Why do you dream about a fight because of me? Why do you dream of winning a fight? Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

A fight in a dream is a reflection of the confrontation between internal and external, subconscious and reason. This same dream symbolizes a voluntary renunciation of reality, withdrawal into oneself. Specific details will give a more accurate prediction.

Fight in a dream according to Miller's dream interpretation

If in a dream you got into a fight, then in reality you will have to participate in a real confrontation. If you are overcome, then problems and troubles will be brought by actions committed by others. Fighting with someone means that you want, even subconsciously, to punish a specific person.

Interpretation of the dream book of the witch Medea

A fight is a symbol of internal struggle, often reflecting the confrontation of souls and minds. Taking direct part in a massacre means disappointment in love. Winning a fight literally means that you will be able to push aside troubles.

Watching people fight means you need to take a closer look at new friends. Getting into a crowded fight means a quarrel that will require a lot of endurance. This is also an indication of unexpected guests.

Freud's interpretation

Like any other type of violence, fighting is associated with sexual intercourse. If a man often dreams that he is fighting, then in a relationship he is inclined to show aggression and sadism.

If a woman starts a fight in a dream, then she has masochistic tendencies. This is also a hint that the lady wants to get a younger lover. Watching a fight without interfering is a sign of dreams, contemplation, and uncertainty.

I dreamed of a fight - according to Aesop’s dream book

A fight in a dream symbolizes the dreamer’s temper, inadequacy and narrow-mindedness. This is a reflection of the fact that in disputes and conflicts you often cannot control yourself and lash out at your opponents’ curses and accusations.

If you dreamed that you separated the fighting, then a noisy feast or a change in life positions is coming. If fighters do not calm down even after the fight, then beware of unbalanced and hot-tempered people. They can bring a lot of problems in reality.

Seeing a whole crowd in which people are swearing and fighting means that you are about to get to know someone closely whom you do not trust. If the showdown subsides on its own, then help will come from an unexpected direction.

Interpretation of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A friendly brawl and not a very serious fight in a dream marks a decline in tension in any relationship. In the near future everything will be quiet and calm. If the massacre is truly significant with victims and blood, then a serious conflict with unfavorable consequences is coming.

A fight in a dream – the opinion of the White Magician’s dream book

Contrary to the negative connotation, a fight in a dream is a sign of good news, an active life and a burst of energy. Did you dream that you voluntarily got involved in a collision? You are probably not used to waiting for gifts of fate; you act decisively and quickly.

If in a dream you happened to separate fighting people, then in reality you often play the role of an arbitrator. At the same time, did you personally get a good deal from the fighters? You too often interfere in the affairs of others, although you pursue exclusively good goals.

Decoding the image according to the English dream book

The English dream book is sure that a night fight entails daytime showdowns at home or at work. A period has come during which you will experience constant doubt, irritation and uncertainty.

For lovers, the vision promises mistrust, quarrels and minor disputes. If someone attacks you and beats you, then ill-wishers will successfully implement their insidious plans and bring a lot of trouble. If you gave a worthy rebuff and beat the offenders in a dream, then you will be able to upset some kind of deception.

Why do you dream about men fighting?

Did you dream that men were fighting? A pleasant acquaintance and an unexpected surprise are coming. In a dream, does a small man attack a big man and provoke him in every possible way? You consider your work unworthy and want to change something in your life.

If men are fighting and you are standing on the sidelines, then a whole series of minor troubles is expected, interspersed with equally minor successes. Did you dream that you were one of the participants? Refrain from active actions for a while, otherwise you will get into big trouble.

Why dream of a fight with a friend, father, husband

If a wife had a fight with her husband in a dream, then in reality great family happiness awaits them. A fight in a dream with an acquaintance symbolizes obsessive will and the desire to subjugate someone. Did you dream that you had a fight with your brother? In reality, you will experience tender, kindred feelings or receive news.

If brothers fight among themselves, then in the near future there will be happiness and great benefit from the old business. Fighting with a handsome stranger means that you have to defend the honor of the whole family and your own.

In a dream, an aggressive man sought intimacy, and you rebuffed him? Experiences will be brought by the person whom you mistakenly considered your friend.

Why dream of a fight with a friend, girlfriend, woman

Seeing women fighting in a dream means illness. Separating them means the unconscious transmission of gossip and false rumors. If a man dreamed that he was in a fight with a lady, then in real life he will have to face competitors or the judicial system. After such a dream, it is advisable to avoid open confrontation with rivals.

A fight with your sister promises a deterioration in your financial situation, and with a friend - failure and the envy of others. If you happen to fight with an unfamiliar girl, then in real life you have to make a serious choice. Moreover, you will have to choose between equal contenders.

If in a fight with a woman you find yourself on the losing side, then in reality you risk losing your property (both material and spiritual).

Why do you dream about a fight because of you?

What does a fight over you mean in a dream? If you watch it from afar, then there is a favorable period ahead. Did a young girl dream that her lover was fighting because of her? The dream should be perceived in the opposite sense. There will probably be a reason to doubt the sincerity of the guy’s feelings, or even leave him altogether.

