April 1 jokes for parents from children. Every morning starts with breakfast

There are not many reasons in our lives for fun, laughter and practical jokes. But there is a special day of the year when any jokes are appropriate. Of course, this is April 1 - April Fool's Day.

Today everyone jokes, jokes, laughs and has fun. Correctly selected jokes and pranks for April Fools will not only lift your spirits, but will also be remembered for a long time. Let's discuss what pranks you can come up with on April 1st.

April Fool's Day is loved by many, but the holiday is especially revered by schoolchildren. After all, this perfect occasion play pranks with impunity and come up with funny pranks on April 1 for your classmates.

Therefore, every student does not lose his vigilance - you can expect a dirty trick from your peers at any moment. We offer simple pranks for April 1 that can be held at school.

Cool ad. You will need several sheets of plain white paper, on which you need to write or print an interesting advertisement with a catch in advance.

Notifications can report any emergencies such as repairs or lack of water.

And the announcement of the cancellation of classes will be even more interesting - it will cause constant excitement at the school. Ready-made advertisements are posted directly on the school building and inside the premises. You need to try not to get noticed by the teachers, or the joke will turn into a big scandal.

Brick as a gift. We carefully choose the victim. Your friend should have a bulky backpack. And at that moment, when the school bag is left unattended, we quickly put a brick prepared in advance into it.

Believe me, school property is so heavy that its owner is unlikely to notice the change in weight.

But a surprise awaits your friend at home when he unpacks his bag. The results of such a drawing will become known the very next day.

Hello shirkers. Such a cruel prank on April 1 can be carried out if there are peers in the class who regularly skip school.

On behalf of class teacher We are preparing an electronic or paper letter in which we inform that the culprit has been expelled from school.

Unfortunately, such a prank can be perceived by classmates as a very real retribution for their attitude towards studying.

Hello fantomas. For this joke you need to burn several matches. We smear our hands with the ashes that remain after this. All that remains is to choose a victim, approach her from behind and close your eyes.

The peer will be convinced that the point of the prank is to guess which of his classmates made fun of him. But he doesn’t even imagine that after such a prank the mask of Phantomás will remain on his face. As soon as a classmate guesses who closed his eyes, quickly remove your hands and hide them in your pockets.

Soap board. On such a fun day, you can try to prank the teacher, if he is not afraid of anger.

To do this, you will need an ordinary bar of soap, which we will use to rub the board.

After this treatment, it will simply be unsuitable for writing on with chalk. And all the teacher’s attempts will simply end in huge failure.

Quite often, school pranks are offensive and cruel. Therefore, both teachers and peers need to be attentive. And for those who prepare jokes, choose harmless pranks on April 1st.

Draws for April 1st at home for parents

Why not have some family fun on April 1st? Suitable for this funny pranks for parents.

Just don't get carried away. Cruel, angry and harsh jokes are not suitable for parents.

After all, dad and mom are not just friends, but the closest people who need reverent attitude and attention. That's why we choose cute and kind pranks.

WITH Good morning. Only the morning today will begin 2, or even 3 hours earlier. To do this, you just need to move the arrows on the alarm clock.

It will be even more interesting if you set the signal to repeat every 10 minutes and hide the watch securely.

Parents will be incredibly happy about getting up early. And it will be even more fun when they start looking for the constantly beeping alarm clock.

Fun washing. We continue to have fun in the bathroom. And the most common and simple joke is the joke with toothpaste. To do this, take ordinary cling film and stretch it over the place where the paste is squeezed out. Carefully close the lid and remove any remaining material.

In the morning, sleepy parents who tend to forget about April 1 will be puzzled as to why they can’t squeeze out the paste.

You can do another trick with toothpaste. To do this, you will have to squeeze out all the contents and instead use a regular syringe to fill the tube with strawberry or raspberry jam. Parents will also love this sweet surprise.

Shower with a surprise. If mom or dad are used to taking a shower in the morning, this joke is perfect. To do this, remove the spray shower and add colored dye there. All that remains is to restore the shower to its original form.

When one of the parents turns on the water, not the usual clear water, but pink or green liquid will pour directly onto the head.

