Why do you dream about a jar of pickles? Why does a woman dream of pickled cucumbers? Color and quality of cucumbers: green, red, yellow, rotten and others

In a dream you can often see a wide variety of food products. You should not discount these symbols, because they also carry a semantic load. This article will look at what pickles mean in dreams.

Below are the interpretations of dreams with cucumbers for men and women.

How to interpret a dream about pickled cucumbers

Many may think that pickles dream of pregnancy, but this is far from the case. This symbol most often promises a person tears, bitterness and troubles, from which it will be quite difficult to recover.

Why does a woman dream of pickled cucumbers?

If a woman saw pickled cucumbers in a dream, then she will be disappointed. Often such a symbol is a harbinger of not only sad events, but also material losses. If the dreamer was sick and she dreamed of pickles, then she will soon recover. When a lonely woman dreams of this symbol, she will soon meet her betrothed. Eating pickles in a dream means praise. Buying pickles at the market is a sign of deception. Don't borrow or invest money, it won't come back.

If a man dreamed of pickles

If a man sells pickles in a dream, then he will receive an unexpected profit. Seeing a jar of pickles in a dream means that you need to be careful when traveling, an accident may occur. If the dreamer carries cucumbers in a bag, serious trouble awaits him, not only in the professional sphere, but also in his personal life. Eating cucumbers with friends and relatives in a dream means quarreling with them. After such a dream, it is better to moderate your ardor and not get involved in heated arguments that could end in a scandal. Throwing away cucumbers in a dream means getting rid of an old problem; treating your neighbors to them means dirty tricks on your part.

Dream interpretation of pickled cucumbers

As a rule, seeing canned cucumbers in a dream is a negative sign. Such a vision promises a difficult financial situation, troubles, tears, troubles. But to find out exactly what pickles mean in dreams, you need to study the dream book, and preferably not one, but several of the most popular ones.

Dream about preserving for the winter

In general, if you dream about canning cucumbers, then luck will turn away from you. As a result, you will experience material need and mental suffering.

The most popular interpretations of dream books

Fresh cucumbers bring only joy and happiness, but lightly salted ones carry a completely opposite omen.

Universal dream book

Eating a pickled cucumber, pickling it - you have a black streak ahead of you. You need to be patient and just wait it out. Nothing you do can ward off trouble from you.

But, according to the dream book, these tests are destined for you from above. Only by overcoming them can you develop further and find happiness.

Women's dream book

Eating pickles and feeling that they are disgusting to you means that your loved one will greatly disappoint you. The aftertaste from the incident will remain for a long time, you will experience real mental suffering.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Eating a delicacy in a dream

If you dream that you are eating pickled cucumbers, you will be overcome by melancholy. If they are pickled, you will just feel a little sad. Salted vegetables - the melancholy will be very strong, even depression is possible.

Interpreter of Sigmund Freud

A cucumber in a dream symbolizes the male genital organ. If a man dreams of a pickled cucumber, then his masculine strength decreases. For a woman, such a dream promises dissatisfaction in her relationship with her partner.

Cucumbers in a jar

Why do you dream of pickles in a jar? You hold the situation in your hands, you are in complete control of it. The dream also predicts that you will soon have a turning point. Whether you can cope with it will depend on the condition of the canned fruit. If they are solid and beautiful to look at, then you will pass the test with dignity and become even stronger.

You dream that there are not only cucumbers in the jar, but also tomatoes - friends will help you in solving a difficult situation. True, if the tomatoes looked far from presentable, then your friends may abandon you halfway, and then you will have to fight on your own.

Seeing cans of preserves in a dream - if you want to achieve your goal, you need to gather your strength and endurance into a fist.

Dreaming of preparing canned food

In a dream, you can not only eat crispy salty fruits, but also cook them. As a rule, such dreams visit the fair half of humanity - housewives. What do they promise you in the future:

Making blanks in a dream

  • If you dream of rolling up cucumbers or tomatoes for the winter, you will worry about your financial situation.
  • Salting canned food too much means tears.
  • Closing canned food, cucumbers or tomatoes in a dream - it’s time to pay off old debts. The dream book believes that it is in your interests to quickly get rid of creditors.

Other interpretations

Cutting pickles means moving up the career ladder. Your management will finally notice your diligence.