If you stand nearby and the fighters touch you, you will become a victim of rumors and gossip. For a woman, this is a warning that, against her will, she will be drawn into competition with a more insidious contender. The vision also promises the arrival of uninvited guests.

Have you had a chance to separate people who are fighting because of you? You are clearly not satisfied with your current situation and are striving to improve your life by any means. Seeing fighters beating each other until they bleed is a sign of great trouble, from which you can only get out with the participation of your friends.

Why do you dream about a fight over money?

A fight over money in real life promises business losses and division. The problems will probably be related to a person you know and his greed. In addition, this is a hint from the subconscious that you are living beyond your means and spending money recklessly.

Such a dream calls for giving up fruitless illusions and finally starting to live in the present, without making illusory plans for the future and without looking back.

If you dreamed that you had a fight over money with a relative or friend, then a meeting with an old acquaintance or the arrival of a distant relative with whom you are not yet familiar is coming.

Why do you dream of a fight with blood?

Blood in a dream always symbolizes family ties and close relationships. If you dreamed of a fight with blood, then you will be happy in the house. If in the heat of battle you were wounded to the point of bleeding, then be careful in your relationships. You are destined to be betrayed by your friends.

If the fight ended in great bloodshed and numerous casualties, then you will have to fight with creditors. For businessmen, this is an indication of great difficulties in conducting business and transactions.

Fight in a dream interpretation

To correctly decipher the image, it is necessary to take into account the more specific actions of everyone who was present in the dream, as well as the features of the fight itself.

  • bloody fight - arrival of blood relatives
  • without blood - to dear guests
  • long, cruel - there will be several guests
  • on fists - to a quarrel, conflicts with competitors
  • hand-to-hand combat - to conquer a person who is indifferent to you
  • with swords - to conflict with a partner
  • on swords - a dexterous and smart opponent will appear
  • on sabers - they want to take away your happiness, fight for it!
  • on sticks - to a scandal with a visitor
  • seeing guests fighting means a real brawl
  • participate in a fight - get wounded in reality
  • to see from the outside - to unexpected happiness
  • protect yourself from blows - to constant success
  • avoid - things will get better, be patient
  • boxers in the ring - two opponents share you
  • being in the ring yourself means a pleasant rest
  • fight with bandits - to an accident, an accident
  • with thieves - to success
  • with a sorcerer - to a change in views
  • with the enemy - for an intimate date
  • with someone else's wife - to infidelity
  • with yours - to love, understanding
  • with a stranger - to justice
  • with a child - to family joy
  • with a friend - to meet him
  • with a relative - to satisfy what you want
  • with a dead person - offend loved ones with your selfishness
  • with parents - to long-standing grievances, reconciliation
  • with your ex - get what you deserve
  • with a friend - to envy
  • with sister - to poverty
  • with brother - for good changes
  • fight between strangers - you will complain, you will have an enemy
  • familiar people - you will be a guest
  • between women - to experiences
  • between men - to envy
  • between the military - to guests of honor, attack
  • hear the sound of a fight - news
  • fight of livestock - to profit, to a guest from afar
  • dogs - don't be greedy
  • roosters - quarrels, rivalry
  • dogs and cats - failures on the amorous front
  • fight with a bull - to losses
  • with a cat - get wise advice
  • with a dog - for adventure
  • with a snake - to victory over enemies
  • with a panther - to disappointment in business
  • with a tiger - to an important position
  • with a deer - to contentment
  • with oneself (with a shadow) – to achieve the goal

And remember, a dream in which you were severely beaten in the heat of a fight is the most favorable. It means that a gentleman or lover will literally “attack” you.

Fights, quarrels, and squabbles are not so common in life, but fighting in a dream or quarreling to pieces is a common phenomenon.

Dreams allow us to look deep into ourselves, reveal our fears, and determine our goals. And all this is possible thanks to a serious approach to dream analysis. To answer the question of why you dream of a fight, you need to carefully remember the details and emotional state of the dreamer in different dream situations.

The meaning of fights in dreams depends on whether the opponent is a living person or a dead person, on the gender of the opponent, if it is a person, and the degree of acquaintance, and on whether the dreamer managed to win. There are also dreams in which several people have a duel with knives, pistols or swords. In addition, the dreamer may see a fight with a bear or a cat, or indeed with any other animal.

In general, fighting in a dream is a good sign. The dream book associates fights and quarrels with a symbol of rapid change and unpredictable events. Let's consider different scenarios where a person had to fight in a dream or watch the fight from the sidelines.

Seeing from the outside means the onset of a favorable period for manipulating finances. If you dream of a fight in which the dreamer entered in order to separate the fighters, it means that the person who had the dream is inclined to show good nature and care for other people. If he was beaten at the same time, you should not try to enter into conflicts in reality in order to reconcile the parties when there is not enough knowledge or strength for this.

A dream in which the dreamer fought with his father symbolizes professional uncertainty. The dream book advises you to listen to yourself, objectively consider your abilities and desires in order to assess how suitable your chosen profession is, and whether it is worth changing the vector.

