There was a ray of sunshine. A fairy tale about the sun's rays

Ksenia Bogno
A fairy tale about a ray of sunshine

« A fairy tale about a ray»

Do you want to know how the most ordinary people live? rays of sunshine. And after reading my fairy tale you will recognize it.

One day in the spring, when all nature is waiting Sun so that it caresses her with its warmth.

Everyone knows that from Sun a lot of heat is lost. And everyone ray of light it gives warmth to every corner of nature.

But it is necessary talk about it that among all the rays there was one very impatient one. He would always want to be first in everything. I tried to shine brighter than everyone else, to warm everyone warmer. I really wanted flowers, mushrooms, grass and all living things to need its warmth.

One day it happened early in the morning the sun and its rays They began to heat everything around, and at that very moment our prankster began to be capricious and play pranks on his brothers.

And one fine day his brothers - sun rays got angry with him and came up with a trick... Early in the morning it rose very, very high Sun, and besides ours ray of light Not a single one appeared. At first he couldn’t believe that he alone would shine for everyone. He tried to please everyone, every flower, every twig, flower. But since he was alone, he had to shine for everyone, but in little ways. And so it gave very little heat, and its energy ran out.

Ray I was very upset and could not understand why this happened. I thought a little and realized that there was no need to disturb everyone. And it’s better for everyone to live together.

The next day he was very ashamed in front of his brothers and in front of sunshine,he apologized to everyone. And that's it rays joined together and began to live together.

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Once upon a time there was a ray of sunshine. He was very small, but brave and very curious. He loved to look into people's windows, wake them up in the morning with a precise hit in the eye:), play with sunbeams with cats. He was free, did what he wanted, was in all corners of the planet. He had no friends, because he did not stay anywhere for a long time and simply did not have time to make friends with anyone. He was warm and kind.

One morning the little ray woke up and saw a big cloud. There was no way he could get through it to people. She was big, stern and cold and didn’t even know how to talk or didn’t want to. It had no end or edge, it seemed endless. All day long a ray of light tried to break through the cloud, but he couldn’t; tired and exhausted, he went to bed. The next day the situation repeated itself and continued like this for several days. The ray became very thin and barely shone, because he was unhappy. He missed the earth, trees, people, everything that was below so much... But this cloud did not let him go. Luchik was already desperate and did not understand how to live further.. Luchik could not sit still and wait for the cloud to go away and decided to act.

Then he remembered about the wind and decided to call it for help. The wind was strong and powerful and could disperse the cloud. Ray went on a search. I searched for a long time, but I found it, the little ray was very purposeful and always found what he needed. He asked the wind to help and the wind agreed. But no matter how much it blew, the wind did not succeed; the cloud was very heavy. The wind got tired and flew away. Ray wanted to cry out of despair, but he couldn’t.

Then the ray decided to call thunder and lightning, they would definitely cope with this cloud and tear it apart. Little Ray was already terribly angry with the cloud, and he didn’t feel sorry for her at all. He wanted to see his world so much that he was ready for this too. But thunder and lightning said that they were friends with the cloud and would not harm it. Then Luchik asked them to talk to the cloud and ask them to leave.

Thunder and lightning agreed, they plunged into a cloud - it rattled and sparkled there for a short time. Ray was scared, he had never been so close to a thunderstorm and he was worried, waiting for the results of the negotiations. Thunderstorm and thunder returned and said: Ray, we talked to the cloud. Don't be angry or offended by her. It’s just that now her time is needed. Wait a little, stay close and everything will be resolved in the best possible way. Trust us, be patient and you will see real magic.

Luchik agreed. A lot of time has passed. It began to seem to the ray that the cloud had brightened and felt lighter. And then one fine day, a cloud suddenly called him. The ray came closer and suddenly found itself inside her. He flew down and suddenly encountered rain. The ray had never seen rain before, and in surprise it shone so brightly that the rain even went a little blind. They both really liked each other and began to play, the ray ran between the drops, and the rain tried to get them onto the ray. And suddenly they both saw the Rainbow. It was beautiful, colorful, like a huge rainbow bridge. It was real magic.

So Luchik had a real friend, they rarely saw each other, but it was a real holiday: they had fun and interesting with each other, and a rainbow always appeared from their games. Ray was completely happy and was no longer afraid of the cloud. He understood that you must be able to wait and not be afraid of anything, and then magic will happen.

Put the record on the player and you will find yourself in the circle of heroes of wonderful fairy tales. One of them is the French folk tale “Henri-Pierre and the Frog Princess”, the other is “A Ray of Sunshine” - written by the Finnish writer Zacharius Topelius. Fairy tales are different. Folk ones came to us from ancient times, and many people took part in their creation. These stories were passed on from one person to another. And everyone, when telling a fairy tale, added to it what seemed interesting, funny or instructive to him. So there are a great many authors of folk tales. But there are fairy tales written by one person - author's fairy tales. Writers and storytellers sometimes invent them themselves, and sometimes they take them from the treasury of folk art, but retell them in their own way, coloring them with their imagination, the colors of their talent. You know the names of such writers well: the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Andersen, Zacharius Topelius and many others.

