How to find out if there is damage to a person: three methods available at home. What to do if a person has been damaged

Damage is a powerful negative energy effect, the purpose of which is to destroy a person’s aura and cause harm. The ritual is aimed at harming health, personal life, career and other areas of a person’s life.

As a result of this impact, the human bioenergy field is gradually destroyed, which ultimately leads to failures in various areas of life. Under the influence of corruption, a person weakens not only physically, but also mentally. The consequences of this can be irreversible, which is why it is important to recognize the person who committed the ritual of corruption as soon as possible and remove the curse.

Why know who did it?

Surely, everyone who has encountered damage at least once in their life would like to know who did the damage to them and for what reason. This information can be useful for carrying out rituals to remove the curse, as well as for protecting yourself from an enemy who uses such methods.

Sometimes identifying the person who caused the damage leads to very unexpected and shocking results.. Sometimes a close friend, or even a relative, can be an ill-wisher.

In order to put a spell on someone, it is not necessary to have magical abilities. It is enough to have a strong desire to harm a person. Therefore, any enemy of yours can be the perpetrator of damage. Most often, to carry out a ritual of damage, people turn to professional magicians and psychics. But even in this case, it is possible to determine who is the source of the damage.

Is it worth giving a response after receiving information about the person who cast a curse on you? Should you do damage in response in order to take revenge and hurt even more the one who harmed you? Psychic experts do not recommend doing this. Any contact with black ritual magic aimed at harming another person has negative consequences for the person.

That is, in this case, not only the one to whom the damage was sent suffers, but also the one who did it. Therefore, you should not give a response - you can harm yourself even more. Remember also that causing damage is dangerous for the person who caused it.

Any contact with black magic has its consequences, especially for non-professionals. If you are cursed by a person who has nothing to do with magic, then know that sooner or later he will pay for what he has done, since evil always returns to its owner.

It is believed that if a corrupted person finds out the name of his ill-wisher, then he will also know that he has been exposed. This happens at the energy level. If the spell is revealed, the one who cast it receives information about it in his mind. This makes him feel bad both morally and physically.

He may even repent of what he has done and come to ask for forgiveness from the person he harmed.. It is not recommended to forgive him, since forgiving him can result in a repeated energy blow.

Determination methods at home

If you suspect it is present on yourself or someone close to you, then the suspicions are usually confirmed. A person almost always feels that an energetic blow has been dealt to his biofield. There are several main signs of damage that can help you find out if there really is a curse.

A negative magical program can affect your health, mental state, appearance, personal life and work. One of the most terrible consequences of damage is that it can be passed on from generation to generation. Not only you, but also your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can suffer from a negative magical program.

Signs of damage:

  • Insomnia, nightmares, repeating almost every night, after which a person wakes up in a cold sweat.
  • Dramatic change in relationships with loved ones people and relatives. The Corrupted One begins to reject those he once loved.
  • The emergence of diseases that doctors cannot diagnose and treat.
  • A person suddenly begins to use alcohol and drugs. Becomes uncontrollable and dangerous to society.
  • Emotional imbalance. The mood constantly changes, a person becomes anxious and hypersensitive.
  • Animals in the house avoid the spoiled person. They may show aggression towards him. It is known that cats and dogs subtly sense the presence of alien negative energy in space.
  • The emergence of financial problems, difficulties at work.
  • Man breaks ties with close people, stops communicating with friends, becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative.
  • The corrupted one begins to smell unpleasant odors where they actually don't exist. Also, his body and clothes acquire an unusual smell that cannot be washed off or covered with perfume.
  • There is a feeling that something is pressing on the chest. This condition especially occurs during sleep. Attacks of suffocation may also occur, and the person becomes unable to breathe.
  • A person becomes depressed, he is no longer interested in anything.
  • In your personal life, at work and other matters, everything goes topsy-turvy. Any undertakings fail, everything a person undertakes ends in failure.
  • A person who has been damaged experiences fear of his reflection in. It also becomes difficult for him to look people in the eyes.
  • The damned begins to hear voices, which intensify over time.

