The most famous cookies from the Dukes of Savoy are the Savoiardi biscuits. Step-by-step recipe for making Savoiardi cookies

Delicious cookies - simple recipes with photos

Have you tried the famous Savoiardi cookies, popularly known as “lady fingers”? Prepare this most delicate delicacy according to our signature recipe with video and photos.

45 min

258 kcal

4.14/5 (7)

Those who constantly prepare the famous Tiramisu cake at home are very familiar with the delicate and delicate Italian Savoyardi cookies, which are an essential component for the above-mentioned product. We buy it in stores and rarely think about baking this delicacy with our own hands. But in vain! Exquisite “Savoiardi” is very tasty in itself, and its light, low-calorie texture is ideal for those who want to lose weight by summer, but are not ready to give up sweets.

Did you know? The history of the origin of Savoiardi cookies (lady fingers) is practically unknown and everyone interprets it in their own way. According to one version, the name was invented by a Dominican monk wandering around Italy, who was crazy about the cookies offered by a street vendor; according to another, it was the king of France himself. Be that as it may, this product is very ancient, and you simply must have a quick recipe in your collection!

Kitchen appliances

Carefully select all the necessary equipment and utensils for baking Savoyardi cookies:

  • Teflon or metal baking sheet (with non-stick coating) with a diagonal of 28 cm;
  • several bowls (deep) with a capacity of 200 to 950 ml;
  • kitchen scales or other measuring utensils;
  • medium sieve;
  • a piece of baking paper;
  • tablespoons and teaspoons;
  • cotton and linen towels;
  • fine steel strainer;
  • metal whisk;
  • pastry bag.

Among other things, be sure to have your blender or mixer ready, as there is literally no substitute for this equipment if you want to make real specialty cookies.

You will need


  • 20 g butter margarine or butter;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of wheat flour.

Important! If desired, you can add a little food coloring (liquid only) and flavoring to the dough for these cookies to create a treat that will amaze your family not only with its taste, but also with an unexpected color and a more pronounced aroma.

Cooking sequence


The first stage of kneading dough

Second stage of kneading dough

The third stage of kneading dough

Assembly and baking

You see, everything turned out to be not so difficult– at least, you definitely shouldn’t run to the store for such a simple treat, since it’s prepared literally in a matter of minutes.

If you are not going to use your lady fingers for Tiramisu, be sure to think about decorating the finished products. I usually pour melted white and dark chocolate on my cookies to create not just stripes, but all sorts of psychedelic patterns - in general, I turn on my wild imagination.

Serve the cooled cookies only on a large common dish, decorated in advance with citrus slices or figuratively chopped chocolate.

Video recipe for Savoiardi cookies

Don't miss the video: below you can get a good look at what consistency the whites and yolks should be so that the Savoiardi dough bakes perfectly and does not spread on the baking sheet.

That's all, but the world of unusual cookies does not end there - now I will advise you a few more options for experimenting in the kitchen. For example, it will be very interesting to cook a famous, but underestimated in our country

Biscuit cookies with the mysterious name “Savoiardi” are becoming more and more popular every day, because they are everywhere being served in cafes with tea or coffee. It is also the basis of the world famous gourmet dessert, which is especially loved among those with a sweet tooth.

According to legend, these cookies appeared in the early 16th century in France and immediately became the pride of this country. Now this delicacy can be found in many stores and pastry shops, but it will be much nicer and more interesting to make homemade savoiardi cookies yourself. It also has another name – lady fingers. It appeared due to the elongated elongated shape of the products.

Let's look step by step and with photos on how to bake savoiardi at home so that this amazing delicacy turns out tender and tasty.

The instructions for preparing the dessert are quite simple, but to make the perfect savoiardi for tiramisu, there are some nuances and subtleties. Be sure to use them to ensure the quality of the prepared dish is excellent:

  • It is better to use eggs that have been at room temperature. This will directly affect the process of whipping them, and the finished dish will turn out airy and tender;
  • It is necessary to separate the egg yolks from the whites very carefully so that they do not mix. Each component is whipped separately. It is advisable to beat the whites with a mixer until a fluffy foam is obtained. The main thing is not to overdo it so that they do not become too liquid and lose their shape. When beating the yolks, they should increase in volume, become thicker and lighter;
  • Be sure to pre-sieve the flour 3-4 times so that the future dough acquires an airy consistency;
  • After preparing the dough, try to immediately form the savoiardi sticks, otherwise, after some time, they will no longer be fluffy;
  • To ensure that the products have a crispy, appetizing crust, be sure to sprinkle powdered sugar on top before putting them in the oven;
  • You can additionally add alcohol (vodka, whiskey, cognac) to the test mixture. This will make the cookies more flavorful and dense.

