How old is Nadya Matveeva? Unexpected decision: the project “Everything Will Be Good” has new presenters


October 09

12:53 2017

Nadezhda Matveeva is a shining example of what a modern woman should be. She is successful and independent, bright and smart, sociable and cheerful, and most importantly, she is a true professional in journalism and is always aimed at self-improvement.

Nadezhda Matveeva - constant presenter of the TV magazine "Everything will be fine" and programs “Everything will be delicious!” on the STB channel, beloved by millions of Ukrainians. She also lives an active public life and enjoys communicating with fans on social networks.


Hope(real name Lyudmila) Matveeva was born on November 15, 1968 in Kerch and fell in love with this cozy town and the warm Black Sea all my life. Little Luda was a diligent student and graduated from school with a gold medal. Even at that time, the girl had big plans and significant ambitions, but it was not possible to realize them in a small town. Therefore, Nadezhda went to study as an engineer at the Moscow Energy Institute.

Capital life completely captured the young provincial girl, but even before completing her studies, she met her first husband. Matveeva followed him to Kremenchug, where he had work. From this marriage, Nadezhda is raising a 20-year-old son, Vladislav.

There Nadezhda continued her education in a completely different direction at the Kremenchug University of Economics, Information Technologies and Management. At first, she was content with the role of a homemaker and an office worker, but she never became an engineer or an economist, and work in her specialty was difficult in a small town.

It was then that the girl remembered what she does best - talk and be the center of attention. She got a job as a radio DJ and began working as a presenter on a regional TV channel in Kremenchug. Nadezhda then worked as a newspaper editor in the city of Cherkassy, ​​and then moved to Kyiv, where she began working for "Russian Radio". In journalism, Nadezhda felt like a fish in water and her career was rapidly going uphill.

In 2012, Nadezhda was cast in the show "Everything will be fine" on STB, after which she turned from a good editor and presenter into a real TV star. From the first issues of the popular women's television magazine, Nadezhda Matveeva became one of the most recognizable presenters on Ukrainian TV. She knows how to present any information in a captivating way, and communicates with experts and guests of the program easily and naturally. As a result, Nadezhda Matveeva has become a real adviser for a whole generation of women who do not want to be content with the role of ordinary housewives. From episode to issue of the show "Everything will be fine" on STB, the presenter asks the program's experts about how to simultaneously be a beautiful wife and a caring mother, achieve success at work and remain a good housewife, as well as maintain true independence and the ability to learn something new about yourself and the world around you every new day. Through her own example, she inspires women to move forward and become better every day.

Having decided to achieve even greater heights in her career, Nadezhda Matveeva became the host of the show “Everything will be delicious!” and project judge "The fight of extrasensories" on STB. Despite all her workload, she does not forget about her first media hobby - hosting morning broadcasts on the radio.

“My main hobby is work. Plunging into it headlong, I get so many impressions that it’s enough for several lifetimes. Friends even joke that I have more information in my head than in an encyclopedia.”

But even in her free time from work, the woman amazes with her activity and irrepressible energy. She plays sports, relaxes in the sauna, goes to the cinema, cooks something delicious, and also spends time with her friends and son Vladislav.

Personal life

Nadezhda was married twice. She met her first husband at the university when she was studying in Moscow, and from this marriage her beloved son Vladislav was born:

“When I got married for the first time, I was sure that it would be until old age and death. My husband was a real man, but sometimes I didn’t understand him. For example, he left with friends for another job and was away from home for more than a month. And then I accidentally met him on the street when I was walking with my child. It turns out that he returned, but did not immediately go home to see us, and was also deciding some matters at work. Then I was very outraged. Although now I understand that one can argue in different ways. However, thanks to my first husband, I began working in radio. He heard about an ad for presenters at a local GM station and advised me to go. I didn’t even think that I could work there. I went and it worked..."

