The name Eva and Evangelina: the origin of the names, are they different names or not? What is the difference between the name Eva and Evangelina? Eva and Evangelina: what is the correct name, how to write the full name in the passport? History of origin and interpretation of the name Evangeline.

The name Eva and Evangelina: differences, similarities of names.

When a woman finds out what gender her unborn baby is, she begins to choose a name for her child. Today there are quite a lot of female names, and before choosing, it is worth studying each one more carefully, determining the fate that this or that name carries with it.

If you like the two names Eva and Evangelina, but you are confused, you don’t know what these names mean, or maybe they are even the same name, then we suggest you read our material. In it you will definitely find answers to the questions that interest you.

The name Eva and Evangelina: are they different names or are there similarities and differences?

Many argue that Eva and Evangelina are completely different names. Yes, to some extent this statement is considered true. But very often Evangelina is called Eve, and there is nothing strange about this. Because these names sound almost the same. But what kind of character could the girl whose parents decided to call Eva and Evangelina have? Let's try to understand this in more detail together.

Eve's character

Eva has a stubborn, wayward character. Even her origin suggests that Eve is quite stubborn and rebellious. Eva is unshakable, persistent, and strictly follows her own principles. She has strong willpower and a strong character.

  • Eva does not like to submit; submission is alien to her. She has innate leadership qualities, which is why Eva always achieves her goal and often becomes a leader. Eve can manipulate other people, therefore, when she creates a family, she can be the leader in it, displacing her own husband into second place. At the same time, the girl does not forget about tact, so as not to accidentally offend her own man and not offend him.
  • Eva is a confident person who turns away from other people's opinions, trusting only her own. This characteristic is also considered one of the most important. Eva controls herself under any circumstances and always remains in a “sober mind.” She knows how to restrain herself and never loses her balance.
  • Despite the fact that Eva has increased self-control, the girl is still vulnerable and tender at heart. She tries to carefully hide this fact from close people. You could even say that this indicator is the main secret of this name.
  • Eva always tries to take care of her own appearance, and therefore she always looks neat. However, care for her is not a hobby, but a necessity. The girl does not attach particular importance to shopping, and she does not visit beauty salons often.

Evangelina's character

Who is the girl named Evangelina? So, Evangelina is a very secretive person who protects herself from other people. Especially if she doesn't trust people.

  • However, Evangelina is not a hermit, since she is considered a sociable person and cannot even do without society. Evangelina rarely remembers grievances and tries to quickly forgive people. She loves flattery and likes to be praised often.
  • But, if someone thinks that he will attract a girl with compliments and beautiful phrases, he is very mistaken, since the girl will not give up her own interests and preferences.
  • Evangelina's main positive aspects are her sharp mind and well-developed logic. She is a concrete and straightforward girl. But, as a rule, the self-esteem of the girl Evangelina is different: sometimes it is high, and sometimes very low.
  • One main problem with Evangelina is that she does not always express her feelings correctly. Even as a child, the girl from the outside looks naive, very timid. But inside she's just boiling. From early childhood, Evangelina protects her inner world from strangers. Therefore, parents must teach the girl to open up, plus correctly express her own feelings and sensations when necessary.

By the way, the girl Evangelina has a rich imagination, and therefore it should definitely be developed, for example, in the profession of a designer.

Name Eva and Evangelina: origin of names

These names differ primarily in their origin:


Eve is considered the most ancient female name, since its first owner was the first woman on the planet. This name is still very popular today.

  • The name Eve first appeared in ancient Israel. It sounded like this - Chava. Then the name meant “life”, the girl “giving life” and “breathe”. As we mentioned above, the first woman with that name appeared thanks to God, so that Adam would not be lonely.
  • The man and woman were in heaven. But when they disobeyed God, he expelled them. However, before this, God told the first man to give his beloved a name. That's when Adam named his own companion Eve.
  • Eva – “mischievous” or “groovy”. This name characterizes a woman only from the good side. Each of its meanings brings its own fruits, which affects the fate of the hostess.

