Questions for an intellectual quiz. Fun intelligence tests with a trick

This non-genre story about a she-wolf and a puppy, written by “engineer human souls"Chekhov, - "White-fronted". Summary it is completely simple: the unsuccessful hunt of an aged she-wolf, the luck of a stupid puppy. It was written by a venerable, experienced writer. This was far from his first attempt at writing: Anton Pavlovich created the story at the age of 35.

It's all about the love of nature that runs through the writer's entire life. And in relation to children. He, suffering from tuberculosis, could not have his own. And for strangers, peasants, he built schools for his own money. Chekhov wrote “White-fronted” in his Melikhovo estate.

Melikhovo estate. The corner that inspired the idea of ​​“White-fronted”

Chekhov's story "White-fronted" was written in 1895. The place of writing is the museum-reserve, and previously the writer’s estate. It is located in the village of Melikhovo near the city. The Melikhovo period of creativity was the period of the writer’s maturity and the happiest time of his short life. Anton Pavlovich’s way of life on the estate involved spending time in nature and communicating with friends. The writer's favorites were two dachshunds: Hina and Brom. It is known from memoirs that the Chekhovs did a lot of gardening and willingly, and whatever they planted grew and bore fruit. True passion The writer had rose bushes. To this day, the museum staff takes care of the “Alley of Love” and the “Corner of France” vegetable garden.

The plot of "White-fronted"

Why did Chekhov call his story this way: “White-fronted”? The summary shows: a more worthy character is the she-wolf. At least she has intelligence and thinking. However, a puppy is just that: a puppy. He's cute precisely because of his stupidity.

On a cold March night, the she-wolf went hunting to the human winter quarters, located four miles from her hole. In her den there were three wolf cubs who were just as hungry as she was. She was already old, her prime had long passed, so she had to be content with small prey. The she-wolf was going to her winter quarters. There, an elderly watchman Ignat guarded a barn, where, next to other livestock, there were two sheep, possibly with lambs. She can drag one of them away.

Chekhov recounts her thoughts to us in detail. “White-fronted” (the summary in particular) seems to introduce us to her worries and fears. She needs to feed the wolf cubs, and she herself is hungry. She is suspicious, her thoughts are confused. (As we can see, Anton Pavlovich is generous with metaphors in her description, endowing the beast with human traits.) You have to be careful, the watchman has a large black dog named Arapka.

The she-wolf climbed into the barn, jumping from a snowdrift onto and making her way through. There was a noise in the barn, someone barked, and the sheep pressed against the wall. She had to urgently run away, fearing the watchman with Arapka, grabbing the nearest lamb in her teeth.

Only after running so far that the barking could no longer be heard did she notice that the living lump in her teeth was clearly heavier than a lamb. It was a large black puppy with a white spot on its forehead. Natural disgust prevented her from eating this baby. She left him and ran empty-handed to the hole.

However, the fool ran after her. He spent a long time fawning over the she-wolf and playing with the cubs. Once, after one of these games, she decided to eat him a second time. But the stupid creature licked her nose, it smelled disgustingly like a dog, and the she-wolf finally changed her mind.

Fans of the classic even have a version of why Chekhov chose this color for his puppy - white-fronted. Its summary is about the writer's hobby: dachshunds. Bromine was black, Hina was red, but Saltpeter, which appeared later, had light spots.

Let's get back to the plot. Since he was not fed like wolf cubs, White-fronted, having played enough, went to the winter hut on his own. The she-wolf also went there. Back to the hunt. But the stupid puppy that had followed her returned home and started barking joyfully, and the she-wolf again had to run away empty-handed. Ignat, considering that the hole in the roof was made by White-fronted, and all the fuss was because of him, gave him a beating in the morning.


The story “White-fronted” teaches children to understand nature and love it. The author, ironically, hopes that they will grow up smarter and more subtle than the watchman Ignat, who argues in “technical categories”: “full front” or “the spring in the brain has burst.”

