Sberbank list of property insurance companies. Insurance programs at Sberbank and a list of accredited insurance companies

Sberbank mortgage insurance is provided by accredited insurance companies. Their list is quite sufficient for clients to conclude an agreement on favorable terms.

Bank insurance requirements

According to mortgage agreements concluded with Sberbank, borrowers are required to insure the purchased property. This requirement is stipulated by the provisions prescribed in the federal law “On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)” (Article 31).

Life and health insurance of the borrower (co-borrower) is not a mandatory condition of the mortgage agreement, but is desirable. The bank encourages its clients to take out this type of insurance by reducing or increasing the mortgage loan rate, depending on the presence or absence of such an insurance policy. Sberbank offers its own list of insurance companies for mortgages and life insurance.

In total, both insurance policies cost a decent amount. It is quite logical that borrowers, having received approval for a mortgage, try to find an insurance company for cooperation that will ask to pay the minimum insurance premium, but will be a reliable partner accredited by Sberbank of Russia.

It cannot be said that the list of accredited insurers includes any exceptional companies. Which insurance companies does Sberbank of Russia work directly with for mortgages? Those who independently expressed a desire to cooperate with him. Such organizations contacted the bank, presented the necessary documents, were checked by internal services and, based on their conclusions, formed a partnership.

Insurance companies cooperating with Sberbank on mortgages also offer other types of insurance: title insurance, as well as against job loss and other financial risks. These types of insurance are often not required either by law or by the terms of the loan.

Sberbank will also accept an insurance policy issued by an insurance company that has not been accredited. However, it will take time to accept such a document: the lender’s services need to check the insurer proposed by the client and make an informed decision about the possibility of working with him.

Considering that control over activities in the insurance market is carried out by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which only needs one day to suspend the activities of the insurer if any problems are identified, there are usually no difficulties with accepting a policy from a non-accredited insurance company. But the period required for Sberbank to verify the insurer is 30 working days from the date of provision of the full package of documents for this organization.

Benefits of Mortgage Insurance

Sberbank is indicated as the beneficiary under the mortgage insurer's policies. However, mortgage insurance is beneficial to both the borrower and the bank: if an insured event occurs, payments paid by the insurer will be used to pay off the debt. As a result, Sberbank will return the funds provided under the loan agreement, as well as accrued interest. That is, the bank, if problems arise with payments due to the fact that the borrower is in a difficult life situation, will not need to litigate or sell the collateral.

Having such insurance is also beneficial for the borrower. In the event of an insured event, the insurer will pay off the debt to the bank. In some cases, especially when it comes to insuring the loan object, payments are sent to the borrower to restore the collateral.

When the insurance payment is credited to repay the loan debt, the ownership of the property purchased with a mortgage remains with its owner, that is, with the borrower. This scheme is also good because it allows you to maintain a good credit history, preventing the occurrence of delays, and if problems arise with the life and health of the borrower, it will relieve his loved ones from the need to repay the mortgage debt.

However, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that payments will arrive in the loan account only after 1-2 months, after the insurer receives all the necessary documents.

Almost all insurance companies accredited by Sberbank for mortgages use standard methods when determining the cost of an insurance policy. But the applied coefficients, tariffs and, as a result, the amount that the policyholder must pay differ. In 2017, insurers began to pay more attention to the age of the borrower, that is, the older the person, the more expensive insurance will cost.

If desired, you can purchase more extended insurance options. They will cost more, but will also provide wider coverage. For example, real estate insurance in the basic version involves only the protection of walls and structures and only within the amount of the loan debt plus interest, usually for a year. But in the event of a fire, housing will not be considered completely lost if at least the foundation remains of a private house; payments will be calculated taking into account the amount of coverage (for the entire value of the property or in proportion to the balance of the debt to the bank). A more expensive policy could reimburse the cost of lost repairs, furnishings, and household appliances.

When insuring life and health for large sums (over 4-5 million rubles), they usually require you to undergo a medical commission. These expenses are paid by the policyholder.

Registration of insurance

Ultimately, both insurance - both the property and the life and health of the borrower - will cost 0.5-1.5% of the loan amount.

If you take out a policy at the Sberbank office, and not at insurance companies accredited by it for life and health mortgages, as well as directly for housing, then the final insured amount will be affected by:

  • loan amount;
  • age of the policyholder;
  • the duration of the mortgage according to the agreement;
  • the cost of the acquired property;
  • its location;
  • client's income level;
  • history of transactions made with this property previously.