If most of the symptoms are confirmed, then this indicates the presence of negative magical interference. To confirm or refute your fears, it is better to play it safe and perform several rituals that will help not only recognize the damage, but also indicate who caused it.

How can you find out on your own who has damaged or jinxed you?

If you want to determine the name of the one who wished you harm and performed a terrible magical ritual, perform ritual to identify the enemy with a church candle.

Take a thin candle consecrated in the temple, light it on the waning moon after sunset and walk throughout the house with the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Night, Father Moon, reveal to me the servant of God (name) the nine times ninth star, I will go out into it and find my enemy. The blood will boil in him, he will not finish eating, he will not finish drinking, my strength will tear him to pieces. Come to my doorstep from the crossroads of three roads. Until then, I will break your bones, cover your eyes with darkness, and keep my mouth shut. I will drive fear into your soul until you come to me and repent. My word will be deed. Amen."

Leave the candle to burn out on the threshold at the entrance to the house and go to sleep. Within three days, your enemy will reveal himself - he will come to visit you and ask for mercy. It happens that the enemy comes, but does not reveal himself, does not ask for forgiveness and does not talk about what he has done.

In this case, it can be recognized by its condition and appearance. As a rule, after performing a ritual with a candle and reading, the ill-wisher who sent the damage looks tired, sad and anxious.

There is another ritual for recognizing the enemy. Unlike the previous ritual, it will not require the use of magic and strong concentration on the problem. To perform the ritual you will need a thick wax candle and a dish of water. It is better to take water either from a spring or consecrated in a church. Light the candle, let it burn a little and melt the wax before the ceremony.

Bring your palms to the flame on the left and right sides, look closely at the fire and think about the person who damaged you. Then take the candle in your hand, tilt it over a plate of water and pour a thin stream of melted wax. During the process, say the words of the conspiracy:

“I pour out the wax, I mold the enemy. Show yourself, enemy, show your face.”

By the wax frozen on the surface of the water, you can judge the person who cursed you. Usually the wax takes on the figure of the one who did the damage, and by this you can easily identify your enemy. But sometimes the enemy consciously does not want to be revealed, so he can confuse you in every possible way.

Figures may form on the water that do not resemble a human body or face. If the wax takes the shape of a flower or a circle, it means that the damage was caused by a woman. If the wax has turned into the shape of a rhombus, square, bird, wolf or bear, then the one who cursed you is a man. Sometimes the wax takes the form of letters, which can symbolize the initials of a person's first and last name.

If you don’t see any of the above on the water, and you see completely different images, then carefully analyze them. It is possible that the wax indicates some object that is associated with a person you know.

It is also necessary to determine how strong the magical curse was sent to you.

Ritual with an egg

The ritual with a chicken egg will help determine whether there is damage to you and how serious it is. Take a fresh egg and a transparent glass with cold spring or holy water. Carefully break the egg so that the contents are not damaged and pour it into the water.

Hold the glass on your head for some time or leave it at the head of the bed overnight. After this, place the glass in front of you and carefully examine the shapes that are formed from the yolk and white in the water.

  • If the water has not changed color, the yolk and white have not changed in appearance, then there is no magical curse. If the contents of the glass have an unpleasant odor, like a rotten egg, then someone clearly hates you and, most likely, constantly inflicts energy attacks on you. But in this case there can be no talk of damage.
  • If thin white threads rise from the egg to the top of the glass, this indicates the presence of spoilage. The magical influence is quite powerful, and, most likely, is directed at personal life. Such a curse usually lasts for three to seven years.
  • If the protein in a glass has decomposed into thin threads entangling the entire space of the glass, then most likely you have simply been jinxed. This may also indicate slight damage, which will not be difficult to remove. Such damage is usually caused by those who are not associated with magic. Their energetic impact lasts no more than a year, and then returns back to the one who caused it.
  • A sign of a strong magical effect is considered to be white pillars rising upward, covered with light bubbles. In this case, we can talk about professional energy intervention in the human biofield. Such damage primarily affects human health.

