Children's pranks on April 1 for parents. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks

When choosing April 1st pranks for parents, you will need to be especially careful. Unlike friends or colleagues, parents are always very worried about their children. Therefore, you need to make sure that the joke makes you laugh on April Fool’s Day, and not upset you and make you worry.

Pranks for parents should not be topical. Your goal is to make mom and dad feel good, without hurting their feelings or spoiling their mood with the wrong joke. We have collected April 1st pranks for parents at home or by phone, which can be carried out with confidence.

#1 Delicious breakfast with a surprise

You can do it on a holiday, because April Fool’s Day is also a holiday, something extremely pleasant. For example, prepare breakfast, but with a surprise. Add more pepper or garlic to the scrambled eggs. Use coconut flakes instead of spices. But here it is important to prepare a second, correct and tasty version of the dish. When the joke takes place, the scrambled eggs with pepper will need to be replaced with a dish in its normal execution. It will be possible, on the one hand, to prank your mother, and on the other hand, to please her with breakfast in bed. You can serve it as a drink right in the morning.

Which dish is suitable for a raffle?

So, take one processed cheese. You need to put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, and then grate it on a fine grater. Add a head of garlic, grate all the cloves on a fine grater. If you have red chili peppers in the refrigerator, you can also safely add them to this festive April Fool's dish.

Now balls of the same size are made from the resulting mass. On top of that, each ball needs to be dipped in coconut. The result is a beautiful-looking, exquisite dessert that should sit in the refrigerator for a few more hours before serving to your beloved mother on the morning of April 1st.

No. 2 Carrying out cable replacement work

If you manage to buy an envelope at the post office in advance, then on April 1 you will be able to implement this draw. You will need to write in the sender field a company with some name like “Looking into the Future” or something like that. In the morning, give your mother the letter, saying that you got it from the mailbox yesterday.

The letter will contain texts, which, of course, you will have to type on your computer and print out in advance. Mom will read that on April 2, cables will be laid in the house and all windows must be secured with tape. If this is not done, the glass may fall out during work. In order for the company to cover all losses, you need to send a standard application to the specified address, as well as a receipt for the purchase of adhesive tape. This prank is funny, but don't let the situation go too far. It is important to reveal your insidious plans in time and tell them that today is April 1 and such letters should not be trusted, because their own children could have written them!

Of course, April 1st pranks for parents over the phone or in real life require more careful preparation. If mothers are gullible, then fathers always expect a trick in any situation. But we know exactly what jokes can work on April Fool's Day.

#1 Paint your nails

While dad is sleeping, you can paint his toenails. This activity is, in principle, fun, you can safely involve your mother. After this, throw away nail polish remover from the house. In the morning, all that’s left to do is enjoy dad’s festive reaction to the joke and wonder what tricks he will resort to to get rid of the paint on his nails. To calm your dad down, you can do this to him.

No. 2 The blanket ran away

Sewing a blanket to a sheet is also a great prank. It seems like a joke for children, but it would also work for dad on April 1st. You will need to burst into your parents’ room in the morning with some kind of statement that requires you to urgently get out of bed. For example, that the upstairs neighbors are flooding the bathroom. Dad will need to get up quickly, but because of the blanket sewn to the sheet, this will be quite difficult.

Raffle by phone

You need to ask a friend with a serious teacher's voice to call one of the parents and tell them that they must come to school tomorrow. You don't have to spend the entire evening confessing why parents might be called to school. And in the morning, when they are already leaving the house, remind them that today is April Fool’s Day, congratulate them on the holiday and just all laugh together.

Almost all April 1 draws can be done for parents free of charge. At least the jokes that we presented in this article require a minimum of investment. At the same time, you will have a great laugh, enjoy the spectacle, and then continue to walk happily through April 1 with high spirits.

There are a lot of different jokes for such an April Fool's Day. Long before today, people joked with each other on various occasions. For example, the phrase “Oh, your milk has run out” or “Your back is white” was often heard, and the person immediately reacted to these phrases, trying to correct the situation. But it should be noted that on such a day no one was offended by anyone, and even, on the contrary, tried to make fun of their opponent in response.

A centuries-old tradition allows jokes to be made on absolutely everyone, be it a child or an adult. And on this day no one is offended at each other. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of the other and in no case offend the person with ridiculous jokes. After all, as you know, everyone has such unfavorite topics.

Many children amuse their parents on this wonderful day, lifting their spirits and charging them with positivity in the morning. For example, if early in the morning you sneak into the bedroom unnoticed and use clothespins to fasten the sheet and duvet cover together, and then suddenly wake them up, shouting that everyone overslept and were late for work, mom and dad will frantically get out of such a “hut” without understanding what’s going on. . Unless someone remembers what day it is first.