Anton Pavlovich paid a lot of attention to peasant children. In the vicinity of Melikhovo, three schools were built at his expense. It was for children that Chekhov wrote “White-fronted”. the main idea this work, first published by the magazine " Children's reading": people should be more attentive to animals, try to understand their needs, then their spiritual world will become deeper. Surrounding nature- is subtle, you need to understand it, and not treat it mechanically, simplistically.

stories by A.P. Chekhov

An interesting story about an old she-wolf with her cubs and a white-fronted puppy. One day, an old she-wolf went hunting to the people's winter quarters, climbed into the barn among the sheep and dragged away the lamb. She was already very old and sometimes confused the tracks of dogs with foxes, her sense of smell was very weak. So this time, having dragged the lamb to long distance from the man's habitation, she was about to have a bite and let him out of her teeth. It turned out to be a white-fronted puppy, whose back she slightly injured. The she-wolf did not eat White-fronted, but hurried to her cubs, and the puppy tagged behind her. Having reached the wolf's lair, the puppy began to play with the cubs, and the she-wolf watched all this. The next day, White-fronted got hungry and went home, and the she-wolf decided to try again to get the lamb. On the way, she overtook Beloloby, climbed into the barn through the roof, but then White-front jumped after her and fell into the barn. The sheep made a noise, grandfather Ignat ran out with a gun, and the she-wolf had to run away. Grandfather thought that it was White-faced who made a hole in the roof to sleep in warmth. The next morning he scolded the puppy and taught him to walk through the door.



The hungry wolf got up to go hunting. Her cubs, all three of them, were fast asleep, huddled together, warming each other. She licked them and walked away.

Was already spring month March, but at night the trees crackled with cold, like in December, and as soon as you stuck out your tongue, it began to sting strongly. The wolf was in poor health and suspicious; She shuddered at the slightest noise and kept thinking about how no one would offend the wolf cubs at home without her. The smell of human and horse tracks, tree stumps, stacked firewood and the dark, manure-covered road frightened her; It seemed to her as if people were standing behind the trees in the darkness and dogs were howling somewhere beyond the forest.

She was no longer young and her instincts had weakened, so that it happened that she mistook a fox’s track for a dog’s and sometimes, deceived by her instincts, she lost her way, which had never happened to her in her youth. Due to poor health, she no longer hunted calves and large rams, as before, and already walked far around horses with foals, but ate only carrion; She had to eat fresh meat very rarely, only in the spring, when she, having come across a hare, took her children away from her or climbed into the peasants' barn where the lambs were.

About four versts from her lair, near the post road, there was a winter hut. Here lived the watchman Ignat, an old man of about seventy, who kept coughing and talking to himself; He usually slept at night, and during the day he wandered through the forest with a single-barreled gun and whistled at the hares. He must have served as a mechanic before, because every time before stopping he shouted to himself: “Stop, car!” and before going any further: “Full speed ahead!” With him was a huge black dog of an unknown breed, named Arapka. When she ran far ahead, he shouted to her: “Reverse!” Sometimes he sang and at the same time staggered greatly and often fell (the wolf thought it was from the wind) and shouted: “Gone off the rails!”

The she-wolf remembered that in the summer and autumn a ram and two livestock grazed near the winter hut, and when she ran past not so long ago, she thought it was as if they were fading in the barn. And now, approaching the winter quarters, she realized that it was already March and, judging by the time, there must certainly be lambs in the barn. She was tormented by hunger, she thought about how greedily she would eat the lamb, and from such thoughts her teeth clicked and her eyes shone in the darkness like two lights.

Ignat's hut, his barn, stable and well were surrounded by high snowdrifts. It was quiet. The little black must have been sleeping under the barn.

The wolf climbed up the snowdrift to the barn and began raking the thatched roof with her paws and muzzle. The straw was rotten and loose, so that the wolf almost fell through; Suddenly a warm smell of steam and the smell of manure and sheep's milk hit her right in the face. Below, feeling the cold, the lamb gently bleated. Jumping into the hole, the she-wolf fell with her front paws and chest on something soft and warm, probably on a ram, and at that time something in the barn suddenly squealed, barked and burst into a thin, howling voice, the sheep shied towards the wall, and The wolf, frightened, grabbed the first thing she caught in her teeth and rushed out...

She ran, straining her strength, and at this time Arapka, who had already sensed the wolf, howled furiously, disturbed chickens clucked in the winter hut, and Ignat, going out onto the porch, shouted:

Full speed ahead! Let's go to the whistle!

And it whistled like a car, and then - go-go-go-go!.. And all this noise was repeated by the forest echo.