Of course, you can put a bouillon cube or ketchup instead of dye, but mom will definitely not be delighted with such a prank.

In the same way, you can remind not only the shower, but also the faucet in the kitchen. This will be a great prank on April 1 for mom when she starts washing the dishes or filling the kettle.

Communal joys. Prepare a letter on behalf of the utility company informing you that hazardous work will be carried out on the roof of the house on April 3-4. This may involve roof repairs or cable installations.

Such work will be accompanied by falling stones, fragments and other debris. Therefore, the apartment windows will be in danger.

To protect them, it is better to cover them with tape. There is a high probability that parents will believe this story. Once they get to work covering the windows, let them know it's a prank.

Surprise for a communal apartment. Take your old receipt, scan it, and use graphic editor change the payment amount by setting an exorbitant amount.

All that remains is to print the receipt on suitable paper and put it in Mailbox. Mom and dad will undoubtedly be happy with this amount of payment.

School news. You will need the help of an adult. The assistant must call the parents and inform them on behalf of the class teacher that their negligent child has been expelled from educational institution due to absenteeism and bad behavior.

True, such a joke would be appropriate if the parents have good feeling humor. And don’t forget to inform in time that it was a joke.

Fun pranks on April 1st for children

The parents, of course, did not remain in debt. Children's pranks on the first of April will fill the house with laughter and joy. Children love it when their parents play tricks on them.

Teleportation. For small children you can prepare very interesting prank. When the baby is sleeping soundly, you need to carefully lift him out of bed and simply move him to another room. When the baby wakes up, there will be no limit to surprise.

Salty smile. Mom and dad should take revenge for the secret toothpaste. Take the nursery toothbrush and sprinkle with salt. Washing up will be a lot of fun. Just don’t overdo it so as not to bring the child to tears.

Surprise in the closet. You need to get all the things out of the children's closet while the baby is sleeping. Inflate balloons or fill them with helium. We fill the cabinet shelves with balls. The child will be very surprised when he opens the closet door.

Eyes on products. During breakfast, ask your baby for help. Have him get milk or butter from the refrigerator.

It will be very cool when your baby discovers not just food in the refrigerator, but... funny faces with eyes, eyelashes and smiles.

This look can be given to eggs, fruits, vegetables and any product in bags.

Juice with a surprise. Prepare original orange juice for your baby's breakfast. Pour milk into a glass and add a little orange coloring. The baby will be firmly convinced that orange juice is waiting for him, and will be pleasantly surprised that the glass contains regular milk.

Prepare an April Fool's Day prank with your kids on April 1st for your husband. Children are happy to take part in the preparation of various competitions, jokes and practical jokes. Therefore, involve your child in preparing for April Fool's Day.

Eggs in your pocket. Take a few regular chicken eggs. Poke holes on both sides and drink the contents. Place the eggs until they are completely dry inside. Now all that remains is to put the eggs in my husband’s jacket pocket.

How much indignation will there be in the morning when the father of the family discovers in his pocket egg.

It will be even more interesting if he crushes him. But when he takes his hand out of his pocket, dad bursts out laughing, since it’s just a shell.

Screen of death. If your dad and husband are an avid computer geek, prepare an April Fool's prank for him. You need to take a screenshot of the blue death screen.

Now install this image as a screensaver on your desktop.

For greater authenticity, remove all shortcuts from your desktop into one folder. Believe me, such an April Fool's joke will lead your husband, if not into shock, then into panic.

Cool pranks on April 1st for friends

April 1 is a great occasion to have fun with friends. You can organize a fun party or just pick up some good April Fool's pranks with your friends.

In any case, a 5-minute laugh will only improve your friendship.

Choose a prank for your girlfriend or boyfriend on April 1, cool or tough, funny or with subtext.

Fizzy. On fun party Offer your friends a cola with ice. But prepare the ice in advance by freezing Mentos candies inside the cubes. Throw the magic cubes into glasses and wait for a surprise.

As soon as the ice melts, an unimaginable reaction between the candy and the drink will begin.

A fountain of splashes will simply pour out of the glasses, which will lead your friends to indescribable delight.