  • Swear and fight with your mother or father in a dream and win - in reality you will be able to defend your independence at work or at home.
  • Fighting with your father or mother and losing, while being very worried about this, means that you will soon be faced with a very difficult choice, and the dreamer will decide to adhere to the traditional model of behavior and choose an option that is not very suitable for him, but only one approved by society.

A fight with a strange woman or man usually means a turning point in your career. At this time, it is worth intensifying all your efforts to show your potential. For a man, fighting with an unfamiliar girl symbolizes irritation with his own softness, compliance and inability to prove himself more consistent.

To understand why you dream of a squabble with a rival, you need to remember who first started the quarrel. If a woman is the first to quarrel with her rival, it means that in reality there is strong jealousy and distrust of her man. If a woman absolutely did not want any “showdown” with her rival, but she “brought her out”, such a plot means an unwillingness to pay attention to gossip about her chosen one, a sufficient level of trust in the relationship.

Swearing and fighting with a dead person means defending in reality long-forgotten things that suddenly turn out to be important and relevant. But why such a plot is dreamed of depends on who won. If the dreamer fought with a dead person and won, then in reality it is worth focusing on the present, discarding the past and not thinking too much about what is left behind. But losing means the need to thoroughly understand your past and learn from experience.

A duel with a stranger, swords or pistols - the dream reflects the dreamer’s desire to prove himself, to enter into confrontation with an enemy or circumstances and, thanks to his skills, to win. In reality, this is the best time to embark on adventures.

Animal fight

To determine why you dream of a fight with a bear, cat or any other animal, it is worth remembering the emotions and outcome of the battle. Fighting is a difficult creative problem in life, which the dreamer will solve depending on how the bear behaved. If the bear was very active and cruel, it is worth showing rudeness and strength. If the bear attacked weakly, there is no need to rush. Why do you dream of defeat in the fight against it? It is necessary to postpone solving the problem for a while, until something appears that will help resolve the issue. And before that, do some other things without suffering in vain.

Why do you dream of winning over or over another pet? There will be no problems in your close circle, but to do this you will have to try to satisfy other people’s demands, devote more time to family or friends in order to normalize relationships.

Why do you dream about fighting stray dogs? The dream symbolizes the dreamer's feeling about his surroundings, as if they are all against him. Such a dream can serve as a release from tension or a signal for attempts to normalize relationships in a team.

Winning a fight is always self-confidence and the ability to act in connection with your goals, values, and principles. Losing in a fight is a reflection of the dreamer’s uncertainty, instability, desire for outside help, and irresponsible attitude towards oneself and one’s life.

Therefore, dreams with victories should be perceived as something reinforcing; a person who sees a victory over a conditional enemy in a dream is following the right path. Dreams with defeats should be considered as a sign for revising your life strategy, clarifying your goals and desires, and the need for a person to trust himself.

Fighting is an inherently negative social phenomenon. It occurs when there is an unresolved conflict, an aggressive attitude, or a simple hooligan urge to throw out one’s accumulated energy. Similarly, a dream about a fight will be interpreted as a burst of energy, aggression and conflict. From time immemorial, with the help of a fight, men found out who was stronger, defended their name and honor. In the modern world, fighting is considered the lot of ill-mannered, unrestrained men who are unable to solve the problem in any other way. Not only males, but also girls, women, cats, dogs, etc. can fight in a dream. In our dream book we will consider each dream in detail separately.

Let's answer the most frequently asked questions about dreams about fights.