When little by little all this calmed down, the she-wolf calmed down a little and began to notice that her prey, which she held in her teeth and dragged through the snow, was heavier and seemed to be harder than lambs usually are at this time; and it smelled as if differently, and some strange sounds were heard... The wolf stopped and put her burden on the snow to rest and start eating, and suddenly jumped back in disgust. It was not a lamb, but a puppy, black, with a large head and high legs, a large breed, with the same white spot all over its forehead like Arapka. Judging by his manners, he was an ignoramus, a simple mongrel. He licked his bruised, wounded back and, as if nothing had happened, waved his tail and barked at the wolf. She growled like a dog and ran away from him. He's behind her. She looked back and clicked her teeth; he stopped in bewilderment and, probably deciding that it was she who was playing with him, stretched his muzzle towards the winter hut and burst into a loud, joyful bark, as if inviting his mother Arapka to play with him and the wolf.

It was already dawn, and when the wolf made her way through the dense aspen forest, every aspen tree was clearly visible, and the black grouse were already waking up and often fluttering up beautiful cocks, concerned about the puppy’s careless jumping and barking.

“Why is he running after me? - thought the wolf with annoyance. “He must want me to eat him.”

She lived with the wolf cubs in a shallow hole; three years ago during strong storm uprooted a tall old pine tree, which is why this hole was formed. Now at the bottom there were old leaves and moss, and there were bones and bull horns with which the wolf cubs played. They had already woken up and all three, very similar friend at each other, stood side by side on the edge of their hole and, looking at the returning mother, wagged their tails. Seeing them, the puppy stopped at a distance and looked at them for a long time; noticing that they were also looking at him attentively, he began to bark angrily at them, as if they were strangers.

It was already dawn and the sun had risen, the snow was sparkling all around, and he still stood at a distance and barked. The wolf cubs suckled their mother, pushing her with their paws into her skinny belly, and at that time she was gnawing on a horse bone, white and dry; she was tormented by hunger, her head ached from the dog’s barking, and she wanted to rush at the uninvited guest and tear him apart.

Finally the puppy became tired and hoarse; Seeing that they were not afraid of him and did not even pay attention to him, he began to timidly, now crouching, now jumping, approach the wolf cubs. Now, in daylight, it was easy to see him... His white forehead was large, and on his forehead there was a bump, such as happens to very stupid dogs; the eyes were small, blue, dull, and the expression of the entire muzzle was extremely stupid. Approaching the wolf cubs, he stretched his wide paws forward, put his muzzle on them and began:

Me, me... nga-nga-nga!..

The wolf cubs did not understand anything, but waved their tails. Then the puppy hit one of the wolf cubs with his paw. big head. The wolf cub also hit him on the head with his paw. The puppy stood sideways to him and looked at him sideways, wagging its tail, then suddenly rushed away and made several circles on the crust. The wolf cubs chased him, he fell on his back and lifted his legs up, and the three of them attacked him and, squealing with delight, began to bite him, but not painfully, but as a joke. The crows were sitting on tall pine and looked down on their struggle, and were very worried. It became noisy and fun. The sun was already hot like spring; and the roosters, constantly flying over the pine tree fallen by the storm, seemed emerald in the brilliance of the sun.

Usually she-wolves accustom their children to hunting by letting them play with prey; and now, watching how the wolf cubs chased the puppy along the crust and fought with it, the wolf thought:

“Let them get used to it.”

Having played enough, the cubs went into the hole and went to bed. The puppy howled a little with hunger, then also stretched out in the sun. And when they woke up, they started playing again.

All day and evening the wolf remembered how last night the lamb bleated in the barn and how it smelled of sheep's milk, and from appetite she kept clicking her teeth and did not stop gnawing greedily old bone, imagining that it is a lamb. The wolf cubs suckled, and the puppy, who was hungry, ran around and sniffed the snow.

“Let’s eat him...” the wolf decided.

She walked up to him and he licked her face and whined, thinking she wanted to play with him. In the past, she ate dogs, but the puppy smelled strongly of dog, and, due to poor health, she no longer tolerated this smell; she felt disgusted and walked away...

By night it got colder. The puppy got bored and went home.

