Children's jokes for April 1st for schoolchildren. Fresh jokes and pranks on April Fool's Day for friends

Funny jokes for April 1 are a mandatory attribute of April Fool's Day celebrations in kindergartens, schools, offices, public organizations and enterprises. For the youngest children, simple and easy jokes presented in game form. Older children will enjoy cool, funny and funny pranks that they can use to please their classmates, friends and teachers. Moms and dads will appreciate harmless, humorous congratulations and humorous SMS messages received from children on April 1. The only thing to remember is tact and decorum. Pranks should only provide pleasure, and not turn a person into an object of irony and ridicule.

Funny jokes on April 1 for preschool children in kindergarten

April 1 is a wonderful, cheerful and positive holiday, which is celebrated with pleasure in kindergarten. The script for the program is prepared by teachers and always includes funny jokes that children can understand. preschool age. They are most often served in the form of fun outdoor games in which the maximum amount kids.

Examples of funny joke games in honor of April 1 in kindergarten

  • "Make me laugh"- a fun competition suitable even for children from junior group. A couple of children are chosen to perform, one of whom begins to build funny faces and make funny faces. The task of the second participant is to keep a serious expression on his face for as long as possible and not burst into laughter.
  • "Hare and Carrot"funny game, causing mass positive emotions. To participate, the group is divided into two teams. Half of the children are put paper white ears on their heads and asked to sit on chairs placed in the center of the hall. Other kids are blindfolded, given a fresh carrot and told to go feed the “hares.” From the outside, the process looks very fun, however, the teacher must constantly monitor the players so that no one accidentally injures their friends by chaotically waving the carrot in different directions. To avoid potential feeding failures, you can replace the spicy carrots with a more streamlined apple or soft bun. The meaning will not be affected, and unpleasant force majeure will be avoided.
  • "Freeze and don't move!"- active entertainment that requires the mandatory participation of a teacher or animator. An adult dressed as a clown sings a verse of a simple and joyful song. The guys dance on stage or just move chaotically around the hall. As soon as the music stops, everyone freezes, and the clown walks among the participants, making faces and trying to make them laugh. Everyone who could not contain their smile is eliminated from the game, and the last remaining participant receives certificate of honor and the medal “The Most Serious Kindergartener.”

Short jokes for April 1st at school for classmates - ideas and videos

Funny pranks, sparkling humor and short, funny jokes will turn April 1 at school into the brightest, funniest and most memorable holiday. On this day, laughing at your classmates is not only possible, but also necessary. However, tact and a sense of proportion should also not be forgotten. You should not choose one “victim” from your students and tease him or her in every possible way throughout the day. Such behavior will in no way strengthen relationships in the class, but rather, on the contrary, will make them colder and harsher.

It's best to use jokes general, which do not hurt the pride of students. Let everyone have a reason to smile kindly or even laugh heartily after hearing a funny joke about school life or by watching a funny skit about the relationship between teachers and students.

If you want to make fun of your desk neighbor, you can discreetly take him mobile phone and carefully cover the microphone with a piece of transparent tape. When a classmate dials a number but is unable to reach the other party, the result will be a very funny, but completely harmless situation.

The classic version of the joke is to announce to one of your classmates that the director or head teacher is calling him to his place. True, it is very important to speak seriously and naturally, so that the “victim” does not immediately suspect a dirty trick. If everything went smoothly and you believed in the challenge, you should overtake your friend and have time to attach a poster with congratulatory lines in honor of April 1 to the door before he appears in the area of ​​the desired office. Having reached the place, the classmate will see a welcome sign and will be glad that the challenge was false and he is not threatened with a reprimand or scolding for his academic performance and behavior.

Funny pranks and jokes on April 1 for friends

In the company of close friends who have known each other well for a long time, April 1 is quite appropriate funny jokes, funny pranks and jokes on some frivolous topics. You can “scare” your friends by sending them SMS supposedly from a mobile operator, informing them that their number has been disconnected from service due to non-payment of a bill or informing them that their SIM card has won a million dollars, a Mercedes or a trip to Canary Islands. Such humor will amuse absolutely everyone, but at the same time it will not cause offense or grief.