Name Eva


Evangeline is also a biblical name. If you mention this name, an association with the Gospel may immediately arise. This means good news.

  • The origin of this name is deeply rooted in Ancient Greece. Translated from ancient Greek, Evangelina means good news. Consequently, this name is also interpreted as a messenger or messenger.
  • It has been a long time since this name originated. Over time, people began to use many of Evangelina’s arbitrary names as independent names. For example, Lina or Evita.

Eva and Evangelina: career and work of women with this name

The names Evangelina and Eva are written in the passport without changes. But a passport is the most important document, without which you will never be hired. Now let's figure out what kind of career awaits a woman if she has the name Eva or Evangeline.

Eva's career and work

Eva has versatile abilities and interests. Many things that seem difficult to other people are quite easy for a girl.

  • Eva by nature has a large number of talents, a sharp mind, and good flexibility. This is why she often stands out among other employees. She cannot make a quick career because of her assertiveness and inability to listen to other employees.
  • Eva often does not want to listen to the opinions of others, refusing their ideas. Consequently, it is difficult for her to work in a team. To move further up the professional ladder, a girl must listen to other people and come to terms with her own pride.
  • From early childhood, Eva’s parents are obliged to instill in the girl to respect people’s opinions.
  • Eva's inclinations are very good. As a rule, a girl with this name becomes a teacher, lecturer, or linguist. She is interested in modeling clothes and expressing herself as a manager. Eva is also suitable for a profession that directly relates to medicine and pedagogy.
  • She will be able to go on frequent and long business trips without any problems, as she loves to travel.

Eva, Evangelina at work

Evangelina's career and work

Evangelina’s childhood dreams don’t just disappear. When a girl grows up, she strives to make all her dreams come true. Evangelina understands well that in order for her fantasies and dreams to come true, she must get an excellent education and get a good job. This is exactly what she is rapidly moving towards.

  • Evangelina is an excellent organizer who has wonderful organizational skills. Evangelina can be a leader, manage a huge team and a large company.
  • Evangelina has no special preferences in choosing a profession. However, the following professions are closest to her spirit: financier, accountant, lawyer.
  • Evangelina's work is very easy. She uses her own mind and sharp thinking to do this. If she combines them, she will be able to achieve excellent results in her profession.
  • Evangelina also loves the humanitarian sector. A girl can be a psychologist, journalist, teacher.
  • For Evangelina, emotional support comes first. Therefore, it is advisable for a girl to give preference to work in which there is a large team or tandem.

Full and abbreviated name, what will it be like from the name Eva and Evangelina?

Eva and Evangelina are full names. But many people shorten them affectionately in different ways. For example, Eva is Evushka or Evochka. And Evangelina is Vanga, Iva and so on. Of course, in official uniforms, girls are called by their full name at work, and affectionately at home. But what is the fate of Eve and Evanglina? What awaits them in love, family, relationships.

Marriage, Eve's relationships with men

Thanks to her own elevated principles, the girl Eva does not often begin sexual activity before marriage. It is important for her that she always and for everyone be a model of morality. But Eve, be that as it may, without love becomes unbearable or hot-tempered over time.

  • She creates a family mainly at an older age, since she has been looking for an ideal partner for herself for a long time. But when a girl starts a family, she gives herself 100%.
  • For Eva, the first place is her children and her beloved husband, therefore, the girl often gives up her own career for their sake.
  • In marriage, Eva is a faithful wife, a wonderful housewife, and an excellent cook.
  • As for fidelity, Eva has one important point in this - for her this quality is one of the most important, therefore, the girl is very jealous and makes scandals about this. Often, Eva’s first marriage is not always successful, and therefore ends mostly in divorce.
  • Eva is a very good mother. She is sensitive and tries to take care of her own children, who inspire and delight her. Eva carefully guards the lives of her children and never allows them to grieve. Some women with this name even take children from the orphanage for adoption.
  • Eva loves her husband to be soft, flexible, delicate, sensitive, and intelligent. That’s why the girl is quite picky when choosing her future husband.
  • For Eva, the name of her loved one is of great importance. Eva can have a stable marriage if she marries Konstantin, Evgeniy, Alexey, Pavel, Vitaly, Maxim.

