Interpretation of the dream jelly in dream books. What does it mean if you dreamed about jelly in a dream?

If you see jelly in a dream, then this symbol should be interpreted in several ways. Today, jelly is considered a dessert and is often prepared for children, so jelly can be a reminder of the past, of childhood, and a symbol of longing for parents. In the old days, jelly was an ordinary dish and was not considered a dessert, but was common, something like porridge, so our ancestors did not consider it an honor to go on a visit once again to eat ordinary jelly. The expression “For seven miles to slurp jelly” meant a waste of time, useless effort, and the words: “There is always a place for jelly and the king” implied that the above-mentioned things enjoy irrefutable authority.

The fact that jelly is found in many proverbs and sayings indicates that it was an integral part of the life of people of the past. For the dreamer, the ambiguity of the symbol means that jelly in a dream can be interpreted in different ways.

Seeing yourself hungry and tired in a hotel where only jelly is offered for lunch - this dream means that you are exaggerating the importance of what you have to do or experience; in fact, it will take much less effort and nerves to achieve what you want.

You are treated to a very liquid jelly, the taste of which only resembles a starch solution and nothing else - you will meet a person who will ask for help as a relative, although he himself will not be able to explain exactly what kind of relative he is in relation to you.

If in a dream you are invited to visit your favorite jelly, but you are late and it is eaten without you, this means that you should think about everything carefully before you get down to business, otherwise you risk getting into trouble due to your own oversight.

To see a dream in which you are eating lunch with the thought that after everything you will be offered jelly, but when it is the jelly’s turn, the owner says that you have eaten too much and, perhaps, jelly is not worth eating - this dream means that you should be less gullible, otherwise you will suffer from this, because many tactless and tough people have appeared in your environment.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Kissel

If in a dream you cook jelly, in reality you will gain wealth and arrange your life safely. Drinking hot jelly portends pleasant news from distant places; cold jelly threatens a serious illness, which will begin with a common cold and end with complications that can lead to disability.

Red jelly portends an acquaintance with a man of charming appearance and subtle manners. White jelly - news of the death of a person whom you knew and loved well. Buying jelly as a briquetted semi-finished product means you won’t finish the job you started due to lack of time and workload with other work.

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Kissel is a drink that comes from the childhood of any person of Slavic origin. Since childhood, mothers and grandmothers have prepared sweet, aromatic jelly for us from fruits, berries or milk. This is what they gave us to drink in kindergartens. Dream books can easily tell you why this “drink with the past” is dreamed of. The main thing that a person who sees him in a dream should do is remember all the details of his dream.

Check with Miller

Miller's dream book, interpreting why jelly is dreamed of, gives the following recommendations. If you dreamed that you were preparing this dessert, be prepared for the fact that you will get rich very soon. A good sign is eating hot jelly in a dream - this promises good news. But a frozen delicacy predicts an acute illness that will become chronic if you do not take treatment.

Fruits, berries, milk,... or What will tomorrow be like?

Depending on what the jelly was made from and what color it was, what you dream about it depends on:

  • red - portends an acquaintance with a guy whose appearance and manners will pleasantly surprise you;
  • white or transparent - a sign of grief, you may receive sad news;
  • a drink made from berries predicts that you will “go on” a diet;
  • dairy - to good health;
  • briquetted - you won’t have time to finish some things because you’re so busy.

“Wonderful, what a treat!” as a symbol of prosperity

Did you dream that you were drinking jelly? Very soon, friends living far from you will send you news, the Eastern Dream Book prophesies. But Pastor Loff’s dream book prophesies quick enrichment for those who drank jelly in a dream. And if you see someone else drinking jelly, it’s a sign that friends or relatives will be able to make good money thanks to you and your help.

Cooking dessert is a sign of good luck and prosperity

If in a dream you cooked jelly or poured it into cups, do not try to find out why you are dreaming! The General Dream Book will especially please you. So, in his opinion, cooking jelly in a dream is a symbol of the fact that your actions will bring good profit.

Did you dream that someone else had to cook and pour the jelly, and not you? A friend will get rich or buy a very valuable and necessary thing.

Briquetted "swill": Time is against you!

You will not get a very happy interpretation of the dream if in a dream you saw that you were brewing packaged jelly. Such a vision, according to Tsvetkov’s dream book, means that you do not have enough time to complete the things you have started. And if you dreamed that you were forced to brew starch in order to cook thick jelly from a briquette, then this means vain aspirations due to the inability to calculate time and effort.

