Who is the father of Allegra's daughter? Irina Allegrova: biography and personal life of the singer

The biography of the future singer Irina Allegrova begins in the city of Rostov-on-Don, where she was born in early January 1952. Moreover, her real name is Klimchuk, and her name is Inessa. Irina's parents were creative personalities. Her mother sang beautifully, and her father performed duties as an actor. Irina Allegrova’s family lived in the above-mentioned city for 9 years, and then in the 60s they moved to Baku.
The parents found work in a comedy theater, and their daughter goes to study at a school with a musical bias. Thanks to her talent and hard work, the girl performs a lot at various competitions and even takes second place, performing a jazz composition.

The beginning of creative activity

Irina Allegrova’s artistic work began in April 1969, when she began dubbing Indian films that were broadcast at film festivals.
Since March 1975, the artist has been performing as part of several musical ensembles, with which she successfully tours many cities across the country. That same year, Irina tries to enter GITIS to no avail.
From 1979 to 1981, Allegrova worked in the Fakel ensemble. Over the course of 9 months in 1982, the singer took a creative break during which she seriously considered quitting performing.
Fortunately, fate brings Irina Allegrova together with composer Feltsman. He highly appreciated the singer's talent and wrote several songs for her. Thanks to these songs, in 1985 the artist first performed at the “Song of the Year”, where she was invited to the “Lights of Moscow” ensemble. A few years later, this ensemble transformed into the rock group “Electroclub”. With the change of soloists, “Electroclub” was renamed “Electroclub-2”.

The beginning of solo performances

In August 1990, Irina Allegrova left the rock group and began her own solo activity. Her first solo song was called “Wanderer”, written by Igor Nikolaev. Allegrova regularly performs on tour and performs her hits to full houses. The most famous and talented composers of the country begin to write songs for her.
In 1994, Irina’s first CD, “My Betrothed,” was released. The following year, Allegrova gives several successful concerts.
Since 1996, a new period of the singer’s creativity begins, which is marked by the beginning of her work with composer Igor Krutoy. Over the course of three years, two popular albums with hit songs have been released. Every year, Irina Allegrova releases new discs with popular songs, which she sings solo or in duets with the country's leading singers.

For the second time, the singer married composer Vladimir Bleher. When Irina Allegrova performed with the Lights of Moscow group, she began an affair with Vladimir Dubovitsky, but in 1990 the lovers broke up. A year later, rumors spread across the country that the artist was dating dancer Igor Kapusta. This relationship lasted about 6 years, and after that a separation followed. Various rumors always spread around Irina Allegrova on the topic of the artist’s last love and novels. But the singer does not reveal the secrets of her personal life to strangers.

Daughter of Irina Allegrova

Irina Allegrova had a daughter, Lala, from her first marriage. A year after Lala’s birth, the singer divorces her husband and is forced to leave for Moscow, leaving her daughter in the care of her grandmother. This act of Irina is explained by the fact that at that time she was almost constantly on tour in different cities of the country. She rarely visited her little daughter, and these meetings were always welcome and touching.

The girl began to study music in her youth, and even played the role of a backing vocalist in a group of familiar peers. At the age of 16-17, Allegrova’s daughter, Lala, was already touring with singer Igor Nikolaev. At this time, the girl decides to become a professional actress and dreams of enrolling in the theater department. After completing her studies at school, Lala entered the directing department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts. In early September 1995, the girl gives birth to a son, Alexander, and moves to live with his father. Her husband was a basketball player from Baku, whom she had known since her student years. Their marriage was short-lived. The husband of Irina Allegrova’s daughter managed to maintain a good relationship with his son.

A year later, she decides to stay in the family business and becomes the executive director and director of her mother's performances. In 2001, Lala and Irina Allegrova even performed the song “Mama” together.

Lala's second husband is world sambo champion Artemyev Artem, who was the owner of a sambo school. He enjoys considerable authority in sports circles and has been training young athletes using his own methods for many years. Irina Allegrova’s second son-in-law turned out to be a caring and reliable husband for her daughter. Lovers value their relationship very much and endure all the hardships and joys together.

Irina Aleksandrovna Allegrova born January 20, 1952 in Rostov-on-Don. Her father, Alexander Grigorievich Sarkisov, was a theater director and actor, Honored Artist of the Armenian SSR, her mother, Serafima Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya, was an opera singer. When the singer's 17-year-old father worked in the circus, he was called "Allegris", therefore, becoming an operetta artist, he took the pseudonym Alexander Allegrov, and his daughter Irina received this surname at birth.

As a child, Irina did not know how to sing, but she had a well-developed inner ear. This became clear when her parents finally sent her to a music school.

In 1959, the family moved to Baku, where Irina graduated from school and received her primary music education at the Central Music School at the Baku Conservatory (piano class, specialty - pianist-accompanist), but never studied vocals.

In the tenth grade, when she had to take exams, Irina went on tour with a radio and television orchestra.

After school, Irina planned to study at the Conservatory itself, but she became seriously ill during the entrance exams and was unable to enter the university.

