Scenario of entertainment for a music lesson, senior group. Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group “Meeting in the Forest”

Software tasks:-develop the ability to express the emotional content of music in artistic image;

- develop cognitive interest in sound reality through musical-sensory culture, vocal and choral skills;

- cultivate a creative attitude towards different types musical activity.

Material and equipment: decorations for decorating forest and flower meadows, music Center, audio recordings: instrumental music, rain, sounds of the forest, waltz “Voices of Spring” by J. Strauss, costumes of Spring, Forest Fairy, forest bird, medallions for droplets, animals, flowers, hats for frogs, rays, hoops with flowers, musical instruments: xylophone, metallophones, bells, triangles, noise instruments: paper plumes, nuts, paper, drum, envelope with a letter from Spring, graphic diagrams with images of emotions (joy, calm, anger), Magic wand.

Characters: Spring, Forest Fairy- adults, forest birds, rays - children.

Preliminary work: learning and conducting musical and didactic games, learning songs, poems, dance and rhythmic compositions, listening to the sounds of nature (rain, stream, droplets, birdsong), showing illustrations, playing musical and noise instruments.

Progress of musical entertainment

Sounds instrumental music, the children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Musical director(M.r.).

What is beautiful in the world,

Music can convey everything to us:

And the sound of the waves, and the singing of birds,

And the rain and the wind -

She can tell us everything.

M. Sidorova

M.R.(approaches the droplet children).

Raindrops are very naughty

They love to have fun and dance.

There will be a spring concert in the meadow,

We invite you to welcome Spring!

Droplets, settle down in the clearing.

The droplet children sit on chairs, the music director approaches the animal children and frog children.

M.R. Forest animals, mischievous frogs woke up and flew spring birds. You have to hurry to the spring concert! Hey, forest animals, mischievous frogs, here is your clearing! (Sit down on chairs.)

The music director addresses the flower children and points to a flower meadow.

M.R. Here is a flower meadow, the first spring flowers have appeared on it: beautiful snowdrops, scillas, tulips. Flowers, your meadow is the sunniest!

Miracles await you. Do you want to hear magical sounds? (Yes.) They live in magical land, which you can get into using a magical “guessing game”. And the game will help us with this.

Instrumental music sounds, children take musical and noise instruments and sit on chairs.

Game "Forest Fantasy"

M.R. Spring has come! The sun became bright and warm, the first flowers appeared, forest animals ran out into the clearing.

1st child. The bunnies danced merrily in the spring meadow. (Xylophone sounds.)

2nd child. The bears woke up and left the den for a walk. (Paper rustles.)

3rd child. Forest boars frolicked in a sunny clearing. (The sound of a drum is heard.)

4th child. The squirrels jumped out of the hollow and began happily knocking their nuts. (The clatter of nuts is heard.)

5th child. The first snowdrops blossomed and sang songs.

6th and 7th child. Blue streams ran in the forest. (The metallophone sounds.)

8th and 9th child. The breeze blew and the leaves rustled. (The sound of a paper plume is heard.)

10th and 11th child. The sun hid behind the clouds, the first spring rain began to fall. (Sounds of triangles are heard.)

M.R. But the forest animals were not afraid of the rain, because it was warm, calm and gentle.

An audio recording of the sound of rain plays.

M.R. Now we know what sounds live in the spring forest, let's name them. (Children list.) Guys, leave the musical instruments in the clearings and meet the guest. The Forest Fairy is hurrying to us, she will tell us the spring news.

The waltz “Voices of Spring” by J. Strauss sounds.

The Forest Fairy appears in the clearing and spins around.

Forest Fairy. Hello! I am the Forest Fairy, a good sorceress.

I've been going for a long time, guys.

Listen to music in the forest!

And a grasshopper and a woodpecker,

And a bee and a dragonfly.

Knocks, whistles...

And on the branches and in the bushes

Famous artists

They hide in different places.

T. Shorygina

Song "Forest Song"(lyrics by P. Kachanova, music by V. Vitlin)

Forest Fairy.

At noon I listen to the drops:

She murmurs like a bird's trill.

Sounds like a crystal bell,

Cheerful joyful messenger!

The drops are murmuring, ringing, singing,

She breaks snow and ice.