Before concluding an insurance agreement with Sberbank, it is worth clarifying the offers of its partners.

Basic list of documents required when purchasing a policy for a property from one of the bank’s partners included in the list of accredited mortgage insurance companies of Sberbank in 2017:

  • borrower's passport;
  • loan agreement;
  • payment schedule;
  • title documents for housing - certificate of ownership (extended extract from the Unified State Register), purchase and sale agreement (SDA);
  • technical certificate.

For life insurance with a Sberbank mortgage, accredited companies may also require other documents (marriage certificates, birth certificates of children, etc.). The full list can be confirmed with the insurer.

Which insurance companies are accredited by Sberbank for mortgages: rating of insurance companies

When studying Sberbank's partner insurance companies for mortgages under life insurance, you should also pay very close attention to the data of the RAEX Rating Agency (Expert RA). This organization analyzes the insurance market. According to experts from the country's leading rating agency, the following insurance companies working with Sberbank on mortgages:

  • LLC IC "Sberbank Insurance";
  • JSC "AIG";
  • OJSC "AlfaStrakhovanie";
  • JSC "VSK";
  • LLC IC "VTB Insurance";
  • SPAO "Ingosstrakh";
  • Liberty Insurance (JSC);
  • SPJSC "RESO-Garantiya";
  • PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh";
  • 10. CJSC IC RSHB-Insurance;
  • 11. JSC "SOGAZ";
  • as of May 2017, they received an A++ reliability level. In fact, this is a list of the 11 most reliable insurers that meet the requirements of a given bank.

The RAEX rating agency makes such an assessment when it believes that this insurer with a very high degree of probability guarantees the timely fulfillment of all financial obligations (both current and arising in the course of its work) even in the event of significant adverse changes in macroeconomic and market indicators. This also indicates the stability of the forecast and the preservation of the rating of organizations, including those included by Sberbank in the list of mortgage insurance companies, in the medium term.

Insurance companies approved by Sberbank for mortgages change periodically.

Article updated date: 04/04/2019

One of the requirements most banks impose on clients when applying for a mortgage loan is to insure their life and health. It depends on the client’s health status whether he will be able to repay the loan within the period specified in the contract, since the vast majority of borrowers are employees of enterprises who receive income in the form of wages.

A key condition for a mortgage with Sberbank is also life insurance; it even has a list of accredited insurers with prices for registration. The bank offers its clients to enter into an agreement with an insurer, an accredited bank, or to join a collective voluntary life and health insurance program. If the insurance company chosen by the client is accredited by the bank, then its policy will be accepted by it as part of the package of documents for obtaining a loan.

But the client can also join the collective program. The difference between these two options is as follows. According to the latest amendments to the law, insurance can be canceled up to 5 days after its purchase, and the insurer is obliged to return the entire amount in full, unless the insured event occurs. This applies to insurance contracts concluded with individuals under individual programs.

Sberbank has a list of insurance companies approved for life insurance when taking out a mortgage, but the bank itself offers collective insurance agreements, under which the insurer is Sberbank Life Insurance LLC. Upon the occurrence of an insured event, Sberbank PJSC becomes the policyholder and beneficiary.

The maximum amount of insurance coverage under insurance is 15 million rubles. An insured event is the death of the borrower, disability, loss of ability to work, or loss of legal capacity. Insurance payment is calculated using the following formula:

Loan amount*insurance program tariff*(number of months/12). If the tariff is 1%, then the price of insurance for 1 year with a loan amount of 500 thousand rubles. will be: 500 thousand rubles. * 0.01*(12/12) = 5 thousand rubles. Currently, Sberbank has established the following tariffs for connecting to its collective insurance program:

  • From loss of life, health, work - 2.99%;
  • From loss of life, health - 1.99%;
  • With a choice of insurance parameters - 2.5%.

Life and health insurance for a Sberbank mortgage, where is it cheaper?

When purchasing housing on credit, its future owner must overpay when applying for a mortgage, but he still has to insure the purchased squares and his life. In order to somehow minimize these costs, it is worth considering offers from several companies and choosing the one where life insurance for a mortgage with Sberbank is the cheapest.

The bank obliges its borrowers to take out insurance only from accredited companies, since certain risks, payment procedures, exceptional cases and other nuances have been agreed upon with them. Due to the fact that the bank imposes the same requirements on all insurance organizations, their conditions are the same, but premiums may differ significantly.