She got married for the first time early, at 18 years old. She loved one person, but he preferred another to her. And in revenge on him, Irina married a young man who had long sought her favor. She later spoke about her marriage like this: “I consider it a serious mistake. First, young people need to live together, feel each other, and then have a child.” In practice, it turned out quite the opposite: soon the newlyweds had a daughter, Lala, but this did not make their marriage stronger. The young couple did not understand each other and were forced to divorce. They broke up, and since then neither Irina nor her daughter have met with this person.

Two years after the birth of her daughter, Irina set off to conquer Moscow. She left her two-year-old daughter Lala in the care of her mother; the young grandmother was forced to leave the stage of the Baku Operetta Theater forever.

In the capital, Irina managed to get a job as a singer in the variety show of the Arbat and Starry Sky restaurants in the National Hotel. In the first she worked for a year, in the second - four months, because there were many hunters for her body, and she was guided by the principle: “Love is one thing, a horizontal position is another.” One day, a famous composer called her and offered to give her a song in return for an intimate relationship. And when I realized that this would not happen, I threw up my hands: “You are not a singer of my type.” Irina said in one of her interviews: “I don’t think that today paying with one’s own body is the main payment. But in times of stagnation, this happened all the time. I became widely known, when I was no longer a young girl, precisely because I refused. Understand , I do not condemn those people who went for it, just as I do not condemn women of the most ancient profession - the winners, no matter how cynical it sounds, are not judged. Everyone has their own ideas about dignity and morality. I’m not a blue stocking either, but always "I considered the relationship between a man and a woman a sacrament mixed with feelings. And I would never sleep with someone to achieve my goals, although there were a lot of similar hints and proposals."

Irina worked in the orchestra for several years Leonida Utesov. In 1984, she met young producer Vladimir Dubovitsky and soon married him.

A year later, Dubovitsky decided to promote Irina on his own and brought her to the composer Oscar Feltsman, without telling him that this young girl was his wife. Feltsman drove her through his songs and said: “Order!” And literally a few weeks later she performed his songs at the composer’s creative evening; their creative collaboration turned out to be successful. In 1985 she joined the group “Moscow Lights” under the leadership of O. Feltsman.

Also in 1985, Vladimir Dubovitsky, together with David Tukhmanov, created the Electroclub group, the first soloists of which were Irina Allegrova and Igor Talkov. But the group did not achieve popularity with its original lineup. The best song of that period is "Dark Horse".

In 1987, together with Igor Talkov, Irina won her first award on the professional stage - she took second place in the All-Union competition of performers "Golden Tuning Fork".

In the summer of the same year, three musicians from the Forum group joined the Electroclub group, among whom was the super popular singer Viktor Saltykov in those years. The group's popularity increased. Suffice it to say that more than 500 fans came to the station to see off the musicians.

In 1987-1989, Irina worked at the Electroclub together with Viktor Saltykov, who replaced Igor Talkov.

But despite the popularity of the group, being in it began to weigh on Irina. She wanted to sing lyrical songs, which she was not able to do as part of a group. When she tried to get permission to include several songs in her repertoire Igor Nikolaev, she was strictly refused. In the end, her patience ran out, and in 1990 she left the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Electroclub" and divorced Dubovitsky (he later married singer Tatyana Ovsienko).

Irina Allegrova began her solo career in 1990 very successfully; her first hit was the song “My Wanderer,” written by Igor Nikolaev. A year later, readers of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper recognized her as “the best singer of the year.” Then Irina remained the best singer for another 3 years in a row: “God loves a trinity, I can’t imagine what will happen later.”

After leaving the group, Irina was her own producer for some time. Then she took two directors to help her - Khizri Baytaziev and Abram Sandler. In those years, Irina Allegrova mainly performed songs by Igor Nikolaev. In 1990-1992, she performed with Igor in the first part of his show. In the fall of 1992, the singer’s first 5 solo concerts took place at the Olimpiysky (Moscow), which were a huge success with the public. Her unusual, hoarse voice (she began smoking at the age of 30 in order to lower her timbre and stand out among other singers with high voices), relaxed, even defiant behavior on stage, sincerity and sincerity of her songs, and frank femininity attracted the attention of the public and allowed her to take her place in the Russian stage. Her sensual songs about the difficult fate of women became a revelation for the audience and an object of special love. The most famous are “Junior Lieutenant”, “Photograph 9 by 12”, “Toy”.

After Moscow in 1992, Irina gave her first solo concerts in St. Petersburg, and a year later she already showed a program at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall, then in America and Israel. In 1992, her first solo album, “My Wanderer,” was released.

Performing the songs of Nikolaev alone for a long time, Irina once decided to experiment and included Victor Chaika’s song “Transit Passenger” in her repertoire, which immediately became a hit. Later, Chaika wrote such hits for her as “The Hijacker” and “Drafts”.

In 1993, the public became aware of Irina’s affair with a dancer from her group, Igor Kapusta. Igor Kapusta worked for six months in a male dance duet that accompanied the singer. Igor graduated from the Vaganova School in St. Petersburg, served for some time at the Mariinsky (Kirov) Theater, then went to the stage and worked for several years in the famous dance group "Recital" (which began in the bowels of the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater). On May 8, 1994, Irina Allegrova married him in a church on Nezhdanova Street, without being signed, using someone else’s passports. Later they never formalized the relationship through the registry office. The circle of invitees was narrow and consisted of relatives and closest family friends. After the wedding, they moved outside the city to a luxurious three-story house with a swimming pool, purchased from composer Oscar Feltsman. They separated at the beginning of the year 2000, confirming the words of the singer, said in an interview in 1999, that she could not live with any of her husbands for more than 6 years, this is a “critical age” for each of her marriages.