The topic of marital fidelity is not something to joke about. It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased to hear that their spouse was spotted in a restaurant or motel with an unknown man or woman. Of course, in the end it will turn out that this is not true, but an unpleasant aftertaste will remain and the holiday will be ruined.

Illnesses, car accidents and other events of this kind are also not a reason for humor. It's better to choose universal themes, causing sincere laughter, a kind smile and pleasant feelings.

If you are celebrating April 1 at home, you can make fun of your friends by inviting them to drink a glass of cola with ice. The ice will have to be prepared in advance by freezing Mentosis candies in water. When the water in the glass melts, the cola will react with the sweets and instead of a drink, a person will have a real fountain of sweet water in his hand. True, here it should be remembered that a friend will most likely wet the sleeves of his shirt, so there must be some kind of change of clothes in stock, otherwise further celebration will be very uncomfortable for someone.

Easy April 1st jokes for mom and dad - how to prank your parents

On April 1, it is better to joke with parents very carefully and delicately, because they are terribly worried about their children and cannot always immediately figure out that they are just being played. You shouldn’t call your mom and say that you hit a person, got caught by the police, became the victim of a maniac, or found yourself in the clutches of bandits who want to receive a huge ransom. There is no need to tell dad that his car was stolen, riot police from the tax office came to the place of work, and the computer burned down as a result of a power loss and cannot be restored. Such news can provoke an overly violent reaction in an adult and even lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, when making fun of your parents, observe tact and a sense of proportion, choose pleasant, harmless topics and try to ensure that the humor evokes only positive emotions.

If your mother loves the work of a singer, tell her that he has moved into your building and will now live with you on the same staircase. Or cover the infrared sensor of the remote control with tape and watch as dad tries in vain to turn on the TV. Invisibly coat all the soap with clear varnish and place on soap dishes. Household members will have to rack their brains for a long time over the question of why it doesn’t wash. Such simple and light jokes will create a festive atmosphere, but at the same time they will not offend anyone and will not cause nervous shock or hysteria.

April 1 - Day of Laughter and Jokes: prank script on video

In order for April 1 to be fun, sparkling and bright, you need to carefully prepare for it and think through prank scenarios in advance. On April Fool's Day, all ordinary, everyday activities should be colored with a humorous tone and automatically set to positive. But the most important thing is not to go too far and not offend others with biting irony and sarcasm. Let every prank be only good in nature and give everyone around you a reason to laugh, regardless of age, gender and social status. And you can get new, interesting and funny ideas for pranks from the video below.

I wish you to have fun

You will achieve a lot in life.

Only a cheerful person

Always the luckiest of all!

You're kidding, relax

Don't forget about family!

And health to boot

Fortunately, joy, good luck!

Laughter is necessary and useful thing for all. Healthy laughter in fun company not only improves mood, but also improves health. So let's laugh and tell funny incidents from life and, and give each other smiles.

As children grow up, this day becomes more and more interesting for them. I would like to make a small good holiday. In today's article I have collected several options for comic entertainment for children and with children.

You can spend several comic competitions and games for children.

Competitions and games for children on April 1

Competition “Spring has come!”

Two people are taking part in the competition. For each of them we prepare a kit in advance winter clothes- jacket, long scarf, scarf, mittens, boots. Participants put all this treasure on themselves and stand side by side. Two chairs are placed against the wall opposite them.

A signal is given - a whistle, a clap, and the music is turned on. The players’ task is to run to the chair, take off one piece of clothing, run back, touch the leader’s hand, run to the chair again, take off something else, etc. The one who quickly took off all his winter clothes and returned to the start is considered the winner!

Tie your tail

Remember in the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, how the donkey lost his tail?

So, print out the picture with the donkey and color it. Separately cut out the tail. And we give the children a task: with eyes closed attach the tail to the donkey Eeyore.

