Psychological games and exercises. Cool games


Everyone lies down, putting their head on the stomach of another participant and, thus forming a long chain, the first player says: “Ha,” the second: “Ha-ha,” etc. The game starts again if someone laughs.


The group sits in a circle. Group members place their palms on the knees of their neighbors on both sides. The group begins clapping in a certain direction - hand after hand, in the order in which they lie on their knees. When hit twice, the direction is reversed. The one who makes a mistake removes his hand.

“Hee-hee, ha-ha.”

Participants pronounce the count “1,2,3,4,5” by making movements with their hands (as if knocking on a door, first with their right hand, then with their left hand, first at head level, at waist level), lean forward and say “HI” 5 times, then back and “HA” 5 times. Speeding up the pace, do this 5 times, then 4, 3, 2, and 1.

"Oh la viburnum."

Oy-la viburnum – 2 r. Ku-ku. Oy-la viburnum – 2 r. Ku-ku. Rumba-rumba, touch-touch-touch Ah-ah, oh-oh, Bang-Bang, whack-whack, yo!! “Crazy” words are also accompanied by movements: we think you remember them!

Catch up with the pig.

All participants stand facing in a circle. It is suggested to imagine that a small, pink piglet is running around in a circle, grunting all the time. The players' task is to catch the piglet. And they do it in the following way: at the command of the leader, the sound of “oink” is transmitted in a circle from one participant to another, while the time is recorded on a stopwatch. The game is played several times, each time the tempo of the “oink” sound passing around the circle increases.

Games to cheer you up 2

Material from Summer Camp

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GOAL – to provide children with leisure time, to develop children’s creative potential: imagination, intelligence, to give children the opportunity to show off their wit

Progress of the game.

Children are given words based on which they must come up with a story. For example, five words that suggest the plot of Little Red Riding Hood: girl, forest, flowers, wolf, grandmother, plus a sixth word, extraneous, for example, helicopter...

It turned out to be a wonderful polyphonic story in which the wolf, at the moment when he was knocking on the door of his grandmother, was noticed by a traffic police helicopter. “What is it doing there? What does he want? - the police were perplexed. The helicopter rushed down, and the wolf ran away, straight towards the hunter.” The conditions of the game are clear, an example is given. It remains to find a few suitable words and one inappropriate one. In a small company, the game can be slightly modified: let the number of words correspond to the number of players, the words are distributed by lot, and everyone in turn comes up with a phrase.

In such a game there are no winners and losers; what attracts you is the process itself, the opportunity to show off your wit.


THE GOAL is to develop in children ingenuity, resourcefulness, erudition, and imagination.

Teams of 2-5 people are organized. Each of them has its own Mulder and Scully. They will compete in creative competitions related to detective investigations of classified materials. For winning individual competitions, the team is given 4 files of secret materials. For 2nd place - 3, for 3rd - 2, for 4th - 1 file. The team that opens the most files will receive FBI badges.

Siamese twins. Participants hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left hand of the other are free. In this position perform:

1st team – lights a candle using matches

Team 2 – uses scissors to cut a circle out of paper

Team 3 – ties a shoelace

4th team – inserts the refill into the ballpoint pen.

Description of the suspect. Each team needs to be able to create a verbal portrait. Future agents visually study the criminal for 30 seconds and give him a verbal portrait.

Silent actions. A secret agent often has to penetrate other people's premises in order to collect detailed information about a suspect and study his tastes and preferences. It happens that at this time the owner of the apartment or office space appears. It cannot be scared away, but the agent has to take some necessary actions. How to do them without giving yourself away?

1 – lower the spoon into the glass

2 – place the fork on the plate

3 – close the pan with a lid

4 – remove the lid from the kettle

Who will do it silently?

Task The teams must show the detective film “The X-Files in the Camp. Who will spin the plot more interestingly? The task is given in advance.

1 – “Secret tests in the cafeteria”

2 – “Secret tests in the medical unit”

3 - “Paranormal phenomena in the soul”

4 – “Something is happening in the camp director’s office”

The presenter, without commenting on anything, gives everyone a piece of paper on which the following is written: REMEMBER, YOU ONLY HAVE 40 SECONDS!!!