1994 brought not only happiness - Irina’s father, with whom she was very close, died. She was in a hurry with the wedding in order to have time to receive his blessing. And so it happened - two weeks later he was gone.

In 1994, Irina received the Ovation Award as “best pop singer.” The same year the album “My Betrothed” was released.

In April 1995, Irina Allegrova’s solo concerts were held at the State Kremlin Palace, and the album “The Hijacker” was released.

From 1996 to 1998 she worked with Igor Krutoy. In 1996, their first joint album, “I Will Part the Clouds with My Hands,” was released. Then, in March 1998, the album “Unfinished Romance” was released, which also contained only songs by Igor Krutoy. These albums became the basis for two solo programs shown at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall - “I will part the clouds with my hands” (1996, repeated in 1997) and “An Unfinished Romance” (1998).

In July 1997, the album “Empress” was released, and in November 1999, the album “Theatre...”, which, on the contrary, did not contain a single song by Krutoy. Irina explains it this way: “There was a time when he wanted to give me his songs, and I wanted to sing them. But like all creative people, we need a break from each other. This does not mean forever.” “There was the Nikolaev period, then Chaika, Krutovsky - and now mine, Allegrovsky,” Irina said at the presentation of the album.

Nevertheless, in 2001, an album without Krutoy, “All Over Again,” was released again, which did not include Krutoy’s songs previously recorded, performed at creative evenings, and included in collections.

Irina Allegrova herself does not write songs. Most of her repertoire includes songs by Igor Nikolaev, Viktor Chaika, Igor Krutoy, although recently she has been actively collaborating with other authors, including little-known ones and even from among her fans.

The singer doesn’t have many clips, but each of them is unique in its own way. In 1995, the scandalous video “Enter Me” was shot (directed by Tigran Keosayan, cameraman Yuri Lyubshin). According to the plot, the heroine of Irina Allegrova comes to the museum, and the paintings come to life play out scenes of passion. Not a single channel dared to show this erotic video on their air. Before this, Irina’s videos were also quite frank, and in 1993, Irina actually starred for the video application of the erotic magazine “Andrey”. In the video “Transit Passenger” (1993), her stunt double was shown in a bathtub, naked and covered in foam lace, and in the video “I Will Win You Back,” the biblical myth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene was played out in a unique way, which caused a lot of talk from viewers and the press.

Irina Allegrova also tried herself as a writer, but she believes that this experiment was a failure and does not like to talk about it. A total of three of her romance novels were published - "More Than Love", "Paradise Island" and "The Theorem of Love".

Now Irina’s family consists of her mother, adult daughter Lala and grandson Alexander, named after his great-grandfather. It was to her grandson that Allegrova dedicated the album “Theatre...”.

Information sources:

Irina Aleksandrovna Allegrova- Soviet and Russian pop singer, actress. People's Artist of Russia (2010). She is best known to the general public for her hits “Junior Lieutenant”, “The Hijacker”, “Empress”, “I Will Part the Clouds with My Hands”.

Childhood and adolescence

Irina Aleksandrovna Allegrova was born January 20, 1952 in the city of Rostov-on-Don in a family of creative people. Her dad is Alexander Grigoryevich Allegrov (Sarkisov) (April 15, 1915 - May 24, 1994) - actor, theater director, Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR and the RSFSR. Even in his youth, he, an Armenian by nationality, officially changed his native surname Sarkisov to Allegro, taking as a basis the Italian musical term “allegro”, meaning “cheerful, playful”. Mother - Serafima Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya (October 26, 1923 - April 12, 2012) - actress and singer with a magnificent operatic voice.

Until she was nine years old, little Ira lived with her parents in Rostov-on-Don, and then the family moved to the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. Parents began working at the Baku Musical Comedy Theater. Thanks to such activities, the most famous creative people of that era always visited the Allegrovs’ house: Muslim Magomayev, Galina Vishnevskaya, Mstislav Rastropovich, Tatyana Shmyga, Aram Khachaturian and other representatives of Soviet culture. Irina Allegrova herself later called Muslim Magometovich Magomayev her first vocal teacher. In Baku, the girl studied at a comprehensive school and at the Central Music School at the Baku Conservatory, where the talented girl was accepted straight into the third grade thanks to the work she performed by Johann Sebastian Bach at the entrance exam. At the final exam, Ira played Sergei Rachmaninov’s Second Concerto and received the specialty “pianist-accompanist”.

Along with general education and music schools, Ira managed to study in a ballet club and draw. Sketches of clothes were her favorite subject for her drawings. The girl also demonstrated her singing talents by participating in the Transcaucasian Jazz Festival, held in Baku, and taking second place there thanks to a perfectly performed composition in the jazz style.

In 1969, Irina graduated from secondary school and intended to enter the performing arts department of the Baku Conservatory. However, it was during this period that the girl fell ill, and her admission had to be postponed. But thanks to her pop voice, the future Crazy Empress does not go unnoticed even then: she is invited to dub Indian films at the Indian Film Festival. Immediately after this, also in 1969, the first tour of the future star took place - together with the Rashid Behbudov Song Theater.