By insuring your life for a Sberbank mortgage in companies accredited by it, you can qualify for a reduction in the interest rate to 1%, and if you receive a disability of the first two groups during mortgage payments, you can receive compensation for the trouble that occurred.

As of 2019, 16 insurers were inspected by Sberbank; they all meet the following requirements:

  • comply with current legislation and working conditions dictated by the Central Bank;
  • have been operating for more than 3 years;
  • they do not have unfulfilled obligations and disputes with regulatory legal and economic authorities;
  • they have a positive credit history;
  • information about individuals who contributed shares to the authorized capital of the enterprise can be found out and verified; they do not hide it from other organizations;
  • there are title documents and licenses;
  • the owners of the company have no administrative violations or criminal records; this condition also applies to shareholders whose share is more than 5%;
  • the company should not have debts to the budget;
  • an insurance company should not allocate most of its funds to risky projects;
  • the company should not be a participant in high-profile litigation, if lost, it could lose a significant part of its capital.

The main criterion for selecting a suitable company for life insurance for a mortgage borrower at Sberbank remains financial stability. If the company meets the criteria of economic viability, the bank will consider cooperation with it. You can find out more about the main selection factors on the Sberbank website.

List of accredited structures by Sberbank

The mandatory requirement for life insurance cannot be ignored; the bank may not provide a mortgage for the long-awaited home, but you should not thoughtlessly choose a company on the advice of people incompetent in this matter. Before going through the procedure of life insurance for a mortgage at Sberbank, you need to find out where it is cheaper and what reviews will help with.

To make your choice easier, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the conditions of registration of those companies where you can insure life with a Sberbank mortgage.

VTB Insurance

The company gives the borrower a choice:

  • draw up each contract separately (for life and home insurance);
  • undergo comprehensive mortgage insurance immediately.

At the client’s request, the company issues insurance immediately for the entire term of the loan. If a person has taken out a mortgage for 5 years and does not have the desire or time to apply for an annual renewal of the contract, he has the right to pay all insurance premiums immediately for this period and receive one document. This privilege applies only to VTB Bank cardholders or persons who have deposits in this banking structure. For borrowers who are serviced by other banks, the insurance agreement is concluded for a year, and after this time its validity is extended by agreement of the parties.

The approximate amount of the mandatory contribution is equal to 1% of the amount outstanding on the loan, that is, it turns out that the insurance premium decreases annually.


Offers special terms of cooperation with Sberbank mortgage borrowers, which include:

  • a life insurance policy, the rate of which is paid in the amount of 1% of the loan debt at the time of its conclusion;
  • property insurance, with a personal policy issued a discount equal to 1.8%.

RESORESO has a cooling-off period of 5 days; if the client finds more suitable conditions for himself during this period, he can terminate the agreement and return the fee paid.

The company always strives to expand its customer lists, for which it regularly holds promotions; borrowers can join them and get insurance cheaper than their competitors. For beginners, the company provides a 40% discount.

VSK Insurance House

If you decide to take out a policy with this insurer, you can count on a number of privileges:

  • their personal insurance is at a rate of 0.55%, but if the borrower does not pay the loan on time, and his excess debt exceeds 4 million rubles, then he will be required to fill out a medical declaration;
  • property insurance from the company is provided with an interest rate of 0.43% - this value is not final, it may be affected by the following factors: the number of storeys of the building, its condition, if it is a private sector, whether there is gas in the housing and other points that are significant in the calculation the value of the mortgage collateral.

VSK Insurance House, like the previous company, has set 5 days for clients to make a final decision on insurance; if they change their minds within the specified period, they will be refunded the entire premium.


This organization is on the list of top insurance companies in Russia, among the top five.

The bank provides protection to its clients on favorable terms, the main ones being:

  • issuing a policy for the loss of health or death of the borrower, the rate on it is 0.22%;
  • in case of damage to the mortgaged property, a contribution is taken in the amount of 0.14%;
  • Title insurance is charged at 0.2%.

The final rates are determined in each case separately; to find out their exact value, you need to insert all the required data into the online calculator available on the official website. After the calculation, it will become clear whether it is profitable to insure with this company or whether it is better to turn to its competitors.

Alliance ROSNO

Cooperation with this company needs to be clarified, since there are restrictions, in order not to encounter them, it is necessary to consult Sberbank in advance about its accreditation, because in past years there were minor disagreements between these structures. As an insurance company in the country, it has proven itself on the positive side; many clients appreciated its advantages and acceptable conditions:

  • property insurance will be issued at a low rate of 0.16%, it will not be affected by whether a personal policy has been issued or the customer already has one from another company;
  • loss of life or risks of deterioration of health for various reasons, including accidents, is at a low rate (compared to contributions to previously described companies) - 0.87%;
  • Title insurance comes at a rate of 0.16%, the same as for collateral.