Head in a jar. Another interesting joke for a party. Fill a jar with water, first placing a photo of your friend in it. Place the container in the refrigerator. At a party, ask your friend to bring something from the refrigerator. Believe me, the effect will be amazing.

Unexpected call. Find a reason to call your friend, but after just a couple of minutes, end the conversation and tell him that you will call him back within the next 5 minutes. When you call next time, do not greet your friend, but imitate a heartbreaking scream.

New car. If your friend is a car owner, there is a great option draw. You will need regular adhesive stickers. You just need a lot of them to cover the whole car.

It will be even more interesting if you draw a funny face on each sticker.

Of course, such a prank is cruel, especially if your friend is in a hurry to get to work in the morning. He won’t have time to remove all the stickers, and it’s simply impossible to drive in such a car.

Draw for colleagues on April 1st in the office

If you want to lighten up the work situation a little or just have a laugh with your colleagues, prepare April Fools' pranks at work.

The office is a place where there are reasons for practical jokes at literally every step.

Make the holiday unforgettable and prepare pranks at work for your employees and boss on April 1st.

Uncontrollable mouse. If your colleagues use optical computer mice, be sure to prepare an April Fool's surprise for them.

Cover the signal reception area with tape or just paper in advance. In the morning, your colleague will be indignant because the system will lose control.

Specks. Your colleague has an impeccable appearance, give it brightness. Buy phenolphthalein at the pharmacy, as well as ammonia. Mix both liquids and put them into a fountain pen.

As soon as the opportunity arises, shake the liquid from the pen onto the employee’s blouse.

The prank is quite cruel, but in just a couple of seconds the alcohol will evaporate and the stains from the shirt will disappear.

Clerical problems. Give your co-worker a real problem with office supplies.

Glue the caps on the handles, and treat the ends of the pencils with colorless varnish.

There will be laughter when the victim tries to sort out his office supplies.

Signs. Prepare signs in advance, which can be made in a funny style or in an official one. Place a “Dining Room” sign on the boss’s office, a sign with a picture of a man on the women’s restroom, and “Director’s Office” on the meal room.

And on the office of the chief accountant there is a sign “Women’s toilet”.

Magical smell. Display a photo of a large cake on your computer monitor. All that remains is to announce to the employees that you have new program, which allows you to recognize odors.

But there is certain condition. This technology is so new that the effect will be felt if the nose is placed 2 inches from the monitor, but no closer than one inch. And if you find the epicenter of the smell, the person will begin to rapidly lose weight.

Just imagine for a second how the young ladies of your office will begin to measure the distance from the monitor to their nose with a ruler. One can even foresee a scandal for that very magical place, which belongs to the epicenter of smells.

We all love to joke, some in the depths of our hearts, some in reality. In preparation April Fool's Day Prank Imagine yourself for a second in the place of the one you decided to prank. Feel what your victim will feel during the game.

If you are sure that your friends and family will take the joke correctly, start taking action.

Try not to cross that fine line between fun and offense, so as not to quarrel with loved ones on April Fool's Day.

Video: 10 cool pranks for April 1

April 1st is International April Fool's Day. The holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is on this day that it is customary to play pranks and jokes on everyone. It is unknown where this holiday comes from, but it is believed that initially the celebration was celebrated as the day of the equinox in the spring and also the beginning of a great Christian holiday- Easter. It was on the first of April that everyone rejoiced and welcomed spring warmth jokes and fun. And this tradition still remains, because people tried to appease the capricious and changeable nature with the help of fun and laughter.

Pranks are good

April 1st jokes are very varied and can reach many people. Both children joke on children and adults support this tradition. But children often play pranks on their parents. And this contributes to the development of a cheerful and positive atmosphere in the family.

You can play pranks on your parents throughout April Fool's Day. After all, who wouldn’t want to laugh once again? Usually, if the whole family celebrates this holiday, then many interesting and funny dishes may appear on the table. But the kids have fun in their own way. It is children who have such a developed imagination that their jokes are very playful and varied.

Joke at the table

So how can you prank your parents at home so that everyone has fun? You can joke with your dad and mom during the feast.