You need to think about how to play a prank on your mother on April 1, because such a person requires special attention. Therefore, the joke should not offend or upset. After all, the main goal is to make a funny joke so that you can laugh heartily afterwards.

An interesting prank for mom will be a morning breakfast prepared with “special” care. First, you need to prepare a completely complete everyday breakfast, but after that you should do the final part, adding a little zest to the meal, which should be in the dessert, but you should add pepper or salt to it. After all, the main breakfast will be eaten, so the mother is full and will calmly proceed, for example, to a sweet dessert prepared by her child. But the dessert should be either salty, bitter, or sour. Who has any imagination? After such a prank, the whole family will probably laugh merrily. After all, sometimes mothers, in order not to upset their child, try to eat such a breakfast, which adds even more interest to the joke.

To prepare such a “special” dessert, you can use processed cheese. To do this, rub the product on a fine grater, adding more garlic and hot pepper. After this, you should make small balls from the mass, which are dipped in liquid jam. And only then place the balls on a plate and sprinkle with, for example, coconut flakes. Such a dessert will look appetizing and even a well-fed person will probably agree to try at least a little.

As you know, in most cases it is the mother who goes to school parent-teacher meetings. In order to have a fun prank on your mom and use the school option, you can ask your friend’s mom to report on the upcoming parent-teacher meeting and what is noted there, for example, her daughter’s bad behavior. In the end, of course, the mother will scold her child. But here you will have to be patient and wait for the moment to go to this meeting, after which you will not allow your mother to go to school, confess everything, otherwise you will end up pranking the teacher too.

You can also prank your mother early in the morning with toothpaste. To do this, cut off the bottom of the tube, squeeze out the contents, and fill it with mayonnaise instead. It is not uncommon for tubes to contain round screw-on caps; this toothpaste is easily squeezed out and refilled. The wide neck allows you to fill the tube with any non-harmful product. After which mom, of course, will be very surprised and immediately remember that April 1st has arrived. Sometimes children, playing pranks on their mothers, glue the brush and paste to the entire length of the glass. It turns out to be an interesting joke that will bring a lot of laughter.

It is also undeniable that mother tries every day to restore order in the house and monitors the cleanliness. In this case, you can play a prank on the parent precisely on this occasion. Why in one of the rooms should you fasten with ropes all objects, things and anything that cannot break or break. After this, connect the rope in one place and attach it to the entrance handle. When mom enters such a room, she will pull the attached rope, which will throw all things and objects from their places. Of course, it will turn out to be a complete mess, but mom’s face at this moment will be extremely surprised. You can capture this moment with a photograph or make a video for laughter, so that you can all laugh together many more times.

You can also play a prank on your mother in the morning using her clothes. To do this, you need to take everyday clothes for the house and sew on the sleeves, for example, of a robe, with large stitches. After mom gets up, she starts putting on her home clothes, but no such luck. As a result, most likely she will quickly realize that this is a prank, but for the first time, her face will probably be surprised.

You can do the same with your mother’s other favorite clothes, but a little differently. If mom has a favorite robe, you need to buy something similar or the same in advance. After that, feel free to start the draw. To do this, prepare your mother’s robe next to you and spill coffee or tea on her clothes in front of her eyes. After which she will most likely be indignant, and at this time give her a new robe purchased in advance. Moreover, such a joke will end not only with laughter, but also with a pleasant gift.

You can joke a little differently, choosing a different direction of humor, but you should do this only when your mother has a well-developed sense of humor and she will react normally to this joke. To do this, you can come home holding a bottle of beer in your hands or an unlit cigarette in your teeth. It is clear that for some parents such a joke can end sadly, so knowing your mother, it is worth considering whether such a joke will harm her. After all, when the child was completely positive, and here is something that can lead to fainting. But often such a joke only leads to laughter.

You can also joke with your mother’s robe, or other clothes, by pouring all sorts of small things into your pockets. For example, semolina or rice, as well as something that can get dirty, but can be washed off well. For example, an open jar of gouache. After all, when mom puts on a robe, and the jar gets in the way and sticks out, then you will definitely want to reach in with your hand and check what is there. In this case, your fingers will definitely get into the paint. After which the surprised mother will run to wash her hands and remember April Fool’s Day.

It is not uncommon for children to play pranks on their beloved parents, bringing a lot of laughter, joy and fun, and the first of April is the day for just such a celebration. Therefore, the more joy there is, the more fun the solemn day, which is celebrated in many countries, will be, and various practical jokes will help to carry it out, charging with positivity and remaining in the memory for a long time.

Have you already thought about how to prank your parents on April 1st and, in general, your beloved family members? Making your family laugh and have fun is always a huge plus for a relationship. Again, on April 1, you need to try and prepare everything in the evening so that no one has time to prank you before you do it first.