She doesn’t care about a big snowdrift,

She runs like a living stream.

T. Shorygina

Song "Sunny Drops"(lyrics by I. Vakhrusheva, music by S. Sosnin)

Forest Fairy. Guys, look, there is an envelope in the clearing. Who is it from? (Looks at him.) This letter is from Vesna! (Shows it to the children.) Let's read what is written in it. (Reads the letter.)

Magic forest, spring forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

The magic brook began to gurgle,

Said hello to the sun.

The birds sing merrily

You are invited to visit.

T. Shorygina

Let's turn into a stream and go through the spring forest to meet Spring. I have a magic wand, it will help us. Magic wand, help, turn us into a trickle.

Instrumental music is playing. Children hold hands and run like a snake around the hall. They meet raindrops, they argue among themselves.

1st drop. I am the most dexterous and strong droplet. I will fly to the ground faster than you. As soon as it starts to rain, I’ll already be waiting for you in the puddle.

2nd drop. Don't wonder! Let's see which of us will arrive faster! Time will show.

Forest Fairy. While you were arguing, other droplets arrived and wanted to dance a funny dance.

Dance “Mischievous Droplets”

Forest Fairy. These are the types of droplets: cheerful, mischievous, joyful. What kind of rain is there? (Playful, mischievous, quiet, calm, angry, loud.) Let's turn into rain. Magic wand, help us, turn us into rain!

Game "Rain"

Children are invited to turn into a quiet, calm rain - they clap their hands, imitate its noise, saying in a whisper: “Klep-klep-klep.”

Then the children are invited to turn into a joyful, mischievous, cheerful rain - they clap their hands loudly, imitate the sound of rain, loudly saying: “Gag-gag-gag.”

To depict loud, angry rain, children perform footsteps, imitate the sound of rain, loudly saying: “Top-tep-tep.”

Then, following the rhythmic sound gesture of the music director (tap or clap), the children reproduce the sound of angry, calm and cheerful rain.

The music director shows the children graphic diagrams depicting emotions and asks them to correlate the depicted emotion with the music.

Forest Fairy. Our journey continues, the stream gurgles and runs through the spring forest towards Spring.

Instrumental music plays, children run like a stream and meet a forest bird.


Together with young Spring,

We hurried to our native land.

Evil blizzards were flying,

They spun and flew.

They blocked the way to Spring.

Children, do you believe me?

T. Shorygina

Children. We believe!

Forest Fairy. I know how to help Vesna. I have Good friends - sun rays. They will help us.

Ray children put on hats and read poetry.


We are the rays of spring!

We are fast and hot!

1st ray.

We rush forward like arrows,

Let's quickly melt the white snow.

2nd ray.

We will drive away the evil blizzard,

The blizzard will run away from us.

3rd ray.

And the icicle is their friend

Let's easily turn it into drops!

T. Shorygina

Song “Spring is coming again” (T. Borovik)

Instrumental music sounds and Spring enters the hall.


I love when gardens bloom

And the grass turns green.

Dragonflies glide by the water,

The oak forest leaves are rustling!

Then I'll touch lightly

To the bud of a sleeping flower -

And by the movement of the hand

The flower will open its petals.

T. Shorygina

Dance "Flower Fantasy"(performed by flower girls)


The musicians are forest talents!

Come out into the clearing

Have fun with all your guests!

For the sun to shine,

To make it more fun!

You jumping frogs,

Have fun until the morning!

The sun is laughing!

Spring came!!!

T. Shorygina

Song-dance “Happy Frogs” (T. Borovik)

Spring. Guys, what sounds live in the spring forest? (The sounds of a stream, the singing of birds, the sounds of rain, the rustling of leaves, the knocking of nuts, the croaking of frogs, the sounds of droplets, the steps of a bear, the clatter of wild boars.)

Instrumental music is playing.

Spring. I'm not saying goodbye to you! I'm glad that we met in the spring forest.

Song "Song, the sun and you"(lyrics by E. Prikhodko, music by E. Zaritskaya)

Forest Fairy. So our journey into the spring forest has ended. We learned where sounds live, what they are, and how they sound.