Game “Mom, Unravel the Thread”

This game is certainly more fun to play big company. The presenter is chosen - “Mom”. Everyone else, holding hands, is trying to intertwine with each other so as to resemble a tangled ball of thread. After which she is called “Mom” and asked: “Mom, unravel the thread, be careful, don’t break it!” The driver’s task is to try to untangle the tangle without breaking the clasped hands.

Competition "The most serious"

Arrange a competition between the children to see who can stay serious the longest. In this case, you can ask them funny questions, tell jokes and make faces.

Prank "Confusion"

When walking with your child, deliberately confuse the names of surrounding objects. You see a cat, say, “Look, there’s a dog.” Call a tree a flower, a traffic light a TV, a bird a cow, the sun rain, etc. Even small children will very quickly understand that you are making a joke and will happily start playing along.

Competition “Who will laugh who?”

The game is the opposite of “the most serious”. The task of children is to laugh, and laugh the longest! After all, the one who stops laughing last will be the winner!

Game "Feed Me"

Children are divided into pairs. One child sits on a chair and opens his mouth. The second child is blindfolded and given an apple. Task: feed an apple to your friend sitting on a chair. Lots of fun guaranteed!

Game with clothespins

We attach clothespins (20-30 pieces, depending on the number of children) around the house in advance - to curtains, toys, books, etc. Task for children: find and bring as many clothespins as possible. The one with the most clothespins is the winner!

Having run around and having fun, you can entertain the children comic riddles. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will “awaken” your sense of humor and develop logic (By the way, you can even play).

Comic riddles for children

  • Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins.)
  • How many peas can fit into one glass? (Not a single one. Peas don’t walk on their own!)
  • What do people walk on? (On the ground.)
  • How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One - the second will no longer be on an empty stomach.)
  • Who speaks all languages? (Echo.)
  • Why does the dog bark? (Can't speak.)
  • What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin.)
  • What tree does a bird sit on during a heavy rainfall? (On wet.)
  • What question cannot be answered positively? (Are you sleeping?)
  • What is between the window and the door? (Letter "I".)
  • Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (You can use a piece of ice.)
  • What clock does it show? right time only twice a day? (Which are standing.)
  • What disease does no one get on land? (Nautical.)
  • Are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you.)
  • What happens to the crow after three years? (She is in her 4th year.)
  • What needs to be done to cut off the branch on which the crow is sitting without disturbing it? (Wait until she flies away.)
  • Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total? (One.)
  • What does half an apple look like? (For the second half.)
  • Three ostriches were flying. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)
  • Which bird is made up of a letter and a river? ("Oriole.)
  • My father's son, not my brother. Who is this? (Myself.)
  • Which river is the scariest? (Tiger.)
  • What is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed? (Anchor.)
  • The more there are, the less weight. What is this? (Holes.)
  • What kind of ribbon cannot be woven into a braid? (Machine gun.)
  • Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway.)
  • In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat.)
  • What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (From empty.)
  • What horse doesn't eat oats? (Chess.)
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)

You will find even more fun riddles in the article “”.

Revived Products

I once came across this funny joke on the Internet and it really sank into my soul. The idea is that while the children are not seeing, for example, sleeping, you need to stick eyes on all the food and bottles in the refrigerator. A child who looks into the refrigerator in the morning will at least be pleasantly surprised!

If suddenly in the morning you
The whole back turned white
Got a call from the bank
That you were given a million,
Take a quick look at the calendar
Tear off yesterday's leaf,
And look at the date
It's the first day of April.
Stop everything right now
Forget sleep and laziness,
And congratulations on April Fool's Day,
All the people you know!

How do you fool around with children? Or what interesting prank Have you ever held or become a participant in it? Share with us in the comments!

With wishes of smiles and laughter,

Every year in different countries, including in Russia, April 1 is celebrated as April Fool's Day. Everyone tries to make a good joke on their friends, neighbors, and parents. Children at school play funny (and not so funny) pranks on teachers and classmates; at work, colleagues try to come up with funny pranks every year new joke, so much so that colleagues would unconditionally believe in it, forgetting what the date is today. Today you will learn the most unusual and funny jokes for April 1st and prank ideas. Remember them so you can prank your friends or mom soon.