Fairytale vision, or “non-fairytale” bad luck

Unusual dreams are not uncommon. One of these visions is a dream in which you see a river of jelly, as if in a fairy tale. True, the interpretation will not be very pleasing: obstacles will stand in your way. It’s just as bad if you swam in the jelly river - the Esoteric Dream Book believes that such a phenomenon means the precariousness of your current position. The only thing worse can be a dream in which you drowned while swimming across the jelly river - hopeless melancholy and despondency await you.

Why do you dream about Kisel (Maly Velesov’s dream book)

Kissel - Boredom; cook - wealth.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about a Drink (according to the dream book of the writer Aesop)

Kissel - If you had a dream in which you see jelly, then this symbol should be interpreted in several ways. Today, jelly is considered a dessert and is often prepared for children, so jelly can be a reminder of the past, of childhood, and a symbol of longing for parents. In the old days, jelly was an ordinary dish and was not considered a dessert, but was common, something like porridge, so our ancestors did not consider it an honor to go on a visit once again to eat ordinary jelly. The expression “For seven miles to slurp jelly” meant a waste of time, useless effort, and the words: “There is always a place for jelly and the king” implied that the above-mentioned things enjoy irrefutable authority. The fact that jelly is found in many proverbs and sayings indicates that it was an integral part of the life of people of the past. For the dreamer, the ambiguity of the symbol means that jelly in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Seeing yourself hungry and tired in a hotel where only jelly is offered for lunch - this dream means that you are exaggerating the importance of what you have to do or experience; in fact, it will take much less effort and nerves to achieve what you want.

Kissel - You are treated to a very liquid jelly, the taste of which only resembles a starch solution and nothing else - you will meet a person who will ask for help as a relative, although he himself will not be able to explain exactly what kind of relative he is in relation to you.

If in a dream you are invited to your home for your favorite jelly, but you are late and it is eaten without you, this means that you should think about everything carefully before you get down to business, otherwise you risk getting into trouble due to your own oversight.

dreamed of jelly - To see a dream in which you are eating lunch with the thought that after everything they will offer you jelly, but when it’s jelly’s turn, the owner says that he has eaten too much and, perhaps, jelly is not worth eating - this dream means that you You must be less trusting, otherwise you will suffer from this, because many tactless and tough people have appeared in your environment.

Why do you dream of Kisel (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

Kissel - Cooking - wealth, this is the interpretation of what this dream means.

Why does Kissel dream, how to understand the dream (Dream Book of the 21st Century)

Kissel - Cooking and drinking jelly in a dream means wealth, drinking hot jelly means good news, dates, cold jelly means a cold, jelly made from red berries predicts a meeting with a loved one.

The meaning of the dream image (according to Artemidor’s dream book)

You dreamed of jelly - There is jelly A dream you had in the spring, to meet a pleasant person; in the summer - good news; in the fall - to slight malaise; in winter - means that you will be promised mountains of gold, but these promises should not be given much importance.

If you see Kissel in a dream, what does it mean? (according to the dream book of E. Erikson)

What does Kissel mean in a dream - remembrance.

Why do you dream of Kisel in a dream (according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

You dreamed of Kisel - the dream foreshadows a protracted illness that could end in death. Imagine that you are pouring jelly on the ground and pouring wine into the container from under the jelly.

Why do you dream about Kissel in a dream (according to the dream book of Catherine the Great)

Kissel - It’s like you’re making jelly - you really won’t be ashamed in front of your friends for your wealth - you earned it through hard everyday work; you denied yourself pleasures and entertainment, rest, you were never wasteful - and now, when others are rushing around in search of income, you can be confident in your future.

Why do you dream about Kissel in a dream (according to the Wanderer’s dream book (T. Smirnov)

Seeing jelly in a dream means profit.

Why do you dream about Kissel (interpretation from the Big Dream Book)

Kissel - Cooking - wealth.

Peculiarities of the dream about Kiselny drink (according to the Culinary Dream Book)

Kissel - Drinking hot jelly means meeting a girl (boy) whom you will really like.

Why do you dream about Kissel (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Kissel - Maeta, endless troubles.

Why do you dream of Kisel, taking into account the date of birth (according to the dream book of Birthday People)

If you were born in the spring, why dream of drinking jelly - to the deceased.

If you were born in the summer, why did you dream of drinking jelly in a dream - to judge someone.

If you were born in the fall, why did you dream of cooking currant jelly in a dream - it means following a diet.

If you were born in winter, why dream of cooking jelly and eating it - wealth.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

Why do you dream about jelly? First, let's figure out what this delicacy means in our lives. Once upon a time, this dessert was considered an ordinary dish and was an integral part of any dinner. This is where many proverbs and sayings come from, indicating that jelly is not a reason to go on a visit or that it always has a place on the table.