    The spoiled person develops serious illnesses that cannot be treated or diagnosed. The curse also leaves its mark on events in a person’s life - failures in business, work and personal life begin to haunt him.

    If the entire broken egg has bubbles, wormholes and dark specks, then such damage can take a person’s life. The ritual involved cemetery magic using grave soil. Such a curse begins to take effect within a month after the ritual is performed.

    The consequences of this energy impact are most often irreversible - the victim dies within 9-12 months. Such damage is sent by people to whom the death of an enemy would bring relief. These could be envious people or those whom you once crossed the path of, taking something valuable or depriving them of something important.

  • If the egg or the figures formed from it are colored pink, lilac or red, then the damage was done in blood. Animal or human blood was used in the ritual. Such damage also primarily affects health.
  • If the white column is covered with bubbles, and the yolk in water looks like it has been boiled, or has hardened edges, then the damage was caused so that the person would suffer throughout his life. A fatal outcome from such exposure is unlikely. The person who sends such a curse wants his enemy to suffer and be sick.
  • If the yolk looks like it’s boiled, then this is damage aimed at depriving a person of freedom and inner harmony. As a result, the person becomes constrained, ceases to feel positive emotions and enjoy life. He can't find a place anywhere that makes him feel good. Something is constantly limiting him and preventing him from developing.
  • If the white in the glass begins to bubble or becomes covered with dark specks, the yolk looks boiled, and its center turns gray, black or green, then this is the worst damage. As a result, a person dies in terrible agony.

The faster you recognize the presence of damage, the easier it is to remove it later. Rituals to remove damage cleanse a person’s bioenergy field and heal holes in his aura. It is believed that someone who has managed to get rid of magical influence can no longer be damaged, since such a person develops immunity to energetic influence.


There are two main ways that will allow you to reveal the name of your ill-wisher. The first option is to seek help from a professional psychic or magician. He will answer you whether damage has been caused to you and who sent it to you. However, if this magician turns out to be a charlatan, you will only be wasting your time and money.

There is another way to find out who caused the damage. You can independently, and at the same time, completely reveal the name of your enemy. There are many effective magical rituals for this. By using them, you will receive all the information you need. Such rituals can differ significantly from each other, but they all have one goal, namely, the revelation of the secret. This is the simplest magic that is accessible even to a beginner. The main thing is faith in your strength and the intention to get results.

First, it’s worth finding out whether damage has been caused. The easiest way to do this is with a pin. You will need to place a pin on the back of the garment. It should be invisible to others and located as close to your heart as possible. The head of the pin should be directed perpendicular to the surface of the earth.

When you start pinning this item to your clothes, say a spell, for example: “Lord, save me on the road, from evil people and unkind thoughts.” Then say “Amen” three times. This should be done before leaving the house. When you return, look at the pin. If you find that you have lost it, it is likely that you have been damaged.

You can also detect spoilage using a chicken egg. To do this in the evening, before going to bed, take a glass jar, pour water into it and add 1 egg. Do this very carefully so that the yolk does not spill. Hold the jar above your head, close to the back of your head, then near your forehead, chest, groin area and feet. The jar should be held at each of these areas of the body for five minutes. Then close the lid and place it next to your head overnight. If you have been damaged, by morning the egg will darken and the water will become cloudy.

You can also find out who caused the damage. This can be done using wax. It is important to remember that during such a magical operation it is necessary to use only natural materials. So, take a bowl of clean (non-chlorinated) water. You will also need wax. It cannot be replaced with paraffin.

Melt the wax in a water bath, then pour it into a cup of water, saying the following: “I pour out the wax, I pour out the enemy.” If you see images of a flower or the moon, it means that the damage was caused by a woman. If you see images of a raven, a bear, a wolf, a square or a rhombus, this means that the damage was caused by a man. In addition, upon careful examination, you can see the image of the person who sent negativity to you.