When the wolf cubs were fast asleep, the wolf went hunting again. Like the previous night, she was alarmed by the slightest noise, and she was frightened by stumps, firewood, dark, lonely juniper bushes that looked like people from afar. She ran away from the road, along the crust. Suddenly something dark flashed on the road far ahead... She strained her eyes and ears: in fact, something was walking ahead, and even measured steps could be heard. Isn't it a badger? She carefully, barely breathing, taking everything to the side, overtook dark spot, looked back at him and recognized him. It was a puppy with a white forehead who was returning to his winter hut, slowly and step by step.

“I hope he doesn’t bother me again,” the wolf thought and quickly ran forward.

But the winter hut was already close. She again climbed up the snowdrift into the barn. Yesterday's hole had already been filled with spring straw, and two new strips stretched across the roof. The wolf began to quickly work with her legs and muzzle, looking around to see if the puppy was coming, but as soon as the warm steam and the smell of manure hit her, a joyful, liquid bark was heard from behind. It's the puppy back. He jumped onto the wolf's roof, then into a hole, and, feeling at home, in the warmth, recognizing his sheep, he barked even louder... Arapka woke up under the barn and, sensing the wolf, howled, the chickens clucked, and when Ignat appeared on the porch with with her single-barreled gun, the frightened wolf was already far from her winter hut.

Fut! - Ignat whistled. - Fut! Drive at full speed!

He pulled the trigger - the gun misfired; he fired again - again it misfired; he fired a third time - and a huge sheaf of fire flew out of the trunk and a deafening “boo” was heard! boo!" There was a strong blow to his shoulder; and, taking a gun in one hand and an ax in the other, he went to see what was causing the noise...

A little later he returned to the hut.

Nothing... - Ignat answered. - It's an empty matter. Our White-fronted one got into the habit of sleeping with the sheep, in the warmth. Only there is no such thing as going through the door, but everything seems to be going through the roof. The other night he tore up the roof and went for a walk, the scoundrel, and now he’s returned and tore up the roof again.


Yes, the spring in the brain burst. I don't like death, stupid people! - Ignat sighed, climb onto the stove. - Well, man of God, it’s too early to get up, let’s sleep in full swing...

And in the morning he called White-fronted to him, tore him painfully by the ears and then, punishing him with a twig, kept saying:

Walk through the door! Walk through the door! Walk through the door!

Cross is a question. Intellectual marathon

3-4 teams of 10-12 people are pre-formed, they come up with names and make emblems.


Hurry up everyone to the cross!

Let's start the cross-question!

Cross-country participants,

Don't be afraid of questions

Solve problems

Good luck!

Dear viewers, let us greet the participants in the intellectual game “Cross Question” with thunderous applause. These are the teams...

And this is the fairest jury in our camp, which will evaluate the knowledge and abilities of our players. (Represents the jury.)

Competition "The Best"

Leading. I hand whistles to the team captains. They will use them to notify that their team is ready to respond. Whoever answers correctly first earns his team 1 point. Are the terms clear? Let's start!

1. Most famous cartoonist? (Walt Disney)

7. The most difficult period in the life of bearded men? (Era of Peter I)

9. The very first garment of a person? (Diaper)

10. Most “resourceful” competition? (KVN)

12. Most stubborn pet? (Donkey)

14. Most deep lake on the ground? (Baikal)

16. Southernmost continent? (Antarctica)

17. What is the prickliest plant on the windowsill? (Cactus)

18. The most main god ancient Slavs? (Perun)

19. Largest island? (Greenland)

21. The tallest building in Moscow? (Ostankino Tower.)

22. What is the shortest month of the year? (February)

23. What is the funniest genre of play? (Comedy)

25. What is the most common timing mechanism? (Watch)

26. The very first cosmonaut to go into space open space? (Leonov)

27. The most famous competitions in Hellas? (Olympic Games.)

28. Most famous novel in verse? (A.S. Pushkin. “Eugene Onegin.”)

29. The most famous liar? (Baron Munchausen.)

30. The slowest animal? (Three-toed sloth.)

32. Most tall plant peace? (Eucalyptus)

33. The thickest plant in the world? (Baobab)

34. Most famous words Yu. Gagarin? ("Go!")


Competition "Multi-remote"

Leading. You all love cartoons and know the lines of cartoon characters well. Answer which cartoon character owns the words:

1. “It’s an everyday matter!” (Carlson)

2. “This is the wrong sandwich!” (Cat Matroskin.)