A. Smerdova, N. Kuznetsova

MBDOU d/s "Solnyshko" s. Critical

Belogorsky district of the Republic of Crimea

Abstract of the open musical entertainment

in the senior group

"Journey to the World of Music"

Musical director:

Gerasimtseva Zhanna Vladimirovna


Types of children's activities: creative, communicative, perception of musical works, performing.

Integration of educational areas: “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “ Physical development", "Speech development".

Motivation:introduce children to musical creativity; create conditions for the opportunity to reveal oneself in various types musical activity; evoke a desire to express oneself in movement, singing, playing the musical noise instruments and education positive qualities character, developing in children the concepts of friendship and mutual respect, tolerance towards each other, continuing to develop the skills of simple dance moves: clapping, stamping, waving your arms, continue to develop dynamic hearing and attention.

Musical repertoire: O. Gazmanov “I am a sailor, you are a sailor”, words and music by G. Struve “At my Russia”, words by S. Kozlov, music by M. Minkov song “We came to the Port today”, “Boat Song” words by S. Kozlov, music M. Minkova, Russian people. song “Oh, you canopy, my canopy”, Crimean Tatar people. dance “Haitarma”, music by D. Lvov - Companion lyrics by V. Vakmarov “Children of the whole earth are friends”, song “Chunga-Changa” lyrics by Yu. Entin music by V. Shainsky from the cartoon “Caterok”, Spanish dance “Paso Doble”, “Wo field birch stood" Russian folk song.

Necessary equipment: piano, music and noise instruments, laptop, multimedia board, costumes: Russian sundresses, Crimean Tatar, captain's costume, sailors' costumes, portraits of composer Vladimir Shainsky and poet Yuri Entin.


The recording contains the music of Oleg Gazmanov’s song “I am a sailor, you are a sailor”

Children enter the hall. A greeting sounds.

Music director Hello,



Children: Hello!

Music handsGuys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to the guests and give them our smiles.

Children go to the center of the hall and when shown by the teacherSay hello (speech with finger-speech movements: “Hello!” Author I. Bograchenko.

Hello, golden sun - hands make the sun

Hello, the sky is blue - hands up

Hello, free breeze - shake your hands above

Hello, little oak - point down

Hello morning! - show right hand to the right,

Hello day! - point with your left hand to the left,

We are not too lazy to say hello - spread both hands to the side.

Music hands:Sit down on the chairs.

Children sit on chairs along the wall.

Music handsToday we have no ordinary activity. We will go on a journey to the World of Music.

I really want you to be cheerful and active during your trip. We live in huge world, it contains forests and fields, seas and rivers, sky and sun. You can watch the floating clouds, listen to the sound of wind and rain. You can draw and photograph all this. It will be a frozen picture. As soon as the music conveys the movement of the clouds: the storm of the sea and the sound of the rain, it will make us sad and happy.

Today you will hear modern: Russian, Tatar, Spanish national melodies, music of nature.

So are you ready to travel?

Let's go on a journey across the sea by ship. I'll be your captain. You are my team.

The song “We came to the Port today” sounds in the recording, lyrics by S. Kozlov, music by M. Minkov.

And they are waiting for us at the pier. They want to wish you happy sailing and 7 feet under the keel.

Children in high chairs, the older group, perform movements according to the text of the song: rhythmic claps, showing “socks”, “swing” movement.

From behind the screen of the Sailboat, 5 pairs of sailors come out and dance the dance “I am a sailor, you are a sailor” by O. Gazmanov.

Music hands:Let's thank the guys 2nd with applause junior group.

Let's turn on our imagination, raise the sails, and let go of the mooring lines.

The recording sounds “The Cry of Seagulls, The Sound of the Sea”

Music of hands.Oh, how the waves played out

The seagulls screamed in the sky

The wave follows the wave

Our boat is flying into the distance.

From the Black Sea we entered the Mediterranean Sea to the shores of Spain. And here a surprise awaits us.

Children preparatory group perform “Spanish dance “Paso Doble”

Spanish dance sounds.

Music hands:Addresses the guys senior group

Music hands:Did you like the music? spanish dance"? It has the hot sun, the noise of the city and the sea. Passion and love. And the name of the dance is just as fast-paced “Posadoble.” Let’s applaud the girls for their bright, temperamental Spanish dance.

Children from the preparatory group leave the hall.