Helpful advice

Do not forget that you need to know your enemy by sight not in order to take revenge on him, but in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from this person.

The concept of corruption has been known in Rus' for hundreds of years. An experienced sorcerer or witch can cause damage, and the negative impact can be directed at various aspects of a person’s life. The presence of a negative influence can be judged by the presence of very specific signs.

You will need

  • - Help from an experienced magician;
  • - Salt;
  • - Cast-iron pan.


Evaluate all aspects of your life or the life of the person who was allegedly damaged. We are talking about health, family relationships, success in business, etc. If everything was in order, but at some point one of the areas of life suddenly began to collapse catastrophically, we can assume the presence of damage.

Remember that the main sign of damage is the sudden, in a matter of days or weeks, appearance and increase in negative events. Troubles grow like a snowball. Any other negative events that have clearly visible preconditions should not be considered as damage.

If your health has suddenly deteriorated, also evaluate the reasons for this. Perhaps an unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy diet, accidental hypothermia, etc. are to blame. It is important to note that in case of damage, doctors often cannot establish the correct diagnosis - the person feels a sharp loss of energy and general malaise. Against this background, pre-existing chronic diseases may worsen.

Think about whether any strange events have happened to you recently. For example, the doorbell rang, you opened it, but there was no one there; or you noticed on the landing, under the rug in front of the door, a needle, a pin, sand, grains of wheat. Needles can be stuck into door jambs, hidden under wallpaper, etc. Maybe you found a large bill, a gold ring or some other valuable thing on the street, and that’s where all your troubles began? Any such event may be a sign that you have been damaged.

Has your marriage suddenly begun to crack at the seams, threatening to collapse, although there are no obvious reasons for breaking off the relationship? This may also be a result of damage. The same applies to work - if suddenly a series of troubles begins, you are haunted by failures and losses, you should think about the possibility of damage. Currently, damage to business failures is one of the most popular witchcraft services.

The dark witch Elena Golunova has repeatedly revealed the secrets of magic. According to her, most often those whose energy protection is very vulnerable suffer from the evil eye and damage. In addition, some people inadvertently damage themselves. How can you protect yourself from black magical influences and not become a hostage to your own negative energy?

Elena Golunova claims that not every person can competently perform a ritual for damage. This requires special training and extraordinary abilities. But nevertheless, more and more often people come to her with requests to remove the damage. And in the process of removing negative energy, it turns out that the person himself caused damage to himself. How does this happen and how to protect yourself from it?

In fact, any negative thought addressed to a person can be called damage and the evil eye. Thus, in order to spoil your enemy, it is not at all necessary to go to sorcerers or perform magical rituals yourself. Negative energy can greatly harm a person. It can be transmitted by the power of thought or by word. It’s worse when the person himself unknowingly damages himself. Negative thinking, gloomy phrases and a pessimistic attitude can cause enormous damage not only to health, but also to affect all areas of life. In other words, when a person has a negative attitude towards himself, self-destruction occurs, which can lead to a complete loss of energy resources and vitality.

How not to jinx yourself? To do this, Elena Golunova recommends constantly working on your thoughts and words. At first it will be quite difficult, because in order to control your thinking, you need to fully concentrate on in what way you can think and in what way you cannot. The first thing you need to get rid of is negative attitudes, which lead people to self-destruction. You need to avoid in your thoughts and speech such expressions as: “I constantly lack money,” “I get sick very often,” “I’m unlucky,” “nothing worked out again,” and everything like that.

It must be remembered that all words and thoughts greatly influence the course of events. It turns out that if a person constantly thinks about bad things and is negative towards himself, he automatically programs himself for failure, illness, poverty and all that other stuff.