1. Sit down 2 times.

2. Jump on your left leg 5 times.

3. Raise both arms up 2 times.

4. Read all assignments carefully.

5. Shout your name loudly.

6. Meow loudly twice.

7. Kiss any 3 people.

8. Turn around yourself 3 times.

9. Laugh loudly at the game host.

10. Touch any 3 people with your hand.

11. Jump on your right leg 5 times.

12. After you have read all the tasks, complete only tasks No. 13 and 14.

13. Squat down.

14. Place the sheet in front of you on the floor.

Interested players, having received the sheet, begin to act. The host once again reminds that players have only 40 seconds to complete this difficult task. If there are children who are not playing, the presenter can start reading the contents of the sheet out loud in about seconds. This game can be used both in a squad, class, group, and at a large show program. A good mood is guaranteed to you.


Preparation: A leader is selected, the rest of the participants “play” the “giant’s head”. To do this, the roles must be distributed as follows: one plays the role of the left eye, the other - the right, the third - the nose, the fourth - the ear, etc. Then you need to arrange the mise-en-scene so that a figure is formed that resembles the head of a giant. If there are many participants, then it is good to give someone the role of left and right hands. Game: The leader stands in front of the “head” and performs the simplest manipulations. For example, he can wink, then yawn, sneeze, scratch his ear, etc. The “Giant’s Head” must accurately reproduce all these simple actions. You can perform the exercise at a slightly slower pace.


5-15 girls form a chain behind the leader, and any number of boys follow them at a distance of one meter. Everyone ran. While running, the presenter asks: “Boys, boys, do you like girls?” And the boys must answer in unison: “No.” The question is asked several times, the answer is the same. Finally, the presenter says: “Well, if you don’t like girls, then why are you running after them?”


Challenge: Sometimes you will feel that the atmosphere in the group is becoming tense - participants may be angry with each other, tired or bored. These games will help excite them or relieve stress.

"Japanese Theater"

Instructions: This game is similar to the game Rock, Paper, Scissors. There are three roles: Dragon, Samurai and Princess.

The dragon growls, the Samurai waves his sword, the Princess curtsies.

The dragon scares the Princess, so he wins.

The Samurai scares the Dragon, so he wins.

The princess wins the heart of the Samurai, so she wins.

1. The group is divided into two teams.

2. One participant from each team comes out, and at the leader’s signal, both participants simultaneously portray the roles they have chosen.

3. The winning team gets one point.

4. The presenter counts the points on the board.


1. One of the group members turns his back to the others, and they silently choose the “Shadow Leader”.

2. The music turns on, and the “Shadow Leader” begins to ask some kind of dance movement, which the participants repeat after him.

3. As the game progresses, the movements change.

4. The participant with his back to the group now watches the other players and tries to guess which of them is the “Shadow Leader”. He is given three attempts.

5. Then a new guesser is appointed.

"The wind blows on those who love..."


1. The leader removes his chair from the circle and stands in the center of the circle. “Now, as a driver, I will say the phrase “The wind blows on those who ...” and add various characteristics, for example: “The wind blows on those who watched the film “The Lord of the Rings”, ... loves ice cream, ... loves rock music, etc. ." Accordingly, participants who meet these characteristics (watched, liked...) need to quickly change places with someone else. At the same time, I can also take an empty chair. Whoever is left without a chair becomes the driver.”

2. The first two times the presenter names the characteristics and does not occupy an empty chair, and then, along with the participants, he can occupy the vacant seat and participate in the game.


Age: from 7 years.
The group forms a line. Each member of the group offers his hand to the one behind. To do this, the players spread their feet shoulder-width apart and put their hand back between their legs. At the same time, everyone also takes the hand of the person in front. The group begins to move backwards. At the same time, the rear one begins to lie on the floor. The group moves backward until everyone is on the floor. The group is then asked to return to the starting position in reverse order.

Shadow leader.

Age: from 8 years.

One of the players leaves the room. The rest of the team members choose a “leader”, who gives the group any movements and changes them after a while. The task of the person entering is to identify the “leader”. If successful, the “leader” himself goes out the door and the game is repeated with a new “leader”.


Purpose of the game: Raise the mood in the group.

Age: from 7 years.

The players stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The counselor says that now he will say in everyone’s ear the name of an animal, and then he will stand in the center and pronounce the names, and whose animal will be named must tuck his legs and hang on his neighbors. The counselor comes up to everyone and says: “Camel.” This must be done very carefully so that others do not hear what is being said to the neighbor. Then the counselor stands in the center and says: “Listen carefully! Now I will name the animals. It’s possible that I didn’t name some at all, so be sure to remember your animal. So: Cat! Horse! Camel!!!”