Jokes at school on April 1 - April Fools' pranks for classmates

The day of the most positive emotions in a person’s life - laughter - is approaching, but you still don’t know how to arrange it. April Fool's pranks classmates at school? Then read these lines further, and you will remember the funniest jokes for your buddies and friends. Of course, you don’t have to think twice about preparing a prank on a school friend or teacher. Well, who’s stopping you from shouting after the teacher or your neighbors at your desk: “Your whole back is white!” However, there are even more fun pranks. Of course, you should not mix salt and sugar in salt shakers in the school cafeteria or smear soap on the blackboard so that the chalk stops writing on it - you will ruin the mood of other people. The jokes should be such that the classmate himself - the “victim” of the joke - can laugh at the joke.

Joke ideas for April 1 at school - Pranks on classmates

Oddly enough, most April Fools' jokes and pranks are believed. However, there is no point in repeating old, well-known jokes. Try to prank your classmates as follows. Place the box on one of the shelves of a classroom shelving unit or cabinet. The top should be open and the bottom should be missing. Place an eye-catching inscription on the outside of the box: “Do not touch with your hands!” or “18+ only!”. Fill the box itself with confetti, candy wrappers, scraps of paper, or other small, easily spilled items. When the person being pranked enters the classroom, leave the room and secretly observe his actions. A “victim” who sees a box with a warning label will probably try to remove it from the cabinet. This is where all the contents spill out onto your classmate! Don't forget to prepare a broom and dustpan in advance - the teacher may not like such jokes! There is another funny one good joke for school. To organize it you need to sit down on back desk and write a note: “Mashkin (Dashkin, Natashkin...) briefcase is hanging on the ceiling.” After this, the note must be sent to the desks. Every classmate reading it will raise their head up and... laugh. Then it will be the turn of the teacher, who becomes interested in what the whole class is laughing so merrily about.

Funny April 1st jokes for friends - Practical jokes for friends

When pranking your friends, never forget that the joke should not offend or offend the person being pranked. If you laugh yourself, and your friend’s face shows an expression of grief or resentment, try to make amends and don’t make evil jokes ever again. When pranking the girls by giving them salt, chili or garlic flavored candies to try, don’t forget to treat your classmates with real sweets at the end and congratulate them on April 1st!

Joke ideas for friends on April 1st

You can play friends any way you want, anywhere you want. The main thing is that not only you should like the joke. If you and your friends are returning home on April 1 in public transport, and on the way you pass over a bridge with a river, stand up in surprise, look out the window and shout: “I see dolphins!” This way you will prank not only your school friends, but also all the passengers on the bus or minibus. Rest assured, everyone will stare out the windows, forgetting that the sea is very far away! Another prank is known to many, but almost everyone falls for it. To prank your friends, attach a ten-ruble coin with superglue to the steps leading to his house. He will definitely bend down to pick up the money, but... that’s not the case!

Jokes for mom on April Fool's Day - Jokes for parents on April 1

April 1 is a holiday of jokes, but very kind ones. If you want to prank your mom or parents on April Fool's Day, do it by thinking through the joke in advance. Remember that you have only one parents, and there is no need to cause them a heart attack or stress. Jokes should bring smiles and cheerful laughter!

Examples of jokes for mom and parents on April 1

When you decide to play a prank on your mom or parents, take an empty detergent container, rinse it thoroughly and fill it with juice. During a family dinner, go to the sink where your “ detergent"and calmly start washing down a sandwich or fried potatoes with it. The effect will be amazing - parents will drop the forks from their hands! Many people know another joke, but it always works. As a joke, take a raw chicken egg, poke small holes in it at both ends and blow out the entire contents. You will be left with an empty egg-shaped shell. Go to mom or dad's jacket and defiantly put the egg in your pocket. With the words: “Do you want to hear raw eggs bursting?” slap this pocket hard. Of course, nothing bad will happen - the shell will crumble and will not leave marks on the clothes.