Preparing Savoiardi cookies

The recipe for savoiardi cookies is quite simple and contains a minimum of ingredients. You just need to clearly and quickly follow the cooking instructions and get a little “hands on” in forming the blanks, then you will get a real tasty delicacy.

List of components:

  • Wheat flour and sugar - 120 g each;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs;
  • Powdered sugar - to taste.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees;
  2. Carefully separate the yolks and whites. Beat the first until white, the second until strong peaks;
  3. Mix both components together with sugar in one container and heat in a water bath until the temperature reaches 45 degrees and the volume of the mass doubles;
  4. Add the sifted flour into the resulting mixture in several additions and gently stir everything together until smooth, then fill a pastry bag with the dough;
  5. Pipe thin strips onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar;
  6. Bake the cookies in the oven for 7-8 minutes until golden brown. In this case, the products should remain dry to the touch;
  7. We take out the finished baked goods, cool and enjoy the amazing taste of the dessert.

Savoiardi recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

Another option for making the famous cookies, which is slightly different from the previous one.

You will need:

  • 3 eggs:
  • 150 g each of flour and sugar;
  • 50 g powdered sugar.

Step-by-step preparation scheme:

  1. Carefully separate the yolks and whites and place these components in two separate dry and clean bowls;
  2. Divide all the sugar into two equal parts (75 g each);
  3. With one part, beat the yolks until a smooth mass is formed and a white tint appears; with the second, beat the whites until a fluffy foam forms with stable peaks;
  4. Carefully combine the components from the previous steps and carefully stir the mass until smooth;
  5. Add pre-sifted flour to the resulting egg mixture;
  6. Using even, light movements from bottom to top, stir the dough until smooth;
  7. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper sprinkled with butter;
  8. Place the mixture in a pastry syringe or bag, then squeeze out small strips 10-15 cm long from it onto a baking sheet. These will be our future Savoiardi;
  9. Sprinkle the pieces with powdered sugar passed through a strainer and place them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. The cookies should take on a light golden color.
  10. Remove the finished products while they are still warm, otherwise they will stick to the paper later;

This delicacy is perfect not only as a base for your favorite dessert tiramisu, but will also be a wonderful occasion to gather with family or friends over a cup of tea or coffee.

Pastry with Savoiardi

In addition to tiramisu, you can make many confectionery masterpieces based on savoiardi. Let's look at a couple of interesting recipes.

No-bake lady finger cake

This simple, quick savoiardi cake is very easy to prepare because it does not need to be placed in the oven.


  • Savoiardi – 200 g;
  • Sour cream – half a kilo;
  • Canned pineapples - 5 rings (you can use already cut into pieces);
  • Powdered sugar – 2/3 cup;
  • Chocolate for decoration (optional).

Cooking plan:

  • We make the cream by combining sour cream and powdered sugar and whipping them with a mixer until fluffy;
  • Cut the pineapple rings into pieces and drain the liquid;
  • Place baking parchment in a baking pan;
  • Dip each lady finger evenly in sour cream and place in the mold;
  • Place pineapples on the first layer of cookies and lightly coat them with cream;
  • Similarly, we form the second layer of cookies, but without pineapples, and grease it with the remaining cream;
  • Wrap the mold in cling film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours (ideally overnight);
  • Remove the finished cake from the mold and decorate with chocolate chips.

