Who is a brownie? Various brownie names. If the brownie is naughty

(Kutny god) is the home spirit of the Slavs, the mythological owner and patron of the house. He promotes the well-being of the family, children and household members in everyday life, monitors the household, the condition of the house, and animals. He may even interfere in people’s relationships with each other, fall in love or hate someone living at home. Each brownie has his own character, his own quirks and characteristics. Our ancestors tried to establish contact with Domov - they invited him to a new house when they moved, and honored him on special days.

What does a real Brownie look like?

The Slavs believed that Domovoy was the founder of the family. The very appearance of Domovoy, as people imagined him, and sometimes saw him, if you believe the stories, reflected this.

My sister’s daughter is coming down from the street and sees an old woman coming down in red boots and a red fur coat. The beard is narrow and long.

In general, the Brownie was also considered the main owner of the home, which is why they said that he could take the form of the head of the family or its oldest member. Brownies often have wives, who are called Domovs. They also believed that Domakhs were Domovoi in female manifestation, the spirit mistresses of houses where only women lived.

How does a Brownie appear in a house or apartment?

Our ancestors believed that the Brownie lived in every house. There are brownies in apartments too. The brownie is most often invisible in the house, and appears only before some important event, usually in the evening or at night. Then people will find out what a real brownie looks like.

I’m sitting, pressing my back to the stove. A little man came in, a little off the floor, and said: “In three days the war will end.” The war ended three days later.

But more often than not, this household spirit is not seen, but its presence is felt: it can stroke a person’s hand or head, sometimes lean on and crush during sleep. It was rumored that such attacks by Domovoy foreshadowed the future.

It sometimes happens that if he is naked, naked like a person, it presses for bad, but if he is furry, like a cat, it presses for good.

Sometimes it was advised to ask Domovoy directly: whether his appearance was for good or for bad. The spirit can be quite aggressive - it will pinch until it bruises, and if such bruises are very painful, then this is also unfortunate. If the Brownie especially loves one of the family members or pets, he braids his hair or wool into peculiar “braids” - tangles that cannot be combed out. He cares for and cherishes the animals that he likes, but those that do not belong to the court begin to wither and get sick. In apartments and houses, the Brownie is also manifested by the fact that it makes various sounds and noises. The one who heard them can also judge future events in the family by their character.

You won’t find photos that show what Domovoi or Domovys look like, but we can quite imagine them from the stories. Sometimes this is a double of the owner or mistress, one of his friends and relatives. Sometimes they see a little old man, bearded and covered with fur. Moreover, they believed that the richer the household, the more shaggy the Brownie. They often transform into small wild or domestic animals: weasels, dogs, cats, snakes. But in any form, Domovoy’s fur matches the color of the hair of the owner of the house.

Where does Domovoy live?

The brownie lives in the red corner, on the stove, at the threshold, in the attic, underground - in a word, where he wants and where he will not be disturbed. It is often seen in outbuildings: a barn, a barn, sometimes even in a bathhouse. They didn’t put anything in the places where they believed the Domovoi lived, they didn’t go there themselves, otherwise you might feel a strong oppression at night or get sick.

When is Domovoi honored?

Domovoy has a special holiday: Winter Wonders, which mark 28 January. Then this household spirit is treated to porridge in order to appease it, otherwise it might commit mischief.

The brownie is one of the many spirits of Slavic myths and beliefs. Now, when interest in the traditions and customs of antiquity is growing, past stories and stories are once again coming to life in our minds. Our ancestors believed that everything in nature, around us, has its own soul, its own character. And knowing this fills life with special meaning.

Read more about Slavic mythology.

The brownie is a kind spirit, the keeper of the house and everything that is in it. The brownie looks like a small old man (20-30 centimeters tall) with a large beard. It is believed that the older the brownie, the younger he looks, since they are born old men and die babies. The patron of brownies is God, from whom the spirits inherited several abilities, for example, the ability to predict the future, but the main thing, of course, is wisdom and the ability to heal people and animals.

The brownie lives in almost every home, choosing secluded places to live: behind the stove, under the threshold, in the attic, behind a chest, in a corner, or even in a chimney.

The brownie takes every possible care of his home and the family that lives in it, protecting them from evil spirits and misfortunes. If a family keeps animals, then the brownie will look after them; the good spirit especially loves horses, but if the brownie doesn’t like the animal, he can beat it to death.