Now let's look at one of these jokes. Before everyone sits down at the table, the child needs to put a magnet under the tablecloth and a cutlery on it. It is worth considering that such a draw cannot be carried out while there are already hot plates or a cup of tea on the table. And when everything is already prepared, we take the second magnet and quietly begin to control the magnet that lies under the spoon or fork.

Play a prank on mom and dad on a walk. How to do it?

But if the whole family went for a walk, then how can you prank the parents? It's not all that complicated. It is important to use your imagination here. Usually, when someone shouts something like “look over there, something is happening there,” everyone immediately turns in the indicated direction. Here, too, you can come up with something, for example, by saying something completely incredible, but possible. The main thing is that the beginning of the speech is sufficiently plausible. When everyone understands that this is a joke, they will start laughing, and this will definitely improve their mood!

"Delicious" dessert with a surprise

How can you joke about your family members? You can help your mother prepare breakfast in the morning, or rather, take on this task yourself. We offer one of the options for what you can prepare for April Fool's breakfast. This could be an interesting "dessert". You need to cook so that no one sees it. This delicacy needs to be added hot peppers, mayonnaise, grate processed cheese, mix everything and sprinkle with coconut flakes. Then you should put this part of the morning dish in the refrigerator and prepare the main part of breakfast.

But when everyone has eaten the main course, you can start dessert. The main thing when placing the prepared sweet on the table is to interest everyone in the fact that it is delicious. The tea or coffee has already been poured, and therefore it is at this moment that such a dish should be served. Then you can sit down and watch. But it is worth considering that someone may be intolerant to a certain product. Children usually don’t take this into account, so don’t be offended by them if something doesn’t work out.

Tea prank

Every morning parents make sure to drink tea or coffee. On the first of April you can make the drink original.

To do this, add salt to your parents' tea instead of sugar. How to do this unnoticed? To do this, on the evening of March 31st, pour salt into the sugar bowl. In the morning you will already enjoy the draw itself.

An original prank near a pond

How can you prank your parents on April 1st? If you and your whole family are near a body of water, then you can put your hand to your forehead and pretend that you are looking into the distance and at the same time shout: “Look there, dolphins are jumping there.” Everyone will immediately start watching, and when they realize that this is a joke, they will all start laughing together. This will give positive charge energy to all family members.

Phone prank

How to prank your parents using your phone? Such a joke will be quite funny and not evil. You need to ask your friend to call your home number and introduce yourself as a housing office employee. Further warn that, taking into account the repair work, there will be no water for several days, and therefore it is worth stocking up cold water and as much as possible - you should fill the bathtub, basins, buckets. And a few hours later, call and ask if the bathtub was filled with water. Then find out if the water is cold or not? When the answer is that it is cold, then tell them to heat it up, because soon they will come to bathe a large animal. Of course, you need to understand that not every parent will like such jokes, given the cost of water lately.

Before you think about how to prank your parents on April 1st at home, you need to understand that it should be funny not only for you, but also for those you are making fun of. In addition, you must try to make sure that no one gets hurt or gets angry. Otherwise, such a joke will backfire for all its participants.

An interesting prank with a door and other “flying” objects

You can use a trick with threads if the door in the house opens outward. Then we tie the strings to various unbreakable objects, and the other end to the door handle. When one of the parents opens the door, all these objects will fall and create noise. However, after this you should clean up yourself, so as not to anger your parents and maintain their good mood.

Comic argument with coins

There are a lot of options for pranking parents, so there is a choice. For example, you can play a joke on your parents using coins. You need to bet with your dad or mom that you will be able to throw two five-kopeck coins so that one line is formed. In your hand there should be 2 five-kopeck coins and several others. When you throw, of course, one continuous line will not line up. But remind us that initially the dispute was about 2 five-kopeck coins.

How to prank your parents on April 1st at home? For example, bet that one of the parents will not be able to crush a raw chicken egg with the bottom of a basin on the floor. Of course, many will agree that they can. But the point is that the egg can be placed in the corner of the room. Then it will be very funny to watch one of the parents try to crush him.

