Draw an autumn forest step by step for a 5 year old child. Autumn crafts for children: how to draw autumn

We offer detailed instructions on painting an autumn landscape in gouache. Finished painting will be a wonderful interior decoration, especially when framed in a baguette.

This creative master class will help improve your skills in working with gouache, learn to draw the reflection of trees in water, develop a sense of composition and the ability to reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.

You will need: gouache, watercolor paper, brushes.

Execution steps:

1. Draw the horizon line with light blue.

2. Cover top part sky dark blue.

3. Add white gouache and paint the rest of the sky up to the horizon line.

4. Draw the water, painting the background light blue, turning into dark blue.

5. Draw clouds with white gouache.

6. Draw the earth with small strokes of brown, light brown and yellow.

7. Draw a tree in the background

8. Draw against the background of water mirror reflection this tree

9. Draw a few more trees in the same way

10. We paint the crown of the tree with bright autumn colors using a semi-dry brush using the poking method, and in the reflection of the water we use less saturated shades.

11. Using the same principle, we draw the remaining trees.

12. We can finish drawing the Christmas tree and bushes.

13. On foreground draw a pine tree trunk and branches.

14. Draw a pine crown green paint horizontal strokes.

15. Draw horizontal stripes against the background of water with a semi-dry thin brush using white gouache. We draw a couple more trees next to the pine tree.

16. Using a semi-dry brush using the poking method, we paint tree crowns, fallen leaves with small strokes of the same colors and grass.

Your work is ready! Now you can decorate it with a baguette and decorate the interior, or you can give it as a gift.

Of course, it is not necessary to draw exactly as shown in the master class, because this is a creative process.We wish you inspiration and success!

On the eve of the “golden leaf fall” and cool autumn weather, almost all educational preschool institutions and primary schools organize inspirational lessons for children on the theme “Autumn”. Crafts made from cardboard and colored paper, chestnuts, plasticine and fabric are only part of what can be obtained as homework. After all, the basis of the autumn season is drawings. Moreover, the most diverse, and not at all similar friend on a friend. As ideas for reproduction, teachers offer examples of work as inspiration for the child’s creativity.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten and school 2018 proposed in the article below - as a little hint for children and their parents in the beginning creative work. Bright colors, interesting ideas, different views nature and details of autumn are only part of what can be seen in the photo by comparing the sketches and drawings of children with the nature of the “golden autumn”.

What is the beauty of autumn?

Autumn - beautiful time year, personifying calm and preparation of the surrounding weather for winter. Fall of colorful leaves, the ground covered with old robes of trees, a rich harvest of ripe berries, fruits and vegetables, warm but no longer scorching sun - real autumn weather, painted with rich and noble colors.

And if adults autumn time inspires peace of mind, pleasant chores of harvesting and active recreation in nature, then attracting the child to complete the task will help game uniform. As an option: collecting leaves to create a herbarium, active recreation, sport games(football, basketball), competition for the best drawing.

Drawing on the theme “Autumn” in kindergarten

Autumn drawings for kindergarten 2018 represent elementary work in the eyes of adults. However, if you look at the task through the eyes of a child, it will seem as difficult to him as painting a still life for an adult. Therefore, it is very important to show support for your child’s homework, helping him with difficult creativity.

For children (child) 3-4 years old

At all to the young artist unable to reproduce masterpieces. But this does not mean that this frees him from completing the task. Teachers in preschool institutions(kindergarten, courses additional education and development) encourage parents to practice motor skills and creative potential child: draw leaves, rowan berries, raindrops and other drawings with your fingers.

In the photo below you can find various autumn drawings for kindergarten made with your fingers, which are suitable as an example for completing the given work in 2018.

For children (child) 5-6 years old

Kindergarten graduates can create fall pictures using fresh leaves, a white wax candle, and watercolors. The essence of the work is as follows:

1) place a large one under a sheet of paper maple leaf and is carried out with a candle;
2) this is repeated with each leaf of the tree until the sketch is ready;
3) applied on top watercolor paint V color palette autumn (yellow, orange, red).

Autumn drawings appropriate for kindergarten and school 2018

There are also crafts that are suitable not only for kindergarten, but also primary school. These include: painting fresh leaves with gouache, drawings drawn with crayons, drawing based on templates.

Below are several master classes with photos, distinguished by their versatility. This is because they are suitable for children of different ages.

