Secrets of magic numbers. Let's consider simplified meanings of numbers

The esoteric study of numbers is called numerology. Its creator is considered to be Pythagoras, who was sure that number is material, and argued that numbers influence the life and character of a person. Numerology is often associated with digitology - a system of methods for determining the influence of numbers on the fate of an individual. She searches and studies interpretations of the relationship between digital combinations and events that occur in a person’s life.

The influence of numbers on a person

Numbers accompany people all the time. The most important combination is the date and time of birth. The second, no less important, is the number of the name. These two combinations emit certain vibrations that affect the personality. Such numbers are called personal or personal code, number.

But not only personal codes have magic. All the numbers that accompany you through life or even during the day - time on the clock, dates of birth of loved ones, date of move, job change, lunar days, apartment numbers, houses, cars, etc. - have their own magic and mystery.

The science of numbers can tell us about:

  • fate;
  • character;
  • relationships with others;
  • talents and potential;
  • talismans, lucky signs, flowers and days that will bring good luck.

Numerologists believe that the magic of numbers is a powerful force. And if this power is used correctly, then a person will be able to achieve great results.

The magic of numbers

The basis of many esoteric teachings is number magic. Each number from 1 to 9 has a power. Ancient people personified numbers with the Gods and identified them with the elements and forces of nature. People who understood how to use this magic received powers that could create and destroy. The sacred secrets of numbers were revealed only to a select circle of people.

Now you just need to press a couple of keys and you can calculate your personal number online. This requires a small amount of time, the ability to filter information and the desire to learn the magic of numbers.

Numerical value of letters

Calculation of numbers in numerology

Science has developed several number systems. In numerology, decimal is usually used, which involves the study of numbers from 0 to 9. To correctly interpret dates and numbers, you need to reduce them to a single digit.

An example of calculating a personal number by date of birth:

  • person born March 5, 1982;
  • to calculate your personal code, you need to add up all the numbers;
  • 05.03.1982 - 0+5+0+3+1+9+8+2 = 28;
  • reduce to a single digit number: 2+8=10, 1+0=1;
  • The lucky number in numerology is one.

The meaning of numbers from 0 to 9 in numerology

Number 1

One is a symbol of the beginning. Its magic lies in creative energy, which carries within itself the creative potential and light power of the Universe. In philosophy, the meaning of the number 1 is interpreted as a spirit that is not subject to time and space.

Unit mascots:

  • rod;
  • Sun;
  • dot;
  • mandala.

Sometimes, due to the inability to find a middle ground, carriers of the number 1 move from positive influence to extremes.

They are characterized by the following traits: arrogance, pride, excessive selfishness, lust for power, anger, cruelty, impulsiveness.

Number 2

The deuce symbolizes the duality of the world, the interaction of two opposites: feminine and masculine. The talismans of number 2 are:

  • woman;
  • bowl;
  • lunar crescent.

The positive qualities of a deuce include: gentleness, calmness, caring for others, and the desire for harmony. Those with a deuce make excellent parents - they are affectionate and caring, treating their child with special tenderness and love. Such people are supportive, value individuality, and respect other people's opinions.

Negative qualities: inconstancy, frequent changes of mood, and with it decisions. Twos are capricious and emotionally unstable. Sometimes they close themselves off from reality and plunge into a world of illusions. They need to learn to control their emotions.

Number 3

Three in Christianity has a sacred meaning: it symbolizes the unity of spirit, soul and body. The talisman is the Christian Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit.

Carriers of the troika are drawn to science, knowledge, new skills and abilities. Creative personalities are often found among them. They easily find an approach to people and know how to correctly convey information to listeners. They can realize themselves in teaching, psychology, philosophy.

Positive features:

  • kindness;
  • communication skills;
  • responsiveness;
  • generosity;
  • desire for order.

Negative qualities:

  • self-confidence;
  • frivolity;
  • pursuit of pleasure.

Number 4

Four in numerology symbolizes stability, confidence, stability, balance. Four mascots:

  • cardinal directions;
  • elements of nature;
  • square.