Funny jokes on April 1 for children

Children should remember April 1 as a day full of jokes, fun and positive emotions. To do this, the children can organize funny games, competitions, competitions. They can be carried out both in kindergarten and at school, at home and even in the yard. Anyone can take part in fun events.

Ideas for funny jokes for children on April 1

If you decide to have fun with your children on April 1, arrange a fun competition for them. To conduct it, select a leader. The presenter begins to make the children laugh by telling them jokes, making funny faces, and imitating animals. The goal of the competition is not to laugh. The first of the guys to laugh becomes the leader himself. The joke game “Feed a Friend” will appeal to all the kids. To do this, one of the children sits on a chair, and the other child is blindfolded and given a bun (apple, ice cream, wafer) in his hands. He has to feed the person sitting on the chair, trying to do it right.

History of April Fool's Day ―April Fool's jokes

When and how was it decided to celebrate April 1 - April Fool's Day? No one has reliable information about the origin of this holiday. April Fools' Day - as April 1 is also called - is celebrated in several countries at once. According to one version, April 1 is associated with the traditions of the ancient Romans, who celebrated the Day of Stupid People as part of the deity of laughter. The second version mentions the Feast of Joke on March 31st in Ancient India. According to the third version, the day of the draws is associated with the New Year in Ireland. Another version mentions the postponement of the New Year in Europe from the end of March to January - why not make a joke? Whichever version of these or others is correct, we all love April Fools' jokes and the holiday itself.

They laugh in Gabrovo, in Odessa,
In the Caucasus mountains and woodland,
In noisy capitals,
in modest villages,
visiting, on the road, on the go.
They laugh on holidays and when meeting,
Whether it's morning or evening,
They laugh in kindergartens and schools,
Without allowing trouble into life.
And thank God!
Laugh people:
We will be doubly happy this way,
We will overcome and master everything,
We will solve complex problems.
There's no shame in laughing
And only the foolish ones don’t laugh.
Laughing, we will revive Russia,
But just laugh heartily!

Joke ideas for April 1st April Fool's Day

Today there are shops selling “gags” for jokes and practical jokes - plastic bugs and flies, ink that leaves no trace after drying, “blood” and various surprises. Most of us are familiar with these cool souvenirs. Therefore, when pranking people on April Fool's Day on April 1, be original. There is a very simple joke - a prank on a friend with a treat. No, you won't offer him garlic-flavored chewing gum or salty candy. Just mix the world famous Skittles and M&Ms in one box. Your friend will be surprised by your generosity, not yet knowing that, although so tasty individually, these candies together taste simply terrible! Today on the Internet there are sites offering various funny SMS on April 1st. Try choosing one of these messages and send it to a friend on April Fool's Day. Show a little imagination and ingenuity, and you will celebrate the joyful holiday in the most worthy way!

We are sure that you will appreciate the April 1st jokes given on this page as examples, and be sure to try to joke in any of the ways described here on your friends or classmates at school. You can also spend April Fool's Day with your family by organizing pranks at home for your mother, other children and parents. Don’t forget that April Fools’ jokes should always be kind, and you are guaranteed a great mood on this joyful holiday!

If you are looking for April 1 jokes for children, then you are already on the right track. Children need a special approach and standard pranks like “white back” are definitely not suitable for them.

Since children look at the world completely differently than adults, they also need a special approach. Therefore, instead short jokes On April 1st for children, you can prepare interesting poems, fun and funny games.

"Spring came"

To argue that April 1 is not only April Fool's Day, but also simply spring holiday, it’s hard to argue. The weather has already improved, it’s warm outside, the sun is shining, and even the buds are blooming. All this can be played out in interesting game which should be done with children.

Two people can take part in the competition. Each person is given a set of winter clothes, including a fur coat, scarf and hat, mittens and boots. You need to put things on yourself, and then stand against the wall, opposite, against another wall, put two chairs.

The presenter says that you need to imagine that spring has come and that today is April 1, and the children are still in winter clothes. On command, you need to run to a chair and take off one piece of clothing, then go back. Then run again and take off the second thing. The player who undresses the fastest wins. Fun, thematic and very interesting.

