that big cities are not attractive to me. By the way, I can’t listen to my songs at all; I force myself to sing before the concert in order to learn the words. As it is, I don’t remember a single line. Don’t your friends rap here? The whole city raps, I’m telling you! Then I started listening to blacks, someone brought out albums. A non-show-off synthesizer, a Yamaha, appeared, and little by little I began to re-read rappers and all sorts of guys. I will make rating clips for TV, without any pop admixtures, interesting.

The rapper in a wheelchair gave Tyumen explosive energy

Rem Digga became such a person in 2005. Having burst in with his southern style, like Casta once did, Roman immediately earned the respect of a wide audience of rap listeners. The concert began with a warm-up act from the Syndicate group from the city of Novy Urengoy and Tyumen beatboxer Sergei Cherny. The audience received the guys with a bang, which was a good start for the main character of the evening. And he, in turn, started with the song “+500” from the new album “Grenade,” which set a high bar for the entire performance.

For example, the rapper no longer gives concerts in his native Gukovo.

In 2011, Rem Digga released a new album, “Depth,” which was no less tough and angry. The disc was included in the top nine best new releases of the season according to the portals and In addition to Rem, the lead singer of the group “Casta” (Vladi), a singer from the “Triad” (Nigativ) and a rap artist from the USA (Hell Razah) worked on the music. In the same year, Rem Digga decided to participate in two rap battles - Indabattle 3 and IX Battle from - even health problems were not an obstacle for the singer. To date, the phrase “rem digga + to the south download” has been entered into the search bar 11 million times. Following this, the musician shoots videos for the compositions “Atlantic”, “Far”, “The Streets Are Silent”. In the same year, the singer took part in the creation of the song “I got love” together with rap artists from Ossetia Endgame and Miyagi.

The rapper asked to make a special pink wheelchair for him, which he will use as part of his tours.

Rem Digga: 'I was unfashionable and then I fell'

This young man is a wheelchair rapper. He is a master of harsh words, sensual lyrics and a unique way of rapping. He loves tranquility, he is not attracted to big cities, he feels uncomfortable there. He doesn’t like to listen to his songs, but he believes that if people perceive them, then there is something good and necessary for everyone in them. Despite his physical disability, he is a fantastic workaholic and a strong personality.

VICE: What are you doing in Gukovo? Are they coming specially from Moscow? Tell us how you got involved in music. How did you celebrate your 25th birthday? No way. Well, a lot of people came. Do you love cats? Are you a religious person?

Schokk: “I have repeatedly said that this is a very talented and very strong person. Wu Tang” (hardcore rap group from the USA when watching the video “Going South”): “The fact that he’s in a stroller is just a bomb! The video is good. The effects here are simply amazing! Get up and go! Do you know what I mean? Rem Digga - you're awesome! Salute to you. I liked the track. Rem Digga, we understand you, get up and go! I respect your music.

Rem Digga recorded his first solo album, Perimeter, released in 2009, while he was bedridden as a result of an injury. Apparently, this is why the songs in the album turned out to be angry: “I think it turned out to be heavy. In it, the author combined compositions from battles and new tracks. There's no consistent theme, so it's more of a mixtape than a complete album. Rem Digga said about this work: “You will find a completely different format of my tracks, not typical for my work. Smokey Mo, Basta, and Snake from Casta took part in the recording. For the first time, the song “The Streets Are Silent” will be performed jointly by Rem Diggi and Kazhe Obima. The album “Blueberry and the Cyclops” was released in March 2016. Here Rem Digga got into trouble with Triad, Kazhe Oboima and Vladi. This is not the same Digga who pissed on the Cayenne and threw a dirty bastard at the Kruzak. Rem Digga has known the famous Krasnodar rapper Eisik since 2005. They once made tracks together for Rem's album and have been in contact ever since.

In the 90s, when one boy named Roman Voronin studied at a music school, no one could have thought that he would become a famous and popular rapper. He created the album “Perimeter” precisely at this tragic time for him. This is the darkest rap album, but it is considered the most powerful. Rem Digga becomes recognizable and famous. Rem has already begun touring around the country; in January 2012, together with the American hip-hop group Onyx, he performed concerts in Rostov. This album has a lot of vocals, it is “dark and snotty”, and this album also shows that Russian rap is not always angry and encrypted.

A little later, with Shama, whom he had known since school, he became the creator of the Suicide group. Then he did not yet know that people would be surprised to wonder why Rem Digga is disabled.