Yes, no, yes.

Purpose of the game: Relieve tension and cheer up the group.

Age: from 12 years.

Three boys and three girls are called. The presenter retains one participant of the opposite sex out of six. And the rest are taken away so that they do not eavesdrop and spy. It is agreed with the remaining participant that he will answer the question in the sequence “Yes” - _ “No” _ “Yes”. And so three times for three answers.

The facilitator asks the following questions:

  • Do you know what this is?
  • Do you know what this is for?
  • Do you want to know?

In the first episode, the presenter points to the palm, and after agreeing to find out what it is for, shakes the participant’s palm. In the second episode, the presenter points to the shoulder and after the 3rd answer gently hugs the participant’s shoulder. In the third episode, the presenter points to the lips and after the 3rd answer plays on the lip like a little one. After a friendly laugh, the presenter sits down, and the 1st participant takes his place. And a second participant of the opposite sex is called for him. All six participants go through this in turn.


Purpose of the game: to cheer up the group.

Age: from 10 years.

The two walk out the door. Everyone else is given instructions: “When they enter, we will tell them that we have come up with an interesting story about them (adventure, fantasy, romantic, scary, etc.). They must guess it by asking us questions. In fact, the questions that end "We will answer “yes” to a vowel, and we will answer “no” to questions ending with a consonant. We will not invent a story. It will be invented by the volunteers themselves, asking questions. Here their fantasy and imagination will be shown."

6 . Boogie Woogie

Purpose of the game: Relieve tension and cheer up the group.

Age: from 7 years.

Holding hands, everyone walks in a circle and chants:
We boogie-woogie, turning in a circle, and clapping our hands, we sing.
(The players clap their hands.) Then they join hands again, go to the center of the circle and sing:
Boogie - woogie, hey!
raising one leg forward. Coming from the center of the circle:
Boogie-woogie, hey!
Raise your leg forward again. Further, all movements are accompanied by the following song:
Hand your right hand forward, and then back, and then forward again and shake it a little.
The dance repeats:
We dance boogie-woogie...
Continuing the dance-game, the underlined words are replaced with: left hand, leg..., ear... etc. (how much imagination and strength is enough). This is a dance game, so it is good if it is accompanied by music.

Giant dwarfs.

Purpose of the game: Relieve tension and cheer up the group.

Age: from 7 years.

The participants of the game stand in a circle. The presenter calls: dwarfs or giants. At the word, the dwarfs all squat, the giants all stand up. Those who made a mistake stand inside the circle and then complete a task.


Purpose of the game: Relieve tension and cheer up the group.

Age: from 12 years.

The presenter invites a young man and a girl to participate. The young man is given the task of screwing in an imaginary light bulb and not letting his “wife” stop him from doing it. The girl is informed that her “husband” wants to commit suicide and she must stop him. The boy and girl do not know about each other’s assignments.

Games with the hall.

Missed the goal.

The presenter divides the hall into two teams, the task of one of which is to shout “Goal!” when the leader raises his right hand, and the other - “Past!” when the leader raises his left hand. If the leader raises both hands at once, everyone should shout “Barbell!” together. Then the presenter has fun raising his hands, inciting and teasing the audience in every possible way, for example, suddenly turning his back or saying that for some reason the first team shouts quieter than the second.

Two gnomes.

Goal: set up the hall, draw attention to the stage.

The hall is divided into two halves in advance. Each group learns its own words. When the presenter, after his question phrase, shows his right hand, he shouts “Petka”; when his left hand, he shouts “Vaska”. When both hands are raised, two teams shout. Who is friendlier? Who's louder?
Vaska, I have a checkered shirt.
I came to you kids to eat some candy.
There is a beautiful house in a sunny clearing. And next to this house there is a cheerful gnome. Gnome, gnome, what's your name?
Petya, my pants have polka dots.
I came from a fairy tale because I am good.


Goal: set up the hall, draw attention to the stage.

The presenter invites everyone in the room to illustrate the change in weather conditions, namely the beginning of rain. He talks about how the weather changes, and the audience repeats his movements.