As for preparing various kinds of pranks for the family on April 1st, you should follow the standard rules. The prank should not offend or injure a person, and it should not interfere with the normal course of things. That is, time should be calculated in such a way that parents are not late for work, and sister or brother is not late for school. Otherwise, in principle, there are no prohibitions.

The main thing is that in the end, everyone laughs heartily together, has fun, and celebrates a wonderful life in this way.

How to prank your parents on April 1st at home

With soap

An excellent option for an April Fool's prank, which is aimed not at anyone in particular, but at all family members who live in the same room with you. You will need to take clear nail polish and new, fresh, dry soap. The night before, apply a clear varnish to the soap and let it dry.

The person who first decides to take a shower in the morning will especially come under fire from this prank. No matter how much such soap is wet, it still won’t lather, and right away, when you wake up in the morning, it will hardly be clear what happened and what specific actions to take in this situation.

Thread and insect

Another interesting and easy to implement option is how to prank your parents on April 1st at home in an easy way. You will need to prepare in the evening, and it is best to hold this draw in the evening of April 1st. When someone goes to the bathroom, you need to take a long thread and put it under the sheet. The end of the thread should extend outside the room. When a person goes to bed, he will begin to pull the thread and pull it out from under the sheet. And you will feel like some kind of insect is moving on the bed.

The joke will be remembered for a long time, only here you need to take into account that if a person is terribly afraid of insects, then it is better to refuse this version of the joke. If, on the contrary, he has strong nerves, then such a test will ultimately be fun and will help diversify the jokes on April Fool's Day with the family.

With mattress

In the evening, when the day of laughter seems to be coming to an end and everyone decides to relax, you can perform this joke. You just need to wait for the person to fall asleep soundly. An accomplice is required to pull off this prank. You need to take the sleeping person along with the mattress and carefully move him from the bed to the floor. Next, wake the person suddenly and watch as he tries to jump to his feet. After all, he thinks that he is lying high on the bed, but in fact he is already on the floor.

With toothpaste

This is a traditional April Fool's prank that will never lose its relevance. Everything should be prepared in advance so that on the morning of April 1 you will be in full combat readiness. Instead of paste, you will need to squeeze cream into the pack, add sugar or salt. The first person to go to the bathroom on April 1 will definitely brush his teeth with something original, but not with toothpaste.

Another toothpaste-related prank, this one is easier and more harmless. You can simply tape the paste to the cup, and the brushes to the cup in which they are located. In the morning, a person will be very surprised when he cannot take familiar things from their usual place. It’s not immediately clear what exactly is interfering and, in general, what day it is.

Connecting objects

This is a great way to play an April Fool's joke on your brother or sister. You will need to connect things together and tie them to the door handle. When the door to the room opens from the outside, it turns out that these objects will simply fly away in different directions upon entering the room, which will cause a slight shock to the person entering. This is quite enough for a joke. Among the items you can take pens, pencils, toys and other small items. As for the tying method, you can use thread or tape. Which ones can be carried out?

With a doll

You will need to take a doll that is the size of a baby. Wrap her well in a blanket and put her in a basket. Now place this basket near the door and put a note in it. Place the doll near the front door, ring the bell and run away. When one of the family members opens the door, he will be surprised, to put it mildly.

With shower

While all family members are sleeping, you should get up early and take a cube of soup broth or just food coloring. Next, unscrew the shower sprayer and send broth or dye there. Now, when the first member of the family goes to take a shower, instead of ordinary water, broth or red liquid will be poured onto him. Of course, at first this family member will be terrified, but you will definitely start the morning of April 1 in a cheerful and cheerful mood.

With a saucepan

The next option is how to prank your parents on April 1st. You can take a pan of water or just a jar. Next, take a sheet of paper and attach it to the jar, turn it upside down. Then place it on a flat surface and the joke is that the water will not flow out of the vessel. Now, when someone enters the room, he will want to turn over a jar or pan, which, for no apparent reason, is on the table. A lot of water will be poured on this man!


This is a very good prank, but only someone who has a good sense of humor can be the target of the joke. When a brother or father falls asleep, he needs to get a manicure. Then set the alarm clock ahead half an hour so that, in a hurry to get to work, a person can notice the manicure, be shocked, laugh, and then have time to remove the polish before going to work. Other options, .

As for how to prank parents on April 1 over the phone, there may not be many options. You should immediately clearly understand that even if you call from another number, they will definitely recognize your voice. Therefore, a neutral accomplice will be needed. And there you can come up with anything, you can say that the neighbors are flooded, that the milk on the stove has run away. Everything is limited only by your own imagination and the desire not to seriously injure your parents with your jokes.