Relationships between Eve and Evangeline with men

Marriage, Evangelina's relationships with men

Evangelina has a difficult life, which is why relationships with men are difficult for her. This is because full maturation in a girl begins very early, and then proceeds intensively. The girl loves to stand out among her friends who have not yet left childhood.

  • Evangeline begins to use cosmetics earlier than anyone else and often changes her own wardrobe, thereby gaining the attention of guys. When Evangelina gets into a relationship with a guy, she becomes sensual, impulsive, explosive and quite emotional.
  • Evangelina completely trusts her partner and, as a rule, strives for a serious relationship, which she builds with all her might.
  • In family relationships, Evangelina is considered a dictator, which corresponds to this semantics. The girl shows strong energy, striving to gain the upper hand and establish the principle of her own independence. When Evangelina's ambitions are realized, she transfers the heavy burden of leadership into the hands of her husband, relieving herself of daily responsibility.
  • In this sense, Evangelina is flexible and compliant. Of course, if her husband is a strong and independent person. However, when it comes to serious problems, Evangelina again reminds of her own rights by entering into battle.
  • The girl’s family relationships are essentially calm and measured. Evangeline leaves her expressive personality at work and comes home as a good-natured and caring mother and wife.
  • Evangelina has the best marriage with Ivan, Leonid, Alexander, Georgy, Andrey.

Can Eve be called Evangelina and vice versa?

Many of the parents affectionately call Evangelina Eva. This is not entirely correct, but it is acceptable. But you can’t call Eva Evangelina. Because Eve is a full name.

Eva's childhood

Eva, as a rule, has a bright and quite active childhood. And this is not strange, since the girl has an explosive character.

  • Eva is unpredictable, and this quality only becomes stronger with age. The girl has other bright qualities. She is mobile, energetic, active, efficient. Eva loves to be in front of everyone.
  • As a rule, Eva is still an insecure girl, indecisive, shy, always doubting her actions. The girl has a hard time getting along with other children, for example, at school. But Eva is successful in development - she easily copes with new things and loves to learn something new.

Evangelina's childhood

As a child, a girl is no different from other children. Evangelina loves to dream and build fairytale castles. As a rule, Evangelina is a beautiful princess who is waiting for the moment when the prince comes for her.

  • In general, a child with this name is a diligent student, as a result of which he is often an excellent student. Teachers like Evangelina, who is capable and smart. But parents should pay attention from childhood to the fact that their daughter abstracts from reality, withdrawing into herself.
  • Over time, absorption can harm the girl. Eva will be able to lose the ability to correctly navigate in current situations; she will not be able to set a specific goal and move towards it correctly.

As you can see, at first glance, similar names are based on different female characters and destinies. We hope that after reading the article, you will be able to choose the right name for your child or study your characteristics.

Video: Characteristics of the name Eva

Video: The meaning of the name Evangelina

Sometimes the “straightforward” meaning of a name contradicts what can be said about the person bearing it. This is the meaning of the name Evangelina - if you take it literally, then the idea of ​​it will not coincide with the image of the woman who is called that. Why?

Because the origin of the word “Evangelina” leads us to Greece, it was from the ancient Greek “evangelion” that this name was formed. The literal translation tells us that the meaning of the name is “good news” or “Gospel” (after all, the name of the holy book is also translated as “good news”). However, what is more important for Evangelina is not the spiritual, but rather the worldly or even carnal principle.