Holders of the number 4 are confident in themselves and their decisions, they are resilient, hardworking, practical and responsible. These are reliable life companions and business partners. They have a stable position in society.

Negative traits include excessive persistence and gullibility. A person under the influence of 4 unconditionally believes others and is often deceived. Four people can be too boring and boring.

Number 5

Five is a symbol of independence, freedom, activity. The talisman is a five-pointed star, a pentagon. The patron planet is Mercury, the most mobile in the solar system.

Five people are eternal travelers. They value freedom of movement, choice, action and negatively perceive any rules and restrictions. Fives are sociable, cheerful, witty, and easily tolerate change.

It is difficult for such people to sit in one place, so they rarely move up the career ladder. More often they realize themselves in freelancing: they can earn money from travel, blogs, photography, etc.

Negative qualities: cunning, talkative, prone to deception, can break the law if it interferes with their freedom.

Number 6

The patron of six is ​​Venus. Ancient people considered Venus to be the goddess of love and fertility. The number six symbolizes sacrifice, service to others, devotion and fidelity.

Six people have a number of positive qualities:

  • faithful;
  • honest;
  • responsive;
  • devotees;
  • humane;
  • kind;
  • sensual;
  • optimistic;
  • have a subtle sense of taste.

A long list of positive character traits is also accompanied by disadvantages: excessive sacrifice develops into suffering that is not needed either by the person himself or by those around him. Sixes have attacks of jealousy. Sixes, while protecting a loved one, can be cruel and merciless towards the offender.

Seven is a strong number. In numerology, its sacred meaning is considered to be harmony, balance between the spiritual and material world. Much in the world is connected with the number seven: the colors of the rainbow, notes in the octave, degrees of evolution, chakras, seven days of the creation of the world.

Seven people tend to search for themselves, their path, their destiny. They have well-developed intuition and a rich imagination. Sometimes endowed with supernatural powers. Such people value the spiritual more than the material, but strive for harmony in everything.

The number 7 symbolizes the absence of material attachments

Owners of 7 are smart, wise, balanced, calm people. They are polite and respectful towards others. They are distinguished by their understanding and ability to listen, so they often connect their lives with psychology. Constantly developing and mastering new skills.

Negative qualities: prone to fanaticism, idealism, overly suspicious.

Number 8

In numerology, eight symbolizes infinity and is also considered the number of karma. In a person’s life, the number eight is responsible for wealth, financial success, abundance and material prosperity. The talisman is the infinity sign - an inverted figure eight.

Eight people are winners in life. It is not difficult for them to find out what they want, they easily get what they want. Always confident in your choices and decisions. They have leadership qualities and know how to manage people. They are honest and fair.

A person under the influence of the number eight confidently moves towards his goal. He is distinguished by business sense, perseverance and courage. Successful in life, easily copes with difficulties and obstacles.

Negative qualities of the number eight: arrogance, arrogance, rudeness, coldness, vanity.

Number 9

They say that nine is the strongest because it is the trailing number, the last of the single numbers. Nine has the characteristics of all previous numbers. Mars is considered the patron planet. Nine is the fiery energy that moves a person.

Nines are very purposeful: they see the goal and do not see obstacles, they go straight to victory. If someone deliberately gets in their way, then you shouldn’t expect anything good from the nine, because it will go over their heads and won’t even notice.

Positive characteristics of the number 9:

  • confidence;
  • courage;
  • colossal energy;
  • leadership skills;
  • assertiveness;
  • the ability to defend one’s opinion;
  • spiritual wisdom;
  • self-development;
  • learning ability

Nine is a symbol of a completed cycle, since the next number is 10, representing a new order. This means that in order to move forward, you need to destroy boundaries. Symbolism of transformation. The magic of the nine lies in the final accomplishment.

Cons: cruelty, rudeness, hot temper, anger.

Number 0

Zero itself has no numerological meaning. If a zero is in front of a number, it means it reduces its impact. If a zero comes after a digit, it increases the influence of the first digit. Therefore, numerological counting begins with one.

Pythagoras created a special system, thanks to which a person could get answers to a number of questions based on his date of birth. The concept of “magic of numbers” is most accurately reflected in this system.

