What helps us get an idea of ​​the character of the hero Find all the artistic means figurative expressions comparisons metaphors epithets that help to more clearly imagine the image of Hiawatha. Help please

Tell us about the creation of “The Song of Hiawatha.” What formed the basis of the plot?

The poem appeared in 1855. Its plot was based on American Indian folklore. Longfellow believed that the traditions and legends that have survived from those times are filled with deep moral meaning. The author himself formulated his understanding of the poem as follows: the tales of Hiawatha are a collection of stories about “a man of wonderful origin who was sent to clear rivers, forests and fishing grounds and teach the peoples the arts of peace.” From individual stories, a holistic mythological system of Indian ideas about the universe and man grows. “The Song of Hiawatha” allowed the reader to compare this epic with already known European ones and learn a different vision of the world with other beliefs and ideas. Europeans understood not only the difference, but also the kinship of such different cultures.

The poem serves to preserve knowledge about the world and the culture of the people. The author’s goal is to preserve a culture that is different for Europeans in its unique charm and at the same time make it accessible, understandable and close to the reader.

At the center of the poem is the image of the Indian folk hero Hiawatha. Hiawatha is a historical figure, he lived in the 15th century, came from the Onondaga Indian tribe and fought for the freedom of his people. At the same time this collective image. In Indian legends, the hero fighting for the happiness of his people appears under various names. Hiawatha takes care of people: he teaches them crafts, writing, healing, helps to tame animals, discovers the benefits of plants, fights and defeats monsters - the Great Bear and the Great Sturgeon, fights for peace and puts an end to bloody feuds between tribes.

What helps us get an idea of ​​the character of the hero? Find literary devices in the text (figurative expressions, comparisons, metaphors, epithets) that help to more clearly present the image of Hiawatha.

The image of Hiawatha is made up of his speeches, actions and deeds. The hero helps people and fearlessly protects them. He is brave and decisive. He is a brave warrior and at the same time a fierce defender of peace.

Epithets (fearless, noble, brave, welcoming, reasonable).


And like a coal, Hiawatha's heart flared up with anger.


He forgot the bitterness of anger;

So Hiawatha's angry heart beat in her chest.

Figurative expressions:

And the son of sorrow was born,

Tender passion and sadness,

Wonderful mystery - Hiawatha.

Think about what mythological characters Hiawatha can be compared to. Justify your answer. What exploits of these heroes resemble those of Hiawatha?

Hiawatha's exploits and image resemble images mythological heroes- Hercules, Perseus, Theseus, Antheus. Fighting terrible monsters, helping people, performing feats for the benefit of people - all this unites the characters of myths and epics different nations.

Remember who the epic heroes, Russian heroes, fought with? folk tales. Who helped them? Who helps Hiawatha?

Russian heroes and heroes of folk tales fought with the Nightingale the Robber, the Foul Idol, the Serpent Gorynych, Koshchei the Immortal, and Baba Yaga. They were helped by animals, magical objects - a flying carpet, walking boots. Hiawatha is helped by animals, a boat without oars.

Try to explain the similarities between Russians folklore images and stories with images and scenes from Indian legends.

The work of G. W. Longfellow is based on mythological plot. It reflects fairy-tale elements characteristic of Russian folklore: the test of a hero, transformations, magic items, magic numbers, hyperboles. Ancient people described the world and told their children about it. To do this, each nation came up with its own myths, which were passed on from mouth to mouth. Therefore, myths and fairy tales of different peoples are similar to each other.


    • Tell us about the creation of the Song of Hiawatha What formed the basis of the plot
    • how the author draws Hiawatha and what qualities the hero is endowed with
    • how the author draws Hiawatha
    • what helps us get an idea of ​​the character of the hero
    • tell us about the creation of the song about hiawatha

Other works on this topic:

  1. HIAWATA Hiawatha is an image created by Longfellow based on Indian legends. Hiawatha, or Hayonwatha, among the Iroquois, is a legendary leader and prophet. The name Hiawatha is literally translated...
  2. What role does the natural world play in “The Song of Hiawatha”? To ancient man it seemed that everything in the world lived its own life and was controlled by a powerful force. Laws of nature...
  3. Hiawatha is a hero of Iroquois legends, a brave, wise, kind, courageous warrior, conqueror of evil, fighter against the hostile forces of nature. G. is a figure of the folk epic with whom Longfellow...