Music hands:Let's go on our journey! The warm Mediterranean Sea sees us off. Go ahead.

The recording includes the song “Dolphins”, lyrics by S. Kozlov, music by M. Minkov.

On the screen there is a picture of diving dolphins.

Music hands:What kind of dolphins are they? (Kind, wet, with smart eyes)

We will show our hand together

How do dolphins need to dive?

The older group children imitate diving “Dolphins” with hand movements.

Music hands:During the song, the time on the road flew by quickly. Where are we now?

The introduction to the song “Chunga-Changa”, lyrics by Yu. Entin, music by V. Shainsky from the cartoon “Caterok” is played. The music sounds quietly throughout the entire dialogue.

Music hands:Miracle island in front of us

Let's meet friends.

The music director sits down at the piano. Children perform the song "Chunga-Changa". On the screen "Miracle Island"

Music hands:And they came up with this one amazing island poet Yuri Entin and composer Vladimir Shainsky.

On the multimedia board, the music director shows portraits of authors Yuri Entin and Vladimir Shainsky.

Music hands:Let's say goodbye to the island; we return to the ship.

Raise the sails, release the mooring lines.

The song “Well, what if the captains” plays in the recording.

Music hands:Open your eyes wider - look at our fairy tale!

They say that in our hall there are miracles...

So let's hurry up and look at the miracle.

Children of the 2nd junior group are seated on the stage in a semicircle.

Music the leader draws attention to a huge chest that stands on a chair that appears near the piano.

Music hands:The chest here is unique.

Our chest is musical.

There will be a surprise for the guys!

Hey guys, stand up!

The music director opens the chest and takes out wooden spoons.

Music hands:They eat soup at lunch

By evening “They’ll talk”

Wooden girls

Musical sisters

Play a little too

On beautiful, bright


Get out the painted ones, our spoons are naughty!

These spoons are just a miracle!

The kind master made it and gave it to the children.

The music director distributes wooden spoons to the children in the older group.

Music hands:There's still a surprise here!

We'll take the maracas and start playing merrily.

Music The leader distributes maracas to the children of the older group.

Music hands:“Oh, it’s ringing, it’s ringing,

Everyone is having fun while playing.

And there are only three strings

Who is she? Guess it!

Well, of course…..


That's right, Balalaika. It brings joy and amusement to people.

She is famous all over the world. Everyone knows that the balalaika is Russian folk instrument! Her voice rings throughout the world and glorifies Russia!

The music director gives the balalaika to Dimka (senior group) and Seryozha and Ametkhan. (for children of the 2nd junior group who sit in the center of the hall).

Music hands:A kind master made it and gave it to the children.

There's still a surprise here.

Hey. Guys, stand up!

The musical director takes out the bells and distributes them to the children in the older group.

Music hands:Let’s quickly take the bells and start playing them.

Let's call and knock!

Bells are such a miracle

The good master made

And he gave it to the guys.

Music the leader takes the tambourine and gives it to the children of the older group.

There are bells on it,

We hit it loudly!

We will play with him now,

Give it to your hands, sonorous


What is a triangle?

Every schoolchild knows this,

But not everyone knows

That he plays in the orchestra!

At the most fabulous moment

This tool will come in.

Quietly, gently it will ring.

It's like everything is silver,

And then it will fall silent soon

At the direction of the conductor.

Music The leader distributes triangles to the children of the older group.

Music hands:So let's hurry up and play more fun.

Children play ORCHESTRA “Oh, you canopy, my canopy” Russian folk.

Music hands:We thank the guys of the 2nd junior group

For a wonderful performance.

Children of the 2nd junior group leave the hall.

Our ship is very happy

Take the boys home.

We are in a hurry, we are in a hurry to go home

Hello Crimea, you are our dear.

The song “At My Russia” by G. Struve is playing.

Slideshow based on the lyrics.

Music hands:I love Russian birch

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad

In a bleached sundress

With handkerchiefs in pockets.

The Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field” sounds. Girls of the older group in Russian sundresses dance.

Music hands WITHthere are guys in class among you national costumes Crimean Tatars. Let us play the Crimean Tatar game “Skullcap”.

Children stand in a circle. To the music, children take turns putting a skullcap on their head and whoever has the skullcap on, when the music stops, goes out in a circle and dances to the music of “Haitarma”, etc.