Funny gifts

How to prank your parents? Give a funny thing. To do this, you need to sew an apron for your father from camouflage fabric, and then sew it on (or embroider it) funny inscription. Then you need to pack everything in gift paper. You can sew the same apron for your mother, but from pink fabric. Inscriptions may vary. For dad, the inscription “Master in our house” is suitable, and for mom - “ To the best girl apartments."

A little conclusion

It is important to remember that jokes should be harmless, because their idea is to lighten the mood. And if you do practical jokes, such as those suggested above, then the memories will remain in your memory for many days. Good jokes should remain in memory for a long time, because this holiday was created to charge yourself and others with positive and good emotions for a long time. The main thing is to take into account the differences in the characters of the parents and try not to cause mischief, but to cause sincere laughter. We wish you good luck in pranking your parents!

The first of April is perhaps the only day in 2019 when even bold pranks have no consequences. Don't miss this opportunity to make fun of your parents on April Fool's Day. We will give you some ideas on how to play a prank on mom and dad on April 1st.

How to joke with your parents on April 1st?

In the morning, you can play them like this: open the cap on a tube of toothpaste and attach a small piece of tape. As a result, the tube opens, the paste is visible, but “for some reason” it is impossible to squeeze it out.

You can squeeze out the contents from a tube of toothpaste and use a syringe to pump in mayonnaise or sour cream.

Another trick is to tape toothbrushes to the cup or stand in which they stand. Finally, coat the bar of soap with clear nail polish. It will not lather, no matter how much you rub it.

How else to prank mom and dad on April 1?

If one of the room doors in your apartment opens outward, you can arrange such a prank. Use threads to connect as many objects as possible: books, pens, light toys, etc. And then carefully attach the ends of the threads to the inside of the door handle. One of the parents will open the door and all the objects will fly around the room.

Another idea for a prank for parents on April Fool's Day. Offer them an unusual dessert - with pepper, garlic and other spices. For example, you can make original “sweets”.

To do this, mix processed cheese, a few cloves of garlic and half a hot pepper, add mayonnaise. You should have a mass of such consistency that you can roll it into balls. Believe me, parents will be very surprised when they taste the “candy.”

How else can you prank mom or dad on April 1? You can seal the lid of a salt shaker with holes with tape from the inside. You will watch as parents try in vain to add salt to their food. And at the end of breakfast, offer them tea or coffee, add salt instead of sugar.

Another surprise will be waiting for mom and dad in the hallway. Place crumpled pieces of cotton wool or paper in the toes of boots and shoes. When parents try to put on shoes, they find that they are too small.

However, when deciding how to joke with your parents on April 1, remember that even on this day you shouldn’t go too far. Your jokes should not be offensive. And don’t forget to say the word “prank” in time so that the joke doesn’t anger your parents.

With spring comes many holidays. One of them is dedicated to the kindest human emotion – laughter. April 1st is a holiday of laughter and jokes; on this day there are the most a large number of pranks and making fun of each other. Everyone jokes: schoolchildren on teachers, soldiers on warrant officers, children on parents and vice versa, and even office workers on their ever-serious bosses. On this day you cannot be offended even by the harshest jokes.

But most of all, on April 1, children love to make fun of their parents. Due to their ingenuity, they come up with all sorts of things to prank their parents. The April 1st prank for parents should be as thoughtful as possible, so that parents fall for the weight of the trick, and then also laugh at how easy it is to fool them.

How to prank your parents at home

There are several options for organizing a drawing on April 1 for parents at home. And to please your parents, you can cook.

Alarm clock prank

You should pay close attention to this draw and start preparing the day before April 1st. In the evening, before parents go to bed, you should set their alarm clock an hour earlier. Remember that you need to prank your parents, not annoy them. Along with the alarm clock, you should set all the clocks in the house an hour earlier so that in the morning your parents don’t suspect a trick. It turns out that on April 1, parents will wake up an hour earlier and will wonder why they didn’t get enough sleep, why it’s not so light outside yet. Watching them sleepy is truly a fun sight, especially when they are unaware of anything.