Therefore, the meaning of the name, despite its origin and consonance with the title of the book of Holy Scripture, should not be sought in a literal translation. Rather, the name should be translated as “messenger”, “messenger”, and then the meaning of the name Evangelina becomes more accurate.

Women with this name often become the instrument with which fate either rewards worthy people from their environment or punishes. Because Evangelina’s character has two sides - powerful and passive, ambitious and shy, assertive and good-natured. And which side a woman will turn to her counterpart will depend on him and the prevailing circumstances.

But first things first. What should parents know before giving their daughter the beautiful, unusual and even slightly mysterious name Evangelina?

  • Mentality, health, talents and hobbies in childhood.
  • Character, the formation of which is facilitated by a name.
  • How favorably does fate favor women with this name?

It is worth saying that this name is quite rare in Russia, but in other countries Evangelina has many namesakes. These are Evangeline and Evangelina, Evangel and Ivangeline, Evangelia and Vangel, and in Spanish-speaking countries - Evangeline. The name also gives a large set of abbreviated and diminutive options: the girl can be called Eva and Iva, Evie and Lina, Eva and Evita, Gela and Geley, Lily and Angelika.

Quiet but brave

The name Evangelina gives its owner great emotional sensitivity, although sometimes it may seem that the baby is very quiet and withdrawn. This is a deceptive impression: a real emotional volcano can rage inside Evangelina, but it is difficult for a girl to find adequate external expression for it. Therefore, it is very important for parents to teach their daughter to express her feelings and experiences so that she can avoid serious emotional and psychological problems in the future.

Despite this property, Evangelushka knows how to communicate with peers, and being in a children's group does not become a problem for her. True, if her parents decide to send Gel to kindergarten, she will need time to get used to the constant company of other children.

If the situation does not make a girl wary, she can behave boldly and very emotionally - and this is another side of her character. She is active, mobile and inquisitive. Due to her natural intuition, she has a good sense of the mood and motives of other people’s behavior. And if she doesn’t like these motives, she hastens to hide in her own “shell” from those around her.

But this does not mean that Evangelina is unsociable - she loves to be in companies, and she especially likes to be in the spotlight and receive praise and compliments. The girl’s curiosity at school extends only to those subjects that she likes, mainly the humanities. Her mentality is not very suitable for serious studies in natural sciences, but Evangelina tries not to get bad grades in the exact sciences.

Classes in a sports section are also not very suitable for a girl, but in order to satisfy her need for physical activity, you can provide her with the opportunity to dance. If Eva moves a lot, her health condition will not cause much trouble for her parents. However, one of the main conditions for Geli’s health is an individual diet, since her skin is very sensitive to some food components.

Intuitive but ambitious

Growing up, the girl named Evangelina gradually overcomes her shyness and shyness. As a teenager, Eva is very active and curious, but can also be very feminine. She also loves communication, conversations and compliments.

However, in conversations she always tries to “drag” the interlocutor to her side if she says one thing and he says another. And although young Lina is very fond of praise, even with an exquisite compliment she can hardly be “bribed” and forced to accept the point of view of her interlocutor. She is a very purposeful person who is not used to retreating from her positions.

But Evangelina is also unlikely to enter into conflict in order to achieve her goal. Rather, she will use the well-known wisdom about “normal heroes” who “always take a detour.” To assess the situation, Evangelina may well neglect logical calculations and rely on intuition - as a rule, it is her intuition that suggests the right way out of a difficult situation.

The intuition that the name Evangelina bestows on its owner often becomes the reason that a girl begins to become interested in psychology and often chooses this area of ​​professional activity for herself. But even if psychology does not become her specialty, the adult Evangeline can derive some benefit from her knowledge in any other profession.

In terms of her mindset and character, Evangelina is best suited for professions that require a lot of communication: a doctor and a journalist, a teacher and a marketer, an educator and an agent in the arts. She can perfectly perform the tasks assigned to her and quickly move up the career ladder. But this is only possible if Eva’s official duties do not contradict her life principles.