Song of Gaiwata

HIAWATA (eng. Hiawatha) is the hero of Longfellow's poem “The Song of Hiawatha” (1855). The image of G. has mythological and historical prototypes. Historical G. lived in the 17th century. in North America and became one of the founders of the League of Five Iroquois Tribes. At first he was one of the leaders of the Onondaga tribe, where he was opposed by the energetic and ambitious leader Atotaro. G. was expelled and adopted by the Mohawk tribe. The name G. itself is etymologically explained as the inherited name of one of the leaders of this tribe (according to another interpretation, G. is the ancient deity of hunters and fishermen). The most authoritative leader of the Mohawks, Dekanavida, became a supporter of G., and together they organized an alliance of four tribes, which were later joined by the Onondagas (the legend of G. and Dekanavida’s deliverance of the Onondaga leader Atotaro from evil spirits). Later in Indian mythology, G. began to be identified with Manabozo (Indian rabbit) - one of classic options cultural hero-ancestor, creator of life's blessings and inventor of crafts and customs. Longfellow, who was deeply interested in Finnish when writing the poem folk epic“Kalevala” gave G. features in many ways similar to the cosmogonic heroes of “Kalevala” - Veinemeinen and Ilmarinen.

Longfellow himself wrote about the image of G.: “I wrote it (the poem) based on the legends prevailing among north American Indians. They speak of a man of wonderful origin who was sent to them to clear their rivers, forests and fishing grounds and teach the peoples the arts of peace. Among different tribes it was known as different names: Michabu, Chiabo, Farenawaigon and Hiawatha, which means prophet, teacher.”

In the poem, the appearance of G. as a “prophet” is predicted by the ancestor of the Indians, the “Lord of Life” Gitchi Manito. G. is born as the son of the West Wind and the grandson of the star (moon). He brings peace and order to the Indian tribes, constantly fights evil and protects good. He teaches the Indians agriculture and writing. G., according to Longfellow, becomes a “teacher of humanity.” In mythological parallels G. - Prometheus of the Indian people.

G. is not only mythological - he is also romantic hero, embodying the ideal of the American romantics, their dream of a hero who is most fully fused with nature (Emerson). From childhood, G. learns to understand nature, to communicate freely with everything living and nonliving in it, and to know its language. His mind is capable of perceiving and comprehending nature. The relationships between G. and his wife, and between G. and his friends are romanticized. G. combines the features of a poet and a warrior - he is called upon to free the world from monsters, he is an example of kindness and nobility.

In the image of G. Longfellow, as it were, compresses three times together: the mythological time of the first ancestors (the time of the birth of rituals and customs, the birth of writing and poetry), historical time (the unification of the Iroquois tribes) and ideal time (in which G. acts as a hospitable host who prepared his people to meet white Christians, as if handing over their lands and their inhabitants new era settlement of America by Europeans). Thus, G. turns into a grandiose image folk hero, connecting the past, present and future. At the end of the poem, G. leaves his tribes, sailing in a pirogue to the West, as if having fulfilled his assigned mission. together with the heroes of F. Cooper, they formed a generalized “image of the Indian” in North American literature. For Russian writers (in particular, for L. Tolstoy), G. seemed to be a folk hero, ideally embodied in a literary work.

  1. When did Indian mythology develop? North America? What makes it special?
  2. The mythology of the Indians of North America reflects the complex processes of movement of tribes, the influence of sedentary and nomadic tribes, agricultural and hunting tribes on each other. Among them, the most important tribes were the Iroquois. In myths, all natural phenomena were endowed magical power. Almost all tribes have myths about the creation of the world. The man in them, acquiring wonderful talismans and relics, becomes invulnerable to the forces of evil.

  3. Who is Hiawatha?
  4. Hiawatha in Iroquois mythology is a legendary leader and prophet. He gave his people writing. Hiawatha opposed tribal strife, which is why he had to overcome resistance evil deity, the cannibal Atotarho. Hiawatha's life is full of storms and adversity; he is a man of great will and great statesmanship.

  5. How is Hiawatha depicted by the American poet G. Longfellow in the poem “The Song of Hiawatha”?
  6. What mission did you entrust? Great Spirit Gitchie Manito to Hiawatha?
  7. In the chapter “Pipe of Peace,” Gitchie Manito appeals to the warring tribes to stop the bloodshed and stop mutual hostility. The Great Spirit entrusted Hiawatha with the mission of establishing peace and harmony among the Indian tribes. The Great Spirit made a huge pipe and lit it. Smoke flowed over the people. Gitchie Manito told people to make of it beautiful stone pipes of peace and never raised a tomahawk or a knife on each other again.