Eating pickles means trouble in the family. You will experience real torment and worry about this.

Seeing pickles growing right in the garden means a difficult period in life. You will need to fully mobilize your mental and physical strength in order to achieve at least a minimal result.

To see in a dream how you are distributing pickles or tomatoes to people - you are on the right path of spiritual development. You free yourself from old, “canned” problems, grievances, and negative thoughts. Keep moving in this direction and you will see that life is beautiful.

There is an interpretation when a pregnant woman sees or eats pickled cucumbers in a dream. This is a warning. You need to prepare for the fact that childbirth will not be the easiest. Although, if you went to bed with the dream of eating something salty, then this is simply a reflection of your desires.

Do not forget: dreams only carry information about what may happen soon; it is in your hands to change your future for the better.

Seeing fresh green cucumbers - for a sick person, such a dream promises a quick deliverance from any illness that has been bothering him.

Why dream of fresh green cucumbers for a married woman - to an unexpected surprise that someone in the family will present. For a single woman, such a dream is a pleasant acquaintance with her future chosen one.

Pickled cucumbers - poverty and misery.

Why dream of pickled cucumbers - you will notice your own weakness, it will interfere with you.

Children's dream book What does Cucumbers mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about Cucumbers - You will be deservedly praised, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book A woman often dreams about Cucumbers.

What does it mean to see Cucumbers in a dream - Seeing Cucumbers in a dream means excellent health and prosperity in business. For patients, such a dream promises a speedy recovery, for lovers - positive changes in relationships.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud Why do you dream of Cucumbers:

Why do you dream of Cucumbers? Cucumbers are often a symbol of masculinity. Therefore, if you saw Cucumbers in a dream, it means that you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire. A man who dreams of Cucumbers promises an erotic adventure, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream of Cucumbers in a dream?

Cucumbers - If men dream of cucumbers - for money, for women - for gifts, for girls - for meeting young people. Cucumbers in the snow mean gossip about lovers. Yellow, rotten cucumbers symbolize men incapable of love. Buying and carrying cucumbers means thankless work and troubles; sowing cucumbers in the garden - to significant financial losses

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream of Cucumbers in a dream:

Cucumbers - Cucumbers seen in a dream - to excellent health and prosperity in business. For patients, this dream promises a speedy recovery. Good changes for lovers.

Culinary dream book If you dream of Cucumbers, what does it mean?

Seeing Cucumbers in a dream - If you dreamed of Cucumbers (cucumbers), this means that soon unexpected guests will come to you, who will delight you, bring variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will confine you very much and will not leave you quickly.

Love dream book

Cucumbers - If you dreamed of Cucumbers, then expect changes for the better in the near future. Happiness awaits you.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about cucumbers?

Seeing Cucumbers in a dream - Seeing a lot of cucumbers in a dream means a large crowd of people, guests.

Summer dream book Why do you dream of Cucumbers according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see Cucumbers in a dream - Picking cucumbers in the beds in a dream - means a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Cucumbers:

Cucumbers - Recovery, money (for a man), fulfillment of hopes, success, profit, meeting guys (for a girl) // sadness, bad things, trouble; collect - to the deceased, sadness; eat - illness; eating salty foods means tears, poverty; pickled - disease.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Cucumbers:

Cucumbers - See, see the interpretation of the dream watermelon, this is what the dream book says about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream about Cucumbers:

To see Cucumbers in a dream - To see Cucumbers in a dream - you should get rid of unnecessary, unrealistic dreams. What you want is unattainable and you should be content with what you have. Eating cucumbers in a dream means disappointment. Seeing yellow, overripe cucumbers in a dream means disappointment, which will soon give way to bright hopes. Picking cucumbers in a dream means that you need to rethink the achievements of recent years. You probably already have a lot of good things in your life, but by striving for more, you don't appreciate what you have. Such a dream symbolizes that you may lose what you have if you do not appreciate it in the future.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: What do cucumbers mean?

Cucumbers - For a woman - suitors; cucumbers in the snow - gossip in connection with lovers; seeing cucumbers means money (for a man), this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Cucumbers?