It was on the radio that the future television star met her second husband:

“Because of this, one might say, we divorced our first husband. After all, on the radio I met a man whom I soon married. And again for a good person - talented, smart, decent. When trouble happened to his first wife, my husband rushed to the rescue of her and his son. For almost three years he was torn between two families, so as not to offend anyone. But, of course, I still felt offended. It was difficult to survive this time. We separated eleven years later, when I moved to Kyiv to work at Russian Ya Radio.”

Now Nadezhda Matveeva prefers not to talk about her personal life and fans still don’t know whether her heart is free now.

Nadezhda Matveeva periodically appears in public with her son Vladislav, of whom she is very proud and rejoices at their mutual understanding:

“Vladislav doesn’t like it when I talk about him, but the wishes of people, especially those most loved, must be taken into account. Therefore, I will not go into lyrical details. My son graduated from a technical university and lives separately. Works as a promoter for a home appliance company. She cooks, cleans, does laundry, and takes care of the cat on her own. He practices boxing and learns to drive a car. In men he respects intelligence and strength, in women - the ability to look attractive and communicate interestingly. I completely trust my son and feel his support.”

  • Real name is Lyudmila. Having moved from Kremenchug to Kyiv, Matveeva changed her name, hoping that it would help her cope with the difficulties in the new place. According to the TV presenter, with the name Nadezhda, changes came into her life, and she herself changed - she became more decisive and confident that “all good things will definitely happen.”

    “I think the strength to believe in this is in my name Nadezhda”, shared Matveeva.

  • Favorite actor: George Clooney.
  • Nadezhda Matveeva believes in horoscopes.
  • Matveeva loves cats.
  • As a child, she dreamed of being a ballerina.
  • Nadezhda is afraid of heights.

In honor of the 20th anniversary of “Liza,” we want to celebrate those who inspire and inspire our readers, who have become role models. This is how the idea for the project came about "Women who inspire us!"

If you like Nadezhda Matveeva, you can vote for her in our project!

Photo: Facebook of Nadezhda Matveeva

Nadezhda Matveeva told who she is rooting for on “MasterChef”

Popular presenter Nadezhda Matveeva starred in a tender photo shoot

How Nadezhda Matveeva takes care of herself

Presenter of the women's television magazine "Everything will be good" and the television program "Everything will be delicious!" on STB, Nadezhda Matveeva is one of the most recognizable and pleasant people to the viewer. We decided to talk to Nadezhda personally and learn about the secrets of her beauty and rules of life.

Ivetta: It is difficult to surprise the host of a women's television magazine with some beauty things. But still, which of the beauty procedures that guests of your studio talked about surprised you the most?
The most amazing advice I heard in the “Everything Will Be Good” studio was about starch. I didn’t realize that potato or corn starch could be used as a face mask - except perhaps as talc. But it turned out that it has an effective lifting effect, and for me this is important. Therefore, I periodically make a starch mask, which tightens and soothes the skin.

Ivetta: In general, do you use a lot of advice from the broadcast or do you prefer old, proven ways to take care of yourself?
Both. Since childhood, I have known about a hair mask with yolk, burdock oil, honey and cognac - mix everything and apply it to your hair. When I was a child, I had long curls, and my mother made me such a mask once a month. It would seem that in childhood there were no problems with hair - but this was a very cool preventative procedure, from my grandmother.

From time to time, our experts talk about this recipe and something new: the same recipe for a mask with starch or with kelp, which I also didn’t know about before. I use all this with pleasure.

Ivetta: Let's continue the topic of hair. The screen image cannot be changed at will, but would you like, for example, to straighten your hair?
In this sense, I’m probably a little different from most women. (laughs). I really like that I have the same hairstyle for many years. You know, I really value my curls, although in my youth, like every girl, there were moments when it seemed that my hair should be different. Many people don’t like theirs and think that it would be more interesting in a different way! This period has passed, and now I am doing everything possible to preserve what is left of my curls. If you start straightening your hair, it loses its structure and turns out neither straight nor curly, but incomprehensibly what, some kind of tow!

