Autumn landscapes. Autumn landscapes Autumn landscapes painting by artists

Autumn appears quite often in the paintings of Russian artists. This is not surprising, because the beauty of autumn nature is very picturesque, combines many bright colors and has a special mood.

Isaac Brodsky - Golden Autumn

As mentioned above, autumn nature, which begins to transform and turn into shades of yellow and red, looks very picturesque. It would be truly strange if the greatest Russian landscape painters did not pay attention to the transformation of autumn nature. Fortunately for us, artists try to convey in their work all the faces of nature - snow-white winter, green spring, hot summer and colorful autumn. It is also worth noting that the famous artists, whose paintings you can see here, became so famous not only due to the fact that they could quite accurately and realistically convey landscapes on their canvases, but also due to the fact that in their works they could display the nature of the weather and even mood.

Efim Efimovich Volkov - Autumn

Autumn, as you know, is a time of happy sadness, a peaceful mood, when the summer warmth gives way to coolness and rain, when the trees begin to change colors, and to the brightest colors, when the leaves begin to fall to the ground, the pleasant smell of fallen leaves fills the air, when there is feeling of the coming cold, but there is still time to enjoy the last warm days.

Grigory Myasoedov - Autumn morning

The paintings of great artists who turned their attention to autumn nature show, in particular, the emotional state in the midst of autumn. The viewer can feel familiar sensations, whether it is autumn or another time of year outside the window. This is the skill and high art of Russian painters. Next you can see 15 paintings, which today are considered a real treasure of Russian and world art.

Paintings by great Russian artists about autumn

Vasily Polenov – Golden Autumn
Alexey Savrasov – Autumn
Apollinary Vasnetsov - Autumn. 1910s
Arkhip Kuindzhi - Autumn thaw
Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin – Autumn
Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin – Early autumn
Ilya Ostroukhov - Golden Autumn

Isaac Brodsky - Fallen Leaves
Isaac Levitan - Golden Autumn
Mikhail Nesterov — Autumn landscape
Fyodor Vasiliev - Swamp in the forest. Autumn
Stanislav Zhukovsky - Autumn. Veranda

In a time of bright sadness and quiet joy. A rare case of a riot of colors in the middle zone is an occasion for an artist to add warm colors to the canvas. Red rowan leaves, bright yellow birch leaves, golden yellow linden leaves and yellow-brown oak leaves. Even larch in the fall succumbs to the general mood and burns with a canary color against the blue sky. If you're lucky, the golden autumn will turn out to be fine and gentle. We look at pictures about the most romantic time of the year together with Natalya Letnikova.

Isaac Levitan. Gold autumn. 1895. Tretyakov Gallery

Canvas from the “major series” Isaac Levitan. “I was passionately drawn to work, I got carried away, and now for a week now I haven’t taken my eyes off the canvas day after day...”- the artist wrote to his friend Vasily Polenov working on an autumn canvas. A painter saw a landscape bursting with yellow and barely tinged with green in the Tver province on the banks of the Syezha River not far from the Gorka estate, where he had a heartfelt interest. Is this why his “Golden Autumn” is like the smile of nature. The brightest of hundreds of Levitan's autumn paintings.

Stanislav Zhukovsky. Autumn. Veranda. 1911. Timing

A cozy corner of a country house where you can be eye to eye with the autumn park. It seems that you can reach the top of the spruce tree with your hand and, if desired, pluck that lemon-yellow leaf from the birch tree. See the horizon and, inhaling the cool, clean air, sit down on a bench under the sliding rays of the autumn sun. Stanislav Zhukovsky dearly loved autumn and ancient Russians estates. A century ago, the bouquet collected has not lost any of its bright colors and only emphasizes the autumn unity of the inhabitants of the house and its surroundings.

Boris Kustodiev. Autumn in the provinces. Tea party. 1926. Tretyakov Gallery

Merchants in an autumn interior. Favorite topic Boris Kustodiev diluted with warm colors. Fiery red maples and yellowing gardens near provincial houses make autumn especially cozy. That very Indian summer, which temporarily reconciles with the beautiful, but, alas, inevitably falling leaves. The clear air is filled with the aroma of leaves, watermelon and fresh bread from a small bakery. And, of course, no autumn is scary if it’s nearby cat. Together with samovar.