Carier start

In 1970, Irina Allegrova began her permanent career. The first place of work was the Yerevan Orchestra, which was then directed by Konstantin Orbelyan. From the 1970s to the 1980s, there was a period in the artist’s life that can be called “searching for oneself.” She changes several musical groups and travels with them throughout the Soviet Union. In 1975, she got the idea to continue her education, and the girl tried to enter GITIS. The attempt ends in failure: Irina “failed” in the third round of entrance exams. Allegrova decides to focus on work and combines the activities of an accompanist at a choreographic school with private music lessons.

In 1976, Allegrova was accepted into the Leonid Utyosov orchestra, then took the position of soloist of the Inspiration ensemble at the Mosconcert. But the young singer, still in search of herself, does not stay anywhere for long. Only in 1979 did she “settle” in one place for three whole years: she worked in VIA "Fakel". She got there after the Tambov philharmonic ensemble “Young Voices”, with which she won the second All-Union song competition “Sochi-78”. Immediately after the competition, “Young Voices” split into VIA “Cruise” and “Fakel”. The latter then employs pianist-accompanist Igor Krutoy, then a beginner and unknown to anyone.

1982 - Irina Allegrova leaves her job as a singer for nine months. It was a kind of creative stagnation for the artist, during which she even thought about giving up her musical and singing career. The period spent outside of concert activities was spent baking cakes and other sweets at home and selling them. To this day, cooking remains one of Allegrova’s favorite pastimes. Nine months later, the young woman was again drawn to the stage.

Also in 1982, the singer went on tour with the musical theater of Margarita Terekhova, Lyudmila Senchina and Igor Talkov. A little later, Irina and Igor will take part in another project of the Terekhova Theater - the musical and poetic composition-musical “Sister Carrie” based on the novel by Theodore Dreiser, the music for which was written by Raymond Pauls.

1983-1984 - the time of work of the future Crazy Empress in the variety show of the Starry Sky and Arbat restaurants and the National Hotel. All her performances there lasted only a few minutes, that is, there was no need to talk about much success, but as compensation for this, she met the musician and producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. This man noticed the young performer and brought her to an audition with the then famous composer Oscar Feltsman, author of the hit “Lilies of the Valley.” The eminent composer noted Allegrova’s vocal abilities and wrote the song “Voice of a Child” especially for her, with which the singer first performed at Feltsman’s recital and then at the “Song of the Year” festival in 1985 and was a success. Immediately after this, Oscar Borisovich takes her into his ensemble “Moscow Lights”, where Irina sings as a backing vocalist and solos between sections. Feltsman also helped Allegrova record her first disc with songs performed by her. The most famous works from there are “The Voice of a Child”, “I Am Love” and “Hourglass”. Soon, Oscar Feltsman, due to his age, could no longer accompany his ensemble on tour and handed over his brainchild to another composer, David Tukhmanov.

David Tukhmanov brings new, modern colors to the traditional Soviet team. He changes not only the repertoire, but also the name. Now this is not VIA “Moscow Lights”, but the rock group “Electroclub”. The soloists in it are Irina Allegrova, Igor Talkov and Raisa Saed-Shah. The group’s debut was a performance at “Song-86” with the work “Old Mirror”. And the song “Chistye Prudy” brought the greatest popularity to all participants of the “Electroclub”. Irina tried so hard performing in the new band that she tore her vocal cords at one of its concerts. The consequences of that injury remained with the woman for the rest of her life - now there was always a very obvious hoarseness in her voice, which, however, did not interfere with her singing career, but, on the contrary, added zest to her image.

1987 - " Electroclub" participates in the “Golden Tuning Fork” competition, where Allegrova and Talkov perform the song “Three Letters” and win, thereby bringing the first professional success to their group. Then the band released their first disc, which contained eight songs. In the same year, Irina performed songs for several films: “Cloud Boy” for the film “Time to Fly” and the romance “Vain Words” for the television series “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts” (this romance was later covered).

Irina Allegrova, Igor Talkov and Viktor Saltykov. as part of the group "Electroclub"

At the end of 1987, Igor Talkov left the Electroclub and was replaced by Viktor Saltykov and his team from the Forum group. The brainchild of David Tukhmanov changes its name to “Electroclub-2”. The new rock band is gaining great popularity among Soviet listeners. Irina Allegrova, being a member of this group, also sang several songs in it, written especially for her by Igor Nikolaev: “My affectionate and gentle beast”, “Toy”.

Solo career

In 1990, Irina Allegrova left the Electroclub-2 group. She decided to start a solo career. As the future Crazy Empress herself admitted, at that moment she went nowhere, having only one song - “The Wanderer” by . This work turned out to be the singer’s trump card: less than a month later, she was recognized as the best singer of the year according to audience voting. The young star’s repertoire is expanding, including the songs “There Was No Sorrow,” “Don’t Fly Away, Love!”, “Photography,” and “Believe in Love, Girls.” Also in 1990 In addition to constant tours with a solo program, Allegrova is mastering television, appearing on screens with enviable regularity.