Therefore, I am against such experiments - although several times at the very beginning in the program “Everything will be delicious!” I had straight hair. There is even a photo shoot where I have straight hair.

As for purely professional nuances, since the program is daily (today we are filming a section from one issue, tomorrow from another), it turns out that it is even more correct from a visual point of view - for me to have the same hairstyle. Then it does not need to be redone often during the shooting day. It turns out that such a production necessity coincided with my deep desire and conviction that hair needs to be touched less!

You know, in fact, in everyday life I wear an on-screen hairstyle. She suits me completely. And I hope it stays that way for many more years.

Ivetta: You will probably be recognized at every step. Are you trying to disguise yourself somehow?
Not that all the time... Just today I was on the subway, then I walked for a long time along the street in the center, and it seems to me that they never recognized me. I don’t disguise myself in terms of “put on glasses and pull on a hat.” I once thought that if I went to the store without makeup, they wouldn’t recognize me, but it turned out that they would recognize me anyway (laughs)! And when I was identified several times without makeup, I realized that it’s better not to rely on incognito, you just need to always look good. Of course, I don’t dress or put on makeup so brightly that it’s noticeable that I’m a “woman from TV.” Therefore, I take the issue of recognition straight. If they find out, that’s good; if they don’t recognize, that’s also good. (laughs).

Ivetta: When planning a vacation, what kind of vacation do you choose?
I love to travel, but not far. I really like Hungary - there are thermal springs there, and the country is located close. Once, having visited the Carpathians, I discovered the thermal springs there. This is a pleasant, relaxing form of relaxation, optimal for me. I don’t know how to ski, but where there is water, it’s also warm - I like that. It is also important for me to be able to walk a lot. Sometimes on vacation I design routes so that I can spend the whole day on my feet. I love the pleasant feeling of tiredness at the end of the day.

Ivetta: All women abroad will go shopping at least once. What do you buy when traveling overseas?
I don't like shopping! Especially when there are a lot of people. If the sale is on a weekend, you will never see me in the store. Not because they will recognize me, but because I prefer to calmly look and choose a product. Abroad, I try to buy only what I need, and if it is in a certain country, it is cheaper than here.

For example, in Austria, locals told me that they have really good discounts on quality shoes. By the way, it is not so easy to choose the right pair of shoes. When I was in Italy, I had a hard time buying something digestible. Just went with a friend in search, so as not to return empty-handed. Therefore, it is normal for me to go somewhere and not buy anything.

Ivetta: Even sellers from God are not able to “sell” you a product that you did not plan to buy?
Frankly speaking, I mostly plan my shopping during sales because it seems to me that clothes or shoes without discounts are always sold at a clearly inflated price. But seeing a discount, I still ask myself the question, do I need it or not? I'm not a fan of shopping.

I don’t understand household appliances and I won’t go buy them myself; I’ll take someone with me who can give me some advice. I always trust sellers, and you can not only deceive me, but convince me (laughs). The main thing is that the seller is not intrusive.

Ivetta: Do you like to sleep on vacation or are you an early bird?
I try to get up early. At sea, I set the alarm for 6 am or even 5.45 am to watch the sunrise and enjoy the morning sun. These are the most pleasant hours, and sleeping at this time is stupid.

Ivetta: What time does your day start at home?
At home I sleep until 8-9 am. To say that I can sleep for half a day - most likely not. Then I feel like I’m missing out on good hours when I can go for a walk or do something.

Ivetta:“Everything Will Be Good” experts often talk about the benefits of breakfast. Do you cook them or snack on the go?
Yes, I'm cooking. I knew about the benefits of breakfast before, and experts reinforced my knowledge. It’s like a law for me: no matter what time I wake up, I make sure to have breakfast! For example, today I ate scrambled eggs and carrot salad. If I have time in the morning, I like to make cheesecakes. 20 minutes is enough for me, I’ve already filled my hand. Cottage cheese casserole, porridge... And I really like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning.