"Tail Game"

To come up with games and jokes for April 1st for children in elementary school, you need to remember some funny incidents from literary works and beat them. For example, remember about funny story when the donkey, Winnie the Pooh's friend, lost his tail. You will need to first print out a picture of a donkey and color it. The tail is cut separately. It is necessary to give each room a tail and it is important that they, with their eyes closed, try to put the tail in place. This is extremely funny and very interesting.

"Untangling the threads"

This game is suitable as a joke on April 1 for children 10 years old or for younger children. It's great when a big group plays the game. The presenter is “Mom”. The rest of the children join hands and intertwine so that they look like a tangled ball of thread. Now we all need to call “Mom” together and ask her to unravel this tangle. It is important not to break the threads, which means not to break the clasped hands of the children.

“It couldn’t be more serious”

It will be relevant on April Fool's Day, when everyone around is having fun, to play at being a serious person. To do this, you will need to select participants who will agree to compete seriously. The task is simple - you need to sit for as long as possible with a serious face. At the same time, other children should try to make the participants laugh: dance funny in front of them, make funny faces and even talk in the voices of characters from different cartoons. At the end you can please the kids.


You will need to try to confuse him as much as possible while walking with your child on April 1st. Say something different on subjects that are familiar to him. For example, if a cat runs in front of you, then call it a dog. Usually children quickly understand this humorous approach and begin to play along with the adults. It turns out funny and relevant in.

"Who's the funniest"

This competition is more suitable for a holiday because it is the opposite of a competition for the most serious player. The children's task will be to laugh longer than anyone and most believably. It will be easy to determine the winner, because it will be the person who continues to laugh when the others have already fallen silent.


You need to choose two teams of two people. Place one child on a chair and ask him to open his mouth. Blindfold the second person and give him a plate of porridge or an apple. Now the task of those who are blindfolded is to feed the product to the player who is sitting on a chair. This is positive and fun game, which causes a lot of laughter and positive emotions.

With the help of the given game options, it will be possible to better explain to children what April 1st is and what it means to have fun. Let everyone laugh on April Fool's Day and let everyone receive exclusively positive emotions from pranks and jokes.

I offer you an entertainment scenario for children of senior preschool age, “Holiday of Laughter and Fun.” This material will be useful to teachers of senior preschool age and music directors.
Create a festive atmosphere.
Bring children the joy of participating in competitions, sweepstakes and fun.
Development of a positive sense of self associated with a state of liberation and self-confidence.
Develop a sense of humor, broaden your horizons, develop attention and memory.

Children enter the hall to the sound of cheerful music.

The morning begins with smiles and games.
Don't give in to boredom and stay cheerful!
In our elegant hall there is the sound of cheerful laughter,
We invited everyone to our fun holiday!

Sounds funny music, Clowns run into the hall.

1 Clown:
We will open the holiday today,
Wind and rain are no problem for us.
After all, we have waited for a long time, we won’t hide it,
Funny, cheerful April Fool's Day!

2 Clown:
Very noisy fun
Today it's overflowing,
Today is the first of April,
So keep your mouth shut!

1 Clown:
If you laugh in your mouth,
Suddenly it accidentally hits
Don't be angry, don't grumble,
Laugh, laugh!

Do you want to play a game "Laughter"!

All children who want to play, form a circle, with a driver in the center holding a handkerchief. He throws the handkerchief up until it flies to the floor, everyone laughs loudly, the handkerchief on the floor - everyone falls silent, whoever laughs sits down.

2 Clown:
We have the best life
Because laughter is with us!
We will never part with him,
Wherever we are, we laugh!

Both Clowns:
Congratulations on the holiday,
Happy prankster holiday!

1 Clown.
Guys, do you like surprises? (children answer)
There they are under the chairs (the children look under the chairs)

2 Clown:
But there's nothing there.

1 Clown:
Have you forgotten that today is the first of April?!
And on the first of April - I don’t trust anyone!
2 Clown:
Is anyone tired of April Fools jokes?
Then listen carefully!

(One Clown makes riddles, the other shouts out incorrect answers, confusing the children).