3. “I don’t want anything!” (Princess from the film “The Town Musicians of Bremen.”)

4. “Guys, let’s live together!” (Leopold the Cat)

5. “Well, crazy guy, wait a minute!” (Wolf)

6. “Eat, daughter, a dietary egg” (The King from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians.”)

7. “I’m lying in the sun.” (Turtle and Lion Cub.)

8. “Have you been to Tahiti?” (Parrot Kesha.)

9. “I live like a toadstool, but I want to fly.” (Water)

10. “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?” (Hare)


Competition "Talking Surnames"

Leading. The occupations of these people are anagrams of their first and last names. Your task is to figure out professions by last name.

1. Rapov (cook).

2. Korovin (escort).

3. Egor Platonov (neurologist).

4. Sidorov (rice farmer).

5. Podelov (field farmer).

6. Katadov (lawyer).

7. Kologin (dog handler).

8. Pechkin (stove maker).

9. Rezhenin (engineer).

10. Dosadov (gardener).

11. Verterina (veterinarian).

12. Tildoev (driver).

13. Protsedova (seller).

14. Lobyrov (fisherman).

15. Arkhipova (cook).


Competition "Do you believe that..."

1. Does a horse snort to warn others of danger? (No, he clears his nose to smell better.)

2. B zoological museum Is there a stuffed Kamchadal in St. Petersburg? (No, Kamchadal is a resident of Kamchatka.)

3. Is the dollar the monetary unit of Ethiopia, Liberia, and Singapore? (Yes)

4. Migratory birds have two nests - in the place of residence and in the southern regions? (No)

5. Will bunnies, like kittens, be born blind? (No)

6. When devouring their victims, do crocodiles cry? (No. Crocodiles that live in salt water often cry on the shore, but at the same time they simply get rid of excess salt, and do not cry out of remorse or remorse.)

7. Do swifts even sleep on the fly? (Yes. At sunset, swifts fly to a low altitude and sleep on the fly, and at dawn they descend closer to the ground.)

8. In medicine, is the diagnosis of “Munchausen syndrome” given to a patient who lies a lot? (No, this diagnosis is given to a patient who has a constant desire to be treated.)

9. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a brush with colored ink? (Yes)

10. Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)

11. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)

12. Does the cobra dance to the fakir’s pipe? (No, the cobra is not able to hear music: when the lid is removed from the basket where the snake is located, the cobra rises, preparing to defend itself. And then follows the movements of the pipe, preparing to attack.)

13. Are there man-eating flies in Africa? (Yes, the larvae of African tumbu flies penetrate deep into human skin, creating painful open wounds.)

14. In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to chew on anything? (Yes)

15. Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with fluid.)


Competition "Trick Questions"

1. When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks it out of the window.)

2. What needs to be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (Take off each person’s boot.)

3. When a horse is bathed, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)

4. In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)

5. What disease on earth has no one ever had? (Nautical)

6. What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)

7. When does a sentry walk upside down? (Always)

8. What do a crocodile and a suitcase have in common? (Leather)

9. What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron? (Letter C)

10. How to jump off a ten-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step.)

11. How many months of the year have 28 days? (All months)

12. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked 300 meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything.)

13. Three tractor drivers have a brother, Ivan, but Ivan has no brothers. Could this be possible? (Yes, if the tractor drivers are women.)

14. What comes first in Russia and second in France? (Letter P)

15. Small, gray, looks like an elephant. Who is this? (Baby elephant)

16. What is the name of the costume for those who are taller than everyone and shorter than everyone? This word is translated from Greek as “man in a boat.” (Spacesuit)

17. Everyone knows that Cheburentia has two right legs, two left legs, two legs in front and the same number in back. How many legs does Cheburentia have? (Four)

18. How should you throw a stone to make it come back? (Up)

19. I have two coins for a total amount of 15 kopecks. One of them is not a nickel. What kind of coins are these? (The other coin is a nickel, and the first is 10 kopecks.)