  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a fight - troubles that will cause a lot of nervous experiences.
  • Why do I dream of a fight in which I am participating - your energy is looking for a way out, it needs to splash out. Direct it in the right direction, find a use for it in your work, and you will reach unprecedented heights.
  • Why do you dream of a fight between strangers, and I take part in it - troubles happening at work will lead to litigation and the emergence of serious competitors.
  • Why do you dream about men fighting - it means litigation, financial troubles.
  • Why do you dream of a fight with blood?- relatives can come completely unexpectedly. (cm. )
  • Why do I dream of a fight in which I participate and win - dream book: to win a fight - come out victorious in the most difficult case, you will be appreciated and either raised up the career ladder or your salary will be increased.
  • Why do I dream of a fight with a man in which I am participating - if we win - successful completion of work, material profit. If you lost in a battle and were beaten by a man, there are serious problems with your health, or everything will go wrong at work.
  • Why do you dream about a fight with your ex-boyfriend? You hate him so much that even in the dream you feel aggression towards him.
  • Why dream of a fight with your ex-husband - he left a negative mark on your life, you hate him even in your dreams.
  • Why dream of a fight with a girl - dream book: a fight with a girl - male strength can leave you, and all because of constant worries.
  • Why dream of a fight with a woman - health problems will begin, go to the doctor and get tested. (cm )
  • Why dream of a fight with a guy - dream book: fight with a guy - you love your boyfriend, but you overly impose your opinion on him.
  • Why dream of a fight with your husband - fall in love with him again, just like at the beginning of your relationship.
  • Why dream of a fight with your wife - due to nervousness, you will begin to have problems with the genitals, possible impotence.
  • Why do you dream of friends fighting - dream book: friends fighting - perhaps they are not your friends at all, go through their actions towards you in your memory. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of a fight with a friend - dream book: a fight with a friend - a friend can let you down at the most inopportune moment, when you wanted to rely on him.
  • Why dream of a fight with a friend - dream book: a fight with a friend - a dream warns that you trust your friend in vain, she spreads gossip behind your back. Don't talk too much, don't let her in on your plans. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about your parents fighting - your wish will come true, even if you no longer hoped for it.
  • Why do you dream of a fight with your mother - dream book: fight with your mother - sign a lucrative contract
  • Why do you dream of a fight with your father - dream book: a fight with your father - by concluding a contract you will acquire a business for life.
  • Why do you dream of a fight with your sister - dream book: a fight with your sister means a profitable investment of capital. However, this dream is also regarded as a childish complex because of which you cannot forgive people, learn patience and forgiveness and you will feel better.
  • Why dream of a fight with your brother - the start of a successful business, financial risk is possible, but after thinking through all the options, you will reduce it to zero.
  • Why do you dream of a fight with a rival - dream book: a fight with your husband’s mistress - beating an alleged real-life homewrecker in a dream - you will lose, he will be with her. If the fight was with an imaginary rival, pay attention to your relationship, it is fading, cooling, you are moving away from each other. Change your behavior, let the passion in.
  • Why do you dream about a fight between a guy and a girl - the appearance of a new serious fan in your life who answers all your requests.
  • Why dream of a fight with a dead man - dream book of a fight with a dead man - an unusual strange journey will make you look at the world with different eyes, turn on your imagination, ingenuity and go ahead.
  • Why dream of a fight with your late mother - as a child you were greatly protected and looked after, and you subconsciously still cannot get rid of this obsessive care. (cm. )
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream of a fight - a difficult birth will be resolved safely.
  • Why dream of a fight with your loved one - separation is just around the corner, you will understand that he is not worthy of you.
  • Why do you dream of a fight at a wedding - dream book: a fight at a wedding means the loss of a loved one because of his cruel attitude towards you, not necessarily by force, perhaps these are rude words.
  • Why dream of a fight with an acquaintance - a quick meeting with exactly the person you saw in the dream.
  • Why dream of a fight with a stranger - perhaps in reality you will become friends, and perhaps even more.
  • Why do you dream of a massive fight, but I am not participating in it - either you will meet a lot of guests, or you will be invited to a noisy party.
  • Why dream of a fight with a knife and blood - either relatives will come to visit unexpectedly, or happiness in family life will begin to gain momentum. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of a cat fight - dream book: a cat fight is an unfavorable sign, you communicate with the wrong people, there are ill-wishers around you, although they flatter you and completely agree with your opinion. Take a closer look at those around you. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of a dog fight - dream book: a dog fight - angry aggressive dogs indicate the appearance of gossips near you, people who are hostile.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean if you dream of a fight? Such a dream means well-being. The dream of “taking part in a fight” promises unexpected news. Seeing animals fighting in a dream is a nuisance.

Freud's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation: a fight in a dream, which means sexual intercourse. You are a man and you dreamed of a fight with a man - in sex you are very aggressive towards your partner, you have sadistic tendencies. You are a woman and you dreamed of a fight with blood in your dream - you have masochistic tendencies, be careful, it is quite possible to become a victim of aggression. And you also love it when your sexual partner is younger than you. To dream of watching a fight is your secret desire to see, without participating, the sadistic sexual games of strangers.

Modern dream book

Aesop's Dream Book

Breaking up a fight in a dream means fun with alcoholic drinks will develop into a stormy feast. If they swear, scream and want to start a fight again, unbalanced people will appear near you, beware of them, they may have a criminal past.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of a fight? Miller’s dream book interprets a fight in a dream as an unpleasant meeting in reality.
  • Dream Interpretation: participation in a fight - disagreements and lawsuits are possible with competitors. Don't act too assertively and decisively, this will ruin the matter.
  • Breaking up a fight dream book - the current state of affairs does not suit you at all, you have always wanted better and more.
  • Dream Interpretation: watching a fight is a waste of money.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fight with a loved one - leave him immediately, he does not deserve you or your love.
  • Dream Interpretation: winning a fight means you will be able to resolve the most difficult matter.
  • Dream Interpretation: participate in a fight, but lose it - your property may soon cease to belong to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fight with blood - relatives can seriously set you up.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a fight in the form of a duel - you will be faced with a dilemma and think carefully before making a choice, otherwise the dream does not foretell any trouble.

Eastern women's dream book

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • What does it mean when you dream of a fight - unexpected happiness, prosperity.
  • What does it mean to dream of participating in a fight - to be involved in some strong conflict.
  • Why do you dream of winning a fight?- you are successful with men/women, and at work you are valued as a valuable personnel.
  • Why do you dream of a fight with your family - getting a new position, a salary increase. (cm. )

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Why do you dream of a fight between men - you have unspent accumulated energy, it wants to splash out/good news. But the dream of a fight with an enemy is interpreted a little differently - you always decide what to do, you do not wait for prompts, with your own hands you make life better, richer and more financially secure.