1.B New Year until you're full
He ate sweets and jam.
He lived on the roof, poor thing,
His name was (Not Cheburashka, but Carlson)

2. He plays little by little
For passers-by on an accordion,
Everyone knows a musician

His name … (Not Shapoklyak, but Crocodile Gena)

3.From the blue stream
The river begins
This song was sung loudly
(Not the three funny pigs, but the Little Raccoon)

4. He was a rain cloud,
I went home with Piglet
And, of course, he loved honey
This… (Not Gena the Crocodile, but Winnie the Pooh)

1 Clown:
Now it's my turn to make a wish.

5. For lunch for son Vanya
Mom cooks soup in...
(not in a glass, but in a pan)

6. Dad tells us in a deep voice:
“I love sweets with...
(not with meat, but with jam)

7. Mom asked Yulia
Pour some tea for her
(not a pan, but a cup)

8.Both in Voronezh and Tula,
Children sleep at night on...
(not on a chair, but on a bed)

9.Birthday is around the corner - We baked...
(not sausage, but cake)

10.Always dressed in rompers
Sleeping in the garden with a pacifier...
(not grandfather, but brother)

12. Enters the classroom for first-graders,
Only the fearless...
(not a diver, but a teacher)

2 Clown:
Great, I see you smiling! Means, good mood will never leave you again!

Game: "Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat."

Two pairs of children are playing - a boy and a girl. The boy is blindfolded - he is blind; he puts his hand on the girl's shoulder. The girl bends right leg in the knee and holds her right hand- this is a lame man, and with his left hand he holds the boy. In this position, the couple runs to the pin, runs around it and returns back. Whoever is faster wins.

1 Clown:
So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,
To make time go faster,
Again we invite everyone
Get up to dance quickly!

Dance "Barbariki"

2 Clown:
Now listen to the story with questions. If the answer is correct, say in unison “Yes!”
if it’s wrong, say “No!”

The white-sided magpie decided to cook porridge,
To feed the children.
I went to the market and this is what I took...
Fresh milk - yes!
Egg- No!
Semolina - yes!
Head cabbage - no!
Pickle- No!
Jellied meat - no!
Sugar and salt - yes!
White beans- No!
Ghee - yes!
Salted fish - no!
Bay leaf- No!
Fluffy rice - yes!
Prunes and raisins - yes!
Chocolate delight - no!
Bell pepper - no!
Tatar sauce - no!
Strawberry jam - yes!
Biscuit cookies- No!

1 Clown:“And our next game is "Magic Hat"

We take the big hat
To cheer people up.
We all dance, we don’t get bored -
Join the round dance!
Those in the center, without a doubt,
Everyone will show us the moves.
Well, who is standing in the circle?
Of course he will repeat them!
If we take off our hat -
We put it on you.
Take a place in the center,
And suggest movements!
Dance more joyfully, children.
Best Dance on the planet!

Dance "In the Hat"

2 Clown: And now we will sing the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass” in several languages ​​at once:

Clowns show pictures of animals. The children accordingly sing a song to the tune of “A grasshopper sat in the grass.” The clown quickly changes pictures.

1 Clown:
And now I’ll check your mood by applause:
- only girls applaud...
- only boys applaud...
- only those who like to relax...
- and now those who like to chat...
- applaud those who love to dance...

2 Clown:
Well, I see that you are in a great mood. Then - cheerful dance.

Clowns together:
Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,
Give a smile to your friends.
Love a smile, keep a smile,
We cannot live without a smile!

Song: "Smile".
The first remade verse is sung by clowns.

Everyone around knows this song.
And both adults and children sing it.
Because with a song like this
It’s more interesting to live, friends, in this world!

That is why at the end we will recall the words
Which are familiar to us from the song, without mistake.
The river begins with a blue stream,
Well, friendship begins with a smile!!!”
Let ha-ha come to us from every corner,
Laughter and humor replace vitamins!

It's a pity to part with you,
But it's time to say goodbye!
It was fun with you
Look forward to visiting us again!

They say goodbye to the children and leave.