But the funniest moment is when parents come to work at the office and find that the doors are still closed and no one is there. Then they might realize that it was a prank and they got up an hour earlier, or maybe they won’t figure it out and start panicking, calling their colleagues and doing other funny things.

Raffle “Pot of Water”

This joke can be used to prank your beloved mother, who is used to having all things in their place, and will definitely pay attention to the fact that something is wrong, and in trying to fix it, she will fall into the hook of the prank.

You need to fill a small saucepan with water, cover the saucepan with a sheet of paper on top and turn it upside down, placing the saucepan on a flat surface in a place where it will catch your mother’s eyes and interfere. When the pan is turned over, the paper should be carefully pulled out so that the water does not leak out. When mom sees that the pan is in the wrong place, she will take it and unwittingly become a participant in the prank. To make it more fun, you can carefully watch your mother and film what is happening on the camcorder on the sly. Parents will definitely enjoy this holiday.

Toothpaste prank

The toothpaste prank is one of the most common and simple pranks on April 1 for parents at home. Parents, in the daily hustle and bustle, sometimes forget that April 1 is Funny Day, so they always fall for the toothpaste prank.

What do you need to do for this giveaway? You should take a small piece cling film and pull his tube with paste, in the place where the paste is squeezed out. Then close the tube with a lid and trim off the excess film so that it is not visible that this film is there at all. As a result, in the morning parents will not be able to squeeze the paste out of the tube, and will probably be perplexed and angry!

Phone pranks for parents

One of the most simple ways To prank your parents is to use a mobile phone. It is more difficult to guess the prank over the phone, because the interlocutor does not see the cunning face of the one who is pranking it. The draw for April 1 for parents by phone is exciting activity, especially when you want to make a joke on April 1, but there is absolutely no time to organize some kind of grand prank that requires auxiliary elements and careful preparation.

Prank about the police

In the middle of the workday, you can call one of the parents on the phone and, in an alarmed, trembling voice, tell them the news that their daughter or son is in the police station for fighting, and that the parents should immediately report to the police station. Any parent who is worried about their child will rush to save the poor fellow. Then there are two options for the event: either call 15 minutes later and cheerfully report that it was a prank, or actually wait for the parent near the designated police station with a cake, and when the parent arrives at the scene, congratulate him on being the victim of an April Fool's prank!

Few people like jokes on April 1st. Firstly, they are mostly stupid, secondly, expected and predictable, thirdly, monotonous. Only cynicism can save such a situation. And, fortunately, Russian youth are doing much better with cynicism than with wit. Even textbook pranks for classmates at school, colleagues at work, friends, children and parents on April Fool's Day can be transformed beyond recognition by showing a little imagination, composure and securing the result with dry calculation. The same applies to typical “bearded” SMS jokes: after a little editing they will again become unexpected and quite funny.

Funny jokes for classmates at school on April 1st

April 1 is the brightest and most cheerful holiday of the year. On this day you can joke about parents and children, friends and colleagues, close and distant relatives. Even for mom and dad, you can prepare a funny prank that they are unlikely to be offended by. On April Fool's Day, in principle, it is forbidden to harbor a grudge against comedians and jokers. Moreover, if these sophisticated pranksters are not relatives, but desk buddies. Funny jokes for classmates at school on April 1 are an integral part of communication in a team. It should not be neglected. When else will you have the opportunity to poke fun at a nerd or take revenge on a bully with impunity?

The best jokes on April Fool's Day for classmates and classmates

We suggest playing a few funny jokes on April 1 for your classmates or classmates. They will cause laughter and smiles among friends, and sincere surprise among teachers:

  1. Wash the PVA glue bottle and fill it with fresh milk. Sip your drink greedily during class. Rest assured, such an action will cause a lot of suspicious looks and funny remarks from your classmates.
  2. During breaks between lessons, tape the chair to the teacher's desk with stretch film. Wrap the piece of furniture completely on all sides, including everything inside and outside. To remove all the film, the teacher will have to spend 10-15 minutes of the lesson.
  3. Persuade a classmate to take a bag with several sets with her to the lecture. men's clothing. After the start of the class, one of the classmates should wrap himself in a blanket and enter the classroom with the phrase: “Masha, I forgot my clothes yesterday, did you bring them?” In response, the girl must stand up and give the guy a set of socks, panties, trousers and a T-shirt. After 5-7 minutes, a second classmate enters the audience in the same way, followed by a third. There will be no limit to the surprise of students and teachers!