Why do you dream about cats fighting - dream book about cats fighting - a warning about possible intrigues of your rivals who are next to you.

Dream Interpretation: you dreamed of a fight with animals - you will constantly be in conflict with your colleagues.

English dream book

Why do you dream of a quarrel and a fight - troubles in the family, misunderstanding on the part of your spouse, irritation about their actions and words spoken. A break in an established relationship or divorce is possible. A dream about a fight that you did not start, but you participated in, can be considered this way: ill-wishers act indirectly, hiddenly. But seeing a fight in a dream from the outside means that all adversity will pass by. The English dream book interprets the dream of a fight and pursuit as follows: if you are caught up and hit hard, your opponents will be able to carry out an insidious plan against you; if you caught up with the fighters and hit them, you can thwart the plans of the attackers.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams - fight - aggressive attitude, conflicts.

Islamic (Muslim) dream book

Let's consider the Islamic dream book fight (Muslim dream book fight) - a harbinger of quarrels with friends, grief about this, disagreements in the family. Dream Interpretation: a fight with an enemy - whoever sees himself knocked to the ground will lose his property, because it will be ruined. Dream Interpretation: knife fight - the loser will be in a better position than the winner, because the winner will take the life of a person and bring sin along with him.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima
Dream Interpretation: to see a fight in a dream more like a minor skirmish - there will be no serious conflicts, nervous tension gradually turns into a calm state. But the dream of a big fight is a bad sign; the conflict can develop into a real confrontation.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does it mean if you dream about a fight - well-being. Dream Interpretation: a fight between men is unexpected news.

Why dream of winning a fight - the opposite sex is not indifferent to you, you are respected at work.

Chinese dream book

  • Why do you dream of a fight with a girl in a dream - perhaps imminent impotence.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fight in a dream with a man is unexpected wealth.
  • Dream interpretation: female fight - ailments.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fight with a brother is an unexpected and enormous happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams, a fight with knives and blood - a happy future.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • Dream of a fight - a welcome guest will arrive
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of a fight - opposite interpretation - quarrels and bad news.
  • Dream of watching a fight with blood - relatives will come.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a fight between men that is equal and prolonged - several respected guests will arrive at once.
  • Dream Interpretation: mass fight - you will have to go to court as a witness.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a fight with blood - you will be invited to visit.
  • Cats fighting in a dream means a complete stranger will be staying with you for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fight between two men - they will envy you like crazy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fight with your husband - unexpectedly love will flare up again between the spouses.
  • Dream Interpretation: a fight with a woman is a strong experience.

Danilova's erotic dream book

Any fight in a dream, whether you looked at it from the side or participated in it, is considered by the erotic dream book unambiguously - you are afraid to be more frank in bed with your partner. It seems to you that you are a bad lover/bad mistress, you are afraid to show your true passionate nature and this makes you feel discomfort and contradictions.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga’s most respected dream book describes a fight as a harbinger of war. This war will bring misfortune to the whole world. You dreamed of a massive fight and you were a participant; soon you will have to fight to the death, but the battle will not be yours, but that of other rich people. If you separated the fighting, then you are God’s messenger and it is you who will prevent a terrible disaster in reality. If you get injured, you will be left without work and without money, again at the will of higher officials.


Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

What does a fight in a dream mean - you will be guilty without guilt.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

The dream “fight meaning” - a series of bad luck and troubles begins.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

What does it mean to see a fight in a dream - gossip around you.

Dream book online

The dream interpretation of an online fight is analyzed very carefully, considering all possible dream options.


Looking into many dream books, it turns out that the dream of a fight is an inverted dream, i.e. you see bad things in a dream, you get good things in life. It seems like you had a dream about a fight with blood, but it turns out that your relatives are coming to see you and you will be very happy about this. It seems that in a dream you and your husband/wife were fighting, but it turns out that you will fall in love with each other even more. Of course, interpretations differ, but the essence remains the same - fight with people - make contact, solve common problems, conflicts at work, in the family.

A dream in which a fight occurred can be interpreted in different ways. The article will help you understand the details of the dream and find its correct interpretation.

We don’t remember most dreams at all, or fragments of them briefly float vaguely in the corners of our subconscious. And some dreams are remembered very clearly. Even the smallest details are etched into the memory for a long time, and the plot of the dream continues to evoke strong feelings even after waking up.

It is at such moments that we grab the dream book in the hope of finding a decoding of the dream, to find out its secret meaning. For those who can correctly read and understand the secret signs of higher powers, the future will open up.

Those who saw a fight in a dream will experience ambiguous bright events in the near future. When deciphering a dream, it is important to take into account all the details: who fought with whom, who won, how many participants in the fight there were.

Why do you dream of participating in a fight?

Participation in a fight in a dream promises business people serious fights in life. Controversial issues may not be resolved in your favor if you are not the winner in the dream. Business competitors may become more active and begin to make claims. You need to be prepared for such a turn of events.