Ivetta: In the video, you do the exercises almost equally with the trainer. Is it editing or is your physical fitness that good?
Thanks for your point of view, I appreciate it. When they filmed the first sports columns “Everything will be fine,” the coaches and film crew were somewhat surprised at how easily I did everything. But let's start with the fact that our trainers can give more complex exercises, and those that can be performed by an untrained spectator. After all, the most important thing is not to show off some difficult exercises, but to show that anyone can do it. And my role is to convince that a person without special training is able to perform the exercise if he tries.

It also helps me that almost from an early school age I always went to some kind of section: dancing, aerobics, basketball. It was not a sport of achievement, but nevertheless I was in the gym. When my son was born, a month or two later I was looking for where I could study.

To my shame, I don’t go to the gym now. I told you so, and now I will be ashamed (laughs)! I somehow relaxed... Maybe because of the thought that I was training at work? I will pull myself together!

One of those workouts that doesn't edit!

Ivetta: I would also like to ask you about your son. What is it like to be a young mother of an adult son?
When he was little, there were no worries about him growing up. Many friends said, “If only my baby could stay so small in the stroller a little longer.” But I liked all periods, and thanks to my son that even in adolescence he did not cause me problems. Now he is already 23 years old, and I am happy with him. Maybe he does not achieve the successes that he sets for himself, but I, as a mother, am calm. We have a trusting relationship, although I don’t undertake to advise anything directly. Maybe it would be different with my daughter, but the son says: “No need, mom.” (laughs).

Nadezhda Matveeva with her son

Ivetta: Children of famous parents are usually either embarrassed or boastful about them. How does your son feel about your popularity?
At first he had pride, but now for us it’s just life. I don't think he brags about it, but he's not shy either. Probably because I myself in no way believe that working on television makes me a person who needs to be treated in a special way.

Ivetta: Based on your rich life experience, what advice would you give to our readers - how to remain cheerful, young and energetic at any age?
First: to make life more pleasant, you need to drink water. Yes! Woke up - drink water! I've been doing this for a long time and I understand that it really has a positive effect on health.

Secondly, I really want all women, and men too, to have the opportunity to do something pleasant for themselves. For some, like me, it’s a walk, for others it’s an extra hour of sleep. You need to listen to yourself and understand what brings you joy. Maybe just watch a video of kittens! Every day you need to find time for yourself.

And third, do physical exercise every day. At least some, at least somehow, at least some, but do it! These three simple moments make life sweeter and more enjoyable, charge you with energy and strength.

We have already begun to follow Nadezhda’s advice, and you?

Photo: press service of STB TV channel

At first, the girl was content with the role of homemaker. Nadya was raising her son, and also managed to receive a second higher education - economics. But the desire to build a career never left her, and soon the girl began looking for work.

Having not found decent vacancies in the field of engineering and economics, Nadezhda decided to try her hand at journalism. This is how her journey in the world of media business began.

Nadezhda managed to work as a chief editor of a newspaper, presenter of original programs on TV and a DJ on the radio. In 2012, Nadezhda was cast in the show “Everything Will Be Good” on STB. It was this project that brought her fame and mega-popularity.

For 5 years, Nadya was the host of a women's television magazine. In the studio-apartment, she received expert guests who shared useful tips and solved important issues. For many women, Nadezhda became the main adviser and assistant in life, because every program viewers learned something new and solved pressing problems.

In the new format of the project, she takes on the role of an expert on self-realization, the main critic who always argues with fellow presenters and finds weak points in any discussions. It is impossible to deceive or confuse her: Nadya is reasonable, wise and ironic.

What else will surprise your favorite TV presenter? Find out in the new season!

Watch the premiere of the updated show format

Nadezhda Matveeva is a shining example of what a modern woman should be. She is successful and independent, bright and smart, sociable and cheerful, and most importantly, she is a true professional in journalism and is always aimed at self-improvement.