Marry the king!

In adolescence and adolescence, Evangelina, as a rule, looks more confident and sexier than her peers, but this does not always bring her happiness in her personal life. Her sensuality and emotionality means that for her relationships must be very serious. And when it turns out that this is not the case for her couple, Gelya is severely disappointed in both her partner and her love.

But disappointment in love does not last long, the craving for romance wins, and Evangelina quickly finds a new gentleman. But, despite the fact that she always has many fans, Gelya is in no hurry to choose her future husband from them. The potential spouse must be wealthy in every sense - well, at least as successful as Evangelina herself.

However, for a happy marriage, not only the social status of Evangelina’s husband is important, but also that he has a very strong character. Otherwise, Geli’s stormy temperament can get out of control and destroy fragile family happiness. But next to a strong and self-confident man, Evangelina will be a model of femininity and complaisance.

In family life, it is of great importance for Evangelina that everything is simple, reliable and understandable. If she finds the right man, she can set aside her own professional ambitions and focus on helping her man reach the “shiny heights.” However, in order for Evangelina to leave work and completely engage in family and household affairs, her husband must be a truly extraordinary person.

There are opposing opinions regarding Evangelina's name day. One says that they should be celebrated on St. Angelina's day - that is, July 14 or December 23. Another says that you can choose the Evangel of Tomsk as your patron and celebrate the name day on July 20. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

A very rare and very beautiful name, meaning good news, good joyful news. It comes from the word “gospel,” which is the name of the sacred biblical text that tells about Jesus Christ. However, in life, the owner of this name is, as a rule, far from the realities of the spiritual world. Below we will take a closer look at what the name Evangeline conceals, its meaning for a child and various aspects of its influence on the life of an adult woman. In addition, we will recognize some of its forms common in other countries.

The meaning of the name Evangelina for a child

From childhood, young Evangelina shows signs of a difficult character. At times she becomes simply unbearable, so the parents, having chosen the name Evangelina for their daughter, the meaning of which promised, as it seemed to them, a sweet, flexible child, they come to the conclusion that they were somewhat mistaken in their calculations. The girl will be capricious and capricious, and besides, in any controversial matter, she will try to win everyone over to her side and subordinate her to her point of view. Therefore, you will have to get used to the fact that every more or less serious matter will be fraught with tension in the relationship between Evangelina and the rest of the household, even to the point of conflict. On the other hand, the girl will grow up to be self-possessed, diligent, and take into account existing rules. Regarding small things, she will willingly listen to her parents and, when necessary, ask permission. You won’t have to expect unexpected pranks and pampering from her. Another characteristic characteristic of those who bear the name Evangeline is the importance they attach to heavy physical activity. In short, they diligently avoid them because they are very difficult to bear. This inability to do physical work is one of Evangelina’s weakest points.

As a positive feature of this name, or rather the person who is endowed with it, one can note its close connection with the sciences. The girl learns incredibly quickly and absorbs new information. In addition, she is easily able and enjoys such arts that require endurance and concentration, such as embroidery, painting, and music. But Evangelina does not at all gravitate towards sports, dancing and similar active leisure activities, nor does she gravitate towards hard physical labor.

Despite their waywardness and difficult character, those who bear the name Evangelina attach importance primarily to family ties, which they value very much. The girl has a special connection with her mother, whom she resembles in some ways. Unfortunately, it is precisely this attachment that, in some unimaginable way, leads to the fact that most often conflict situations in Evangelina’s family arise with her mother.


The life of an evangelist (the meaning of the name Evangelina) and her fate in terms of personal relationships are not easy from a very early age. The fact is that her puberty begins relatively early and proceeds quite intensely. Evangelina stands out clearly from her peers who have not yet fully emerged from childhood. She is the first among her friends to resort to cosmetics, adjusting her wardrobe and style in order to make herself more attractive to boys. Having entered into a relationship with a person of the opposite sex, he reveals himself to be a sensual, impulsive, and emotionally charged person. He is trusting of his partner and usually focuses on a serious relationship, which he tries with all his might to build and maintain. Because of this, she often acts out wishful thinking and makes many mistakes, which leads to suffering and disappointment.