The brownie loves cleanliness and order in the house, and does not like it when the inhabitants of the house are lazy. But the spirit dislikes it much more when the inhabitants of the house begin to quarrel with each other or treat it with disrespect. An angry brownie begins to let him know that the person is wrong: he knocks on doors and windows; interferes with sleep at night, making terrible sounds or screams, sometimes even wakes up a person, pinching him painfully, after which large and painful bruises remain on the body, which hurt the more, the more angry the brownie is; and in extreme cases, the spirit is capable of throwing dishes, writing bad messages on the walls and starting small fires. However, the brownie will not cause serious harm to a person, and sometimes the spirit living in the house plays pranks without any particular reason.

The brownie rarely appears to a person, although children and animals can see him, often he even plays with them, but the spirit can be heard quite often, usually this is an unusual knocking or incomprehensible grumbling, sometimes the brownie howls - this portends trouble in the house. When moving, it is customary to invite the brownie with you; to do this, they put a basket in which they put bread and salt or a cup of porridge and say: “Grandfather Brownie, come out. Come live with us!”, and in the new place they again put the basket in the center of the room and say: “Grandfather Brownie, come home. Come live with us!”


The brownie has enormous strength, both physical and magical, so he is able to withstand almost any wickedness that tries to enter the house. However, the strength of the brownie directly depends on how the family living in the house treats him and how friendly the family members are with each other.

The brownie is also capable of predicting the future for the owners of the house: usually he approaches a sleeping person and leans on his chest so that he cannot breathe or move, and if at this moment you ask the brownie “For better or worse,” he will answer . Sometimes the spirit sends more accurate predictions as dreams, usually to the oldest member of the family, although not always.

Possesses a brownie and the ability to transform into various animals.


The enemies of the brownie are the Navya, who, like him, prefer to settle in people's houses, however, the Navya are much weaker than the brownie and therefore cannot win, but if the brownie is weakened, then the Navya can slip into the house and hide from the brownie for quite a long time. Also, sometimes there are clashes between the brownie and raging people who are trying to get into the house.

How to fight?

It is impossible to kill a house spirit, but you can scare it away with iron. The brownie does not attack people and therefore there is no need to fight him, however, if the brownie is angry, then he must be appeased by presenting the spirit with a gift of porridge, bread and salt, chicken pie or snuff, and politely asking for forgiveness. If the brownie begins to play pranks for no reason, they resort to more severe methods of pacification: the owner of the house must pick up an iron rod or any other sufficiently long iron object and, tapping it on the walls, furniture, floor, say in a stern voice:

“Know your place, know your place.

You, the brownie, must guard the house, take care of the household,

Yes, please the mistress, and not fight,

Know your place, know your place."

In Slavic mythology, there are a huge number of different characters who live in deep forests, on high mountain slopes, reservoirs and even underground. However, the mystical images of creatures living side by side with people, such as brownies, are of greatest interest. According to legends, they are found in every home. But not every person knows who brownies are and how to treat them. Let's try to figure out what these creatures are, how they can influence the family atmosphere, whether they are evil or good.

What the researchers say

People who are professionally involved in the study of paranormal phenomena have their own idea of ​​who brownies are and what they do in the human world. There are two main versions, according to one of which brownies are the souls of righteous people left by the Lord on earth to continue doing good deeds and resist evil spirits. Another version says that the real brownie is an evil spirit who is brought into the house by a witch who uses black magic.

What does science think about this?

From a scientific point of view, the existence of a house spirit has not been proven. The vast majority of scientists are skeptical about stories about the brownie. But there are respected people who quite seriously believe that brownies are the souls of our relatives. As a rule, they are men who died unbaptized or were not in the funeral service. Having a huge number of sins behind them that have not been forgiven, they are not able to leave the world of the living, so they are forced to settle where their relatives live.

A less popular version goes like this. The brownie is the soul of a woman who practiced black magic during her life, and after death became entangled with the devil himself.

Slavic mythology

Slavic peoples have always respected the spirit living in their home. They were sure that they knew who the brownies were. In their opinion, these are good spirits who do not want to harm a person. But sometimes they can indulge in a little mischief, for example, hiding something or rearranging objects in the room. However, no one held a grudge against the brownies, who thus expressed their disagreement with anything and protested.