The name of the writer and scientist Zacharius Topelius (1818-1890) is familiar to everyone who loves literature and history. A scientist, member of the Swedish Academy, professor at the University of Helsinki, he wrote many books for children, including “The History of Finland in Pictures”, “The Book of Nature”, “The Book about Our Country” and wonderful fairy tales. You will hear one of them.

The world of Topelius's fairy tales is a world of harsh northern nature: cold sea, rocky islands, tundra covered with fluffy snow, ringing ice under the fast legs of deer. To live among such nature, a person must be hardened and courageous. And you shouldn't be afraid of anything. Like Sampo the Lapp from the fairy tale with the same name. You probably remember that Sampo never even cried. And what’s the point of crying if it’s so cold that your tears immediately freeze and roll off your jacket like peas. Residents of northern countries are accustomed to appreciating every ray of sunshine; it does not often please them with its warmth. So among the heroes of the tale of Sampo-Loparenka is the beautiful and powerful Sun. It is stronger than the Mountain King himself, and when it slowly and solemnly rises above the ground, everything comes to life. Animals and birds rejoice, and even trolls and gnomes, small feisty creatures who love darkness and cold.

Forest. A wonderful forest, where pines and spruces never change their green outfits, where a variety of animals, birds and insects live. Among them are ants that guard the house, nurse children, pave roads, store food, and hardworking bees. The ground was already covered with frost, withered stalks of grass and trees were dressed in dark, sad dresses. The winds - the frisky sons of the air - sweep away white fluffy flakes from the clouds to cover the earth. Everywhere is cold, cloudy, sad... And suddenly, in this stormy time, a ray of sunshine flashed... Yes, that's right, the hero of the story that you are about to hear is the sun, or rather, one small ray of sunshine, which in a very short time managed to make a lot useful deeds and he himself had so much fun and threw out such tricks that the whole forest rejoiced with him.

What did the little ray do? Listen to the fairy tale and you will understand why he was so happy that, remembering his journey, he begins to shine brightly and cheerfully.

On a fine warm day, in the morning, as usual, the sun came out for a walk.
He also took his little Rays out for a walk.

Once again, it strictly and strictly ordered the Rays not to go too far and, without fail, to return by sunset.
In the evening, all the rays always returned to the Sun, tired and full of impressions.
From fatigue they lost their activity, and the accumulated impressions painted them orange, bright and mysteriously dreamy.

They clung to the sun, vying with each other about what they saw, and it also turned orange. So they shared their impressions until they smoothly sank below the horizon, where they fell asleep until the morning.
Each ray had its own name, there were Naughty, and Shy, and Good-natured, and Sonya, and also... Hot, Merry, Nimble, Fidgety - you can’t remember them all... But the Sun knew all the names. And there was a roll call at sunset to make sure everyone had returned.

It was the same today. The sun called the Rays, and they responded. Only one did not respond, his name was Curious.
- Where is he?
The Sun asked.
- We do not know...
The Rays answered in unison.
The loss of even one Ray was unacceptable, it disrupted the harmony. In nature, everything is thought out and provided for, everything obeys laws, and everything is interconnected. There had to be a very good reason for Luchik not to return. The wise Sun did not rush to conclusions.
- Well, let's listen to him tomorrow.

And what about Ray, named Curious?

It never occurred to him to be late, much less not to come at all.
Everything was as usual.
First, he ran across the water, leaving sparks on it. Then he warmed the flowers after a cool night, licked a few drops of dew from the leaves, and woke up a sleepy fly.

Then, having decided to play, he began to pull the whiskers of a well-fed fluffy cat, which lazily, dissatisfiedly stretched and turned over on its other side. But Ray did not lag behind, he warmed his back and sides until he moved into the shade. Thick branches did not allow him to reach the cat, then Luchik transferred his pranks to the old dog. But even here he was unlucky; the dog did not play with him and hid in the kennel.

And only the sunflowers stretched their heads towards him, probably because they were related to him, for they resembled the sun in their appearance.
Having kissed them in a kindred way (the butterfly, which at that moment landed on one of the sunflowers, also got it), the little ray ran on. Curiosity drove him forward, living up to his name.

The fidget ran out into the street, where the boys were riding bicycles, and let the sunbeams reflect from the shiny surface of the bicycle bells.
Then, through the drain pipe, he reached the windows of a large house, and jumped on them, flashing in the glass like a photo flash, so he frolicked until the evening, it was time to return, but... suddenly in one of the windows he heard sounds similar to sobbing.

Curiosity won out and he decided to stop by for a minute. Quietly slipping through the window and going down the curtain, he quietly moved toward the sound. Which led him to the crib. Jumping onto the blanket, he saw a little golden-haired girl, about 5-6 years old, looking at him with big, frightened blue eyes.

Who are you?
- I'm a ray of sunshine, don't be afraid.
- I’m not afraid, you just look like a ball of fire...
“I curled up into a ball on purpose so you could see me better.”
-Can I play with you?
- Certainly!