At first, the artist was her own producer, but a little later she took on Khizri Baytaziev as an assistant director. She has one hit after another: “Womanizer”, “Transit”. Everyone's favorite "Wanderer" reaches the finals of "Song-91". In 1992, Allegrova set a kind of record by giving five solo concerts in three days, and not just anywhere, but in one of the largest halls in the country - the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. At the same time, the singer released a video for the song “My Betrothed,” in which the main role was played by actor Alexander Domogarov. In addition, a giant disc and magnetic album called “My Wanderer” are being released.

1994 - Irina Allegrova’s first CD, entitled “My Betrothed,” appears, and the performer herself is recognized as the best singer for 1990-1993 according to the “Sound Track” hit parade. In addition, she was awarded the Ovation Award for Best Pop Singer 1992/93.

1995 becomes a triumphant year for Allegrova. she releases the CD “The Hijacker” and holds several concerts in the Kremlin Palace with a full house and resounding success. The concert program was called “Empress” and consisted of two parts. In the first, the artist sang her old hits: “Wedding Flowers,” Happy Birthday,” and in the second, she presented her new songs to the audience.

1996 - the beginning of the collaboration between the Crazy Empress and the composer and the associated radical change in image. Now, instead of the broken young lady, an elegant society lady appeared. The singer and composer create a program of lyrical songs “I will part the clouds with my hands”, albums “An Unfinished Novel” and “Table for Two”. Also during that period, the star shot two videos in the USA - “Monologue” and “Don’t Be Late”, in which the actor Oleg Vidov, who was once popular in the USSR and fled to America, participated.

Since then, almost every year the Crazy Empress has delighted fans with new hits and unusual ideas. For example, she sang a duet with, Mikhail,. In the fall of 2011, the star announced that she was leaving the stage and began a farewell tour of Russia, Europe and America. Allegrova “said goodbye” to the stage and fans for quite a long time - until 2014, and in 2015 she suddenly announced her “reboot”. According to Irina, she now has a new creative team, and together they will find something to surprise their listeners. It was a kind of second wind for the singer-actress. As a result of all the innovations, at the Golden Gramophone music award in 2014, Allegrova, together with the young singer Slava, performed a new song, “First Love - Last Love.”

Awards and prizes

Irina Allegrova has received many awards and titles. The main ones among them are the following: the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation in 2002, a personalized star on the “Square of Stars” at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia” in Moscow in 2004, the title of People’s Artist of the Russian Federation in 2010. In 2005, the star became an advisor to the EurAsEC Secretary General for Culture on a voluntary basis. In 2015, she received a gold medal from the Ministry of Culture of Armenia “For significant contribution to the development of pop and musical art, as well as for strengthening Armenian-Russian cultural ties.”

Irina Allegrova "Esaul" New wave 2016. Anniversary concert of Oleg Gazmanov.


In addition to the songs sung in 1987 for the Soviet films “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts” and “Time to Fly,” Irina Allegrova has two more compositions performed for TV series. This is the song “Life is a Game” for the 2007 series “Guardian Angel” and the song “Time is Money” for the 2016 series “Shuttle Girls”.

The star starred in television films: the New Year's musical "Old Songs about the Main Thing-2" in 1997; feature film-series "Emergency-2" 2005 (episodic role); humorous feature film-series “Funny Pictures” in 2005 (main role in one of the episodes).

Concert of Irina Allegrova 2018

Many documentaries have been made about the artist herself. Among them are: “Love Story” 1994, “Irina” 1995, “Irina Allegrova’s Crazy Star” 2007, “Irina Allegrova. A woman with a past”, “Irina Allegrova. On the Blade of Love", "Irina Allegrova. I’m leaving to stay” - the last three films were shot for the singer’s anniversary in 2012. For her next anniversary, in 2017, they created another documentary film - “I Can’t Feel Pity for Myself.”

Personal life

Irina Allegrova got married for the first time at only nineteen years old. And she did it to spite her first love. The first husband was basketball player Georgy Tairov. From him, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Lala, in 1972, and divorced six months later. Subsequently, the artist would call that marriage a mistake. Lala Allegrova works as a director of variety and mass shows, and is now married to sambo wrestler and judoka, Russian judo champion and world sambo champion Artyom Sergeevich Artemyev. Before that, she was married to Ernest Georgievich Bargesyan and has a son with him, Alexander, born in 1995. Georgy Tairov is no longer alive.

Irina Allegrova’s second marriage lasted from 1974 to 1979. Her chosen one was the artistic director of the “Jolly Fellows” ensemble, in which the artist worked, Vladimir Blekher. He wrote the song “Flood” for his wife, which was presented to the public only thirty years later, at “Song of the Year 2013”. The marriage broke up due to the fact that Blecher was sent to prison for currency fraud. However, Vladimir and Irina maintained a very good relationship, they are friends to this day.

For the third time, Allegrova married musician and producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. At that time she worked as a soloist in the Moscow Lights ensemble, and Vladimir worked there as a bass guitarist. As Irina herself admitted, she fell head over heels in love with Dubovitsky, and this is not surprising, given his courage, desperation and some resemblance to a White Guard officer. Despite such a storm of feelings, their marriage lasted from 1984 to 1990 and broke up with Irina’s departure from the Electroclub group. Dubovitsky then married the singer.