The meaning of the dream in the dream book: Cucumbers - Cucumbers - bad, someone will cause you trouble. Green cucumbers - relatives will arrive. Cucumbers - success, profit. Cucumbers are a nuisance, because of the consonance: cucumbers are bitter. A girl dreams of cucumbers - meeting guys. Pickled cucumbers are a weakness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of Cucumbers - Guests; money; lover (for a woman), in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing Cucumbers in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Cucumbers - Eating cucumbers in a dream means that your hopes are deceptive. However, for the sick, this same dream promises a quick, happy recovery, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream about Cucumbers:

Cucumbers - Health, luck

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Cucumbers in a dream

Cucumbers - Seeing or eating - something good awaits you.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Cucumbers:

Cucumbers - See a shortage of food, a bad harvest. There are strange events, surprise.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Cucumbers in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream of Cucumbers - Success, profit - see or eat - Something good awaits you

Spring dream book Why do you dream of Cucumbers according to the dream book?

Seeing Cucumbers (Cucumbers) in a dream - Pickling cucumbers - means quarreling with your son-in-law.

Dream interpretation of pickled cucumbers

Why do you dream of pickled cucumbers in a dream?

Pickles are considered an unfavorable dream. After it, you need to be prepared for all kinds of failures and troubles. The dream promises tears, irritation and resentment. Pickled cucumbers indicate the onset of a period of financial trouble and even poverty.

If you dream about pickled cucumbers, then in reality you may soon get sick or experience malaise and weakness. If the cucumbers are lightly salted, this is an unpleasant dream for lovers. It promises misunderstanding of a loved one or an unrequited feeling. The dream also foreshadows grievances and possible insults. Cooking dishes with pickles in a dream means high reviews of your culinary successes.

I dreamed about pickled cucumbers, what does that mean?


Andrey Gromkov

Read Freud)))


Vladimir Sakhnenko

The cucumber symbolizes the penis. But why is it salty? Perhaps this is due to psychological trauma

Dmitry Tektonikov

Cucumber is a symbol of good health and prosperity in business. Eating a cucumber means a quarrel; picking cucumbers means prosperity. Cucumber - cash receipts, repayment of debt Cucumber is a favorable dream, promising health and prosperity. If patients dream that they are growing cucumbers, such a dream promises them a quick recovery. For family people, such a dream promises pleasant changes in life. If men dream of cucumbers, it means money, women – gifts, girls – meeting young people. Cucumbers in the snow mean gossip about lovers. Yellow, rotten cucumbers symbolize men incapable of love. Buying and carrying cucumbers means thankless work and troubles; sowing cucumbers in the garden - to significant financial losses. Dream interpretation of birthday people in January, February, March, April. Pickling cucumbers - to quarrel with your son-in-law. Dream interpretation of birthday people in September, October, December Seeing a lot of cucumbers in a dream means a large crowd of people, guests. Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August Picking cucumbers in the garden beds in a dream means a rich harvest of cucumbers. In general, come here!


Take the test...maybe this is it - HAPPINESS!!!


You will have many husbands, and they will all be impressive. Are you feeling better? Do you need to ask questions like these?


Spring has come, good weather)))))))))))


www.myjane.ru/sonnik/ - interpretation of dreams [link blocked by decision of the project administration] - the secret meaning of the name and zodiac signs. What do the signs you meet along the way portend www.interlinks.ru/browse-116-116-1.html - a very good dream book www.sunhome.ru/dreams - Miller's Dream Book. Freud's Dream Book. Vanga's dream book. Dream book of Nostradamus. Loff's Dream Book. Assyrian dream book www.neolove.ru/son/ - online dream book including interpretations of dreams according to the dream books of Miller, Freud and Vanga. www.kleo.ru/dreams/ - A modern dream book with a rubricator and search for the interpretation of women's dreams

Why do you dream about pickled cucumbers?


Lilac fairy

Pickles are considered an unfavorable dream. After it, you need to be prepared for all kinds of failures and troubles.

Russin Sibirak

to pregnancy

Yorkshire Terrier

Bear with balalaika

You yourself understand why)

Masha Naikova

of course Cucumbers - Seeing Cucumbers in a dream means excellent health and prosperity in business. For patients, such a dream promises a speedy recovery, for lovers - positive changes in relationships. Copied from the site: http://www.astromeridian.ru/sonnik/


Well, let's put it this way - an old horse won't spoil the furrows, but it won't plow deep either

Alivera Alverad

Success in business awaits you. So, you can safely do what you have in mind.

