Seedless raspberry jam - recipe step by step. Raspberry jam

Raspberry jam is an amazing dessert that has replaced the usual jam made from these berries on the table. It differs from the usual preparation in cooking time and thickness; the jelly-like mass sticks better to pancakes and sandwiches, and it’s easy to achieve such a consistency using some tricks.

  1. How to make raspberry jam at home
  2. Raspberry jam with gelatin
  3. Blackcurrant and raspberry jam
  4. Strawberry-raspberry jam
  5. Raspberry jam with mint seedless
  6. Raspberry jam - no cooking

How to make raspberry jam at home?

Raspberry jam in preparation is not much different from preserves, only it needs to be boiled longer. To save time, you can thicken raspberry jam with gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. The berries will do just fine if they are a little crushed, they will still have to be crushed, but they should not be spoiled, the raspberries need to be carefully sorted.

  1. The washed berries should be dried a little on a sieve.
  2. The most suitable berries are medium in size and dark in color.
  3. The only utensils used for cooking are stainless steel basins.
  4. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  5. Readiness is checked for thickness: if the drop does not spread over the saucer, you can roll it up.
  6. The jam will be more flavorful if you replace the water with redcurrant juice.
  7. You can thicken the mixture with fruits and pectin: currants, apples or plums.

Raspberry jam for the winter - a simple recipe

The simplest raspberry jam for the winter is made only from sugar and berries.


  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.


Wash the berries, dry them, sprinkle with sugar. Leave for 5 hours to release the juice. Add sugar to the juice and boil.
Boil for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam. Cool, boil again.

Add berries, cook until thickened. Pour raspberry jam into jars. Roll up the lids.

Seedless raspberry jam for the winter

Raspberry jam for the winter can be made with or without seeds; the latter method is more troublesome, but the dessert turns out to be very tender and tasty. For this recipe, you need to take only ripe berries so that the seeds can be easily separated. The treat will cook faster if you roll up no more than 2 kilograms at a time.


  • raspberries – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 0.5 l.


Rinse the berries and add water. Bring to a boil, cook for 15 minutes. Cool, rub through a sieve. Drain the resulting juice. Add sugar, boil. Cook, stirring, until thickened.

Pour seedless raspberry jam into jars and roll up. Cover with a blanket to allow the mixture to cool slowly.

Five-minute raspberry jam for the winter

To make successful raspberry jam for the winter, you need to not only wash the berries, but also check whether they have bugs. To do this, raspberries are filled with a weak saline solution for 10 minutes: 10 g of salt per liter of water. The larvae will quickly float up, they need to be caught with a spoon, and it is recommended to rinse the berries twice under running water. The fastest recipe, loved by many housewives, is “Five Minute” - in this jam, raspberries retain all their beneficial properties.


  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • water – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • candy – 1 sachet.


Pour water into the bottom of the pan. Pour in raspberries and cover with sugar. Refrigerate until the berries release a lot of juice.

Boil, cook for 3-4 minutes. Cool and blend in a blender along with the syrup. Boil again for 4 minutes. Add confiture and dissolve. Keep on fire, stirring, for about a minute. Roll up the banks. Cover to let the jam sit and cool slowly.

Raspberry jam with gelatin

If you want to save time on boiling berries, you can try a recipe for raspberry jam for the winter with the addition of gelatin. This component will make the dessert thicker, the berries will boil less and retain more beneficial properties. But in this case, it is better to select whole and neat berries so that the jam looks beautiful.


  • raspberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • citric acid – 1/4 tsp;
  • gelatin – 5 g;
  • water – 300 ml.


Soak gelatin in two tablespoons of water. Add citric acid and leave to swell.

Cover the washed berries with sugar and add water. Boil for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam. A couple of minutes before the end, add gelatin and stir.

Pour raspberry jam with gelatin into jars. Roll up the lids and cover with a blanket until cool.

To continue, go to page 2

To prepare, take raspberries and granulated sugar.

Place the washed and sorted berries in a basin or enamel pan. Be sure to drain off any remaining water.

Add sugar to raspberries. Most often, sugar is added as follows: for 1 kg of raspberries, 300 g. Sahara. In order to avoid adding additives to homemade jam, we will add a little more sugar, at the rate of 1 kg of raspberries - 500 g. Sahara. By boiling the jam to the desired consistency, we will achieve the desired thickness. So, for 2 kg of raspberries, take 1 kg of sugar. Pour in the berries and leave at room temperature for 2-4 hours. The raspberries should release juice. An hour after standing, mix the raspberries with sugar and leave to stand again. She should let out the juice.

Set the container with raspberries to gas. Heat until the first bulbs appear. Reduce heat to low. Cook for 15 minutes. Skim off any foam that forms. Stir occasionally to prevent the berries from sticking to the bottom of the container. Turn off and let cool.