The music director organizes the children for the game “Round Dance - Friendship”, showing them the movements, the children repeat.

Music handsWider the circle, wider the circle,

Music is calling...

Children take a few steps from the center of the circle.

All friends, all girlfriends

In a noisy round dance!

Children walk in a circle to the right.

The birds above are friends,

Fishes are friends in the depths...

Children stop, raise their arms up, smoothly swing their arms, and bend over.

The ocean is friends with the sky,

People from different countries are friends.

Children put their hands on each other's shoulders and, standing still, sway to the beat of the music.

The sun and spring are friends,

The stars and the moon are friends...

Children hold hands and walk to the left in a circle.

Ships are friends at sea,

Children from all over the world are friends!

Children converge towards the center, holding hands and raising them up.

Music handsWhat is this song about?

ChildrenThis song is about friendship!

Lesson summary:

Music hands 1.Where have we been?

2. Which dance did you like?

3. What music was played today?

4. What tools were in the magic chest?

5. Who remembers the name of the melody to Crimean Tatar game "Skullcap"?

Childrentalk about their impressions. Having said goodbye to the teacher with the chant “Goodbye”, to the music of Oleg Gazmanov’s song “You are a sailor, I am a sailor”, the children leave the music room.

Summary of musical entertainment in the senior group “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”

Target: development musical abilities, formation of the foundations of musical culture.

  • - develop musical memory through recognizing melodies;
  • - improve solo singing skills;
  • -develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey through movements the character of music, its emotional and figurative content;
  • - develop musical creativity V joint activities teachers with children;
  • - develop performance skills musical instruments;
  • - cultivate a friendly attitude between children;
  • - cultivate an understanding of the beauty of musical works.

Material: musical instruments, dance attributes: leaves, Seven-flowered flower, tape recorder, video clip, synthesizer

Progress of entertainment: Entrance to the intro of the song “Magic Flower”. Music worker meets children.

We greet the guests. The first verse of the song “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” sounds - free rhythmic movements to the music.

Musical director: Guys, what kind of song was that? What kind of flower is this in whose honor they even composed a song? Why is he fabulous? You and I talked a lot about the Seven-flowered Flower, its magic, and drew our own flowers. That flower is fabulous, and we know that “The fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it - good fellow lesson. What did this fairy tale teach you? What wishes have you made for your flowers? How many petals did the girl waste? Why?

That's right, she thoughtlessly spent magic petals, wishes, which she later canceled with other magic petals.

The petals scattered. Let's collect our Seven-Flower Flower, which will fulfill truly important and necessary innermost desires. Let's sit down on the carpet together.

Educator: Oh, look, are there some icons-drawings on the petals? Probably hints to collect our Seven-flowered Flower.

(The first petal depicts a rebus word: RIDDLES, on the other there are musical instruments)

Educator: What do you think the petals suggest we do?

Musical director: Verbal riddles about musical instruments, and riddles about the sound of instruments (synthesizer).

Well done, the petals are attached in place (double-sided cattle in the middle) music game children's entertainment

The music sounds, Baba Yaga comes out. Look who's rushing to the sounds of musical instruments.

Baba Yaga: Hello Hello! And who are you? And that's right - children. Why do I hear some things from afar? musical sounds? And in my forest there are also so many... Different sounds: then the wind - rustle, rustle, rustle, then it - oooh, animals, insects spread rumors - s-z-z, then the rumble will pass - gu-gu-gu, then the forest will sigh fu-fu, and in the morning dew -ti-ti-ta, ti-ti-ta... Interesting!...

Musical director: Wait Baba Yaga. Guys, does this remind you of anything? - Yes, we can play you a little game on musical instruments just about your forest. Take any instrument with us. Which one do you like? And you guys choose musical instruments. A game.

Baba Yaga. Oh, how interesting you are my summer forest depicted. All sounds. Oh, yes, you have a TV here. Luckily, I grabbed my favorite laptop. Do you want to see how beautiful my autumn forest and how beautiful his music is. Tchaikovsky's video “Autumn Song. October” Liked it. Or maybe you know what kind of music this sounded like?