Animals and autumn

You can convey autumn motifs on a sheet of paper not only with the help of nature, but also with animals. A hedgehog in the leaves or with an apple on needles running through a clearing of mushrooms, a squirrel on deciduous tree, a bear preparing a den for the winter, a red cat against the backdrop of “golden autumn” - once again they prove that absolutely any design can be depicted on paper.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten and school 2018 - interesting task both for children and their parents. It unites the family over a seemingly “simple” work, helping to find common ground and ideas for drawing for children of different ages: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and even 9 years old.

Finished works on the theme “Autumn Landscape” photo:

Painting on the theme “Autumn” with children middle group DOW step by step with photos

Author of the work: Ksenia Dyukova, a pupil of the middle group of kindergarten No. 2 in the village of Cherlak, Omsk region.
Supervisor: Gordienko Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of kindergarten No. 2 in the village of Cherlak, Omsk region.
Description of work: This master class is intended for children of secondary preschool age, teachers, parents.
Purpose: the work can be used in drawing classes, you can decorate an exhibition of works on autumn theme, use as a gift.

1. Develop children’s ability to use a brush correctly while drawing.
2. Help children select the appropriate color scheme.
3. Develop imagination, speech, fine motor skills.
4. Cultivate accuracy in work.

For work we will need: album sheet, paints, brush, water.

The teacher and children look at illustrations on an autumn theme, talk about the signs of autumn, and read poems on this topic.

"Autumn has come..."
Autumn has come,
Our garden has turned yellow.
Leaves on a birch
They burn with gold.
Don't hear the funny ones
Songs of the nightingale.
The birds have flown away
To distant lands.
A. Erikeev
1. The teacher helps the child draw a birch tree. Draw a trunk and branches with a pencil.

2. The child paints our birch tree with white paint.

3.Draw black stripes on the trunk and branches.

4.We begin to draw leaves. For this we take orange paint and with a brush we draw small circles that look like leaves.

5.Birch leaves have different colors in autumn, so we take yellow paint and paint the leaves next to the orange ones.

6. Autumn has just begun, so there are also green leaves on the trees, add them to the tree.

7.Take blue paint and paint the sky, add a little white so that the sky does not seem cloudy.

8. Near the birch tree, on the ground, draw grass green. We put paint on the tip of the brush and draw thin stripes.

9. In autumn, the wind blows and leaves fly off the trees, so we decided to depict a small leaf fall.

10. And we draw birds that fly away to warmer climes black paint.

11. All that remains is to decorate our picture with a frame. We cut out strips 1.5 cm wide and paste them along the edge of the album sheet.

12. Our picture can be placed in a corner of nature.

Emma Zhavnovskaya

It's time to be golden autumn-an unusually beautiful phenomenon in nature, but so fleeting, and given to us as if as a consolation before the long winter. I really want to keep such beauty in my memory and preserve it.

Today we will try draw the simplest,elementary landscape using natural material , accessible to older children. We will need watercolor and gouache paints, thick and thin brushes, yarrow inflorescences and different leaves. 1 Wet the sheet with water.

2 Draw clouds on a still wet sheet. We fill the sky with different shades of blue and purple watercolor. Closer to the bottom of the sheet the sky should be lighter.

We also depict the earth using a damp leaf. Take soft colors, with shades of brown and yellow. Remember, the earth below is darker, closer to the horizon it is lighter.

3 Draw a strip of forest on the horizon line.

4 We depict trees. Hold the brush vertically we start drawing from the ground,and not vice versa.

5 Thin brush From the trunk we draw branches, with the tip of the brush we draw small twigs, “worms”, on thick branches.

6 Mix brown paint with a little black and apply a shadow to the trunk.

7 We tint the birch tree in the same way. Add a drop of black to the white gouache, mix it, you get a shade of gray, and also apply a shadow on the trunk and branches.

8 Spread the yarrow inflorescences with red, yellow and a little green gouache. We squeeze it tightly into a bundle and “print” the foliage. Experiment with paints to achieve interesting shades.

9 We also cover the leaves with gouache and apply them to the drawing. The result is an image of small trees or bushes. Draw the trunk and branches. Yes, and don’t forget to “print” foliage under the trees.

That's all. Try, create and you will definitely succeed!

Publications on the topic:

Hello everybody! The whole country is creating on an autumn theme, and, of course, we are too! Today I want to introduce teamwork children of the middle group.

Master class “Autumn leaf” Using natural materials in manual labor.