However, time passes, and this drink has gone from being a frequent guest on the table to becoming a rare and beloved guest, especially for children. And he is an equally infrequent guest in our dreams.

Kissel in a dream carries a prophecy of great profit. However, jelly is included in the dream book both as the personification of dating and as a warning about certain things that require attention. It is very important after waking up to remember all the nuances of your dream about jelly.

What does the coming day bring to us?

Seeing jelly in a dream, as well as what it was made of and what color it was, will help you understand what the dream was about:

  • Red - predicts a meeting with a person of the opposite sex who will make an impression and leave an indelible mark.
  • Colorless - portends you receiving not very pleasant news. However, they will not affect your overall mood.
  • Berry jelly - you will soon start a diet.
  • Dairy - to good health.
  • In the form of a briquette - you should properly distribute your time, otherwise there may simply not be enough time for some things.

A dream in which you drink jelly portends you receiving news from friends and relatives. You haven’t communicated with them for a long time, and now your communication will begin with pleasant moments. Such attention should not be neglected. Also, this dessert, which the dreamer drinks, dreams of quick enrichment.

You may dream that another person is enjoying dessert - this is a sign that people from the dreamer’s close circle will be able to make a profit thanks to his help. These could be relatives who asked for help, or close friends. In any case, your actions will bring benefits, not only to your environment, but also to you personally. After providing the necessary support, respect for you will increase.

If a pan of jelly fell on the floor and you happened to get dirty, you will get rich very soon. However, achieving this will require sacrificing your relationship with someone. After this, you will have to establish contacts with loved ones again.

Luck and Prosperity

The dream of a dessert that is in the process of cooking also has its own meaning, and it carries a pleasant and desirable prediction.

  • Cooking jelly means wealth.
  • Someone else cooks - wealth will come to your loved ones.
  • Drinking it hot is good news from afar.
  • Drinking it when it’s cold means your body is giving a sign that it’s time to take time to take care of your health.

If you are very hungry and you are served jelly in a dream, the dreamer spends too much time and nerves on a certain task. This is all in vain: if you take a little rest and take a closer look at the matter, you will understand that it does not require so much effort and investment.

If you are treated to this drink, such a dream is a harbinger that they will turn to you for help under the guise of family relationships. However, they will not be able to prove these same relationships. Kissel in a dream that you are buying suggests that you should not take on too much responsibility. Otherwise, you will not have time to do many things due to lack of time.

One way or another, seeing this wonderful dessert from the past in a dream is only good. Do not neglect the warnings that a dream with this drink carries, and a time of prosperity and enrichment will come in your life.

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Cook - gossip will hover around you

If you see jelly in a dream, then this symbol should be interpreted in several ways. Today, jelly is considered a dessert and is often prepared for children, so jelly can be a reminder of the past, of childhood, and a symbol of longing for parents. In the old days, jelly was an ordinary dish and was not considered a dessert, but was common, something like porridge, so our ancestors did not consider it an honor to go on a visit once again to eat ordinary jelly. The expression “For seven miles to slurp jelly” meant a waste of time, useless effort, and the words: “There is always a place for jelly and the king” implied that the above-mentioned things enjoy irrefutable authority.

If you cook jelly in a dream, then this will bring profit, good luck, and gain in life. But drinking it is a completely different interpretation. It means to condemn someone, as well as one’s own worries and mental anxiety, fear and anxiety for one’s future.

A person who is not settled in life can often see such a dream. A dream in which jelly is served as a treat may mean that one should be less trusting, deception on the part of the “hospitable hosts” is possible. If the jelly served in a dream is still and liquid and tasteless, then help is possible soon, which will have to be provided to distant relatives. If the plot of the dream develops in such a way that a person is in a hurry to taste the jelly, but it is eaten before he appears, then this is a sure sign that before taking up matter, you need to weigh everything and think it over so as not to go wrong due to your own stupidity and oversight.

What if you dream about jelly?

Often in a dream you have to eat or drink something. Sometimes these are the foods that are often on the table, the body is accustomed to such dishes, so it is no wonder that such food is dreamed of as a matter of course. But sometimes you may dream of something exotic or rarely consumed. For example, jelly. In past times, jelly was a completely ordinary dish, something like porridge or stew, but in our time it is a rare dessert for everyone.

And, for sure, seeing jelly in a dream means that some specific event must happen in reality.

Various dream books will help you understand why you dream about this healthy drink.