Belarusian brownie

From the legends walking around the territory of modern Belarus, you can learn that a brownie hatches from an egg laid by a rooster. However, in order for the spirit of the house to be born, it is necessary to carry the egg under the left armpit for six months. Then a baby snake appears, which eventually grows into a brownie.

Russian spirit at home

Russian mythology indicates a different origin of brownies. Until some time they lived in heaven, next to the Lord God. But then they were exiled to the human world because they disobeyed the Creator and even decided to organize a rebellion against him. Having been expelled from heaven, the souls were forced to settle in their homes. Being among people, brownies feed on their energy.

Russian fairy tales often mention house spirits. From folk art you can learn how to catch a brownie, how to make friends with him or drive him away. However, as a rule, there is no need to drive away the brownie, since he is a rather positive and harmless creature that loves every member of the family. This positive character is used as the main character in the book “The Diary of a Brownie,” which literally blew up the RuNet. But more on that later.

Ukrainian brownie

Who the brownies are is known even on the territory of modern Ukraine. One version tells us that even an animal that died during the construction of a house can become a brownie. The soul does not leave the place where the heart of its physical shell stopped, remaining to live forever within the walls of the new building.

So, some people believe that a brownie can even be a moth or a bug. But the main Ukrainian version indicates that these are still the souls of dead people. They depict the spirit of the house in the form of a small old man who lives in the warmest and driest place - behind the stove. The image of this grandfather is very similar to the one used in the book “The Diary of a Brownie.”

Legends about evil brownies are extremely rare. After all, as a rule, these are harmless old men with kind eyes and grown up to their knees. People who believe in the existence of the spirit of the house treat it with respect and warmth. They know that a brownie will never offend his owners, and will also help create family comfort and maintain harmony in relationships.

If a single woman lives in the house, then the spirit of the house will belong to the weaker sex. According to legends, in a house where there is no male energy, the soul of a witch takes up residence. Having gone through a complex process of cleansing and getting rid of sins, she becomes a very strong protector, completely protecting the owner of the home. The presence of the spirit of the house can be indicated by the sharp smell of lilac, even if the room is completely empty.

Brownie appearance

We figured out a little about who the brownies are. But how can you determine that you saw exactly the spirit of the house? Some sources claim that a brownie can appear to a person in the form of an animal, such as a cow, dog, snake, cat or mouse. But as a rule, most legends describe him in exactly the same way as the author of the book “The Diary of a Brownie”: a small and quirky man who wears wicker bast shoes and an old, slightly tattered cap. Appearance can be described as follows:

  • An elderly man with gray hair and a beard.
  • A small and very playful creature that vaguely resembles a human and has shiny fur.
  • A miniature and fluffy mouse that moves exclusively on its hind legs, and also has a human face and hands.

The presence of a brownie can be noticed by the strange footprints left on the dusty surface. But remember that the spirit of the house does not like disorder and people who do not take care of the premises in which they live.

Those who believe that the brownie is an entity in the service of dark forces describe it completely differently. For example, you can find stories in which the spirit of the house looks like a terrible giant the size of an adult bear. It is all covered with dark and very dense hair, and in some cases even has huge horns. He is also not at all afraid of holy water or home consecration rituals. Sometimes the brownie creates disturbances on purpose to force the owner to seek help from the clergy, who will cleanse the energy inside the room.

What influences the behavior of the spirit of the house

In order not to anger the brownie, it is necessary to maintain the premises in perfect order, and also do not forget to feed the real owner of the house. Leave him candy, pour milk and share bread. It is recommended to communicate with the spirit of the house and praise it. Only in this case can he become your real protector, protecting you from all sorts of troubles.

How to behave with a brownie

In order for the spirit of the house not to disturb you, you need to maintain cleanliness, also quarrel less with your family, and try to maintain positive energy. A lot of useful advice, written in a humorous form, is contained in the book “The Diary of a Brownie,” all parts of which are already on sale. The author talks about the daily life of a brownie who made friends with a cat and a puppy. Together with his furry friends, he finds himself in various life situations, making fun of certain human actions that people do.

There are no certain rules on how to behave so that the spirit of the house remains satisfied with the conditions in which you and he live. However, knowing who the brownies are, you should maintain cleanliness and order so as not to upset the invisible protector. If harmony reigns in your home, the spirit of the house will prevent thieves from breaking into your property, and will also prevent a fire.