At first the sun was shining. - There is silence in the hall.
- But then a small, small, almost imperceptible rain began to fall. - tap one finger of your right hand on the palm of your left.
- A little bit stronger... - with two fingers.
- Even stronger... - with three fingers.
- And now it’s raining heavily. - four fingers.
- And a very terrible downpour! - everyone claps with a full palm.

Then you can demonstrate a gradual improvement in the weather, that is, do everything in reverse, eventually returning again to heavy rain and announcing the next number to applause.


Goal: set up the hall, draw attention to the stage.

The presenter invites everyone in the room to imagine themselves... with scarves. But not ordinary scarves, but ones that can perform two simple commands: wrap and unwind. At the command of the presenter, “It’s over!” all “scarves” hug an object or person named by the leader, upon the command “Unwound!” - spread their arms to the sides. Then the presenter begins to wrap and unwind the scarves in every possible way, for example, like this:

It got wrapped around itself... - it got unwound!
- It was wrapped around the back of the front seat... - it was unwound!
- It was wrapped around the hand of the neighbor on the left... - it was unwound!
- It got wrapped around the neighbor... - it got wrapped up!

5.How an elephant sneezes.

Goal: set up the hall, draw attention to the stage.

The hall is divided by the presenter into three approximately equal parts, then each part is offered its own word, which the audience members must learn to speak in unison and loudly. The word for the first part is “Boxes!”, for the second - “Gristles!”, and for the third - “Dragged!”. Each group, under the leadership of the leader, rehearses pronouncing their word several times, then, at the leader’s command, they all pronounce their words loudly together. And then.. the presenter, imitating the announcer from the program in the “Animal World”, says: “Well, my little friends, we heard an elephant sneezing, so let’s wish him good health, and we ourselves will watch the next number of our program ... ", and the next performance is announced.


Goal: set up the hall, draw attention to the stage.

Imagine that my left hand is the sea (makes a wave-like movement), and my right hand is a fish (with my right palm I depict a fish that swims, wriggling). When the fish jumps out of the sea (i.e. the right hand rises above the left hand), you clap. So, let's begin>. The leader initially makes slow movements. Then he introduces deceptive movements, then speeds up the pace, giving him a standing ovation.


Goal: set up the hall, draw attention to the stage.

The host offers to arrange a fireworks display in the hall. The bravest spectators will help with this. Two people are invited to the stage. One gets the role of a matchbox, which stands at the right wing close to the edge of the stage, the second - the role of a match. Standing in the middle of the stage, the match will have to proudly walk to the box and, striking its head on the box, light up. The presenter invites a spectator in bright red clothes, who will play the role of a light. The next four spectators become the wick. Lined up, they stand in the middle of the stage. Next, the viewer is invited to play the role of a cannon. Placed at the left wing, the gun should be able to say loudly<бах>. And finally, 5-8 spectators in bright clothes are invited from the hall. They crouch in front of the stage in a circle and after the gun signal they will have to stand up and say<тили-тили>, and the audience applauds loudly. After the rehearsal, a fireworks display is arranged, the presenter comments on what is happening:<Гордая спичка шагает к коробку, чиркнув головкой по коробку, загорается, появляется огонек. Спичка с огоньком шагает к фитильку. Огонек бежит по фитильку к пушке. Пушка стреляет. Загорается салют под аплодисменты зрителей>.

Beauty's heart.

Goal: set up the hall, draw attention to the stage.

The presenter invites everyone to remember the words of the song’s verse: The heart of a beauty is prone to betrayal
And to change, like the wind of May. And he invites the whole audience to sing a song without words. Words are replaced one by one. Word<сердце>replace it by touching your hands to the left side of your chest. We perform the song, replacing the first word with a gesture. After introducing each gesture, we sing the entire song until we replace all the words with gestures. Here's what happens: Touching your hands to the left side of your chest -<сердце>. We trace the outline of our face with our hands -<красавицы>. We tilt the body -<склонно>. We depict horns above our heads -<к измене>.
Everyone sits cross-legged and changes legs, lowering one, throwing up the other -<и к перемене>. Blowing -<как ветер>. Extend a palm with five fingers -<мая>

Nose – floor – ceiling.

Goal: set up the hall, draw attention to the stage.

The presenter takes turns calling “nose”, “floor”, “ceiling”, pointing with his index finger. The players’ task is to carry out the leader’s tasks accurately (if “floor” is named, everyone must point to the floor). Same with other words. The presenter tries to confuse the players by pointing to something other than what he was told. For example, he said “nose” and pointed to the ceiling.