How to remove damage caused by your own efforts? Elena Golunova claims that damage can be removed through a change of mood and the right attitude towards your life situations and problems. All negative attitudes must be replaced with positive words and thoughts. Instead of complaining about the lack of money, you just need to think that you have enough of everything, and all the troubles of life will end very soon.

Siberian witch Elena Golunova recommends, first of all, to understand that it is only he himself who makes a person weak and helpless. He is driven by negative thoughts and his wrong attitude, thereby causing damage to himself and he himself does not understand what led him to failure.

30.09.2013 15:52

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The success of some people always causes envy of others. And this, unfortunately, cannot be changed in any way. Some envious people commit petty mischief, others silently envy. But there are also those who resort to much more serious and dangerous methods. For example, they cause damage.

Damage is magical actions that bring failure and harm. If a person is damaged, then luck completely turns away from him. This is exactly what the spiteful critics want. As a rule, such rituals are performed by sorcerers and magicians, but ordinary people can do it too. So you can expect mischief from everywhere. In order to get rid of misadventures in time, you need to know how to recognize damage.

What kind of damage happens?

There are different types of damage. It all depends on the purpose of the person who imposes it. But the most common types are:

1. To fail. From personal life to financial issues. This is the most common type of damage. After all, people most often envy those who are lucky. Some people try and work hard every day, but others succeed simply and easily. Well, why not a reason for envy? In addition, this type of damage is the most harmless. So the conscience of the instigator will not torment him.

2. For illness. This damage is already noticeably more serious. As a rule, you need to really annoy someone for them to wish you health problems. A separate type can be identified as damage to infertility.

3. To death. The most dangerous of all. If you have been damaged by this kind of damage, you should immediately contact specialists.

It can be done in a variety of ways: from photographs, using the victim’s personal belongings, her nails, hair, etc. Of course, removing damage is a very difficult and sometimes dangerous matter, and in many cases it is simply impossible to do on your own. But anyone can determine that something is wrong with you. And since many curses are very dangerous, there is no point in delaying. Therefore, knowledge of how to recognize damage will undoubtedly be useful to you.

Vivid signs of damage

The first sign of damage is obsessive thoughts. You have never had such thoughts before, but now they haunt you. Depending on what kind of damage was applied, thoughts can be of very different shades. This could be despair, dissatisfaction with your life, although everything seems to be fine with you, doom, emptiness, etc. Or, on the contrary, an unbearable desire appears to do something that promises pleasure and joy, although it looks wrong. Remember that you should never trust such thoughts and desires - it is likely that someone deliberately imposed them on you!

Long-term (doctors cannot determine what is wrong with you);

Animals are wary of you;

The pectoral cross may rub or cause irritation;

You became uncomfortable being in church, etc.

In fact, there are a lot of signs of damage. If you find at least a few of them, you should seek help from a priest or magician.

How to check spoilage using an egg

Today, there are many rituals that help you recognize whether you are under a curse. Perhaps the simplest of them is a ritual with an ordinary chicken egg. You can do it yourself at home, without resorting to the help of sorcerers or priests. Moreover, it does not require any special knowledge.

Pour a raw egg into a container of water. You need to try to do this so that the yolk remains intact and does not spread. Then place the jar on your head and wait a couple of minutes. It is believed that if a person is damaged, the yolk will spread in the water. If the yolk is covered with white streaks or dark spots, this is a sign of a deadly curse.

and wax

To determine whether there is damage to you, you can use church candles. Light three pieces and place them directly in front of you and read the prayer. For example, “Our Father.” Watch the state of the fire. If the candles burn evenly, you are fine. If at least one of them begins to smoke or crack, you are under damage or the evil eye.

There is another way to recognize damage. For this you will need an assistant. He should hold a bowl of cold water over your head. Melt the wax and pour it into the bowl. You can learn a lot of interesting things from what happens to the wax:

Smooth wax - you're fine;

Lumpy - damage;

Holes or sores - the same people periodically cast spells on you.