The Pythagorean square can tell about many human qualities:

  • Character;
  • Bioenergy and passion;
  • Internal personality make-up;
  • Health and sexuality;
  • Development of intuition;
  • Logic and prudence;
  • The degree of grounding of the individual;
  • Communication with higher powers;
  • Talents;
  • Intensity of sense of duty;
  • Intelligence level.


In life, the magic of numbers manifests itself every day. If you master this magic and learn to use it, you can attract good luck, success, love, and happiness into your life. Using special numbers, you can attract wealth, easily solve problems or get rid of them altogether.

The magic of numbers

Numerology Basics

In numerology, all words, names and numbers can be reduced to unit digits, which correspond to certain occult characteristics that influence a person’s life. That is, in numerology, certain properties, concepts and images are assigned to each single-digit number. Numerology is used in analyzing a person's character to determine character, natural gifts, strengths and weaknesses, predict the future, choose the best place to live, discover the most appropriate time for making decisions and for actions. Some people also use numerology to choose their partners - in business, marriage, and also in society.


Despite the fact that numerology has gained great popularity relatively recently, in fact it belongs to one of the most ancient sciences. To some extent, the numbers themselves form their own language, which was understood and used by many primitive tribes, maintaining connections among themselves in the language of numbers. And in ancient alphabets (for example, in Hebrew), numerical values ​​were also assigned to letters. And this is still widely used in many linguistic traditions, for example, they write paragraph a), b), c), instead of numerical numbering.

Now it is impossible to establish exactly when numerology originated, for the reason that in ancient times (in Babylon, India, Egypt, Greece and Rome) there was, of course, no such separate science. In those days, the philosopher and the mathematician easily understood each other and did not think of their sciences as separated from each other by impenetrable barriers. Therefore, the same scientists studied numbers from the point of view of both philosophy and mathematics. Plato and Aristotle required their students to be proficient in mathematics, and most ancient mathematicians were well acquainted with the philosophy of their time.

Pythagoras' positions

The main provisions of the current version of Western numerology were developed in the 6th century BC. e. by the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who combined the mathematical systems of the Arabs, Druids, Phoenicians and Egyptians with the sciences of human nature.

Numerology in Kabbalah

Numerology received particular importance in Kabbalah, where its variety is known as gematria.

Kabbalists expanded on the Pythagorean concept by using numbers in magic squares for various purposes. With the discovery in the 19th century of the nature of light, electricity and magnetism by scientists, the ancient occult meanings attributed to numbers began to be attributed to vibrations of energy.

Without plunging into the labyrinths and depths of Kabbalistic cosmology, modern numerology prefers a simplified numerical and alphabetic code based on the theories of Pythagoras.

Pythagorean theory

Pythagoras, his students and followers reduced all numbers to numbers from 1 to 9 inclusive, since they are the original numbers from which all others can be obtained (this in itself is no longer credible, since in the binary number system, for example, such There is only one digit; in hexadecimal, on the contrary, it is fifteen). Various systems have been developed to reduce large numbers into elementary ones. The simplest and most popular method of obtaining these digits from numbers is to add all the digits of this number, then, if 10 or more are formed, add these digits as well. This process is continued until an elementary number from 1 to 9 is obtained (in some versions In numerological calculations, the two-digit numbers 11 and 22, also called dominant numbers, are not reduced to single digits). Any numbers can be subjected to such “analysis”: date of birth, telephone number, apartment number, etc.

By the number you can determine what the coming year will be like and how to use it to your greatest benefit. From a numerological point of view, time moves in endlessly repeating cycles from 1 to 9. Within centuries and decades, each new year brings with it a new number. Days and months within a year can also be divided into cycles.

Numerological analysis of words

Numerological analysis of words, for example, a name, is also possible. The fact that a name distinguishes a person from other people serves as a basis for believing that it contains the individuality of a person. If a name is analyzed according to traditional rules, it will reveal character and destiny. The main problem with such an analysis is that there are a huge number of different names in the world. The task of analyzing these names seems hopeless unless one can reduce them to a reasonably limited number of species. To do this, all names are turned into numbers, using existing correspondences between numbers and letters of the Russian alphabet.