Guys, stand up.

Goal: set up the hall, draw attention to the stage.

The presenter offers to carry out his commands only if he pronounces the address “guys”. For example: “Guys, clap your hands,” everyone should clap. “Now stomp,” no one should stomp, since the address “guys” was not said.

Outdoor games.


Age: from 7 years.

Participants, divided into pairs, join hands. Couples form a line behind each other. The driver stands in front, 3-5 m from the first pair.

Everyone says in unison:

Burn, burn clearly.

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky:

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing…

The driver stands with his back to the players. Starting with the words “look at the sky,” he looks up. At this time, the last pair separates their hands and moves forward. Having almost caught up with the “burner”, they wait for the word “ringing” and rush to run forward past the driver. He chases after any of them and tries to catch them by touching them with his hand before they hold hands again. Whoever the “burner” catches becomes the pair at the front of the line. The remaining one drives. If the “burner” does not catch anyone, he “burns” again - he catches the next pair. The “burner” has no right to look back and spy. Otherwise, the pair preparing to run may exchange turns with another. No one should start running before the word “ringing” is heard. The “burner” can catch those running only until the couple joins hands.

Musical chair.

Goal: To promote the physical development of the child. Achieve emotional switching from one type of activity to another.

Age: 7-13 years

Chairs are placed in the center, 1 less than the number of participants. Children walk or run around chairs to the music. Suddenly the music stops, you have to grab a chair. Those who don't have enough leave the game. We remove 1 chair and everything continues.

Inventory: chairs according to the number of children, musical accompaniment.

Chains are forged.

Goal: To promote the physical development of the child. Achieve emotional switching from one type of activity to another.

Age: from 9 years.

Two teams play. They stand holding hands, facing each other, at a distance of 5 - 7 meters. One of the teams begins the game with the words: “The chains are forged, unchain us.” The second team answers in unison: “Which of us?” The first team calls the name of one of the players on the opposing team. The named player leaves his team and runs to the enemy team with the goal of breaking the chain, i.e., uncoupling the players’ hands. If he succeeds, he takes the player who unclasped his hands to his team. If the chain is not broken, then he remains on the opposing team. The teams start the game one by one. The team that has the most players after a certain time wins.

Blind Man's Bluff.

Goal: To promote the physical development of the child. Achieve emotional switching from one type of activity to another.

Age: from 7-13 years.

The driver is blindfolded, or simply closes his eyes. He must touch one of the players with his eyes closed. The players run away from the driver, but do not go beyond the court. They must make a voice, calling the driver by name, or shouting: “I’m here.” The player who was hit changes places with the driver.

Enchanted castle.

Goal: To promote the physical development of the child. Achieve emotional switching from one type of activity to another.

Age: 7-13 years.

Two teams play. The first team must disenchant the “castle”, and the second team must prevent them from doing this. The “castle” can be a tree or a wall. The team defending the “castle” must be blindfolded. They are located on the playground as they please. Two of them are located near the “castle” - the main gate. Players who need to disenchant the “lock”, at the command of the leader, begin to silently move towards the main gate. Their task is to go through the gate and touch the “lock”. The task of the second team is to hit those who are moving towards the “castle”. Those who are hit are eliminated from the game. Before the game, one condition must be specified: can the team move blindfolded or must they stand still.

Crows and sparrows.

Goal: To promote the physical development of the child. Achieve emotional switching from one type of activity to another.

Age: 7-12 years.

Two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1 meter. Another 4 - 5 meters are measured from them, and another line is drawn. The first two lines are the starting lines, the second are the “houses”. Teams line up with their backs to each other near the first lines. Each team is given a name - one is “crows”, the other is “sparrows”. If the presenter said “crows,” then the crows catch up with the sparrows, which are trying to escape to their “house.” All caught sparrows become crows. The same thing happens, only in reverse, if the presenter said “sparrows.”

From circle to circle.

Goal: To promote the physical development of the child. Achieve emotional switching from one type of activity to another.

Age: 7-13 years

Several circles are drawn. The players are in these circles. Between them there is a driver who does not have the right to enter the circles. You can't stay in a circle for a long time. The players must constantly run from one circle to another. The driver's task is to hit the player while he is not in the circle. The player who was hit becomes the driver.