☜♡☞ Mikhailovna ☜ღ☞

If you dream of pickles in a jar, the dream warns of possible dangers during various movements; If you cook a dish of pickled cucumbers in a dream, this means accolades in culinary success; To be offended and to cry, you may dream of eating pickled cucumbers. Carrying pickles means trouble. Buying pickles means a loss, selling means a profit. Under no circumstances should you be upset if the interpretation of a dream is not entirely favorable. A dream is just a prediction, a warning about one of the roads in the dreamer’s life. And a person himself is capable of changing and choosing his own destiny.

Rock Lee

My grandfather had this before he died


to weather changes

This is the second time during pregnancy that I have dreamed about pickled cucumbers, what is this for?


Elena Portugalskaya

you just want cucumbers, that’s all) don’t stress yourself out, everything will be fine =))


If in a dream you see pickles, then in real life you will do empty things if you cannot call on all your energy and common sense to your aid. For a young woman, a dream in which she eats pickles foretells that her ambitious aspirations will be partially realized. If you dreamed that the pickles were spoiled, then you will experience disappointment in business or in love.


Perhaps you are abusing something (radioactive) during pregnancy, copper has its own significance, you can’t tell right away, maybe you are cooking in copper utensils, which is harmful or... this can be discussed and understood.

Olesya Sigova

Good evening! ! Cucumbers dream of pregnancy! ! Currently dreaming - that is, this is your state today! Good luck to you! And easy birth!


The cucumber is often a symbol of masculinity. Therefore, if you saw a cucumber in a dream, it means that you are tormented by unsatisfied sexual desire.

Rita Vladimirskaja

I think you will have a son and you subconsciously also want pickles

Heart Shadow

O_o...it’s just that if you are pregnant, you naturally want salty and sour things, so you dream about cucumbers...

Why do you dream about pickled cucumbers a second time, huh?



A cucumber seen in a dream means excellent health and prosperity in business. For patients, this dream promises a speedy recovery. Good changes for lovers.

Always Smile

you probably just love them))))) buy pickles...

The One Who Creates Her Own World

For pregnancy)


Cucumber is an obsessive suitor. A lot of cucumbers - to a crowd of people, to guests. Pickling cucumbers means swearing. Salt - symbolizes loss, quarrels and troubles. However, there are also good meanings - cucumbers in a dream promise recovery for a sick person, and changes for the better for lovers.

The article on the topic: “dream book why you dream of pickled cucumbers” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

Most dream books believe that pickles seen in a dream are a negative sign. If you ate them in a dream, then in reality you should be prepared for tears and all sorts of troubles. But, undoubtedly, this is far from the only explanation for why such dreams occur. A lot depends on the plot.

To eat

Seeing pickles in a dream means tears and poverty. In the near future, failure will help you in all your current affairs, and you will not be able to cope with it.

The universal dream book believes that eating pickles in a dream means breaking a bad streak in life. Just don't despair. Remember that all trials are given for a reason and someday they will definitely end.

Eating this dish in a dream and feeling that it doesn’t taste good means disappointment in a loved one. The women's dream book predicts strong emotional experiences associated with this, which will not be easy to cope with.

Shereminskaya also gives a description of why one dreams of eating pickled cucumbers. Shereminskaya's dream book believes that seeing you eat crispy cucumbers in your night dreams is a sign of spiritual anguish. If you ate a lot and at the same time felt salt on your tongue, then the sadness will be very strong and quite long-lasting.

If you dreamed that you ate spoiled canned vegetables, expect trouble. You won't be able to avoid it, you'll just have to wait it out.

Available in the bank

To dream that pickles are in a jar means complete control over the situation. The dream promises that you will be able to take control of a rather difficult life situation and overcome circumstances. Especially if you dream of strong and fresh vegetables.

If you dreamed that in addition to cucumbers there were also tomatoes in the jar, then friends will help you solve problems. At the first request, they will lend their shoulder and provide all possible support. If the tomatoes you dreamed of were curled or spoiled, then you should not count on outside support. She won't be there.

Aesop also gives an explanation of why these green vegetables are dreamed of in a closed glass container. The dream plot promises negative life changes. But, you can easily cope with them if you use all your perseverance.