  • Getting injured in a dream means betrayal of a loved one in life. At the most inopportune moment, someone whom you considered a reliable partner and friend may trip you up.
  • It is noteworthy that fighting a duel in a dream does not bode well. Rather, it warns of the imminent need to urgently resolve some issues.
  • If in a fight you strike with a whip, stick or club, in life you will have to “knock out” victory.
  • Some dream books insist on a different meaning. According to their version, participation in a fight in a dream foreshadows bright unexpected events, a burst of energy, the arrival of guests and new pleasant fruitful meetings in reality.

Why do you dream of winning a fight?

Have you won a fight, a fight, a duel in a dream? Rejoice! You will soon experience the sweet feeling of victory in life. Perhaps you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation, make the right choice, make the right decision.

In short, if you win the otherworldly “sleepy” fight, you can safely walk up the steps of real life without fear of stumbling.

If you have won in a dream a specific real person from your close circle in reality, most likely in the near future you will have negotiations where you will be able to show your strengths.

Why dream of seeing men fighting?

  • If a girl or woman dreams of a fight between men, there may be changes in her real life on the love front. You can be sure that some man secretly hopes for a meeting, but has not yet decided to talk about his feelings.
  • For male representatives and those ladies who exclude the possibility of a love affair in life, seeing men fighting in a dream means quick hassle associated with the arrival of guests. If blood is spilled in a fight, relatives will be visiting or will cause a lot of trouble.
  • If what you saw left heavy feelings, the troubles will be unpleasant. If policemen, sailors, firefighters, rescuers fight in a dream, an important high-ranking guest will come to visit you. We need to prepare properly for this visit.

If the fighting men are short or dwarfs, you should urgently change your occupation in life. Most likely, you are doing an unworthy task that takes a lot of strength and energy from you.

You are capable of more, but you are afraid of change or are too lazy to start everything from scratch. Rather, put aside your fears and finally take a risk, especially if the fight you saw in your dream did not cause negative emotions in you.

Why do you dream of a fight with a girl?

The interpretation of a dream in which there was a fight with a girl is very ambiguous. So for guys whose relationship with a dreamed girl in real life has reached a dead end and no longer brings joy, the dream foreshadows an imminent breakup, another discord or a serious scandal.

If a fight occurs with your beloved girl, most likely your relationship will become even stronger in the near future. Or maybe, with the help of this dream, higher powers are hinting that the time has come to propose marriage.

One thing is certain: for guys, a fight with a girl in a dream means vivid emotions and experiences, but whether these feelings are pleasant or negative depends only on them.

Why do you dream of a fight with your ex?

Your life has changed a long time ago, you don’t even remember your ex-boyfriend, but you still continue to dream about him? Or, on the contrary, do you think every day about what could have happened if fate had not separated you from your ex?

In the first case, a dream in which you are fighting with your ex warns that you may soon make a mistake. If you have to make any important decision in life, think it over carefully again.

In the second case, the dream tells you that the time has come for decisive action. Try to find out everything about your ex's life. If he is single and also remembers you, perhaps your couple still has a chance? Take the first step, talk and sort things out. This will help you make peace or, having dotted all the i’s, leave each other’s lives forever.

Why dream of a fight with a friend?

A fight in a dream with a friend warns of the imminent emergence of an inevitable conflict in life. Most likely, the dreamed friend will be somehow involved in this. It doesn’t matter who came out victorious, and whether the fight was funny or serious. In any case, an unpleasant situation will arise in the first three to five days after sleep.

Why dream of a fight with a friend?

If you dreamed of a fight with a friend, it means that this same friend in real life is spreading gossip about you, is jealous of your well-being and “washes your bones” at every step. Most likely, you can guess where exactly you crossed your friend’s path.

Probably, in your life, a conflict arose between you not so long ago or there was an unpleasant situation. Try to remember, because it was from that moment that everything began.

Why dream of a fight with a woman or wife?

When a man in a dream participates in a fight with an unfamiliar woman or his own wife, this means that soon a very attractive person will appear on the horizon of life who will win his heart. Perhaps everything will end in a light affair, but single men can also think about a serious relationship with this lady.

Why dream of a fight with blood?

Blood in a fight in a dream warns that problems will soon arise in life, in which your relatives will somehow appear. You will have to “settle” it, so be prepared.

Why do you dream of a fight with your father?

Fighting with your father in a dream means that the time has come to establish or strengthen relationships with your parent in life. It is noteworthy that if the father came out victorious in the dreamed fight, you still have something to learn from him. If you are the winner, you have become a self-sufficient person in life, independent and not waiting for help from older relatives.

Why do you dream of a fight with a dead person?

Patients often dream of fights with dead people before recovery. If you are absolutely healthy, but in a dream you had to experience unpleasant moments during a fight with a dead man, this means that in life you will easily succeed in everything you have in mind. But this is if you were the winner of the fight. If the deceased wins, a lot of effort will have to be made to achieve success in life.

Why do you dream of a fight with a guy?

Fighting with your boyfriend in a dream means strengthening your relationship with him in life. Perhaps the young man will soon give you cause for concern, but everything will end in pleasant troubles and bright events.