  8. What myths about the prophet and teacher Manabozo were used by Longfellow as the basis for the poem about Hiawatha?
  9. When creating the image of Hiawatha, the poet used myths about Manabozo, endowing his hero with the amazing qualities of this prophet. One of the legends forms the basis of the chapter “Hiawatha and the Pearl Feather.” Manabozo fights the Pearl Feather, who once killed his grandfather, and defeats the monster who lived among a gloomy swamp guarded by fiery snakes. The legend says that at a critical moment the woodpecker helps Manabozo, saying that the enemy has a weak spot: you need to aim for the tuft of hair on the top of the head.

  10. What goal did the poet pursue by embodying the features of Manabozo and other mythological heroes in the image of Hiawatha?
  11. The main idea of ​​the poem: man is the highest creation of nature. It is impossible to surpass him either in intelligence or wisdom. He always wins the fight against the evil forces of nature - villains and wizards. Hiawatha in Longfellow's poem is a person who embodies honesty, justice, wisdom, but also a deity, a hero folk legends, possessing supernatural, magical power, which he uses for the benefit of his people.

    In Hiawatha, the poet reflected the love of freedom of the Indians, their courage and courage, humanity and love for peace.

  12. Tell us about the making of “The Song of Hiawatha.” What formed the basis of the plot?
  13. The poem appeared in 1855. Its plot was based on the folklore of the American Indians. Longfellow believed that the traditions and legends that have survived from those times are filled with deep moral meaning. The author himself formulated his understanding of the poem as follows: the tales of Hiawatha are a collection of stories about “a man of wonderful origin who was sent to clear rivers, forests and fishing grounds and teach the peoples the arts of peace.” From individual stories, a holistic mythological system of Indian ideas about the universe and man grows. “The Song of Hiawatha” allowed the reader to compare this epic with already known European ones and learn a different vision of the world with other beliefs and ideas. Europeans understood not only the difference, but also the kinship of such different cultures.

    The poem serves to preserve knowledge about the world and the culture of the people. The author’s goal is to preserve a culture that is different for Europeans in its unique charm and at the same time make it accessible, understandable and close to the reader.

  14. How does the author depict Hiawatha? What qualities does the hero have?
  15. At the center of the poem is the image of the folk hero Indian Hiawatha. Hiawatha is a historical figure, he lived in the 15th century, came from the Onondaga Indian tribe and fought for the freedom of his people. At the same time, this is a collective image. In Indian tales, the hero fighting for the happiness of his people appears under different names. Hiawatha takes care of people: he teaches them crafts, writing, healing, helps to tame animals, discovers the benefits of plants, fights and defeats monsters - the Great Bear and the Great Sturgeon, fights for peace and puts an end to bloody feuds between tribes.

  16. What helps us get an idea of ​​the character of the hero? Find artistic means in the text (figurative expressions, comparisons, metaphors, epithets) that help to more clearly present the image of Hiawatha.
  17. The image of Hiawatha is made up of his speeches, actions and deeds. The hero helps people and fearlessly protects them. He is brave and decisive. He is a brave warrior and at the same time a fierce defender of peace.

    Epithets: fearless, noble, courageous, welcoming, intelligent.


    And like a coal, Hiawatha's heart flared up with anger.


    He forgot the bitterness of anger; So Hiawatha's angry heart beat in her chest.

    Figurative expressions:

    And the son of sorrow was born, of tender passion and sorrow, of wondrous mystery - Hiawatha.

  18. Think about what mythological characters Hiawatha can be compared to. Justify your answer. What exploits of these heroes resemble the exploits of Hiawatha?
  19. The exploits and image of Hiawatha are reminiscent of the images of mythological heroes - Hercules, Perseus, Theseus, Antaeus. Fighting terrible monsters, helping people, performing feats for the benefit of people - all this unites characters from myths and epics of different nations.

  20. Remember who the epic Tyr gods, the heroes of Russian folk tales, fought with. Who helped them? Who helps Hiawatha?
  21. Russian heroes and heroes of folk tales fought with the Nightingale the Robber, the Foul Idol, the Serpent Gorynych, Koshchei the Immortal, and Baba Yaga. They were helped by animals and magical objects - a flying carpet, walking boots. Hiawatha is helped by animals, a boat without oars.