Materials: cardboard blue color for the background, a set of colored paper, scissors, a simple pencil, glue for paper. From a sheet of blue paper.

Wet felting is one of the traditional types of needlework in Rus'. Felting is an unpredictable process and does not require special ones.

Easter is one of the brightest, purest and most family-friendly spring holidays. The main attributes of which are Easter cakes and Easter eggs.

I welcome guests to the blog and propose to make three-dimensional trees from twigs and colored printer paper to decorate a group for the fall.

Fun crafts made from colored paper and cardboard are more common in children's creativity. They are easy to make, so kids won't get tired at all.

Is a required part educational program, as it allows you to better study the main signs of autumn, master the palette of autumn shades, and consolidate the ability to work with different art materials.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten can be done in the most various techniques, using an unconventional approach, but taking into account age characteristics kids.

Finger painting “Autumn tree”

For example, children 3-4 years old will be quite capable of portraying autumn tree by applying droplets of rich colors with your finger to the main trunk.

For such work, you will need to prepare in advance a palette and templates for drawings of tree trunks and branches. We invite the kids to cover the tree with leaves, choosing the most autumn colors from the palette.

Children 4-5 years old can be offered more complex techniques drawing:

Drawing with a white wax candle

For work we prepare thin paper, real autumn leaves(which we collect during the walk), a candle, a brush and paints.

We place a leaf with thick veins under a sheet of paper and run a candle along it.

Cover the entire sheet with paint.

Where the candle comes into contact with the veins of the leaf, its outline will appear.

Drawing vegetables and fruits:

Vegetables and fruits one more popular topic for drawing in autumn.

Drawing with wax crayons

We again use the leaves that we collected during a walk in dry weather. They do not need to be dried because they will become brittle during the drying process. You will also need a thin White paper and wax crayons.

Place the piece of paper under the sheet of paper and carefully color the entire space above it with chalk.

Where the chalk touches the veins, the clear contours of the leaf appear.

To make the drawings look more impressive, we fix them on a bright background - for example, sheets of colored cardboard.

Drawing in kindergarten (video):

Look at the video of beautiful and bright ways of drawing on the theme “autumn”:

Autumn drawing with prints

Again we use freshly picked autumn leaves. We cover each of them with a layer of colors from the autumn palette and carefully turn them over onto a sheet of white paper. We carefully lift the sheet - a multi-colored imprint remains in its place.

From such drawings you can organize a real autumn exhibition

Coloring leaves

Children 5-6 years old can already cope with more jewelry work. We use well-dried ones, which need to be handled carefully, as they break easily in your hands. Covering the leaves different shades paints

It is better to use gouache or acrylic paint, watercolors often roll off the surface of the sheet.

Having painted one side, dry it and paint the second.

In this case, the leaf itself is an autumn picture.

The result is bright autumn leaves that can be used to create various decorative compositions.

From painted leaves you can make an original autumn pendant on a branch.

Coloring paper leaves

This work also requires concentration and perseverance, but less caution - paper sheets cannot be broken and are difficult to wrinkle.

We color each leaf on both sides.

We dry them and use them to decorate a group or hall.

Autumn drawing with crayons

We cut out templates of autumn leaves from thick paper in advance.

Place the template on a landscape sheet.

Carefully paint over the entire space around it with wax chalk, directing the strokes from the center to the periphery. Coloring a birch leaf.

Coloring the maple leaf.

We lift the sheet - only its outlines remain, around which we see a real explosion of bright color.

This custom drawing on the theme of autumn in kindergarten will help develop a child’s interest in creativity and awaken in him the desire to create new ones interesting compositions and paintings.

Drawing and application “Autumn fly agaric”

Using real leaves we draw a colored background. We are waiting for it to dry. Cut out the fly agaric cap from red paper, and cut out the stem from white paper. From a napkin we cut out a fringe for the fly agaric leg. We combine all the elements of the craft on a colored background and complement it with dried maple leaf. All that remains is to paint the fly agaric’s cap with white dots. Our autumn fly agaric is ready!

Application and drawing “autumn fly agaric”

Look at the video on how to make a beautiful one autumn landscape from leaf prints:

Here's an example of a wonderful autumn drawing, drawn with watercolors and crayons. First, the outline of the drawing is drawn in pencil, then patterns are drawn on bushes, trees and grass with white or yellow chalk. After applying watercolor, the pattern will become bright and clear.

How to draw a colored leaf step by step