Why do you dream of a fight with your husband?

An ambiguous dream for married women is a fight with their own husband. If the situation in the family is tense, but a conversation between the spouses has not yet happened, there will be a scandal in the near future.

Perhaps the husband is losing interest in his wife or is looking for a replacement for her. In any case, if you fight with your husband in a dream, in life you should have a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse as soon as possible in order to avoid tragic incidents in the near future.

Did you have a dream about a fight with your husband? Expect a scandal

If peace and prosperity reign in your family, quietly rejoice, say: “Where there is night, there is sleep,” but, just in case, be more attentive with your spouse.

Why do you dream of a mass fight?

A fight in a dream, in which many people take part, foreshadows annoying moments, troubles, and troubles in life. But you will definitely have enough strength to cope with all the things that come your way.

A massive fight in a dream foreshadows the onset of a “dark streak” in life

It will seem that a dark streak has come in life, minor troubles will replace one another. The main thing is to remember that all this will end soon and get out of all unpleasant situations with dignity.

Why do you dream about dogs fighting?

Dogs locked in a fight notify you of your mistakes in life. You have gone astray from the right path. Think about where you went wrong?

Why is everything in your life now happening a little differently than you would like? Remember that everything is in your hands and the bickering of dogs you saw in a dream indicates that the time has come to act decisively.

IMPORTANT: Do not take lightly vivid dreams filled with colors, smells and emotions. It is precisely such dreams that usually become prophetic.

It was no coincidence that our ancestors believed that the gods send dreams to people in order to warn and predict some event in the near future. And no matter how modern scientists and researchers prove the meaninglessness of the images and plots that appear to us in dreams, in the life of every person at least once, the dream he saw the day before came true.

Therefore, having determined the meaning of a dream, you should seriously think about the likelihood of its realization in your life and do everything possible to speed up (or prevent) the events promised by the dream book.

Video: Why do you dream about a fight?


In our dreams, the subconscious creates all kinds of plots. Sometimes even the most peace-loving person can dream of a fight. Such a vision sometimes indicates disappointment, abandonment of reality and withdrawal into oneself. Dream interpreters will help you decipher in detail what you saw.

  • XXI century. If you saw a fight from afar, then a calm and measured life lies ahead. Seeing a showdown up close means gossip or the arrival of guests.
  • Azara. To parting with a loved one.
  • English. To the misunderstanding that will arise between you and loved ones. It will seem that they do not want to hear what you are saying. Your actions will cause them indignation.
  • Wangi. You will witness a serious conflict that will not affect you personally.
  • Oriental. To unpleasant meetings with competitors. Now is not the best time to take active action. Before you take any action, think it over carefully.
  • For the bitch. To disagreements in the family.
  • Female. Loss of vitality and development of diseases.
  • Winters. If the conflict in night dreams was insignificant, then there is no danger in real life. The tension that has arisen between you and others will soon subside. But watching or taking part in a real massacre is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies serious troubles.
  • Imperial. Sleep is unfavorable. Negative thoughts torment and torment you, making you unhappy. For life to bring joy, you need to get rid of painful thoughts.
  • Chinese. If men took part in the fight, then happiness and benefits lie ahead. But squabbles between the fair sex do not bode well. The dreamer faces loss of vitality and health problems.
  • Longo. To receive good news. The vision may also indicate that you will soon have to take active action.
  • Lunar. Watching a fight from the side is a good sign. Such a vision promises success in business and prosperity. If you happen to be a participant in a showdown, prepare for the unexpected. But getting into a fight with animals in night vision means trouble.
  • Maly Velesov. The dream foreshadows joyful events, the arrival of a dear guest. For patients, sleep promises recovery.
  • Medea. Night vision indicates internal struggle. You experience conflicting desires that haunt you.
  • Miller. Be prepared for quarrels with household members and attacks from competitors.
  • Newest. You will make a new friend.
  • From A to Z. Happiness and well-being.
  • Pechersk healer. To meet a lover or mistress.
  • Russian. Much trouble. Winning a fight in a dream means success in your endeavors.
  • Russian folk. To aggression and conflicts.
  • Modern. Seeing people fighting from the outside is a waste of money. If in the kingdom of Morpheus you had to separate the bullies, then in reality you are unhappy with your life and are doing everything possible to improve it.
  • French. You will be very surprised and annoyed by something.
  • Freud. The dream symbolizes sexual intercourse. For a man, a dream in which he takes part in a fight indicates the presence of sadistic inclinations, and for a woman - masochistic ones.
  • Esoteric. There will be a good opportunity to win a big jackpot or receive a valuable gift.
  • Erotic. Being a participant in a showdown is a sign that shows self-doubt, fear of opening up to your partner, low self-esteem in love affairs.
  • If in a dream you avoided a fight, then things will soon get better, all the bad things will remain in the past.