  22. Try to explain the similarity of Russian folklore images and plots with images and plots from Indian legends.
  23. The work of G. W. Longfellow is based on a mythological plot. It reflects fairy-tale elements characteristic of Russian folklore: the test of a hero, transformations, magic objects, magic numbers, hyperboles. Ancient people described the world and told their children about it. For this purpose, each people came up with their own myths, which were passed on from mouth to mouth. Therefore, myths and fairy tales of different peoples are similar to each other.

  24. What role does the natural world play in The Song of Hiawatha?
  25. It seemed to ancient man that everything in the world lived its own life and was controlled by a powerful force. He did not yet know the laws of nature and thought that all phenomena were controlled by deities or spirits. These ideas about the world are reflected in the “Song of Hiawatha.”

    The mythological ideas of the Indians were formed in the unity of man and the surrounding world. The natural world is inseparable from the human world. It is only thanks to nature that a person exists, nature gives him life, and at the same time it can be hostile, resist people - Hiawatha fights the Bear and the Sturgeon and wins.

    Almost all tribes have myths about the creation of the world, about the four elements (earth, fire, wind, water). In the Indian epic, one of the central mythological motifs is the motif of the creation of the world.

    The creation of the Universe is connected with its animation. It is no coincidence that many tales are based on the technique of animation. The creation of the world is also an arrangement. Hiawatha was sent to clear rivers, forests and fishing grounds.

  26. What is the significance of the image of the singer (musician-kant Navadagi) in the poem? In what works have you encountered images of singers leading a narrative?
  27. We have encountered images of singers, on whose behalf the narration is told, in epics, songs, and works of authorship. This is Boyan in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, the guslars in “The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov...” by M. Yu. Lermontov. They are the bearers of folk epic consciousness. With the help of such images, the authors convey the people's perception of what is happening. Material from the site

  28. Why did Longfellow call his work a song? Find in the text artistic features, characteristic of the song genre (images, figurative and expressive means, musicality of speech).
  29. Song is one of the most ancient forms of lyric poetry, which reflects historical events, mythological and legendary ideas of people, heroic deeds of great ancestors. The people compose a song when they feel sympathy for the hero. The song tells about real or legendary events. With the help of this form, the poet has the opportunity to create the illusion of an objective attitude towards the heroes, because the heroes are shown as if through the eyes of the people.

  30. Bunin noted the “rare beauty of artistic images and paintings” of the poem. Prove this statement.
  31. The work is full of picturesque and poetic lines. It brings back to us the beauty of virgin forests and prairies, the charm folk legends, recreates whole characters primitive people. Numerous epithets (in wondrous dreams), metaphors (in the magnificent glow of sunset), comparisons (whether it descended like a cloud or rose like mists) contribute to the creation of bright and poetic pictures.