Traffic light.

Goal: To promote the physical development of the child. Achieve emotional switching from one type of activity to another.

Age: From 7-13 years.

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of several meters from one another. The space between the lines is considered the "road". The participants of the game, or the organizer of the game, choose the leader of the “traffic light” by lot or counting. All players, except the “traffic light” driver, line up behind one of the lines. The “traffic light” stands guard on the “road”. Standing with his back to the players, he names a color. If the player finds the named color “on himself” (clothing, bow, hairpin, etc.), he takes it with his hand and calmly crosses the “road”. If nothing suitable is found, he can only quickly run to the other side (without running out of the “road”). And the “traffic light” should catch violators. Anyone whom the traffic light touches becomes a traffic light himself.

Third wheel.

Goal: To promote the physical development of the child. Achieve emotional switching from one type of activity to another.

Age: from 7 years.

The players stand in pairs facing the center, forming two circles. Two drivers - one runs away, the other catches up. They run around in circles, but can only walk through the circle on one leg. The running player can stand in front of any pair. The one who was third (last) becomes the runner, and now the second player catches up with him.

Fishing rod.

Goal: To promote the physical development of the child. Achieve emotional switching from one type of activity to another.

Age: From 7 years.

A fishing rod is a jump rope. One end of it is in the hand of the “fisherman” - the driver. All players stand around the “fisherman” no further than the length of the rope. The “fisherman” spins the “fishing rod”, trying to hit the legs of the players with it. The “fish” must protect themselves from the fishing rod by jumping over it. They should not interfere with each other, and also not leave their places. If the “fisherman” managed to catch the “fish”, that is, touch the “fishing rod”, then the place of the “fisherman” is taken by the caught “fish”. The following condition must be observed: the rope cannot be raised higher than 10–20 centimeters.

Equipment: jump rope.

Children stand in a circle, one of them shows any movement, saying the first words of the song “If you like it, then do it like this...”, the rest of the children repeat the movement, continuing the song: “If you like it, then show it to others, if you like it, then do it this way...” Then the next child shows his movement, and so on until the circle is completed.

  1. A game "I'm throwing the ball at you."

To relax and lift your spirits, you can offer a game with a ball. In a circle, everyone will throw the ball to each other, calling the name of the person to whom they are throwing it, and saying the words: “I am throwing you a flower (candy, elephant, etc.).” The one to whom the ball was thrown must respond with dignity.

  1. A game "Broken phone"

Participants take turns passing proverbs to each other, which the presenter calls into the ears of those sitting at both ends. Then each of them reports a proverb that was transmitted to him from the other end.

There is no such person who can live forever without sin

Every untruth is a sin

You can't escape fate

Risk is a noble cause

If you make money, you will live without need

When money talks, truth is silent

And steal wisely - trouble cannot be avoided

Once you steal, you become a thief forever

Who is stronger is right

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain

A smart lie is better than a stupid truth

If he ran away, he was right, but if he got caught, he was guilty.

  1. A game "Understand me"

At the same time, all participants pronounce their word loudly, and the driver repeats all the words that were heard.

5. A game "Fair of Virtues"

Participants in the game receive 2 sheets with the names " selling" And" I'm buying" The presenter proposes on one sheet of paper, under the inscription “ selling" write all his shortcomings that he would like to get rid of, and on another sheet under the inscription “ I'm buying" write the virtues that he lacks in communication. Then the sheets are attached to the chests of the game participants, and they become visitors to the “Fair”, begin to walk around and offer to buy (or sell) what they need. The game continues until everyone has gone through and read all the possible options for buying and selling the qualities required for him.

6. A game "Name the emotion"

Passing the ball around, participants name the emotions that interfere with communication. Then the ball is passed to the other side and emotions are called that help communication. Emotions can be expressed in different ways - through movement , posture, facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

7. Methodology "Your name"

Participants stand in a circle, and one, passing the ball to a neighbor, calls his full name. The task of others is to name, passing the ball around the circle, as many variations of his name as possible (for example, Katya, Katyusha, Katerina, Katenka, Katyushka, Ekaterina). The task is repeated for each participant. Then everyone shares how they felt when they heard their name.

8. A game "Associations"

A person is selected and stands in front of the participants. The psychologist invites everyone present, in turn, to say what associations they have, i.e. what it reminds us of: a plant, an object, an animal. What they felt, what comparisons were unexpected.