World April Fool's Day is approaching, and so that you can prank your classmates at school, your parents at home, your best friends, and still have a lot of fun, we have compiled a list of the best April Fool's jokes. Thanks to simple and thoughtful pranks that can be carried out using improvised means, you will literally win over your classmates at school, friends in the yard, mom or dad on April 1, and will also show off your sparkling sense of humor in front of them.

Funny and inventive jokes on April 1 at school for classmates

School pranks are becoming more and more original from year to year. Teenage comedians are very seriously preparing to make jokes on April 1st. Before pranking your classmates on April Fool's Day, you need to meet 2 conditions - the jokes must be harmless so that everyone can laugh without holding a grudge against each other, and most importantly, they must not be traumatic.

The mouse broke - a great prank in computer science class

Before the computer science lesson, you need to cover the bottom of the mouse with tape or paper. Since the computer mouse is sensor-powered, your school friend will think it's broken.

Sandwich with mold - we generously treat our desk neighbor on April 1

Treat your desk neighbor to a delicious sandwich during recess. In fact, the sandwich is fresh, and the mold is just shown on the packaging.

A delicious prank on April Fool's Day - fragrant cookies for classmates

Invite your classmates to try homemade chocolate chip cookies made with frozen mashed potatoes and black beans.

A prank for April 1st to make the whole class laugh

If you want everyone in the class to have fun, take the phone number of your neighbor on the desk, apply bright lipstick to the front part and call him. As soon as he answers the call, his entire ear will be smeared with lipstick.

Funny jokes on April 1 for friends, neighbors, relatives

Appetizing little pillows with stuffing inside - a generous treat for friends

Swap the contents of cat food packages for crunchy treats with a sweet filling inside. Invite your friends to a party and treat them to a sweet surprise.

We invite our friends and classmates to wash down their delicious pillows with Coke and ice on April Fool's Day

Offer to wash down sweets with cool Coke. Prepare ahead of time ice cubes with Mentos fizzy candy inside. As soon as the cubes begin to melt, a storm will begin in the glass of soda.

Mashed potatoes instead of ice cream on April 1st

Offer your guests glasses of delicious ice cream. The mashed potatoes that will lie inside cannot be distinguished from a sweet cold dessert.

Sparkling jokes on April 1 for mom, dad, “beloved” brothers and sisters

In order to play a good prank at home, it is better to prepare in advance. And if you are constantly fighting for leadership with your brother or sister, feel free to read on.

The funniest joke for any family member is stitched socks

Collect several pairs of other people's socks. Then sew the sock from each pair with a thread in the middle, or sew it up completely. From this moment on, the countdown of the game will begin only in your favor.

The Plastic Cup Rebellion Is the Worst April Fool's Day Joke

Buy 300 plastic cups at the store, fill each of them halfway with water, and barricade the hallway while your family is sleeping. Your parents will have to work hard to get out of their bedroom on the morning of April 1st.

Bloody water from the tap for a harmful brother on April 1

Unscrew the bottom part of the faucet, which is responsible for spraying water, and place a food coloring tablet there. For a more intimidating effect, choose a red substance. The effect will be very long-lasting and realistic, and the brother whom you have long wanted to take revenge on for various dirty tricks will remember the “bloody” water for a long time.

A terrifying refrigerator - a joke for an adult brother with nerves of steel

Print out a human face on an A4 sheet of paper. Place the photo in a three-liter jar and fill it with water. Such a prank is not suitable for vulnerable and faint-hearted family members (mother or sister); it is better to joke this way only with men.

Cute and harmless jokes on April Fool's Day - a healthy breakfast for your beloved mother

Take care of your mother - prepare delicious fried eggs for breakfast. Imagine her surprise when, instead of a rich egg, yogurt will be smeared in place of the white, and half of a canned apricot will serve as the yolk.

A prank for mom on April 1st, when the shampoo “broke”

Unscrew the cap from the shampoo and wrap the neck with cellophane film. Then screw on the lid and trim the cellophane around the edges. During bathing procedures, a “surprise” will be waiting for mom in the morning.

Funny April 1st jokes for young children and schoolchildren

For little children, jokes should be kind and funny, so that the child will fall in love with the April 1 holiday from childhood and will laugh heartily with you at pranks in the future.

Big-eyed refrigerator - a joke on April 1 for the little ones

Make sure that household members are not in the apartment, or they are busy with other things and do not plan to enter the kitchen. Take a few dozen googly eyes and stick them around all the products in the refrigerator: from chicken eggs to various jars. Send your child to the refrigerator for food. No baby can resist such a cute picture in the refrigerator.

Fresh porridge for children for breakfast from a caring mother on April Fool's Day

Place your child's breakfast plate in the freezer overnight, and in the morning watch how your baby struggles to pick off the porridge.

We are preparing cool jokes for April 1, so that April Fool's Day will be remembered for a long time

April Fool's breakfast for young children and their parents