Ilya Ostroukhov. Gold autumn. 1886. Tretyakov Gallery

Isaac Brodsky. Gold autumn. 1913. Museum-apartment of I.I. Brodsky

The village troubles were seen behind the bright riot of colors by the future representative of socialist realism, Isaac Brodsky. Famous for his Leninian student Ilya Repin became much later, and in 1913 the artist preferred romantic landscapes to paintings from revolutionary life. Framed by autumn foliage, as if in the palm of your hand, the village spreads out. He lives his hectic life - rattling carts, ringing voices. Only the colors change - from red gold, through a white winter landscape - to a riot of greenery and again to gilding.

Petr Petrovichev. Boring Garden. Autumn. 1905. Private collection

The corner of the Neskuchny Garden, penetrated by the bright sun, really does not look boring on a fine autumn day. At least the only movement in the deserted park is the slow waters of the river and the long gray shadows commanded by the sun. The house on the hill communicates that the park is inhabited by its appearance. And you can’t say at all that this is part of noisy Moscow. The artist Pyotr Petrovichev came to the capital from the Yaroslavl province on foot - to study painting with Levitan and paint Kuskovo, Kuzminki, Neskuchny Garden... It was much easier for the master of lyrical landscape to find solitude in the capital city a hundred years ago.

Konstantin Somov. Versailles Park in autumn. 1898. State Russian Museum

The center of Moscow or the Royal Park near Paris. Golden autumn is good in any place where the foliage changes color to suit autumn. A new picture every day is like a spectrum of shades. Know mix on the palette: linen, Dijon, mustard... And now the alley is covered with rust, and the color of the Tuscan sun is overshadowed by Parisian sadness. But the canvas will preserve “a fairy-tale palace, open for everyone to see”... As if there were only a few days left until the winter rest. And the leaves glow, and the sky turns blue, not knowing the autumn winds and the coming cold.

Autumn landscape!

Autumn! Autumn landscape! Autumn landscape paintings!
The autumn landscape is captivating! Autumn landscape paintings convey all the beauty and charm of autumn! Autumn landscape paintings are as varied as the colors of the autumn landscape! Autumn! The time of year is loved by many people, as well as artists and poets. The autumn landscape in the paintings of artists is diverse, bright and not boring. Autumn landscape paintings can adequately and very beautifully decorate any interior. Autumn landscape paintings by contemporary artists are presented in our gallery of contemporary artists. We have a very large selection of autumn landscape paintings. Choose an Autumn landscape painting. Autumn landscape paintings are among the most beautiful paintings in the landscape genre!

Autumn landscape! Autumn landscape paintings will be a good gift for yourself and your friends. Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings! Autumn landscape paintings perfectly convey the romance and beauty of autumn! All the richness and beauty of the variety of autumn colors! For many people, autumn is their favorite time of year. And for us too. We love autumn! We love the autumn landscape! We like the Autumn landscape paintings! And many, looking at the wonderful autumn landscape, become real poets!

“The clock is striking, heralding autumn:
heavier than last year
the apple hits the ground -
as many times as there are apples in the garden.” (Bella Akhmadulina)

"From the golden fields where blue smoke rises,
Girls pass by behind heavy carts,
Their hips sway under the thin canvases,
Their cheeks are tanned like golden honey.” (Eduard Bagritsky)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

“The timpani of the swans fell silent in the distance,
The cranes fell silent behind the marshy meadows,
Only hawks circle over the red haystacks,
Yes, autumn rustles in the coastal reeds.” (Eduard Bagritsky)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

“And again autumn with the charm of rusty leaves,
Ruddy, scarlet, yellow, gold,
The silent blue of lakes, their thick waters,
The agile whistle and flight of tits in the oak groves.” (Konstantin Balmont)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

“There is a time of nature of special light,
dim sun, gentle heat.
It's called
Indian summer
and in loveliness argues with spring itself.” (Olga Berggolts)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

“Autumn, autumn! Above Moscow
Cranes, fog and smoke.
Golden-dark foliage
The gardens light up.
And boards on the boulevards
everyone passing by is told
singles or couples:
“Caution, leaf fall!” (Olga Berggolts)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

“The autumn day is high and quiet,
Only audible - the raven is deaf
Calls his comrades,
Let the old woman cough.” (Alexander Blok)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

“Autumn has spread in the wet valleys,
Revealed the cemeteries of the earth,
But thick rowan trees in passing villages
The color red will glow from afar.” (Alexander Blok)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