The connection between numerology and the Bible

As one of the ways to resolve a difficult life situation, some numerologists recommend writing the problem down on paper, calculating the full numerological number using a numerology table, and then searching for clues from the text of the Bible. As the clearest example of the effectiveness of this method, a coincidence associated with King Solomon is used: the numerological addition of the phrase “King Solomon” gives the resulting number 11. And it is in the 11th book of the Bible (The Third Book of Kings), exclusively in the first 11 chapters, that the biography of King Solomon is given, and in chapter 11 verse 11 a clear and unambiguous reason for God’s punishment of Solomon is given.

Russian numerology

It differs from all other numerological schools in that it defines direct characteristics of over 150 numbers. Allows you to determine the fate of individuals, nations and countries not only by the characteristics of numbers, but also by the texts of the Bible. Today it is the only such tool for studying the information contained in the texts of the Gospel.

Numerological ideas in culture

In different cultures, tradition required “adjustment” of the observed world to the archetypes of consciousness. This is how many stable, but physically completely unfounded ideas were born: four-component (European) and five-component (Asian) theory of taste, 7 colors of the rainbow among Europeans and 6 colors among the British.

Examples of numerological descriptions of numbers

  • - nothing
  • - unit - basis of account
  • - bilateral symmetry of organisms, dichotomy of many nomenclatures
  • - three-dimensionality of the material world, 3 points of support for stable balance, three-component theory of color vision.
  • - 4 elements of the ancient world (Mediterranean, Greece), 4 temperaments, 4 tastes
  • - closely related to the 5 fingers on the hand - eastern pentatonic, as well as in the civilizations of the Ancient East - 5 tastes, 5 colors, 5 elements; pentagram
  • - six sides of a honeycomb, six-petalled flowers, a hexagram of two triangles
  • - (?) - 7 metals of antiquity, 7 “planets” of antiquity (observable with the naked eye, including the Sun and Moon), 7 notes, 7 colors of Newton’s rainbow
  • - infinity sign (∞), rotated by 90°.
  • - in numerology - a symmetrical and individual two
  • - dozen - the first number with many divisors (2,3,4,6), 12 months of the year, 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 hours on the dial, 12 parts of the Temple of Solomon, 12 * 5: the basis of the 60-digit number system
  • - devil's dozen - close to a dozen, but not entirely divisible.


see also


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See what “Number Magic” is in other dictionaries:

    This is angelic magic of Kabbalistic origin, created (or derived) by the English mathematician, alchemist and astrologer John Dee and the medium Edward Kelly. Perhaps due to disappointment from the inability to achieve... ... Wikipedia

For a long time, people have been looking for a mystical connection between numbers and what happens to humans and nature.

They believed in magic, magic and that everything around is subject to some kind of force, which can be learned about with the help of numbers. This belief formed the basis of the most ancient system of knowledge, from which numerology was then formed.

The founder of numerology as an independent science is considered to be Pythagoras, a mathematician and philosopher who lived in Ancient Greece in the 4th century BC. His works combined mathematical knowledge with ancient philosophical knowledge about the world around us and man’s place in it.

The essence of numerology

In numerology, each number is endowed with a sacred meaning, a specific meaning. The magic of numbers is calculated according to a general scheme: all the digits of any number are mathematically added until a single-digit value between 0 and 9 is formed.

The method belongs to the Pythagoreans. It was the followers of the ancient Greek mathematician who came up with the idea of ​​reducing complex numbers by ordinary addition of their constituent digits. The single-digit number obtained as a result of calculations, according to numerology, carries magic and contains the sacred meaning of all human life, and is even capable of revealing the secrets of the universe.

You can determine a person’s fate not only by the numbers of the date of birth, but also by using letters. Each letter of the alphabet has its own number, which is used in calculations.

It is enough to simply write down the numbers of the letters of the first and last name, add the resulting numbers and reduce them to a single-digit value in order to find out about all future and past events, a person’s strengths and weaknesses, predict twists of fate or warn about danger. All this is provided by the mystical magic of numbers.