Folk sign

There is a belief that damage can be recognized using an ordinary pin. In order to do this, it must be pinned to the clothing so that the head is at the bottom. The best place is considered to be the heart area. After this, you need to read any prayer, and you can go about your business.

Most often they do this before going outside. At the end of the day, take a look at your pin. If it’s not there, it means they managed to put a serious spell on you; if it’s just unfastened, they’ve jinxed you.

And remember, the sooner you detect damage, the easier it will be to get rid of it. So there is no need to hesitate.

Damage is one of the most common ways of negatively affecting a person. It poses a great threat to health and well-being, so it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible.

By resorting to help, which have proven themselves over many years, you can quickly determine whether there is damage to you and use methods to prevent negative influences. To do this, you do not need to visit magicians and psychics. It is enough to believe in your strength and be alone with yourself so that no one can stop you from performing these rituals.

Effective ways to recognize spoilage

1. This method is simple to implement, but effective. With its help, you can identify negative influences, as well as protect yourself from new attacks. You will need a new pin. Moisten it with holy water, then sprinkle with salt. After a few minutes, attach it to your clothes, placing it next to your heart. Try to keep her head looking straight up. When attaching a pin, say the words of the spell:

“I protect myself with a talisman, I protect myself from the evil eye and words. I fasten evil with the sharp end of a pin, I don’t let it into my heart.”

This needs to be done in the morning, before leaving the house. When you return in the evening, check to see if you still have the pin on. If not, then you are definitely being negatively impacted. If you feel a pin come loose while talking to a certain person, then they may very well be the one who influenced you.

2. The second effective way to find out whether you are a carrier of alien energy is plants. If you have a flower in your house that is getting ready to bloom or has already bloomed, leave it at the head of the bed overnight and look at the inflorescences the next morning. If they wither and begin to lose petals, then the news is disappointing. You can also check for spoilage using St. John's wort branches. If leaves and flowers begin to fall off from them in the morning, then there is a negative impact on you. If you have a guess as to who might wish you harm, try to give that person a flower. If within a few hours it completely withers and loses color, then you should avoid this person.

3. One of the common methods is to ask a question about the presence of damage in a dream. To do this, you need to pray to your Guardian Angel before going to bed, and then focus on the issue that worries you. After some time, thoughts will be directed in the right direction, and you, having relaxed, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Walking through a crowd of people, I notice an ill-wisher, I notice him by his evil eyes. With the name of the Lord on my lips I pass by, I offer impenetrable, intangible protection. May he have no peace, may he not know joy, only grief. Until all the negativity leaves me, my conscience does not allow the thief to live in peace with my happiness.”

Go to bed, and in your sleep you will be able to find out the answer to your question. You may have a chaotic heavy dream, or the face of an ill-wisher. If there is no damage, sleep will be light and pleasant.

4. Break an egg into a glass of clean water so as not to damage the yolk. Light a church candle and peer into its flame for a while, concentrating on your question about damage. After a few minutes, say the words of the conspiracy:

“The egg is golden, like a small sun. It burns through the vessel, delivers me from damage and the evil eye. He takes my pain upon himself and leaves nothing behind.”

Go to bed and place a glass with an egg next to your bed. If in the morning the yolk greatly changes color to a darker color or even turns black, then you have a negative reaction.

5. Buy a new nail and carry it in your hand for several hours, then in the evening bury it near the threshold of your house with the words:

“I’m burying a sharp nail in the ground, I want to know the truth. I turn to the forces of nature, I need help. I want to know if there is a black curse on me that draws good out of me and creates illness.”

The next morning, dig up your cache and carefully examine the nail. If it begins to rust, it means you have been negatively affected.

Using these proven methods, you can determine whether you are a carrier of negative energy designed to destroy your protective biofield. If this is the case, then you should immediately get rid of this magical ailment as soon as possible. We wish you all the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.05.2017 02:00

Damage is a common type of negative energy that ill-wishers purposefully use to cause harm. One of...