20. What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons)


Competition "Alphabet Sundries in Riddles"

A. Striped toddler. (Watermelon)

B. He strains himself, yells, and doesn’t let sleepyheads sleep. (Alarm)

B. I’ll spin, spin, and fly into the heavens. (Helicopter)

G. The box jumps on its knees - sometimes it sings, sometimes it cries bitterly. (Accordion) D. She doesn’t offend anyone, but everyone pushes her. (Door)

E. What kind of girl is this?

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Hedgehog)

E. Prickly, but not a hedgehog. (Ruff)

G. An oak tree hid in a golden ball. (Acorn)

3. If you roll it up, it’s a wedge, if you unfold it, it’s a damn thing. (Umbrella)

I. She gave clothes to everyone, but she herself was naked. (Needle) K. Made a hole, dug a hole,

The sun is shining, but he doesn't even know it. (Mole) L. He doesn’t take anything for himself - he gives everything to others. (Spoon)

M. A red-hot arrow felled an oak tree near the village. (Lightning)

N. A flock of birds is resting on five wires.

O. What is before us:

Two shafts behind the ears,

Before our eyes on the wheel

And the nurse on the nose? (Glasses)

P. There is a ladder in the field,

The house is running down the stairs. (Train)

R. Whoever touches -

He clings to him. (burdock)

S. There are balls hanging on the branches, blue from the heat.

(Plums) T. Frowns, frowns,

If you fall into tears, there will be nothing left. (Cloud)

U. I come from fire, and from fire I die. (Coal)

F. Sleeps during the day, flies at night,

It scares passersby. (Owl)

X. In our kitchen all year long

Santa Claus lives in the closet. (Fridge)

C. Two legs conspired

Make arcs and circles. (Compass)

Ch. From a hot well

Water flows through the nose. (Kettle)

Sh. On the squares of the board

The kings brought down the regiments.

Not for battle near regiments

No cartridges, no bayonets. (Chess)

Shch. Bone back,

There are bristles on the back. (Toothbrush)

E. A mole climbed into our yard,

Digging the ground at the gate.

A ton of earth will enter your mouth,

If the mole opens his mouth. (Excavator)

Yu. I'm spinning, spinning,

And I'm not lazy

Spin around all day. (Yula)

I. If it weren’t for him,

I wouldn't say anything. (Language)


Competition "Color Questions"

1. Which city is called “Belokamennaya” and “Zlatoglavaya”? (Moscow)

2. What is lilac in Vladimir Markin’s song, and blue in Vyacheslav Dobrynin’s song? (Fog)

3. Which “white” person always has a red nose? (At the snowman's)

4. What starts with the red line? (Paragraph)

6. In the movie “The Adventures of Pinocchio,” the turtle Tortilla was played by an actress named Zelenaya. What is her name? (Rina)

7. What is the name of the fun establishment located in Moscow on Tsvetnoy Boulevard? (Circus)

8. What do we call “green-eyed” transport? (Taxi)

9. What is the name of the most famous picture K. Malevich? ("Black square")

11. How many and what colors did the first traffic lights have? (Two: green - “you can go”, red - “stop”.)

12. What is the name of the Chinese “yellow river”? (Huang He)

13. What is the name of V. Shukshin’s film about the fate of a thief? ("Red viburnum")

14. Which tree is called “white-trunked” and “green-trunked”? (Birch)

15. “The black cow conquered the whole world.” What is this? (Night)

16. What is indigo? (Blue paint is from India, which was brought to Europe in ancient times.)

17. What bird does A. Sviridova sing about: “...child of sunset”? (Pink flamingo)

18. What is the name of a marine mammal that survives today only in the north Pacific Ocean? (Gray whale)

19. How red gem has become a brand of domestic TV? (Ruby)


Competition "Who thinks what"

1. The Chinese believe that seven things are necessary for human life: firewood, oil, tea, salt, vinegar, rice. And what else? (Soy)

2. Great commander Hannibal believed that it was possible to fight not only with weapons, but also... with vessels containing living creatures, which soldiers threw onto enemy ships. This practice often brought victory. Who was in the vessels? (Poisonous snakes)

3. Disneyland cleaners think "it's trash #1." What it is? (Chewing gum)

4. Muslims consider this day of the week a holiday. What day is it? (Friday)

5. Ethiopians believe that a man who has been married to one woman for 25 years is worthy of a reward. Which? (In Ethiopia, men are given the Order of Marital Fidelity.)

6. What did Homer consider “the river that flows around the Earth”? (Ocean)

7. The Japanese rightly believe that they are the record holders for the production of this product. Which one? (Japan produces the most fish per year.)