  32. If you have read works about the life of the Indians by F. Cooper, M. Reed and other writers, then try to compare these books with “The Song of Hiawatha.”
  33. By the time of the creation of “The Song of Hiawatha,” many novels were devoted to the life of the red-skinned inhabitants of America - novels by F. Cooper, M. Reed, etc. Often the Indians in them appear as conventional characters, only enlivening the adventure plot. Longfellow set himself a different task: he wanted to recreate the almost disappeared world of American antiquity, to convey the feeling of the lost unity of man and nature, the feeling of the organic nature of existence. Describing the natural world, the poet turns to folklore imagery, unusual metaphors that reflect the worldview of the indigenous people of America.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • How does the author draw Hiawatha?
  • Distinctive features of the poem The Song of Hiawatha
  • short story of the song of hiawatha
  • dictionary poems by Mr. Longfellow the song of hiawatha blueberry
  • What feats did Hiawatha accomplish?
Tell us about the making of “The Song of Hiawatha.” What formed the basis of the plot? The poem appeared in 1855. Its plot was based on American Indian folklore. Longfellow believed that the traditions and legends that have survived from those times are filled with deep moral meaning. The author himself formulated his understanding of the poem as follows: the tales of Hiawatha are a collection of stories about “a man of wonderful origin who was sent to clear rivers, forests and fishing grounds and teach the peoples the arts of peace.” From individual stories, a holistic mythological system of Indian ideas about the universe and man grows. “The Song of Hiawatha” allowed the reader to compare this epic with already known European ones and learn a different vision of the world with other beliefs and ideas. Europeans understood not only the difference, but also the kinship of such different cultures. The poem serves to preserve knowledge about the world and the culture of the people. The author’s goal is to preserve a culture that is different for Europeans in its unique charm and at the same time make it accessible, understandable and close to the reader. How does the author depict Hiawatha? What qualities does the hero have? At the center of the poem is the image of the Indian folk hero Hiawatha. Hiawatha is a historical figure, he lived in the 15th century, came from the Onondaga Indian tribe and fought for the freedom of his people. At the same time, this is a collective image. In Indian legends, the hero fighting for the happiness of his people appears under various names. Hiawatha takes care of people: he teaches them crafts, writing, healing, helps to tame animals, discovers the benefits of plants, fights and defeats monsters - the Great Bear and the Great Sturgeon, fights for peace and puts an end to bloody feuds between tribes. What helps us get an idea of ​​the character of the hero? Find literary devices in the text (figurative expressions, comparisons, metaphors, epithets) that help to more clearly present the image of Hiawatha. The image of Hiawatha is made up of his speeches, actions and deeds. The hero helps people and fearlessly protects them. He is brave and decisive. He is a brave warrior and at the same time a fierce defender of peace. Epithets (fearless, noble, brave, welcoming, reasonable). Comparisons: And like a coal, Hiawatha's heart burned with anger. Metaphors: He forgot the bitterness of anger; So Hiawatha's angry heart beat in her chest. Figurative expressions: And the son of sorrow was born, of tender passion and sorrow, of wondrous mystery - Hiawatha. Think about what mythological characters Hiawatha can be compared to. Justify your answer. What exploits of these heroes resemble those of Hiawatha? The exploits and image of Hiawatha are reminiscent of the images of mythological heroes - Hercules, Perseus, Theseus, Antaeus. Fighting terrible monsters, helping people, performing feats for the benefit of people - all this unites characters from myths and epics of different nations. Remember who the epic heroes, the heroes of Russian folk tales, fought with. Who helped them? Who helps Hiawatha? Russian heroes and heroes of folk tales fought with the Nightingale the Robber, the Foul Idol, the Serpent Gorynych, Koshchei the Immortal, and Baba Yaga. They were helped by animals, magical objects - a flying carpet, walking boots. Hiawatha is helped by animals, a boat without oars. Try to explain the similarity of Russian folklore images and plots with images and plots from Indian legends. The work of G. W. Longfellow is based on a mythological plot. It reflects fairy-tale elements characteristic of Russian folklore: the test of a hero, transformations, magic objects, magic numbers, hyperboles. Ancient people described the world and told their children about it. To do this, each nation came up with its own myths, which were passed on from mouth to mouth. Therefore, myths and fairy tales of different peoples are similar to each other.

When did the mythology of the Indians of North America develop? What makes it special?

The mythology of the Indians of North America reflects the complex processes of movement of tribes, the influence of sedentary and nomadic tribes, agricultural and hunting tribes on each other. Among them, the most important tribes were the Iroquois. In myths, all natural phenomena were endowed with magical powers. Almost all tribes have myths about the creation of the world. A person wearing them, acquiring wonderful talismans and relics, becomes invulnerable to the forces of evil.

Who is Hiawatha?

Hiawatha in Iroquois mythology is a legendary leader and prophet. He gave his people writing. Hiawatha opposed tribal strife, which is why he had to overcome the resistance of the evil deity, the cannibal Atotarho. Hiawatha's life is full of storms and adversity; he is a man of great will and great statesmanship.

How is Hiawatha depicted by the American poet G. Longfellow in the poem “The Song of Hiawatha”? What mission did the Great Spirit Gitchee Manito give to Hiawatha?

In the chapter “Pipe of Peace,” Gitchie Manito appeals to the warring tribes to stop the bloodshed and stop mutual hostility. The Great Spirit entrusted Hiawatha with the mission of establishing peace and harmony among the Indian tribes. The Great Spirit made a huge pipe and lit it. Smoke flowed over the people. Gitchie Manito told the people to make peace pipes out of this beautiful stone and never raise a tomahawk or a knife against each other again.

What myths about the prophet and teacher Manabozo were used by Longfellow as the basis for the poem about Hiawatha?