9. Exercise game "Bin"

Children write their negative thoughts, unpleasant incidents, stories, situations on sheets of paper, crumple the sheets and throw them into a bucket (forgetting it forever).


The group forms a line. Each member of the group offers his hand to the one behind. To do this, the players spread their feet shoulder-width apart and put their hand back between their legs. At the same time, everyone also takes the hand of the person in front. The group begins to move backwards. At the same time, the rear one begins to lie on the floor. The group moves backward until everyone is on the floor. The group is then asked to return to the starting position in reverse order.

Everyone takes off their shoes and places them in the center of the circle, each participant puts on two different shoes and tries to place the foot next to the foot wearing the pair of shoes.

How do you respond to a person who points to his elbow and says, “That’s my nose?” Well, you can point to your head and say, “Is that my elbow?” then he'll probably show me his foot and say, "That's my head!" This is a new hand-eye coordination game and test that shows how long you can last while naming the body parts your partner just revealed while at the same time pointing to another part of your body.

Shadow leader. One of the players leaves the room. The rest of the team members choose a “leader”, who gives the group any movements and changes them after a while. The task of the person entering is to identify the “leader”. If you are lucky, the “leader” himself goes out the door and the game is repeated with a new “leader”.

Group members open their palms and take turns saying, “I have never...(done anything).” The one who did the proposed action bends his finger. The game is good for getting to know each other.

Group members stand in a circle and hold each other's arms. The presenter tells everyone the name of the animal. After this, the presenter loudly calls one of the names. Guys with this name should cross their legs. The others must hold them back. The best effect is achieved with a large amount of one of them.

The group stands in a circle and extends their arms to the center. After accidentally clasping hands, the group is asked to turn around in a circle so that people with clasped hands stand nearby.

The group stands in a circle. Everyone chooses the name of a fruit based on the first letter of their name. An exchange of phrases like “An apple loves an orange” is suggested. After this, the “orange” must name the new pair. If this does not happen and the presenter manages to touch the “orange”, then they change places.

The team is divided into two or more fronts and chooses a name for itself - fruit. One person stands in the center and tells a story. As soon as he uses one of the front names, the members of that front must exchange with each other. If "Tutti-frutti" is pronounced, then all members of all fronts must change places.

The team sits in a circle and begins to pass an object around the circle, holding it with different parts of the body, changing them. If you fall, the game starts over again.

The group sits in a circle. Group members place their palms on the knees of their neighbors on both sides. The group begins clapping in a certain direction - hand after hand, in the order in which they lie on their knees. When hit twice, the direction is reversed. The one who makes a mistake removes his hand.

The group stands in a circle. Hands clasped behind back. In this case, the left arm is bent at the elbow and holds the right hand of the neighbor on the left. The leader, walking around the circle from the outside, quietly selects the “killer” by touching his shoulder. The “killer” shakes the neighbor’s hand N times. The neighbor presses the next one N-1 times, etc. The one who receives one last handshake is considered killed and leaves the circle. The group’s task is to unanimously identify the “killer.” If the attempt is unsuccessful, the “killer” sends a new “impulse”.

“Your job is to get the whole team from this line to that line. In this case, everyone starts at the same time at the command of the leader. Moreover, at the same time the entire group can have five points of swing with the ground.”

The group forms a line. Each person places one hand on the shoulder of the person in front and raises one leg. With the second hand, the hind ones pick up the front leg. The task is to jump a certain distance without breaking.

Potolya Natalya
“Morning of joyful meetings” (games to lift your spirits)

“From what, from what?”

Tasks: create positive mood, encourage active communication through play.

Teacher: reads an English song translated by S. Marshak "Boys and Girls"

What are boys made of?

From snails, shells,

From green frogs.

This is what boys are made of.

What are girls made of?

From sweets and cakes,

From all kinds of sweets.

This is what girls are made of!

Let's decorate the boy and girl stencils based on the text of the poem. The boys will decorate the girl's stencil, and the girls will decorate the boy's stencil.

For decoration, the teacher offers pre-prepared stencils, shells, beads, candy wrappers, etc.

Our crafts turned out wonderful! Did you enjoy playing the new game? (Discussion of plans for the week).

"Cheerful old man - forest boy"

Tasks: encourage active communication through play, create a positive mood.