A stable option, the company has become a reliable friend for many in protecting their property and life; it provides insurance for all areas of life. Separately, it carries out work on mortgage insurance coverage.

The conditions for obtaining insurance coverage from Rosgosstrakh are as follows:

  • protection against unforeseen situations that could threaten the life of the borrower is divided by gender, for women the rate is 0.3%, and for men twice as much;
  • property insurance reaches a level of 0.2% if the borrower is serviced by Sberbank;
  • with comprehensive insurance of life and property at once, the client will have to pay only 0.2% of the cost of the mortgage home.

Alpha Insurance

The company is meticulous in its approach to its clients and has an individual approach to each of them. This is a reliable partner of Sberbank for mortgage life insurance, which offers comprehensive protection at affordable rates:

  • personal insurance will cost 0.38% of the loan amount;
  • the apartment itself can be insured at a rate of 0.15%;
  • Title insurance is at the same rate - 0.15%.

The amount of insurance, no matter what financial institution the contract is concluded with, decreases every year, and with it the compensation in case of accidents also decreases. After looking at the above companies, you can decide where the cheapest life and health insurance for a mortgage is in Sberbank.

The client can choose the insurer at his own discretion, as well as the specific insurance product and the terms of the insurance contract. The beneficiary under the contract may be Sberbank or another individual or legal entity at the discretion of the insured person.

Accreditation (from the Latin accredere - to provide trust) is a procedure for confirmation (recognition) by government bodies of the powers of various types of subjects through special actions or events.

Thanks to this, the client has the opportunity to obtain the necessary data about a particular organization (service), which he cannot evaluate independently due to the lack of knowledge necessary for this.

Services in the field of education, medicine, and commercial activities are mainly subject to accreditation.

Over the past few years, the concept of “accreditation” has been used in the financial lexicon. And for good reason.

Large banks in the country recognize the activities of various companies with which they cooperate. For example, there are developers, appraisal and insurance organizations accredited by Sberbank.

Which insurance companies are accredited by Sberbank PJSC?

According to the latest data, the list of accredited insurance companies of Sberbank includes the following organizations:

Absolut Insurance LLC;
LLC SF "Adonis";
LLC IC "VTB Insurance";
LLC Insurance Company "Helios";
Renaissance Insurance Group LLC;
Zetta Insurance LLC;
SPAO "Ingosstrakh";
JSC "Liberty Insurance";
OJSC "National Insurance Company TATARSTAN";
SPJSC "RESO-Garantiya";
PJSC IC "Rosgosstrakh";
LLC IC "Sberbank Life Insurance";
JSC SG "Spassky Gate";
JSC RSK "Sterkh";
LLC "Insurance Company "Surgutneftegaz".

These companies participate in bank transactions where an insurance policy is required. If for some reason the borrower chooses an organization that is not accredited, it is necessary to provide a complete package of documents in accordance with the list provided by the bank. Then, within 30 working days from the receipt of all necessary documents, Sberbank will accredit the insurance company or refuse.

What services do insurance companies offer?

Accredited insurance companies of Sberbank offer a wide range of services. Among them:

Endowment life insurance. By a certain date, the client accumulates a certain amount, and also has the opportunity to receive additional investment income;

Accident and illness insurance. In case of unforeseen situations specified in the contract, the consumer receives insurance protection for himself and his loved ones;

Investment life insurance. A product that makes it possible to receive not only insurance protection, but also a certain income;

"Protection of loved ones." This program guarantees that in the event of an insured event, the client and the persons specified in the contract are provided with reliable insurance protection;

"Protection of the home." The insurance program applies to residential properties;

Insurance of collateral, housing and car loans for individuals. This line was created specifically for insuring real estate and vehicles that were taken out on credit;

Insurance for bank card holders. Protection of client funds and the possibility of returning lost amounts;

Multipolis "No worries". A unique product in which the consumer can draw up an agreement for all of the above insured events throughout the entire Russian Federation;

Insurance for traveling citizens. The client can be insured against unforeseen situations when traveling abroad.

Before contacting Sberbank for services, you should familiarize yourself with the activities of each company. The list of accredited insurers of Sberbank PJSC will allow you to easily find information about a specific organization and find out how effective and transparent its activities are.