Charlotte with savoiardi

You will need:

  • 4 apples;
  • Sugar – 100 g + a little more to taste;
  • 24 Savoiardi sticks;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Vanillin, cinnamon, zest of any citrus fruit - to taste;
  • Rum or liqueur and water - 50 ml each.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Peel the apples and cut into large cubes;
  2. Melt 50 g of butter in a frying pan, lay out the apples, add sugar, vanilla and cinnamon to taste. Fry all components for 10 minutes;
  3. Now it's the syrup's turn. Combine 100 g of sugar with water and alcohol (50 ml each). You can completely eliminate alcohol by replacing it with water. Also add cinnamon and zest;
  4. Dissolve the sugar completely, boil the mixture a little, then remove from the flame and let it cool slightly;
  5. Grease the baking dish with butter and sprinkle granulated sugar on top;
  6. Soak the cookies in syrup until soft and elastic;
  7. We place the sticks in the mold tightly to each other, excluding gaps and completely covering the bottom and walls. It turns out like a basket of cookies;
  8. We fill it with apples and also cover it with cookies on top, making a “lid” without gaps;
  9. Lubricate the resulting structure with melted butter and place it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Baking time directly depends on your oven. Usually it is 40-50 minutes;

The result is a stunning soft pie filled with apples and with a sugary crispy crust on the outside.

Video: Recipe for Savoyardi cookies from Grandma Emma

Savoiardi biscuits are known to everyone nowadays, as they are an important component of the delicious tiramisu dessert. “Savoyardi” means “Savoy”, and this name is associated with the history of the first cookie recipe. One day, the King of France came to visit Prince Amadeo of Savoy, and he was treated to unusually delicious cookies, soft, fragrant and melting in the mouth. The king liked the treat so much that he asked for the recipe and, as a sign of gratitude, named the dessert in honor of the province of Savoy in order to immortalize it in French culinary art. Soon the cookies became the official confectionery product of the Duchy of Savoy and the pride of all of France.

Lady fingers

These cookies are also called “lady fingers” because they have a long, elongated shape. They perfectly absorb syrups and creams, so they are used for making cakes, pastries, charlottes and ice cream cakes.

Very young children who are not yet accustomed to solid food also love it, because if you lightly moisten savoiardi with milk, it instantly becomes soft. That is why many pediatricians recommend using tender “lady fingers” soaked in milk for complementary feeding.

Making lady fingers is very easy. The basis of these cookies are whites whipped to a fluffy foam, which give them softness, and the cookies are sprinkled with sugar or powdered sugar on top.

How to make savoiardi cookies

The principle of making savoiardi cookies is quite simple - the whites are separated from the yolks and whipped into a foam along with sugar, while sugar is added to the dough gradually. The yolks are also well ground with sugar and mixed with the whites in small portions, and then the sifted flour is carefully added to the eggs. You need to knead the dough very carefully so that the foam does not settle, because the cookies should turn out light, airy and tender. The main task of mixing the dough is to remove lumps and at the same time prevent it from falling. Mixing in stages helps keep the dough airy and light, otherwise the dough will be heavy and the products themselves will turn out too loose and damp.

Next, the dough is squeezed out of the pastry bag onto baking paper greased with butter or vegetable oil, in the form of strips - at a short distance from each other, because the “lady fingers” will rise and increase in volume. They should be sprinkled with a thick layer of sugar or powdered sugar on top. Cookies are baked quickly - for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180–220 ° C, until golden brown. Do not open the oven door while baking, otherwise the savoiardi will collapse and become too flat. Also, do not take out the biscuit sticks until the oven has cooled down, since the temperature difference can also cause the biscuit to settle. It is best to wait half an hour before taking out the fragrant baked goods.

Savoiardi cookies: classic recipe with photos

Try making savoiardi cookies at home and you will see that there is nothing difficult about it!

Ingredients: eggs - 3 pcs., sugar - 150 g, flour - 150 g, powdered sugar - 50 g.

Cooking method:

1. Separate the yolks from the whites, place the whites and yolks in different containers, which should be clean and dry.

2. Beat the yolks with 75 g of sugar to form a smooth mass with a white tint.

3. In the same way, beat the whites with 75 g of sugar - into a fluffy foam until strong peaks form.

4. Carefully combine the whites and yolks, gently stirring the mixture until the texture is homogeneous.

5. Add sifted flour to the egg mixture.

6. Mix the dough very carefully with up and down movements until the consistency is homogeneous.

7. Place the mixture into a pastry bag or syringe.

8. Line a baking sheet with baking paper and grease with butter.

9. Squeeze strips 10–15 cm long from the pastry bag.

10. Sprinkle the dough strips with powdered sugar through a strainer.

11. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180–200 °C, for 10–15 minutes.