What does it portend?

Why do you dream about jelly in general? What does it portend? What is jelly a symbol of in general? If we remember that jelly is most likely an echo from the past, then it reminds us of childhood, of ancestors, a kind of symbol of longing for parents and grandparents. And you can also return to the expression “you can eat jelly seven miles away,” which meant a waste of time and effort, ethereal efforts. There is another association with this dish - off-road. Sometimes you can hear “mess on the roads” or “jelly, not the road.”

In general, seeing jelly in a dream is a sign of instability, viscosity, lack of thought, uncertainty, and meaninglessness. This can mean uncertainty in any area of ​​life: in a career, in personal and family relationships, in business.

It could also be a sign of internal apathy or even depression. In this case, you should perceive the dream as a signal from the body to awaken, a call to get together and not lose heart, to begin decisive actions to achieve the goals and desires that were set earlier.

This drink comes from childhood. It was impossible to imagine almost a single meal without jelly and a bun. And its viscous taste immediately comes to mind when the name is mentioned.

What if jelly appears in a dream, and not in memory? In other words, why do you dream of jelly? The most common interpretations offered by dream books are as follows:

  • Good news.
  • Wealth, prosperity.
  • Meeting with your loved one.

The exact value depends on the ingredients in the drink, as well as what you do with it. Therefore, take everything into account and choose the interpretation that suits you.

Cook, pour, pour

The dreaming process of making jelly promises the dreamer sudden profit, even wealth. But if an unexpected inheritance does not fall on you, you can still count on financial assistance. Drinking this drink while hot predicts good news.

Have any of your friends ever made jelly? In this case, they will become rich and will be able to purchase a fairly expensive item. A dream where a pot of drink stood in front of you and you poured it into your cup has a similar meaning.

Pay attention to the color and main ingredient of the drink. So, dreaming of red jelly symbolizes a meeting with a guy (girl), whose appearance and manners will pleasantly surprise and delight you.

If jelly in a dream was the only dish offered for lunch in the city, perhaps you are exaggerating the importance of upcoming events. Their implementation will take much less effort. You were invited over for jelly, but the pot was empty before you arrived? When starting an important task, weigh everything carefully and think about every step you take, thus protecting yourself from unnecessary mistakes.

Without any accompanying details, jelly in a dream can symbolize your uncertainty in any area of ​​your life. But the dream book says that this feeling is completely groundless and everything is fine in your life.

In addition, a dream in which jelly was mainly contained may indicate a depressive state. Do you feel like you're working hard and your goal isn't getting closer? In fact, this feeling arises from fatigue, rest a little and get back to work. The whole journey has not been in vain, just a little remains - and the plans will come true.

It is also interesting to know why one dreams of getting smeared with jelly. The one who sees such a dream, that is, the dreamer smeared with jelly, will soon become rich. It is unlikely that you expect this - rather, this event will be a pleasant surprise for you.

If you see jelly in a dream, then this symbol should be interpreted in several ways. Today, jelly is considered a dessert and is often prepared for children, so jelly can be a reminder of the past, of childhood, and a symbol of longing for parents. In the old days, jelly was an ordinary dish and was not considered a dessert, but was common, something like porridge, so our ancestors did not consider it an honor to go on a visit once again to eat ordinary jelly. The expression “For seven miles to slurp jelly” meant a waste of time, useless effort, and the words: “There is always a place for jelly and the king” implied that the above-mentioned things enjoy irrefutable authority.

The fact that jelly is found in many proverbs and sayings indicates that it was an integral part of the life of people of the past. For the dreamer, the ambiguity of the symbol means that jelly in a dream can be interpreted in different ways.

Seeing yourself hungry and tired in a hotel where only jelly is offered for lunch - this dream means that you are exaggerating the importance of what you have to do or experience; in fact, it will take much less effort and nerves to achieve what you want.

You are treated to a very liquid jelly, the taste of which only resembles a starch solution and nothing else - you will meet a person who will ask for help as a relative, although he himself will not be able to explain exactly what kind of relative he is in relation to you.

If in a dream you are invited to visit your favorite jelly, but you are late and it is eaten without you, this means that you should think about everything carefully before you get down to business, otherwise you risk getting into trouble due to your own oversight.

To see a dream in which you are eating lunch with the thought that after everything you will be offered jelly, but when it is the jelly’s turn, the owner says that you have eaten too much and, perhaps, jelly is not worth eating - this dream means that you should be less gullible, otherwise you will suffer from this, because many tactless and tough people have appeared in your environment.

Interpretation of dreams from