The female name Evangelina, the meaning of which we discussed above, in family life inclines its owner to establish dictatorship, which is fully consistent with this semantics. A woman with this name shows incredible energy just to gain the upper hand and establish the principle of her independence. When her ambitions are fully realized, she is ready to transfer the burden of everyday leadership to her husband in order to relieve herself of the burden of everyday responsibility. In this sense, she shows complaisance and compliance, if, of course, her husband turns out to be a person equally strong and independent. But when it comes to something truly serious, Evangeline can again remind herself of her rights and join the fight if something turns out to be contrary to her desires. But, by and large, Evangelina’s family life is harmonious and measured. She knows how to leave her expressive nature at work (where she shows it in full force) and becomes a good-natured guardian of family comfort.


As for professional fulfillment, this is not just one of the aspects, it is a special element in which Evangelina lives. The meaning of the name, character and destiny, which are determined by this name, allow her to get to the very top and take a leading position. Often, Evangelina turns out to be unscrupulous in her means, believing that not entirely noble methods are justified by the nobility of her goals. If necessary, a woman with this name will be able to go over her head and sacrifice something important, just to win the decisive battle. It is not in Evangelina’s nature to give in in her career. This makes her a strong and dangerous player, but unfortunately often a poor role model.

In her work, she primarily values ​​the opportunity for communication and intellectual growth. And therefore he tries to find a field of activity where it is possible to realize these qualities to the maximum.

History of the name

Now a few words about how and when this rather rare name appeared. Compared to many others, it is quite new and, one might even say, specific. From Greek it can be translated as “glad tidings”, or as “good news” - this is the literal meaning of the name Evangelina. What the name means in a broader sense is easy to understand if we recall the genre of Christian literature of the same name, several examples of which are included in the biblical canon. From this perspective, Evangelina would mean a woman devoted to the gospel, or living according to the gospel. It is interesting to note that such clearly visible religious associations are not supported by church tradition, within which there is not a single more or less well-known and widely revered saint with this name.

Famous personalities with the name Evangelina

The first one to be noted is the well-known fortuneteller Vanga. Few people know, but Vanga is Vangelia, a local version of the name Evangelina. Among the more modern ones, we can recall Evangeline Lily, an actress from Canada who gained fame thanks to her role played in the television series Lost. Another famous person with this name is the wife of the famous football player Martin Dimekilis, Evangelina Anderson. She is originally from Argentina, and is known to the world as a fashion model.

Various forms of the name Evangelina

The specific origin and meaning make this name quite rare in the world. It is mainly found in European countries and in countries with a predominantly Christian population. Moreover, in some of them this name exists in both female and male forms. And in Serbia, for example, exclusively for men - Vanjel. Among other forms you can find the following: Evangeline, Evangeline, Evangelia and similar consonant options.

Short form of the name Evangelina. Angie, Iva, Evie, Ivvy, Lina, Helina, Hela, Eva, Evinya, Evita, Eva, Vangel, Vangela, Gela, Gelya, Vanga, Wangia, Faces, Lily, Lilika, Vangelina, Angelina.
Synonyms for the name Evangelina. Evangel, Gospels, Evangeline, Evangelina, Evangelina, Evangelina, Vangel.
Origin of the name Evangelina. The name Evangelina is Catholic, Greek.

The name Evangelina is derived from the ancient Greek "evangelion", which literally means "good news", "gospel". In a more free translation, the name Evangelina can sound like “bringer of good news,” “messenger,” “messenger.”

The diminutives Eva, Lina, Lily, Evita and Angelina are also independent names.