The fourth husband of the Crazy Empress was a dancer from her group, Igor Kapusta, nine years younger than her. They lived together from 1994 to 2001, and Irina literally stole Igor in her car from his then girlfriend. The next day, Allegrova wrote her famous song “The Thief”, impressed by what happened. Kapusta and Allegrova never officially got married, although, as they themselves and their friends claimed, they were very happy together. The couple decided only to have a church marriage, and they had to do it under other people’s names, since the church does not marry those who are not officially married.

The reasons for the separation from Igor Kapusta are not known for certain. According to the most common version, Allegrova could not stand just one betrayal by Igor; according to another version, the man’s betrayals were frequent. Kapusta himself said that Irina’s daughter Lala always opposed him and eventually convinced her mother to leave him. After parting with Allegrova, Kapusta began entrepreneurial activity. He was engaged in the sale of sausages and pates, and mobile payment terminals. I tried to improve my personal life - I got married, a girl was born in my new family. In 2012, two kilograms of hashish were found in Igor Kapusta’s car and he was sent to prison for drug trafficking. The man was sentenced to six years; he was released after five years in a maximum security colony. In places of imprisonment, he seriously undermined his health: he survived chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a severe stage, pancreatitis and a heart attack. While he was in prison, his wife divorced him. In May 2018, Igor Kapusta underwent a routine examination in one of the hospitals in the Northern capital and died there from infectious pneumonia.

Irina Allegrova became a pioneer in the genre of explicit videos for her songs. They joked that they should only be shown with the note “Not recommended for children under 16.” We are talking about videos for the songs “Transit Passenger” and “Enter Me.” In the last composition, even the name itself was too bold for the show business of the early 90s.

Sergei Sokolkin used the image of the star in his novel “Russian Chock”. There Allegrova is depicted as the forever young, charming singer Irene Allegrovyan.

The Crazy Empress holds the record for the number of solo concerts at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. At the moment, she has held ten commercial concerts there.

Irina Allegrova now

Irina Alexandrovna continues to be on stage and delight her fans. True, her concerts mainly consist of old songs that were loved by the public many years ago and gained nationwide popularity. Among the significant events in the singer’s creative life in recent years, one can highlight her participation in February 2016 in a concert dedicated to the anniversary of Raymond Pauls. Also in September 2016, the Crazy Empress agreed to give a free solo concert at the St. Petersburg Ice Palace for the Day of Elderly People.

Irina Allegrova shocked with her dress at Igor Krutoy’s concert

2018 was marked by the beginning of Allegrova’s tour of the cities of the Russian Federation, first concerts took place in the main cities of the country - Moscow and St. Petersburg. Another appearance of the artist in public was the show “Evening Urgant”, where the star appeared in March 2018.

As for Irina Allegrova’s personal life, it is known that after breaking up with Igor Kapusta, she was in a relationship with singer and composer Alexei Garnizov, also younger than her in age. From this union came the songs sung in a duet: “Sinful Love” and “The Two of Us.” No reliable information was found about other men in the life of the singer, actress and showwoman. At the moment, her closest and undeniably beloved people are her daughter Lala and grandson Sasha.

Celebrity biography – Irina Allegrova

Popular pop singer in Russia.


On January 20, 1952, a girl was born in the city of Rostov-on-Don, and her childhood years were spent there. Irina's family was intelligent and musical. So the girl absorbed all this from childhood. Her father was of Armenian origin and worked as an actor and theater director. Even in his youth, Irina’s father officially took a different surname. He was Sarkisov, but became Allegrov. So he thought his new surname was more sonorous. Mother, Serafima Sosnovskaya was also an actress.

In 1961, the family decided to move to Baku. My parents went to work at the musical comedy theater, and famous people often visited their house: Muslim Magomaev, Mstislav Rostropovich, Galina Vishnevskaya.

Parents of Irina Allegrova: mother - Serafima Sosnovskaya (10/26/1923-04/12/2012); father - Alexander Allegrov (04/15/1915-05/24/1994)

Before leaving for Baku, the girl managed to finish 2 grades; she studied at a comprehensive school and 1 grade at a music school. In Baku, Irina was immediately taken to the third grade of the Central Music School, which worked at the city conservatory, where she played a work by Johann Bach during the entrance exams. After graduating from school, Irina prepared S. Rachmaninoff’s Second Concerto for her final exam.

Also in her childhood, the girl was fond of ballet and attended a special club. Since childhood, she liked to draw sketches of clothes.

Ira Allegrova was a creative child

In 1969, the girl graduated from school and wanted to enter the Baku Conservatory, but missed the entrance exams; she was ill at that time. That same year, she was offered a job - dubbing for Indian films at a film festival. A year later, the girl begins working in the Yerevan Orchestra.

The beginning of a creative journey

We can say that the path to fame was long. In the 70-80s, the singer had to work in different groups in search of her place in life. She toured a lot in the cities of the Soviet Union.

In 1975, Irina decided to enter GITIS, arriving in Moscow. However, she failed to pass the entrance exams.

Like many talented people, she had to go through certain tests. To earn a living, the girl gave private music lessons, and then got a job as an accompanist. A year later, she was lucky: the girl got a job in an orchestra and met Leonid Utesov there.

Then there was work in several ensembles, all this time the search for myself and the use of my talent continued. So, while working in one of them - “Young Voices”, the girl managed to become a laureate in the all-Union competition “Sochi 78”.