A loan or credit is a loan of money that a banking institution provides to an individual to solve some important problems. But, as you know, loan contracts have significant terms, and there is always the risk that a person may lose his job, get sick, or even die. To ensure financial security, banks have been resorting to a procedure such as credit and mortgage insurance since 2017. In this article we will talk about which insurance companies accredited by Sberbank will be able to provide the required package of documents.

Features of insurance in Sberbank

It is clear that when applying for a loan or mortgage with any client, each financial institution strives with all its might to minimize the possible risks of losing the loan amount issued. To do this, the lender company selects proven and reliable partners who can be trusted to ensure the insurance procedure for property, as well as the health and life of the borrower.

What does the bank offer in 2018

Since 2017, Sberbank is ready to recommend to its clients several established companies with which they can sign a cooperation contract. The financial company must be confident that the borrower will ensure the fulfillment of its obligations, but this is guaranteed by income certificates or pledged property.

Note that since 2017, a wide variety of loans and mortgages are subject to insurance, regardless of their purpose. These can be loans for the purchase of residential premises, including a house, apartment, room, as well as movable property, such as a car.

If you decide to start cooperation with a company that is not accredited by Sberbank as an insurer, then when carrying out the event to draw up a loan agreement, you will need to provide a very substantial list of additional documentation.

It is they who will testify that the insurance organization is reliable, has a sufficient financial foundation and will not deny the legal claims of Sberbank in the event of an insured event. In general, Sberbank offers a fairly wide list of recommended companies in 2018, so a person will have a choice.

As a rule, it is best to enter into an appropriate contract with an insurer that is accredited and is able to offer the most favorable conditions. In this case, the bank will need to provide a minimum list of documents. If you want to choose an insurance company that is not on the list of those accredited by Sberbank, you will need to provide the following.

What innovations have appeared

In 2018, as in 2017, an insurance policy issued by a person in any accredited organization will be accepted by Sberbank employees without any problems. Again, we note that each borrower has the right, at his own discretion, to select an insurer who is ready to offer optimal terms of cooperation for a specific insurance product.

In 2017, Sberbank management decided to consider and adopt a program for voluntary life insurance, as well as the health of the borrower.

At the moment, the text of the document has been finalized and includes the basic rules of personal insurance. Also, the board of directors approved the limit amount of the insured amount, which is 5 million rubles. In practice, a smaller value is used.

Cost of personal insurance

The amount you need to pay is calculated as follows:

  • constant tariff of 1.99 percent;
  • The number of calendar months is taken into account and divided by 12.

Any insurance on the list of accredited agencies in 2018 is a separate, independent transaction that is not subject to the main loan contract. Even in case of early repayment, the insurance continues to be in force all the time.

Mortgage insurance at Sberbank

A common type of loan, a mortgage, is a long-term loan that the borrower will have to repay for several years in a row. During this time, a variety of events may occur that negatively affect the further repayment of financial debt to the banking institution. To minimize risks, Sberbank requires the implementation of mortgage insurance, because this step will help in overcoming all kinds of difficulties and ensure financial security.

Insurance conditions

There are plenty of insurance options. Below we propose to consider the most basic of them:

  • The borrower will be able to insure health and ability to work;
  • You can insure almost any mortgaged property, both movable and immovable;
  • Upon signing the agreement, the client can continue to use the pledged property, etc.

You can insure all risks comprehensively. This approach will not only provide a high level of reliability, but will also be profitable. The overpayment under the agreement will be no more than one percent per year.

At the legislative level, mortgage loan insurance is not a mandatory measure, but Sberbank, like many other companies, insists on fulfilling this point.

It is also worth knowing that the insurance company is chosen for the person by the lender, and this makes it impossible to find a more suitable offer for yourself.

List of insurance companies

As of August 2017, more than 30 insurance companies have received accreditation from Sberbank. They are the ones who carry out the activities of insuring borrowers. You can also insure against disability. So, here is just the most basic list of accredited institutions:

  • Absolut Insurance Company;
  • Insurance organization "SF "Adonis";
  • One of the most successful insurers is IC VTB Insurance;
  • SPAO "Ingosstrakh";
  • Renaissance Insurance Group;
  • LLC Insurance Company Surgutneftegaz and many others.

Life and health insurance

According to current legislation, life and health insurance is a voluntary procedure and is organized solely at the choice of the borrower. If insured events approved in the list occur, the person may be released from paying the remaining debt that is generated under the loan agreement. The conditions described in the insurance contract provide for several types of risks that are subject to coverage.