Communicating with the Spirit of the House

A missing note will mean that your request has been considered and you will receive a response as soon as possible. If the note you left has become crumpled or torn, this is a sign that the brownie does not want to help you in a matter that he considers wrong or pointless.

Many sources, including the “Diary of a Brownie,” say that the old man living behind your stove cannot be bribed. You can only appease him. You don't even need sweets or any special attributes for this. It is enough to turn to him with a kind word, sing a funny song or give a few compliments. If you are looking for a way to come to an agreement with the brownie, then it is possible that he will be very offended by you and will play pranks.

When the House Spirit Is Dangerous

People leading a godless lifestyle often encounter manifestations of aggression from the brownie. Somewhere, expensive accessories, such as gold rings or earrings, disappear from the house, and someone feels the indignation of the spirit. For example, there are many stories of people complaining that they are being strangled at night. Fragile objects may also break, and strange and eerie sounds may be heard.

How to put up with a brownie

If it so happens that you have angered the spirit of the house, who is angry with you, causing harmony to completely disappear in the family, ask him for forgiveness. The brownie always returns kindness for kindness. The most important thing for him is that you found the strength to realize the wrongness of your own behavior and decided to change the situation for the better.

To make the brownie happy

As we already know, the spirit of the house lives in the kitchen, behind the stove. In order to create the most comfortable living conditions for him, it is necessary to maintain order. Try not to leave dirty dishes, especially overnight. Hide all cutting and piercing objects from the table, and also remove salt. In each corner you can put some change, saying the following words to yourself: “House neighbor, here’s some money for sunflower seeds and boots.”

If you are going to have a party or are simply expecting guests, be sure to treat the brownie. Pour a glass of strong drink (preferably wine) and place a couple of sweets next to it, saying: “Sir, brownie, help yourself to my sweets and drink some delicious wine.”

When going on vacation, be sure to talk to the spirit of the house, who will remain on the farm. To prevent trouble from happening during your absence, you need to say: “Master-father, look after your home, and I’ll buy you some gifts.” When you return home, be sure to say hello.

"Diary of a Brownie"

As you can see, there is nothing terrible in the image of a brownie. As a rule, these creatures try not to be seen, and are also real protectors of the family in which they live. This original image is used in his book “The Diary of a Brownie” by the author Evgeniy CheshirKo. A young man describes the daily life of a modern brownie, who managed to make friends with a cat and a puppy. Together, these three find themselves in various funny situations, from which they find the most ridiculous way out. But despite the humorous genre of the book, every line contains a hidden meaning, a message to the reader, which makes the author’s work even more interesting.

Is there a brownie in your house? A kind of contradictory and unpredictable creature that scatters and hides things, stomps around at night and at the same time protects the hearth and the whole family...

Who is this brownie? The generally accepted version is still preserved in popular memory that this is an ancient spirit that settles in houses and watches over the residents. He hides behind the stove or hides in dark corners. This is not to say that brownies are a bright beginning. However, they are not absolutely dark creatures. Brownies are associated with fire, and therefore with warmth, light, and comfort.

When moving to a new home, you need to take the brownie with you. To do this, cross yourself in the red corner, turn to the door and say:

“Father, my master, my good brownie, I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, without you we will not be happy.”

And when they enter a new house, they say:

“Neighbor-father, we come in with bread and salt, and you come in with us. Shoes, clothes, feed!”

If the brownie doesn’t like the new housing, he will play pranks. In this case, you can make friends with the brownie in a simple way. Grab a mat, a broom and a handful of potato peels. It needs to be thoroughly rinsed in the sink, squeezed out and scattered on the carpet, and then swept away with a broom - just not towards the front door. While sweeping, say:

“A broom walks across the carpet, walks from corner to corner. Old brownie, you won’t be offended by me.”

After this, throw away the potato peelings. At night, give grandpa the brownie a treat - a glass of sweet wine and cookies. Then he will appreciate your concern and stop acting up.

Well, if the brownie immediately falls in love with your home, then he will begin to live there peacefully, will serve and work for the good of your home. To appease the “master”, you sometimes need to make small sacrifices. For happiness in the house, every first day of the new month you need to treat the brownie. Place a cookie, candy, or piece of bread in a corner (you can put a brownie figurine next to it) and leave it there until the first day of the next month. Then throw away the old treat or give it to the animals.