Various interpretations

If you dreamed that you were cutting pickles into small pieces, then in reality you will have to solve many small but very pressing problems. Don't let these difficulties go by themselves. They will not disappear on their own, and the situation can only seriously worsen.

The universal dream book suggests that cutting previously pickled cucumbers in a dream means a promotion. The boss will appreciate all your efforts and appoint you to the position that you have been dreaming of for a very long time.

Miller's dream book believes that cucumbers in a barrel warn of possible dangers. Take on a new business with caution, or better yet, postpone it altogether for a more favorable time.

In a dream I ate lightly salted cucumbers from a bucket.

And I had them cut into quarters in a large plate, they looked beautiful and appetizing. And I wanted them so much, in addition to these, the woman offered me a jar. And there really are problems.

I salted it myself and served it in my dream, they said it was delicious, what’s that for? I didn't eat it myself.

My boyfriend fed me them, but I spat them out because they were not tasty.

Most interpreters see problems and troubles in this symbol. The dreamer should prepare for a series of life's adversities and strengthen his spirit. However, the subtleties of interpretation will depend on the peculiarities of the development of the dream plot. For women, pickles remind them of an inevitable pregnancy, which has a certain symbolism. Why do you dream about pickled cucumbers?

General interpretation

Pickles can be seen under various circumstances:

  • they can be on a table or in a bank;
  • cucumbers can be seen/eaten/cut/buyed;
  • You can see the preparation of pickles for the winter.

Seeing pickles in a jar is a warning about danger while traveling in transport. It is better to refuse the trip to avoid troubles. Sometimes a dream foreshadows an empty business trip without results.

Carry pickles - get ready for unpleasant moments in life. Soon unexpected events will befall you, which will make you very worried.

Eating pickles in a dream means tears of resentment and disappointment await you. Also, eating cucumbers in a dream can portend new acquaintances that will bring a lot of problems. Feeding a person cucumbers means suffering an unfair insult from him.

Pickling cucumbers means you will have to pay off debts and suffer a lack of funds. If you don't owe anyone, beware of deception. Also, this plot may foreshadow an annoying quarrel with relatives. For business people, the plot foreshadows a meeting with dishonest partners: do not trust suspicious people.

A dream in which a wife fed her husband pickles foreshadows a possible separation. The man has a mistress on the side, whose plans include getting someone else’s husband at any cost.

If you dream of lightly salted cucumbers before the wedding, the marriage will be fragile: scandalous situations are possible that will lead to a break in the relationship of the married couple.

Buying pickles means a possible loss, and selling means a profit.

Positive interpretation

In what situations can pickles foreshadow positive events? For example, in case of illness: a sick person will soon recover.

The dream also has a positive interpretation for single people: soon you will meet your soulmate. Loneliness will be a thing of the past.

For women, eating pickles predicts an early pregnancy if she did not eat cucumbers the night before bedtime. However, for unmarried women, this dream promises material losses, even poverty. For girls, this dream threatens separation from their beloved guy.

A missing pickled cucumber warns of an insurmountable obstacle on the road to life. Be extremely vigilant, try not to allow such a situation into your life. For married women, this plot foreshadows a possible divorce.

To prepare a dish with pickles - your work will be appreciated, and your culinary abilities will be appreciated too.

Interpretation of dream books

  • Freud sees the elongated shape of a cucumber as a symbol of the penis. If a fresh, firm cucumber signifies good potency in men, then a salted cucumber signifies its decrease. For women, this dream predicts dissatisfaction in sexual contact with a partner.
  • Culinary dream book predicts an unexpected arrival of guests, which will become burdensome for the owners: they will stay for a long time. The dreamer will suffer significant losses from this visit.
  • Everyday dream book warns not to plan trips in the near future - they will be unsuccessful. Slicing cucumbers for a salad means a fun get-together with friends or relatives. Buying pickles means difficult trials. Under these conditions, the dreamer will not be able to cope with the circumstances alone and will be forced to ask friends for help.
  • Dream Interpretation of Felomena believes that the dreamer should change his character and radically change the direction of life. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve your goals.
  • Maly Velesov the dream book warns of an imminent conflict situation in the family; perhaps ruin awaits the family. Be patient with your loved ones, do not inflame the conflict situation into a fire.