When the jam has cooled to a “warm” state, it should be stirred again. Most often, a thin film forms on the surface of the jam. As I already said, jam differs from preserves in that jam is a homogeneous mass, without whole berries. To prevent the jam from looking like marmalade, we left the seeds in it.

Using an immersion blender, beat the jam until smooth.

Boil the jam again. Boil it for about 10 minutes more. Sterilize jars and lids. Place jam into clean jars. When you put the jam in the jar, it will be stacked in layers. You can clearly see how thick the jam is on the surface. It will thicken further as it cools.

Roll up the lids and turn the jars upside down. This will allow excess air to escape from the cans, and the lids will fit better. Allow the winter preparations to cool completely. There is no need to wrap the seamer, but you also don’t need to expose them to a draft. You can store this jam in a cellar or a dark, cool cupboard. The jam was cooked for about 30 minutes. It holds up well outside of the refrigerator. But, if the jar is opened by you, then it should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Delicious, thick raspberry jam is ready.

Raspberries have a distinct taste and color, which is why adults and children like this berry so much. And those with a sweet tooth especially love raspberry jam. It’s so nice to drink tea with him in winter, and he’s good at baking. This delicacy is useful to eat during illness - it will relieve colds and fevers. Do you want to know how to make raspberry jam for the winter using a simple recipe? The recipe for this delicacy is really very simple and does not take much time.

Jam Recipes

Simple seedless raspberry jam

Ingredients: raspberries – 1 kg; sugar – 1 kg; glass of water.

Raspberries must be washed. Place a portion of fruits in a colander and rinse them with running water. Let the water drain, then proceed to wash the next batch of berries. While they are drying, sterilize the jars. For a kilogram of fruit, two half-liter containers are enough.

Take a medium-sized enamel-coated pan. Pour water and boil. Then send the berries there. Boil them for about 3 minutes, then arm yourself with a sieve and gauze. Place a clean container, place a sieve over it, and drain the raspberry juice. When it drains into the bowl, soft raspberries will remain in the sieve. Grind it thoroughly to remove the seeds. Then transfer the remaining pulp into cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly. All the seeds remained in the gauze, and we will make delicious jam from the raspberry slurry.
Pour the juice into the pan again and add the entire volume of granulated sugar, turn on the heat to medium level. When the sweet mass begins to boil, foam will form on the surface. Remove it with a spoon so that the raspberry jam is as clean and transparent as possible. Now you need to reduce the heat a little and simmer the mass, bringing it to the desired consistency. On average, cooking should last 40 minutes. Some people cook the jam longer if they need to achieve maximum thickness of the product. Check readiness like this - take a little jam and drop it on a plate. Turn it over and you will see how the drop behaves. If it doesn't slide off, it means the jam is thick enough. Please note that as it cools, the mixture will thicken even more. Roll the treats into jars, turn them over and wrap them up.

Simple raspberry jam - a recipe for the winter with pectin additive

To avoid boiling the jam for a long time, you can use a recipe with pectin. This is a food additive, absolutely harmless, which has gelling properties. With its help, you won’t have to cook seedless raspberry jam for a long time.

Ingredients: raspberries and sugar - one kilogram; glass of water; pectin – 5-7 grams.

We prepare the fruits by washing them with water. Let them sit in a colander until the water drains completely. Place a pan of water (200 ml) on the fire. At the moment of boiling, transfer the raspberries there and cook for 3 minutes. We deal with the berries in the same way as described above - grind them through a sieve and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Add sugar to the resulting nectar and bring to a boil. Remove the resulting foam. We continue the cooking process for literally 5-6 minutes. Three minutes before the end you need to add pectin. To do this, combine it with a small amount of sugar, mix and gradually pour into the jam, stirring the contents of the pan. After 3 minutes, turn off the heat. Pour raspberry jam into jars and roll up.

Note. If you decide to make raspberry jam or any other jam with pectin, then take the following into account. The amount of pectin is adjusted depending on the volume of sugar. If the proportion of berries and granulated sugar is standard (1:1), then 5-7 grams of pectin are added. If less sugar is used, increase the amount of pectin to 10 grams. The same rule applies if a lot of water is taken. It is also important to know the following - after adding this component, you cannot continue cooking for more than 3 minutes, otherwise the gelling properties of the additive will be lost.

Recipe for seedless raspberry jam with gelatin

Ingredients: raspberries – 1 kg; sugar – 1 kg; citric acid – 1 tsp; gelatin - sachet; water – 100 ml.

Soak the raspberries in water for a short time. Remove floating debris and insects, rinse the berries with running water and place in a colander. Take a fine metal sieve and grind all the berries over a saucepan. Squeeze out the pulp. Place the raspberry pulp in a saucepan, add water and turn on the heat. Gradually add sugar, stirring the nectar constantly. Let the gelatin swell by adding water (50 ml).
After the jam boils, skim off the foam. Add acid. Boil the treat for 5 minutes (sugar should dissolve). Heat the gelatin and stir it well until the granules melt. Pour it into the jam in a small stream, stirring the contents of the pan with a spoon. After a minute, turn off the heat. The delicacy is ready, pour into jars and roll up immediately.