8. The Eskimos of Greenland consider their language to be the calmest. Why? (There are no swear words in it.)

9. Bernard Shaw believed that this particular caricature of him was the best. What is this? (Reflection in the mirror)

10. Residents of this European capital believe that they are the ancestors ballroom dancing. Name the country. (England)

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

Intellectual questions with answers starting with the letter "L" suitable for anyone festive event. Most of the questions are designed on such a principle that almost anyone can answer them, based on their knowledge of the school curriculum.

Sometimes you can find the right answer in the question itself—you just need to read it carefully.

Questions for intellectual games starting with the letter "L"

1. Volcano trick.

2. A plant that became extremely popular thanks to the hit song by Sofia Rotaru

3. a) Location of the seven. b) Long bench; small shop.

4. a) The branches of this tree are a symbol of victory, glory, reward. b) The tree from whose greenery the ancient Greek Apollo wove a wreath for himself. c) Seasoning from the wreath.

5. Writer who created the immortal Old Man Hottabych.

6. When there is no agreement among the comrades, where will their cause not go according to Krylov?

7. a) Who did the prince ask to “don’t frown” in a popular hit song of the 60s?

b) Hockey team of Tolyatti; female name; car make

8. a) Tower on the board. b) Old Russian ship; chess figure.

9. House watchman warning.

10. Same plane, but sounds more luxurious.

11. a) Mother-of-pearl, manicure... . b) What women use to paint their nails and men to cover their floors. c) You can cover a wooden box with it, or you can cover your own head so that your hairstyle lasts longer.

12. Paper chameleon

13. a) Aladdin's magic lamp. b) The dwelling of the genie from the fairy tale about Aladdin.

14. Inedible pear.

15. a) A flower, in the old popular song - “hello, bright May” b) A flower, whose bells, according to German legend, whisper with spring.

16. She cannot be harnessed to the same cart with an ox.

17. A country in Asia where the groom must work in the bride’s house for three years before the wedding.

18. a) Bearish “dummy”. b) Mishka’s amputated body part from Agnia Barto’s poem.

19. What is the shepherd weaving from Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” when he “sings about the Volga fishermen”?

20. Russian baseball.

21. What did Yesenin ask from Kachalov’s dog?

22. a) An earphone for simpletons. b) A type of ear jewelry.

23. Krylov’s fable about an old safe.

24. ... and patience is the main thing in training animals.

25. a) A killer whale is a village.... b) One... does not make spring (Russian proverb).

26. Device for scuba diving.

27. Hypostasis of Munchausen.

28. a) Bulgarian currency. b) The predator who ate a package of sleeping pills in the comedy film “Striped Flight”.

29. A person whose left is right; most famous story Leskova

30. A railway car in which perishable goods are transported.

31. Both the tablet and the medicine.

32. The official name of a doctor in pre-revolutionary Russia.

33. The last obstacle before the delivery of the object.

34. Rip at the finish line.

35. Born before us, as befits a mother.

36. Pilot-cosmonaut, who performed a spacewalk for the first time in history.

37. Vile coward.

39. Guide to fish.

40. Friend of a green friend.

41. A specialist who makes chips fly.

42. a) Counting table for uninvited guests. b) What is an escalator?

43. a) Strawberry time b) Mosquito time c) June July Augustg) Alla Pugacheva has long wanted it to rush after her, and most importantly, not to end.

44. a) Inspired man. b) High-flying man

45. Fairytale friend of the merman and the kikimora.

46. ​​Of course - from an icon, sometimes - from beautiful women.

47. a) Flower of the French kings. b) Flower, whose image can be found on ancient Roman coins.

48. Citrus, which became a “monetary unit”.

49. The mysterious African river to which the Soviet physician Aibolit strove.

50. A means to successfully draw the line.

51. Drawing, tram...

52. a) deciduous tree, fake document. b) Which tree in central Russia blooms last of the year. c) A tree that blooms for only one week, but nevertheless is considered the main honey plant.

53. Shakespeare's king, cunningly deceived by his daughters.

54. Yesenin’s poetic role.

55. Kolobkovskaya death.

56. a) Torn from the tree, it becomes a toy of the wind. b) Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist and conductor.c) One of seven cabbage clothes, all of which are without fasteners.