Musical director: What can you say about her? Describe her? What other music is there? Listen to this one. (Playing on a synthesizer, describe it).

Baba Yaga Thank you. It just made me nostalgic for my forest. I'll go home and check my possessions. It’s quiet and beautiful there, colorful leaves are flying. If you're on my property, come in - we'll watch cartoons, play games... computers, and we’ll take a walk in the forest.

Musical director. Baba Yaga went into her forest to admire the falling leaves, and on our petal... Look... it's also falling leaves. Think about how we can show, talk about it, describe it.

(Poems, song “Beauty Autumn”, dance “Falling Leaves”)

Educator: Oh, two more petals have taken their place. (children on the carpet)

Golden autumn is visiting us, how beautiful it is. And by what signs do we determine that autumn has arrived? (children list..., rain)

Music worker: And we have rain on the petal. What kind of rain is it?

Does rain always cause sad feelings? Can rain be cheerful, playful, playful? Do you know anything about this kind of rain? (poems, rain game)

Educator: Petal took its place.

Musical director: Guys, today all we do is ask questions and answer them with the most different ways. And on the pieces of paper we have questions...

What do you call the children all over the world who love to ask questions?

Let's show our guests what our current age is, how many whys we have. And then we’ll ask them to say whether they could answer all the questions. (song-dance Why age)

Musical director: So we collected our magic flower. Let's say our best wishes to him once again. cherished desires. Smart girls. What could we give him? (Dance Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik)

Musical director: And now I propose to take Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik to the group on our cheerful little train. And may all your wishes and the wishes of our guests, which they now make in their souls, come true.

Musical entertainment for the senior group.

Subject: I am a resident of Russia.

Target: To instill a sense of patriotism in children through music. Teach children to be friendly and help others.

Equipment: poems about the Motherland, illustrations about the Motherland, toy cat Vaska, musical instruments,

Repertoire: Listening to the poem “About our Soviet Motherland”, music. game "Vaska the Cat", song "Merry Holiday" » , Game song "Kitten".

Guys, where do we live? (in Russia). And who can tell me what our country (Motherland) is for us? Many poets write poems about our Motherland. Read an excerpt of a poem about the Motherland. What are the poems talking about?

But one Russian composer loved his homeland so much that he wrote a song about it. Let's listen to her.

What did the composer want to talk about in the song? What was his mood?

There is a rustling sound.

Who is that rustling? Let's listen.

The melody for the game sounds.

Game song "Kitten".

Who came to us? Cat. And what is his name? Vaska. He probably also wants to listen to music and play and dance with you. Let's sing a song for him. We sing the song “Guests have come to us.”

Oh, Vaska doesn’t know this song. Shall we help him learn it?

Let's help Vaska the cat learn a song.

Well done guys, you helped our Vaska learn a song and he invites you to play with him.

Children play music. game “Vaska the Cat” 2-3 times.

Oh, we played, we played, and we were a little tired and wanted to sing songs with you. Vaska knows what song. A fragment of a song is played and the children must guess the song. Song "Merry Holiday".

What kind of song is this guys? Let's help our cat remember it, otherwise he knows the melody, but has forgotten the words. Let's remind him of this song.

Well done guys, you helped the cat remember the words of this song.

We guys sang songs, listened to poems, played, and now let's show you how we play musical instruments.

Children perform a melody on musical instruments.

Let's ask how Vaska liked being with us today.


What mood were you in today? What poems and songs did we remember and listen to? What mood did the song have? What else did you like?

Vaska also enjoyed singing and dancing with you, but it’s time to say goodbye. Let's say goodbye to Vaska.

The children return to the group.


Game song "Kitten".

The presenter sings a song, encouraging the children to sing along with onomatopoeia.

IN. A kitten came to us, a little kitten:

He plays with the children and sings songs:

“Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.”

Little white Vaska walks,

Vaska's tail is gray,

And he runs like an arrow.

The eyes are closing,

The claws are straightened,

Teeth like a needle.

The footstep is barely audible,

Vaska’s fur is lush,

Soft like linen.

Only mice will scratch.

Sensitive Vaska is right there,

He'll catch it in an instant.