Number predictions

Numerology can predict events that will happen on a trip just by the numeric code of the ticket. We even choose clothes, equipment and other things, subconsciously relying on the internal sensations of numbers.

Remember how you chose a SIM card for your phone or applied for a card at the bank. Surely, in the end you chose the one whose number you liked more. In fact, even when choosing the simplest things, we choose not things, but our future.

This is the magic of numbers, which Pythagoras discovered to humanity many centuries ago and which then, having undergone many changes, came to us in today’s simple and understandable form. Numerology was a constant companion of Freemasons, Kabbalists, Anthroposophists and other secret societies. The adherents of each of them put their own meaning into the interweaving of numbers, but they all relied on the teachings of Pythagoras.

What's the benefit?

Numerological calculations are often used by couples in love to determine the degree of compatibility with each other and build relationships in the best possible way. The magic of numbers also allows us to calculate the best date for a wedding, trip or other important event, choose a reliable business partner, and predict the consequences of our choice.

The meanings of birth date numbers help to learn more about a person, determine his talents and inclinations, predict the future, and warn of difficulties or dangers. Fate numerology gives us the opportunity to understand why we were born and what the main goal of our life is.

Whether it's magic or science, numerology has a powerful influence on a person's entire life. Author: Valentina Levadnaya

Since time immemorial, humanity has believed that there is a definite but inexplicable connection between numbers and physical objects, events, and living creatures.

Relationship between numbers

This belief was reflected in the emergence of a whole system of knowledge concerning the mystical and esoteric relationships between numbers and the real world: time, people, the environment and even the elements.

Despite the fact that this system was formed many centuries ago, many modern scientists are convinced: the magic of numbers in numerology is not a myth, but an objective reality based on ancient knowledge, observations and practical experience of previous generations.

One of the basic principles of numerology is the reduction of any number to a single digit, which, in turn, can correspond to and reflect certain occult characteristics that influence or are interconnected with human life.

Thus, any single-digit number in numerology has its own spectrum of concepts, qualities and images. Knowing what each of the possible single-digit numbers means, you can not only learn to predict some events in your life, but also manage them, avoid them, or, conversely, meet them halfway.

It is noteworthy that to this day the magic of numbers and numerology, as such, are used to analyze human character and identify hidden natural talents and abilities in certain people. There are even cases where even representatives of law enforcement agencies in different countries of the world and at different times resorted to the help of numerology, using ancient knowledge to draw up a psychological portrait of dangerous criminals.

The principle of reducing numbers to the unit digit

Counting numbers

In order to reduce large numbers, many different techniques and methods are used in numerology. The most common and simplest is addition, in which each digit in a large number is sequentially added to another digit until a two-digit number is formed.

The digits of the resulting two-digit number are also added so that the result turns out to be an elementary single-digit number (from 1 to 9). According to this scheme, any numbers related to the fate of a person are analyzed - be it the full date of his birth, the number of his car, telephone or apartment.

Numbers in numerology and their relationship with a person

Meaning of numbers

The number 1 is considered the basis of all numbers, on which they are essentially based. As the postulates of numerology state: without one it is impossible to create a single number. Being a birth number, one testifies to the strong-willed character of a person, who is characterized by ambition, ambition and determination. It is advisable for such people to learn to clearly concentrate on their goal, because the energy that boils in them scatters their attention, forcing them to pursue the achievement of several goals at once. Many famous political figures and creative people - musicians, scientists, artists - were born under this number.

The number 2 symbolizes confrontation, contrast. At the same time, being the number of birth, two endows a person with balance, tact and natural artistry. People born under the number 2 may outwardly seem formidable, but at the same time be tender and vulnerable in their souls, or, on the contrary, they are able to impress others with soft and romantic natures, skillfully hiding their punchy character and iron willpower.