When creating the image of Hiawatha, the poet used myths about Manabozo, endowing his hero with the amazing qualities of this prophet. One of the legends forms the basis of the chapter “Hiawatha and the Pearl Feather.” Manabozo fights the Pearl Feather, who once killed his grandfather, and defeats the monster who lived among a gloomy swamp guarded by fiery snakes. The legend says that at a critical moment the woodpecker helps Manabozo, saying that the enemy has a weak spot: you need to aim for the tuft of hair on the top of the head.

What goal did the poet pursue by embodying the features of Manabozo and other mythological heroes in the image of Hiawatha?

The main idea of ​​the poem: man is the highest creation of nature. It is impossible to surpass him either in intelligence or wisdom. He always wins the fight against the evil forces of nature - villains and wizards. Hiawatha in Longfellow's poem is a person who embodies honesty, justice, wisdom, but also a deity, a hero of folk legends, possessing supernatural, magical power, which he uses for the benefit of his people.

In Hiawatha, the poet reflected the love of freedom of the Indians, their courage and courage, humanity and love for peace.

Tell us about the creation of “The Song of Hiawatha.” What formed the basis of the plot?

The poem appeared in 1855. Its plot was based on American Indian folklore. Longfellow believed that the traditions and legends that have survived from those times are filled with deep meaning. moral sense. The author himself formulated his understanding of the poem as follows: the tales of Hiawatha are a collection of stories about “a man of wonderful origin who was sent to clear rivers, forests and fishing grounds and teach the peoples the arts of peace.” From individual stories, a holistic mythological system of Indian ideas about the universe and man grows. “The Song of Hiawatha” allowed the reader to compare this epic with already known European ones and learn a different vision of the world with other beliefs and ideas. Europeans understood not only the difference, but also the kinship of such different cultures.

The poem serves to preserve knowledge about the world and the culture of the people. The author’s goal is to preserve a culture that is different for Europeans in its unique charm and at the same time make it accessible, understandable and close to the reader.

At the center of the poem is the image of the Indian folk hero Hiawatha. Hiawatha – historical figure, he lived in the 15th century, came from the Onondaga Indian tribe and fought for the freedom of his people. At the same time, this is a collective image. In Indian legends, a hero fighting for the happiness of his people acts under different names. Hiawatha takes care of people: he teaches them crafts, writing, healing, helps to tame animals, discovers the benefits of plants, fights and defeats monsters - the Great Bear and the Great Sturgeon, fights for peace and puts an end to bloody feuds between tribes.

What helps us get an idea of ​​the character of the hero? Find in the text artistic media, helping to more clearly present the image of Hiawatha.

The image of Hiawatha is made up of his speeches, actions and deeds. The hero helps people and fearlessly protects them. He is brave and decisive. He is a brave warrior and at the same time a fierce defender of peace.

Epithets: fearless, noble, brave, welcoming, reasonable.


And like a coal it flared up
Hiawatha's heart is angry.


He forgot the bitterness of anger;
So Hiawatha's angry heart beat in her chest.

Figurative expressions:

And the son of sorrow was born,
Tender passion and sadness,
Wonderful mystery - Hiawatha. Think about what mythological characters Hiawatha can be compared to. Justify your answer. What exploits of these heroes resemble those of Hiawatha?

The exploits and image of Hiawatha are reminiscent of the images of mythological heroes - Hercules, Perseus, Theseus, Antaeus. Fighting terrible monsters, helping people, performing feats for the benefit of people - all this unites characters from myths and epics of different nations.

Remember who you fought with epic heroes, heroes of Russian folk tales. Who helped them? Who helps Hiawatha?

Russian heroes and heroes of folk tales fought with the Nightingale the Robber, the Foul Idol, the Serpent Gorynych, Koshchei the Immortal, and Baba Yaga. They were helped by animals, magical objects - a flying carpet, walking boots. Hiawatha is helped by animals, a boat without oars.

Try to explain the similarity of Russian folklore images and plots with images and plots from Indian legends.

The work of G. W. Longfellow is based on a mythological plot. It reflects fairy-tale elements characteristic of Russian folklore: the test of a hero, transformations, magic objects, magic numbers, hyperboles. Ancient people described the world and told their children about it. To do this, each nation came up with its own myths, which were passed on from mouth to mouth. Therefore, myths and fairy tales of different peoples are similar to each other.

What role does the natural world play in “The Song of Hiawatha”?