The girl, not without apprehension, reached out her hand and took the Ray.
- Oh, you’re not hot at all, a little warm, but I was afraid of getting burned.
The girl began tossing the ball from one hand to the other, watching as a trail of fire trailed behind it in flight.
- You look like a comet, you have a tail!
- How do you know about the comet?!
- My mother read to me, she reads books to me every evening, we have a lot of them.

Then she threw the ball right up to the ceiling, it scattered in the air into many fragments - lights, and falling into her hand, it again took on the shape of a ball.
- Wow! Now you looked like stars, or rather like fireworks!
Then the beam jumped onto the wall and began to turn into different animals, and the girl guessed who it was.

They were playing so hard that they didn’t notice how it was getting dark outside the window; it was light in the room from the Ray...
- What have I done, what will happen now?
Luchik screamed in despair.
- What? What happened?
The girl muttered in fear.
- I had to be back before sunset...
Ray whispered doomedly.
- Ugh!
The girl said with relief.
- Scared me. The morning is wiser than the evening.
Ray looked in surprise at the serious expression on the girl’s face and laughed.
- What? That's what my mother says...And in the morning you ask for forgiveness and that's it. Mom always forgives me.
Now it's time to sleep. You can choose your seat.
- Fine!
Ray said and slid into the crystal vessel on the table. The vessel immediately lit up and began to sparkle with its edges.

Oh, the vase has become like a lamp. Beautiful! Good night, Ray!
- My name is Curious, what about you?
- And I’m Mila, only my mother calls me Mouse, or Mouse - a coward.
- Why?
- I'm afraid of the dark, and I can't sleep for a long time. But my mother does not leave the lamp on, she says that we need to learn to be brave. And I study and just doesn’t work out yet...
- So that's why you cried? Does mom know about this?
- No! After all, the brave should not cry! That's why he doesn't know...
- That's what! From today, you will no longer be afraid.
- Why?
- Because you have a friend! You want me to be your friend, right?
- Certainly!
The girl clapped her hands.

Now I will guard your sleep every evening. Even if I am not in heaven, know!
Through the clouds, I still look after you and protect you.
- Good night, Mouse!
- Good night, Ray!

Just a few minutes later Mila was already sniffling. Ray smiled, thinking that only children could do this.

The curious ray got up very early, and, having kissed the sweetly sleeping mouse, slipped out the window.
The sun, still ruddy from sleep, slowly stretched, rose above the horizon, announcing the coming of a new day.
Ray rushed towards him as fast as he could, rejoicing like a child who had been lost but found again.

When he told his story to everyone. The sun smiled and said.
- It’s bad that you’re late, but you did a good deed. Only good deeds can justify some wrong deeds.

Since then, Luchik has never been late again. No no! Not because he didn’t do good deeds. He just tried to do them in such a way as not to violate harmony, laws and not make anyone worry.

And since then the girl has ceased to be afraid of the dark.


It was an ordinary autumn day. Gloomy and cloudy. Almost all the leaves have already fallen from the trees. The forest stood silent and sadly remembered the summer. High, high behind the clouds the sun's rays were missing. They whispered, jostled and impatiently looked for at least a small gap below between the clouds. At some point, the clouds parted slightly, and the fastest ray rushed down to the ground. The clouds stopped, as if in surprise, and let in a few more rays. It brightened up on the ground for a short time - the long-awaited sun came out. The rays were rushing about their business; there was a lot to be done: to warm, to illuminate, to please.

The first brave ray decided to visit a small house on the bank of a river. There lived a family with a little boy, and the ray often admired his games in the yard, baked the top of his blond head and gilded his strong legs and arms.

The beam reached the house and looked out the window. It was the kitchen. Mom was preparing breakfast, and there were flower pots on the windowsill. The flowers clearly did not have enough light - their leaves drooped and were very pale. The ray slowly walked over each leaf, as if stroking them. The flowers became happier right before our eyes.

The beam moved into the next room. In the living room near the window on the nightstand there was a cage with a parrot. He sat with his shoulders ruffled and his eyes almost closed. The parrot didn't like winter either. Ray climbed into the cage and warmed the poor thing up a little. The parrot perked up and chirped joyfully. The beam moved on. A kitten was sleeping on another windowsill. He was as red as the sun and lay curled up in a ball. The ray passed through the fur, lingered on the pink nose and stopped at the shaggy ears. The kitten stretched out its paws, yawned and purred loudly.

The satisfied beam moved on. It was a children's room. A boy was sleeping on the bed. At that moment my mother came into the room. She patted her son on the head, kissed him on the cheek and said something in his ear. But the baby turned over on his other side and pulled the blanket over his head. Mom turned back the corner of the blanket and stroked the boy’s cheek. He didn't want to wake up. The ray slipped into the room and stopped at the tightly closed eyes. The boy felt warmth, smiled and opened his eyes. The beam continued to warm the baby. The boy laughed and jumped out of bed. He grabbed the mirror, caught the reflection and launched a sunbeam.

Luch wandered around the house a little more and admired how his pet was having breakfast. It was a good morning; Ray loved to see the smiles on people’s faces. Then he played in the yard with a cheerful puppy, watched two hens argue over a fat worm, and went home to the sun.