57. Shorty, Bukovka’s friend, whom Dunno turned into a donkey.

58. Art served by Nikolai Gogol and Stepan Zweig, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Anatoly France.

60. a) The advantageous side of the product. b) Something that can hit the dirt.

c) Muzzle in decent speech.

61. a) Where do the eyes go from severe pain? b) The most comfortable spot for stuffing cones. c) Which place of the priest suffered the most in Pushkin's fairy tale about Balda?

62. What quality does a bungler lack?

63. Specialist in correcting speech impediments.

64. a) A vessel on which dogs are not counted. b) The ship on which Peter I sailed for the first time along the Seine in 1717.

65. a) Expensive thing for dinner.b) Antoshka had it big.c) A table accessory that became a Russian folk musical instrument.

66. a) Truth turned on its head. b) Small... gives rise to great mistrust (worldly wisdom).

67. A part of the body that is reliably protected from the bite of its owner.

68. What was the name of the first mate of Captain Vrungel on the yacht "Trouble"?

69. Russian chemist, poet, physicist, geographer, geologist.

70. Tool for raking in money.

71. It is also called elk.

72. Barrel game.

73. a) Divine flower, sung by Heinrich Heine. b) Red flower, considered a symbol of modern India.

74. a) A strong animal. b) “Movable property” Pippi Longstocking.

75. Main Museum France, where Leonardo da Vinci's La Gioconda is kept.

76. Bath of a pig and a swinish drunk.

77. The king, who (according to Alla Pugacheva) was never able to marry for love.

78. a) The source of innocent tears. b) It shoots and heals. c) The most tearful plant.

79. a) The sun of lovers. b) Which planet is called the planet of Angels?

c) Which planet patronizes sailors?

80. a) “Winter running boards.” b) Without them, a biathlete would be called a shooter.

81. Winter two-wheeled road with one-way traffic.

82. An irreplaceable material for weaving bast shoes.

83. a) A feeling to which all ages submit. b) She will unexpectedly appear when you are not expecting her at all. c) A full Russian female name that does not have either an “a” or “ya” at the end.

84. The quality for which Varvara’s nose was torn off.

85. The best cabin on the ship, best number In a hotel.

86. a) Baby's cradle; in Ukraine, a pipe for smoking.b) The object that caused the death of Taras Bulba (in Gogol’s story).

87. It shines, but does not warm; the more crystal, the more expensive

88. First, let's take salt. And then?

89. Bride with an arrow.

91. What a lady likes to sharpen.

92. Institute lesson.

93. It’s hard to live on the upper floors of the house without him.

94. Favorite seat in the theater.

95. What do polar explorers use to drift at the North Pole?

96. “The daisies hid, drooped...” - the beginning of the song to the words of I. Shaferan.

Answers to the letter "L"» to intellectual questions

1. Lava 2. Lavender 3. Lavka 4. Laurel 5. Lagin 6. Lad 7. Lada 8. Rook 9. Lak 10. Liner 11. Varnish 12. Litmus 13. Lamp 14. Light bulb 15. Lily of the valley 16. Doe 17. Laos.18. Paw 19. Lapot 20. Lapta 21. Lapu 22. Noodle 23. Chest 24. Weasel 25. Swallow 26. Flippers 27. Liar 28. Lion 29. Lefty 30. Glacier 31. Medicine 32. Doctor 33. Ribbon 34. Ribbon 35 Laziness 36. Leonov 37. Leopold 38. Forest 39. Line 40. Forester 41. Lumberjack 42. Ladder 43. Summer 44. Pilot 45. Goblin 46. Face 47. Lily 48. Lemon 49. Limpopo 50. Ruler 51. Line 52. Linden 53. Lear 54. Lyric 55. Fox 56. Leaf 57. Leaf 58. Literature 59. Lyceum 60. Face 61. Forehead 62. Dexterity 63. Speech therapist 64. Boat 65. Spoon 66. Lie 67. Elbow 68. Crowbar 69. Lomonosov 70. Shovel 71. Elk 72. Lotto 73. Tray 74. Horse 75. Louvre 76. Puddle 77. Louis 78. Bow 79. Moon 80. Skis 81. Ski track 82. Lyko 83. Love 84. Curiosity 85 Suite 86. Cradle 87. Chandelier 88. Lie 89. Frog 90. Strap 91. Straps 92. Lecture 93. Elevator 94. Box 95. Ice floe 96. Buttercups.

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