And in general, try not to spoil your relationship with the brownie, so that he does not continue to disturb your peace, but peacefully carries out his service as the guardian of the house.

Important to know: Keeping in mind the fiery nature of the brownie, do not forget to light a candle in the kitchen from time to time and be sure to keep the stove clean.

Making a housewife

The “housewife” will help to appease the brownie - this is a special item for decorating a home, which was invented by our great-grandmothers.

Any natural materials are suitable for making houseware: leather, bast, cereals, salted dough, dried berries, mushrooms or flowers.

All this needs to be attached to the base item. It could be:

broom, turned upside down - as a talisman against evil spirits;

decorative bast shoe or regular slipper as a designation of the place where the brownie lives;

wreath or decorative braid as a symbol of infinity and continuity of your family;

painted spoon as the personification of prosperity in the house and hospitable owners.

If you don’t find anything suitable, you can sew such a bag from coarse fabric, such as linen or burlap, stuff it with cotton wool or cereal and tie it with a beautiful ribbon.

It is better to hang the home in the kitchen, closer to the stove, and if the house has a fireplace, then above it. This mystical decoration will help you win the trust and love of the brownie, and acquire in him a caring friend and a brave protector.

Come to my house!

If there is no brownie in your home, you can invite him to “visit”, lure him away from other houses.

No special rituals are needed to summon a spirit. To do this, you need to, when passing by the surrounding houses (or visiting kind people), simply mentally turn to the brownie and invite him to your home.

You can lure a brownie only with a sincere, kind, affectionate attitude. It will be difficult for you to persuade him to come if you have a barking, aggressive, restless dog. On the contrary, there is a greater chance that the brownie will respond to your call if there is a cat in the house. It is better to start calling a brownie to your home on the new moon and continue until the day of the first quarter of the moon.

Or you can create an “embodiment” of the spirit with your own hands - sew a “grandfather-in-law” out of burlap and place it in the corner of the kitchen.

Every house has a brownie. It symbolizes the energy of the home. Since ancient times, it has been believed that brownies are the guardians of the hearth. Usually this spirit appears in the house where people have lived for more than seven years. Signs of his presence are strange rustles, steps, extraneous noises.

The main thing is not to be scared. The brownie, in fact, protects the house and its residents. But you have to be friends with the spirit. Otherwise, he can play tricks and hide objects. The brownie does not like it when the house is dirty and when people quarrel.

Position the brownie

You cannot offend or scold a cat. Very often the brownie turns into her. To appease the spirit, you need to treat it with sweets and milk. Food should be placed either near the stove or in a dark corner. A brownie usually lives in these places. If a cat drinks milk, it’s okay – it’s a good sign. This means the brownie liked the treat.

It happens that the spirit makes a lot of noise and bothers you. He may not be happy with something in the house (dirt, quarrels, disorder). Therefore, the first thing you should do is clean up, and then appease the brownie. To do this, when night falls, dirty things in the house are collected and sent to the bathroom for washing. Then all the corners are freed up to put the candy there. After this, the owner of the house stands in the center of the home and turns to the brownie with a request not to be angry and to give peace and order.

Having completed the ritual, you must bow to four sides. The next day they check the corners of the apartment. If the brownie is favorable to the request, then all the candies will be in place. But the spirit may not calm down. Then you need to repeat the ritual with a more delicious treat.

The brownie is, in principle, a good spirit. He keeps order in the house, protects its residents from the evil eye and damage. If a person with bad intentions comes to visit, the brownie will try to send the ill-wisher out as quickly as possible. And there were cases when the spirit saved the lives of the residents of the house. He woke them up during a fire, or when some kind of disaster occurred.

The brownie is also considered a representative of evil spirits. But he lives in the houses of believers and where there are icons. The brownie always helps families where love and harmony reign. But if people in the house constantly quarrel, do not respect each other and offend each other, the spirit will only harm. And it can even lead to complete ruin.

When moving to a new home, you need to invite the brownie with you. To do this, they take a broom and say: “Hey, father, get on the sleigh and come with us!” Or an empty bag is placed in the house, and the brownie is invited to move with his family to another place. Just don’t address the spirit as “brownie.” It is believed that he is very offended. It’s better to say “father”, “grandfather”, “master”.