Nadezhda Matveeva is the constant presenter of the TV magazine “Everything will be good” and the program “Everything will be delicious!” on the STB channel, beloved by millions of Ukrainians. She also lives an active public life and enjoys communicating with fans on social networks.


Nadezhda (real name Lyudmila) Matveeva was born on November 15, 1968 in Kerch and fell in love with this cozy town and the warm Black Sea all her life. Little Luda was a diligent student and graduated from school with a gold medal. Even at that time, the girl had big plans and significant ambitions, but it was not possible to realize them in a small town. Therefore, Nadezhda went to study as an engineer at the Moscow Energy Institute.

Capital life completely captured the young provincial girl, but even before completing her studies, she met her first husband. Matveeva followed him to Kremenchug, where he had work. From this marriage, Nadezhda is raising a 20-year-old son, Vladislav.

There Nadezhda continued her education in a completely different direction at the Kremenchug University of Economics, Information Technologies and Management. At first, she was content with the role of a homemaker and an office worker, but she never became an engineer or an economist, and work in her specialty was difficult in a small town.

It was then that the girl remembered what she does best - talk and be the center of attention. She got a job as a radio DJ and began working as a presenter on a regional TV channel in Kremenchug. Then Nadezhda worked as a newspaper editor in the city of Cherkassy, ​​and then moved to Kyiv, where she began working at Russian Radio. In journalism, Nadezhda felt like a fish in water and her career was rapidly going uphill.

In 2012, Nadezhda was cast in the show “Everything Will Be Good” on STB, after which she turned from a good editor and presenter into a real TV star. From the first issues of the popular women's television magazine, Nadezhda Matveeva became one of the most recognizable presenters on Ukrainian TV. She knows how to present any information in a captivating way, and communicates with experts and guests of the program easily and naturally. As a result, Nadezhda Matveeva has become a real adviser for a whole generation of women who do not want to be content with the role of ordinary housewives. From episode to episode of the show “Everything Will Be Good” on STB, the host asks the show’s experts about how to simultaneously be a beautiful wife and a caring mother, achieve success at work and remain a good housewife, as well as maintain true independence and the ability to learn about yourself every new day and the world around us, something new. Through her own example, she inspires women to move forward and become better every day.

Deciding to achieve even greater heights in her career, Nadezhda Matveeva became the host of the show “Everything will be delicious!” and a judge of the “Battle of Psychics” project on STB. Despite all her workload, she does not forget about her first media hobby - hosting morning broadcasts on the radio.

“My main hobby is work. Plunging into it headlong, I get so many impressions that it’s enough for several lifetimes. Friends even joke that I have more information in my head than in an encyclopedia.”

But even in her free time from work, the woman amazes with her activity and irrepressible energy. She plays sports, relaxes in the sauna, goes to the cinema, cooks something delicious, and also spends time with her friends and son Vladislav.

Personal life

Nadezhda was married twice. She met her first husband at the university when she was studying in Moscow, and from this marriage her beloved son Vladislav was born:

“When I got married for the first time, I was sure that it would be until old age and death. My husband was a real man, but sometimes I didn’t understand him. For example, he left with friends for another job and was away from home for more than a month. And then I accidentally met him on the street when I was walking with my child. It turns out that he returned, but did not immediately go home to see us, and was also deciding some matters at work. Then I was very outraged. Although now I understand that one can argue in different ways. However, thanks to my first husband, I began working in radio. He heard about an ad for presenters at a local GM station and advised me to go. I didn’t even think that I could work there. I went and it worked..."

It was on the radio that the future television star met her second husband:

“Because of this, one might say, we divorced our first husband. After all, on the radio I met a man whom I soon married. And again for a good person - talented, smart, decent. When trouble happened to his first wife, my husband rushed to the rescue of her and his son. For almost three years he was torn between two families, so as not to offend anyone. But, of course, I still felt offended. It was difficult to survive this time. We separated eleven years later, when I moved to Kyiv to work at Russian Ya Radio.”