If the dreamer ate pickles the day before, this dream is a reflection of his daytime thoughts on this matter. If you see cucumbers for no reason, the subconscious gives a signal about a decrease in vitality. You should take care of strengthening your immune system and pay attention to your health.

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Dream interpretation of why you dream about pickled cucumbers

Dream interpretation of pickled cucumbers

As a rule, seeing canned cucumbers in a dream is a negative sign. Such a vision promises a difficult financial situation, troubles, tears, troubles. But to find out exactly what pickles mean in dreams, you need to study the dream book, and preferably not one, but several of the most popular ones.

Dream about preserving for the winter

Dreaming of preparations for the winter

In general, if you dream about canning cucumbers, then luck will turn away from you. As a result, you will experience material need and mental suffering.

The most popular interpretations of dream books

Fresh cucumbers bring only joy and happiness, but lightly salted ones carry a completely opposite omen.

Universal dream book

Eating a pickled cucumber, pickling it - you have a black streak ahead of you. You need to be patient and just wait it out. Nothing you do can ward off trouble from you.

But, according to the dream book, these tests are destined for you from above. Only by overcoming them can you develop further and find happiness.

Women's dream book

Eating pickles and feeling that they are disgusting to you means that your loved one will greatly disappoint you. The aftertaste from the incident will remain for a long time, you will experience real mental suffering.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Eating a delicacy in a dream

If you dream that you are eating pickled cucumbers, you will be overcome by melancholy. If they are pickled, you will just feel a little sad. Salted vegetables - the melancholy will be very strong, even depression is possible.

Interpreter of Sigmund Freud

A cucumber in a dream symbolizes the male genital organ. If a man dreams of a pickled cucumber, then his masculine strength decreases. For a woman, such a dream promises dissatisfaction in her relationship with her partner.

Cucumbers in a jar

Why do you dream of pickles in a jar? You hold the situation in your hands, you are in complete control of it. The dream also predicts that you will soon have a turning point. Whether you can cope with it will depend on the condition of the canned fruit. If they are solid and beautiful to look at, then you will pass the test with dignity and become even stronger.

You dream that there are not only cucumbers in the jar, but also tomatoes - friends will help you in solving a difficult situation. True, if the tomatoes looked far from presentable, then your friends may abandon you halfway, and then you will have to fight on your own.

Seeing cans of preserves in a dream - if you want to achieve your goal, you need to gather your strength and endurance into a fist.

Dreaming of preparing canned food

In a dream, you can not only eat crispy salty fruits, but also cook them. As a rule, such dreams visit the fair half of humanity - housewives. What do they promise you in the future:

Making blanks in a dream

  • If you dream of rolling up cucumbers or tomatoes for the winter, you will worry about your financial situation.
  • Salting canned food too much means tears.
  • Closing canned food, cucumbers or tomatoes in a dream - it’s time to pay off old debts. The dream book believes that it is in your interests to quickly get rid of creditors.

Other interpretations

Cutting pickles means moving up the career ladder. Your management will finally notice your diligence.

Eating pickles means trouble in the family. You will experience real torment and worry about this.

Seeing pickles growing right in the garden means a difficult period in life. You will need to fully mobilize your mental and physical strength in order to achieve at least a minimal result.

To see in a dream how you are distributing pickles or tomatoes to people - you are on the right path of spiritual development. You free yourself from old, “canned” problems, grievances, and negative thoughts. Keep moving in this direction and you will see that life is beautiful.

There is an interpretation when a pregnant woman sees or eats pickled cucumbers in a dream. This is a warning. You need to prepare for the fact that childbirth will not be the easiest. Although, if you went to bed with the dream of eating something salty, then this is simply a reflection of your desires.

Do not forget: dreams only carry information about what may happen soon; it is in your hands to change your future for the better.

Why do you dream about pickled cucumbers?

Pickled cucumbers are often associated with pregnancy; perhaps, after a dream in which they were seen, you should also expect a new addition to the family, let’s try to figure it out. To get the most accurate information, take into account all the little details and emotional stress.

Why do you dream about pickled cucumbers?

Pickles are an unfavorable sign that warns of an increased risk of any disappointments. One of the dream books contains information that such cucumbers promise tears and significant material losses. For a person who is sick, such a dream portends a quick recovery. If a lonely person sees a dream about pickled cucumbers, it means that he should soon expect a change in his personal life for the better. In a dream, you are preparing some kind of dish with pickles, which means that in the future your culinary abilities will be appreciated.