April 1 jokes for friends - the best ideas for pranks

On April 1, the Lord himself commands to make fun of and joke with friends. Some jokes on April Fool's Day are quite harmless and only make you smile, others force you to wash yourself thoroughly or change your jacket, and others make you think about a retaliatory joke. Just think about it! After all, finding a “fresh” good joke for April 1st for friends is not so easy: best ideas Everyone is already tired of pranks, and I’m too lazy to invent new ones!

We offer you several funny ways to take revenge on your insidious prankster friends without spending extra time or additional money.

Fresh jokes and pranks on April Fool's Day for friends

To congratulate your friends on April Fool's Day in a fun and funny way, invite them to visit. Lighten the atmosphere with a light festive dinner and cocktails, and then start the mischief. Don't forget to prepare jokes for April 1 in advance; look for the best ideas for pranks in our selection.

  1. IN cardboard box with low sides put balloon. Better yet, tape it down. Cover the top of the figure with cream from a can. Sprinkle the resulting cake with confectionery powder. Invite one of your guests to cut the dessert with a sharp knife. When the balloon bursts, the cream will scatter to all the guests.
  2. Choose an object to joke about. Take a drill and run it a couple of times in front of the victim. Then go behind the guest’s back, poke him between the shoulder blades with one hand (more precisely, a finger), and start the drill with the other at the same minute. The effect will exceed all expectations.
  3. if you have Small child(up to 1 year), this joke will definitely come in handy. Seat your guests at the table and go into another room. Pour squash caviar into a clean diaper and take a spoon in your hands. Return to the table with the guests and, with the words “Mmmm, yummy,” start eating caviar from the diaper.
  4. At the end of the evening, carefully place crumpled napkins in all guests' shoes. Tipsy friends will silently try to put on their shoes. Checked!

Unusual jokes for colleagues on April Fool's Day on April 1

In most cases, unusual April Fool's jokes for colleagues are related to the workplace, personal computer or mobile phone. There are many options for such pranks and most of them have already become outdated. Today you won’t surprise anyone with an office chair covered in toilet paper or an employee’s “canned” head. The same goes for computer accessories. It is unlikely that you will be able to discourage your colleagues with a funny screensaver on your desktop or changing the settings in the mouse control. To find truly unusual jokes for colleagues on April Fool's Day on April 1, you will have to work a little.

The best office pranks for employees on April Fool's Day

And for those who are reluctant to find fresh humor, we have selected a collection of ready-made jokes, jokes and pranks for employees on April Fool’s Day.

  1. Hide the spool of thread in the hem of the skirt, and bring the tip of the thread out with the needle. Ask a colleague to remove a thread from your skirt and enjoy the spectacle of a discouraged assistant.
  2. Before the employee arrives, cover him workplace photo posters of Justin Biebier with cute lipstick kisses. This joke is especially relevant if your office neighbor is overly serious or brutal.
  3. Tell the late employee that the HR officer came to “his soul.” It’s as if they open a new office in a village (at a distance of at least 300 km) and transfer it as the most unpunctual one. At the same time, maintain a serious look or maintain a grimace of sympathy.
  4. Send a text message to all the men in the office with the text “Honey, I’m pregnant” at different times.

Popular April 1st jokes for mom and dad

On April Fool's Day, the one who suffers the most from jokes and pranks is the one who gets caught first. That is, mom and dad. It is with their parents that teenagers begin to hone the art of sarcasm and the skill of “pranks.” And sometimes, crossing the line of what is permitted, they offend those closest to them with unexpected unpleasant surprises in the form of mended trousers, stained toothpaste or salty tea. As a result, popular jokes for mom and dad end with mom's spoiled mood and dad's being late for work.

This year we suggest putting jokes aside and cheering up parents by reading funny poems over breakfast together. Such funny congratulations From April 1, mom and dad will probably like it much more than spilled expensive nail polish or a faucet stained with food coloring.