12. Turn off the oven, let the cookies cool, remove from the baking sheet and serve - your loved ones will be happy to try this delicious and aromatic dessert. They will definitely like it, because you cooked with love and the desire to bring them joy.

How to make savoiardi cookies even tastier: beat the eggs correctly

In order for the cookies to turn out thick and porous, the whites need to be beaten chilled and preferably not with a whisk, but with a mixer - the foam should be very fluffy. First, beat the whites without sugar at the minimum speed of the mixer until the mass becomes voluminous. After this, you can add granulated sugar and increase the speed of rotation - this method allows you to quickly obtain a thick protein mass. The readiness of the whites is checked as follows: the container is tilted, if the whites do not flow down, then they are considered whipped.

You can add a little more yolks than indicated in the recipe - for example, instead of two yolks, take three, this will make the dough more tender and airy. During the beating process, the yolks should become lighter, thicker and larger in volume.

A few secrets for making savoiardi cookies

Some confectioners believe that powdered sugar can cause the protein dough to settle, so they recommend using only powdered sugar. However, there are other opinions. For example, many housewives mix powder with sugar and cover the surface of the cookies with half of this mixture. After 10 minutes, when the sugar is absorbed, they spread the remaining sugar. They say that with a double sweet coating it tastes much better.

Remember that the cookies must be dry. If they are too soft, you can dry them a little more in the oven or leave them on the counter overnight. By the way, there is an even easier way to make savoiardi cookies at home - just bake a very thin sponge cake, spread the dough in a thin layer in a mold covered with pastry paper, bake in the same way as cookies, cool, cut into strips and, if necessary, dry in the oven .

You can add a little salt, whiskey, cognac or vodka to the dough; these cookies turn out denser, but very tasty. Alcoholic drinks are introduced into the dough during the process of combining the yolks with whites, and dry additives such as cocoa powder, starch and citrus zest should be added to the flour before kneading the dough. Some confectioners add baking soda slaked with vinegar to the dough to raise it.

Unusual savoiardi cookies: a simple recipe with photos

Mix 190 g flour and ½ tsp. baking powder, and in a separate bowl combine 100 g of sugar and 70 g of butter. Add 120 ml of milk, a pinch of vanillin, flour to the egg-sugar mixture and knead into a soft dough. Place it in a piping bag or plastic bag with the tip cut off. Press the dough onto greased baking paper on a baking tray and bake the cookies for 10 minutes until they are lightly creamy.

Now you know how to bake cookies, which can become a favorite family dessert. Crispy and tasty biscuit sticks are baked not only for making tiramisu, they are also good on their own with tea, coffee and milk. The advantage of cookies is that they stay fresh for a long time, so you can bake them for several days and store them in a sealed container. These are the perfect low-calorie baked goods for family teatime! Interesting recipes for savoiardi cookies, which are easy to prepare at home, can be found on our website.

Before you start making cookies, turn on the oven, we need it to heat up to 180 degrees Celsius. And now we can start...

1. Separate the yolks from the whites into different dry bowls, add 25 grams of sugar to the yolks and beat until white with a mixer.

2. Add the remaining sugar (50 g) to the whites and beat until stiff.

3. Sift the flour together with the starch, and then add to the yolk mass, kneading a thick, homogeneous dough. Now you need to very carefully combine the protein mass and the resulting dough. Add the whites gradually, stirring gently, and in the end we will get an airy sponge dough for Savoiardi cookies.

4. Cover a baking sheet with confectionery paper, sprinkle a little flour and, using a pastry bag, lay out the dough in the form of lady fingers, about 10 cm long. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top and wait until the powdered sugar sinks slightly - put in an already preheated oven to bake.

5. Baking time for cookies at 180 degrees - 10 - 15 minutes until the cookies rise, then reduce the heat to 140 degrees - bake for another 10 minutes until golden brown. Ready-made cookies must be removed from the baking sheet while hot! Carefully, pulling the parchment sheet over the side of the baking sheet and pulling slightly, remove the cookies. That's all! Our lady fingers cookies for tiramisu are ready!

The most popular dessert with Savoyardi cookies is. Savoyardi cookies can be easily purchased in stores, especially in large cities, but if you live in a small town, it is almost impossible to find tiramisu cookies in stores.