It seemed to ancient man that everything in the world lived its own life and was controlled by a powerful force. He did not yet know the laws of nature and thought that all phenomena were controlled by deities or spirits. These ideas about the world are reflected in the “Song of Hiawatha.”

The mythological ideas of the Indians were formed in the unity of man and the surrounding world. The natural world is inseparable from the human world. It is only thanks to nature that man exists, nature gives him life, and at the same time it can be hostile and confront people - Hiawatha fights the Bear and the Sturgeon and wins.

Almost all tribes have myths about the creation of the world and the four elements. In the Indian epic one of the central mythological motifs- the motive for the creation of the world.

The creation of the Universe is associated with its animation. It is no coincidence that many legends are based on the technique of animation. The creation of the world is also an arrangement. Hiawatha is sent to clear rivers, forests and fishing grounds.

What is the significance of the image of the singer in the poem? In what works have you encountered images of singers leading the narrative?

We have encountered images of singers, on whose behalf the story is told, in epics, songs, and works of authorship. This is Boyan in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, the guslars in “The Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov...” by M. Yu. Lermontov. They are carriers of folk epic consciousness. With the help of such images, the authors convey the popular perception of what is happening.

Why did Longfellow call his work a song? Find in the text artistic features characteristic of the song genre.

The song is one of the most ancient forms of lyric poetry, which reflects historical events, mythological and legendary ideas of people, and the heroic deeds of great ancestors. The people compose a song when they feel sympathy for the hero. The song tells about real or legendary events. The poet has the opportunity, with the help of this form, to create the illusion of an objective attitude towards the heroes, because the heroes are shown as if through the eyes of the people.

Bunin noted the “rare beauty artistic images and pictures” of the poem. Prove this statement.

The work is full of picturesque and poetic lines. It brings back to us the beauty of virgin forests and prairies, the charm of folk legends, and recreates complete characters primitive people. Numerous epithets, metaphors, comparisons contribute to the creation of vivid and poetic pictures.

If you have read works about the life of the Indians by F. Cooper, M. Reed and other writers, then try to compare these books with “The Song of Hiawatha.”

By the time of the creation of “The Song of Hiawatha,” many novels were devoted to the life of the red-skinned inhabitants of America - novels by F. Cooper, M. Reed, etc. Often the Indians in them act as conventional characters, only enlivening the adventure plot. Longfellow set himself a different task: he wanted to recreate the almost disappeared world of American antiquity, to convey the feeling of the lost unity of man and nature, the sense of organic existence. Describing the natural world, the poet turns to folklore imagery and unusual metaphors that reflect the worldview of the indigenous people of America.

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  3. Indian tribes have lived on the American continent for thousands of years. These red-skinned gatherers and hunters achieved significant success in everyday life. Start new civilization should have been fundamentally...
  4. Who is this in Slavic mythology Yarila? Yarila, Yarilo in Slavic mythology is the deity of spring fertility. “The Earth was decorated with grains from Yarila’s hot kisses,” says the...
  5. Henry Longfellow was the first poet to create a true American poem, which became his best work and took a prominent place in the treasury world literature. All my...
  6. Longfellow Henry Wadsworth (27/2/1807, Portland, Maine - 24/3/1882, Cambridge, Massachusetts), American poet. Son of a lawyer. After graduating from Bowdoin College, he completed his education in Europe (1826-29);...
  7. “The Song of Hiawatha” is a wonderful epic poem about the legendary leader of the North American Indians, written by the famous American poet G. Longfellow based on folklore material he carefully collected....
  8. Pushkin and the philosophical and historical thought of the 19th century ... Pushkin appeared precisely at a time when the emergence of poetry as an art in Rus' had just become possible. Twenty years...
  9. The action takes place in Mexico in late XVIIIearly XIX V. The novel opens with a description of the holiday in honor of St. John's Day in the small Mexican town of San Ildefonso....
  10. Plan. Introduction……………………………………………………. ………………………….. 3 Chapter I Characteristics of Dostoevsky’s worldview. 1. Moral, ethical and religious views of the artist; the question of the “nature” of man…………………………12 2. The writer’s attitude to the Bible; role...
  11. In the autumn of 1804, across the vast expanses of the American prairies - further and further to the west, further and further from the already inhabited lands - a convoy of stubborn, unpretentious...
  12. J. F. Cooper Prairie In the autumn of 1804, across the vast expanses of the American prairies - further and further to the west, further and further from the already inhabited lands - slowly...