We looked at several simple recipes for pitted raspberry jam. They are similar, the only difference is that different components are added to them - pectin or gelatin. They will help make the consistency of the product thicker and reduce cooking time. If you do not add these ingredients, you will have to simmer the jam for a long time (about 40 minutes), otherwise the delicacy will turn out liquid. Try preparing such a healthy treat for the winter, because raspberries help you recover faster from colds and flu.

Yield from the specified number of ingredients - 140-150 grams

From 1 kg of raspberries and 1 kg of sugar - 600-700 grams

Total cooking time (200 grams of raspberries) is 25 minutes.

If raspberries are 1 kg - 1 hour.

Seedless raspberry jam for the winter, the recipe with photos presented here, is quite interesting because you can literally make it for the winter in an hour and not worry that you will get colds in the winter. As you know, raspberries are the healthiest berry. This is why there is such a variety of recipes these days. For example, this berry is used not only for filling pies and dumplings, but also very tasty preserves and jams are made from it.

One of the best and most delicious types of preservation is raspberry jam for the winter. The main difference between this jam is that it turns out thick. Who doesn't love thick raspberry jam? Probably such a person will never be found. Children usually always eat this sweet preparation with great appetite. In addition, such delicious jam can also be used for filling, for example, in pies or pies.

How to make seedless raspberry jam - step by step recipe with photos

Before we talk about how to make raspberry jam at home, we will dwell in detail on the ingredients that will be needed.

To make seedless raspberry jam according to this recipe successful, you should carefully sort the berries. They should not be lethargic or rotten. Also, there should be no insects on the berries. To get rid of them, just pour water over the raspberries for a few minutes, then place them in a plastic colander and let the excess liquid drain.

After this, you need to transfer the raspberries from the colander into a ladle, which must be Teflon-coated or with a double bottom. If you are going to prepare this jam in large quantities, then use a pan with a suitable size for this.

Add the specified amount of granulated sugar to the raspberries. There is no need to stir the sugar.

Using a blender, blend the raspberries until smooth and fairly liquid. If you don't have a blender, then use a regular potato masher.

The resulting raspberry jam must be placed on moderate heat and boiled for five minutes.

After this, you need to put the entire raspberry mass in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice well. This should be done as carefully as possible, as the mass will be quite hot.

Then you need to put the resulting liquid juice on the fire and cook for no more than 20 minutes. However, if you are making jam using, for example, a kilogram of berries, then cook it for at least an hour.

The finished jam should be immediately placed in a jar and sealed tightly with a lid.

Raspberry jam, a recipe for seedless winter, which we just saw, turned out to be very thick, sweet, aromatic and tasty. Try it and you will definitely cook it!

Greetings, friends! 🙋🏻

Raspberry preparations should definitely be on every housewife’s shelves, be it berries in their own juice, compote or jam, which we’ll talk about today. After all, raspberries are the most necessary berry during colds.

For some reason, raspberry jam is significantly inferior in popularity to strawberry or currant jams. Very much in vain, it seems to me! Raspberry jam is created quickly and easily, and how useful it will be in winter! Use it as a layer for pastries and cakes, serve with pancakes and pancakes, or simply as an independent dessert with a cup of tea. And, of course, don’t forget that homemade jam can be used in smoothies as a sweetener. In addition, it can be used as a topping for morning porridge. Delicious, and add some vitamins 😉

In this recipe, for thickness, I use a gelling agent for jam with the addition of citric acid, which guarantees the preservation of preservation during long-term storage. You can use any thickener to your taste and discretion, for example gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. Just be sure to check on the packaging how much thickener you need for 500 g of raspberries.

Raspberry jam video recipe

Raspberry jam (recipe with gelling agent)

Dish: Jam, Winter preparations

Kitchen: Vegan, Vegetarian


  • 500 g raspberries
  • 300 g granulated sugar
  • 25 gelling agent (if you use agar-agar or pectin, check the amount on the package)
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice (optional)
  • 80 ml. purified water


    Carefully sort the raspberries and remove any spoiled fruits. Even mashed berries will work for this recipe, as they will be further ground in a blender. Place the raspberries in a colander and rinse under running water. Let it drain for a few minutes until all the liquid is gone.

    Using a blender, puree the berries until you obtain a smooth puree. Since raspberries are a fairly soft fruit, a regular immersion blender can easily handle this.

    If you want to get delicate raspberry jam without hard seeds, then rub the berry puree through a fine sieve. If bones are not a problem for you, then simply skip this step, as I did.

    Place the raspberry puree into a large saucepan or enamel container and place on the fire.

    In a separate bowl, mix sugar and gelling agent. Add sugar mixture to raspberries. To prevent the jam from turning into too thick a jelly, pour in the required amount of water.