Evangelina combines two opposites. She is active, independent, moderately powerful and ambitious, forcing her to act and take her destiny into her own hands. The second part of her nature is more passive, obedient, shy and lazy, forcing her to do everything to maintain peace. And oddly enough, both of these personalities coexist in one person. Evangelina is able to manage herself and control her emotions.

And yet Evangelina is quite vulnerable emotionally, but at the same time she will not continue to relive her experience, but will find something that will allow her to switch. She is an excellent organizer, administrator, and will make a good manager. The owner of this name will listen to other people, but will not always follow their ideas.

Evangelina weighs everything carefully. But impulsive impulses happen to her, to which she can easily succumb. In this case, it is worth listening to her inner world, finding what is really very important to her and helping Evangelina get back to doing something very important to her.

Evangelina doesn't always know how to express her feelings. Being a child, to those around her she seems to be a very timid girl, but although everything will be seething inside her, as she has a great imagination. She needs to be calmed and stimulated by giving her many different age-appropriate responsibilities very early on. But Evangelina can also show completely opposite behavior, becoming brave or frivolous, but more out of a spirit of contradiction than actually feeling like that.

She considers her personal life to be a very important part of her life, and will strive with all her heart to meet her true love. She will become romantic and sentimental to please the one she chooses. She has great personal ambitions, but Evangelina is not particularly eager to become a leader in the family.

A girl named Evangelina is more often attracted to the humanities, such as psychology and pedagogy. It is important for her to feel emotional support, so she will choose a job that requires the participation of several people, or at least working in pairs. If she fails to find such a vacancy, then Evangelina will look for herself in creativity, working with children, or in government agencies.

Evangelina's birthday

Evangelina does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Evangelina

  • Evangelina Dodonova (Russian sound engineer)
  • Evangelina Anderson (Argentine model, wife of Argentina national team defender Martin Demichelis)
  • Evangelina Adams ((1868 - 1932) one of the most famous practicing astrologers of the twentieth century. Author of textbooks on astrology, thanks to which any resident in the United States was able to join the ancient methods of predicting the future from the stars. At the time when Evangelina Adams lived, astrology was equated with fraud and was punishable by law. It was thanks to the case in court, when Evangeline Adams was the defendant, then astrology, and the astrologer herself, were able to become famous and come out of hiding. Subsequently, Evangeline Adams came up with a new direction - “astrological eugenics.” She advised future parents when it is best for them to have children. In her opinion, it is easier to avoid further difficulties than to deal with them later. For many years she was engaged in helping homeless children find parents, giving recommendations on upbringing. Since 1930, Evangelina Adams also became three times radio appearances a week. Her programs were very popular. Her most famous prophecies include predicting the fire at New York's Windsor Hotel in 1899, the coming of the financial crisis of 1929, and foreseeing the United States' entry into World War II in 1942.)
  • Evangelina Brazhnikova ((born 2003) Russian children's fashion model)
  • Nicole Evangeline Lilly ((born 1979) Canadian actress, most famous for her appearance in the TV series “Lost”)
  • Evangelina Korsakova (psychologist)
  • Evangelina (singer, participant in the Evangelina project)
  • Evangeline Corey Booth ((1865 - 1950) American who became the first female general in the Salvation Army from 1934 to 1939)
  • Evangeline Walton ((1907 - 1996) pseudonym, real name - Evangeline Wilna Ansley; American writer, author of fantasy. Popular in North America and Europe.)
  • Evangelina Evangelina Villegas ((b.1924) Mexican cereal biochemist, her work with maize led to the development of high quality maize protein (QPM). Winner of the 2000 World Food Prize for this achievement.)
  • Evangelina Vigil-Pinon ((born 1949) Mexican poet, translator)
  • Evangelina Sobredo Galans, known as Cecilia (Cecilia) ((1948 - 1976) Spanish singer)
  • Evangelia Psarra ((b.1974) Greek archer, represented Greece at the 2000, 2004 and 2008 Summer Olympics)
  • Dr. Evangelina Macaraeg-Macapagal ((1915 – 1999) née Evangelina de la Cruz; second wife of Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal, ninth First Lady of the Philippines, mother of former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (2001-2010))
  • Evangelina Caruzzo ((b.1981) Argentine model, beauty queen and dancer. Received international attention due to her actions during the International Meeting of Presidents held on May 12, 2006.)
  • Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa ((1942 - 2004) American writer, poet)

Meaning of the name Evangelina: this name for a girl means “good news”, “messenger”, “messenger”.