The number 3 in the date of birth declares a person as a talented and emotional person, often endowed with phenomenal talent in the field of art, science and sports. These are self-confident people who know how to find a way out of any situation. Numerology associates the number 4 with balance and stability, reliability and strict orderliness. So, in nature there are 4 creative and destructive elements, there are the same number of seasons of the year and the same number of times of day (morning, evening, night, day). People born under this number are usually hardworking, careful and conscientious. In their environment, they enjoy a reputation as reliable and responsible friends to whom they can safely entrust any problems.

The number 5, on the contrary, symbolizes impermanence and a complete lack of stability. However, at the same time, the five endows a person with a happy destiny, enthusiasm, openness and mobility. These people love traveling, easily make new acquaintances, and even being in the most remote point of the planet, they feel comfortable. Under the number 6, progressive individuals are born, endowed with an irresistible natural magnetism. They are charming, patient and very smart, and easily achieve a high position in society.

People born under the number 7, according to numerologists, are prone to analytics and philosophy. They have a rich creative imagination, boundless imagination and developed intuition. The magic of number 7 attracts vast opportunities for self-realization into the lives of these people, but, unfortunately, very often they simply do not notice them. The number 8 in the date of birth gives a person such qualities as enterprise, fearlessness, and a penchant for forecasting. The magic of the number 8 often gives such people the feeling that they are “not like everyone else.” And often this awareness favors a person’s self-improvement, predetermining his personal and career growth. The number 9 is also associated with financial success, which, when included in the date of birth, endows a person with many talents and abilities. Often these people achieve dizzying success in commercial and financial activities.

The magic of numbers: myth or reality?

Truth or lie

The above list of numbers is basic, but not exhaustive. In addition to the indicated elementary numbers, professional numerologists and astrologers also work with large numbers, but, nevertheless, use the basic principles presented.

It is important to note that the magic of numbers in numerology is a collective concept, which includes not only the possibility of analyzing the fate and personality of a particular person, but also predicting events in a global sense. So, for example, turning to the history of the United States, we can cite the curious and still inexplicable fact of the connection between the names and destinies of two American presidents - A. Lincoln and J. Kennedy. Both were elected to Congress exactly 100 years apart, and both were elected president—again, a century apart. It is characteristic that the killers of both presidents were born a century apart - one was born in 1839, the other in 1939.

Another inexplicable historical fact, which still causes confusion among skeptics, is associated with the so-called. "By the Curse of Tecumseh." It is also relevant to American history and is that all US presidents, from William Harrison to John Kennedy, were elected/re-elected in a year ending in zero. A tragic fate awaited each of them, by the will of which all these figures died before their presidential terms were to end.

In numerology, there are certain numbers and combinations of numbers with which you can attract what you want into your life, speed up processes and even manage time!

What magic numbers attract good luck?

In order to use the magic of numbers for your own purposes, you need to know about their properties.

  • If you want to increase something, for example, your income or the number of fans, then your lucky number will be 1 and 7. One is energy and purpose, seven is a mysterious action. And these two numbers add up to 8, the number of infinity. How to apply the magic of these numbers in practice? Yes, very simple! For example, when counting, receiving or touching money, say to yourself: “seven plus one.”
  • If you want to be lucky everywhere and in everything, repeat the number 21. Say it out loud, whisper or think about it when you urgently need to attract good luck. This number will be an excellent talisman of good luck for those who were born on the 21st, or live in an apartment on the 21st. If this number haunts you throughout life, then you are lucky!
  • If you don't have time to do something and want the time to last longer, the number 91 will help you. One is the beginning, nine is the end. In this way, you slow down time for yourself, since these numbers cover the entire time cycle.
  • If you want to stop time, for example, in order to delay an unwanted meeting, repeat “four” to yourself. Four can slow down the action and delay the process.
  • If, on the contrary, you want to speed up time or any process, say to yourself: “twenty.” Two is multiplication, and zero is opposition to all difficulties.
  • If you are starting any important business and want to enlist the support of higher powers, then repeat to yourself: “forty forty.” This number will help you fulfill your plans.

According to numerology, the magic of numbers can be an excellent assistant in any matter. Try to attract happiness, money, luck, love into your life with the help of magic numbers, manage your time and protect yourself from troubles! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.06.2014 09:00

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