    A dream in which you were able to defeat a werewolf in a duel indicates that you will achieve what you want, but the price of victory will be high

    Between men

    Watching a fight between men in your night dreams, during which no one was particularly hurt, is a sign that your cherished dream will soon come true. If during the skirmish the opponents were armed with sticks, spears or bladed weapons, you may find yourself in a dangerous situation, so be careful. If your enemies used firearms in your night vision, prepare to be disappointed. This interpretation is offered by the modern dream book.

    A dream in which two guys entered into a battle for the heart of a beautiful lady promises the onset of a favorable period in the dreamer’s life. If a girl dreamed that her lover started a fight with someone because of her, then she will soon doubt his feelings, and there will be a good reason for this.

    If you happened to watch fighters in the kingdom of Morpheus, and you accidentally happened upon them, then you risk becoming a victim of rumors. Another vision predicts the arrival of uninvited guests.

    To see in your night dreams how two men beat each other until they bleed is a big disaster. You won't be able to cope without the help of your loved ones.

    Did you dream that two brothers were sorting things out with each other using their fists? Happiness and benefits are expected. A night vision in which a small man bullies a giant, trying to challenge him to a fist fight, promises a pleasant acquaintance. Sometimes such a plot indicates that you are unhappy with what you are currently doing.

    If the dreamer fought with his own father in a dream, then in reality he is faced with a difficult choice; he needs the advice of an older and experienced person.

    If you witnessed cockfights in your night dreams, then be prepared for conflicts and the appearance of an opponent

    With animals or between animals

    A dream in which you had to fight with an animal or watch a fight between our little brothers indicates that the atmosphere between you and your colleagues has become heated to the limit. It will not be easy to survive in a team and achieve the desired heights.

    It also matters what animal you dreamed about:

  • Bull. An attacking bull in a dream promises losses in real life. If the bulls get into a fight with each other, then you will find yourself drawn into someone else’s conflict against your will. If during the fight the bulls destroyed everything in their path, then the plan will not come true.
  • Wolf. An attacking predator in the kingdom of Morpheus means trouble and scandal.
  • Snake. If a scaly reptile showed aggression towards you, then you should not trust anyone with your secrets. If the snakes grapple with each other, you will take part in a fierce dispute.
  • Goat. You have an enemy if a goat attacked in a dream. When you dreamed that a goat was in a fight with a wolf, problems with the law would arise.
  • Cat. If two cats rush at each other, then the dreamer will be disappointed in love. If an animal attacked you in night vision, then be prepared for the machinations of enemies.
  • Crocodile. A dream about an aggressive predator, regardless of who he wanted to attack, does not bode well. A cunning and vile person has appeared in the environment, who can do a lot of harm.
  • Rats. If the animals attacked you, then among your friends there is an ill-wisher, so be on your guard. Watching rats fight is a sign that conflicts should be avoided. You risk getting into a bad situation. Now it is better to take a wait-and-see attitude and not make sudden movements.
  • A lion. Night dreams in which animals fight with each other mean that in reality the competitors will begin to sort things out with each other. For now, you can relax and see how their showdown ends. If the king of beasts rushed at you, then get ready for a fight with a strong opponent.
  • Bear. The attacks of a clubfoot in a dream warn that you will meet a person who will respond with evil to your goodness. If the clubfooted people fought among themselves, then you will meet a strong and intelligent opponent.
  • Dog. If a dog attacked in the kingdom of Morpheus, then beware of the betrayal of a friend whom you trust very much. If the dogs fight with each other, then there is a possibility of a crisis in partnership cooperation.
  • Did you see a fight between a cat and a dog in a dream? In reality, you will find yourself in a difficult situation and will no longer understand who is your friend and who is your foe

    Actions in a dream

    If you dreamed that you got into a fight, then, according to Gustave Miller, you subconsciously dream of punishing someone. According to the eastern dream book, you are threatened with clashes with competitors, and even getting a lawsuit, but according to the newest one, you will make a new friend.

    It is also important who you had to fight with:

  • with a stranger - you have to defend the honor of your family;
  • with bandits - to trouble;
  • with thieves - fortune will smile;
  • with a magician - to a change in worldview;
  • with a child - for a family celebration;
  • with a friend - to a pleasant meeting and a fun time;
  • with a deceased person - the way you behave offends your loved ones;
  • with your own shadow - you will achieve what you want.
  • If you happened to observe the brawlers from afar, then no serious problems in reality threaten. Being close to fighters means a dissolute waste of money. Separating those who are fighting means gossip, receiving bad news, and trouble. You may be accused of something you didn't do. If in the night vision you separated the bullies, and at the same time you yourself got screwed, then in real life you should interfere less in other people’s affairs and, if possible, maintain neutrality. Give advice only when asked.

    It’s a good sign if you were able to defeat your opponent in a dream. It will be possible to resolve the problems that have piled up, as well as achieve the favor of the person you like. But being on the losing side in a fight is a bad omen. The dream prophesies material losses, disappointments in a loved one and friends.

    Dreams about a fight promise not only troubles and disappointments, but also well-being, as well as the fulfillment of a cherished dream. A good sign is to win a battle. If the enemy turns out to be stronger and more cunning, do not be sad, because you have the power to avoid difficulties and problems. The main thing is to be careful and try to avoid conflicts with others.