A dream in which you see a jar of pickles is a kind of warning about possible dangers while traveling or during any other movements. If you see a dream in which you are carrying pickles somewhere, it means that in real life you should prepare for serious troubles. Eating pickles in a dream is a sign of possible grievances and tears. A dream in which you buy pickles is a warning about an increased risk of losses. If you sell them to someone, then the dream, on the contrary, promises profit.

Seeing the preparation of pickles in a dream means that in real life you will need to repay your debts, which will significantly affect your financial situation. Another similar dream can serve as a warning about possible deception. The Dream Interpretation recommends that at this time you be as careful as possible when concluding any transactions and when signing documents.

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Why do you dream about pickled cucumbers?

For centuries, people have been trying to answer questions about their lives with the help of dreams. But many are racking their brains, “on what day do dreams come true?” The accumulated experience of leading astrologers and psychologists will help to present a clear picture in this regard. It is customary to interpret dreams depending on the position of the moon in the sky. So, when the moon is waning, a bad dream will not bring trouble, but on the contrary, it will purify life and lead to goodness. When the moon is waxing, the likelihood of prophetic dreams is high. And dreams on a full moon indicate moments in real life where we are most emotional.

There are dozens of dream books interpreting the meanings of certain dreams. If, for example, a person dreamed of pickled cucumbers, most well-known interpreters consider such a dream not entirely favorable. In general, any salty food warns the dreamer of the risk of any illness and disappointment.

Interpretation of sleep - why do you dream of pickled cucumbers according to Z. Freud

In the interpreter of the outstanding Austrian psychologist S. Freud, the cucumber is a symbol of the penis, the tearing of which indicates the sleeper’s craving for self-satisfaction. Pickled cucumber, in turn, shows men a reduced potency, since it is no longer so mature and elastic, and women a sign of dissatisfaction with their partner.

Dream Interpretation Maly Velesov

According to the Maly Velesov dream book, pickles dream of tears and poverty.

Why do you dream about pickled cucumbers - Ukrainian dream book

According to the Ukrainian dream book, pickles dream of the dreamer’s weakness.

Traditional interpretation of sleep

In the traditional interpretation, on the contrary, pickles foreshadow joy in the family and a hospitable table.

English dream book - pickles in a dream

The English dream book also interprets stale (pickled) cucumbers in a dream as a symbol of good health, for the sick - recovery, and for single people - the imminent finding of a family.

Why else can you dream of pickled cucumbers?

  • If you dream of pickles in a jar, the dream warns of possible dangers during various movements;
  • If you cook a dish of pickled cucumbers in a dream, this means accolades in culinary success;
  • To be offended and to cry, you may dream of eating pickled cucumbers.
  • Carrying pickles means trouble.
  • Buying pickles means a loss, selling means a profit.

Under no circumstances should you be upset if the interpretation of a dream is not entirely favorable. A dream is just a prediction, a warning about one of the roads in the dreamer’s life. And a person himself is capable of changing and choosing his own destiny.

Why do you dream about pickled cucumbers?

If in real life you have a craving for salty foods, then this may indicate that you may be in an interesting position. And what the dream in which pickles featured promises, you will find out by reading this text to the end.

Dreamed about pickled cucumbers as opposed to fresh ones promise troubles, illnesses and problems. For lovers, such a dream promises disappointment in the relationship. To see such a dream on the eve of a wedding indicates that the upcoming marriage will not last long.

See pickles in a jar warns that it is better for the dreamer to give up traveling in the near future, since there is a high probability that they will be unsuccessful. To avoid troubles, we recommend, if possible, to avoid traveling either by public transport or by private car; it is better to travel on foot. Such a dream may also indicate that you are managing your life unwisely, so reconsider your priorities and do not waste time on useless things. Those who saw pickles in a bag in a dream also risk missing out on the opportunity provided by fate to change their lives for the better. Be more decisive, and then all your affairs will improve. Dreaming of pickles in wooden barrels marks the end of a dark period in your life; you will get rid of problems and improve relationships with your family.

Pickling cucumbers in a dream warns that you will soon have to pay bills and repay debts, which will inevitably have a negative impact on your well-being. Such a dream often promises deception, so be extremely careful, especially in matters related to finances. Before making a final decision, thoroughly weigh the pros and cons again.