Now Nadezhda Matveeva prefers not to talk about her personal life and fans still don’t know whether her heart is free now.

Nadezhda Matveeva periodically appears in public with her son Vladislav, of whom she is very proud and rejoices at their mutual understanding:

“Vladislav doesn’t like it when I talk about him, but the wishes of people, especially those most loved, must be taken into account. Therefore, I will not go into lyrical details. My son graduated from a technical university and lives separately. Works as a promoter for a home appliance company. She cooks, cleans, does laundry, and takes care of the cat on her own. He practices boxing and learns to drive a car. In men he respects intelligence and strength, in women - the ability to look attractive and communicate interestingly. I completely trust my son and feel his support.”

Interesting Facts

  • Real name is Lyudmila. Having moved from Kremenchug to Kyiv, Matveeva changed her name, hoping that it would help her cope with the difficulties in the new place. According to the TV presenter, with the name Nadezhda, changes came into her life, and she herself changed - she became more decisive and confident that “all good things will definitely happen.”

    “I think the strength to believe in this is in my name Nadezhda,” Matveeva shared.

  • Favorite actor: George Clooney.
  • Nadezhda Matveeva believes in horoscopes.
  • Matveeva loves cats.
  • As a child, she dreamed of being a ballerina.
  • Nadezhda is afraid of heights.

In honor of the 20th anniversary of “Liza,” we want to celebrate those who inspire and inspire our readers, who have become role models. This is how the idea of ​​the project “Women who inspire us!” came about.

If you like Nadezhda Matveeva, you can vote for her in our project!

Nadezhda Matveeva told who she is rooting for on “MasterChef”

Popular presenter Nadezhda Matveeva starred in a tender photo shoot

How Nadezhda Matveeva takes care of herself

Will surprise fans with dramatic changes in format, logo and studio. Starting March 8, viewers will be able to become part of a television women's club led by its presenters - Nadezhda Matveeva, Victoria Zubreychuk, Anna Gorban and Liliya Kuvaldina.

The program “Everything Will Be Good” appeared on screens back in 2012. And since then it has not succumbed to global changes. Therefore, the decision to radically change the format of the show came as a real surprise to the viewer. Andrey Olenich, director of the creative association that is working on the creation, commented on the situation as follows:

“The “Everything Will Be Good” project has existed since 2012 without major changes. During this time, the audience has changed, tastes have changed, the speed of information perception has changed, and the project and I began to feel that in terms of conveying advice we do not always keep up with the pace of life of our viewer.

At the same time, the project has a strong feature that no Google search will give - it is live communication and real living stories. Therefore, we will continue to bring benefits to people, provide good advice, but in a new format; We will show the process of the birth of this council, solve problems right in the studio and prove that it is not so difficult for a woman to be happy.”

It is noteworthy that the search for colleagues for Nadezhda Matveeva lasted about 4 months. More than 500 Ukrainian media personalities passed the casting, but it was Victoria Zubreychuk, Anna Gorban and Liliya Kuvaldina, according to the creators, who looked most harmonious in the frame with.

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Andrei Olenich, director of the creative association that is working on the creation of “Everything Will Be Good,” noted: “If our Nadya Matveeva is a symbol of stability, calm, balance, then we needed those who could complement her and, at the same time, don’t get lost against its background. And we were not mistaken.

After all, Lilia was a former backing vocalist of the famous Ukrainian group “Brothers Gadyukini”, and today she is an aspiring artist. And Anna Gorban, a journalist, personifies the light, the pepper. Everything hot you can imagine is Anya. She speaks boldly on relationship topics, knows how to treat men and get what she wants from them. Anya recently got married and gave birth to a son, so she is ready to tell viewers about all the delights of life as a young mother.”

Photo 1 of 6. “Everything will be fine” with Nadezhda Matveeva, Victoria Zubreychuk, Anna Gorban and Liliya Kuvaldina

Photo 2 of 6. Filming of the updated show “Everything Will Be Good”

Photo 3 of 6.