There lived a small old man in the forest

And the old man laughed extremely simply

Ha-ha-ha yes he-he-he,

Hee-hee-hee yes boom-booh-boom!

Boo-boo-boo and be-be-be,

Ding-ding-ding and ding-ding!

Once, when I saw a spider, I was terribly scared,

But clutching his sides, loudly laughed:

Hee hee hee yes ha ha ha

Ho-ho-ho yes gul-gur-gul!

Go-go-go, glug-glug-glug!

And when he saw the dragonfly, he became terribly angry,

But from laughter to the grass fell down:

Gee-gee-gee yes gu-gu-gu,

Go-go-go yes bang-bang-bang,

Oh, guys, I can’t!

Oh guys, ah-ah-ah!

Teacher: Did the old forest boy make you laugh? How did he laugh? What did your mood after reading a poem? Here are some laughs for your memory. When you feel sad, take the little laugh in your hands, close your eyes and remember how fun you and I laughed today. And then sad the mood will disappear.

"The Giant and the Mouse"

Task: create positive mood for the whole day.


Shh! Quiet! Listen up guys!

Once upon a time there lived a giant alone.

In his sleep he sighed as much as he could

And he swallowed a living mouse!

The poor guy ran to the doctor.

I ate a mouse, I'm not kidding!

Have mercy! What jokes?

She's squealing in my stomach!

The doctor was the smartest man

He looked sternly from under his eyelids.

- open your mouth, say: ah-ah.

A live mouse? For what? When?

So, why are you sitting?

Go ahead and swallow the cat!

Teacher: Interesting fairy tale? I want to teach you how to make paper mice.

1. Take the workpiece

1. Draw eyes, antennae, nose.

2. Roll the mouse into a semicircle, glue the tail, and insert the ears into the slot.

A game "Silence"

Tasks: develop adequate self-esteem in children, correct behavior.

Silent came to kindergarten -

A very timid newbie.

At first he was timid

He didn’t sing any songs with us.

And then, we see, we got used to it:

Like a bunny - hop and jump.

How bold have you become?:

He even sang a song.

A. Brodsky

The teacher discusses this poem with the children. Next choose Silent: he first sits timidly on a chair, then, according to the text, he transforms into brave: jumps, then sings some familiar song.

The teacher thanks the children for a fun game and rewards the children with colored stickers.

A game “It’s boring, it’s boring sitting like this”

Tasks: develop looseness; cultivate attention, self-organization, and the ability to interact with each other.

In music (sports) hall or group room along opposite walls are placed chairs: near one wall - according to the number of players, near the other - one less chair. Children sit on chairs, the leader reads a quatrain.

It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,

Everyone looks at each other.

Isn't it time to go for a run?

And change places?

As soon as the reading ends, all the children run to the opposite wall and try to occupy the chairs. The one left without a place is eliminated from games. When continuing games 1-2 chairs are removed each time.

A game « Mood»

1st option. Children sit on chairs. The leader throws the ball to each child in turn and calls a certain mood. The child demonstrates it. If desired, he can pass the ball to any peer, "giving" to him mood, he tries to portray him. Game continues.

2nd option. Children sit on chairs. The leader throws the ball to each child in turn and calls a certain mood. The child throws the ball back, calling and pretending the opposite mood.

For example:

kind angry;

cheerful - sad;

clear - gloomy;

happy - sad;

interesting - boring;

festive - sad.

The teacher thanks the children for a fun game and rewards the children with pictograms with happy faces.

Publications on the topic:

“Morning of joyful meetings” Project with children 5–6 years old. Mid-term project “Morning of joyful meetings”. Type of project: social, creative, group. Goal: to make the child come to the nursery.

The first day of summer has arrived! Children's Day is a holiday that is awaited not only by children, but also by adults. This is a day of joyful meetings.

Consultation for educators “The morning begins with a warm-up” CONSULTATION FOR TEACHERS THE MORNING STARTS WITH A WARM-UP How should the morning begin? From charging. This is how we advise you to start your day.

I bring to your attention a master class on making a didactic game for the development of the emotional sphere of children “Mood Constructor”.

Regular moments in kindergarten. "Morning of joyful meetings." The most important thing is to start your child’s day in a positive mood. The teacher entered the garden, he will meet the children. Gymnastics is one of the main ones.