Rules of the game:

“Vaska the Cat” and several “mice” are selected for the game. All children stand in a circle and join hands. The mice go outside the circle, but the cat remains in the middle of the circle. Depending on the content of the couplets, the cat walks in a circle, closes its eyes, straightens its claws, shows its teeth, walks on its toes, and listens for mice to scratch.

At the end, the children standing in a circle raise their clasped hands up and make collars. The cat begins to catch mice, running through the gates, and the mice run away from him. The game ends when all the mice are caught. The game is repeated 3-4 times.


1. Audio recording of “Second String Quartet” by A.P. Borodin (fragment-1st part).

2. Audio recording of the sound of instruments: violin, viola, cello.

3. Illustration of a string quartet.

4. Portraits of A.P. Borodin and I.A. Krylova.

5. Musical and didactic game “Find out an instrument” (cards according to the number of children with images of instruments: violin, viola, cello; musical house: lower window - cello, middle window - viola, upper window - violin).

6. Planar (prop) instruments.

7. Elements of costumes (hats): donkey, goat, bear, monkey, nightingale.

8. Items for dance improvisation: ribbons, plumes, handkerchiefs, scarves.

(Children enter the hall to the music of A.P. Borodin and sit on chairs.

Musical director: Dear friends! Today in our music room we will get acquainted with the music of the very famous Russian composer Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin

(Shows a portrait of the composer).

We will listen musical composition"Quartet". Who has heard the word “quartet” before?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, the quartet is Music band of four musicians. The very word "quartet" Latin means "four".

There are different quartets (from different instruments), there are vocal quartets, where two singers sing with high voices, the third with medium voices, and the fourth with the lowest, bass voice.

(An illustration of a string quartet is shown.)

Here's a look at the picture. Which quartet is depicted on it?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, there is a string quartet featured here. What instruments do musicians have in their hands? You already know some of them, name them.

Children: Violins.

Musical director: There are two violins in the quartet. Let's listen and remember what a violin sounds like.

(Listening to an audio recording with the sound of a violin.)

Listen, another instrument is playing now. What kind of instrument is this?

Children: Alt.

Musical director: That's right, a viola is also a violin, just a little bit bigger size. Its sound is duller, duller, muffled. Listen to how it sounds.

(Listening to the sound of the viola again.)

You don't know this tool yet. It's called cello. In a string quartet, this is the lowest sounding instrument. Let's listen to his voice.

(Audio recording of the sound of a cello.)

Each of these instruments has its own unique voice. Would you guys like to hear a string quartet? Then sit back and let's go to Magic world music. Listening to “Quartet” by A.P. Borodin.

(Listening to a fragment of the 1st movement of “Second String Quartet” by A.P. Borodin.)

Listen to how softly and tenderly the viola sings; how easily and carefully they pick up the melody of the violin. The cello sang in a low, velvety voice. They seem to be competing with each other - who can sing the melody better and more beautifully.

Did you like this music?

Tell me, if this music was played by one instrument, would it sound better or not?

Did you feel the character of this music? How did it sound? (Light, gentle, melodious, and so on.)

You are right, the music is light, gentle, one might even say transparent. Look. I have them on my table various items which we use in dancing and games: ribbons, handkerchiefs, plumes, scarves. I suggest you choose any of these items that you think will help you convey the character of this work in your movements.

(Dance improvisation of children to music.)

I really liked the way you danced, your movements were smooth, flying, airy - you definitely felt the character of this music. Now, I want to invite you to play.

(A musical-didactic game “Learn the Instrument” will be held.)

Oh, guys, musicians came to visit us. Children enter playing roles from I.A.’s fable. Krylov "Quartet". Yes, these are not ordinary musicians. Who are they, children?

(Children's answers.)

Children are the heroes of the fable “Quartet” by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Ivan Andreevich himself was an excellent musician and most of all loved to play in a quartet. Let's see what this fable is about.

(A dramatization of I.A. Krylov’s fable “Quartet” is performed.)

Thanks to our artists. They very emotionally conveyed the characters of all the characters in this fable. Tell me, guys, why didn’t our would-be musicians manage to play a quartet?

(Children's answers.)

Of course, every task requires learning, effort and work.

Ours has come to an end musical evening. What new did you learn today? What kind of music did you listen to? What new tools have you been introduced to?

(Music by A.P. Borodin sounds, children leave the hall.)