Rem Digga - domestic rap singer and beat maker, former creator and member of the group "Suiteside". Rem Digga is a creative pseudonym, his name is Roman Voronin. Why Rem Digga is disabled will be discussed in some detail in this article.

Rem Digga - biography

Rem Digg's biography is notable for the fact that he was born in the small town of Gukovo in Rostov and, unlike most rap artists, he studied at a music school. He was born February 1, 1987. He received his general education at school number 23 named after Sheboldaev. When he was ten years old, he entered a music school to study piano and guitar. Even then he showed a special interest in music of various genres, but he was especially fascinated by Rap. He took a friend to listen to a recording of the Onyx group called Shut 'Em Down and realized that it was this style of music that he liked. At the age of eleven, he already began to show his first attempts at creativity, surprisingly, at a school matinee. A little later with Shamoy, known to him since school days, became the creator of the Suicide group. Then he did not yet know that people would wonder in surprise why Rem Digga is disabled.

Early creativity

2005 can be considered the beginning of the work of this artist. Roman's early work took place before his conscription for military service in the Airborne Forces. Together with his group he recorded "Brutal theme" on the studio site of one of the rappers of the group “Casta”, at the same time, Rem Digga met this entire group. In two thousand and six he was drafted into the army, but he continued to engage in rap even there.

After returning from the army, he went to work, but an accident interrupted his barely begun career.

Why is Rem Digga disabled?

Why is Rem Digga in a wheelchair? - These are the questions often asked by fans of his work. After returning from the army, for unknown reasons, he fell from the balcony of a house from a height of four floors and received serious injuries to his spine. This led to him received disability. He himself states in an interview with Vice magazine that it's an unfortunate accident and nothing more. He says that he definitely did not throw himself out of the window, as the tabloid press writes, he had no reason for such an act. He claims he just landed awkwardly on the ground when he fell while climbing around the house. In his youth, Rem Digga loved to climb five-story buildings without insurance.

Continued work on music

This incident did not break Roman’s will and the continuation of work on music was not long in coming. In 2009, he released his debut solo album entitled "Perimeter". Work on the album took place even taking into account the fact that he was bedridden at that time, which shows remarkable will and desire to continue living. After the release of this album, Roman received his first fame; they began to compare him with famous rap singers.

Two years later, he released another record, which he recorded alone - “Depth”. This album was included among the ten best Russian albums according to and in 2011. He invited several performers to record the album, but not as part of a single group, among them were Vladi And Negative.

Rem Digga is one of the brightest representatives of the Rostov community of Russian hip-hop culture. He gained wide popularity in narrow circles at the beginning of the 2000s thanks to his original manner of rapping, which, in fact, is where the brilliance of this rapper is manifested.

Otherwise, the work of Ram Diggy can be characterized, as they say in Rostov, “purely in the style of our party” - that is, in the best traditions of “Caste” and “Sand People”. Brutality with a pretense of truthfulness, generously seasoned with evil language. The gloomy lyrics, reeking of depression, are classics of the genre, differing from the work of their older comrades in their demonstrative aggression and emphasis on teenage maximalism. But we must pay tribute - Rem Digga, and in the world Roman Voronin, is still a popular rapper and beloved by the public, although not at all mainstream. The latter, by the way, can be considered a compliment.

His popularity was not hindered in any way, and even contributed to by the misfortune that occurred in 2006, when Rem Digga received a spinal injury after falling from a fourth-floor window. The official version of what happened is an accident. Fans are making guesses, one more tragic than the other: they say, the culprit is either the green snake that struck the scandalous rapper in the head, or Voronin himself tried to take his own life due to a quarrel with his beloved girl. No wonder there is so much hopelessness in the lyrics?..

And in general, the group in which Rem Digga began his musical career was called “Suicide” (from the English suicide - suicide). The rapper does not disclose details. However, the image of a sad whiner does not fit in with Voronin, a fantastic workaholic and a truly strong personality: not having had time to properly restore his health, in the same 2006, being bedridden, he recorded the best album of his career, “Perimeter”.

Despite the fact that the rapper still uses a wheelchair to get around, he continues to perform successfully and delight fans with new tracks. Because of this, no one has any doubts: Rem Digga will one day get back on his feet - such people neither drown in water nor burn in fire.

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Sometimes fate is merciless to a person. She sometimes puts seemingly insurmountable obstacles in the path of an individual, thus trying to break him or, conversely, make him stronger. Some people who give up slack fall into the abyss. Others use all opportunities and overcome adversity, troubles and illnesses with their heads held high. Such people, without any doubt, include Rem Digga. The biography of many Russian rap artists contains difficult moments. However, it was this particular singer who showed true perseverance in the fight for his happiness and a bright future.