"There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant..." (Fyodor Tyutchev)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

“Autumn is early.
Leaves are falling.
Step carefully into the grass.
Each leaf is a fox's face...
This is the land on which I live." (Bulat Okudzhava)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

"Autumn. Fairytale palace
Open for everyone to review.
Clearings of forest roads,
Looking into the lakes." (Boris Pasternak)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

“Suddenly a red leaf crept into the greenery,
It's as if the heart of the forest has been exposed,
Ready for pain and risk.” (David Samoilov - Red Autumn)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

“Suddenly a red bush flashed in the thicket,
As if it were located on it
Two thousand half-opened lips."

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

“Suddenly the surrounding forest turned red,
And the cloud absorbed the red glow.
The holiday of leaves and skies glowed
In your calm nobility."

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

"And it was such a big sunset,
Which I have never seen.
It's as if the whole earth has been reborn
And I walk along it at random.” (David Samoilov - Red Autumn)

Autumn landscape. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!
A riot of autumn colors! Gold! Red! Purple! Pink!
The autumn landscape in the paintings of artists is as beautiful as in the poems of poets. The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its beauty! Autumn landscape paintings are wonderful paintings!

The painting of an autumn landscape will decorate your interior. The painting of an autumn landscape will bring you pleasure! A good picture of an autumn landscape will drive away cold boredom. The painting of an autumn landscape will bring romance and a poetic mood into your life! A good picture of an autumn landscape will add a charge of positive emotions to you!

"Come on, comrades, together
Let's sing one song
About the autumn you need
To greet,
Like spring! (Mikhail Svetlov)

The autumn landscape in the paintings of artists is as beautiful as in the poems of poets! The autumn landscape painting is an ode to autumn and the autumn landscape. The autumn landscape fascinates with its extraordinary beauty! Autumn landscape paintings - wonderful paintings about autumn!

The painting of an autumn landscape will decorate your home or work interior. The painting of an autumn landscape will bring you pleasure! A good picture of an autumn landscape will drive away cold boredom and melancholy. The painting of an autumn landscape will bring romance and a poetic mood into your life! And you will understand our favorite poets! A good picture of an autumn landscape will add a charge of positive emotions to you!
Our gallery has a very large selection of autumn landscape paintings. Find your favorite autumn landscape! Find your favorite autumn landscape painting!

Autumn landscape! Pictures about autumn! Paintings with autumn landscape! Autumn in the pictures!

The autumn landscape is captivating! Autumn landscape paintings convey all the beauty and charm of autumn! Each autumn month has its own interesting features and is beautiful in its own way!
Autumn. Autumn begins in September. Autumn landscape in September. Picture of September. September and Indian summer. Indian summer landscape. Indian summer in September. In September, summer says goodbye to us, and autumn caresses us with either sun or drizzling rain.

Warm landscape of September, the first autumn month. September is interesting and beautiful. Autumn landscapes of September and Indian summer. Lovely pictures about the beginning of the golden season of yellow colors of the autumn forest. Paintings of autumn landscape. September landscapes golden autumn Pictures September
Autumn October mid-autumn according to the calendar Autumn leaf spinning landscape October October landscape.

October landscape Smells of dampness and fallen leaves More rain less foliage on the trees October landscape Autumn landscape Autumn landscape in the painting October twilight October landscape October landscape.
Autumn November Landscape of November - Gray forest Slush and dirt Suddenly the first snowflakes flashed. The month of November November landscape of the Moscow region November landscape of Altai The cold weather is coming Paintings of the November landscape Nature freezes November landscape of autumn in the Oryol region, landscape of November Solovki Painting of the landscape of November Krasnaya Polyana. At this time in Murmansk there are already snowstorms and cold Autumn landscape of the White Sea Autumn landscape of the Barents Sea November Seagulls fighting the wind Russian autumn landscape of November Cold, chilly damp Paintings landscape of November
Paintings of the autumn landscape are as varied as the colors of the autumn landscape!

Autumn! The autumn landscape in the paintings of artists is diverse! Autumn landscape paintings by contemporary artists are widely represented in ours!

We have a very large selection of ready-made autumn landscape paintings! From us you can order a painting of an autumn landscape to your liking!

Love autumn! Love each other! The world is beautiful!