Origin of the name Evangelina: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Eva, Lina.

What does the name Evangelina mean? According to one version, the name Evangelina was formed from the ancient Greek word “evangelion”, which is translated as “Gospel”, “good news”. Also, in a more free translation, the name sounds like “bringer of good news,” “messenger,” “messenger.” It is interesting that, despite the seemingly “religious” interpretation, the name is not listed in the calendar of holidays of the Catholic and Orthodox churches. Lina enjoys the humanities and choreography. The meaning of the name Evangelina is indecision. She Evangelina thinks about all the pros and cons for a long time, but in the end she gets good results. A late and happy marriage awaits Eve.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Evangelina does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

Zodiac: Cancer.

Characteristics of the name Evangelina

Positive features: The name Evangelina has a rich imagination, and it definitely needs to be developed.

Negative features: One of Eve's problems is that she cannot always express her own feelings correctly. Even as a child, a girl named Evangelinka from the outside seems naive and timid, although the fire will boil inside. It’s just that from an early age a child named Evangelina tries to fence off her own inner world from strangers. But it is very important for parents to teach a girl to open up and express her emotions when appropriate.

Characteristics of the name Evangelina: What does the name Evangelina mean from a psychological point of view? This is a rather closed person who prefers to isolate himself from the people around him, especially if Eva does not trust them. But at the same time, she cannot be called a recluse - she is very sociable and, oddly enough, cannot live without society.

Evangelina is active, energetic, and strives to constantly learn new things. A girl with this name is not vindictive and does not hold a grudge in her heart for too long. She Evangelina loves flattery very much and is greedy for praise. However, if a person thinks that with a couple of compliments he can attract Lina to his side, he is mistaken - she is unlikely to voluntarily give up her interests and views.

Evangelina and her personal life

Love and marriage: A woman named Evangelina strives to find a wealthy, wealthy man who, moreover, has an extraordinary mind and an easy-going character. She attaches great importance to the fact that her husband suits her perfectly, since through interaction with him she will subsequently realize herself. Although it must be said that a girl named Evangelina does not strive to become a leader in the family.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Evangelina has a sharp, analytical mind and developed logic. The girl is precise, specific, straightforward. At the same time, Eva’s self-esteem can vary greatly - it can be both high and low.

Business and career: A woman named Evangelina can work as a doctor, diagnostic specialist, teacher, psychologist, journalist, or TV presenter. For Eva, it is of particular importance to work in a team, and not independently, and to constantly feel support from others. It is worth noting here that when looking for a job, Lina always pays attention to the material side of the issue, since money for her is synonymous with comfort and power. By the way, Eve’s choice of life partner is carried out in a similar way.

Evangelina's fate in history

  1. Evangelina Dodonova is a Russian sound engineer.
  2. Evangelina Anderson is the wife of Argentina national team defender Martin Demichelis and an Argentine model.
  3. Evangelina Adams is one of the most famous practical astrologers of the twentieth century, who became the author of a large number of textbooks on astronomy. Later she became the developer of such a new direction in this science as astrological eugenics. The scientist dealt with issues of family preservation, provided support to orphans and helped them find parents. Among the famous predictions is the message to Evangeline Adams about the fire at the Windsor Hotel in New York, the financial crisis of 1929, and World War II.
  4. Evangelina Brazhnikova is a children's fashion model.