Childhood and craving for music

It's no secret that talented people are often born into families far from the world of show business. Neither their parents, nor uncles, nor aunts have any idea how to go through castings and record tracks. A person from precisely such an environment is Rem Digga. The biography of the talented performer began on a frosty day on February 1, 1987. He was born in a town called Gukovo, which is located in the southern part of Russia, not far from Rostov-on-Don. Since childhood, music has been the only activity with which Rem Digga was inseparable. The biography of the talented young man contains information about his real name, which is not as exotic as his pseudonym: Roman Voronin.

At the age of ten, the boy began attending music school. The main instrument that Roman studied was the piano. Additionally, he mastered the acoustic guitar. At the same time, an event occurred that changed his whole life: he heard the sounds of rap music for the first time and fell in love with this direction forever. Beats, rhymes, clear and understandable texts talking about real events, the absence of meaningless phrases and complete brevity - this became the meaning of life for the boy.

Debut performance and group "Suicide"

His first debut performance as a rap singer took place in his home school No. 23 at one of the events. He was eleven years old then. The boy begins to seriously engage in this direction. Learning the craft of creating musical beats using the voice bore fruit, and soon the first arrangements for songs written and performed by Rem Digga were recorded on guitar and synthesizer. The biography of the young rap singer soon records important information - the fact of the creation of the musical group “Suicide”. One of the founders was Roman. Together with school friend Shama, they record their first album, called “Brutal Theme”. They were helped in creating their debut full-fledged creation by Hamil, a member of the popular rap group “Casta”. It was 2005. A year later, Roma joins the army. But even there he does not stop writing lyrics for compositions.

Rapper in a chair

Gloomy phrases, heavy sound, real facts, the harsh truth of life and correctly set priorities - this is Rem Digga. His biography after demobilization contains a very sad fact: the singer had an accident - he fell from the balcony. The result is disappointing - a broken spine and little chance of recovery. However, the young man does not give up. He puts all his energy and strength into creating his first solo album, called “Perimeter”. It was after this creation, the musical style of which can be described as underground rap, that a huge number of people asked the question: “Who is Rem Digga?” The biography of what happened to the singer and his personal life began to interest fans no less than his work.

Career continuation

The performer has a unique style of reading texts. His powerful and dark rhymes found their audience. As Rem Digga himself notes, his songs are for those who know how to think. The rapper's next solo project was released in 2011. Tough phrases with a direct meaning, the realities of the real world - this is still the same Rem Digg, beloved by millions. The photo and biography of the present day reflect a rather joyful picture for fans of the artist’s work: he feels better, is full of ideas, and his enthusiasm is inexhaustible.

In 2012, the third solo album of the talented rapper, entitled “Blueberry,” was released. Its striking difference from the previous two collections cannot hide the bright individuality of Rem Diggi. This creation is recognized as one of the best albums of 2012.

Roman Voronin is known in hip-hop circles as Rem Digga, born and lives in the city of Gukovo. He started studying music as a schoolboy as part of the group Suicide, then Roma was already studying at a music school, which later helped a lot in creating beats for which he himself read. With a teammate, he actively performed at school matinees and various holidays.

Carier start

Digg and Sham (friend and Suicide Squad teammate) recorded their debut album in 2006, which was deservedly titled “Brutal Themed.” The lyrics and beats turned out to be truly brutal in theme. But his solo debut album was released in 2009 and was called “Perimeter”. It was recorded in “bed rest” because shortly before recording, Roma fell from the fourth floor and broke his spine, as a result of which he became disabled and to this day performs at concerts in a wheelchair. The album pleased listeners and still remains the rapper’s most brutal release, but only the second album “Depth” helped bring greater popularity, after which Rem Digga was recognized in Russian rap, and he actively began to tour the country.

Blueberry and Ogre

In 2012, Roman released the album “Blueberry”, which turned out to be less brutal as it contained love songs. One of the guests on the album was Guf on the track “Secret”, and the music for the track “Sinbadt” was written by Vladi, a member of the “Casta” group. The next release took place in 2014 and was called “Ogre” on which you could hear joint tracks with Murovei, Blank, Panda and more.

Blueberry 2

At the moment, Rem Digga is working on the second part of the album “Blueberries” (apparently it’s about love again). In addition to official solo releases, joint records with Black Market and the Chemodan were also released.