Since 1981, Allegrova performed in the Fakel ensemble, where the girl met pianist Igor Krutoy. And a year later, the singer was even thinking about quitting her job as a singer; she settled at home and did part-time work at home - baking cakes and sweets.

In 1983, Irina worked in the variety show of the largest restaurants in Moscow, where she was lucky to meet producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. It was he who facilitated the singer’s audition with Oscar Feltsman; he was the author of the hit “Lily of the Valley.”

After some time, Feltsman opened the group “Lights of Moscow”, the leader of which was soon David Tukhmanov and with the participation of the latter the group was renamed “Electroclub”, Irina Allegrova and the young and very talented Igor Talkov sang in it.

Allegrova in Electroclub

In 1990, the singer decided to leave the group; even then she sang the song “Wanderer,” which Igor Nikolaev wrote for her. Thanks to this song, Irina was named the best singer of the year. Then new hits were written and tours around the country began, as well as appearances on television. These were her glory years. The halls were completely filled, the songs became hits one after another, and the singer herself was loved and recognized throughout the country.

In 1992, the singer released her first solo album, “My Wanderer.”

In 1995, the second solo album “The Hijacker” was released, and the concerts were held under the name “Empress” - these were bright, costumed shows that attracted the viewer like a magnet.

In 1996, collaboration with Igor Krutoy began, which lasted for 3 years; the albums “Table for Two” and “Unfinished Romance” were released to sum up the results of the collaboration.

To this day, he actively performs and is involved in charitable activities. Many albums have been released.

"Empress" of the Russian stage!

Happiness is when you happily rush from home to work, and after work you happily return home. If you measure it this way, then yes, I am happy. And as for female happiness... Probably, my happiest marriage has already taken place - with my beloved Spectator.

Personal life

Officially, the singer was married four times. She married for the first time in 1971 to Georgy Tairov. A year later, a girl was born into the marriage, a daughter, Lala. It is not known what influenced this, but the marriage broke up with the birth of a daughter.

From 1974 to 1979 she was married to Vladimir Blekher and directed the ensemble “Jolly Fellows”.

Irina Allegrova and her second husband Vladimir Blekher

From 1985 to 1990 she was married to Vladimir Dubovitsky, he also worked in the Moscow Lights ensemble, was a musician and producer.

Allegrova's third husband - Vladimir Dubovitsky

From 1994 to 1999 she was married to Igor Kapusta, and also worked with her in the same team as a dancer.

Allegrova’s fourth (as the singer herself says, “extreme”) husband is Igor Kapusta

The daughter followed in her mother’s footsteps and became a pop director. In 1995 she gave birth to a son, Alexander.

Irina Alexandrovna with her daughter Lala and grandson Alexander

By the way, one of the singer’s hobbies is cooking - Allegrova cooks a lot and deliciously!