List of accredited companies

If an insured event occurs that is included in the list, then in order to compensate for bank losses, the insured person will need to collect the entire volume of supporting documents. It is best to start the collection event as soon as the event occurs.

Correct qualification of the situation will be required. To do this, you can use the list of existing risks. As soon as the documents with the required evidence are collected in the required volume, they are transferred to the Sberbank branch, where the loan agreement was signed. After they have been studied by specialists from the financial institution, the package will be transferred directly to the insurance company to prepare a final decision.

Mortgage life insurance programs in 2018

Since last year, Sberbank has been operating a program for voluntary life insurance, as well as the health of the borrower. Please pay special attention that such measures apply to any bank clients, regardless of which lending direction was chosen. The list of conditions that this kind of document offers:

  • The agreement will be signed between Sberbank and Sberbank life and health insurance. In this case, the borrower is the insured person, but he does not appear in the contract.
  • Employees of the financial institution still agree on certain points with their client.

What is considered an insured event? This is death, as well as the provision of disability of the 1st and 2nd groups by the authorized bodies of the Ministry of Health. A serious illness that has left a person with a long period of disability.


We can safely say that insurance companies accredited by Sberbank are truly capable of protecting the interests of not only the borrower himself, but also the lender. Any insurance from the approved list is paid for by the borrower, but if you want to protect yourself from possible troubles, for example, loss of solvency, you should spend a little money and purchase an insurance policy from a company recommended by Sberbank.

Sberbank itself does not impose any specific company on the borrower. Her choice is completely voluntary. To purchase a mortgage insurance policy from Sberbank, you just need to choose an insurance company (there is a list of them below) and submit an application. You must provide a complete package of documents. The full list of such documents is usually determined by the insurer and includes:

Reference! You will also need a certificate that you are not registered with a drug treatment and psychological dispensary.

Registration, as a rule, will not take long and can even occur on the day of the transaction.

When a deal is drawn up, the borrower needs to obtain insurance for the apartment or residential building he is purchasing. Many commercial establishments require insurance, which includes the following:

  1. Risk of restriction of legal rights to property.
  2. The risk directly associated with death or serious harm to the life and health of the person who received the mortgage loan.
  3. A risk directly related to cases of damage to property.

Sberbank requires the borrower in such a situation to undergo an insurance procedure against any risks. This will allow the commercial institution that issues any money to the borrower on a mortgage to reduce risks to a minimum, primarily meaning the possibility of non-repayment of money to them.

Is it possible to choose an insurance company that does not cooperate with the bank?

No, this is highly undesirable.
Because if a borrower does not want to insure himself with a company that has been accredited by Sberbank (that is, a company with which Sberbank works), then a commercial bank has the right to simply refuse to issue money for a mortgage to such a lender

List of insurance companies accredited by Sberbank for mortgages

Regarding insurance for mortgage loans, this bank is not a partner of all insurance companies. He makes considerable demands on his partners, which they must comply with. The official website offers a complete list of companies with official accreditation from Sberbank, which includes:

This list is not immutable; some companies may be added there, others may disappear if for some reason they lose accreditation (for example, they cannot comply with all the assigned conditions).

Comparison of options

Certainly, the cost of insurance in the listed companies varies. For example, “Adonis” when insuring real estate (that is, the subject of a mortgage) offers a tariff from 0.075%, and SOGAZ – from 0.12%. In addition, each of them has its own advantages. For example, SPAO Ingosstrakh makes it possible to process documents extremely quickly - in just one business day.

Attention! All these companies have one thing in common - reliability, and the insurance amounts do not differ too much, so it is only important to choose the most suitable conditions for yourself.

It is worth adding that constant cooperation with the same company is not at all necessary. It all depends only on the desire of the owner; you can enter into an agreement with a new insurer at least every year. True, in this case you will need to submit the entire set of documents and a bank certificate about the remaining amount of the debt again, but this is not difficult.

Various insurance options are discussed in more detail in another article.

To be able to take out mortgage loans, you must definitely take out insurance from a company that has official accreditation from Sberbank.

Compliance with this condition is now required by all financial institutions issuing mortgage loans.

Thus, a commercial institution is insured against delays and non-payments on the loan taken out. The list of currently available companies can always be double-checked on the official website of Sberbank of Russia.

Mortgage lending in our country is now extremely popular and is used very often, as it helps many people to take out the required amount from the bank to buy an apartment or a residential building and solve their difficulties related to housing.

And, as you can see, this is not at all difficult to do.