Eat in a dream, pickles promise tears. Often such a dream becomes a harbinger of material difficulties. For a woman, a dream in which she tried a pickled cucumber from a wooden barrel promises an addition to her family; such a dream can also symbolize receiving unexpected news about members of her family.

Prepare some dish with the addition of pickles promises compliments to your culinary skills in reality. A dream in which you cut pickled cucumbers promises troubles.

Buy in a dream, pickles foreshadow losses; perhaps one of your friends will ask you to borrow a certain amount of money without planning to return it. Selling cucumbers, on the contrary, promises profit.

Dream interpretation of why you dream about pickled cucumbers

Who wouldn't like pickles. They are amazingly delicious either alone or as an addition to other dishes. Today it is very easy to buy them or prepare them yourself, so nowadays pickles are not uncommon. But what if this food appears in dreams? From this article you will learn what pickles mean in dreams and what the best dream books say about it.

Interpretation of the vision

eat them

Eating them is a harbinger of tears, disappointments and problems in a person’s life. It seems that in the near future a real black streak will come in your life, from which you will not escape anywhere. However, interpretations say that you should not despair in any case, because problems do not last forever, and after a black streak there always comes a white one.

There are pickles that taste disgusting - a sign that the dreamer will reveal the true face of the person he trusted endlessly. The disappointment will be so strong that it will completely change the person’s attitude towards people and make him an incredulous skeptic.

If in a dream you ate cucumbers so salty that you felt grains of salt on your tongue, higher powers are warning you: soon a great melancholy will fall on you, which will take all your mental strength. It is especially bad if you did this alone in a dream - in this case you will suffer without receiving support and understanding.

It’s not so bad if you ate such cucumbers with someone - such a dream says that your loved ones and friends will not allow you to become completely limp, and with their help, depression will be much easier to bear.

Eating expired, missing pickles that taste disgusting - a great disaster awaits you soon. Moreover, this will be a predestined event, which will not be possible to avoid. The only thing in your power is to be patient and try to wait it out.


Preservation of cucumbers and related processes are also considered negative. However, try to remember the details:

  • Pickling cucumbers is a harbinger that in reality someone will try to deceive you, and he will succeed. Most often this concerns money issues.
  • Pickling cucumbers while tasting them is a sign that promises the dreamer strong but unrequited feelings.
  • Wash cucumbers, intending to pickle them - your deepest secrets may come out, this especially applies to secret love affairs.
  • Cutting cucumbers into pieces before pickling means that you will soon have to solve many small, but very serious life issues. Books of dreams warn: approach this responsibly, otherwise the situation may worsen.

Jars of pickles

Unlike the previous one, a dream of such content is understood in a positive way.

Seeing pickles in a dream with which a jar is filled means that the dreamer has a “steady hand” and is in complete control of his life.

Even the occurrence of any problems cannot undermine his well-being, because the dreamer copes with any troubles quickly and decisively. It's especially good if the cucumbers looked nice and fresh.

Seeing pickles mixed with other vegetables in a jar - a sign that you are not alone in your life. You are surrounded by many people who love you, who will always support you and do everything in their power for you. However, if they looked messed up and blurry, things aren't going so well - your problems don't seem to affect anyone but yourself.

Pickles in a jar with a closed lid are a harbinger of unfavorable changes in the dreamer’s life.

With an open mind, on the contrary, a person will be able to escape from unpleasant circumstances and feel free and happy.


Pickled cucumbers seen at night are considered a complex sign, which is interpreted ambiguously. It all depends on the details:

  • Pickle your own cucumbers- in the near future you will act dishonestly with someone you know. Books of dreams warn: your deception, voluntary or involuntary, will definitely be revealed, and you will find yourself in an extremely shameful and unpleasant situation.
  • Buy pickled cucumbers- such a dream indicates that you are surrounded by insincere and two-faced people. Either they are not telling you something, or they are your friends only in words.
  • Eat pickled cucumbers- a very good sign. It means that your perseverance and patience will soon be duly rewarded, and you will receive so much happiness that past troubles will seem like just a dream. A poor man saw such a dream - he will soon receive a large profit; the lonely will meet throughout his life; fortune will turn its face towards the unlucky one.