  • Irina Allegrova (according to some sources, real name is Inessa Klimchuk), was born on January 20, 1951 in Rostov-on-Don.
  • Father - theater director, actor, Honored Artist of the Armenian SSR and the RSFSR, by nationality - Armenian Alexander Sarkisov, who in his youth changed his surname to Allegro (derived from the Italian word allegro, which translated into Russian means “quickly”). Mother, Serafima Mikhailovna Sosnovskaya, is a former opera singer and actress.
  • The first years of her life, Irina Allegrova lived in Rostov-on-Don, occupied with singing and music.
  • 1961 - the family moves to Baku. Irina plays the piano, goes to a ballet club, and draws sketches of clothes.
  • 1961 - second place in the song competition of the Transcaucasian Jazz Festival.
  • 1969 – graduation from school, work in scoring Indian films. Tours with the Rashid Behbudov Song Theater.
  • 1970 - Irina Allegrova joins the Yerevan Orchestra, director – Konstantin Orbelyan.
  • 1971 - Irina gets married.
  • 1972 - birth of daughter Lala, then divorce.
  • 1975 - leaves Lala in the care of her mother, who leaves the stage forever for the sake of her granddaughter. Moves to Moscow, tries to enter GITIS, but does not pass the competition. Gives private music lessons, accompanist at a choreographic school.
  • 1976 - joins the orchestra under the direction of Leonid Utesov. She works part-time as a soloist in the “Inspiration” ensemble at the Mosconcert.
  • 1977 - works as a soloist of the Young Voices ensemble at the Tambov Philharmonic. Laureate of the 2nd All-Union Song Contest “Sochi-78”.
  • 1979 -1981 – works in the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Fakel” under the direction of Igor Krutoy.
  • 1982 - creative crisis, did not work for 9 months. He does part-time work at home, baking sweets to order. Participates in tours of Margarita Terekhova's musical theater together with Igor Talkov and Lyudmila Senchina.
  • 1983-1984 - works in the variety show of the Arbat, Starry Sky restaurants, and the National Hotel. Meet the aspiring producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. Audition with Oscar Feltsman, author of the hit “Lilies of the Valley.”
  • 1985 - work with O. Feltsman, who writes the hit “Voice of a Child” for her, with which she debuts at the song festival “Song of the Year”. Becomes a soloist of the Moscow Lights ensemble under the direction of Feltsman.
  • 1985-1986 - All-Union tour of the Moscow Lights ensemble. The rock group “Electroclub” was formed, where the singer is the leading soloist.
  • 1987 - Irina becomes a laureate of the Golden Tuning Fork competition. He records several songs for the films “Time to Fly” and “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts.” Release of the rock band's first album.
  • 1988 – active work in a rock band.
  • 1989 - release of the second album. Participates in the festival “Song-89” and in “Christmas meetings” by Alla Pugacheva.
  • 1990 - Allegrova leaves the rock band and begins a solo career.
  • 1991 – actively working on a solo career. Reaches the finals of the Song-91 competition.
  • 1992 - Irina Aleksandrovna sells out the Olimpiysky. Films the video “My Betrothed.” Releases the album “My Wanderer”.
  • 1993 - the video “Transit” was shot. Touring. Participates in the projects “Slavic Bazaar”, “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail”, “50/50”.
  • 1995 – the second disc “The Hijacker” is released. The hit “Empress” is heard everywhere.
  • 1996 – Allegrova releases a CD. A romance begins with a dancer from his team (lasts 6 years). Father dies. Touring activities are stopped. In honor of his father, he shoots a video based on Marina Tsvetaeva’s poem “I will win you back.”
  • 1996 – fruitful collaboration with Igor Krutoy begins. Concert program “I will part the clouds with my hands.” Change of image. Two clips were shot: “I will part the clouds with my hands” and “Palms”.
  • 1996-1998 - works with Igor Krutoy, recording a new album in New York. Joint album with Krutoy “Unfinished Romance.” He shoots 2 videos in the USA - “Don’t be late” and “Monologue”.
  • 1999 – joint program with Igor Krutoy “Table for Two”.
  • 2000 – films a solo concert at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall for the TV-6 television project “Your Music”. Release of the new album “Theatre...”. Participates in the charity concert of Yuri Erikona “Take care of the clowns” at the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. At the festival “Song 2000” he receives a memorial prize named after Klavdia Shulzhenko for his great contribution to the development of national song. Invited to become the host of the “Golden Duck” award in the Republic of Kazakhstan “Metelitsa”.
  • 2001 – release of the album “All over again”, which included songs by unknown authors and fans. Two videos were shot for the songs “I’m guilty without guilt” and “Everything is fine.” Touring with the repertoire of the album “All over again”.
  • 2002 - Irina works with composer, poet, and production director Alexei Garnizov. A show program for the “Blade of Love” tour has been developed.
  • October 30, 2002 - awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”
  • November 2002 - Allegrova receives the commemorative medal “200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”
  • December 2002 – receives a diploma “In Defense of Motherhood and Childhood.” Release of Irina Allegrova’s album “On the Blade of Love”
  • March 2003 - new program “The Two of Us”.
  • 2004 - receives the Golden String prize for the best duet of the year “New Year's Dreams” with Mikhail Shufutinsky.
  • April 2004 - Irina Allegrova receives the Order of Peter the Great.
  • June 2004 - Allegrova tours in the USA.
  • October 2004 - receives the Order of the Ruby Cross for constant and active participation in charity events. Presentation of the joint album with Mikhail Shufutinsky “In half”.
  • March 2005 - Irina was appointed Advisor to the EurAsEC Secretary General for Culture in the EurAsEC Secretariat. He works in this position for free.
  • May 2005 – tours Germany and Belgium.
  • Autumn 2005 – release of the album “Happy Birthday!”
  • November 2005 – tour of Israeli cities.
  • 2006 - works with composer Viktor Chaika. Participates in the anniversary concert dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Oscar Feltsman. Tours in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Far East and Siberia.
  • April 2006 – Irina Allegrova receives the “Best Russian Singer of Armenian Origin” award.
  • July 2009 - solo concert in Monaco at the Salle des etoiles.
  • November-December 2006 – tours in German cities.
  • 2007 - the documentary film “Irina Allegrova’s Crazy Star” was released on Channel One. Celebrating his anniversary. Duet with Grigory Leps “I don’t believe you.” Solo program “From the past to the future...”. A video is being filmed with Grigory Leps “I don’t believe you.” Takes part in dozens of television and music projects “People’s Brand 2006”, “Good Songs”, “May Victories”.
  • October 25, 2007 - release of the new album “Allegrova-2007”.
  • December 2007 - with Grigory Leps, he receives the XII annual national Golden Gramophone award at the Song 2007 festival with the duet song “I Don’t Believe You.”
  • 2008 - an hour-long interview on Channel One in the program “Looking at Night.” Participates in many concerts and festivals. Receives the MUZ-TV music award for the duet with G. Leps “I don’t believe you” for winning the “Best Duet of the Year” nomination. Tours in the south of Russia, Siberia and the Far East, the Baltic countries.
  • In the spring of 2009 he tours the cities of Ukraine. Participates in various programs, festivals, TV shows.
  • 2009 - Irina shoots a video for the song “I won’t turn around.”
  • On August 27 - 29, 2009, in Ostankino she starred in the show program “The Story of an Unbroken Woman” for the NTV channel, which included interviews and performances. The program was shown on September 25 on the NTV channel.
  • August 29, 2009 - Irina Allegrova participates in the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”
  • Autumn 2009 - the singer tours the USA.
  • January 15, 2010 - President of Russia