The most harmless jokes for parents on April Fool's Day

Indeed, funny poems about April Fools' Day jokes are as amusing as the jokes themselves. See for yourself!

The hearing was broadcast live:
Everyone will be given an apartment,
Salaries will increase significantly
And the rent will go down.
And from now on retire
Everyone will buy a car!
April 1, brothers -
A reason to laugh together!

Happy April, 1! Today is April Fool's Day,
They can push you into a puddle for fun,
Friends can play a prank without malice,
The main thing is to take everything with humor!

Joking with your boss can be expensive -
You will be fired for making jokes while smiling.

If a civil servant asks about something,
Jokes are fraught in response to questions.
Can you conceive a child today?
So that New Year meet at the maternity hospital.

Possible in public place weird -
They should be released by May 1st.
In general, don't be bored today:
It's better to laugh than to grumble gloomily!

Mom listened to the forecast:
“There will be a day without clouds and thunderstorms”...
Despite all the threats,
The daughter violated the forecasts:
Not enough for the pot
She's just two steps away -
It was as if the rain had wet my pants.
What can you do, your daughter is a baby...
The grandfather laughed until he cried:
- Apparently, the forecast was false!

The day started in the morning
It seems the same as yesterday
Got up, ate, washed,
Had a quick shave
Just started going out -
Someone started ringing the doorbell.
It turned out to be a postman,
He brought me the summons.
They summon me to court -
This is just the beginning of the day.
But he didn’t panic:
I ran to work.
Missed the bus
Okay, at least I caught a taxi.
But he turned out to be a newcomer
That taxi driver was confused,
I had to get lost with him for a long time,
But we managed to get there.
I'm running to work -
I meet strange looks:
Everyone immediately says when we meet,
It’s like I’m smeared with something.
Even though I washed my face in the morning,
But I got to the mirror:
Everything seems fine
I'll get to work.
Only on the phone
The voice is strange, unfamiliar
I was talking nonsense for a long time
So I missed lunch.
Remaining working day
I understood someone's handwriting
Someone sent me a letter
He called me on a date.
He even indicated the address
But he didn’t sign himself.
With my head already foggy
I was thinking about a strange note,
And I rushed that evening,
To make it to the meeting in time.
Walked around and along,
Even said the password
But no one met
Me in the specified coat.
I was returning home
He was hungry and angry.
Back on the phone again
A familiar voice is heard.
“Well, great, how’s it funny?
Did I trick you well?”
I grabbed my head
And he rolled with laughter,
After all, today, in fact,
It was the first of April...

Funny jokes and SMS pranks on April 1 for children from parents

Parenting is hard daily work. But if you approach a difficult mission with humor, many everyday situations are easier to overcome. Parents who know how to joke with their children at the right time easily turn educational process into entertainment. And the International Day of Humor is an excellent occasion to practice your wit using funny jokes and SMS drawings on April 1 for children from a parent.

Funny jokes in SMS on April Fool's Day for children from parents

Not only children are able to show off their originality and have fun making fun of their parents on the International Day of Laughter and Humor. Sometimes mom and dad, who have a bit of cynicism and creativity, are much more successful at making jokes on their children through funny SMS pranks on April 1st. Eg:

Son, don’t cut your toenails, otherwise they’ve promised ice!

(NAME), urgently buy toilet paper and run home... Otherwise something terrible will happen!!!

I am at Grandma Shura’s cemetery, today is the 5th anniversary of her death. I'll be there soon. I'll bring a lot of tasty things. Kisses, mom.

Vasya, when will the heroin shipment finally arrive?

Oh, sorry, son. It's not for you.

You are earnestly asked to go to the nearest police station and finally pick up your dog!!!

1 calls 2nd! Tomorrow at 13:00 at the same place! Password cockroach! I'll call the secret house in the evening! Let's call the operation Beaver! End of connection!!!

Preparing for the international spring marathon of humor and laughter, find the best jokes for April 1 for friends, classmates at school, and colleagues at work. Don't forget about the pranks for parents and children. Use our selection of SMS for April Fool's Day to cheer up even those who are far from you!